The New York Clipper (October 1912)

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OOTOBEB 12 uw THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. 9 NEW YORK CITY* {ao*m*«t fro?* p«go ?J "TAHTALEiNG^TOHHY*" (131: Paul Normand Gaston Berolle (Charle* Fronman, Ofr.)— - mualcal comedy la and Paul music by . . George Anderson ..i'....John Par, i'»«u"rinielot- «• •'• • • -V.Robert Pttkln SSj-ptoW de 8o««c Ipecac Donald mh.ii Tonpet Bergcrc- •• ■ Caslmlr. (Albert Tenoant .,-.... B oblij Newman. .........;.*... itlfum SMw ,..»;>••• BUaabeth Brlco ....;...>....-.Dorothy Webb v,*?.** 7 *ST?/S .Valleao * Elliott .. Frances Richards ......I....;.... •*?««»"* kSSBS Madeleine Harrison Tommy Julie. .... Ceclle. .. Tlorlse. , Zlzl..... Annlk. Celeste. . "Tantalising Tommy," is a, musical version of Marie Doro'a tablcte," "The Richest. Girl," seen at this Tery theatre March 1, 1808. In Us present form It Is woefully lacking In humor, but Its music Is delicious.' In tact, m doubt whether. Dr. Hugo Felix has ever •written a more melodious song than "Irish Stew." • It will he one of ■ the song hits of Ihe year—make no mistake about this; Of touree, there are other song blta, but "Irish 8tow" stands out most conspicuously, and to tear Elizabeth Brlce and George Anderson ling It was one of the few treats of the per- formance. In fact, we had no Idea that an Irish stew rould be so delicious. Those with good memories will doubtless remember the story. The tomboy daughter i,r n millionaire candy maker ban an auto- mobile which conveniently breaks down In Iront of the home of Paul Normand, a clerk In the French government office. Paul has a perpetual grouch, and makes no bones about his desire to have her move on. She, however, decides to spend the night there, ■nd be is compelled to give her his room while he sleeps In' the broken auto. The re- mit of her visit Is the breaking off of bla engagement to the daughter of Atistlde Mln- jrassol. He raves at "Tommy," who Is con- vinced that be loves her. and before the cad of the piece she convinces blm that their hearts beat as one. There Is really nothing tantalizing about Klltabeth Brice, who played the title role, but ahe was moat fascinating. It was the mint important role she has had since her name became known to New Yorkers, and •be nils the part exceedingly well: She ilngs excellently and dances with grace. At timet when she was acting ahe reminded us of Marie Dero. ' George Anderson gave a highly satisfac- tory performance as Paul, and John Park was more than equal to the role of .Berolle. He had one song. "You Don't Know,'' which he sang In capital manner, Dorothy Webb scored heavily In a sou- brctte role. She la pretty, graceful and charming, and disclosed' a fine voice when she sang dnota with Ilarry Clarke. Clarke, by the way, la an agllo dancer. Dallas Welford, whose laurels aa a come- dian wero won In "Mr., Hopkinson," at the Favor,Theatre, some years ago, has the' role of MlngassoV but got few laughs oat of It. Robert Pitkin, as Tommy's father, won a few laughs with a funny slide that later on became tiresome. Donald Hall wis rather amateurish. The chorus la large,, and contains many girls of beauty and several men of good ap- pearance. The piece was staged by Ocorge Barton. The scenery looked as If It has seen some service. ... Taking It all In all,' "Tantalising Tommy" Is not the best show wo have ever seen, nor Is It the worst. Tho second week began 7 Third" Row. . City (Ben Leo, mgr.)—The bill for Oct. 1-5 was interesting. The Braun Bisters bad a pleasing singing and piano act One of the alsters plays a fine piano accompaniment and solo, and the other nicely put over "Just a Nice Little ttlrl Like You'' and "The Witching Hour." "The Stampede" was the title of a sketch . - m which a half-breed Indian girl, a real — ; dl asa. 8 ?a^t E cur^m^ ln fl J U K r. Pr X Ct g°. r ri a ?n d . flTTT (ft TOWN NEWS duces her lover to reveal the secret of his UU1 VI IV f Til 111**? <J "THE CHARITY GIRL" efff-iEL!^ F 1 *?' »r.)— The Charity Ofrl, a aualcal play In three acta, libretto and lyrics by HdwardPeple, musicToy Victor Hollaender, added, lyrlca T»y Melville Alexan- BBi.MW produced by the Geo. W. Lederet Production Co. on Oat 2, with this cast: §£*» ."••• •... Bloaiom Seeley Mrs. /eremlahHopp^V.^V.:::! 1 '^*^?; Wtectlve French • \",7?.. .... Herbert ifcntan $H?# y R?:?, Ho ? elu • • • • • v.- • • • .D. £ Don aiJHE,S r » nt -•.•••• C. Motton Homo Rs^'SLaK • • •'' "arle Flynn Officer "866" Edward Raker The Guardian of the Portal... ", Mr. D?ntdu Vesta Vlrga Olive Farirn Harry Hooligan....... .IIV.. .iiarry*Tur"n fififf* .Annabelle Whltford Charmlan vclma Koberts • viZf?* Nathalie Dana vann , y era jjawrence • Sfci am ? Boirwowskl Gladvg Benjamin S "L ••'•,••••••:••.'.. "■ Minnie Monroe YengJ Bin..-..,...; Rosamond -Miller Fancbon .., - . Augusta Bchrens ^ona Relna .Tones rBL • Harry Turpln Kismet ........ Edgar Connor Jeremiah Hopping; Ralph Hers Chora* ■•' Alfred Turner g?rapti Allan Turner Mumbo) . ., Jumbo J •*• Lylo and Miller " 'After one postponement, this musical play had Its first local production on Oct 2, before an audience which filled the theatre In every part Tho piece had been very well received In Chicago, where It received Its premiere, and it had also the benefit of several presen- tations on the road, preparatory to Its Initial presentation here. The George W. Lcderer company gave the piece the benefit of a liberal presentation In Its staging and cos- tuming, as well as engaging a competent com- pany for its first showing here. Mr. Pcple has made the heroine of his book a wealthy girl, whom we find In lta first scene doing rescue work in tho slums of tho Ghetto, New York. She Is opposed in this by her lawyer, who rebels at tho amount of money her crusade among the poor re- quires him to disburse, though the money Is her own. She meets with but little en- couragement, among the poor, and In the second act ahe was continuing her mission work at Atlantic City. While we are not so Informed. It Is evident that tho cruaadcr has found her efforts to redeem the unfortunate unprofitable, for In act three she is In tbe midst of gayety, and has surrendered to the usual loving tenor, and the piece terminates. Balph Hen Is the featured member of an excellent cast, wherein there are several other people, who flit from vaudeville to mu- sical comedy, and.back again, according to tho demand for tbelr services. Mr. Herz Is. of course, a clever and experienced actor, and certainly did the best possible with the limited opportunities of bis role. Ray Cox. as his wife, surely had her own troubles with a small role, but her scene In the airship helped materially to give her prominence. Blossom Seeley was too boisterous In the role of an Kant Side denizen, but the audience seemed to like her ragtime songs and dances. Annabelle Whltford did not nave much to do but look pretty and display some gorgeous gowns. Henry Fink Improved his opportunities in a small role and a little singing and dancing, and D. I.. Don and C. Morton Home were competent to the requirements of their roles. There can, however, be a deal of praise given to dainty Marie Flynn, who was the "Charity Girl. She Is a newcomer in mu- sical comedy, and scored finely-In her songs, and was the embodiment of grace and refine- ment In her acting. Incidental to act three the Marvelous Millers did tbelr expert whirlwind dancing. "The Charity Girl" Is very reminiscent of "The Belle of New York" In Its main theme and Idea, especially in Its earlier scenes, but as tho piece progresses the thread of Its story seems to get sidetracked by tho Inter- polation of vaudeville specialties. Executive staff for tho Geo. W. Ledercr Production Co.: Albert Krauaso, musical di- rector ; James Darling, stage director: John E, Kugy, master carpenter: Joseph Turner, master of properties; W. P. Meagher, mas-, (cr electrician; Edward Sherman, assistant electrician. Tlie second week began Oct. 7. Old Timer. HERE AND THERE IN BURLESQUE iQia-ieo «™BARRETT & DUNN™ PRINCIPAL COMEDY AND STRAIGHT. Willi Moulin Rouge Co. Western trip, to betray the same to the —— tribe. The bad Indian causes the cattle to Memphis, Tenn.— Lyceum (Frank Gray, mgr.) opened for the season with Al. 0. Field's Minstrels Sept. 80, Oct. 1.. "The Confession" 0, "Naughty Marietta" 12, 18, "Ihe Old Home- stead" ft. 1». Maude Adams 19, 20. ....... m.uv wnu AUU.OU LHU5CB UC Uttllie W ■tnmnede to kill the lover, but the girl Joins Ihe Easterner and Is saved by him. Then the girl kills the Indian and all Is well. A nice sunrise effect la used in the skit, and the rocky scenery la also realistic, although the rucks bend under foot. The company was aril placed, and Wongo, the girl, declaimed nicely. . Sterling and Hutton opened aa two girls in a nice. Bister turn. Miss Hutton changed lo a cuto little kid-In white rompers, and Mng "Something, the Cat Dragged In." with food effect".Mies.'or rather Mr, Sterling then did.a Gibson Bathing Girl stunt, but revealing the secret of bis sex. He then norma 1 attire,' and with the girl ." u , ab X »»lt..they sang ."Bagging the Baby JSiPl^P-«!«▼•?/.'«n«.tabbed w"th a neat little dance. This llttlo girl Is 0. K; • - -«9 Mel }.'^firralne opened.with a 'cello solo, otting by the Arc. She then went to ragtime medley on the violin. In" a white page cos- I? m . e ., 8h o Played'."II Trovatorc,' and con- cluded by playing tho fiddle, a la 'cello, with good effect . • ;Fox and De May opened with - a duet. Mr. rpx put over a'few,'peppery parodies, which were well liked. Tho conversation with the way waa,somewhat" interesting. In a funny g^ ..«Maj«ag stunt from his pockets, ho aw the real long green, topped off by a yellow back. He apparently passed the bills 'torn one trouser pocket to the other, using ntj same bill repeatedly, but at the flnlBh pro- •lso Bel' d °* blU8 ' : A mntCh 8nd Clgar trlck •*£&* ? e » n e and company, In their comedy notch, showed a story of a millionaire's son ?..£ had . IMP* married an actress. Tho I""", visits him and the wife Is passed off ■ftj a t Mtfl ^ Brown, with ludicrous yet pathetic StLm.!™!*' the trick Is discovered by Min ,.?• ?*? denounces the actress wife. niiV. ?' ba ^ k on Wm wM» a lecture on SiV..? a,re !. WB0 neglect to make their boys scir-Bupportlng, and hands papa the hn ha K. h II 1 ''* that H* 1 " particular Willy rfiZJSP become a doctor and could shift for i}?.! ™& In . a howling rage the old man In- w«. J-ii m . t0 ^ mo honie together. The act wns well played by all three principals. aJSH lam ? ana Williams sang conversational tl m n n nl, 2. , t? 1 «- Mr - 'Wilirams bad "When IVmii?™ 1 ] 8 Rln ^ to offer singly, and Miss icorVS ii£l"°.JJ*. rWed a,0D ^ Together they WdoSSS^ Haa 8 ■****•*•?• fnri fh.^LY 1 " 1 a nice angel song.,.Then bc- o ri™ G?H* *P 8an K the catchy,'.'I5d Love wlnii™ ILS^sWC 'song, and'In a nifty .SumSST,S; at P. t 9? tani « bacV with "Good-Bye, f«»y received * •"""■••««« ** ,nlt ' (Fdbi«P! ct S5 w !» cl -»e*! "The Blind' Babies" "An T.'.l Mr* I nMi » Snnbeam" (Batanay), ** >IT- 'J tr-h r.) niur .L^ 1 .t '.i.e. .;>[ .PSI'.V.idi 1 ! Ltbio (Ben). M. Stalnback, mgr.)—Murray A Mack Co., In "Casey Jones," Is the attraction week of 0. Obpmsuk (Max Fablsh, mgr.)—Bill for week of 7: Barry and Wolford, Edna Luhy, Kremka Bros., McKay and Oantwell, Master Gabriel and company, Zeno, Gordon and Zeso. and moving pictures. .. •"'••• _ ; • Pbinosss (Walter D. Botto, mgr.)— Business continues .good. Bill tor 6-9 Included: fowder and ObBBtnan, Elliott and Neff. Great Barnettl and company, and plctnres. Bill for 10-12 In- eludes: Clifton and Nolan, Three Bambler Girls, Mabel Lloyd, and moving pictures. .. The roes Majbbtios, Ouboli.ton, Alamo, Palaoi, Qukin, Iupbbul, COOOKIIL, TUB .TWO Pabtimss, Daisy,' Gem, Pbeim, Savox, Jox and Roxal, moving picture bouses, all report good patronage. ■ ■ PorotAB, MADisotr, Mobabt amo Mbtbopoli- tan, alrdomei, are doing well, Note.— Rlngllng Broa.' Circus gtre two per- formances Sept. 80, to capacity bualness. - Chnttunooara, Tenn.—I.yrlc (Arthur Mat- tlce. mgr;) Maude Adams Oct. 14. _ .. ... , Bijou (Arthur Matttce, mgr.)—Vaudeville la doing large business. , 1 _ • MAJBaTifl (W. B. Bussell, mgr.)—"The Sunny Side of Broadway" playing to record brcoktug bonaea 8-B. • Rinolino Bnos.' Cibotjs Oct. 4. B0NITA, PlOTO, ' CBBSOSNT, COLONIAL AND Tiieato report good business. ... ... Notbb. —A now motion picture le l*lng erected at No. 711 Market Street, to be known aa the Alhambra,' and will be managed by Ilowcll Grabam'i who is also manager of the Theato and Colonial. Mr. Graham has aold the Bonlta to a atock company, and Mr. Thompson, formerly of the ColonlBl. will be manager. Independent Alms will be used in the future BIngling Bros.' Circus showed here 4, Nashville, Tenn.—Vendome (W. A. Sheets, mgr.) "Louisiana Lou" drew fair business Oct. 1" '2 'Obpkbum (Geo. H. Hickman, mgr.)—Bill for week of 7: Lavlne-Clmeron Trio, Newkirk and Evans Slaters, Valerie Bergere Players, Golden and Hughes, and Savo. paiNCBsa (Harry Sudekimi, »8T.)—Vaudevlllo to good business. Bill for week of Sent. 80 In- cluded: Huntress and company, La Toy Bros., Ladgblln's dogs; tbe Village Four, the Human Mystery; and' plctnies. Swow (Geo. H. Hickman, mgr.)—A picture nroducllon of "Eaat Lyune" week of 7. 'OBTBTAL. ELITB, FirTH AVSNDB, ALnAJIBSA, Bxx anb Bonita are doing well with pictures. • Knosrrllle. Tenn, —Staab's (Frlta SUnb. ■ng7) Wske 5'Hara Oct. 14, Maude Adams IB, The Old Homestead" 18. . Bwoo (Fred Martin, mgr.)—Vaudeville. Busl- ^.^rxaa^aota-. ogr.) - V.ndevllle 1. Lrruc, motion picture bouses, sre ahowbig to good "nJtju— Blnglmg Bros.* Wrens showed here 0. ,. il/ a ■ i-.'il el ,;|» . .■«'!il'i "l ■ "The LOVEY MARY GREENE THl AtlMA HELD OF BURLESQUE, with th. Monlln Ronara Chas. Baker and Bertha Gibson AUTIIOH, ACTOR A!VI> PRODVOKR BOVBRBTTB . WITH TKDDY BIMOIfDg AVTO U1R1.H "The Boy. Behind (he l.sngbi" WATSdN and GOHAN MYSTERIOUS VALDO ^:i£l and IRVING HAY 8t J?:«" With MISS NEW TOKK JB. EDDIE D. COLLINS STARRING FOR Charles Daniels, la "Whirl of Mirth. TODBROWNING PLATING OPPOSITE EDDIE COLLINS WHIHI. O P MIRTH CLYDE J. BATES Character Comedian—Whirl of Mirth ■ INOLB DICK MADDOX CHARACTER COMBOIAN. With "LADY BUCCANEERS" HARRY STEPPE • THAT HBBRRW GENT. With THE LADY BUCCANEERS. ANNIE 60LDIE Character Songs With the LADY BUCCANEERS Clara Gibson THE ELECTRIC SOUMETTE With the Lady Buccaneer* JUST With MOlfTB CARLO GIRLS. 2ELLA CLAYTON The Little GUI with the Sweet Voice With MONTE CARLO GIRLS First Time Oat and a Blat Hit HARRY WELSH COB1BDIAN With MONTE CARLO GIRLS Arthur Laning STRAIGHT AMD CHARACTERS WITH MONTH CARLO OIRLS BELLE TRAVERS LEADIBG WOMAN WITH MONTE CARLO 01RL8 HARRY LE VAN With Dixon's Big Review GEO. F.HOWARD Al SILAS HEMLOCK WITH DIXON'B BIG REVIEW MAY YUIB PRIMA DONNA. WI(H "PACE MAKERS." WILLIAM HARRISS THE GESTEEL STRAIGHT BAN With LADV BVCOANEBRS Fannie Vedder THAT DANCING AND SINGING BOUBRETTE COLUMBIA BVRLBSdCBRS BACK ON THE JOB JOE EMERSON "THE BUM" With COLUMBIA BURLBSQCERS. B WITH THE COLUMBIA BURLE5QUERS Wish WINNING WIDOWS Direction of MAX 8PIEUKL. JOHNNY MURRAY DALE and HARRIS MAX 8PIKGKL-S COLLEGE GIRLS. Mona Raymond THB 110,000 BEAUTY With MATT. KENNEDY'S TIOKR LILIES. Harry COLE and HASTINGS Ama (WHTTIl HAWK) Q^SUmoM t** D FATHER) Wltb MATT. KENNEDY'S TIGER LILIES. Harry Fields THE HEBREW PUNSTER Principal Comaalan villi the BERRY MAIDENS. Geo. F. Hayes "E/.FRIAH SLOOUM." RURAL KXPRKT OROM- 0N0L00I8T. MERRY HAIDERS. E With the MOULIN ROUOE CO. Lee Sisters aod Willie Hack BatartBlaora In Sonas and Dancn. wiih the moulin" touoK co. JOHN E. RILEY "THE BUMPIFIG IIUHHMAN." T. W. DINKINS' YANKKK DOODLE OIRLS 00 Reese and Mitchell Peatorcd vrlth THE DAZZLER8. VIRGINIA KELSY PRIMA UONNA With PQ1.MBS OP THE DAY. Ralph Rockway THE CARUSO OP BURLBStlUB With THB NEW CENTURY OIRL.B 101H.I3 BLANCH BAIRD an d har "Stars gf BfgsUnd." BACK IN BURLESQUE But not lo tha baok line, JOE DIXON WW JOINED THE "ORIENTALS" BOB DEMING CHARACTER COMEDIAN Miner's "Americaas." Clara Douglass Racket. SINGIMG^OMBDIBNNB ID tha Leading Feminine Hole, BIO OAIETY CO. JUDGE """ ~ J. Theo Murphy Holding court with Dante's Daugh(«> s. HUGHIE BERNHARD With Tom Miner's BOHBMIAWS ' Edwin and Dolores Trevor With JACOBS k JERHON'B ATTRACTIONS EUGENE WEST -AND- CATHERINE HENRY ll-B "BLANCHE" A Piny la 1 Act Br CATHERINE HENRY Nov a feature with 81m Williams' "Girls From Joyland" Co. Blagcst Dramttlc Sketch lilt in (he history o f Burlesque. "HYDE & BEHMAN AM08EMENT OOMI'AHT Templo Dar liiiildlug, Hroitklyn, N. Y. STAB THBATRK Brooklyn OATETV TUEATRB Brooklyn OAYF.TY THKATRK PltUiliurg STAR AND OARTEIt ChlcuRo NEWARK TIIKATUE Newark. N.J. ▼.Gt 8th Avo. The*. - • Darling* of Pari* Bowery - - Olrl* Irom H*no Mlner'8, Bronx - High Lll* In Burlnqui Miner's, Newark, • • PicsMakfr* -.:«>! ! ESTABLISHED IB90 DENTISTRY TO THE BCRLE80UK PR0FEH8ION. SPBCIAL HATES AND EASY PAYMENTS. All work guaranteed. DR. L. N. BUHH, 221 Grand 8t. Wait of Bowery, NEW YORK. 'Phone 6110 Spring. Burlesque Bw$, - HYDE A BEHMAN LOIR. '' ' The Hyde A lishman AmrJsommt Co. lost a suit hi the Pittsburgh local courts, recently, when they rndeavorcd to - collect certain moneys said to be due them in accords dcc with an agrocroat which they claim to hare had with the Davis, (Jullck « McNulty In- terests, relative to certain classes of shows to 1*c held at the Gayety Theatre, In that city. When the flaycty 'drat opened, ten years ago, they were playing the same class of Bhowa as the IIIJou, now the Lyceum, and tho Alvin theatres. An agreement' was reached with the Interests of all'tltcatrca concerned so that the Gayety would play burlcrque; the Alvlh, high" cIsbs attractions, and the Bijou, - melodrama, for which the latter two Interests were to pay a certain sum yearly to tbe Hyde 4 Bchman company. Tin- agreement was carried out until the past year, when both Mr. McNulty and Mr. GuUrk died, all arrangements then termi- nated according the paying interests. A ault was commenced by the llyde Interests, and was settled on Thursday, Oct. 3, when tint case was decided agnlnitt them. < «» . —^~ MINER'S NBWARK "COUNTRY 8TORB." Among the presents distributed at Minor'* Kmplre, Newark, N. J., .Oct. 1, were a ki- mono, Klschmnn hut, one-half doscn neckties. nlntio stool, pair I'cnbody shoes, mop, brush and bucket, pulr gloves, coffee and milk, quarter ton coat (Paul tiros.), crate toma- toes, ten set, sausage and pot mustard, sugar box and sugar, six cans llabbltt'* cleaner. quart Itomco and Juliet whiskey and bottle bromo seltsor, aack of potatoes, silk walil, six cuiiH of soups and vegetables, taffeta silk skirt, six pound roast of beef, one pound tea and teapot, bacon and cabbage, leg of lamb, order on Mltchelll llros. for shave, haircut, shampoo, massage and tonic, order tor hvo dinners at Dl Curio'*. I ■ LESLIE SAYS I Andy Lewis, tho popular burlesque come- dian, will sail for London early In May, at the close of Al. Reeves' Know. Mr. bowls will be seen for ten weeks on the Moss tlmo In hi* new and original act, entitled "Dr. l'lll, the Dopstcr." It Is something new In this line of work and altogether different from anything Mr. Lewis has ever bad. lta wilt bo assisted by a company of four pcoplo and two Chinese actors. The act will be a feature with Al. Kccvcs' new show next season. DAPPYDILLS WELL LIKED. Sam Rico and hi* Dalfydllls enmo In for a Una notice in The Kanta* Citu Journal of Sept 80, during their engagement In that city. Bam Rice, Madge llugbcs, the Clark Bisters, Harry I.e. Van, Ocorge Johnson, Low Becker and Tom Ileeson, Mile. Vortex and Ah Ling I'oo were all favorably commented upon. I ' CLAHK-IIAYDBN. Lillian 8. Clark, daughter of Mr. and Mr*. Win. H. Clark, was married to Tom llayden, of llayden, Dunbar and llayden, at Syracuse, N. v., Inst week. Mrs. Clark came on from Rochester, and Bain 8. Clark, tho brlds'a bruthcr, was best man. Mrs. llayden will travel wltb her husband on the big vaude- ville time. i a THEATRE PARTY AT COLUMBIA. Tho employee* of Oarden Cafo attended Wednesday matinee at tho Columbia, and gavo Nellie Ploredo a rousing reception, also somo beautiful flower*. Ml** Vlorede wa* their guest at dinner at tho Garden, nfter the matlnco, and to auppor aftor tha evening show. a i —^ JACK STROUSB PLACES SONGS. Jack Btrouso has placed a number of song* with publishers In Now York and Chicago. "Turn Down the Light," "You'll Novcr Grow Too Old for Mo to Lovo You," "Don't Turn Your Old Girl Down" and "I'd Glvo tha World If I Could Have You," bid fair to bs- cuuii! popular. i » "CAP'S" NEW STAGE SETTING. "Cap," stage manager of Miner's Bowery. hopped right on the Job wltb paint* and brush and daubed off a beautiful country atoro Interior drop, for tho country (tor* nights.. This drop Is a real work of art. ■ i ■ s , i At thb Orpbcum, Pateraon, N. J., lail week, In twelve performances, the actual figures show that they played to 1,407 women on the week. This 1* considered very good by road managers of burlesque companies. Tho local manager. Chas, Edwards, Is not leaving one stone unturned In catering to the fair sex, and has made it a rulo not to allow smoking during any of the matinee*. The ladies get a good seat at tho matlnco at ten cents, and at night they pay twenty-tlve cents, and sit In the afty and sovcnty-llvo cent re- served scats. .The business done In tho five opening weeks has been very'good, and In- ' deed very gratifying to the management, and in fact somo snows have played to more money In threo days than many got on the week in 'the old house. The ownor, Billy Watson, Is very.much olated at tho auccess of the new Orpncum', and is now considering a good site'at Trenton, N. J., which will make the split with Peterson next season. I'iaiil Hihtii will retire from the Cracker Jacks after this week. En. I.ovktt has closed wltb. the Knicker- bockers. ■ Mod Phillips recently replaced John Cain wltb the samo company. Khank and Kath Cablrton will shortly go into vaudeville, having left tbollcn Welch show. . Bkatiik'b Is an added' feature with tho College Girls at the Columbia, Now Ydrk. Hannah St/rt*, wife of Dr. N. Suss, died at Bnranuc Lake, N. V., Sept, 80, after two years' Illness. Bbc was hurled at the Union Field Cemetery, Oct. 2. Tom limn nhi>n, a recent addition to tha cast of 'Al. Rich's Jolly Follies. Is playing the part t'. It. Btout, and getting all tho comedy in It, nnd is a good strcngthenor to the show. Job Kki;hev replaced Harry McAvoy with Davo Million's Dreamland*. Oct, 3, at tlio Murray Hill. IIkmiiktta Wiikbi.kii bus quit hurlcsqim for this season, and In meeting with marked HuccesB in IIul Davis' vaudeville act, "Tho Money Oetter." : ICi-(iknh Kernan, manager of the Lyceum, Washington, D, C, died Oct. 4. Job Rmkbhon has signed with Jacobs ft Jermon for a term of three years, Edoab A. Vinai,, leader, of the Auto Girls Co.. wa* a Ci.iitbii caller 8, and expressed his satisfaction with his present engagement. Tho Auto Girls arc going tight along. Tub house staff of the Stnr Theatre, Brook- lyn, N. Y., Is: Hyde A Debman Co., owners: Frank A, Clark, manager; Dan Furey, treas- urer; Edgar Blmonls, assistant treasurer; Wm. Connors stage manager; Jas, Curtis, chief electrician; Ous Walter, muslqaJL■ di- rector. ,'.'n Rki'outs from Cleveland, Cincinnati. Chi- cago nnd Milwaukee claim Miner's Americans to be the big treat this season in burlesque, The Mtltraukee Wisconsin, In speaking of the attractions, snys In port: ''It,has been many a day since' local thenti-cpocrs have been treated to such a high class burlesque attrnr- t|on as Is offered this week by Ml.ler'tf Ameri- cans, the current attraction at the Gayety." .i.i 1 , ii i •tirfcr.i) iii> i .jsrir si • 'i.i/i •*iKsr!*.^ cvVltV «■'»*■*■»"