The New York Clipper (October 1912)

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1« THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. October 12 flillOFIOWNNEWS •p OINGINNATI. •i Tbe coming of Pantaget' vaudeville has been Jforeossjted Id electric lights all over the city anil Suburb*; The Orpheura'*' re-dedlcatlon to vande- Syillg Mate* only two of.tie theatre* dark. Tbe Olympic 1* likely t to try atock once more. No fndicitlona of activity are to be Men at the new. Robinson; which waa cl&*ed Uat season by mu- tdclpsl action, pendlnf enforced changes In the .entrance*. Thus fat tho aeaaoo baa promised well. . GutTD Ofna Hoosb (John H. Hsvlln, mgr.)— "The Yankee "Prince" and Tom Lewi* cancelled, and Instead Frltil Scheft came Oct. 7, offering "The Lot* Wiger." Obarlea Cherry, remembered favorably fee Wa work bete In "Olrla," wi» wel- eomed by • food slsed?. audience* last week. ' "PassersBy" waa well recelred. John Hyiaw and Vila liclntyre, to "the QUI of My Dreams," Ltwo (James H. Pexmsssy, tngrM—The Atom Grand Optra Oo.'wlU4rlpe'«.pr«««tlnjr "The Tale* oaTBoffnunn." Doting tbe weak. "Madame Butterfly." "Locla 41 Ummemoor," VOanwn. . '"La Bohune," "Lohengrin," "Haniel and Oretei" an] "II Trovatore" will be seen, Bayard Veil- ler'i play. "Within the Law." waa a big winner tut week. "The Whirl of Society" 13. ' B. F. Kkth'b (Cbarle* I. Doran, mgr.)—Bert Leslie, king of alang, In "Uogan, the Painter," and ''The Apple of Paris" are featured week of 6. Other carda: Six Klrkamlth (latera, Bonlta and Lew Beam, the Tbree Keatona, J. Francla Dooley, and Oorlnne Ssylcs, Belle Story and Bob Btlckney's Little Circus. Pathe'a Weekly. * Waujdt STanw (William F. Jackaon, mgr.)— Heulsn Poyuter Is doe 0, In her new play. "A •Kentucky Romance." Al. H. Wilson enjoyed an- other great week In "It Happened In Potsdam. Bartley Oampbell'a "White Blare" will be revived »8. ■> BMMM (George F. Flab, mgr.) — Harrlaon Armstrong'* VOlrcnmatantlal Evidence" wliftbe the headlltier fl. Othera: The Mosarta, Fredfind Era. too Blnhoa, the Quaker Malda, John Neff, De Noyer and Dalne, In "The College Student." Motion picture*. Oiti'iiBUM (Isaac M. Martin, mat.) —Pantages' wauderllle will gain a foothold here 6, when Ned "Waylmrn's "The Surf Bather*" will bead the. llrat hill of the new order of thing*. Other*: L. H, Rou and company, In "A Matter of Cus- tom;" the Four Harmonious Olrla, LI Bonatl, llareena and Delton Brothers, Del Baity and Jap, Hbaw and Wilson, and World's event pic- tures. Tbe Winter Garden will be' opened with rnbitret features. Standabd (R. K. Hynlcka, mgr.)—Harry nast- Inga' Big Show arrives 0, after the successful so- journ of the Qlrls of the Gay White Way, di- rected by Gordon A North. Sam Hearn bead* the fun makers, and he Is given a lot of valua- ble help by Harry D. Ward, . Katelle Barry and Helen N. Eley. The Girl* from Happyland are due 13. Pxoplb'b (James E. Fenneisy, mgr.)—The Guy Widows bare tbe date here 0. They follow the Cherry Blossoms, who were In gorgeous bloom, (bowing to splendid advantage In ''What Hap- pened to McQuIrk" and "Widow McCarthy's Boarders." Brownie Carroll, Lillian Perry and Ethel Hall are a clever trio of comedienne*, who are splendid associate* for Jack Perry and Fraok Dodsoii. Three otber good comedians are George Clifford, George Payne and Charles Kelo. The Big Rcrlew follows' 19. Haucit's Opeba Houbb. —Tbe Lawrence Play- ers are miking three appearances a week, and 'en these occasions the tariff goes to a dime. Tbe ' ether regular picture bill* ■ ire tiling the house •t Ave rents. •• « Zoo (Walter Draper, mgr.)—Tbe Motion Pic- ture Exhibitors' Leaguo will bave an all day out- lag, S. and'be "Aimed" for fair, Two of Ohio'* candidates for governor—J. D. Cox and A. L. Oarford—will • face ■ the earners. "■ LTcat/K (Harry. Hart, mgr.)—Motion plcturea and' vudevllle. Auditobioh, Famii.t, Niw CaNTCBT, motion pictures and' songs, NOTES. ., The Hawaiian Singers have come across tbe tlver fror.i the Blue tirasa line to Alt Heidelberg. Tin Bunny South High Steppers were an added attraction at the Chester Park.finale. DON, tbe.talking dog, made the human kind k» to tbe kennel. ' He waa tbe big card it Keith's, chaperoned by Martha Haberland. i'aih slsiil crowd* enjoyed tbe two concert* by Soma's Band nt the Grand, Herbert Clark. Vir- ginia Root ami Nlcollhe Zedeler were tbe soloists. (Jiib Fbiiiihan spent part of the week here. Jambs DouoLiB tho'. veteran, once manager of Heuck's, appeared at Douglaa IlaU In a aketch or his own. "The'Skipper.and the Girl." Douglas was cast for "Oiptaln Mainstay," and he waa tided by OrTilic Smith, Billy Clifford, Earl Mayer, Harry Oaborn, Joe Adlck, Marie Smith and Mabel Edwards. IlABBT QOITMAN ANO KlD MU.TZEB. tWO lOCal Thespians, are putting on a vaudeville sketch, "The Wandering Thespian and tbe Fighter.' Miibiu Hall's South wing will aoon be rededl- eated to toller ekatcra as the New Rink. MRS. William M. Fripman, wife of Norwood's mayor, his been elected president of the Pro- fessional Headers' Olub. Maby Evans Da Vou» la to direct the preaen- titlon by the C. S. B. Dramatic Cluh, of a num- ber of one act plays. Paul Buss his written a new Indian opero, "The Fesat of the Rod Corn." It will be pro- duced by the Schuster School students. Emma Hicki.e la back from a Summer apeut at Cambridge Springs, Olabbnoi Aount, Otnclnnatl's pianist, will aiK-iul moat of the Winter In New York. , . ■ .• W. K. Oobuan arrived to prepare for "The Garden of Allah,'.' at Muslo Hall, late In October. 0. 8, Rom, of the Cheater Park staff, ha* gone lo the Paclflc Coaat on a vacation tour, and Incidentally to keep an eye open for novelties for . Chester next season., Cleveland, O.—Opera House (A. F. Harts, mgr.) "The Enchantress." with Kittle Gordon, week of Oct. 7. "The Woman".14 and week. . Colonial. (F. Hay Oomatock, mgr.) —"Tbe ' Ne'er Do Well," presented by the original Lyric Theatre cast from New York, week «f 7. "Little Women" week of 14. Keith's Hip'podroub (H. A. Daniels, mgr.)— BUI for week of 7: Plauche Walsh and company, Williams, Thompson aud Oopeland, Graham Mof- fat Players, Harry. B. Lester, Ethel MacDonougli. Mack and Orth, Five Mowatls, apd Alvln and Kenny. PlOBpnrr (G. M. Todd, mgr.)—Eleanor Mon- tell. In "A Woman's Name," week of 7; "A Fool There Was" 14 nnd week. Ci.kvki.and (II. D. Zlrker, mgr.)—The Holden Players, In "Kip Van Winkle,", week of 7; "St. Elmo" week of 14. ■ GRAND (J, II. Michaels, mgr.)—"AvUin of Honor" week of 7, Edna May Spooner, In "The Price Siio Paid." week of 14. Duoiiass.—"The Chorus Lady" week of 7, "Classmates" 14 nnd week. Htar (Drew & Campbell, mgrs.)—The Big Re- view week of 7. ■. •■ KuriRl (K. A. McArdle, mgr.)—Hen Welch's HnrlcHnuera 7 and week. l'nmciLLA (P. 1!. Seas, mgr.)—Gus Sun's Mln- FlrolB, with Woods, Ralton aud company, week of 7. Ai.iiamiira (Win. Ohase, mgr.)—For week of 7. "The Boheinlau Girl" Is shown In plcturea and the full score of the opera given by the orian nnd orchestra, under tbe leadership of Alfred Mcttdorf. , • Knito-vlUe. O.—Schults (W. S. Canning, mgr.) Big Mimical llevue Oct. 10, "He Fell In I-ove With Ills Wife" 12, the Aborn Open Co., in "The Bohemian Girl,'' 14; S. H. Dudley's the Sinnrt Set 17, "The Fortune Hunter" in, Geo, Sydney, In "Busy Issy," II. Okriixou (E. R. Harris, mgr.).— Vaudeville and pictures week of 7. Mac La Porte tud com- nny, In repertoire, week of 14 QI'iubv'b (W O. Qulmby, mgr.)—Moving plc- turea, to good business. jiiiToiiRout (0. W. Morrison, mgr.)—Moving. pictures. Business Is big. ." ■ „: American (Jamea Collins, mgr.)—Moving pic-' turt*. . "■', ' ".•' '* llinh, O.—I'nitrot (L. H. Cunningham, mgr.) "MtMtW Oct.-#, Aborn Opera Co., In "The'Bo- lietewr Wrl," 10. '■ • >" • OjVliiim <C; JWenikn, mgr.)—.BUI for' week ofJ"0 lnetaiHwf -Ftlber and Kagmln, Wright and c(svuu>'Hhoriy-.Edv.-nrds, Mavollo. Ruth Francis aWeorabany,-and "The''Naked Truth " GILLISS KANSAS CITY OPEN TIME Hs\T»> m HEW OPEN WEEKS far good Combination,, Drama, Comedy, Mln- stxela, etc. Write or 4*** L S, BRI8HAH, MW8AS CITY, MO. WANTED Heavy Ian, Two Juvenile and den. Bus. Hen g&Egf&^SW sfefe3# PLATBRa, Grand Jnnotlon, 1*., It; Hartley 16. • WANTED, FOR ORCHESTRA Violinist*, Leader* Pianist, prefer lady singer; Cometist who can double Viola or 2d Violin Host handle standard music. Alio good Juvenile Woman capable for tome Leads. Long season. Best treatment. Pat turn._ No drunkard* tolerated. Addrers E. B. 8T0QDILL, KOH. OAR- ROLL COMEDY CO., Logan, W. Vb,, week: Oct. 14. SKATING RINK FOR RENT The famouB casino hoi.leu RINK, In aflnneanoiuii now in full operation. Good Bond- ing. 110X180, with first class floor and gsod heating plant. This rink has always been a money maker, will give term lease to right party; immodlato pos- sesslon. inveatlgaM[thtamonei 'mMM.2™P°$- lion at once. BARRETT Se Z1MJIKR5IAN, Slid» ay Hone Market, St. Paul, Minn. I will lease a theatre for one to twenty years at a rental of five to fifty thousand dollars per year in any city with a population of over seventy-five thousand. Address with full particulars. "INDEPENDENT" care of CLIPPER Office. ROUTE LIST. Ho a teat Intended lor TUB ColBBB Moat Iteaoh Tbla Offloe Not Later IMa Satnrday of Batch T»Zeek to Ininre Insertion. DRAMATIC AND MUSICAL. Adams, Maud* — Charles Frohman'a — Augusta, aT, 10, Savannah 11, Jacksonville, Pla.. 12, Chattanooga, Tenn., 14, KnoivMe IB. Blrmlng. ham. Ala" 10, Nashville, Tenn., 17, Memphis 18, 18. Anglln, Margaret—Qsrrlok. Chicago, 7, Indefinite. Arllss. Oeorge—Llebler Co.'b— Montreal, Can., 7- 12, Plymouth. Boston, 14-28. Dove of Peace" — WilMr Damrosch's — Lyric, Lnneska,„Oene—Werbs,4 Lnescher'*—Woodstock ■■"'-j.i-i.i- <«-•« Ont., Can., 10, St. Tbomn 11, London 12 «!' Cathirlnea M. Nlagsra Falls. N. v., " 5 *?* ' port 10, Bstavla 17, Dunkirk 18, JaiuntoVnia "Little Miss Brown''—Wm. A. BradVs "Em 1 * Philadelphia, 15-20. Bltlnge. Julian—A. H. Woods'—Vancouver, B. C, Can., 10-12, Seattle. Wash., 18-19. "Evcrjrwomin." We»tern—Henry W. Savage's— Montreal, Can.. 14-19. "Excuse Me," Western—Henry W. Savage's— Amsterdam. N. t., 10. Syracuse 11. 12, To- ■tento, Ont., Cm., 14-19. __ "Bxcuae Me," isstern — Henry W. Sivage's— Lock Haven, Pa., 10, Huntingdon 11, Johns- town 12, Altoona 14, Latrobe 15, Oreensbuts; 16, Beaver Falla 17, Sharon 18, Youngstown, O., 19. "Essy Money"—Rochester, N. T., 10-12. "Ell snd Jane" (Louis H. Dalr, mgr.)—Dike. II., 10, Dystrt 11, Grundy Center 12, Beaman 14. Dows 15, Kanawha 18, Qoodell 17, Buffalo Cen- ter 18. Aho^En* ar. n d U 6 P er. 'Pacific (MUJon * l«a IT. Voung*town 18. Wheeling. W. V... ot MODERN THEATRE FOR SALE Town of 12,000 with additional drawing popula- tion of 15,000 within radius of six (8) miles. In New Jersey, thlrty-flve (86) miles from Phlladel- * phis. New house, three years old. Modem and up to date In every particular. Plays all big city productions. Beating capacity one thousand(1,000). Good reason for selling. Do not answer unless yon have at least bIz thousand ($e,00O) cash. Address X. T. Z., care of THE CLIPPER. ORIENTAL, DANCBRB, 8TOOK WOHBlf, HINGKRH and FIRST FART WOMEN, Give two to foor weeks. . A. HAMMERLY Bijou Theatre - - Hamilton, O. WANTED QUICK and Dancing IRISH COMEDIAN, 80D- wllh speclilty, good SKETCH TEAM, for "specialties; BLACKFACE COMEDIAN SlDglo BRETT ttth 1 dancing 8 n$£it£m AGENT who can and wul must be low. I wildcat and post. Balaiy We pay all. THOB. JL. FINN, Hoosloa Falls, f». Y. THURSTON'S HLUSI0HS EXPOSED Phantom Piano, Olrl and Mummy, a Bit of Fun, r-plrlt Pictures. Prisoner of Canton, Triple Trunk »nd B others all for 50 cents. QUAKER NOV. CO.. 2288 «. 4th ST., PHILA. Written to order. Snappy one-B0ts, two and three char- acters, just nnlBhed. Origi- nal, out-of-tne rat work. AddresB "FLIP," 406 North Sixth St., Terre Haute, ind. AT LIBERTY-ADVANCE AGENT or MANAGER Practical and experienced. Consider large or small attraction, ^ddreas JAMES M. SU1ELD8, 401GLADSTONE AYE., OTTAWA, CAN. WANTED AT ONCE iSSWWSSk Play or tbe White Slave. Must be cheap and In good condition. What have you to offerf •t" TEXAS BILL. DEOATDK, ILL. ORCHESTRA LEADER (Violli) it Liberty Double brass. Location preferred. Vand or Ploture House. Would travel. Dp au lines. Add. BBNJ. H. BROWN, BOX 45, DDPLEY, MAB8. AT LIBERTY, HAH ANO WOMAN, for Leads and heavies. Wardrobe and appearance. Most have ticket. Can join on wire. BDRTKN AND KN0LIS1II General Delivery, LANBIHO, M10H Aborn English Grand Opt... »•«-»•. '-r-srr. - Sargent Ahorn. mgrs.)—New London, Conn., 10, New Haven 11, 12, Baltimore, Md., 14-10. "Amaion*. The"—Charles Prohman's—Dulte e York. London, 7, Indefinite. " 'AlTaira' of Anitol"—Wlnthrop Atne*'—Llttlp Theatre, New York. 14, Indefinite. "Alma, Where Do You Live'" U. * Sanderj, ragr.)—Gtover»vill*. N. Y., 10, Little Fills 11, Oeuevi 12. "Angel of the Trail" (0. P. Parrtogton, bus. mgr.)-Jlr<)wnvllle, Me., 10, Mllllnocket 11, Pitten 12. Island Falls 14, Smyrna Mills 16, Houlton 10, Mara Hill 17. Blllle Burke—Charles Frobman'i—Lyceum, «ew York. 7 Indefinite. _ , Brian, DonsW—Charles Frohman's — Kalamasoo, Mich.. 10. Grand Bapld* 11, 10, South Bend, Ind., 14, Hockfonl. 111., 18, Madison. WU., 16, Bellmont. Satah— Minneapolis, Minn., 7-12, Bt. "Bon"nil»n I9 Glrl, The." Piclflc (Milton A Sar- gent Aborn, mgr».)—tawrenee. Ma**., 10, Leo- minster 11, Worcester 12, Oardner 14, Dover. N. 11., 15, Haverhill, Mass., 16, Salem 17, Portland. Me., 1 IS, 10. .„„.,... "Bought and Paid For"—Wm. A. Brady's, Ltd. —West End, New York, 7-12, Newark, N. J., 14-19. .. . "Bird of Paradise. The" (Oliver Morose*, mgr.) —Minneapolis, Mluu., 7-12, St. Paul 13-1D. 'Plue Bird, The"—Llebler Co.'a—Lyric, Chicago, 7. Indefinite.' ' "Bunty Pulls the Strings" — Sbubert-Bndy's— Montreal. Can., 7-12. .„.,_., "Bunty Pulls the.Btrlngs"—Shubert Brady's— Al- bany, N. Y., 10-12, New Haven, Conn., 14. "Ben-Hur" — Klaw A Erltuger'a—Rocbciter, N. X.. 14-19. "Brute, The"—Oomatock 4 Creit'*, Inc.—Thirty- ninth Street,' New York, 7. Indefinite. "Butterfly on the Wheel, A"—Lewi* Waller's— Washington. D. 0., 14-10. "Bachelor's Honeymoon, A" (Ollaon A Or*dfield, mgrs.)—OlarksTllle, la., 10, Oelweln 11, Fred- ericksburg 12, Lawler 14, Calmer 16, Clermont 18, Elgin 17, Lansing 18, Elkader 19. "Billy, the Kid"—Wm. Woodi' (Herbert Farrer, mgr.)—Buckhannon, W.-Va., 10, Phlllppl 11, Grafton 12. Slsteravllle 14, Washington, Pa., 16, Monosaen 10, Greensburg 17, Lewistown IS, Beading 10. "Balance, Tlic" (Oorhsm A Rowlader, mgrs.)— De Fere, Wis., 11, Manitowoc 12, Beaver Dsra 14, Fond du Lac 16, Sheboygan 10. "Baby Doll"—Milwaukee, Wis., 7-12. Clifton Crawford—Henry J. Harris'—Psrk, New York, 7, indefinite.- Crane, Wm. H. (Joseph Brooks, mgr.)—Buffalo, N. Y.. 1012. Charles Cherry—Charles Frobman's—St. Louis, Mo.. 7-12, Louisville, Ky., 14-10, Lexington 17, Columbus. O.. 18, 10. Carle, Richard, and Hattle Williams—Charles Frohman's—Chicago Opera House, Chicago, 7, Indefinite. Cohan. Geo. M.—Cohan A Harris'—Cohan, New York, 7. Indefinite. Collier, William—Lew Fields'—Utlci. N. Y.. 12. Chicago Grind Opera (Andreas Dlppel, mgr.)— I Milan spoils, Iud.. J 2. Clarke, Delia—Abingdon, Vs., 10, Bristol, Tenn., Big Stone Gap, Vi., 12, Boldlera' Home, 19 FlBke, Mrs. (H. G.Flske,. mgr.)—Montreal. Can.. 14-10. 1'aversham, William—Toronto, Ont., Can., T-12, Buffalo, N. Y.. 14-10. Faranm, WlllUm—A. H. Woods' (Harry Bryant. mgr)—Waihlngton, D. C, 7-12, Pittsburgh, Pa., 14-19 Farnum", Dostln—<A. H. Woods'—St. Paul, Minn., 7-12, Minneapolis 18-10. " _ . "Fanny's First Play"—Sara 8. ft Lee Shubert, Inc.—Comedy. New York, 7. Indefinite. "Fine Feattier*"—H. H. Fraaee'a—Oort'i, Chi- cago, 7. Indefinite. _ . _ "Fortune Hunter"—Cohan A Harris'—Grand Hap- Ids, Mich;, 10-12, Chicago 18-26. ."Fortune Hunter" (Ernest Schnabel. mgr.)— Charleslon, W. Vs.. 11, Ironton. p.. 14, Zanes- Title 10, Chllllcothe 17, Olrclevllle 18, Ports- mouth 19. .... . „ . , "Psost"—Manley ft Oampbell'a—Iron Mountain. Mich., 10, Florence, Wi*., 11, Or7«tal Falls, Mlcbl, 12, Iron Rivet 14. Itonwood 15. Besse- mer 16. "Flnil Settlement. The"—Wm. Wauwoer's (D. H. Lyall, mgr,)— Macomb. III., 10, Alfils 11, (liilesburg 12, Pekln 13, Mmlto 14, Lewistown 15, Iparu 10, Cuba 17, Stronghurst 18, Dallas Clly 19. . '■ _ '.- "Fool There Was, A"—Washington, D. C, 7-12. Cleveland, O., 14-19. Gordon, Kitty—Jos. M. Galtes'—Cleveland, O., 7-12. Olnaer, Vaughan (II. S. Carter, mgr.)—Kokomo, Ind., 10, Marlon 11, Anderson 12, Muncle 14, Richmond 15, Plqua, O., 16. "Governor's Lady, The"—David Delasco's — Re- public, New York, 7-Jaa. 4. "Garden of Allah, The"—llebler Oo.'s—Audi- torium, Chicago, 7-28. '. "Get Mch Quick Walllntrtord," Eastern—Oohan A Harris'—Qarrlck, Philadelphia, 7-12, Newark, N. J., 14-10. "Get Rich Quick Walllngford." Western—Cohan A Harris' — McVlcker's, Chicago, 7-12, Fort Wayne, lud., 18, Logananort 14, Frankfort 15, Marlon 16, Muncle 17, Anderson 18, Richmond -A. II. Woods'—Garrlck, Pbtladel- PLAYS ALICE HOWLAND'S PLAYS. 99.00 8KHTCHRS 00c. Plays and Sketches Written. Add. DAVENPORT, IOWA. 19. "Gyp*y Love"- phla, 14-20. "Greyhound, The" — Wagenhala ft Kemper'a— Brooklyn, N. Y., 7-19. "Ooose Girl"—Baker ft Osatle's (Fred G. Will- lain*, set, mgr.) —Monroe, L«.. 10, Arcadia 11, Shrereiwrt 12, Natchltochea 18, Alexandria 14, Baton Rouge 15, Plaqueinlne 10, Donaldaon- vllle 17. Thlbodiux 18, Houma 10. "Oraustark"—United Play Co.'*—Dyertvllle, In., 10, Independence 11, MnrshiUtown 12, Oaka- looa* 18, Newton 14. Brooklyn 15. Tama 10, Belle I'lalne 17. Traer 18, West Liberty 10. "Girl In the Taxi, Tbe," A—A. H. Woods' (John J. Dillon, mgr.)—Syracuse, N. X., 10-12, At- lantic City, N. J., 14-16. .. . "Olrl In the Taxi," B—A. H. Woods' (Fred Rider, mgr.)—Renova, Pa., 10, Lock Haven 11, Sunbury 12, Shsmokln 14, Ashland 15. Shenan- doah 10, Mahanoy City 17, Freeltnd 18. "Olrl at the Gate, The"—Harry Asklns'—Ll Salle, Chicago, 7, Indefinite. "Girl ot the Mountains," A (Wee ft Lambert. mgrs.)—Nevads, O., 11, Tiffin 12, Loudonvllle 14, Mlllersburg 15, Salem 17, East Fslesllne 11, Big Stone Obd. Va., W,. Bowlers' Home. 18 Esst Liverpool IB. S""."•."/•■ *!? e L. < "? IU, 7Jr N .'Q ( ^«i. , -?'.. H, SS ,r ?. "Gamblers, The'MEd. McDowell, mgr.)—Oar 10, Ashcvllle 17. Statesvlile 18, Charlotte 19. tbase. N. Y., 10, Ogdensbnrg 11. Addison 12, "Concert, The'y-Divid _Belasco's—Grand, New piattsburg 14. Bt. Albans, Vt,, 16, St, Johns- s i,0. — Smith;* (Tom A. Smith, mgr.)< Hlmmeleln's Associste' Pliyer*, ,ln : stock, had satisfactory returns week ending Oct, 5. i •' Buoo (A. Uimmerle, mgr.) — Bill for 7 and week: Princess Lets, Ona Wilton, Stella Clark. Joe Mertel, Lillian . Davis,, Wm." Harvey,. Babe Ray, and songs and ' pictures./ Good- bualneaa . , liiuNo (JoUu lo. McCarthy, mgr.)—Bill for 7 nnd'week: Jennie De Weese an«\Cubu, Francis Bryant ahd company, • Morgan ahd Emerson, Ja». H. Culled, Mary Ann-,.Brown, Uglleu and Beark- "aty, TheV—Dotted PUy Oo.'s—Brltt, la., 10, ley, aud photoplays. * •"(** **- " Emmetiburg 11, Sioux City 12, 18, Madison, Jbwbl,. Lvnio. Stai, Aibdouk, Roial and 8. Dak., 14, Dell Rapids 15, Pipestone, Minn., PfilNOBSB, motion picture theatres, report good 18, Fairmont 17, Wells 18, Waseca 10. business. "Common Law, The," A—A. H. Woods' (John Norse.—Manager Humioerle, of the BIJou. cele- Hope, mgr.)—Louisville, Ky., 0-12, Vincennes, brated his seventeenth year In the vaudeville bust- Ind., 14, Terre Haute ID, Decatur, III.,- 10, ness Sept. 30, by glvi)ig tho performer* aud house < Ujrbana 17, Danville 18, Bloomlngton 10. staff an elaborate unntpiet Edith New has "Common Law, Tbe," B—A. H. Woods' (Jnck York, 7-12. Reading, Pa., 14, Harrlsburg 10, Potuvllle 10, Easton 17, Dover, N. J., 18, Plalafleld 19. "Count of Lnxembourg, The"—Klaw & Erlanger's * —New Amsterdam, New York, 7, Indefinite. "Charily Girl. The"—Geo, H. Lederer's—Globe, New York, 7, indefinite, "a O. D."—Jobin Oort's—Buffalo, N. Y„ 7-12, Detroit, Mich., 18-19. - "Country Boy, The"—Henry B. Harris'—Indian- ipola. ind., 7-12, St. Louis, Mo.. 14-10. "Cow Puncher''-^Howard Brandon's (L. 0. Zel- leno, mgr.)—Dead wood, S. Dak., 15, Siwarnah 16, Belle Fourcne 17, Stnrgls 18, Rapid City 10. ^'Coming Home to Roost"—Harris ft Selwyn's— ' Hullls. Boston, 14,' Indefinite, been appointed piano player at the Grand. Hddle Helm, of last Beison'B "Tlirco Twins," Western company, has established himself In the mercantile business In this city, SprlitKfleld, O.—Fairbanks' (G. 0. Miller, mgr.) Nell O'Brien's Minstrels Oct. 8, "Frec- kles 12 New Sun (Sun Amusement Co., mgrs.)—Bill for week of 7: Three Melvln Bros., Marie King Scott. Ileunliig*, Lewi* and Henulngs, and Ray- monds Midgets. Sumter, 8. C—Academy (Abe Ryltenberg, mgr.) "The Traveling Salesman" bad a big house Get. 1. "Mutt and Jeff," 3, did tho biggest business In the history ot this house. Notb.— The local'Chapter of the United Daugh- ters of the Confederacy will present "The Country Fair," at the Academy of Music, on the evenings of 10, in. The funds derived from the perform- slices are to be used to erect a steel memorial brlilge over the old Dingle's Mill stream about ! three miles from this city.' This .bridge .H to be s memorial to tbe soldiers who died in» the battle of Dlngle'B Mill, wblch occurred .during• the wnr between tbe North and Booth. The' names of both the Confederate and the Union dead will be In- scribed thereon. . ; Mneoa, On,-Grand (Harry Bernstein, mgr.) "Mutt and Jeff" 11. Keith's vaudeville 7 and week. i- I'ALALB. MfyasTio, ahd Aliho all report good m I/ratc IC. 0. Deardourft, mgr.)—Tlie Barrett business, with motion picture offerings. "At Cosy Oornen," weck.of 6 NoTB*.—Rtngland. Bros.' Circus 8 :. The Roberts, mgrrf—-North Platte. Nebr.. 10, Kear- ney 11, Norfolk 12, Creaton, la,, 14. Albla 15, Oakiloosa 10, Orlnnell 17, Iowa City 18. Clin- ton 10. "Common Law, The," C—A. H. Woods' (Ben Probst, mgr.)—Denlsun. 'fex., 10, McAlester, Okla.. 11, Oklahoma 12, Vi. Tulsn 14, Mus- kogee 15; BarttcBvllle 10, -Coffey vllle, Kan.; 17, Indeiiendencc 18, Pnrsons 10. "Common Law, The," D—A. H, Woods' (H-. C. Holde, mgr.)—Brockton, Msbs., 10, Westerly, R. I„ 11, New London, Conn., 12, IMalntleld, N. J.. 14, Dover, Del., 10, Fboenlxvllle, Pa„ 18, South Bethlehem 19. "County Sheriff, The" (Wee & Lambert, mgrs.)— DpylcBtown, Pa., 10. Royersfnrd 11, Bridge- ton, N, J., 12, Tremont, Pa., 14, Tower City 15, WllllaniBtown 10, LykeQB 17, Huntlngilon 18. Altoom 19. "Commercial Traveler, The" (Richardson ft Reis- er, mgra,)—Pawnee, 111., 10, Owaneco 11, 12, Rlverton 13, Ashland 14; 15, Virginia 10, IT. Beardstown' 18. 19. "Oasey Jones" — Rowland ft Clifford's, Inc.— Memphis, Tenn., 7-12. Nashville 14-19. Drew, John —Oharles Frohman's — Empire, New York, 7. indefinite. De Korcn Opera (D. V. Arthur, mgr,)—Boston Theatre. Boston, 7, Indefinite. "Divorce question, The," Central — Rowland ft Clifford's, Inc. (Fred Douglas, bus. mgr.)— Savanna. III., 10, Galena 11, Dubuque, la., 12, Sterling. HI., 13. Morrison 14, De Kalb 10, Rockford 16, Woodstock 17, Hammond 18, Joltet 19, 'taf&rs ., i, 'JhiBsMLtNn.. Star" llftTAt, and' KMriiy motion Oeorila Slate t'slr will taks place here from 15 "DaaghteVof Heiveo, The"—Llebler Oo.'s—Cen >*^^law*es,;.«rt all doing welL' " -to »0, Inclusive. ....::.;. tury, New Xort. IS, Indefinite. ;aiM§* HnK*sVw \:Cm burg 17, Barre 18, Burlington 19. "Girl of tbe Underworld, A," Eastern (Wee A Lambert, mgrs.)—Dolgerllle. N. Y., 10, Herki- mer 11, Amsterdam 12, St. Johnivllle 14. Boon- vllle 15, Lowvllle 16, Camden 17, Oxford 18, Utlci, 10. . "Girl of tbe Underworld, A," Western (Chas. Parker, m«r.)—sterling III., 10, Morrison 11, Mollne 13. Maquokets, la., 14, Oxford 15, Am- nios! 10, Manchester 17, Independence 18, Dyersvllle 19. "Girl of My Dreams"—Jos. M. Galtes'—Erie, Pa.. 10, Elyrla. <)., 11, Columbus 12, Hamilton 18, Cincinnati 14-10.' "GamMera, Tbe" — Kllrat ft Gaxsolo'B — Grand, Pbtladclpbla<7-I2. Washington, D. 0„ 14-19. "Girl of the Suuny .South, The" (W. 0. Downs, mgr.)—Rumford, Me., 10, Farmlngton 11, Wis- CnHrWt 12 "Girl Outlaw, Tbe" (Clyde Anderson, mgr.)— Bilttburg. Pa., 10, Cokevllle 11, Blulrvlllo 12, Homer City 14. Hitchcock, Raymond—Colinn ft Harris'—Grand, Chicago, 7-Nov. 23. Hodge, William—Llebler Oo.'s—Baltimore, Md., 7-12. Washington, D. C. 14-19. Hllllnrd. Robert—Klaw & Erlanger's-'AUantlc City, N. J., 17-19. Hnwtrey, William (A. G. Delamater, mgr.)—St. John, N. B„ Can., 11, 12. "Hanky Fanky"—Lew Fields' — Broadway, New York. 7-Nov. 2. i- "neart Breakers, Tho"—Mort H. Singer's (8am Myers, mgr.)—Los Angeles, Cal...'7-12, Bra Diego 13. 14, Pasadena 15,' Yuma, Arlr., 10, Phrcnlt 17, Tucson 18, BUliee 10. "House of a Thousand Candles," Eastern—0. 8. Primrose's—Streator, III., 13, Tolucn 14. "House of a Thousand Candles," Western—0. S. Primrose's— .Merrill. Wis., 10, Khlnelnniler 11, Iroirwood. Mich., 12, Ashland, Wis., 13. "Hnpny Hooligan"—Gus Hill's—Patcrson, N. J., 7-12. Grand. Philadelphia, 14-10. "In Old Kentucky" (D. Conssdlne, mgr.)—Port- lsnd. Ore., 7-12, Marysvllle, Cal., 14, Wood- land IS, Sacramento 16, Stockton 17, Oakland 18. 10. Kolb. Dill and Maude Lillian Berri—San Fran- cisco. Cal., 7, Indefinite. "Kindling" — United Play Go's — Victoria, Na- tional, Crown (In order, named), Chicago, 7-28. Loralno, Robert — Llebler Oo.'s — Hudson, New York, 7, Indefinite. ... ,- Lloyd, Alice—Werba A Luescher'a—New Glasgow, N. S., Can., 10, Sydney 11. 12, Amherst 14, Moncton, N. B., 16. Frederlcton 10. Bangor, Me., 17, Watervllle 18. Concord, N. H., 10. . Lombarill Pacific Coast Grand Opera—Sin Frari- elsco, Cal.. 7-10. Lewi*, Dave^—Rowland A Clifford's, Inc. (Dave Seymour, mgr.)—Kcndallvllle, Ind., 10, Kail- uinoo, Mich., ll, 12, Indlanspolis, Ind.. 14-19. i .i-'im ~ft. .. ■ -,*j *: A. BrBdv's. I.ta'^l Forty-eighth Street, New York, 7, Indefioits "Little Boy Blue"—Henry W. Ssvage's-iisL tic, Boston, 7, indefinite. "'" "Little Millionaire" — Oohan ft Harris-— v,.. Brunswick, N. J., 7, Biyonne 8, PlilnHeU 0 Allentown, Pa.. 10, Atlantic City. N J ii 12, Baltimore, Md., 14-19. ' "' "Little Women"—Wm, A. Brady's, Ltd Plsv. house, New York, 14, Indefinite; "•—•'") "Little Women"—Wm. A. Brady's, Ltd Wb«.i log. W. Vs., 12, Cleveland, 0„ 14-19. "Louisiana Lou"—Harry Ajkin's—Walnut, Phlli. delphla, 14-20. "Lion and the Moose, The"—United Play Co's— Nipinee, Ont., Osn., 10, Belleville 11, Klntstoa 12, Hamilton 14, Owen Sound 15, Stratford 16, London 17, Woodstock 18, St. Thomas it. "Lottery Man, The"— Merle H. Norton'*—fflt, souls, Mont., 11, Wallace; Ida., 12. Uwliitoa 18, Colfax, W«»h., 16, Dayton 10, N'nlla Walla 17, North Ylktma 18. Ellensburg in. "Littlest Rebel, The"—A. H. Woods'—Coldwster Mich.. 11, Adrian 12, 8aguiBW 14. Bay rjltr 16, Flint 16, Lanalng 17, Jackaon 18. Ludlnr- ton 19. "Little Tenderfoot, The"—Kllmt ft Gauolo'a (!*• D. Ellsworth, mgr.)—Norfolk, Vs., 7-12. Blrii- mond 14-19. "Life 1 * Shop Window"—Crown, Chicago, 7-12. Mintell, Itebert B.—Wm. A. Brady'*, Ltd.—Btl tlraore, Md., 7-12, Brooklyn, N. Y„ 14-19. Mason, John—Obarle* Frohman's—Garrlck, New York. 7, Indefinite. Mann, Louis—Werbs ft Luescher's—Brooklyn, N. Y„ 7-12, Jersey Clly, N. J., 1419. Miller, HeoTy—Klaw ft Erlanger's—Grand, New York, 14-19.' Montgomery, Stone and Elsie Janls—Charles DU. llngbam'i—■Chestnut Street Oper* House, ri.ll> delphla, 8, Indefinite. MacDonald. Ohrlatle—Werba ft Loescber'*— Balti- more, Md., 7-12. Washington, D..-C, 14-19. Mack. J. H. (Chatterton ft Bruno, mgra.)—El- more, Minn., 10, Winnebago 11, 12, Coofrry IS. St. James 14, Madella 15,. Lake Oryatil 10. Manleton 17, New Richland 18, 19. "Million, The," Eastern—Henry W. Harare's— Adelphl, Philadelphia, 7, Indefinite. "Merry Oounteu, The"—a*m S. ft Lee Bhoberl. Inc.—Casino, New York, 7, Indefinite. "Milestones"—Klaw ft Erlanger's—Liberty, New York. 7, Indefinite. "MIlMtones" — Klsw ft Erlanger's — Blackitonr, Chicago, 7, Indefinite. "Modnrn Eve, A"—Mort H.. Singer's—Prlowii. Chicago, 7, Indefinite. "Modern Eve. A" — Mort H, .singer's (Henry I'lerson, mgr.)—Springfield, III., 10-12, Mil- waukee, Wis., 18-16, Fond du Lac 17, Jane*- vllle 18, Madison IB. "Midline Sherry." A—Sfadame Sherry Co.'a, lot. —Columbus, 0., 10, 11, Toledo 12, Buffalo, N. Y„ 14-19. "Mcdame Sherry," B—Madame Sherry Oo.'s, lac. (Fred Boa*, mgr.)— Athens, (in.. 10, Mllledgf vllle 11, Macon 12. Atlanta 14, 15, Chattanooga, Tenn., 10, Knoxvlllc 17, Nashville 18, 19. "Madame Sherry," C— Madame Sherry Oo.'s, Inc. (Davo Poster, mgr.)—Marietta, 0.. 10, Parkers- burg, W. Vs., 11, Fairmont 12, Bellalre, 0„ 14, Veadvlllc, Pa., 10, Youngstown, 0„ 18, Sbiron, l'a.. 19. "Madame Sherry," D—Madame Sherry Co.'*, Inc. —(Geo. Cuenet, mgr.)—Reynoldavllle Pa., 10, Butler 11, I'unxsutawncy 12, Indlsnina 14. Em- PDrluui 15, St. Marya 10, Rldgwiy 17, Jobnaon- urg 18, Bnokvllle 10. "Madame Sherry." E—Madame Sherry Oo.'s. Inc. —(Ed. Lester, mgr.)—Olrclorllle. 0., 10, XenU 11, Sablna 12, Mecbanlcsburg 14, L'rhuna 15, Bellefontalne 10, Marysvllle 17, Kenton .IB, Lima 19. "Msster of the House. The"—8am S. A Lee Sho- hert, Inc ^Thirty-ninth Street, New York,- 7, Indefinite. ■ „. "Man Higher Up, The"—Jo*. M. Galtei'—Olyn- pic, Chicago, 7, lsdefinlte. "Ills* Nolxidy From Starlsnd"—Mort. H. Singers (Chns. Donaghne, mgr.)—Fort Worth, Tex., 16, Dallas 11, Waco 14, San Antonio 10, 10, Austin 17, Houston 18. 10. , „ t, "Mls»ourl Girl, The," Ea*tern—Merle II. Nor- ton's—Plymouth, Ibm 11, Northwood 12, Aua- tln, Minn., 13, Le Roy 14, Spring. t alley ID, Harmony 10, Preston 17, Buahford 18, U Crosse, Wis., 10.' . ■ . h , "Mlasourl Girl, The," Western—Norton ft Rim J —Kallauell, Mont., 10, Columbl* Falll 11, San* Point, Ids., 12, Bonner* Ferry 13, 8plrit IjBM 15, Rathdrura 16, Ohewelab, Wash., 17, OM- vllle 10. „ . . -., , ,■ "My Wife'* Family"—Arch, Philadelphia, 7-1Z. "Military Girl, Tbe" (Floren* ZlegfeM 'j —American Music Hall, Chicago. 7. taiWW* "Mutt and Jeff," Special— OusHUPb-BuImb). N. Y. 7-12, Pltttbargh,.Pa.. 14-10. ._ "Mutt and jeff —Gus Hill's—Altooni, Pa., 1«. "Mutt and Jeff"—Gus Hill's—Macon, Ga.. II- Nsilmova. Mme.—Charles Prohman's—Lexlngto". Ky., 10. Indianapolis, Ind., 11. 12. St. Louli, "Ne'er Do* Well, The"—Authors' Producing «.'• —Cleveland, 6„ 7 ; 12, PJttsburgh, B, }V v {fo. "New Sin, The" — Llebler Co.'s — Power*, cago, 7, Indefinite. . , ..,„, > "Naughty Marlotti" (A. Hammerstctn, mgr.) Memphis, Tenn., 12, 13. nlr O'Hara, Flske (A. J. Pltou, mgr.)— U**» _ ™J N. J.. 7-12, Knoxvlllc, Tenn.. 14. ON'MWHR 16, Atlanta, Ga., 10, Annlston, Alo., ", »"" mlngham 18, Hattlesburg, Miss.. IB. . k . "Oh I Ohi Delphlna"—Klaw t Erlnnger s—Ml" erbocker. New. York. 7, Indefinite. "Oliver Twist"—Lleblet Oo.'s — Plymouth, w . ton, 7-12, Springfield, Mass., 17. „ , "Offlcer 006" —Cohan ft Harris 1 — Gaiety, »« , York, 7, Indefinite. . ir.^i.'—Lis "Officer 668," Weatern—Cohan A H^vtSsai Angele*. 6al„ 7-12, Bakcrsflcld "• 'J,*'"!? 14, Son Jose 15. Stockton 16, Sacramento Hi Marysvllle 18, Ohlco 18, ^ „,._win- "Offlcer 086." Middle—Cohan A Harris -*«» sted, Ccnn., 10. rlewburgh, N. V.. ll, }««{| keepslo 12, Mlddletown 14, Port Ji-rvW j^ Kingston 10, Rutland, Vt„ 17, Bennington 1* Troy N Y 49, "Offlcer odo,"''Sou'tliern-^Cohsn ftjla"!,"' naves- at-< .f.m ,vj,,.:, .\-i- -r:j>.i ford, 111., 10, D|xon 11, Kewnnee 12, D**" port, la„ 18, Sterling 14, Clinton l.>. """J; 111., 18, .Rock Iilarnl 17, Muscatine, la., >»' "Ow'Hlme.te'a'd." Bonthe™ (Frank Thorny mgr,)-Pine Bluff, Ark., 10, Hot Sprl«g» J; Little Rock 12, Memphis, Tenn •JK*-'- [ £ M - vllle 10, Chattanooga 17, Knoxvlllc IB. i«" "oft-;Ho - »eatead." .fflPf* "5Sf«jS ; mgr. (-Seattle. Wash., 7-12. Tacoma 13, W ; pill 14, Hoqulam 16. Aberdeen 10, Lima • Oetvlralla 18, Kelso 19. . «.„.,t N. J-i "Over Night"—Wm. A. Brady's— Newsrk, «• "Our i'lllego Postmister" (CUbs. B. Mill*. **[} .+-Plfleld? Wis.. 10. Prentice »- llll c ^ 1 , F ,Ui Bice Like 14. New Aubnrn 16,, Oblpl>c>vs -10, Augusta 18, Alma Center 19. .:i >inr<... ■ '<•;*' •;" "!»» f •• „• fjkp ,