The New York Clipper (October 1912)

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u THE .STEW YOJRK: CLIPPER. October 12 %*T THE.NEW YORK CLIPPER KLMT & GAZZOLO NOTES, r Founded in 1853. Kllmt A Oaizolo'a production of Robert TMEFMNKOUEEN PUBLI8HINQ CO.(LtoiK.d, »"£ %£%J&g!&%* PS '' : '•','■' noninmi, ALBERT J. BORIE TO BUKL8SQUB "Wmiffl THE IAW." NO RE CORDS B ROKEN. There Is s "strong possibility that a bur- lesque on "Within toe Law" will form a part ST W. M. RANKIN. Editorial amd Busnrsss Makacbb. of "the entertainment tbat Weber A Fields Labor" bay attraction, bad the largest ad- will offer at their now music hall. vancc sale of the aeaaon at the Lyceum The- . Lew Fields and a party of friends saw the «J "* w«w ^"^ ""SJirtS Iniie" in preceding atre. Pittsburgh. _ drama at the Eltlnge Theatre, pp. Friday «»"* «"™- game were bt0 , The baseball season of 1012, which now belongs to the history of the past, famished many Inter- -'ordfl made In precedlni broken during the late ! MEW TORE, OOIOBEB 12, 1912 u Catered June 24. 1870, at the Poet Office at New York. M. I., as second elm matter, under the set of Msrch 3. 1879. ■ * RATES. .Advertisements—»2.80 per Inch, slnile eolomn. Advtrtlseswnta set with border, 10 per et. extra. SUBSCRIPTION. • One yesr, la advance. $4; six months, $2; thne •tooths. M- Canida and foreign postage estra. Single copies will be aent, postpaid, on receipt of loeeats. •!■.-•, Oar Terms are Cnali, TUB OLIPPEE Is issued every THURSDAY, The Forma Uloal nag I'romntIr OB ' Tnndsy, at Noon. ' Please remit by express money order, check. P. 0. order or registered letter, ill cash enclosed with letter Is at risk of sender. Addrr.a All Comrannlrstlom to THE HEW YOKK CI.IPPEH, 4T Weat 88th Street, Ilea* York. Tel. 2274-Madllon. Regtitned Cable AUrtu, "Authobitt." THE "WESTERN BUHEAU of Tub Ourrn is located at Boom 005, Ashland Block, Chicago, Wsrren A. Patrick, manager and rorres|<oi ileut. ' ' ■' THE LONDON EUBJE ATJ. Ideated st 14 Leicester Street, I«lcester. Soaare, i .union. W, O.; Henry Oeorge Hlbbert, manager snd correspondent. • ths OLirrn oak bb obtaikbd wbolssau amo srrAtL. st our stents, Brentsno's news depot, 37 Avenue de 1'Opera, Paris, France; Diamond News On.. 120 Prailo, Havana; Msnllt Book abd Sta- tionery Oo., 128 Bscolta. Manila. P. 1. DRAMATIC. A. O., Richmond Hill.—Address party la care of S..Z. Poll, New Haven, Conn., or In care of this office, and we will advertise letter In Tub Cmpfbb letter list She was with. the Poll Stock, at Hartford, Conn., which closed Sept. 28, and we do not know her present whereabouts. it. L., Ida. Grove.—Jack Ranch was the name of tbe character. S3. B., Hartford.—The Arm you mention is a Philadelphia concern, and, as far as we know, haa no branch In New York. T. W. W.. en route. —"Are You a Mason?" was adapted from a Oerman source, by Leo Ditrlcbstein. Address William Harris, care of the Hudron Theatre. V.IBCRIIANEOUS. J. b,-t,: city authorities In St Paul, Minn., can probably answer your question/ REALISTIC PHOTOPLAYS. A few months ago, in alluding to tbe future poealbllltlts of the photoplay, we stated' that tbe motion and 1 coloring were almost per- fected, ' anil it only required the speaking voice to five a realism to the picture almost equal to a dramatic, production. The latest announcement of progress along this Una comes from the Cort-Eltsee Co., who recently gsve a demonstration of moving talking pic- tures In Philadelphia. The Invention is a combination of tbe moving picture machine and phonograph, and Is called the ehromo- klnetograph. It. Is rumored that Edison Is also experimenting along similar lines. If these Inventions are perfected, and there la little doubt that they will be, It will be only • short step to a combination with the color films, and then the hopes of thousands of lovers of the moving picture will be realised. Everywhere we hear wondering expressions st the ever-Increasing Interest in the moving picture as It now Is, bat can any mind fathom to what extent thla interest will reach when color and speech are added to Its present at- — 'William K. Sparks, who last season was night last, and was Immediately struck with jJSJJajgo, Among toe pitching performances, back with Thomas E. Shea and ahead of the possibilities tbat tbe piece offered for jjerqaard, of tie New York Nationals, won nine "Madame Sherry," Is the manager of Kllmt burlesque purposes. A Oaazolo's production of "Where the Trail : . «■» Divides." .' Will Spink Is doing the advance KBITH , B NKW gT> john THEATRE. W0 Th'e Arm of Klimt A Gassolo. the Chicago John H. Clanciy, chief engineer of the. vro^fccH ^ve tov°;otheiCompanies touring Keith amusement Interests ^"fiassachusetts, Bo^umt priced circuit. "The Penalty" anS and James Haley, a constructor are In St. "The Little Tenderfoot;'' eight stock com- John, Can. and will remain to* some time panics in metropolitan cities, and own .the In connection with work on the new Kelth controlling interest In three populir priced house In that city. The contract On the theatresTin Chicago electrical work for the - new house has been The New Victoria Theatre, Belmont and given toa Philadelphia, firm, andjor jjlastlc Sheffield recent! nrm ot " ' door,"that" It facea King Btnfstre, | Is ClOse to Queen Square, within a block Or * two of NEW CORT THEATRE, Prince William, Prlncefe* Waterloo; Duke teen straight games, and tied the record made by Timothy J. Keefe, who was alao a New York Clun pitcher, during the Summer of 1888.. Though the New Tforks won tbe National League pennant «o decisively that there was no grounds for questioning their, right to the supremacy, their work as a whole was not entirely satisfac- tory, as they didn't play in a steady and con- sistent manner throughout the season. They start- ed OIT as though they were going to make it a runaway race, or. at least, make• a National I^amie record'in games won, but after tbey ns«i takln"qJltcT lead over tbe other National League teams tbey seemed to have gone stale, and were never able to regain the form thst marked their work during the earlier stages ofr-tbe race. The Cincinnati started off like pennant win- ners, but the mld-8ummer, weather seemed to bave affected them to such a degree that they CUPPER BUSINES S INDEX Advertisements not exceeding one line in ]»„.*,^Mperl77iBAvined tatalaiJffi at ths-ratS.of UOlfor one year (82 Isisesl ^ copy of .T»W,NirA»'Xoax Ourrn will b7sent,,i to each advertiser while tbe advertisement I? nlng. : — ndvertlsemenu. £ The breaking of ground laat week, in Bos- charlotte and Queen streets, and Queen ioon droi^.ont of the irannlng as pennant con ton. for a theatre In that city for John Cort, Square, the name Is very appropriate. Owing tenders. Phlladefchla, 8t Lools. "gwg" B A ° adds another city to the list of Eastern cities t? unforeseen difficulties, such as springs.^ Boston furnished tte_comedy fart^of t theraee^t In which thla enterprising Western — wife have A home for bis productions While the theatre will seat on"~ will hsve every convenience that „ vised by K. W. Houghton. A Son, architects, the Nickel, the present Keith hbuse, has been. of New York and Seattle, who have bad the leased for another three" years, commencing experience of planning the construction of n ex t Hay. , over seventy theatres, many of which were built for Mr. Cort. The lower floor of the Cort will seat 406, the areas circle 200, the balcony 260, the gallery 2110. and the boxes fid. One of the principal features of tbe -coMti'uctlon will be the absence of stair-, excepting those that will lead to the base- ment, "rom the wide foyer Inclined plains will ' lead to the balcony, dresa -circle and fiallery. There will be no boxes on tbe ower floor,' but the plan of entrance and egress will be found moat desirable to those who will occupy tbe boxes that will be situ- ated on the dress circle and balcony levels, as those scats may he reached with even less effort than were they on the lower floor. The decoratlona throughout will follow a general scheme of buff, Ivory and gold, with rich tapestry panels on each level and along '•LITTLE WOMEX" FOR .OCT. 14. William A. Brady's Playhouse will be Ita course. Both Chicago and Pittsburgh atarted slowly; but soon struck their gait snd inlsbed In 80 Tbe°BoBlon Red Sox won the American League pennant race by thein clever and eonslatjnt work. Tbo team la a good one, with apparently few or no weak points In Ita ink* up. It Is In many respect; closed for house cleaning until Monday evert- one ^ tne ^„ t team> that hs» ever represented log, Oct. 14, when "Little Women" Is to Boston on tbe ball field. The team was gathered have Its first New York representation. together by John. I. Tsytor, j former owner or im.„ ,%,ntM hnc hoon niton rnntlmioiislv (ha „inh hnt Mmarer Jake Stabl bas nanuiea 11 The theatre has been open continuously for more than a year, and with the excep- tion of the Comedy Theatre, 1b the only play resort In New York to gain this record. • "Little Women," the next production of the Brady management, is the work of Marian De Forest, a magazine and newspaper writer of Buffalo. The dramatization follows the main Incidents of Miss Alcott's story, pre- senting all the famous characters. These Include: Jo, Meg, Beth and Amy, Mr. and Aunt March, Professor Bhacr Mrs. March, audi mutch, r-ruieasur dubu, the" incllneo passages. The curtains and Mr. ^ren^re and Laurie, John Brook and draperies will be of Imported material, and «™> «>W H annah, the cook. , ■ hnMnnnlM with thA mineral color • ' • THURSTON, THE MAGICIAN. Howard Thurston, 'the magician, la pre- senting the largest and moat spectacular per- formance of his career, and Is meeting with phenomenal success. His business at Wor- cester, Syracuse arid Rochester was much better than any of the preceding atractlons, and far In excess of his receipts In former tbe basement, the lower floor and the dress Tears. He la csrrylng twenty- six ' people, circle and balcony levels. These will re- an d claims to have the moBt elaborate scenic. wllf harmonise with the general color scheme. An exceptionally large smoking room will be situated In the basement, which will bs reached from the foyer. This smoking room 25xfi6 feet, and will have all the moat desirable furnishings for bachelor's quarters, ; together with a large fireplace. (Ladles' retiring room will be located In cclyc the same special attention that will be given to the men'a room, and will be sup- plied with writing desks, telephone service, maid service and all accessories, necsaary and luxurious. ■ ■ The atage will be 85 feet dcep.76 feet wide, and TO feet to the gridiron, i The electrical appliances will be of the latest and very best electrical and mechanical eq ployed in the presentation formance. - There arc many new features In evidence this year, including six new sensa qulpnient ever em- i of a magic, per- tbe club, but Manager Jake Btahl bas In a capable and careful manner, and deserves moch credit for what be haB sccoropllsbed. The real surprise of the seasou was furnished by the Washlngtons, who for yeara were notorious as a tallender In the pennant race. The team was practically made up of cast-offs from other major league teams, but Manager Clark Griffith bad It welded Into pennant winning form by tbe time it took ita first Western trip, when It began doing things, and It never ceased doing them until tne race waa ended. Undoubtedly this wss a Griffith year, if such a thing ever fell to tbe lot of a baseball maisger. The Philadelphia Athletics did not plsy In say- thing like tbe form expected from them. ISO team that played In tbe brilliant manner that tbe Ath- letics did laat year, and then rounded out the •canon with such a wonderful showing agalnat tbe New Yorku, winning four games out of five played, Shoutd have made ac lamentable a ahowlng ai the Quakers did this year. Tbe Detrolts, Cleveland" and New York Highlanders were the real disap- pointments of the season. So much was expected from each ot them and so little wsa given la re- From tbe beginning of the aeason until tbe end of the race the work ot a majority of tbe major league teams bad tbe appearance of being a sa- tire aimed at tbe baseball writers who were con< ASBESTOS CURTAINS AND I'ICTtti. BOOTHS. rlUTU »» 0. W. Tralaar Mfg. do., 78 Pearl 8t., Boston Ma«. AUTHORS AND PRODUCERS 'Wm. A. Quick, 282 W. 86th St.. New York Clf» BICYCi.E A GYMNASTIC APPARATri" Hart Mfg. Co., 302 Atlantic Ave., Boston >*,., CHIMES, BELLS A SPECIALTIES R. H. Mayland,.85i Adanu St., Brooklyn N t, .CONFECTIONS. Rneckhelm Bros; ft Eckstein, 245 So. Peoria St Chicago. ...... -m GYMNASTIC APPARATUS. C. A. Hawkins, 834 R. 2TuY St., N. Y. city. • MUSICAL BELLS AND NOVELTIES, Edwin B Street. 28 Brook St., Hartford, Cona. A. Braunelsi, 1013 Grant, Ave., Richmond till, '.MUSICAL SPECIALTIES. t. O. Deagon,' 3800 'N.'. Olarli St., Chicago. Ill, OPERA CHAIRS.AND AUDITORIUM . SEATING. H. J. Harwood, .220 Devonshire St.. Boston, tita. . POPCORN MANUFACTURERS. Bueckhelm Bros, ft Eckstein, 240 So. Peoria St • Qhlcago.; ' '.'.•• SCENERY AND SCENIC PAINTERS. O. L. Story Scenic Co., Somervllle Station, Bo> ' ton. Mam. The New York Stodloi, 1001 Times BMg., V. i.e. Boamsn A Landls Co., 417 S. Clinton St., ChleatL Toomey A Vollind, 2812 Market St., St. Louis. SHOW AND POSTER PRINTERS AM LITHOGRAPHERS. Enquirer Job Printing Co.; Cincinnati, Ohio. Planet Slow Print A Eng. Honje, Chatham. Ola, BLOT MACHINES AND TICKET CHOPPERS. Tbe Callle Bros. Co., Detroit, Mich. SNAKE DEALER. W. 0. Learn, 715 W. Commerce St., San Antonn, Texss. STEAMSHIP AND RAILROAD TICKETS. I'snl Tanstg, 104 E. 14th St, N. X. 0. TENTS Kankelj Tent A Awning Co.,'188 Sooth St., N. I THEATRICAL GOODS. Boston Regalia Co., 887 Wash. St.,-Boston, Hast. THEATRICAL PROPERTIES. B. Walker. 809 W. 39th St., New York. THEATRICAL HARDWARE. A. W. Gerataar, 884 8th Ave. (41st St.), N. I. t WIG MAKERS. A. Fneger, 821 Walnut St., Bt. Lools, Mo. WIOS, SUPPLIES, ETC. Percy Ewlng Supply House, 715 N, Water St., D*. catur, HI. pattern, while the lighting will be delight- fully subdued throughout the entire audi- Judge Ssunder*,'of the Municipal Court of ' torlum. Heating and ventilating are details of Im- portance which will be carefully worked out, and through. automatic arrangements tbo ' temperature can be kept at any degree de- sired whether the heat outside la oppressive or the cold severe. The system of exits will do away with the tlmially harping about the great speed the game . had reached, sud how much falter and better the ,ton«?m»»T«,^i 1 nA H«1n Hamld's TrouDeTf P'syers of today are than they were st any time her a great welcoming, tlonal Illusions and Haja HamlQ a iroupt or ,p*gj t . 'c^,,^ tnree# or. possibly four, Bicuabd 8c»Ninrrr Ja., formerly with us AraDa - ■ ■ ■ • ^ . . trami tbe work of the remaining ones wss so Harry I •" * much of the amateur variety that it was on- to take TWO WEEKS CLAUSE TO BB TESTED, worthy the stamp ot major league approval. Dur- ing every decade of tbe game'i pragma there are profession, has been sustained time and time again, and the Saunders decision will estab- lith, to a degree at least, whether a dramatic ordinary form of fire escapes, as enclosed actor can hope to be given the same treat- concrete staircases will be built to meet all ment when he Is engaged to do hla usual rcntilrementa of tbe fire commissioners. These work with a playlet devised for presentation exits will be put Into use at every per- on the vaudeville stage. The decision will formance. result In tbe case of William Gerard vs. Nina Steel and reinforced concrete will be used hss many friends here who will undoubtedly gla her a great welcoming. Bicuabd ScvNinrrr Is., formerly with i Harry Davis company, recently left that company to take up the study of law, at the OoluaMs University, N. Y. Hla fellow players gave a V \Sl lomTpTayenVSjiitfift whoWi k~so~fiVon"t: '"^xSnoaV'lec'tures will heJield at Carats, this city, will hand down a decision within the mM ,"^ t ot tne class tbey are eoonected with Music Hall during tbe coming Winter. ^ next few daya, In which the legality of the tntt lt gj Te , t0 ^ MTl „ tbe ,pne»ra n0 e of mak- two weeks clause In vaudeville contracts will ing the game faater than lt could posilbly have be tested: Tbe two weeks clause. In relation been before bla time. And yet one has only to to the straight dramatic end of the theatrical follow the work of tbe teams a» the race la being run to see tbe fallacy of such a claim. The standing of tbe major league teams for tbe entire season Is as follows: National Leaqub Bwobd. In tbe cbnatructlon, while tbe cantilever system will be employed in the building. The lobby will bo spacious and will he finished in Italian marble. The walla will be of stone end brick, with a front of marble. Every effort will be made to have the Cort Theatre completed by Jan. 1, In which event Margaret Illlngton will have tbe distinction of being the first attraction, presenting "Kindling." ♦ » » NEW PLANS FOR MAUDE ADAMS. During the revision of Mande Adams' countrywide tour In "Peter Fan" last week, Charles Frohman hit upon a plan whereby Miss Adams' Itinerary for the sesson will Include all the Western cities she wishes to visit, snd yet make-it possible for her to appear In New York Christmas week. As originally laid out, Miss Adams' route was copfmed to about two hundred cities In Morris. Oluss. ««» «FOLLIBS OF 1012." The roster of Zlegfeld's Follies Includes: Bert Williams, Harry Watson Jr., Leon Kr- rol, Lillian Lorraine, Ray Samuels, Josle Sadler, Ida Adams, Teddy Gerard, Stella Chatelaine, Vera Maxwell, La Estralllta, Grace Du Boise, Trlxle Wilson, Arllne Boley, Natalie Dag-well New York... Pittsburgh. .. Chicago. .... Cincinnati. ,. Philadelphia. I i I "** LOUIS • * a • Haiel Lewis, Margaret Brooklyn ... Eoston. Morris, May Leslie, Bernard Granville, Chae. Judels, W. Scbrode, I'eter Swift, W. Le Games Lost Bron, Cbas. Hessong, Fred Woodward, John Schrode, Chas. Scrlbner, Harry Luck, Max Scheck, Clifford Haunt and Jerome Van Nor- den. The production Is staged by Julian Mitchell. lit 12 11 10 48|C9|t)9|78|7tf|90|0a 101 0S2 .812 .809 490 .480 412 879 .310 AuxaioAN Lxuonxj Ricoao. if HARRIS ESTATE ASKS RELEASE. The executors of the estate ot the 'ate ' U.t%eA trTrVla^ fractional The most elaborate spectacles, "hen Mr Harriet "Peter Pan" has never Howe Jr., to compel him to release the es- wlth gorgeous color effects In costumes snd been seen." But when Washington was added *? te - , . r ? ln fu _ r . tner . » abll ! t y .<« ^e >aso of Oiusa. scenery, together with classic music, can then lie reproduced and presented to people In (emote hamlets and villages at trifling coat It 1* not likely that It will over supersede the drama,' but It will bo the means of bring- ing the high class drama to localities lt could not otherwise reach. It ia not Improbable that even grand opera may, by means of the photoplay, be brought to the doors of people In remote places, who have never had the means of hearing and seeing grand opera. In fact, there 1b no Una in the amusement profession that may not, In the near future, be reproduced mechanically. THE CUPPER SECURES ANOTHER ■:-"/•' "STAR IH THE WEST." W. W. Dunklo has Joined the staff of Thb Clippsb, and will doubtless • prove to be a valuable aaalatant to' Warren A. Patrick, the Western representative of TBI New Yobk Clippeb, oOS Ashland Block, Chicago, as as- hSE? SK^ffinl^Lii?*!?.'„• 5KS?% A 0 .; "*»« Yankee Consul," ""The "Yankee Toor- UCltor. Mr. Dunkle Will hare Charge Of the- i B »" unci "Tho Prlnrens Hen-ear" also from reports of the neighborhood and burlesque th„ p " of Mr Itobyn!" as a city to visit on the way back from the South. Mr. Frohman ssld: ''Well, If Wash- ington, why not New York?" lint Maude Adams' appearances In New Yo't-k this season, In comparison to those Of other years, will be very few. There will be a necessarily limited number of "Peter Pan" holiday performences at the Empire Theatre, commencing Christmas week. J. M. Bsrrle. who will have reached America by that tune, Will be present at'the opening night. New York will see Miss Adsms In no other play than "Peter Pan" this season. Her other Barrlc playe, "The Legion of Leonora" and "Tbe Ladles' Shakespeare," will be first produced in tbe West next Spring, prepara- tory to their performance In New York next Fa'l. Miss Adams' Christmas season at the Um- pire Theatre this year will follow the engage- ment of Madame Natlmova, In "Bella Donna." . ♦■ » - SAM BERNARD'S NEW PIECE. Alfred Robyn, whose musical success has been almost phenomenal, in conjunction with Henry Blossom, Is hard at work on a new .musical .piece for Sam Bernard. The very attractive title-of-the new musical offering Is '.'All for the Ladles," and. la the first BlOssom-Robyn' production since * they col- Ishoratcd on "The Yankee ConsnL"- ' The music of "All for. the Lsdtes" Is said to be "delirious"—^cven greater. In fact, than houses. ■ ' Mr. Dunklo haa hod a wide experience In theatrical press"work, and the last few years- lias been In Chicago as the adverttalng rcpro-' scntatlve of some of the largest newspapers In the West ; With his sincere Interest In the theatrical business, his long Identification with the work and the splendid field In Chicago for his endeavors, ffr. Dunkle should bo most happily situated. He will be pleased to naslat Mr. Patrick In making the Western office of TBS New Yobk Cmppb* the Chicago headquarters of the theatrical profession. Sit "TURNING POINT" SCORES. 'The Turning Point" waa produced by Sin fleorge Alexander, at the St. Jamsc Theatre, in London. Oct 2, and scored a success. It is an .English version of Henry Klstcmaeck* f r * JSS' "tAjruMej'' which scored heavily !.^™SS"-.'* , J?P..* ro ' ta »nn will produce "The Tflrntag Point" br America this sea- son, under the title of 'The Spy." : < a » "POMfin WEDDING" NOW "MMB. i , PMR'T." Cohan A Harris have decided to change the nam* of "A Polish, Wedding 5 ' to •toe.Turt'' M. Wltmark A Sons are the publishers of the music. ' .• • '• - - .. ... - wi» ■ VLLIE AKBR8TROM IN PROVIDENCE. • Dills Akerstrom will be located at.the Scenic Temple, Providence, B. I., having ac- cepted the very! good offer .for her services And sketches.- Miss Akerstrom opened with the- 'Homan Stock Co., presenting "Made in Germany," to a most gratifying reception. "Two Women" is this week's offering. Miss Akerstrom says: "The very largo number of answers received to my ad. In your paper again proves that the reliable old Cufi'eb Is the hnt advertising medium ot the theatrical profession." ■ <** + "C. O. D." PRODUCED. "C. O. D," a three act American farce, by Frederic Chapin, was originally produced Oct. 4, at the Shubert Theatre, Rochester, N. Y. The cast Included : Charles A. Mur- ray, Antonio M. Moreno, Vernon II. Mscdon- aid. flcorgn Bctts, Ffolllott Paget, 8om Ed- wards, Charles Brown, John T, Baker, Percy Plunkrtt, Charles Walton, Clnro Krall, Eva Condon, Ornce Morrlssev, Maude Hanaford, Isabella Vernon, end Bdelyn Wesley, John Cort li the producer. tbe Walnut Street Theatre, which the dece- dent and Howe managed under a co-partner- ship agreement. . The court Is also asked to compel Howe to render an accounting and to appoint a receiver to take charge of the assets of the old firm. The theatre Is owned by the heirs of the late John Sleeper Clarke. — ■*»» "TKK BRUTE" HAS PREMIERE. "The Brute" was given Its first presentation Oct. 4, at tbe Newell Theatre, White Plains, K. Y. Tbe cast Included: Ernest Glendln- nlng, Edith Sbepley, Stephen Davis, Jeffries Leads, Ethel Clayton, Wlllard Robertson and Nell Moran. "The Brute," which Is under the direction of Comstock ft Oest, opened at tbe Thirty- ninth Street Theatre, Tuesday night, Oct. 8. 4 »» HYDE SUCCEEDS MURRAY. J. Clarence Hyde has been appointed the successor of the late John Murray as gen- eral press representative for Kluw ft Br- lunger. Mr. Hyde was well known, as a newspaper writer and art and dramatic critic In this city before he entered theatricals. He has represented a -number of Important attractions, and la ut present. In advance of one of "The Pink 'Lady" companies. ' .'.,. ,' « *»■ • H. & S. SUNDAY CONCERT. Capacity was played to at Hurtlg A Sea- xoon'a at both performances Sunday, Oct. 0,' and an exceptionally good bill was offered, which Included Bert and Lonnlc Walton, FcfincUand Tyson, Chas. Buckley and com- Sady,-Nlblo and-Rcllly, Keefe and' Johnson, osephlne Bsxon and plckB, Barney .First, and Boston , Wantilngton. Philadelphia. Chicago ..., Cleveland. .. Detroit ... Ht. Louis .. New York.. Games Lost. 12 n — 7 IS 12 8 47)01 62|70 ToT ei oo 78 7!l 78181|101il02| .691 .B99 501! .510 400 East hrsKarr Exposition will open 80, In Us Auditorium Ball. Harry flohn, formerly eoK nected with tbo Liberty Theatre, of thla oltj. is one ot ths committee In charge ot varlow amuiemei-ts, Mas. En. R. Salts*, wife of the manaier * the Harris Theatre, In this city, la now mana- Er of the Oroheum, moving picture house, In Ms- eesport, and Is handling everything la appb pie ahapfi ' ' Tna Nxw Kmnrow TaaATU, now under erec- tion, la rapidly assuming proportions'of a rer> lar theatre. The structural work la complete*, tbe lnalde work la well under way, and even thing «ll be In readiness for a Christmas openly si scheduled. * John H. MrCAanoN, formerly manaier of tl* Harris Theatre, In this city, who left to after other Interests In New York Oily, was li town recently, looking after various Interests U connection with tbe New Victoria Theatre, a Sin houae, of which he will no doubt be manner/. It Is expected to open the first ot next year. Soranton, Pa. —Lyceum (T. M. Olbbon\ mgr.) "The Rainbow" Oct. 9. Pom (John H. Docking, mgr.)—Bill for «n» 7: "The Courtiers," Blxley and Lcrner, Frio* Rae and company, the Three Ernests, Kate Wat- son, Bsrtn and Clark, Alice De Garmo, and tbt Rlectrograph. Boalaesa continue* One. Columbia (O. Nelson Teets, mgr.)—The Orles- tal Burlesque™ 7-9, Btars of Btageland 10-12. Aoaobut (A. P. Wlnatrom, mgr.)—New pbots- playa, changed dally, and special featurei cos- tlnue to draw well. - — Bijou Dbbamb, HtrroDaoua, Manuattix Wonosbb, Victoria awn Oaruauu all report gool returns, presenting moving plctores. Newark, N. J—Newark (Geo. W. Robblna ?>gr.) "The_ Trail of the Lonesome Pine." will 344 330 iiY Charlotte Walker, week of Oct 7. SJi Quick Walllngford" week of 14., • ,„ SauBsaT (Lee Ottolengnl, mgr.)—"Over Night' 7 and week. "Bought and Paid For" week of 14. Pboctor'o (R. oTstoart, marO—Bill for wen of 7 lncludea: Stella Tracer, Wlllard Blmms «n» - romuany, Oonley and Webb, Moaner, Hayes ant nT ,m .« m/ivmv amvvvn Moaher, Major snd Roy, Donahue and Stewart, OUT OF TOWN NEWS B SKKM aatt^w.*, _________________^____^___ Payton Gompny presents "The House Next Door week of 7. Stage Manager Leo Bterrett ban re- turned. "Tbe Servant lu the Hoose" 14 and week. Jacobs' (Geo. W. Jacobs, mgr.)—Wasbburn'i "Uncle Tom's Cabin" week of 7, "The Wrotn Way" week of 11. Oaybtt (Leon Evans, mgr.)—The Bowery Hut- I'lttabarsch, Pa.—Alvln (John B. Reynolds, mgr.) "The June Bride." week of Oct. 7, with Amelia Stone and Hasel Kirk. "The Ne'er Do Well," with Beatrice Noyes, week of 14. Busi- ness cspaclty. Nixon (Thos. P. Kirk Jr., mgr.)—Henry Miller, lesgacrs,' with Fttxgersld snd Qulnn, Mabel! Mor- In "The Rainbow," week of 7. Wm. Farnnm, gan, and Keeler and Don, week ot 7. World <* week ot 14. Business in "The Littlest Rebel, is good. Grand (John P. Harris, mgr.)—Bill for week of 7: Valerie Bergere arid company, Rlx Ameri- can Dancers, Bert Kltiglbbon, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh •Jvmmett,' Sherman, Van' and llymau. Lea Gour- de Alecs, Marshall and TrlbDle. Tuscano llroB., and moving pictures. Large andlences at all- performances. - Ltobdm (0. R. Wilson, mgr.)—"The Rossry." with H. G. Kecnsn. week of 7. "Mutt and Jeff" .will again visit thla city week of 14. Business very good. DuquxsNu (Denny Harris, mgr.)—Harry Davis Stock Oo. presents ''Under. Two Flsgs" week of 7. ,"The Amasons" week of 14. Wayne Campbell re- cently Joined the Davis Players as character man. Business capacity. . leasure week of 14. Kurrss (Frank Abbott, mgr.)—The Pace Mak- ers 7 and week. Margie CaUlo, Hilton anl Lewis. Dsnclng Harmonists,' HBrry Kelly anl Mae Yulr are featured. The Auto Girls follow. •Jvmmett, Sherman, Van and Hymsu, Les Oour- Washihoton (0. R. Neu,' mgr.)—Pictures unl pets. Three Alecs, Marshall and TrlbDle. Tuscano vaudeville. Bill for 7-9 Included: Melborne Mc- Dowell and IsabeU Bveson company, Jenkins ani Covert, Raymond and Hall, Dynes snd Dynes, Kilmer Toms._ Johnnie Bush and Baby Giniljs. For 10-12: Walter Pearson and company, hour Sullivan Bros., the Gllsons. Dunn and Hughes, Clayton and Bishop', and Lillian Le Roy. Ltwo (R. O. Stuart, mgr.)—Blllfor 7-0 In- cluded: Sadie Fondoller, Melnotte Twins. Anns Kenwlck, Palmer-Lewis and company, De met- fano Bros., and "Alias Mr. Roseberry." F . or J" 12: Vlda and nawley, Robert Strause anil com «"WITW vajfut.jij. A*. TIUH UIU unrri,-,, uvur,. M ^ ml Clin* Gatbtt (Henry Kurtiman, mgr.)—Queens of the Pany, Adams and Terrlll, May Stock Trio, wn«' the Bush Brothers. ■ ♦«» NBW LYBIC TO OPBN. The new Lyric Theatre; opposite the trac- tion terminal station In North Illinois Street, Indianapolis, Ind., will be thrown open on. or about Oct. 15, and Indianapolis will then have another show bouse. Popular priced vaudeville of the Sullivan 4 Consldlne circuit Is to be ataged. s i» ■ ANOTHBB POLI HOUSE. S. Z, Poll made public the announcement last week that he would erect a new theatre on Worthlngton Street, near Main, Spring- -~ •- —■—*. «, ...... , imess Held, Mass. Ground will be broken early In Theodore Thomas' Orchestra furnish tbe music thl. the coming year, so as to bave the new ' house ready to open Labor Day. ■ 4 IS) FIRE AT KANKAKBB. K.vnkakbb, III., Qct. 3. — FMre which started In the heart of Kankakee's business district to-day destroyed the new Remington •Theatre and two livery barns, snd dsmaged several other buildings, tbe total Iobs being estimated at f 150,00(5. -Jaruln de Paris, with Harry Koler, Al. K. Hall and Harry K. Morton, week of 7. Returns of the world series will be read from tbe stage each day. The Social Maids week of 14. Habbib (Ed. R. Sslter, mgr.)—BUI for week of 7 Includes: The Five Musical Attorneys, Four Stagpooles, tbe Three Entertainers, Aerial Bel- rooms, Lucifer and Ellsworth, Gibson Craig, To- Jettl and Bennett, Happy Jack Qalgley, Dclmore Sisters, tad moving pictures. Bsslnesa eapselty. Manager Salter contlnnea to make many friends. «,. F ,V": T -7: B "L for wt * k of T: Kortelle and 8to«ldard, Alec Thomas, Riglenne, Smith anil \*r- !?"' . H ?'X', rt and Lawrence. Klefer and Alliens, Great Atkinson, Marie Gerard, and moving pic- tures. Dullness good. Kenton (Horry Pplak, mgr.)—Bill for week of 7: Carrell and Plerlot, Heyn Bros., Two Barles, Hamilton and Earle, the McNutts, and Four Blon- dlns. Business very good. m F.xjPosiTjON.—New features are added weekly. The Titanic disaster Is doing capacity business. Theo.iniv Thomas' Orchestra fs ■ * Attendance very large. KOTKB, •Too" Easlt, a local aspirant to stage honors. Winllw IHDlimiul >>ln n 111... _|A1. ^_ " TX 2 * and Eddy, and Ospt. Brnnawlck and company. " N. J^^estlc jP. BBt* Elevating ■ Jersey City, rs. *^-«»ji»«>-- jr• derson, mgr.) Ffske O'Hara, In "The_Bose,of KUdore." Oct. 7-12. Louis M Mann, In _. .SbeeW. msr-)— ."SSS by the Orpheum Stwk, 7-12. "W week reoently resigned Ws position with one of the lsrire corporstlona la this city, and has affiliated himself with the Harry Dsvts Stock Oo. Mr. Early haa done considerable amateur work, and he Is ranking good with the Davie Player*. i*a 1 5HP I0 JL. Mo 5"!' w £ 0 *'» he here week of Oct. 14 with "Tbe Ne'er Do Well" Co., waa formerly Ingenue with the Davis Players Id this city. She a Husband," 14-10. OnrumjM (Thos. L. Stockings,'' ' 14-19 Acabbht (P. ■ Henderson, "»««■;,'riSalons Hearts," by tbe Academy Stock, 7. "Confessions Of a Wife'' 14-19. - '.~ —,. Bow Ton (Ed. Oadngan. mgr.)—Variety, mo' log pictures md UIOBtrated songs. ., MoNTiomio (M. S. Schlesalnger, mgr.) — va rlety, moving pictures and Illustrated songs. Hohokrn, N. J^^ayoty^fCbas. Prsnklys, mgr.) "Checkers" Oct. 7-12. "Tbe Squaw M«n Empibb (A. M. Bruggemann. mgr)-^'e£. r !J of Pleasure 7-9. Oayety Girls 10-12, Columbia Burlesaoers. U-16, Ginger Girls 17-10. taS (G. 8. itlggs, mgr.)—Variety, moWtig plciims,and Illustrated songs. Alton, lU^Temple (W. M. 8sovsge. mgr.) Sonsa's Band Oct. «. "Red Head" 0. . f Hrrropaoua (W. M. Saovage, mrr.)—«« ™. Sept. 80Oct. 2 Inclnded: Ben Hamey and Mm pany. Ernie and Mildred Potts, and P'™"™ For 30: The Ansonla Trio. Beck anil Henry, and "picture*. _. *,_hn>s Bioohapii (W. T. Sampson, mgr.)—The »"K" Muslcsl Comedy On. will, show here week of <iu. Pbincsps, —Big business continues. . tc