The New York Clipper (October 1912)

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'2<j THE NEW YOBK CLIPPER* October 12 10i WILL NEVER MISS YOUR MOTHER TILL F SHE'S GOHE" A BKAUTlFCL BALLAD '- , V....' v. . -WE'VE BEEN SWEETHEARTS/MARY DEAR. FOR ' ? 4 FIFTY YEARS A BURK-FIRE (AlTAttTKTTK SOSG "THE UTTLE RED CABOOSE BEHIND THE TRAIN" "I LOVE TOU, KID" ..'.".. FIHK FOH SKBTCH TEAMS _ By writer of« Th«r»'. a Mother Old and Uray Who !*»»tU Me How." Send for them NOW and look th«.ra over. . GEO. H. DIAMOND, Mcsic Publisher - - 199 Third Avenue, New York WANTED QUICK YOUNG MAN Light Comedy, Juvenile Bnslnett YOUNG WOMAN Character, General Basinets Ibote. doing Specialties preferred. Hut have ■lenty good wardrobe. State full particulars. ■end program and photos. Other UBcmi people Snte. N. 8. 80OTILLB, " NATIONAL STOCK OO...DOWB. IOWA. WANTED AT ONCE State age, height, weight. Bend program and •hotoa. Address CHAS. P. OILHORB Orpaenm Theatre, Watertown, W. Y. Lbst YOU FOUQKT g-»T» OCCCE WD SAY IT VKT •1JJ&IJbB0 LETER HEADS Contracts. Tjoketa, Knrelopee, Free Samples, etc. STAGE MOSEY, ltc. Book of Herald Onta, »c. CROSS MSSSSA. CHICAGO O. n. MIL.B8. Pre*. I. FLUTE QELMAN, Vie* Prei. H. R. BHEHDY, Bee»pY BENJ. 8. MOBS, Trea» CONSOUDATED BOOKING OFFICES, ^ FITZGEBALD BUM, Broadiif ud 43d Start, New Yort «tr- "SS^SV 9 '' *»laphbm«i»4Bl-B^»-JI*»3-3«13^rjra».t. ,^^ L Phono, »»r e oxfj'rd li'-J l|.'i'.' »»^»^»^»n^n»»MaaaB M> aa^aBaaaMa» M ___^ ^^ CHICAGO OFFICKSi 1R3 North Clark St. Phoae, 1631 Randolph MII.Et CU1CU1T ' L' ~ I. fl CBNHIirOHAM-Fl,rB«Bll.HAIfOIBCVrT SUEEDVemcCIT THBATfiH BOOKING COHPORATIOW PltAYWQ THE BBST IW VATJDEVIJJLE. OUT OF TOWN HEWS Want This Suit? atwnT aaahi to tarn ot yew Muds, tat* tin ■•in assyu4 n»a*e piott •ooviB to r«t thle twtll SaHarad tult fit.. Do Iroublt, tltnplj thaw ournw Wtodtto eimplas. ' NvtrjtKrtr turpriMd, pr(c«i so K tlilM to bMoUW. ordtrt K>ii)t Mir. we pay the astraes aad antaranlee w m ejnt erne ■al*. V»ucin mik»ee.0O«Oiy ««ty. Wrill ■ale* ndittumplM tn-1 ti.rtt' oulOlIr*., «,,lj- Chit sipUlaM,' ana iptcltl loildt prlot on a suit Il'l».wmil»lfulcjl»r|e». BAlKiaBTAILOIIlHOCO., DtpL CHICAOO Clean.btl|at,intpp, newldeiiModiriK pilcci. WillUa by Indiana ncwi,aper nan. Adtitia W.W. DmaUe TO v o t n or nun. Ashlnnd tllk.. Chicago UCUf Opanlnts Anr«no«l! N.vrCroaa- alul? Fire FurnUhwI. Acta R«-wrltt.n. brlnit copy ot my p*J{ IHnitri 100 paga book, 5 J Gtl an Idta of my style ot work Join on wire. Btoek or Rep. WRLTER BBHS11RW NtLLIE DtWES WOOD Tertatlle Leads, Second Business. U. Comedy, Juveniles, Oen. Bus., Specialties. .Wardrobe, experience, appearance, ability. • COLUMBIA, THNN. WANTED FOR OOLOKEI) TENOR SINGER who can dance, a : RBAL ACTOR for Phlneas and St. Oialr. Address LKON W. WASHBURN, Cheater, Fa., or . wire 0 R. AINBWORTH. Manager, Watertown, H. Y„ Oct. 11; Rome 12, Ptloa 14. ! AT LIBERTY Mittie Mae Maxam I Sen. Business. Oood wardrobe. Thorougly expo- ,, rlenced and reliable. Address • . BIB W. PASS ST., OREENVILLE. MICH. stock wants GODD 6EHERAL BUSINESS MAN . Not nnder < ft. 8, with Specialty. Address HKLOARDK STOCK, Oct. T. St. Jounsvllle, N. Y.J . Oct, U, ruUonvlUe, N. T. ■ AT T TRRRTV after oct. »♦, Al LlDDIll I singers, Comedy Sketch ■ ' Artists, Blnglesand Doubles, change for one week. Two feature Contortion Acts. Add. John sod Grace nnmphrey. Theatrical, Pen. Del., Wilkes Barre.Pa. WANTED QUICK Al MEDICINE COMEDIAN With good specialties. Also M. P. with Ma- chine and Flints. Sure, lowest saUry. Tell all. AMERICAN MK1). CO, Princeton, 111. Want to Buy TRAINED ANIMAL ACT Unit be good. Wrlto, giving particulars, what they do, with price, etc. Address ANIMAL ACT, pare of NEW YORK CLIPPER, OR THE MAPI HINES' OPERA HOUSE Open lime alwayu good. Tat day every week. MOR. U1NES' OPERA HOUSE, Stonoboro, Pa WANTED, MED. PEOPLE Change six nights. Novelty Aots. Musical Acts, Acts to feature. Write. Address M. D. UURKB, Care of New Regent Hotel, Bt. Louie, Mo. WANTED TO BUY PUNCH AND JUDY RGUMS. Add. P. B. NICHOLS, Derby Theatre, Derby, Oonn. AT LIBERTY, After Oct 14 Cbftraoton, Borne Deavlea. AIv.tb nmio good. Rati, nr mm ■*■ BUOBNB Rep. or one nteco.' KR1CK, BUPA, ILLINOIS. WANTED, JUVENILE HAN fonng ud clever. Company plays Southward. Fare advAooed. Address HARRY UHDLEY, ORRBNSBORO, MARYLAND, PHILADELPHIA. Playgoer* have no cause to complain ot a lack of novelty for week of T, as the n«w offerings conslat of: David Wtrneld, In "Tbe Retora of Peter Orlmm,", at the Broad; Zlegfeld Follies, at the Forrest-; Montgomery, Stone and Elsie Jams, In "The Lady of tbe Slipper," at the Chestnut Street Opera House, rod "The Million," at the AdelphL . . BiOAO (Nixon A Zimmerman, mire.)—David Warneld, In "Tbe Return of Peter Orlmm," makes his local bow, 7, for an extended, engagement. Louis Mann, In "Elevating a Husband," enjoyed o prosperous fortnight, ending 5. Ouistnut Stbhet Opissa Housn (Nixon 4 Zimmerman, mgrs.)—Tbe house remains dark 7, re-openlng tbe following day with the local pre- miere of Montgomery, Stone anil Elsie Janls, In "Tbe Lady of tbe Slipper." Frltsl SchelT, In "The Love Wagor," bad two fine weeks, endlngS. Fosbebt IN lion A .Zimmerman, mgrs.)—The Zlegfeld Follies is another new one for local sn- ■llenees, starting 7. Charlotte WiOkrr, In "Tbe Troll of tbe Lonesome Pine," was greeted by big and well pleased houses last week. Oarrick (Nixon A Zimmerman, mgrs.)—"Get- Rich-Quick walllngford" scored the ssme big suc- cess last week that greeted tbe show on his ap- peironce here last Pall. Tbe audiences were of t-plenrtiit size, and a capable' east added to the success of the production. Tbe second week begins 7. Anixi'iii (Messrs, Shubert, mgrs.)—"The Mil- lion" Is another new play for Philadelphia au- diences, beginning 7. Robert Mantell's splendid portrsyals of the classic drama brought forth large and appreciative audiences the two weeks ending 6. Lvmr (Mess.*s. Shubert, mgrs.)—Blanche Ring and ber merry associates. In "Tbe Wall Street Girl." had no cause to complain ot the warm greeting the play received from packed houses Inst week. The atsr was In fine form, and as she has plenty to do In the show, tbe audiences were entirely satisfied. Will Rogers, Wm. P. Carlcton and Paul Porter also lid excellent work, The second week begins 7. Wil.Nnx (Harris A Howe, mgrs.)—"The Search- light", scored a fair degree of success at Its premiere, last week, althongh It will require con- siderable condensation. In .order-to lit.It .iorlwtter . approval.' Tbe play Is ot the type made popular flvo years ago, In which traction magna tea and newspaper editors furnish the prlnclpsl theme. Robert Drouet, In tbe leading role, was a big success. Clarence Handysldo and Roy Gordon are also prominent In the production. , The sec- ond week begins 7- Oiiist.vut (Frank Williams, mgr.) — The Or- phcum stock appears In "The Dawn of a To- morrow," 7 and week. "Seven Sisters" was acted In a particularly breesy manner last week, to splendid houses. Winifred Kingston carried off tbe honors by her admirable acting aa Mid: Wllllnm luiicrsoll did planning work as Count Horkay, while Wltnier Waller, as Minks Ban- dorffy, was also a clever portrayal. "Tbe Bight of Way" 14. AumiOAN (James Wall, mgr.)—The stock puts on . "Oannen" week of 7, 'The .Deep Purple" was voted a great thriller by the capacity houses last week. Grace Buff and John Loreni did praiseworthy acting In the leading roles. National (Jos. M. Kelly, mgr.)—The Kllmt A Oaatoto stock offering week of 7 Is "Oklahoma." "Uncle Tom's Cabin" was a perennial favorite with good slsed houses 80-OcL 5, Marcus F. Hoefs, as Uncle Tom, and Adelaide Dalton, as Tonsy, did very clever work. Guano (Stair A Havlln, mgrs.)—"The Gam- blers" 7 and week. Laat week, which was tbe opening one of the season, Introduced Eugenie Blair, In a good production of "Madame X." Business was excellent. Acau (J. H. Bncken, mgr.) —"My Wife's Family" 7-12. "Uncle Tom's Cabin" proved very acceptable, to good sited houses, last week. IlAnT'a (John W. Hart, mgr.)—"The Wrong Way" 7 and week. Mamie Fleming was popu- larly received by good houses last week, In ''By Right of Might.*' Eiipibk (B. J. Bulkley, mgr.)—The Monte Carlo Girls are due 7 and week. Their predecess- ors, the Girls from Joyland, enjoyed a prosperous week, ending 8. Harry L. Cooper gave vent to plenty nt comedy In the skits, while Eugene West, Catharine. Henry. and Sim, Williams excelled In the'vaudeville turns.'- .,!.•-.'•,.,' ' - <: TnocAiuto (Sam',Dawson,, mgr.)—The Moulin Rous* 7-12r- The* 1 Whirl of -Mirth Oo.' was alive-, ly oKgrcgajlon to big houses'last week., There are-nt,least a half dosen 'comedians" In the show, ahd- Miey vie with - brio another in keeping up the fun. xJaTHHJM McOlqud, Mayo and Vernon; Dalley anil 4 Yo«ng, tmll^ItoSa ond, Ross were all capti- vating numbers In tbe olio. •> w' (-■< j r - ,- . CUWnp (Ellas A Kocnlg, mgrs,)—The Winning Widows .ore due 7 and week. -T*« Bon-Ton-Girls bail all of the audience applauding, vociferously last week. Bert Baker was the chief fun;factor, while Babe La'Tour scored big by ber sonbfcUe endeavors, Russell and Ray,' Edith Graham;'and reeley and Kelly were very well liked In the olio. GAVPrr (John P. Eckhardtr "mgr".) — The. Gay MoBqueradera 7 and week.'.The Taxi' Girls' speeded Into big favor from big houses last.week/ The . Farrcll. Taylor Trjp .was the.big. feature. Wooley nml Woods, Scman Duo. Marin '.Sisters,' and Word and Bphlmnn also gavo pleasing turns. Tlie Gaiety Olrls 14. ' . , • . . D. F. Keith's (H.'.T. Jordan,' mgr.)—Mrs. I.ungtry ond company Is the beadllner. week of 7. Others are; The .Willis Family, Roonoy and Bent, FJiusene Trio, Richard "and. Kyle.'the Langdons, Bert Terrell, Sharp and Turek, Delmar and Del- mnr, nml inoylng pictures.' ■ ■ • .. i ■ \Vu. Pknn (Wm. W. Miller, mgr.)—Week of 7: Frank Mills Players, Hawthorne and Burt, the Five Seminary Girls, Billy McDcrmott, Prosit Duo, and moving pictures. .., L,BK J TV < M ' w ' Taylor, mgr.)—Week of 17: Mile. Zanfretta and company, La .Bergcre. Burns and Acker, Rlchey ninl Rounard, Mullen and Her- bert, Manuel A., Alexander and company, and moving pictures. ■ •..-_,■,■■ >' • KkraroNK (M. W. Taylor, mgr.)—Week of 7i Great Alblnl, - J. K.-Emmet, Horner Barnett,. Marie Belmont anil company,. Arthur ami Eflwlo Guy, Poylc and.Elaine,'and.yioy,lng pictures,' Nixon (PnnTktLeopold, mgr.)—Week of 7: Mck's Skating Olrls, D« Land and Carr, Five Merry Youngsters, Cliff Bailey Trio, Collins and Woopinnn. Jere Hanfonl. and moving pictures. Di'SioNT'a (Frank Dumont, -agr.)—Last week'a hill was chockful of novelties. Eddie Cassady and Charles Boyilen furnished new vocal efforts, while Benny Franklin, In a new sketch, pleased Immensely. Carvln and Haney, and Tommy Har- HL* , !E.fJB5 Popular numbers on the program. Tlie tin.lino Doctor" was also a big hit. while the first .part maintained Its old time popularity. Bijod, Omasa, FoiKFAuan's. olvaipia, Co- I.IiNIAIj, 1'AI.ACS. Vktobm, Maikmtic. ALI.B- niisNv anh Amiakiuu give vaudeville anil mov- ing pictures. Noras. Tn« Elitendorf travel pictures beglus the sea- son at the Academy of Music, S. Tn» many friends of Fred Donnghey, who was dramatic editor of several local sheets here, are anxiously awaiting the arrival of "Louisiana Lou." _. Pa.—Opera f tejW-"(WHiner A Vln- rogTS. T Myrklo Harder Coi-weck of Oct. 6. of which be Is one of the authors. makes its bow at the Walgd.t, 14... WOBK la being rapidly pushed'on tbe comple- tion of the Little-Theotro at. Seventeenth. and Delancer streets. ' It Is hoped to have everything In readlMis early In < November, when '.'Mrs. Bennaberry's Christmas Ere" will be produced. * WoMUNOWN began, last week, the demolition of the old .balldlngs at'.Frankford Avenue and Margaretta ntreeta, where a 1100.000 vaudeville theatre will be erected by Wm. Frclhofer. . HaHEtT 8. JswNUioa Is .remodeling an old build- ing on the" East staVof ,PUth .Street, North of Tatior Road, Into o-movlno-pICturc-houBe. MANAOxxWMr-wrMittttfwlIt wkeover next week the Plasa TheafT»*'trt-'BYo*oT hnd Porter streets. Contracts will be. immedlntely awarded for the erection of an Immense gallery which will Increase the seating capacity frfcra i bSBI to i S.OO0. Everything* wUT be lii fttHMan. by- We Nrst of the year. ■ - '.'«.'.• • ■ ... -J " •-' '•' I PRILADII.PIIIA'a HIBTOEIO I'AOCANT take* plACC in FalrnVOunt Park beginning Oct.' 7, and con- tuioes all W«k. "■„..'.. ... York; ra.—open <1tM cent, mgrs.) Myrklo Harder I OEPHsmK (Wllmer A Vincent, mgra.)—BUI for 7-9: Alf. Rlpon, Fernanda May Duo, Walter Jame and company, Don Court. nqd.-Mack, and the Yoecanny Japs. Kor lO-lZV'RIchtriJs Bros., Burke and Derohne, Chas. W. Terrla and company, Armlno, and Phtna and her Picks. Notes. —The York County Agricultural So- ciety bold Its annual fair for one week beginning 8.. and the managers anticipate bigger crowds than ever. The list of attractions Include many of the fastest horses working In this section for the races, and larger parses than heretofore are offered by the management...... Messrs. Wllmer, Vincent A Appell have leased tbe York Opera House, and Intend playing the best one and two night attractions. They have also leased the Auditorium, and re-named It tbe Orpheam,, In which theatre vaudeville, booked from the United Office, will be the attraction. Five acts, with a mid-week change will be the policy. M. S. Knight, formerly ot Washington, D. C, baa been appointed the local representative. Horrlsbnrar, Pa.—Majestic (Rels Circuit, mgrs.) "Faust" Oct. 7, B, "Mutt and Jeff" 9, Harrington Reynolds, In "Tbe Angelus," 10. Obphkum (Wllmer-Vincent, mgrs.)—Big busi- ness continues. Bill for week of 7: Lisky's "Tbe Little Parlsleane," Knute Erlckson, Adler and Arllne, Swaln-Ostman Trio, Edward Esmond and company, and Haydn, Dunbar and Haydn. Notes. —Poor business necessitated the closing of "My Wife's Family" company 3 Belle Story,. vocalist, who was a big hit at tbe Or- pbeum week ending 5, attended a football game between tbe Carlisle Indians and Villa Nova 8, and pretested James Thorpe, captain of the Carlisle team, and the world's champion athlete at Stockholm, with a rabblt'a foot. , Mlsa Story said ahe bad carried the good luck charm ever since ahe was.made a Star. Lancaster, Pa.—Fulton (Chas. A. Yecker, mgr.) all tbe Co-operative Booking Co. shows booked for Lancaster have been cancelled for the Sresent. The coming attractions Include: "The Ity" Oct. 12, Primrose and Dockattder'e Min- strels IB. "The Girl In" the Taxi" 5l. Colonial (Chas. M. Howell, mgr.)—Bill Oct. 7-9 Included: Phlna and her Picks, Charles Terrla and company, and.-.Armies.. ,-For 10-J2; Bnrke and De Rohae, lYosconnyJaps, aad Walgef v&mea and company. v . ; ■ '• •• * ■• '<*■' Familt HI. E..Doaoe, mgr.)—Rill for week of 7: American Trumpeters, Barney Fagan and Hen- rietta Byron, Pony Moore and.Daw, Three Ger- mans and'doga, Horry B. Gilbert, Juliette Wood, and Plquo. ■ .• • " •, '.'. ■.::■,:■' '. i../.. ". Erie, l'n.-Majestic (J. L, Gllsoo, mgr.)' "The Woman"'Oft 7.' .; -• , Pass. — Col. Home's stock ! present "Seven Daja" week"pf V. •' •.'. ; v ; ' i ViotosiaI —Good business. Vaudeville and mov- ing pictures., • Ha+pt : - Houa. — Vaudeville and "moving , pic- tures. .Good business.' -'.?'! < - (Tdi/>niai, (A. F.. Weschler,' mgr.)—This bouse Is drawing large attendance." 'BUI for 7 .and week: Howard and Lawrence, Brltt Wood, Hay- den Troupe, and Bessie Rempel. ';','■; . - CarbOndaie,. Pa.—The authorities in 'this city have signified' their willingness 'to raise tbe embargo'on-schools, churches,, ami all places of amusement. ... Religious ' service* began 'In I our churches Oct. 0, and school sessions and amuse- ments, 7. . The smallpox ■care has subsided. There has not been a fatality among the eighty- five cases so designated,, since July 30. Business her* has been very much.stagnated, but prospects look bright for'an early, resumption, and a quick transition to normal condition-, • Altoona, Pa.—Mlshler (I. C. Mlshler, mgrl) moving.,pictures of tbe Loyal War Governors'. Celebration In Altoona Oct. 7,-"Madame Sherry" 8, Tlgef Lilies Burlesniiere 0, !"Mutt and Jeff" 10. "Louisiana Ldu".'ll, "Freckles" 12, "Excuse Me!' 14, ,','Tb'e Angelus' 1 15.■■:,.. ,- i Oaraamit" (A. E. Dcnman, imgr.)—Bill for 7 and week: t "Tbe Lawn- Party.'j.:;Berry, and Mll- dred,' 'Carson' ail '• Willard,' Edgar Bergvr, : and movlnc pictures. . « . . .. Oahlnnd, Cal.—Macdonough (F. ,A. Gelsa, mgr.) Sarah Bernhardt, In motion pictures, week of Oct. 8. "In 014 Kentucky" 18, 19. ." Y« Ubeett (H. W. Bishop, mgr.)—Andrew Mack, In "Tho Way to Ken mare," 7 and week. Coloubia (Dillon.,A .King, mgrs,)—Dillon A . Kbig ahdytbclr Dinger Oltlar "Room 23" .'was the aitracUod.week ending 5. "McCahe In Paris" 7'and, week:'"■■*,••:•".'. ' •'.',,'•'•'•' „. Ospjibum (Georxe'Ehey. mgr.)—Bill for week Of 6: Nat ,M. Wills, "Oladite: and Fannie Usher, E..Frederick 1 Hawley and .company, Annie Kent, 'Mint aiirt■■Wet's. Gray nnd .Graham, Delro (sec- ond weik),, Mclijtyre arid. Ha'rty (second week), and riew..Otpbeum, photo'plays'.'Big'business. PANTA0E8 r . (W. W.~ Ely.- jngr.)—BlU.for 0 and week: "An Krenlng: In Hawaii,''. Ned. Burton and company,'-, tbe, FUfc.Juggllng.Jewels,TOrphrus Com- edyFouV, Black.Ilros.r.tbe La",Veres;/F"sgg and 111 ion. and hew Sunlight' pictures. Business to capacity. ' -. ■ '•;■ ..' -> ' ,' sjs.tfaT' •' pl.t ." Bboadwat. (Guy.0. Smith, mgr.)—BUI changes Wednesday and Sunday, Five vaude'vlUe acts and photoplays; to fine retnrna. • •,-■-. •»',;, .Oakland,. ■ Lfnio. IIbqbnt, Camiia, Scenic, BnmvN'n, Marlowb wu Duon Dsham, motion picture houses'^are doing well. ^ .■_ St. Paul, Minn.—Metropolltnn (L. N. Scott, mgr.) Dustln Fartaum; : In "The Littlest Rebel,' 1 week of Oct.• 0; ■ ... •• > . >' Obpiibum (R. 0. Burroughs, mgr.)—Business Is good. Bill far week of. 0: "Bverywlfe," Morris and Allen,'Mignonette Kokln, Qalettl's monkeys, Ed. Morton, Do Witt Young and' Sl&ter', and Lydla Nelsori. .■ ■ . ... . .:') :• . . Biiddebti (Frank O. Priest, mgr.)—"Tlio White Squaw" week ot fl. .. . : . -. Rurnasa (W. .8. Brewster, mgr.)—Good busi- ness, : BUI.' for week of'0: George Reno, Will Oakland and company, Three Ge.'ts, Queen Mab slid Wels,-.Lottie Williams, and.the moving pic- tures. : . „G-A,no (TncbdOrc L: nays;"mgr.)--Olrla from . Missouri• week pf',0,< the'Americans, week of 18, the Rose Buds weok | o/>20. '( • ■ Majbstio (H. 1 8. afttchell,' .ngr'.)-M}ooil bills, to good booses.. .,..., -. i; ', ^STAiiLi-fO.(O..P. Rose, .rngtO-T-Juuilness Is big. Good hills are offered, with- trl-weekly changes. Star (John T. Kirk, mgr.) — This house will remain dark until 13, when It will open with vaudeville and motion pictures. New I'bincesb This theatre re-opened Its doors 20,. after extensive, repairs and additions bad been made. The auditorium has been greatly Increased, both In width and length, the foyer en- larged, nml tbe whole theatre Improved and prac- tically built over and beautified. Lincoln. Neb.—Oliver (F. 0. Zehrung. mgr.) SKO-sT ^• 1 ,°A,^-, counw ' ', ,De,CT ^ of «"«• stark" 12, Noll O'Brien and his Minstrels 21. Lybio (L. M. Garman, mar.)—For week of 7: plo'a Circus, Warren and Francis. Fred and Mar Waddell, and McCulIon and Ward, OEpnauu (L. M. Gtrpia^.nunr. \~ For week of: I'.^Si "S."?'-'? 0 * KepTiSil Rose Green, Chick Bale, Standleh Bisters. W. Il St. James and Play- ers, KatUI OulllLl, L»Vm, and photopltyi. 14 Leicester St., Leicestei? ; ' f London, w. c. ' - " £ id. B&lt^Oo^Sa 1 ^ Telephone: 177^2 MAdlaon ^ , "» rOREIGH alCDSCRIPTIOHa, PROFBIBIOlfAlt ADVERTMBBnaifTS, ^ Now York Offlco: »B Wert 25th Street PI.AYINO THE BE3X IN VATJDaTVILLB tfaVN and OONSIDINB OIROUit OBSERAIt BOOIUHa OFFIOBi 1465 Broadyvay (Heldelbcrn; Bldg.) SULLIVAN gttn«J OC GBlfBRAIt BUilHBBB OFFICBi talllTaa and Conoldlne Bldow Third v > .. - and Hadlaon Streetg, SEATTLE, WASH. FRED. XtTNOOItN, - - Oca. Mgr. BBW YORK 43TTY. fJHRtS Q. BROWN, Mgr. Madison, RBBSa FIDELITY B00KIN6 OFFICES Only ••InJanotlonlBad Antl-'Copper —'OKT8 OF WOULD-BE AGENTS "Circuit THB'EFPOKTS OF WODLD-BE AGENTS AND ALLEGED . POR THEIR DOWNFALL AND PROBABLY FOR A LITTLE OF OUR PHENOMENAL SUCCESS. JR OTDBI7G FOR THOSE THAT I BPBCIAlt CItUB AND OABARRT DBPARTIIBNT 40 ffBunO BtAKK oooo ■ \ >A#fC SBg EVgRYBODY ACTS DESIRING EASTERN CIRCUITS MURRAY BLEC VATJDEVlXItE MANAGER AND PRODTJOER IBaft7 BROADWAY, - - INI ECW YONK -■ ■ ■ Western acta known to me, WRITE VAUDEVILLE ACTS WRITTEN TO ORDER ' AND ItBABBD ON BBLUtlt WKBKltT HOYALTV. Have several high class Dramatic and Comedy Sketches for Bale to Intelligent people on any payments. No manuscripts submitted tor perusal and no trust. PLAY DISTRIBUTE CO., Cfcllds Bldg. 10th ai. ClMtBBl Sli„ PHIUL, PA. HENRY BROWN AMUSEMENT EXCHANGE ROOM 409, 35 SO. DEARBORN BT., CHICAGO, ILL. Pan always BBS BayoocpalEod Vandevlllo Acta ot Ewery Paa orlp tlon. A VAUDEVILLE ACT FOR 50e. (NEW STUFF) I MaaWMoilt^hrnwii IPArftfllflft, 2 OBBBtj Recitations for Blackface, Jow. Tramp or. Eco. Comedian, •lltorBOc, HERB MONAHAN, Box 410, Broehten, Hats. OstXT THC IONI SENSATION THE BULL E GLIDE MY DEAR OLD HOOSSER HOME OBJDAT SBNTIefENTAL BALLAD ■ ... Proftailonal eopies freo Iter late program HENRY J. WIETHE, Publisher, 216 CASTLE HALL BUILDING W. E. MORRISON, Mgr. Prbfiulonil Dipt., 3001-2 Unity Bldg., Indianapolis, Ind. For GRANDI STOCK CO. Al Orohotera Leedor, doubling Clarinet, Trombone; sober Boss Canvas Han, General Business Man and Woman, with Specialties Long, sure season to right people.' Those doubling brass given preference. Address ROBERT G RAND I, Segaln, Tex at. ID NEW EMPRESS THEATRE, CRAND ISLAND, NEB. '-'■■ O - TO SUPPORT BJBJHJ I.OIIIIAINK KBBNE . ._„„,,„ Her second seaaon at this theatre; two'bills a week; TWO FIRST CLASS BPEOIALTV TEAMS, lien ana women who have had repertoire experience and cup do doable and single spedaltieii too play parts. Other useful people, write; only those doing specialties considered. Company will be under the house management and directed by H. L. Lawrence. Alan Stanchfleld, Letter Nollman, Best Stafford, Will Wagg, Myrtle Brace and frlends.wrlto qnlok. Address ... . . H. L. LAWRENCE, ear* Palace Hotel, Worth Clark Bt., Chicago, 111. WANTED AT ONCE — HOORE-ETHIER CO. II BEPERTOIRE. Fus No. 1 Ml I COMPANIES, PEOPLE IN ALL LINES Stage Manager and Property Han to play parts, Advance Han that knows the bntlncBS. State only what you can and will do. Age, height, weight, etc. Send photos and tote.programs, your mm salary and all particulars In first. Salary absolutely sore. Fonrteen consecutive yearsi an; «» ""i S3K. k .S e i ttoMTOne '„ A sx>od engagement to good people only. Otherei NO. - Address FREDBRioa MOOSE, BprtngvUle, Utah Co., Utah. Can use two or three good short oast royalty plcceg with paper. Ingenue Lead^Juvenile Man And othei' thorough DRAMATIC PBOPLK FOR ONE PIBOB. Sure salary, long season. r"»!' rU- oniani first letter. Addresa JOHN O. RAE, GeUyaborg, Bonth Dakota, Oct. le^ WANT For CASH E TOMLINSON COMPANY Al REP. PEOPLE IN ALL LINES. Must Join at once. SETSSrJT 0ct - '• C L TOMLINSON. WANTED, FOR THE GIRL AND THE GAWK ■MaMjyg MWfr.e BBflMgj heavy MAH and BIALH PIANIST, fixjprlenccd POOPj* only. State size, weight and lowest salary. WILL H. LOC KE, 8823 Fifth Ave- 81ou» C |T ' ww - FOR RENT-THEATRE phila-pa. Address "RENT," Oareof CL1PPB"!. Accommodating 2200 people. BULL MOOSE I >NO I lie. a. Copy, Prof. Copy froo for stamp. . Published by the CENTRAL MUSIC, PUBLISHING CO. TOl'KKA, KJTANAS . '^