The New York Clipper (October 1912)

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OCTOBER 12 THE NEW YORK CLIJ^KER. : t NOW LOCATED AT \r Mi* • ■ (NEXT TO THE GLOBE THEATRE) JEROH.ZH.REMICKSCO. MUSIC PUBLISHERS WE PUBLISH THI! lUNi "YOU'RE MY BABY" Br BROWN and A YHIl "EVERYBODY TWO-STEP By JOKES and HBRZBR "ON A BEAUTIFUL NIGHT WITH A BEAUTIFUL GIRL By COBB and EDWARDS "WHEN I WALTZ WITH YOU « Hy OUIIBLK and BRYAN "WHEN YOU'RE AWAY" Br BROWN, BRANT and YOUNG "MY LITTLE LOVING SUGAR BABE B}- MARSHALL and BVRFHV "MOONLIGHT BAY" Br KO. MADDEN "BE MY LITTLE BABY BUMBLE BEE Br HDRFHT and MARSHALL "MY LITTLE PERSIAN ROSE" Br WOOLF and FRJBDLAND .. MY MAN ■■_ WATCH FOR OUR NEW ONES IN PREPARATION- Br OONRAD, YOUNG M WHIDDBN R1ADV IN A WBOAf OasVYS "JINGLE BELLS Br HAVBZ & BOTSFORD W H. REIN/IICK & OO., Music Publishers 88 Library A.e.ue Detroit 19 West 46th Street, Now MOSE CUMBLE, Manager Profeaaional Department Majestic Theatre Bldg., Chicago OUT OF TOWN NEWS Kalaanasoo, Mich.—Fuller (W. J. Dob- aellr, mgr.)— '"toe Hhepnnd of the Hills" Oct. T. "The Littlest Rebel" 8, "The Siren" 10, "Don't Lie to Yoot WUe" 11, 13. Nancy borer company 14 ml week. AciuiMi (B. A. Bulb, mgr.)—"Tbe Yoke" 8-10. IUiestic (Lew U. Goldberg, mgr.)—Bill for 7-0 IiicIiiiUk; Broncho Busters, ButSugton and Emeile Bganor and Oe-Ko-Mo. For 10-12: Baermaii-Dr Foreat (to., Crouch. Rlcharda and company, Nmtor and Dalilberg, Demareet and Doll, Walaon Trio, and Majestlcseope. Business k-ood. Colonui/, Bun, Obfheum and Ltsio, moving picture bouses, arc all doing nice basinets- Grand Rapids, Mich.—Powers' (Harry a. Summers a Co., nigra.) Donald Brian, In "The 81ren," Oct. 11, 12: Lyman H. Howe's pictures 11), 20. Majestic (Orln Stair, mgr.)— "Rollicking Shannon" 0-0. "The Fortune Hunter" 10-12, "A Lucky Hoodoo" 18-10, "The Shepherd of tbe Hills" week of 20. Columbia.— Bill fur week of 7: Arthur Dunn soil company. Bote Magnuii, Nadell and Kane, Mimical Noases, Petit Family, Bay L. Royce, and tchnce and Flab. Uiuuirou.—Bill for week beginning 0: Jackson n»il Florence, Nahcr and Kappel, Seven Russell*, and the Whitings. 0*iiii<m,—Empire Stock Co., In "The Circus 01*1," week of f. Jnevaon, Mich.—Athenaeum (H. J. Porter, mgr.) Donald Brian Oct. 0, "Tbe Littlest Rebel" 18, Cohura Players 23. 21. « n Bu 22. <Frau * *• Lampman, mgr.)—Bill for «•»: Fielding and Carlon. Carter and Bluford. Mr. and lira. Alison, Bud Williamson, and Moore's Bab Rah Boys. For 10-12: Do Long n- 2; ^iE?, FlUler, Harry Beresfonl Co,, Ball and west, Hill, Cherry and Hill. ■J"**** «**«fc, Mleau—Post (B. B. Smith. i^T''» tB * Vtae T PeS Stoek Oo. for week of Utt, 8, excepting 8. when Donald Brian will be seen In "The Siren. 1, Buou (Will ManhaU, mgr.)—BUI for «-9: Hbermsn and Be Forest. Demsreat and Doll, . iv ' EkL »r*» sad company, Rosa and Hayes, •cm Ncatsr ant Dthlserg. For 10-12: "Cheyenne "*£•• ' Os-ku-nun, Bnfflngton, Johnson and Con- waj, itmiie Eganer. and Develda and Zelda. nJ? B . T 0,ty t Mich. — Washington (W. J. nZi7a M laV Wwn H. Howe's moving pictures 0r ',' 2 .,The Littlest Rebel" 10. lliJOD (J. D. Pllmore, mgr.)—Adams and Ouhl °"1°°»P»»7, In "In Sonny Spain." week of 0. good hi "X" 1 "* picture bouses all report dn!?? C »* rt £ , » J* 'f.-^jcenm <M. B. Wolff. ajrrj Wm. H- Crane Oct. TO. "A Rich Man's 10-12, ^Ben-Bur" week of 14. Mna May »; Paul J. iu>^ VSL'"*:' W9 pictures 10-12. mSSS (aP* *• P»rry. mgr.l-Tnurston, the vmSLSB !i aTeater and bigger show than mystlBed thotaands week ending 8. Hun- K..i,» ,n ,.; TS-* , 8as UCl. (-IP, "A H1CI S„„i2: I2 ',^ Ben - Hnr " »»* o' «■ S,™,!^. 1 JEi! n * r Wslters. agr.) — Bdi ,!?'* African Hunt pictures 10-12. 7* -EEL'S}™ 0 i"» "The Olrl In the Taxi "A wSK. W £ B *» . 10 - la - Kl«*nor Montell, In VBSMR N S»»V* M snd week. ii uBS? I?',?- Fta "' "»•».)—BUI for week of saawtti ?*' , * ln . «• Oreat BeU Family. Hen- na7>nii^JPU Ooghlan and company. n"'siT.s2! l *" , « 0lraB ■"" Herbert. Al. and Fan- S pictoratf - B "* e 8bcl? «3 r Bro «' •"" 1 •* moT ' "^"oirS*? .S , week lraS • m «''>- 0,,r * e, » Bon - »lTrrls^Li , - J 2jL 7 "? **£*«•■ Omrrad and Reed, Ilsltaa^l 222Zl L *_'"n«»e« »«d McNabb, ani I'Tntlee tCL "^OiDmeBa and Ryan, and tbe *S?3*&3 £Erss ^ of Week of7. 10 ' *"»". »gr.)—"Happy Hooligan" tf^^r^LyM.* faW^. ayJ-Qk week »ttr»ctkSJ Wa ' '*■'■ * BatMoa BsU" Is the i .V, L.I MISS ALBERTA LEE CHARACTERS AND GENERAL BUS. Long permanent stock experience. Responsible managera only. Addreea, stating salary limit. Care LITTLeH, F. R. D. No. O, Falns- Ttlle, Ohio. ^ EXPERIENCED REPERTOIRE PEOPLE For Tabloid Stuck. Clever Versatile Leading Wo- man, Character Woman to play some Juveniles, Character Han, Qen. Bos. lean with strong spe- cialty. One bill a week. No Sunday work. Six months' work to sober, reliable people. Send late photo to Insnre reply. W. L. BTBWART, FjrjBaajj Theatre, London, Oat. NEW COLONIAL ELMIRA, N. Y. OjE»KJkT TIME For good Combinations. Drama, Comedy, Hln- BtrelH, Kto. Write or wire _ MALCOLM gjBBOg, Mgr., Blrotra, N. Y. AT LIBERTY Band Leader Good rep. of standard iiiuali'. Cornet, B. and <>., sober and reliable. BERT PROCTOR, EXCHANOK HOTEL, PETERSBDKQ, MICH. WAKTEB, MAN WITH PICTURE MACHINE using gas. Sketch Team, one must fake piano. Will spilt money with team. Other useful people ' "DOC write. Add. >CT«n," MARSEILLLS, peoplt ,iLL Raetne, Wis. — Racine (0. H. Bantlicr, mgr.) "Offlcer 800" Oct. 0, Elks' Minstrels (local) 7, 8, "Within the Law" 13, Maud Powell, violinist. 14. , „,„ New Onrnrou (H. 0. Andreas, mgr.)—Bill for 7-0: Bldora and company, Wm. Tralnor and company, Stewart and Hall, Oueroo and Carmen, and Dr. Hermann. For 10-13: Fields and Han- son, Laurie Ordway. L'Agrslsora, tbe Gray Trio, Vslentlne and Bell, arc 1 , the moving pictures. Large business dally. _ MiJtBTio, Oiaho, Oariieuit, Buou, Lrato, Giv, AMnac and Casino, picture houses, all are doing well. _, _ Nots.— The Industrial Moving Picture Company, ot Chicago, bad operators in the city 8, 4. taking scenes along tbe lake front, local factories, lire department, etc. St. John, Can.—Opera House (F. G. Spen- cer, mgr.) "The Arrival of Kitty" Oct 8-11, H. Price Webber 12. Wllmot Young Co. 14 and week. NioKJSL. — Margaret Breck, Inei Milter and Floyd Baxter, la songs, and tbe moving pictures. Uniqub. —MovlDg pictures. HTAk.—Moving pictures. Gmi.—Anne Newlagton, in songs, and tbe mov- ing pictures. Ltxic— VaudcrUte and the moving pletores. Wnodaraoek. Oan. — Griffin's <M. Grlffln, mgr.) "The Spring Msld" Oct. 10. "The Lion and me Moose" 18, "Mntt and Jeff" 24 "Tbe Resarv" 80, with moving pletores sad taadevllle In lBUrrenlag dates. London, <3an.—Grand (J. R. Mlnhtnutr-k, mgr.) May Robson Oct. 8, "The BscheJor's Baby" 10, "The Spring Msld" 12. "The Pink Lady" 14, 15. Clarbadaie, Mtaa.—Now OUrksdale (Craw- ley Bras., mgrs.) season opened with "Lorjlslana Loo" Oct. 7. "Seven Days" 12. seleetWaa from comic opera, by local talent, under tbe aasptces of the local Lodge of Elks. 18; Coburs's Mls- atrels 23. Aittamma (Chas. Dill, mgr.)—Motion alrtsres gflrt senrs to good business. FOR SALnV-TonawandA Trackrss Merry-Oo- Rouud In nrat class shape, 1 .t of Well Trained Dors and Dovea. Picture Machines aud lot Films. Wanted, Featnre Films WUI BxchaDge, what have your PROF. HARRY bMITU, ORATZ, PA. WANTBiD -For Camclla Oil CO;, three Stetcb Tenuis that both do singles; also Dancer. State all yon do. L. SaUabnrry, wired yon ticket to Frakn- fo rt. Did. Dr. M. N. La Vers, Oaoo, Henry Co., 111. AT LIBBRTT-NOVBXTT ACTS, COMEDY JUGGLING, HOOP ROLLING, BJNO ACT, WIRB AMD BALANOWG ACT, CLUB JCGGUNO. No booze. Bert Stephens and Jack W. Irving, write me. Alf. Mondseilo, 018 Italuwla, tiU, Klmlra, N. Y. WANTKD-For my No. 2 Medicine Co.. All 'Round Performers that change fur w««k; Magi- cian that Btmiguts Aots, and a good Piano Player, lady or gent. Make your salaries right and slate all llmt letter. People that can't play oooze towns without getting drunk, don't write. No tickets nil- va iced unless I know yon. Bank refeienoes. Billy Kling, Stratford, Pultun Co., N. Y. RBPRODUCTIOKB—Better than tbeorlglnaT, from fi a hundred up. Bend to-day for our catalog, samples and price list on Reproduotloas, window Cards, Slides, Etc. FREE—One 6x7 reproduction from any photo. Bt-ud 10 cents to cover mailing expense. Your photo aud the reproduction will be returned next. day. Montgomery Commercial Studio, Lewis Bldg., Lebanon, Ohio. "ifodtson'j Budget Is certainly a great keefc Jar jperjormem (ft search of bright material." dui\ mm AW* iicAvoy. MADISON'S BVDOB.T No. 14V en- joying by far the largest sale In Bud- get history. No one wbo dims a liv- ing by making people laugh can afford to miss It The contests com- prise all that is new, bright aid original In tie kingdom of stage fan, including II monologues, 9 acts for 2 males, • iketcaea for male and female, f2 parodies, a great mluRtrel first part, a one act farce, besides sketches for two females, for male quar- tettes; also hundred* of now gags and "sidewalk palter" Jokes. All written by JAKBB MADISON In his best style. The Erice Of MADINON'8 BUM. El'N.. 14 i ONB DOLLAR ai,d yon can have your money back if you want It. Back Isants ont of print, exoopt Numbers 10 and 12. WUI send both for il.M). or Budgets 10,12 and 14 for $2. JAMBA 1CAJ>^;;,. -*i Ui for 11.60. or Budgets 10,12 /v^wHaJi" 0 "' WHO IS LOOKING FOR A YOUNG, CLEAN CUT, THOROUGHLY TRAINED House Hanager or Basiness RepreseiMve? Live, progressive managements needing a level beaded, capable business man, anywhere, In any capacity, after Nov. 10, make me a proposition. —Address- MANA8ER, P. 0. Box 4, i, N. Y. PVPNTHi^ OOWSS. 8TRKET AND ANKXB LlEaUW LENGTH DRBBSBS. SLIGHTLY D8KD. I cater to the Theatrical Profoaalon Mall orders promptly executed. BUI*. A. iaaTJK 461 SIXTH ATE., near 2Ttn St., New York City To Bur FAT MAN'S ROBBER 8F1T. OawttaBCAO bolnflatml. MBMbaehaap. OBAN. HAVXl^ «99 Ninth Awe., Bow Vox* Otty. FOR EVBBY PVRI'OSU 1,000 STYLES BSTABLI9BBD 1805 WBITB FOR OAT. No. 41 lin-117 So. Wabash Ave.. CHICAGO, ILL. NEW YOBK OPPICB, 1100 Broadway SmATTTH OrFICE, 008-10-12 First Ave., So. BAN FBANCIBCO OFFICE), 728 Mission at. The A. H. Andrews Co. WANTED IMMEDIATELY REPERTOIRE Clever, Versatile, General Actor, not over thlrty-flv« years old, who can play anytiilnar east tor. HaxMlaoaae Yomnaj Aotor, for Jovcnllo Loads and Hoavles; Largo Character Cosascllam, flsr Ooaaodr Old Moat ilandsomo Soeond Bnslness Wosaan, about thirty years of age, vrtth strong speaklasj volee. Will pay any .alary in roaaorn for artist* of aklltty. Address, with full particulars, photos, progransme, r.t*., jjr, CLARK LAILLEV, Canal Dover, Ohio. :^sv oni ED6AR ALLEN-M. S. EPSTIN Inc. HHJJ-eO BROADWAY NEW YORK PHONE 7006 BRYANT FITZOBRALD BLDG. ROOMS lODt-lOIitA VAUDEVILLE MANAGERS AND PROMOTERS WHITE WIRB TALL PIIONB WE CAN BOOK YOU RIGHT AWAY MR. BPOAP ALLEN trermerly of Wehor at Allen) Offlce and Basiness Manager DELLA PRINGLE t CIBIB fULWCH TBI!, tt fottare; 8U(JBB8, D.WCEBS, CiARACTBi COlKBIAi People who nave made good In Eastern repertoire wire. Wo like married people, children and dogs. If they are cievsr. Kasy work. Cowl engagement w light people. Toll all first letter. O. It. VAHACK.HH, Bdtnonton, Alberta, Caaada. WTIM8RE-LEIGH PLAYERS, Permanent Slock aB4fa>*a Banar^asrnw* * * ^ s'^aj.anif^Si^ar^.nTt, ^rJav. Sendphotoa. FXOPLB D All particulars. 0»s MO. par week . GOOD No Sunday show. .L4TIHORB St LEIQU, ▼•W,