The New York Clipper (October 1912)

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OCTOBER 12 THE NEW-J3TORK CLIPPER. ■n | B *» B O-C* weekfrju^ly. „ n yon KKAIJZB that the eae^miimBioMct ' B^JwrnSt Uw styles '»'•" fftWS^^S: S e ^?8S the i»?«nre [O-O] slmplvnriSy^tolBV K*S?»'w-OT.4 HSSBIrK matter of great prtd^toM- B y6jj pLAY CHIOAao sft &«««?» S bS3 wSUwayo and forever. Meal Store Service, r , urn 'phones), BarriBon WW. Jot It down.; •mm Day"—Ohs*. E.' Blaney's—HudBon. N. I., tS Kligstob 1J. White Plalna 12, Newbargh 1 ' Panoury. Conn.. 15, Walden/N. * 16, atakill 17, Bautyjrties 18, Poughaeepale.19. . .•01 Olson" —Ben Henorlck's-Carrlngton. N. rUk 10, Harrey 11. Anltnooae 12. t ~". Posers' Jtme«T.--«am 8,. aVLee Shubert, Inc.— Brooklyn; »• *V WlH B«f. ««w **«. ■MM Benlaa-OHeinDatl, p., 7-12. «pXh Wedding, A'^-Oohan * Harrls'-JTr*. npiS TUlrt Floor Back.The"-^am 8. *i*c shubert, lnc.-^rliudtaUl, Maes.," 10-12. '•pink Udy, The"—Klaw A Erlanger'i—London, out Can., la, 15. "Puiik'in Hoaker, The"—Wm. Wameher's (J. E. fiirrlck. mar.)—Lebanon, lnd., 10, Crawford*- ,111.-11, Braall 12, OoaJmont 18, Hyroera IE, Shelburn 16, Dnfflar 17. • "Putting It Over' r —Frank Hatch imote. Co.'a (Jn». Wblttendale, gen. mgr. (—Davenport, la., 10 Cedtr Baplda 11, Dea Molnea 12, Kaoaaa City. Mo., 18-19. "Pair of Country Kida, A" (0. Jay Smith, mgr.) —Chtrletton, Mo., 10, Dexter 11, Poplar Bluff 12 Cairo, 111., 18, Corning, Ark., 14, Walnut Rl'dgc 1ft. Bartlearllle 16,. Newport 17, Arka- delnbla 18, Texarkana, Tel., 10.' "Paid la Fall," Baatero—0. B. Primrose's—Rock Baplda, la., 11, 8k>ox Falls, B. Dak., 18, Can- too 14, Hawardeu, la., IB. "Paid In Full." Weatern—0. 8. Primrose's—8tt- wrlor, Nctir., 11, Jamestown 12. ••parlilio Model, A"—Brooklyn, at.X, 1410, "Quaker Olrl, The.". A—Henry B. Harrls'- Imilal, Boston, 7-Not. »..■■'.._ • —Co- "Quiker Olrl, The." B—Henry B. Harrli'—At- lanta, Oa., 7-12, Birmingham, Ala., 14, 16, Selms 18, Montgomery 17, Mobile 18, 10. Ring, nionebe (Frederick McKay, mar.)—Lyric, Philadelphia, 7-12, Hartford, Conn., 14-16. Wsterhury 17, Springfield, Mass., 18, 19. Ring, Julia (J. P. Goring & Co., nigra.)—Mont- gomery, Ala., .10, Penwcola, Fla., 11, Mobil*, Ala., 12, New Orleans, La., 18-10. "Rose Made, The." A—Werba A Lueecber'a— Washington, D. 0.. 7-12,' Baltimore, Mo., 14-10. "DOM Maid. Tbe." ooothern—Werba A Lueacher'* New Orleans, La., 7-12, Dallas, Tea., 14-10.' "Beady Mcney"—H- H. Freaee'e—Mexlne Elliott, New York 7, Indefinite. "Ready Money' 1 (France A Brady, mars.)—Wynd- him'n, London, 7, Indefinite. "Brady Money," Road—H. H. Frateo'a—Molloe, 111., 10, Davenport, la., 11/ La Orosae, Wis., 12.- Minneapolis. Minn., 13-10, "Bed Rose, The'' — John, 0. Flaher'e —OrlUie, (int., Can,, 10, North-Bay 11, Sudbury 12, Sinlt Rte. Marie, Mich., 14, Marquette 15. Hancock 10, Calumet 17, lahpemlng 18, Glad- stone 10. . • •• • ; "Rebecca of Hunnibrook Farm"—Klaw A Er- itnger't—Globe, London, 7, Indefinite. ••Rose of Panama. The"—John Oort'a—Denver, Ook)., 7-12. Bait Lake City, U., 14, IB, Ogden 16, Reno, Nay., 18. 10. "Sollicking Shannon'' (Al. McLean, mgr.)—Fort Wayne, lnd.. 10-12, Dayton. O., 17-10. "Rotary, The." Weatern—(Rowland A Clifford'*, lac. (Dare Ramaft, mar.)—Bay City, Tex., 10, Galveston 12, 18, Ilouaton 14, Bryan 15, Maritn 16, Oslvert 17, Mexla 18. Wa*o II). "Roaary, The ," Soutkem—Rowland * Clifford's, Inc. (Gus Henderaon, mgr.)—Andalusia, Ala., 10, Oolnmbm, Oa„ 11, Eufaula, Ala., 12, Amerlcua, (la., 14; Dawson 15, Richland 16, Qulncy, Fla., 17, Marianne 18, Apalachlcola "Rotary, The," Circuit—Rowland A Clifford's, Inc. (Win. Lamle, nogr.)—Pittsburgh, Pa., T- 12, Youngttown, 6., 14-16, Erie, Pa., 17-18. Roaary, The," Ooaat—Rowland A Clifford's, Inc. (M. B. Smith, mar.)—Anthony, Kan., 10, Win. ■ell 11, Arkansas City 12, Coffeyvllle 13, Par- sons 14, Fort SooW IB. Obanute 16, Onwego 17, Oolnmhus 18, Olrard 19. 'Round-Up"- Csl., 712. "Rojary The"—Rowland A Clifford's, Inc. (Ga*- Jell A MeVltty, Inc., mgra.)—Montrose, Colo., 11, Onray 12, Tellurlde 14, Rico 15, Dolores ..„ ' Ma"" 1 * 17, Dnrauujpo 18, Antonlto 10. Rojal Hlate, A" (Geo. H. Bubb, mgr.)—Syra- '"»•,'"«'••, 10, Bremen 11. Nappanee 12, War- saw 11, P ymouth 15, Akron 10, Rochester 17, Kewanua 18 Logsnauort 10. - -,' ¥"»! "SS A'—Jamea Forbea'—Hoch; SJSj, N. Y., 10-12, Harris, New York, 16. to- 2l™i' "!•. H ^' • na ,ul »* Marlowe (Lee Shnbert, gHtaWB Opera Home, New York, 7- 8k i!!r , , ot } , df , f w ''* Brlanger-a-HililnMa, 0b> a.^f,. 7 ' 'ndeBntle, • fee I 2 > 8*~ lI * nr » B - Harrla'—Park, Boston, 7- "York P 7 r !5ec* : 2 I) * TW Be,< " 00 '»— Beta » c0 - Mew "'tT, ' F r lt"*~ Jo ?- **•' CiaiWaH-Cincinnati, O., 7-12, ludlananolla, fiicL, 14-16; .• I■■•■• ' • ' i? M , r .'i *' ; 1 na Mayr-Nlagara Falls, N. Y., 10- »ffi' ft"" 1 ?!. <£■ W. Herman, mgr.)—Jackson- rllle. 111., 10, p.n« n, p.rl. 12? «go, 7*2 "^ B " Woods'—National, Chl- "w.'ff.. 0, « tlle „ p o». A»—Weber A FleldV— "«hSf r ".' *(ew.York.- 7. todeBalt*. Mrpherd of the Hills, The" (flatten A MeVltty, i «g*!t ■ P sUTsHllH SJ. O., 7-12, Toledo 13-10. Hheplierd of the Hills, The" (GaakaU * MeVltty, it^rBgU. i!?»ajliiK Mb",. 10, Wlllmar i , LUchneld 12. fit. Cloud 18, Bralnerd 14, wIS , 1B i, S*"! 16 - '•I" Falls 17. "ASSSn.% D **- If, Beafleld, 8. Dak., 10. snenberd of the Hllle, The" (Qaikell A MeVltty. M, mrrs.)-Jreciunaeb, Mich., 10, Morencl 11, Mm'^'i' 2;' ,J . Napoleon 14, OtUwa 15, tola io H,<!ta » ll, « lTTBaUer, lnd., IB. A»- Sg^Wy^sMiajt Philadelphia, 7-12. It '.,'° . th * Hou "«. The"—Merle H, Norton'* SSsWS - -_. Pt - 10 - Bhamokln 12, Wlll- 2HBS! ii l Bloomsborg 15, Berwick 10, Gl- "s&SZ '* »• AaWand iff. . aSuSS %?■• rht " «>«" Graham, mgr.)— "l£li. r ?"' !•*» 10 - <luanah 11, Oklaanloo 12. uui D .»>a" (Jesse. Well, mgr.)—Yaaoo City, "las., io, Greenyiue 11, OUrkaTllle 12, Mem- •JSs. sn> 18-10." ■ i« n n Mt A"": ( p «rt Play Co., mgrs.)—Bax- HSS, p *- 2°- Mejeradale 11, Boawell 12. Blalr- W.}*t .mmM i 16, Donora 16, Brownsville Th««t«- r, S lU,WB l w ' v «'«-1*. Fairmont 19. «2 T'.f 0 ".*™ < J *<* lonea, mgr.)-<Rironto. -Sfe.»•» Buffalo, N. Y, U-19. J$&£&%Rl3L d»»™™*i». ■*■>- taJf^Jp^HsWjJ B. Harrla'—Hollls, Boa- T N™'v^5 ^•Sl'—*•' H - 'ffooda'-Orlterlon, "TmlLii otk i. 7> 'ndennlte. VggJW. lhinsllll. To*"—Henry B. Harria'— tto^^JiJH" 1( L p *orla 11, 12. Crown, »*■ T *"(S lBC SkHfnian.'xbe," Boothero (A. 8. Stem flllTVi VJ-^atlBwinTa). Fla., 10, flalnea- JoaTiB 1, a«!" ,h y* e «*• Albany, Oa.. 14, Ma- UnhiJ: A i ne 5f S Oreenyllle, 8. O., 17. Bpar- On? nE**, Jnf'-OnlteA Play Oo.'s—Barrie, „ n ,B Oy-tjl£JMlana 11, Peterboro 12, Oo- "!w. 'fl5f lle jO to 16. Ofdenalmrg. N. Y., 16, toil 10*' ' *?". "■ BfockTllfe 18, Klnga- "T>t«LTwlna" (pwiip H . Na»ln. mar.)-AnbnTD. "<«mi i 1 B , a2 B *iS" !*! Broctrllle, 0*n„ 14, loVboro ffi, "' KlD »« ton 17, Belfciyllle 18, Pe- ^ndon^i, %"* J B *™r «'«»». mgr.)-New «helhm'«^a' i 0 ' E™ 1 **" 1 "• ShelbyTllle W. " ■""■i" (Bo» W. Buspatm, mgr)—Eec- AiiJf'ik 1 SL?i* 1 ?5, I i ,1 » ■"; Henrletu 12. , J^AntSaSVa 6 *. 80 ™ T ' ^ WOra rrown Ma.-ehaU, Tbe f ' (Wee A Lambert, man.) —Lincoln, Me, ,10, Bar Harbor 11. Bangor 12. Uncle Tom's Cabin," Eastern—Kibble A Mar- g?.« *k Kibble. mgr.)-Muncie. In*. 10. Anderaon 11, La Fayette 12, Kokomo 14, Hontl lngton 15, OoIJwater, Mich., 10, Jackson 17. South Bend, lnd., 18, 10. ar-rmti ti. "Uncle Tom's Cabin"—Stetson's (Leon Wash- . 'Se7phr•l , ^of w8rt • N - '•■ *- H " t,> '«? mar.)—fiiaiibrook. la., 10. BadcliSe 11, Lohr- l}} e , 1Z ',I' ak r Icw "• E »"J 16. OalVa 16, KIngsley 17, Mondamln HE • ■ * Van, ,o Bl U 7 B -l8<alr A HaTllu'a-^betwlt, Mlob, 7-12, Grand Ilaplds 13-16. ""™»- «"««•. ad«pbIa. , 7*ro fl ~ D " 1 ' 1 , Be, » l »«>'»-B»»a. p hU- Waller, Lewis, and Madge TItheradge—Dab.'a, New lork, 7, Indefinite. • W al5S' W | ,1 , t ? 1, S' <W *"* r F,0 H "aX)r-D*t»lt f %} zJ'tf; D * T «2P°Jt. K 14. Oedsr Rapids W1 LoS'., M<,, H 7.ii? ldaW " ='"■• ■ -ff 0 ~ 8t " Walker, Obsrlottc— Klaw A Erlanger's-Newark. «,.?,-. J " 7 -l?. Brooklyn, N. Y., fflO. : hi a , ,M ii E 'l h fr -A J tbo i °- Alstoo's-Blnnlrig- ™. n * m '^ ln - M2 - Montgomery 16, 16. J ' 7^2"' A " * nd P1 "J*"— AUm,,c OltJr N. "Woman, - The," Eastern—Darld Belaaco'a—Can- 14°10 10 ' Akr0D ■ Elyrl * 12, 0lCTelaai1 "Woman, The," Western—Darld Belaaco'a—Port- .land, Ore.. 7-12, San Franaltco, 0al„ 14T26. "Woman Haters' Club, The"—A, H. Woods'— Astor, New York, 7, Indefinite. Within the Law"—Am. Play Oo.'a — Eltlnge, New Tork, 7, IndeOnlte. •Within the Law"—Am. Play Co.'a—Frankfort. Ky., 10, Lexington 11, 12, St. Loais, Mo., 13- "White Slare, The"—Minneapolis, Minn., 7-12, Cincinnati, O., 13-10. T"- * "' "Winsome widow. The" (Florcna Zlegfeld Jr., mgr.)—Colonial, Chicago, 7, Indefinite. Whirl of Society"—Sam 8. A Lee Shnbert, Inc. —Cincinnati, O., 13-10. "Wrong Way, The"—Hart's, Philadelphia, 7-12, Newark, N. J., 14-10. - - "Woman In the Case, Th«"—Omaba, Nebr., 10- "Wooian'a Name, A"—Olerelan' 0., 7-12. Zieafeld's Follies (Florena Ziegrtid Jr., mgr.)— Forrest, Phlladelphtl, 7-19. STOCK AND REPBIITOIHE. ... „ Permanent and Travrelins;. All Star Stock (M. II. Quleslan. mgr.) —St. James, Boston, 7, IndeOnlte American Theatre Block (James Wall, mgr.)— American, Philadelphia, 7, IndeOnlte. Academy Stock (F. R. Henderson, mgr.)—Jersey City, N. ■ J., 7, IndeOnlte. Aubrey Stock (D. Otto miner, mgr.)—Clarks- burg, W. Va., 7-Not. 1. Angeli's Oomedlana (J, 8. Angeil, mar.)—Hor- ton, Kan., 7-12. Brown. Kirk (J. T. Macanley, mgr.)—Red Bank, N. J.. 7-12, Alltntown, Pa., 14-10. Boyer, Nancy (Wm. Morgan, act. mgr.)—Battle Creek, Mich., 7-12. . Belgarde Stock (Leslie B. Smith, mgr.)—St. Jonnsrllle, N. Y„ 7-12. Fnllonrlllc 14-19. Balrd, Grace (John Loyerldge, mgr.)—Lockhart, Tex., 10. . . .. • Belosco Theatre Stock (Oliver Morocco, mgr.)— Los Angeles, Cal., 7, IndeOnlte. Bishop Players (H. W. Bishop, mgr.)—Oakland, Cal., 7, Indefinite. Borbauk Stock (Oliver Morosco, mgr.)—Los An- geles, Cal., 7, IndeOnlte, Breckenrldge Stock. (Chaa. Breckenrldge, mgr.)— ^Spring Valley. 111., 7-12, Canton 14-10. BI)ou Stock (Geo. II. Hickman, mgr.)—Nashville. Tenn., 7, Indefinite. Bom. Nancy, and Her Btock — Battle Creek, Mich., 7-12. Kalamaaoo 14-19. Chauncey-Kclffer (Fred 0. Chauncey, mgr.) — Bloomsbarg, Pa., 7-12. . Chalne-Llster, Northern (Glenn F. Chase, mgr.)— Brookings, 8. Dak., 10-12, Tracy, Minn., 18, Watertown, 8. Oak., 14-10, Clark 17-10. Chattendon, Arthur (N. Appell, mgr.)—Jackson, Mich.. 7-12. Cornell-Price Players (Cornell A Price, mgra.)— Ypailautl, Mich., 7-19. Carleton Slaters (Varney A Montgomery, mgra.)— Raleigh, N. 0., 7-12, Staunton, Va., 14-19. Carroll Comedy (B. B. Htogdlll, mgr.)—Pomeroy, 0.. 7-12. Logan. W. Va., 14-10. Colonial Stock (Cortimid Hopkins, mgr.)—Kent- Till*. N. 8., Can., 10-12, Kingston 14, 15, Lawrencetown 10, 17, Mlddleton 18, 10. Craig Stock (John Craig, mgr.)—Caatle Square. Boston, 7, Indefinite. Crescent Players—B. F. Keith'*—Brooklyn, N. Y., 7, IndeOnlte. College Stock (T. 0. Gleason, mgr.)—College, Chicago, 7, Indefinite. Davit Stock (Harry Davis, mgr.)—Pittsburgh, Pa., 7, IndeOnlte. Doyle, Edward (Doyle Bros., mgra.)—Angola, lnd., 7-12, Adrian, Mich., 14-19. Duchess Stock—Cleveland, O., 7, Indefinite. Drama Player* (K. Weston, mgr.)—-Lowell, Mass., 7, IndeOnlte. Dillon A King Musical Comedy—Oakland, Cat., 7. Indefinite. Ewlng, Gertrude (Wm. N. Hnilth, mgr.)—Fre- mont, Nebr.. 7-12. Norfolk 14-19. Earle Stoch (I.. A. Earle, mgr.)—Wooster, 0., 7- 12, Sanduaky 14-19. Ellwood Ittock .(Prince Rllwood, mgr.)—Arctic, Conn., 7-12, Wlllunantlc 14-19. Fleming, Mamie—Hart's, Philadelphia, 7, Indefi- nite. . . Frank, John R, Player* (0. Ausklngs, mgr.)— Albuquerque, N. Mm., 7, lndennlte. Fox Mualcal Comedy (Wm. Fox. mgr.)—Academy of Alualc, New York. 7. IndeOnlte. Flaeher'i Mnsical Comedy (B. A. Fischer, mgr.) —Loo Angeles, Cal,, 7, Indefinite. Oormand-Ford Stock (Harry Gormand, mgr.)— North Bend, Ore., 7-12, Ooqullle 18-19. Oreenpolnt Stock—B. F. Keith's—Brooklyn, N. Y„ 7, Indefinite. Gotham Stock—B. F. Keith's—Brooklyn, N. Y., 7, IndefiLlte. . . Oayety Theatre Stock (Okas. Franklyn, mgr.)— Hoboken, N. J., 7, IndeOnlte. Hlmmeleln Associate Player* (Ira E. Earle, mgr.)—Lancaster, 0., 7-12, Wheeling, W. Va., 14-10. Hayward, Once Stock (Geo. M. Oatta, mgr.)— Warrington, Chicago, 7, IndeOnlte. Hayes, .Lucy, and Associate Player*—Oketo, Kan., 10-12. Hlllman'i Ideal Stock (Harry . Bobna,. mgr.)— Grafton, Nebr., 10-12, Republic, Kan., 14-10, Scandla 17-10. Harlem Opera House Stock—E. F. Albee'a—New York, 7, Indefinite. Home's Stock (Col. F. P. Horn*, mgr.)—Erie, Pa., 7, Indefinite. . Holden Btock (Holden A Edwards, mgra.)— Cleveland. O.. 7, indefinite. Juneau Btock (J. H. Relchert, mgr.)—-Milwaukee, Wit., 7, indefinite, . . Keen*, Lorraine, and Aisoclttc Plarera rence Amuse. Co., mgrs.)—Grand Island, Nebr., 14, Indefinite. Knickerbocker Stock, Western (Eugene J. Murphy, mgr.)—flturgit, Mich., 7-12. Kllmt A Oaaaolo Stock—National, Philadelphia, 7, Indefinite. • • Kllmt A Oaaaolo Stock—Baltimore. Md„ 7, In- definite. , _ .. , Keith Stock (Jam** E. Moor*, mgr.)—Portland, M*., 7, Indefinite. . _ _ Kelly, Sherman L., Stock (Harry B. Sherman, mgr.)—N«w Elm, Minn., 7-12, Sleepy By; 14-19. Long Stock (Frank B. Long, mgr.)—Oakalooaa, la., 7-12, Marahalltown 1410. • La Port*. Mae (Joe McKnroe, mgr.)—Cnrrollton, O., 7-12, Zaneavllle 1419. • Lynn Stock (Jack Lynn, mgr.)—Danavllle, N. Y., 7-12, Medina 14-10. • Lehr, Ida, and her Stock—Carlsbad, N. Mex., 7-12 Lyceum Stock (Lee Norton, mgr.)—Elmlra, N. Y.. 14, Indefinite. . _ _ ,. Lyceum Stock—Fox A King's—Ogden, 0., 7, in- Mack. nl Andrew. and Associate Player*—Oakland, Cal., 7. indefinite. _»_j..« Morlson Btock (Lindsay Morlaon, mgr.)—Lynn, Mass., 7. IndeOnlte. , ..." Marlowe Players (F. 0. Schwabe, mgr-)—»*r- ■ low*. Cblcago, 7, Indefinite. \_nwn Manhattan Plarers (Geo. E. B*own, maT.)-Trm- - ton, N. J., 7, inileflnlt*. **" •-- T Mailer A D*nnl»on Stock—Lawrence, M*s*., 7, Indefinite, . . ~ __, .,,_.. •»-»«'■ Maher Stock (Phil-M*her, ap,)—Okm* •Wis, N. Y.. 7-10. PIMPLES FRECKLES BLACKHEADS Are Ugly Features—Refined Folka Avoid Your Acquaintance. FRECKLE-FACE And Coarse Pokb Always Repulsive. "Yaa'k" (Special) Quickly Removes these Homely Spot*—Tbe Greatest Remedy In the Wide World for Quick Results. Get "YAAK" (oTJecUl). Have you- ever sees so many careless people with r sallow, rough facto; scraggy, hollow chcpka; pimply, blotchy skin, walking tbe ■treets, In street can, and in tbe stores and fit social gatherings? They ought to know that their own friends turn from them with disgust Freckles and coarse pores are an ugly sight In society and business life. Re- fined folks usually avoid meeting tbose. with such repulsive looks. Tbe .very worst case of pimples, blackheads and blotcby rash, freckles and coarse pores can positively be got rid of with "Yank" [Special], The greatest remedy In the wide world for quick results: Dollcate, harmless and fascinating to tbe skin. Abso- lutely free from dangerous drugs. "Ynak" is purely Herbs, Vegetable, Oils of Nnts. Lily BulS Juke, Cerhctne, Olive and Cocoanut chips whlcb gives the face a youngful glow appearance. Apply a little at night, and every morning vou will quickly.see the change. Just try It and be convinced. "Yaak" positively gives you a pearly-wbltc, velvety skin. Just nsk anybody wbo has used it. Even the first application will amaze you. Get It to-day. Now don't delay It for to-morrow and permit those ugly features on your face. "Yaak" sells everywhere In America for no cents per box. Beware of substitutes; don't accept it, but demand for "Yaak." Ask the druggists In town, or else will sblp direct to you, postage prepaid.—The Yaak Mfg. Co., 2315 Indiana Ave., Chicago. Put Yaak "Special" on year shopping list to-day. There la nothing on the market can equal It. UsihlatS Stock—Logantport. lnd., 10-12. ' National Stock (Bourke A Brown, mgrt.)—On- trollt. 111., 7-12. Vandalla 14-19. North Broe.' Stock (".Sport" North, mgr.)—Okla- homa. Okla., 7. indefinite. Orpheum Player* (Grant Laferty, mgr.)—Cheat- nut Street, Philadelphia, 7, Indefinite. Ornlieum Stock (T.'L. Shecley, mgr.)—Jersey City, N. J., 7. .Indefinite. Ornheum Players (Mills, Palmer A Brown, mgra.) Bay City. Mich., 7, IndeOnlte. Fayton Slock (M. 8. Bchleslnger, mgr.) —New- ark. N. J.. 7. Indefinite. Peruchl-Oypaene 8tock (0. D. Peruchl, mgr.)— New Orleans, La.. 7. Indefinite. Prlncle, Delia, and Stock (0. E. Van Antes, mgr.)—Edmonton, Alt*., Can., 7, Indefinite. Frlnceaa Player* (0. L. Blharda, mgr.)—Taco- nia. M'a»li., 7, indefinite. Proapert Theatre Btock (Frank Oertten, mgr.)— Prospect, New York, 7, Indefinite. Pabat German Stock (Ludwlg Krelit, mgr.)— Milwaukee, Wla., 7, Indefinite. rickerts, Four (Willis Plckert, mrr.)—Port Jer- vls, N. Y., 7-12, Cornwall 14-10. Reynolds A Rots Stock—Louisville. Nebr., 10-12, .Ashland 14-10, David City 17-10. Royal Btock (Oliver Mclirlen, mgr.)—Montreal, Can., 7, Indefinite. Itoselelgh Stock (Jack Roselelgh, mgr.)—Okla- homa, Okla., 7, Indefinite. Snooner, Cecil, and Btock (Louis T. Foss, mgr,) —Metropolis, New York, 7, Indefinite. Sl11u1iK.11 stock (Harry Bhannon, mgr.)—nillaboro, <).. 7-12. Wilmington 14-10. St. Claire Stock (Harry St. Claire, mgr.)—Prince Albert, Bask., Can., 7, indefinite. Stalnach-Hards Btock—Ml. Vernon, N. Y., 7, In- definite. Tnmi. Sarah, and Thurlow Bergen Stock—Sin Francisco, Cal., 7, Indefinite. Tempest Stock (J. L. Tempest, mgr.)—Barnes- boro. Pa., 7-12, Van D;ke A Baton Stock (F. A 0. Mack, mgrt.) —Superior. Wla., 7. Indefinite. Wlnnlnger Bro*.' Stock—Milwaukee, Wit., 7, in- definite. Wolfe Btock (J. A. Wolfe, mgr.)—Wichita, Kan., 7, indefinite,' ' Young. Wllmot, and Associate Players—St. John, N. B„ 1410. WHKKL IHBI.B8QIIK SHOWS. ' C'olamblti—Eastern. Al. Reeves' Beauty Show—Garden, Buffalo, 7-12, Corinthian, Rochester, 14-10. American Beauties (Dave Gnran, mgr.)—Oayety, ..St Louis, 7-12, Oayety, Kansas City, 13-10. Beaut?, Youth and Folly (W. V. Jennings, man-.) —Oayety, Toronto, 7-12, Garden, Buffalo, 14-10. Bcbman Snow (Jsck Singer, mgr.)—Empire, Al- bany, 7-9, Franklin Square, Worcester, 10-12, Oayety, Boston, 14-19. ..... Bon Tons ■ (Jesse - Burnt; mgr.)—Hurtlg A Sea- mon's, New York, 7-12, Murray 11111, New York, 14-10. Bowery Burietqoera (Geo. H. Hsrrls, mur.)—Oay- ety, Newark. 7-12, Casino, Philadelphia, 14-10. College Olrl* (II. U. Hedge*, mgr.)—Columbia, New York, 7-12, 8ter, Brooklyn, 14-10. Ooliimbla Borlesqner* (Frank Burns, mgr.)—Star, Brooklyn, 7-12, Btnplre, Hoboken, 14-10, Em- pire, Paterton, 17-10. Cracker Jacks- (Harry Leonl, mgr.) — Murray Hill, New York, 7-12, Park, Bridgeport, 17-10. Daxtlen, The (Chat. B. Arnold, mgr.)—Oilmore, Springfield, 7-0, Empire, Albany, 10-12, Gayety, Brooklyn, 14-10. Drenmland Burlesqoera (B.Travert, mgr.)—Park, Brldgeiiert, 10-12, Westminster, Providence, 14-19. • • Gaiety Girls (Phil Paulscraft, mgr.)—Empire, Pateraon,. 7-0, Empire,. Hoboken, 10-12, Gayety, Philadelphia, 14-10. Gay Masqueradera IMoe Messing, mgr.)—Oayety, Philadelphia, 7-12, Hurtlg A Seatnon's, New York, 14-49. Glnicer Girls (Manny Rosenthal, mgr,)—Olympic, New York, 7-12, Empire, Pateraon, 14-10, Kui- lilre, Hoboken, 17-10. . . - ■ . . . • • Girts From the Great-White Way (Frank Parley, ■ugr.)—Oayety, Louisville, 7-12, Oayety, St. Louis, 18-10, • •• Girls From Happyland (E. W. Oblpman, mgr.)— Columbia, Cblcago, 7-12, Standard, Cincinnati, 1310, Golden Crook (Jaa. 0. Fulton, mgr.)—Weatmla- iter, Providence. 7-12, Casino, Boston. 14-10. Bastings'. Show (Barry HaatlBga, mgr.)—Stand- ard, Cincinnati, 7-12. Oayety, LoulavllW, 18-19. Jolly Follies (Al. Rich Producing Co., mgrt.)— Oayety, Brooklyn, 7-12, Olympic, New York, 14-10. Knickerbocker* (Louis Eoble. mgr.)—BUr and Garter, Chicago, 7-12, Oayety,. Detroit, 13-10. Love Maker* (Ira Miller, mgr.)—Lay off week Runaway Olrl* (Peter S. Clark, mgr.)—Cbrln- tnlan, Rochester, 7-12, Beatable, Syracuse, 14- 16. Social Malda (Root. Conn, mgr.)—Oayety, Wash- ington, 7-12, Gayety, Plttsbargti,'14-19. Star and Garter Snow (Frank Wclsberg, mgr.) —Gayety, Kansas City, 7-12, Oayety. Omaha, 18-19. Tail Glrla (Louis liurtljr, mgr.)—Gayety, Balti- more, 7-1S, Garety, Washington, 14-19. Trocadero* (Frank Pierce, mgr.) — Otyety, De- troit,' 7-12. Gayety, Toronto, 14-19. Welch's Bnrlesouer* (Jacob Lleberman, mar.)— Empire, Cleveland, 7-12, Empire, Toledo, 18-19. Winning Widow (Jacob Ooldenberg, mgr.)—Ca- sino. Philadelphia, 712, Gayety, Baltimore, 14- 19.' World of Pleasure (Dare Gordon, mgr.) ; —Em- pire, Hoboken, 7-9, Empire, Pateraou, 10-12, Gayety, Newark, 14-10. Empire— Western. - - Americans (Ed. E. Daley, mgr.)—Oayety, Min- neapolis, 7-12, Grand Opera House, St, Paul, 1S-10. . • Anto Olds (Teddy Simomls, mgr.)—Empire, Brooklyn, 7-12, Empire, Newark, 14-19. Blx Review (Henry P. Dixon, mgr.)—Star, Cleve- land. 7-12, People's, Cincinnati, 1.1-10. ' - ■" Bohemians (Al. I.nbln, mgr.)—Avenue, Detroit, 7-12, Star. Toronto, 14-10. .-•■• } CVnttry Olrlt' (Walter ■ ureaves. mgr.)—Krug, Omaha. 7-12, Century. Kanats City, 18-19. Cherry Blossoms (Mix Alexander, mgr.)—Empire, Chicago, 7-12, Oayety, Milwaukee, 1.1-10. Dalfydlllt (Arthur Muller. mgr.)'—Standard. St. Loult, 7-12. Biicklnghtm, I^nlavllle, 13-10. Dandy Olrlt (Abe Uonfian, mgr.)—Lay off week 7-13, Krog, Omaha. 18-19. Dante'i Daughters (Cliaa. Taylor, mgr.)—Rlghth Avenue, Now York, 7-12, Howard, Boston, 14-19. Follies of the Day (Jack McNamara, mgr.)— - Century. Kanats City, 7-12, Standard, St. Louis. 13-19. Gay Widow* (Louis Oberworth, nurr.)—People's, Cincinnati, 7-12, Empire, Chicago. 13-10. Glrla From Missouri (Lewis Talbot, mgr.) — Grand Opera House, St. Paul, 7-12, lay off week 18-10. Girls From Reno (James Madison, mar.)—Bow- ery, New York, 7-12, Empire, Philadelphia, 14- 10. Girls From Joyland (Sun Williams, mgr.)—Ca- sino, Brooklyn, 7-12, Eighth Avenue, New York, 14-10. High Life In Burlesque (Chaa. Falke, mgr.)— - Bronx, New York, 7-12, Empire, Brooklyn, 14* 10. Jarclln de Pari* Girls (Morris Walnatock, mgr.)— Star. Toronto, 7-12, Lafayette, Buffalo, 14-10. Lady Buccaneer* (H. M. Strouae, mgr.)—How- ard, Boston, 7-12, Grand Opera Houte, Boston, 1419. Merry Maiden* (Edw. Bchaefer, mgr.) — Grand Opera Monte, Boston, 7-12, Bronx, New York, 14-10. Mist New York Jr. (Wm. Fennetsy, mgr.)—Ly- oecra, Washington, 7-12, Lyric, Allentown 14, Academy, Reading, IS, Majestic, Harrlaburg, 10, MIsMcr, Altoona, 17, Cambria, Johnetown, 18, White'* Opera House, McKeeaport, 10. Moulin Ronire— Trocedaro, Philadelphia, 7-12, Em- pire, Baltimore, 14-10. ■ , Monte Carlo Olrl* (Tom Sullivan, mgr.)—Em- pire, Philadelphia, 7-12, Casino, Brooklyn, 14- Orlentals (Wm. C Cameron, mgr.)—Columbia, Bcranton, 7-9, Orphriim, Pateraon, 10-12, Bow- ery, New York. 14-19. Pace Maker* (R. E. Fatten, mgr.)—Empire, New- ark, 7-12, Ornheum, Patersou, 14-10, Columbia, Ncrtnton, 17-10. Qneeni of the Folic* Bergere—Counlbtn A Shan- non's—Folly, Chicago, 7-12, Avenue, Detroit, 18-19. - Rote Bud* (Lew Livingston, mgr.)—Gayety, Mil- waukee, 7-12, Otletr. Minneapolis, 13-19. Star* of Stagelaad (Wm. Dunn, mgr.)—Orpbeum. Palenon, 7-9, Columbia, Bcranton, 10-12. Trocadero, Philadelphia, 1410. Titer Lille* (Jams* Weedon, mrr.)—Cambria, Johnstown, 11, White's Opera Bouse, McKeea- port, 12, Star, Cleveland, 14-19: Watson Burlesque™ (Ban Guggenheim, mgr.)— Empire, Indianapolis, 7-12, Folly, Oblcigo, 18- 19. Whirl or Mirth (Robt. Gordon, mgr.)—Empire. Baltimore. 7-12, Lyceum, Washington, 14-10. Yankee Doodle Girls (Max Gorman, mgr.)—Buck- ingham, Lonlavllle, 7-12, Empire, Indlanaimlls, 1419. Zallah's Own (Harry Thompson, mgr.)—La- fayette, Buffalo, 7-12, Columbia. Bcranton, 14- 10, Orphcum, Pateraon, .17-19. VAVDBVILLB SHOWS. Hoffmann, Oertrnde (Morris Oest, mgr.)—Shu- bert, Boston, T, Indefinite. Kellermann, Ainette (Wm. Morris, mgr.)—Wash- ington. D. 0.r7 : 12. Murdock Bro*.' Comedian* (Al. Mnrdock, mgr.) —Uroveton, N. H.. 0-10. Toild'* Vaudeville (Wm. Todd, mgr.) — Laurln- burg, N. 0., 7-12. 1IINSTBBLS. Big Oily—John W, Vogei'a—Thomas, W. Va., 10, Davit 11. Piedmont 12. __^ De Rue Bro*.'—Welltvllle, N. Y., 10, Frlendiblp 11, FrtDkllnvllle 12, Oatttraugut 14, Uowanda 10, Dunkirk 10, Fredonla 17, Sherman IS, WestOeld 19. _ Field'*, Al. O. (Edward Conrad, mgr.)—Charles- ton. B. 0., 10, Anguct*, Oa., 11 Albena 12, Mtcon 14, Columbus IS, Penaacola, Fla., 10, Mobile. Ala., 17, Uattlesburg, Mlat., 18, Meri- dian It. Georgia Troubadour* (Wm. MeOabe. mgr.)— Campbell, Nebr.. 10, Ong 11, Guide Bock 12, Norton, Kann 14, 15. • >»• _ . Primrose A DockaUder'a.— Wllkts-Barre. Pa., 10, Pllttton 11, Bcranton 12, Eaaton 14, Lan- caster 10, Frederick, Md.. 10, Hagentown 17, Cbambrrtburg, Pa„ 18, Cumberland, >ld., 19. Rosell'a (Chat. A. Hotel 1, mgr.)—Jackwnvllle, Fla., 7-12, Birmingham, Ala., 14.19. BANDS AND ORCHESTRA*. Ssuaa and bla Band (John Philip Boost, conduc- tor).—Pekin, 111., mat., and Peoria, M). Gal**. burg, mat.,, .Roekford 12, Audi- torium, Chicago, 13, Janeavllle, Wla., mat.; and Madlaen 14, La Orosae, mat., and Winona, Minn., IS, Rochester, mat, and Bed Wing 10, Minneapolis 17, St. l'sui 18, Eau Oltlre, Wis., 10. CIRCUSES AND WILD WBST SHOWS. Barnum A BalUy'a—Temple, Tex., 10, Brown- wood 11, San Angelo 12, Altna, Okla., 14, Wichita Falla, Tex., 10, Gainesville 10, Sher- man 17. McKlnney 18, Greenville 19. Barn**'. Al. O., Circus—La Jonta, Oolo., 10. Trinidad 11, Baton, N. Mex^ 12. Wagon Mound 13, Las Vegra* 14, Hanto Fe 10, Albuquerque 10. Socorro 17,-Ua Cruces 18, HI Paso, Tex., 10. Brown's, Frank, Circus (Roy Chandler, mgr, )— Aullteatro, Bneno* Ayrea, 8. Amer., 7, Indefi- nite. . Clrco Vexque* Hermnnot (Hlmon Maclas. mgr.)— Mexico City, Mex., 7-Dec. 2. ' Carllsle'a Wild West—nippodrome,. New York, 7, Indeflolte. - _ _ .. ... Doiriilo A Wbeejer's—Galax, Vn.. 10, Radford II. Ducbanan 12. BueDs'VUU 14, Batlc City IS, Orotct. 10, Hbenaniloah-17, Blverton 18. Oollmtr Bros,' Bhow—Mountain View, Okla., 10. Waurlha 11, Duncan 12, Anadirko M, Weatn- cifor.l 15, Watonga 16, Chandler 17, Brlatow IS Weleethe. 19 -' Bairenbeek-WalUce'-IB. E. WalUce, nmr.)—Fort Madison, la.. 10, Centervllte 11. Trenton, Mo., 12, St. Joseph 14, Cbllllcotbe 15, Carrollton 16, IIo'i'JrYt Bill's Miow—Helena. Mo.. 10, AnUty 11, Maysvllle 12, Camden PoUt .14, Weston 16, Pratt 16, Parkrllle 17, Edwardtvllle, Kan., 18, ' Bonner Spring* 19. _ .. _ . . ,. Rlngllng Bro*™ Albany. O*.. 10 .Oordele 11, Valdoeta 12, Tampa, Fla., 14, Ocalt 16, Jack- sonTllle 10, Waycrosa, Oa., 17, Savanntb 18, Angmla 19. • ALBOLENE (Tau»auaur. aaouvrna) By far the best preparation for removing make-up. Leaves the skin soft and velvety, foot sticky, and a little goes' a long way. Used and recom- ' mended by the best pro- fessional talent Sold to 4 oz. Jars and 1 lb. round decorated cans (new style) by alt first-class druggists Sample tube tree on request MeKIMON * RQBBINB tl ruLTon iTHir, N■ w vom Sblpp A Feltus Circus—Vintdel Mar, Cull!, II- 14, Stntiugo 15-111. Sun Brot.' Show—Mt. Airy. N. 0., 12. Starrett Circus (II. 8. Btarrett, ingr.1—■ ML Bolly, N. J„ S-12, Montgomery, Ala.; 14-19. FILM SHOWS. Bernhardt, Sarnli, In Moving Pictures— .Dould I'rohman'a—Portland, Me., 7-12. Baseball Playograpn In Moving Picture*—Portland, Me., 7-12. Oraner'a Moving Pictures—Ovid, Mich., 10, Cnel- .tea 11, Addison 12. Hsgenbeck-Wallace Circus, In Moving Pictures— Whitney. Chicago, 7, Indefinite. McCain, Nox, Travelogae *nd Moving Plclurea— Brooklyn, N. V.. 12 and 19. 101 Bench Wild West (W. J. McOulnn, mgr.) — Medicine Hat. Alt*., Can., 10, 11, Battano 12. Calgary 14-16, High Riser 17-19, Banff 21. Revelatoke 22. Ralncy't, Paul J., African Jnnsle. la Moving Pic- ture*—BIJou, New York, 7, Indefinite. ' ' Btlney't, Paul J., African Junile, In Moving Pic- tures—Lot Aiifeles, 0*1., 7, indefinite. Ralney'*. Paul J., African Jungle, In Moving Pic- tures—Milwaukee. Wis 1040. Rule't Moving Picture* (F. H. Rule, mgr-)—Ken- dall, WIS., 10-12, Brooklyn 1416, FoolTlllt 1719. OABNIVAL. SHOWS. . Mtcy'* Olympic Snows — Carrollton, Oa., 7-lt, Moutevtllo, Alt., 1010. MISCELLANEOUS. Butler, Magician (II. J. Harrington, mar.)— To- Pi-ka. 111., 12, Uluffs 14, Bayllt 10, Hull 16. arson 17. New Canton 18. 19. Buckskin Ben's Bbow* (Frank 8. Reed, mgr.)— Rlcbmond, V*., 7-12. Berenda, The, ■ Combination Show—Olenburn.^M. Dak., 10, 11, Velva 12-14, Deerlng 18-18, Bal- four 19-21. Combination Bhow — United Play ■ Oo.'* — Bolte, Ida., 7-14, Welter 10, Baker City, Or*., 10, 17. La Orande 18, Pendleton 19. Cady, hypnotist (II. A. Bchana. mgr.)—Oiford. la.. 19-12, lllalratown 14-16. i- Coyle'* Royal Marino Museum (10. B. Ooyle, mgr.) —Knoxvllle, la., 712. Sbelbyyllie, III,, 14-19. Bltor'*, Fred, Oomblnatlon Show—Jlldgoway, 8. O., 10, Blythewood 11, Kllllsn 12, New Brook- land 14, Gaston 10, Swansea 17.- Greut Ray'moml (Manrlee F. Raymond, mgr.)— Rttltngt, Mont., 10, Mile* City 11, Winnipeg, Man., Can., 14-10. Glliiiii Hypnotic Comedy (J. B. Qllpln, mir.)— Ttrklo, Mo., 10-12. Mysterious Smith (Albert P. Smith, mgr.)— Schuyler. Nelir., 10, Bralntrd 11, Atbland 12, Oakland 14. Oltrkaon ID, Bodgo 10, Ulgh 17. Pierce IS, Crelghtou 10. Nswmann, Great—Wecota, S. Dak., 10, 11, Onaka 12, 18, Eureka 14, IB, Bowdle 16, 17, Selby Frlngln't, Johnnie, Comedy Ideals (Len Cobeen. nur.)—Trinidad, Colo., 1012, Raton, N. M, Itouclere, Harry and Mildred (Barry Rouclere, mgr.)—St. John, N. F., 7-12, North Sydney. N B 18 10 Wright's Co'tnblnatlon Show (0. A. Wright, mgr.) —But Chatham. N. Y., 10-12. OPT OF TOW HEWS Ft. Worth, l'ez.—Usjettlc (Arthur a Best, mgr.) bill for week of Sept. 80 Include*: Grace Manlove, In "A Winning Mil*;". Bert Wheeler and company, Oeorg* Stanley, Krig's Trio, and photoplay*. Bras*' (Phil W. Oranwall, mgr.) — "Tic Bo- aary" Oct. 1. "The Old Homestead 1 ' S. •■ Havoi (Frank North, mar.)—For week of BepL 80: "Beverly of Oraustsrk" wat the attraetlen. The Frank North Co. I* making good bet*, to big house*, at every performance, Hirpopsoua (L. B. Remy, mgr.) — Oiroegk* Alaika-Slherlan pictures and (wo vaudeville act* week of 80. Ninas.—Baruum A Ballay'* Olreo* turned away (housnda 80 Blue Mouse Theatre, remodeled, now presents a beautiful appearance. Stan Antonio, Tex.—Plasa (Lloyd Spencer, mgr.) opened Sept, 8, with vaudeville. Kill for Week beginning 29 Included: Carl Randall, Alpha Sextette, Seldom'* Venus, Augustus Neville and company, Three Hassans, Qulgg and NlCkeraon. and William, and Sterling. OaiNo (Bid H. Welt, mgr.)—Thlt bouse opened with "McFtddcn'* Flat*," for three perfonnancea, 28, 20. "The Roaary" Oct. 8, 0. Nora—Sept. 28, Buffalo Bill and Pawnee Bill's Wild West Bbowt gave two enjoyable perform- ances, to large crowds here, Sept. 28. Brcatur, III.—Powers (Tlios. P. Bonin, mgr.) "The Houe* of a Thousand Candles" Oct. 0, Houss't Band 8. ' ■ ~ Khi'ibs (Thoi. P. Bonan. mgr.)—Bill for 89 Included: Nlcbbla Nation Troupe, Steve Juhtrg, "The Girl from Bhaaley'*," Carrie McMannna, and Gordon and Perry. ■' Buou (A. Blgfrled, mgr,)—Bill for 9-5 In- dialed i Snyder and Buckley, Johnson and Mer- cer. Ilotvrl'a rata and cats, Zlg Zag Trio, Emit and Mildred Potfs. ......... Ni/ti.— Tb* United State* Marine Band, '*» eared through Congressman McKInley, gave' a grand free open air concert Sept 80, to a big crowd. Quitter, III.—Empire (W. L. Buaby, mgr.) "Iteady Money" Oct. 1. • . ' Buou (W. N. McConMll, mgr.)—Bill for week 7-9: Fonr Musical Gate*. Larking and Pearl, Dun- bar and Turner, and tbe Three Oberlta Bitten. For 10-12: La Belle Carmen. Joe Ilnsli lnd Al* Shapiro, Karl, and Walter Law and company. 7-12. 8tar and darter, Chicago, 13-19. Merry-Go Rounders (Letoer-Brattea Co., mgrt.)— Bistable, Syracuse,: 7-9, Gayety, Montreal, 14- M>- ■ . _ Merry Whirl (Loula Rpsteln, mgr.)—Empire, To- ledo, 7-12; Columbia, Cblcago, 18-19. Midnight Maidens (Wm. S. Clark, mgr.)—Gayety. Montreal, 7-12, Empire,. Albany, 14-16, Frank- lin Square. Woroetter, 17-IScm,.,. Ilollle Williams (BUI Iaaac*, mgr.)— Oayety. Boston. 7-12, Gllmore,' Springfield, 14-16, Em- pire, Albany. 17-19. . „ Queens of Paris (jeaeph Howard, mgr.)—Oayety, Pittsburgh, 7-12. Empire,' Cleveland. 14-19. Roblnaon Crusoe .Girls (Baal Robinson, mgr.)— . Otyety, Omtba,rda, 1 >y'off week 18-19. Row Syiall's London. &U** -IWj. S. Campbell, mrr.)—Casino, Boston, 7-1 J, Oblnabla, New York, 14-19. AKE-UP NEVER GETS HARD