The New York Clipper (October 1912)

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! ■ THE Tffim, YORK CLIPPER. OOTOBEB fcr S6S #'■& Leader WHO OAN ARRANOE. How many times have you read »n "ad. ,r like tblsf OanYOTJ h'lnuwt If so, this will not Interest you, but If not send two cent »tomp for trial MM Three ,P$rtel itiiam free. 11 DHtlMB COaTtBQBrtyou'UiUCWed, yon owe ns nothing. *'■"' TAUGHT BY MAIL. BUtCESSFULiVr, PH ACTUALLY, RAPIDLY. Yon mnit know the rudiments' of music and mom business, otnenrlM don't write. WILCOX SCHOOL OP COMPOSITION, C. W. wilcox, Director. Bob O, MM VUth Ave., - - - HBW TOMC ClTIf Tatnm sotbtrb blow opes the safe of ttio Umpire TbcDtrc. 673 W. Aindlsnn Street, the morning of Sept 30, after binding V. T. Ycrberi, the watchman, and Samuel Meyer, who was found a.lecp In one of tbe boxes. It is said that the sum of f 000 wag taken. NEW VAUDEVILLE ACTS "The Woman Intervene*." MAJBSTIC TUHATUI, CHICAGO, MO.NDil, Bbit. 30, . Florence Roberta, a proficient player, was Lain Glaser, in "First Love." Colonial, Mokdat, Oct. T. The occasion was Mis. Glaser's mttropoll- Canada tan debut In vaudeville, and a Urge and g a Xrift B .V.'.'.'.'.'.'.\' friendly audience enjoyed and applauded her coiondu efforts In an entertaining little operetta, en-, gjj^ °' < INDEX TO OPT OF TOWN HEWS titled "First Lore." Illinois The book and lyrics are by Raymond W. {j™*-; Peck and Melville Alexander, and the music Kentucky.*.'.'.'.'. t»y Anatol Frledland. jSryTajj...,. . ms» Olaser made her debut In vaudeville Minnesota IK 12 20 21 12 10 8, IT ... 12 ... 12 . . 12 ... 12 ia, »z 20 -BaSStt:: New Jersey. New York.. Oklahoma,.. Ohio , Pennsylvania... S?^"."" "• I6 ' » TenneasVi!"*'" "■ a I Virginia (SMCtaHUpotehtoTfU) Naw Toot Cliw«b.) featured at the Majestic week of Sept. 30, at the orpheum Theatre, Brooklyn, last week, jjuioe. ... S ftusiuesa at the various bouses 1» good. Ia " T1 '° Woman Intervenes," a new comedy Tbog D . Richards and Lester Browne are Michigan- l it, 21 Colombia.— Monday, Oct 7, marks the act by Hartley Manners. She has the as- lQ Mlsa oiaser's support. • second aadla.t week of 'The.Round-Op." slatance of Charles Wyngate, C. J. Harvey Tho „ ct that Miss Glaser'. affianced hu«- L I. Montagu* has retired from the man- Cobt.— The third week of the Lambardl . _ „„„„■,.„ «,,,' :v..„h *» ni.mi,) J, i it . ,. .„ «m„„. i„ th» ngament of the Marlowe Theatre, to aasunie pacific Coast Grand Opera Co. began 6, the and T om Magulro. The aketch has pleasant j,,,,^ , n tne ope retta Is an officer in the the direction of one of the new theatres repertory being as follows: Sunday night, if not highly Important comedy value. The g uar da, In a stunning uniform, gives It a de- $8 * 15 '2, U ••21 ... It • 8, 20 Washington... Jot Virginia.. Wlsconiln "The Arm of the Law." American, I'aiDAT Evbnino. Oct. 4 Roland West's latest vaudeville nrtidti'eti being erected by Albert Hamburger. Ho has "rfigoletto ;" Monday and Wednesday nights, title of Manners' sketch betrays its story, elded English flavor. Is, as Its title implies, a. tale of th-Ti "^SSS^^S^^^ ^W«^^ %?%&£$ In It Miss Robert-la an old flame of a m» ^s ™ scene Is >a.d In the Uvlng room of on d crooks, WriHen Ground l£S$££ sideling offers for en Australian tour, lo Thursday night and Saturday matinee, "Caval- who, ten years after their separation, Is en- General Burnham (Lester Browne), the time « stage work Is 'always sure to be lntcresti,,. 9B&J4J& 3Sf**gS..c | . r . c -". i l?' J.!.™. Sf lerla Rusttcana" and "I ragllaccl;" Friday eagc d In the dangerous pastime of wooing carl , mo rnlng. His nephew, Capt. Burnham but the story that "The Arm of the r„l» ^i'lou^ta^t^rw^trey"^ a ttx U ^w y ee^'.nn^ro kolb and IM11 "other man's wife. There to danger of (Tll08 . D . Richards) returns home from hav- tells 1. rather inconsistent. Wo lean, " with great success If they decide to accept and contracts they will sail from Vancouver, p< Dec. 16. nnd In the mean time will play dates for the Western Vaudeville Association. special season of Sarah Truax and Thurlow » "" ; — ~ " ,— Z""C ~W ™°a nB luc ' B,;v """• " c " w "■-■»/ t- »■«— »»>• » '•"» •""« "«« ■<• guiiiy. tic sends for TijH manngenjent of tho_Fjne Arts The»- Hergen, supported by stock company of house, saves the philandering bachelor for herseir. Joung cousin, to whom he was betrothed In the son. Father tells him that bis life nf - '"p[i(i NltVtTAr '' TUa Af**on«a Jlantflwo A VnW tiIaa afttiefl i\t . . ....•___ ■ ■•- 1 h« *■■ K |«. . *M* 1 .A ■ o. ■ . -. . - Savoi.— Week beginning 0. Kolb and Dill ——— •»«»■ ""<•• «-"».» —-„>.. -- (1J ios. u. mcnunis; reiunm aw> »w «»•- tens is rumor inconsistent. We learn that end company and Maude Lillian Berrl, in "A bloodshed when the old .flame Intervenes and, lng celebrated his farewell bachelor dinner, o Judge has sent a man to prison for a \ml 1 ' e A k ,J?ii?,! : ll!rvi,'«nin» or mia u.f w,<* n f dls P la y ln « a 8cl( ' ct brand ot tact - 8cn,j3 *• and In a conversation with his uncle bo- term for murder, only to learn that his own JKWfiliiai Thtlow Moodthlrsty husband back to his and moanB thc fact that he is to marry his rich 80n hj the man who Is guilty. Ue sendsT, \l\J* a L l^fi S. 1 ! 0 "?^^..! ' n °f ff2 8 i'?hi r rh X vlllJ w " 1 KIltPiffi'CiL ." "« ^ "- The actrcM dlBnU y 8 a ver "' nlce sense of U« chtUDlOO* He has seen her maid, mis- idleness has at" last "brought ~him"to Tv,, eSgo rlS^Tht &e w n sTThlc f h t m.y C1 b 1 e l °3812i!'ir& B^m^ n nd g con\pv y "»*>. »™«™ afln »« rflbl < ! rc » tr « ,nt and taken her for his rich cousin, and vow. to cnd( and a, an honorablf Judge. VJJ presents an ornamental appearance. h)g uncIe t hat the marriage cannot take arrest bis own son and send him to prison The act and the acting are rather quiet for place> His cousin (Mlsa Glaser), however. The father dwells on the fact that he Is clad vaudeville, but few performances ns good as j„, s decided that she would like to Inves- that the boy's mother Is dead, that she had Miss Roberts' are seen in the twlce-a-day tigate the character of the man she Is to been 8pare t| the disgrace. The son llstms to Emprsbh.— Bill beginning Sunday (matl- theatres la a season. Full stage, twenty-one mttrr r an d to this end she takes service as i,| S grief-atrlcken father as If the wnr. i,„. , P^^n^tif'^SriSi "^ , ™- a -aid in her uncle's home. She serve. hlm . H e at last admits that JZTZ Clare and company, Orecn, McHcnry and breakfast, and, of course, the young man deceased because he would not give up the Deane, "A Night on a Roof Garden," and Glady. Vamce. Immediately falls in love with her. There Is money W on by the murderer on a horse "Thc New bin," which may be (matinee), 0: Ethel liarrymore and company. kept In Powers' only until Oct 26, m Mrs. the Ofcdos Manon Opera Co., Owen Clark, Flake is to appear there on Oct. 28. Kred Gray and Nellie Brnham, Frederick An- drews and Ills wonder kettle. Owen Mc- Glvcncy. Claude and Fannie Usher. William. und Warner, and Daylight motion pictures. BURLESQUE IN CHICAGO* Monday, Oct. T. COLUMBIA. Billy Watson and bis Girls from Happy land turned business away at the Columbia race. on his the aid he had on the opening, Sunday, 0. Watson 1. a boat i,.52 Aa V B " _ «» commenclna Sunday Pboctob's Fino Avbnub, Matinm, Oct. 7. a deal of very pleasant dialogue here, dur- But he could avoid bringing disgrace M. n w m ^ lf rt n and i„ h .n. h Tem'rIi? n i/J e rtfihinJ (matinee). 6: Paul Gordon and Rita, the Li Tht. talented young lady put over one of | nR wn | c h he proposes marriage to thc sup- fat b e r by getting out of town with 1 Joubrett" and Carol Schroder h.. a stuping IS "^'^l* 6 Sf a .' : & K ^feJB8! the bI " e,t blta 0Ter MCOrded '* th " h * U8e ' I' 08 *" 1 ma,lJ - ab ° tMreM tot a te " ta <" BeRt '' of a friend, who would help him If ,„ figure, well displayed. The entire .show Is chl^rtY'andlunllaht motion pictu?es Mon±kJ maUnee ' 0ct 7 - " Rr,ta ft P"t°™w and when she returns he finds that the sup- » B00 . Then the author of this playlet makes well dressed anS please.. Other principal.: «.w«iew, and ounilgnt motion pictures. g^ (jUmpa her %n arUst o( tha flMt water ^^ aM ^ ^ fm coug(n „ e attempt , m fathor ,. poo7 „ up ^ » aITS g^Xlftg &&&*&*&: th. first of thuTa.'on's two symphony « he *" ^ own 22* "2"!' l " C,Udln 5 * e " U8e klnl " s11 for h,s »"*' tow " d f S sttme "" thcr ' who "° honor <1<!ni * ndc < 1 »«t he II. Brown, Casper Zarncs, Jack Howard, popular concert, by the San Francisco Or- R ^^ whlca contalna aD0Ut * thousand bat , t | g only when he, with much dignity BC nd his son to Jail In order to save an Inno- Nellie Watson and Maude Harris. Executive chestra, Henry Hadley, conductor, will take small mirrors, and make, two changes of on <i feeling, surrenders the sword of hit cc nt man, Is the first to normlt the son t* Hurtig JnEEL *££& , t iHSfc Tvrili,%ci% r iTB^%ct% aooM C08tume whUo U8,I,g tm ". drop ' The J lr8t ,' 8 ' atners t0 herthftt she fotg, ™ hlm Md W|U "-»• "y*"«« **™»°Tt OI that \£Z man, manager; J. Buchblnder, musical dl- Rwcaido Martin, tenor, and 'Rudolph a boautlfully arranged dress, covered with mari7 him. After the son leave, the house, the Inno- rector; Ben W. Emerson, carpenter; James Ganz^plano virtuoso, will conccrtlzo at Scot- mirrors, which she quickly changes to ono ,Mlss Glaser was the very spirit of arch- ccnt mA0 havlna escaped from nrlson ent»r. yfflA!"^™^^!^!*® n , I "5 2 , ? t, Ha "' 8UnaS, » ,te " 00M ' 0ct 13 ^ a ™»7 =<>"»««» ■"«"«. a "* »»» th0 ness and charm as the maid, and her talent tB , home to kill "the Ju'dge ta *£S hlm lo mistress. Th« United Statos Marine Band will play spotlight thrown upon ber reflects over the as a comedienne found full away. Her song JalL After hB kills the Judge he discovers FOLLY. in this city and at the Greek Theatre, Unl- entire house. During her entire performance w ith Mr. Richards, In which sho teache. him that tBe ae&A j ur j st had intended to send a Bnalneu was great at the Folly, Sunday, yerslty of California, Berkeley, In the near 6 hc makes five changes. the art of kissing, was a gem. Mr. Richards je t t e r to the authorities announcing the fact oUd to t tu 0 r n awa^ S ho 0 u. e t , be Joe"! 8 Bulffv.u '"oamki I. announced to sing In the Co- „ °'«'»«., wi *i * ?**?" 8 ° h ni , ent,t '^ olso Mng WeU and * CtCd h ' 8 ChMCter "' thBt thc 8on ™ the re " n »» d "«- The and John K. Hawley lead the comedy, while lnmbla Theatre on the afternoon of Sunday, Situation, which found much favor, sue fcctlvcly. convict, although he admits that he had been Helen and Cella Armstrong and Pearl Turner Oct. 27, pleased with their songs and dances. Other grlnclnalK: Ed. II. Clark. Lew Adam., Dave chnoffcr, Doc Armstrong and Elizabeth Itogors. Tlic olio: Clark and Turner, the Four Armstrongs, Adams and Scbacfer. The chorus: Elizabeth Rogers, Cora Bell, Bessie Keymorc. Mnrle Church, June Marland. Heinle Hn.s, Ruby Hbadduck, Catherine Adair, Qeitrudc Kellcy, Olive St. Claire, Eva- lino Travis Etbol Btnnilrmirt. Esther Mae, Clmrlolte Grey, llcrtle Rich, Franklc Orant, Helen Chandler, Jessie Ooelettc, Grace Rus- sell, Helen Glossrr. Executive staff: M. U. Shannon, business manager; J. F. Sulllvaa, manager; Joo Shndduck, musical director Kred Glosscr, master carpenter *»» DOINGS OF THE fflP. makes a rapid change to an up-to-dnte sou- The audience liked MIbs Glaser In her made "tough" In prison, becomes sentimental, brotte, rendering a very catchy song that fl rs t attempt to succeed In the vaudeville Ue burnB tho p0 p or _tho paper that will won her numerous encores.' Her best offor- nc id ( an d there Is surely room for actresses urIng |,| m freedom. And Just before he kills DI IIA1IIIY LA l'BAlir.. Sunday, Sept! 22, thc attache, of the New York Hippodrome held tbelr annual clambake nt Oakwood Inn, Oakwood Heights, Statin Island, Nearly oil of the party left the Hip. in two automobile trucks at 10.80, and the trucks were prettily decorated with flags and n large bnnuer announcing the .bake, The Charles ''" lrt '' llu ' bunch made caused some curiosity, Sij: ( i.ii,¥-p,.p., t fc I ;^ Church, J^^2^^ ££«*. clown OAllTEtt. When we arrived at the Inn . lng was an Impersonation, In song, of a of her calibre In present day vaudeville country boy's Idea of "Uncle Tom's Cabin." Tho little operetta ran twenty-four mln- TU11 hand business she uses while rendering „t ( . H . Old Timer. this song was somewhat original, and kept »——^—~ (he large audience In roars of laughter. n nl j,„ v |h and Company, lu "The About fifteen minutes In one. Jack himself he says, "If I can't give life to thc Judge, I can at least save his son's." Thc scene 1. supposed to take place lu Eng- land, yet the convict wore the wull known striped suit of the American convicts Instead of the English one. Thc playlet is played by Money Getter." Hahmbbstsiin'8, Monday Evrnino, Oct. 7. two men, the son "doubling" on the convict "The Money Getter," written by Scarl ro i 0 , M r . west should get another man for Allen, and played by Hal Davis and com- t hls role. About twelve minutes, full stage, Third How. the clams . . . j », m ' • -m _n greeted us with smiling faces and stretched ... _, —_ ' ' elnborate produetlon and cast of well g»g» » 8 u f ^ th LS ^ wero aD0Ul Madcaps. They otter every performer, drew 'Packed honee. at , , devoured by a bunch of wild Indian.. except the Jig, and have no at and Garter. Sunday,. 8, for the .,.,,,,„ fh „ ,* k . w .« ,_ nrcn aparlon a ,.._ »k. ...._.■._ -...•.. .. Orlnjlnnl Mndcnps. American, Monday Evhnino. Oct. T. An act full of ginger, entirely free from pnny, I. tho kind ot an act vaudeville pa- parlor set auggestlveneas, Is that offered by tho women trons like. With this cast Mr. Davl. scored dancer, who call themselves the Original u success: form of dancing Jack Stockton Hal Davis difficulty In hold- Dolus Prtco Edith Gray The known nn*.nlnl M 'of an Lo.nB^ "WhRi "the" bake/was^ In preparation a |„g'tho attention of the audience." The act Sir Charles Coddlngham Martin Somers KS^&TV^cSSSTtffl » caua U e"d nf ^.."oxcltomen'"forTrow "a*, Produced by Barney A. Myers, and he Mabel Chase ' Henrietta Wheeler the Porter," pleased Immensely and closed momptlta untu Paul n oaf . 0 , who was very spared no money In preparing the net for Blllle Gillette Lindsay Hall M.°v "sta'nlev Km Fehmaii irjSH' familiar with tho particular treatment for the stage. The coBtumes are changed frc- Jasper Jackson Harry Q. Bates ^ll^^MS^a^l^U H^Spj'^SmS^ quently and every costume may truthfully Th. scene show, a broker's office. Jack and every costume may truthfully V^i tt :J i ^ Livet,'Hugh" L. Conn. Kitty ft™ tftLiMvKh foam, muciTto'the'"jo7<>^ ho deacrlbod a. being beautiful and In good Stockton must bo In busness and have a wlfo 8e4iSui?BSK tSSffi M'.iS •»>"• There wa. a large, fat man. called taste. by a certain date to Inherit 11,000,000 from ^^t^m^^SShl^ ZV*™-"'-*' U, '-2 m - e --° «=» -' •".- h.,. n . a. n "mviation of dan- an e.Ute. Sir Charles Coddlngham, the We.t. May Dn CIo.. Stella Gorge. Ruth SSssSS? Wllllan.,_ Trlxl._ Goodwjn, May Stanley, "'j'"*^', The chorus; Marie Baker, Dora Ma.on, Edna K ':.. i ,tLTot ver* hondaomc to look unon but w.k.... n,.,. n„„v b„h. »h.«l«. ..Milan fgPgg&gZ&flggSg freel, UP ln Z> The act 1. billed a. a "revelation of dan- a «> "tate. beverage! clng," and this describes the offering fully, executor, I. due at any minute, and Dollle Blanch Field, Dolly Ferguson. Evans, Nellie Warner, Bopblo Dillon numbers were presented by Colo and V imhof. Conn ond Coreene. and Dor.. T . ,., ~ — --—^-^—j-- i*»»wjMji received with rounds of npplausc. A musical S'r Charles arrives and Is greatly pleased leader Is carried. It could easily hold Its at finding tho young man In business. He in- Lttmhertl. Keith's Union Square, Evbnino, Oct. 7. Billed a. "The Master Musician," Lam- bert! scored one of the biggest hits of the bill at this house on the above evening. He showed hi. mastership jtt the piano, 'cello und tho violin with very good impersonations ot, 1 lolitimii and Paderewskl, while he' rlosed bia act with a scene of Svengall's final concert and tho death of that noted personage. He makes np for each of his character ten- ™™''y -JJJJ tgtJPi 7,£X h rooS' °" fl of tDe W0D,eD B,n « B 80,oa wb,,e tbe otner PriCe, ™" ^ CW ' , ." "v". personation. In view of the audience, and Is \™? ^t^SSif^W^XiSBt girl, make change of costume. The act doe. Ho presses In Jasper Jackson a ^ 8l8te(1 by a young „,„ 8nd . woaia ' n , T „e , ThJver » ut an J rtel " n la ">• . »">» "end Itself readily to criticism, but it P°rter, to act as office boy, and borrows an- aM i 8te d him In the death scene, sing- 1 AUU^Li, ¥.,. mXmix UttA m hnll ntMA Vint n P^fflllAV ... ... . . ... . __«, mnn'. nffino EMPIRE. ball game, but ju.t a comical game. Man Good business greeted the Cherry Blossom, nger and captain of team No. 1. Doc. Potter; on their opening, Sunday, 0, at the Empire, manager and captain of team No. 2, Joe Jack Perry kept them laughing, assisted by Hanrnhan. Score, 25 to about 20, In favor Jack Rose, Brownie Carroll. George Clifford, of Hanrahan'a team. Prise for winning Lillian Perry, Frank Dobson, Ethel Hall, (cam to win. Geo. Payne, Theresa Payne, Gertrude Brown, It wa. well worth It a» ervery play wae a Chat. Kelp, Frank Dodson. and others. The hearty laugh. One of the startling events Adi own on a big time program. About sixteen quires about the wife. Stockton thereupon minutes, full stage. Third Roto, introduces Mabel Chaae, his fiancee's chum, lng "Alice Ben Bolt" About thirty-four minutes, full stage. Toil. Close Brothers. as hi. wife. Blllle Qlllette. Mabel', fiance, UiMNBiaT1IM . 8i mondav EvwiNa, Oct. 7. arrive, and finds Mabel In Stockton', arms. 0n fuU gtage> thcg0 tm Jomg men offered ehon..7a"ertl^^ „_ , BUke nnd Amher. Iflght "nearly results but is prevented by "'IIV^*™™? """ C^r^um. Richarri. Dot RlcharA., Bee Harlln Kitty spite of the Set he felf down three times. Pboctob's Fimh Avbnub, Matinib, Oct. 7. * r ns " "„ lT !*'"'"' U "! "L-2, matters *" 8thletlC act n0t UP 5 ?. . g SH Hell, Ella 1'orbe., A. Ursula Carter, Chris- Doc. Potter, as a centre fielder, I. without To o much of everything and hot enough slr Charles. Just to complicate maucrs sta&dardLi Thetx moat difficult feat Is a hand tine Frances, Nellie Stanley, Kathleen I.of- a doubt a wonderful ball player, In fact, out f .. . . t „ t DMIentKa some more, Dollle Price arrives. Stockton . . . . h mmmm . b Mj, smaller tus. Violet Lambert, Ella Dane. Violet Llv- of sight, and ahould a ball be knocked toward ot °™ «■»« *»« sum8 ■»"• "7*™^™" rcfu9es to know her. Business of much weep- t0 . * * nt TSJ J. w tMs stunt Ingstnn, Ethel Enrlo; Bessie Clair. The staff: centre, some one would have to go and find by Wlnfleld Blake and Maude Amber, who ,„",,,",. _„i. „/!,.,„ of th « two- 0* about six feet. Max Armstrong, manager; Fred Jacobs, bu.l- "Doc" to catch the ball. He sure was some ni a d e their flrst appearance In thta country ln 8 on uome s part ana oilier word, between of the two, of about six feet, they missed three times. If done for effect iiess representative; Jack Perry, stage man- busy. Young Brown wa. a regular boll Mo „ d „ ma H nc e Oct 7 ncr and Mabel> HowcTer > as ,8 a 'wayB tho .. . „ . tn d | d „ ot no i d the cleclrlelan ; James Ryrnca, muster of prop- handed u» many laughs, which helped his they each possess much talent, but tho sooner «"' Bets nor own nance, diockioh gets me grcaJ . deal moM pract | C6 before they will be ertle., and Jennie llfpp, wardrobe mistress, team to wIIb» they Ket an act more up-to-date and with ml '»° n with five hours to spare, and every ^^ fM m b{g Um nght minutes. *" . '' "^L— —— — ■ ■ " ■ ._. . 1 . 1 . 1 1 _i '._ru. .11 ..*._ u.ima limnrnan lilano thn llitti-nv* ffti* Hliilr) OOtlV ]H UttpPj. DOO, CONSOLIDATBD D. 0. BMLARGD OFFICES. Iirought Into play, and to describe all the some Amcrcan ideas, the better for them good cats would take up entirely too much proportl elr preset space bus been added to their present office, nre thc officers of Hippodrome Attaches' As- affair, that brought them several lu tho 1'lt.gerald Building. sedation, and are: Joseph Eisner, president: m,.,. wholc D erformnnce con. body la happy. Their efforts met with very little approval, Throughout the entire act, which held the their best offering being a little burlesoue stage for twenty-flvo minutes there are many funny Incident, and clever lines. It wee* for a big hit Monday night. Doe. bpace. To make It short, one could .ay: tne | r bcBt 0 fl> or i nB being a little burlesque Bla B° Ior tweniy-nvo minuics, saw* turn iuauj. Prosi A. Hullane. OfBS h. , ."Srowu {o\Wrap 3 r?.onrISa ^ .^r^bl. for the^b.g. doing, opera at the conclusion of their mixed up ^J^+^JZ? "^ V^ Ham.bbbtbin's, Monoav Ev.N.Na,. Oc* t bows. «,» Thoa." Eltzgerald,' vlVe-pre.idVht; "B. Louis . Ciiabiks J Lyon has been UDOmted treas- »«"". flnanclal secretary; Dr. M. J. Potter, lesqulng the different style, ot, acta well ui^ef^tS^la^Th^r^YorV^. tSS^'fU'Su.^^Si'JStSSSSi^Si' im formerly asBlsUut. *« r y i Joun <^ 3 ^> sergeant-al-arms; Tony Tom Lb wis and ,UU Mikb DMthia (the ball vVgglnnora'ssUtwt^^^™^" player) are going Into vaudeville. • ' • Tun Fokuest Hotei., Philadelphia, Pa.. NKW KIUM OP MANAGBRS. has gono Into tbe hands of a receiver. „, .. ..._ .. „ „„.„„ T „„ .. .,,. Tub Playhouse. New York, will re-open Ed B ar , „ A " en r M n ' Jh*i2!E&Jl8ftJ2mJSl Ont ia win, "i itno Women " name of n new firm of vaudeville managers EDOA!. ALLBN.U 8. Kp. telD. Inc.. I. I BOW ?>' d Hftf** S'. 1 , 1 ",^ 'im^^n'thT corporation formed by those'two gentlemen «■•» , {J , ll K , 1 T» t « ^ t ^ efi A1 a ,„ ^^mcL^e in conjunction with l'carl W. Fa... V'^hP^JS?™!! ii,,imi,""^ Th. Plttsbi>rgh United Hooking Offices In the Htzgerald Building. have been Incorporated by Louts echaefer, ^^^^^"^^~ mmmmm ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Z Edward V. Darling and Cbns. Monarch. J. Auunrii Iiimir.Y hns Invented n new Ca- dillac drink, "Wilson," that', all, with "Sill- /it" on the side. This taU, nice looking young man la a wel- come addition ia New York vaudeville. He appears straight, In gray trousers and frock coat. He Is hilled as the Irlsh-Ajncrlcan ■Hebrew. The Irish part Is put Into songs which are rendered In very good voice. The Their whole performance consists of bur- . Jim Diamond and Sybil Drennnn. known in vaudeville, which has been done Colonial, Matinbhi, Oct. 7. to death here. Making their first bid for metropolitan Both nre fairly good singers, and with *aw a. a duo, at the matinee of Oct. 7, proper material will make a rattling good they can be congratulated for having put ,i ebrcw par t i„ i n stories which have a point, turn. Thc net run. about fifteen minutes, on over a nice little hit, and there Is no doubt Qn(] Bccured mlJth merriment. He closed full stage. Jack. that Improvement to their offering of songs, .. Go0 d-Bye Rose," and received some , dialogue ond dancing will come with added ^ ft(j hcartleat app , aU8e of the evening. Blllle Reevea ami Company. representations of thc act. Pboctob's Futh Avhnue, Matinbh, Oct. 7. Coming on In a conversation song, they Fifteen minutes, In one. Doc. The rc-iippcaranco of thla well known co- dld BOtt "> dancing, and Indulged In a llttte median, In n new sketch, called "A Lesson comedy dialogue which got by nicely. Mis. in Temperance," met with tremendous sue Brennan then rendered a song number which pleased, nnd Mr. Diamond then sang and It 1. one of the best pantomime, that ho d anced, his eccentric dancing step, aiding Proctor's Fifth Avenne BUI. Fob Webk or Oct. Id. Manager Gus McCnnc's aupcrlor wisdom cess at the Monday matinee here Bdw. T. Dixon wsb nppolnted receiver for 0 f billing real nets la again shown In the It 1. one of the best pantoml the German Medicine Co., ot Cincinnati, O., one he announces for week beginning Mon- has ever appeared In und Judging from tho nlm materially, and they closed with more t " , McTn , ty?e C, aml Ct 'lIeath will hend the bill. aa >°»nt of applause 'that was given him at 8 ong» and corned, that brought the applause on Sept. 211. Mir.r.i Hajoh will open In "The Spring Maid," at the Century, St. Louis. Oct. 20. (i. Franklin White will be abend, nnd M. J. Knlll will manage the show. Harms & Shlwyn are lo launch their new piny, "The Yellow Jacket," at Court Square 'lliontre, Springfield, Mass.. Oct. ill. Tiir rnonrcrioN of "Julius Cn>snr," .11- reetcd by Wllllara Fnvorshnra, began Ub sea- qpn at Toronto this week. Fuller McPlnh plnys the title role, William Fnversham that . nf Marc Antony, Tyrone Power n. llmttis, Fnink K.'innu ns Cnsslus, and Julie Ojni :is with a' repertolro of their choicest fun iiwkcrs. For the flrst half of the week they will offer "Waiting at the Church," nnd for the latter half, beginning Thurs- day. Oct 17, "On Guard," "The Man from It. conclusion, will servo him for some time unstintedly. to come. Most of his work Is done In thc Tl, eir first appearance here as a duo enn Atlollna Roattlno. Oobon, Oct. 6. Adellna Roattlno sang herself into popular favor at the Odoon, Oct 6, and taking her act from a singing standpoint, .he Is »ure oi the "0. K." stamp, But present day valine- vlllo demnnds moro than a more singing voice to make an act a headllncr, and herein i» Montann. MliiKlrel8." Laddie Cliff, tho dancing co- median, will be seen with new character material offered In his own Inimitable wny ; Iiesslo Clifford, tho "Sunshine Girl." also hiu n budget of new material to offer, In- rimllng her famous "I'm n Nut" song. incc acre as a auo can •* ".»»» »» -— - ---—--■ „ 0 t led- to chronicled as^one^ of the most successful. ^S^!^^ ISf^^S^U^^ rgan nlcel.v. lor of a house, the scene showing a bed- uu «"uu"iuu «° «"« <« «•"«= w»v ■wmsomcui -— "~~~ ~ . . fc ._ _. rtlv neglcc . As his work 1. so well known, It Is in Point of merit and a. an applause getter, wisely selected and she J"«WW I, %9l\ UIIUIll, AIM* mnil IIVIII . v/ifiu. uo uiry nuin ta ou nvai nuwrru, n, so -~ — — — -- ■ Vv-^-nnVI ad nil and by request, "The Georgia needlesB to go Into much details, no does that haa been witnessed on the local stage In tier wardrobe. Dressed as an Portia. It Is to be presented In New York others who will be seen to advantage are eniiy In November. Tub Ziecifeit) "Folubb or 1012" opened Oct. 7, at the Forrcrt, Phlladelphlo. There fie three nctK ond twenty-two scene., staged ■>y Julian MltclicJL An interior of the .Mou- lin 'OOUUo, New.York; exterior of the Mon lln Rouge, stage door of the Moulin Rnuge Ills usual business, and also gives several many a season, new stunts that nre knockouts. Thc sketch Miss Brennan was a fca»t to eye, In a ruus about twenty minutes, on full stage. charming pink costume. Old Timer. Jack. ' * " ' Lou Anger. Pepplno. Itonitn nnd Lew ileum, who slwnytt make Pepplno. Kami's Union Squarb. Evbnino, Oct. 7. J?.'.'i d w i h i th .h r ■25SL-i Bd i 2Z8SL' ?^ nn hi'^ Kbith'b Union Squarb, Evbnino, Oct. 7. A German comedian. In burlesque sotdlei! and Webb, the musical eccentrics, In their ..»_•.,, , ,.,. „ , » , , ,j. „, hnrmonlc skit, entitled "A Stormy Finish;" Attired in a fresh looking white flannel costume, offered a monologue on soldier llfo Wlllnnl sinim'i nnd company. In his laugh suit and canvas tics, Pepplno, billed as "The that'got over quite big. HI. material, how. Flat:" ln tne Fou^^rvStinclon? Ractl Accordion Marvel." showed that he was an ever, Is old in many spots, nnd he was Ih- grlndcr. she put over her flrst song Tho Pete Daley selections from tho Weber ^ Fields shows were not well done. The closint number, "My Hero," was beautifully IUW Miss Roatttno has the voice, but sho ieaw new songs and more appropriate costumes. ) I* « ft}!*' MURRAY BLEB MAKING 00° D ' Jurroy Blee, a Western vaudeville mona cor and. producer. Is fast bceomtaf »^ tt