The New York Clipper (October 1912)

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QOTOBEB 12 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. 21 There's itxsC the ditorence be- ^naiw.POorlr«n«leCock. tail and a • Club Cocktail that there is between a raw, new Whiskey and a soft old one. The best of ingredients—the most icurote blending cannot Kive the softness and mel- ( fowness that age imparts. ChibCoektafo onagriin wood Wore bottU*4-«a«1 ■• freshly Joade MO be «• good I, stnt Ikmlk mdW Its. Refuse Substitutes AT ALL DEALERS r F HEUBLFIN A BRO-, Sot. Preps. THEATRES and OPERA HOUSES L° Wc Insert sdvetussiBeutE to tin eolamn at A medal rate »f H-'o per n»t« Hot for 1 months (or 18 tlmeal. Tsis win eMbls local DUinn to k«(P tselr toOM prominently inA woHnnillj Mort <k« nunoftri of companies. Dsrlni tss am tfco id. n rasnlna we will sea* mek t<lf«r fiesr i eopr of thi Olotd trt*. aAIBTVTHKATBB,Rlchl»nd,a».—Inde- pendent sttractlona only: pop., 8,000; 4 railroads: excellent prowlng population; adjacent email towns: (rood open time to right attractions. Write or wire Ueall Broa, Owns, and Mgrs., Lumpkin Oa. I tALKHAMA THEATRE, Elizabeth CltJ' N. 0. Pop. 8000. Seating capacity 800; Blase Zlxvd; dressing rooms; electricity, aieam heat, wanted, first class attractions. Address Kramer A Nutter. WANTED—Good Shows, for Fraternal Hall. Oxford, Nd. Seating capacity 825. Population ol town, 1400. Good for one night shows with band. STAR THEATRE, Tower City, Pa., Schny- kill Co. Kew house, new scenery, steam beat and electricity; seats 560. Good show town. Drawing population 7,000. Wanted, first class attractions Add. w. J. Henry, Owner and Manager, DUDLEY THBATRB.New Canton, III. (Pop. 700),justcompleted. Seats 300. 8tagel5x40. Bonk first class shows. Address R. A. DUDLEY. WANTED To Book Good High Class Snows- New Hall. Good show town. 8.0.500. fit. 20x»0' lie ph. 0. K. BREVARD AMUSE. CO., Brevard, N. O Ultimo COHPOSBD AND AHRAHOKO tor any Instrument or number Of Instruments, Bonn,words and Music, Sketohea, etc. Sen cl stamp, OtUB. L. LEWIS. 439 Richmond St., Cincinnati, O. HIGHTSTOWtl, N. J., OPERA HOUSE, wants one show a week. 0. FRED RUHLMAN Manager, too Liberty Street; Trenton, If. J. WANTED, MED. PEOPLE. Change for one week, (live salary first letter, If you want an an awor. Good performer that can play piano, fake. 1 puy all salary, mite. PRANK CAREY, Hew Richmond, Mont. Co., lml. WANTED, PICTURE MACHINE 0FEII- AT0K, with or without machine. Gas experience S.and D. B. P. Comedian for No. 2 Co. State lowcBt and tali particulars. WHETTEN'B GKH. HRD. CO., Syracuse, Web., 9 to 10. PLAYS FOR BALB-Ono Aot Serious Play. five characters; One Act Comedy, five oharactors. Goth are original and Strong, and especially suit- able for vaudeville bonses. Will sell outright, or lease on royalty to responsible persons. Address E. II. VOUNGMAN, Post Office Box 567, New York WANTED-Present address of BERT WHITE, who In lew was member of White Rata. ' ' O. H. F., CLIPPER. WANTED-Informatlon of O. M. PAUL, Comedian. Important. By OSOAR riioii Lliz, W. 28th Street, Cleveland, Ohio. MY ELECTION Parody, Tart and Rooaevelt versions, 500. Thlaweek, "HownDawg >• "Daddy Did the SameThing Fifty Years Ago," "Everybody's Dotn' It Now," |1; nine other red-hot ones, |2: monologs, sketches', etc. [stamp]. F. J. LaPlerrej a, Tex. DallHa. for sale— Handcuff Aot, Box MyBtery. Mall Bag, Spirit Cabinet, Comedy Maglo Act, Stern onticon, Slides, and a Complete Maglo and Picture Show; also many other bargains, circulars for STAMP. 0EO. A. RICE, AUBURN, N. Y. WANTED QUICK PI ANO PLATER who can sing 111. Bongs or work In acta; musical ACT who can play piano; NOVELTY MAN who can change for week; MAN who can leoture on electric appli- ances and fake piano. Name lowest salary and ten all. I pay all after Joining. Address EMPIRE VATJDEVJXLE SHOW, Oakland Co., Mich, THE BEST BLACKFACE COMEDIAN IN THE RIIB1NE8B m!!W„ n 2 object If you can deliver the goods. iiop/E. NO. This is a real med. show and want JJJ Performers. PARKER, DALTON A PARKER, SueluyvUie, Ills. Song Poems Wanted f 11 »nS?^ TAWnr TO T OTJ. AGENTS WANTED I 'ftOURPTOLIOATIONS. NEEDHAM MUHIO jlOUBB, «T-», gt. Mo. n •JE P «H1 , OIRB MORS., NOTICE I GREAT .WIN^a/iSA^" liSrSH ever * night; big features that will get you ■11 : "loney. ALVIN. 1859 FIFTH AVE,, V. Y. MUSICIANS-Uso Our Songs »J£ a* w PBMaMawalllll, Sondpoatagefor Free llntt& A 1 ? cn,a wanted. NIC Klin A lit MUSIC "ODBB. D\) pt. 47. Bt. Lonla, Mo. WANTED, Good All 'Round Medicine Song aid ."nd'i?«?™ , ^" du,, «»toan change for week iW^ m ^iX5. r,a - Bute all in firm. >T TI», Worth Baltimore. O. Worn ol Plavm. *» tnnotrtno aa$. please mtntto* Cwras. Oebtbddb Betas, who Is plajlnz as the star of 'Little Bo/Blue," andI who* will io on the road all season with the Savage com- P any> . ha .' found lt Impossible to carry her baby, ''Queen," with her, so she asked her great friend, Mrs. Pltrot, to take lt to board a 1 season. Mies Bryan has sent a beautiful &S . 8llk «^ ed . ,0 L" t0 "e home of Mrs. £! tro ti. !SPv* B "»' . ta tne neighborhood of Mrs. Pltrot's house la "Mckld to death," tell- ing everyone that Mrs. Pitrot haa the nicest dog In the neighborhood. J. Bbbkard Dyllth will start rehearsals this month with Joseph Howard's "Frivolous Oeraldine" in Chicago. Blliabcth Murray and Jack Gardner will also be with the show Clara Miller Is at the home of Mrs. O. P. Crittenden, at Beading, Mich., where ahe was called Aug. 26 by the death of Mr. Crit- tenden, Miss Miller will remain with Mrs. Crittenden indefinitely. Roster of the Manlon-Clamnn Players, now touring Oregon and California towns, to repotted big business: C. Price Manion, Evan- geline Monlou, Ben I. daman, Gladys Fiiller. W. B. Clonuui, Boyd 8. Cobb, Kraxk Burk. and Otis O. Eaton. Notks from "The Girl Outlaw" Co., C. E. Anderson Amusement Co.. mgrs.—"The Girl Outlaw" Co. opened Its season at North East, Pa., to a turnaiway business. The company will play Pennsylvania, Ohio, West Virginia, Kentucky, Indiana, and Illinois time, then to the Pacific Const. The roster of company is as follows: Clyde Anderson, manager; Tom Kline, buslttss fansger; Adam Davis, Cbas. Clark, Dan Henry, Walter Mosley, Margaret Allison, Boll Brown, Clara Lincoln and Ma- bel Harrison. We have been doing a great business. Wills Musical Comedy Co. Notes.— /The John B. Wills Musical Comedy Co. Is In Its fourth week at the Colonial Theatre, Brantford, Ont., Can. The company has become a great favorite there, and has scored a big hit with "The Girl from Brighton," which we presented last week, we will play all the principal cities and towns throughout Canada (after Brantford), but expect to remain In Brantford for some ttmo to come. Mrs. M. Fj. Babrt, mother of Kathleen Barry, died Aug. 24 at her home in Detroit, Mich. "Thb Irish Pipes" company, featuring Russell Craner, opened Sept. 80, carrying twelve people. Including band and orches- tra. Roster: Russell Craner, Earl Will- iams. Jack Watson, Bennle Pierce. Zella Smith, Genevlve Whalen, Mayme McParian, Ralph Watson, Budd Wlllett and Maxlne Craner. Bob Mack Is booking manager, and Ben Craner, owner and manager. Mb. and Mrs. Hobacb V. Nobls (Terese Lorraine) are with the "Where the Trail Divides" company, under the management of KUmpt A Gazzolo, on the Stair 4 Hnvlln time. Nicholas Jotjels has been engaged to play the Frenchmen In William Collier's new play, "Never Bay Die." Blwooo Benton, who was very successful last season playing the role of Dicky Bird, with the Bcbman Show, reports meeting with big success this season, playing the Juvenile lead with Geo. Sidney's "Busy Izzy." company. Notbs prom "A Royal Slave" Co., under the management of George H. Bubb.—This Is the twenty-third season of this play. We opened at St. Louis, Mich., Aug. 10, and the company will play over Its old stamping ground In the mid-West, and the coming month will be spent In Indiana. The roster of the company Is as follows: Geo, U. Bubb, Walter Hubbcll, Harry Maynard, Lee H. Barclay, Harry Richards, Harry Hopkins, Rlrhnrd Hroiighton, Thomas Burt, Noll Loomcy, Ireno Solomon, Lillian Morris, Polly Qutmbv and Evangeline Nestlngcr. The com- pany reports business as only fair In the smaller time on account of the many hard rains and floods that destroyed most of the crops, and the very hot wave that lasted for four weeks has made the business light, com- pared with former seasons. Thb 1'klhams • closed a successful season at Albion Pa., and-rerurned to their home in Erlo. Pa., for a short rest Ida Ora Leb, planlstc, joined the Dixie Comedy Co., at Baltimore, 8cpt. 20. The company plays New York, Philadelphia and Norfolk, then goes South. They report good hiislncHs on the (Eastern shore. Jambs A. Shadbick and Juliennu Tal- noTT, the well known comedy sketch team, write: "We are with Young k Adams' Stock Co., playing parts and doing our specialties. The company Is In its fourth week In New York State, playing to record business. Wo tour through Nova Scotia, New Brunswick and Ontario." Tub opera house at Helper, Utah, burned Sept. 22. The Christy Comedy Co. was Ail- ing a three nlghta' engagement there, and all members of the company lost baggage and wardrobe. Damoc ana Montague were the heaviest losers, all their baggage and ward- robe being completely destroyed. They will return to Kansas City, Mo,, In a short time, for a new outfit. Manaoeb Gbobob Wilson, of Murphy's Comedians, No. 1 company, writes from Al- buquerque, N. Mex., as follows: "Texas sandstorm at Dalhart, Tex., Sept. ID, de- molished our big tent. Have a new 80x140 feet (Baker & Lock wood I, and packing them In nightly. Here Indeanltely." Will Binoham writes: "I am in my third year with the Clifton Mallory Co., under the direction of tho Empire Lyceum Bureau of Syracuse. We are playing 'David Oarrlck," ■Our Minister,' 'The Civil Engineer' and "The Marshes.' Tho roster: Clifton Mallory, Will Bingham, Clarence James, Karlc Nelson, Arthur Bell, Ivab Brower, Ethel Codling, Victoria Moore and Julia Hurler. The com- pany Is touring Vermont, New York and Pennsylvania, and In January we go to Ne- braska to rlli dates for the Brit Bureau of Lincoln." .. . _ _ _,„„ Notes from the "A Dutchman's Daffydll" Co.—Cummlnga and Miner launched their new musical comedy, "A Dutchman's Daffy- dll," by Harrison Buff, at Westchester. Pa., Monday, Sept. 30, which proved a big success. The show will be a big success on tho small time. ■ Wc carry our own electric effects and special scenery. The title role is handled by Billy Martaln, supported by a clever cast, con- sisting of Bose Miller, Miss Morris and Joe .Morris, Jack Cornell, Harry De Vere, Eddie Tnvlor and a pretty chorus. The company will travel through Ohio, Pennsylvania, New York State and the Southwest. Thomas Manning and Kitty Mills write that they are In their fifth week with Lew Fields' "Tlllle's Nightmare" Co., making a big bit and playing to capacity business. TO MAKE LEAGUE PERMANENT. Although organised to further the Inter- ests of Wilson and Marshall, it li the Inten- tion of the men Identified with the Theatrical Voters' League to make the organization a permanent one. As soon as the present cam- paign is over the club will become non-nar- tlsan, and every man Identified In any ca- pacity with the profession may Join. The object of the order Is to prefect theatrical Interests. Every man fn the show business, no matter what his politics are, Is Invited to Join. There are no dues, but contributions of one dollar or more wUl be gratefully re- ectved A monster testimonial will be given at one of the local theatres, cither Casino or Hippodrome, In a few weeks, In order to raise money for the present campaign. A big show Is promised. The offices of the league are In the Hotel Cadillac, New York. Fotif Ways of Using Woodbury's Facial Soap Ist-The mil deat action In using Wood- bury's Facial Soap Is produced by wash- ing in the usual way. •id—A stronger effect Is produced by rubbing its thick latbor Into the skin for several minutes, then wiping It off. 8d—A still stronger eOect—]mt what is needed for sluggish skins-Is produced by rubbing Its lather Into the skin and leaving lt on all nigbt. 4th-FOR USE RSOFOREA8E CREAMS —Avery marked effect Is produced if Its lather Is first rubbed on and then mas- saged over and over again Into the skin. The tonlo action of Its lather is far bet- ter than grease creams for the skin—is Just what the skin needs. Woodbury'B Facial Soap coats 2»o. a cake. No ono hesitates at the price after their first cake. WOODBURY'S FACIAL SOAP For Sale by Dealers Everywhere. For Ac. toe will send a sample cuke. For too., sample* of Woodbury's Facial Soap, fmuu Cream and Powder. For loo. a oopv it/ t/ie IKoodourp Book and samples of Ins Woodbury preparations. Write lo-dav to the Andrew Jerqen* Co., SeHng QroVO Ave., Cincinnati, 0. NOTES FROM SO NGLAffl). NOTES FROM JOS. W. STERN * CO. "The saccesi of 'The June Bride,' lu Bostoo, does not surprise me In (lie leant," said Lew Fields, the well known producer, last week. "Of all the musical production* I have ever Haired I can remember more melodlea of 'The June Bride' than of all the others put together. Somehow I couldn't get them out of my mind, no matter where I went. Whether on the train, at my meal* or at rehearaala, it was all tbe same; they constantly haunted me, and at home my youna- atera played them on the piano so much that if I hadn't liked them Immensely I would have goo* innd. "While I waa rehearsing 'The June Bride' aeveral other shows were starting rehearaala under my direction, and when anything worried me In any of the other show* I simply allpped over to 'The June Bride' rehearsal, sat down In the corner of the orchestra and The June Bride' mimic was a tonlo for me that would rest my nerves. "Although It Is my 'first offenae' In producing Viennese, opera, I am certainly proud of the ef- fort, and I enjoy tbe performances aa much as anyone In the audience. "When there 1* a tear In tbe voice of my lead- ing man, Mr. Arleaworlh, I sob with blm quietly over the real heart Interest In the scene, and when the fun beglna 1 laugh as if I had never aeen the show before. And aa for the music, 1 slug lt along with everybody, and I can only say, like the Italian, that It la 'dellclaslmo.' "We are playing In Boaton. at the Majestic, the some theatre which started The Chocolate Soldier' on Ita run. "We have enough hits In tbe ahow to supply two ordinary comic operas, namely: 'My Olrl of Dreams.' 'Karen Tresses or Golden Locks,' 'When Tou Marry,' 'All for You,' 'Marry a Olrl la June' and 'Wonderful Tulip Land.' The muale la by Edmund F.yaler, who ranka aa high In Europe aa Lehar or any of the famous composers. "The Sterns have Isaued a beautifully illua- trated edition de luxe of the music, and I believe, that 'The June Bride' has started Its career as * real musical hit." Mott and Maxneld are successfully rendering "My Cnl Sal" and "Au Revolr, Sweet Marie." Lew Fields' vaudeville act, "Fun at the Sea- shore," la ualng Oene Hodgklns' and Jack Ooo- gan's "Time for a Time la Summertime." Agnes Tmcsdale. prima donna, la using "Have You Ever Loved Any Other Olrl 1" Spero and Lovcns are putting over "Shake- spesreon Rag." Rue Brown, "The Classical Olrl," Is singing "Butterflies" and "Harvest Days Are Coming, Jennie." Win. Henry Iloelim la now working for Jos. W. Stern ft Oo. Be Invites all his professional friends to call on blm. Nellie Nice, now on the Proctor circuit, Is ren- dering Stern's latest hits, entitled "Subway Qlble" and "Have You Ever Loved Any Other Olrll" Lambert and Van are ualng, with great success, Stern's big hit, "Ragtime Melodies." Home act, some song, aome hit. Melvln end Thatcher, the boya with the base- hull act, are putting over Stern's big basebill aong, entitled ''You've Made a Home Bun with Me." Billy Weston, of Weston and Le Iter, Is "clean- ing up" with Stern's great march ballad, "Au Revolr, Sweet Marie." i s BETTS A SINNER'S NOTBS. Helen Ely. formerly with Morion and Moore, In the Merry Whirl, la now prima donna In Gor- don A North's new burlesque show, called the Gay Maaqueraders. Mlas Ely, during her Chi- cago run last Summer, popularlted Betta A Bin- ner's song, entitled "In tbe Summertime." This soaaon ahe la Ringing tbelr new aong, "There la No Little Girl Like You." Clyde linger and Jerry Sullivan will probably work the Wlllard and Wilson theatres, Obleago, In tbe near future. The boys were a riot at tho Kills Avenue Theatre last week, singing ten songs and taking live and six bows at every peformsoee. They are singing Betts A Blotter's new aong, en- titled "When the Chlckena Were a Sleeping I Was Sleeping Too." This number looks like a aure bit. Virginia Grant made tbe hit of ber life last week at the Empress Theatre, Chicago, singing Don Meaney's aong success, "There Is No Little Girl Like "Vera." Mlaa Grant has been given tbe whole Sullivan Oonsldloe time. Bchulto and Keene are rehearsing "Burglar Man.". They are certainly going to startle them with this number whan they put It on, Dick flaschal, "The Boy with the Marvstoos Voice," Is certainly oslnf It on "Borglar Man." Dick gets great reanlts with this number. He works It a little different than any one else to the best advantage. L. Cleveland Davis writes that "Jerusalem Rag" is a riot He Says that he la going to con- tinue using the song because lt is the hit of his set. s i BOCLBS MUSIC PUB. CO. ROTES. Morton and Mayo, musical eomedy company, are caualng complete riots with our new 18,000 aong hit, "Honest sad Truly 1 Lore You, Dear." They are also featuring "1 Want to Go to the Southern Climes," "I Want aa Irish Rose," "Umbtlulu," "Just aa Good Fish In the Sea," which are getting them six encores every ahow. They have breaded It the greatest rang of the season. The 0. I. Stewart Oo. Is going big with our pnblkcatkna, especially "I Want an Irish Rose" and "Honett and Truly." The A. R. Baedeker Oo. are featuring "Honest and Truly" song In their show. They are also going big with "I Want an Irisb Rose." "Umba- lulu," "Just aa Good Flsb la tbe Sea," "I Want to Go to the Southern Ollmee," and write that they completely stop the ahow with these songs with Ova and alx encores every show. m CHRISTIE HAODONALD'B NEW OPERETTA, M. Wltmark A Bon's latest acquisition In the misdeal production line, le the new vehicle In which Messrs. Werher and Leuaeher will present the dainty little prima donna, Christie HaoDnn- ald. The book and lyrics an by those piat stea- lers of musical comedy craft, Henry niaasom and Frederic de Gresac, and the music la by Victor Herbert, which speaks volumes for lbs character of the production. Ttva operetta, as yet unnamed, la to bare Its prdmlere aome time in November. s V. J. A. FoSSTSS. tbe Chicago muale publisher. was a visitor on business In New York Isat week. He will probably have some announcement to make before long. OUT OF TOWN MEWS Portland, Me,—Jefferson (Julius Oahn, mgr.) tbe Famous Players Film Oo. production of "Queen Elisabeth," with Sarah Bernhardt, week of Oct, 7. The Baseball Playograpb will be shown to the afternoons. Keith's (James E. Moore, mgr.)— Eds Von Luke re«ntly Joined the vocal stock company for a abort engagement, to play the leading roles, until Adelaide Kelra returns. Souvenir group photos of tbe entire company were presented to the lady patrona week of Sept 80. "Tbe Rose- mary" Oct. T and week, New Poutlako (I. M. Mosher, mgr.)—Builness continues tig. BUI for week of 7 Includes: Cbas. Lexkgar, Reeves and Werner, Marten and Court- ney, Ye Old Home Choir, Blmmt Bommll B-r-r-r 111 and tbe moving pictures, GasEM's (James W. Greely, mgr.)—This vauderllle and moving picture house la offering excellent entertainment and drawing large attend- ance. Casco (M. O. Blnmenberg, mgr.)—Capacity at- tendance rules. "Uncle Tom'a Oabln" waa shown as a special feature 4, a. lira Nickel (Wm. B. Reeves, mgr.)—Moving picture features continue to capacity business. "Tbe Cowboy's Revenge," "At Cripple Creek" and '"the Advent of Jane" were among the Dims Qhowo week ending 5. Nsw Pavilion (J. W. Greely, mgr.)—Moving pictures, with the Arlington Orchestra, Miss James, vocalist, and dancing continue to attract excellent attendances. Nkw Citt Hall. —The Maine Muale Featlvnl, ender tbe conductorshlp of Wm. R. Chapman, and featuring Madame Nordlca and other noted ar- tists, with grand orchestra and chorus of six hun- dred voices, is booked for 14-10. Oklahoma, City, Okla. — Overbolser (H. J. Moore, mgr.) "Miss Nobody from 8tarland" Oct. S, 6. Fcllt (L. R. Burger, mgr.)—Bill for week of «: Three Lelghtona, Wilson and Aubrey, Leroj Harvey and company, Battle Locketle and Folly- scope. l.iHio (Jsck Roeelelgh, mgr.)—Jack Roselelgb'a stock company presents "The Road to Y'aterday" for week of 7. MrrBOFOLtTAN (P. M. Raleigh, mgr.) — North Bros.' Slock Oo. presents "The Time, Ibe Place and the Olrl" week of 7. Majestic (Jack Amlck, mgr.)—Amlok'e Pen- nant Winners oontlnoe to draw well with their offerings. Oklahoiia Stats Fais (I. B Mahan, sec.)— Sept. 34 to Oct. 5: Wortham-Allen Shows, Moa- slant flying machines, and horse show era among the attractions. Nora—eella-Floto Circus will show here for two performances, 11. i Milwaukee, Wis. — Davidson (Sherman Brown, mgr.) "Putting It Over" Oct. 6-0, Ralney's African Hunt pictures 10-10. Shubsst's (Wm. K. Mick, mgr.)—House Is dark week of 7, "A Modem Rve" week begin- ning 19. Ma/istio (J. A. nigler, mgr.)—Bill for week of 7: Qua Edwards' Kid Kabaret, Elliott 8a- vonaa. Little Billy, Jere Grady, Frsnkle Car- penter and company, Thurber and Madison, Mays and Addis and Clara Ballerlnl. Pabbt (Luilwig Krelss, mgr.)—The Paint Ger- man Stock Co. presented "Der Hochtourist" fl. Burton Holmes will give five new travelogues, beginning 8. Baxb (Edw. Raymond, mgr.)—"Baby Doll" week of fl, "Tbe White Squaw 1 ' 13 and week. Oaiett (J. A. Whitehead, mgr.)—The Rose Buds week of 6, tbe Cherry Bloiaoms 18 and Cstbtal (Edw. Raymond, mgr.)—Bill for week of 7 Ipcludes: Tom Linton and bis Jungle Girls, Von Hello, Four Silos Brothers and tbe Blx Ab- dallaha. Juncau (J. B. Relchert, mgr.)—The Juneau Block Oo. presents "For Hearth and Home" week of A, "The Oriental Oogan" 13 and week. Columbia (Wlnnlnger Bros., mgrs.)—The Win- nlnger Bros.' Stock Co. during the past week at- tempted an unusual feat In producing "Caught with the Goods." written by Mist Boby Danen- liuum. a Milwaukee girl, and It scored a success. Tbe piece Is full of Interesting situations, and Miss Danenbaum should have success with lt. "At Cosy Corners" 0 and week. Detroit, Mich.—Detroit (B. O. Whitney, mgr.) Eddie Foy, In "Over the River," week of Oct. 7. OAistos: (R. H. Lawrence, mgr.) — Walker Whiteside, In "The Typhoon," week of 7. Lvosuu (B. D Stolr, mgr.)—Billy Van and hla company week of C. AriNus (Drew ft Campbell, mgrs.)—Mlner'a Bohemians week of 8, Gaybtt (Wm. Roaebe, mgr,)—The Trocaderoa week of 8. Tsm-i.s (J. H. Moore, mgr.)—Capacity nooses rule, Bill for week of 7: Madame Olra Petrova, Kara, Fields and Lewis, Scott and Keane, Phil Staata, Raymon and Heath, Rice, Sully and Scott, the De Vole Trio, and the Mooreoacopo. Miles (0. W. Porter, mgr.)—Good buslneas. Bill for week of 7: Rutan's Song Birds, Klein, Olt snd Nicholson, Bob Albright, Rlchsrda and Montrose, Elale Murpby, and Anita Dais and her monkeys. Denver, Col.—Orphrum (A. C. Carson, mgr.) bill for week of Oct. 7: W. 0. Fields, Mrs. Oene Hughes snd company, Charlie Case, Grover and Rlcharda, "Squaring Accounts," BradaUaw Broth- ers, the Rexoa, ana Pathe'a Weekly. Tabob Gband (Peter McOourt, mgr.)—For week of 0: "The Rose of Panama." Bltrssss (Geo. A. Bovver, mgr.)—Bill for S and week. "La Petite Goase," tbe Sombreros. Curry and Riley, Leona Goerney, Sullivan and Battling, Billy Rogers, and Gaumont's Weekly. Bboaowai (Peter McCourt, mgr.)—Dark week Of 7. AmHTOBiuaf (Thomas Anoear, act. mgr.)—"The Secret of Suaanne" 21, 23, Waco. Tes. — Auditorium (Aaron Luskin, mgr.) "McFadden's Flats" Sent. 25. the Smart Set 24, "Tbe Common Law" Oct. 8, "The Old Homestead" 4, Dnua,—Moving pictures, to crowded bouses. Ideal —Moving pictures, to crowded booses. Coir.—Moving pictures, to capacity. Elmo.— Moving pictures and vaudeville. Ca- pacity. I'sisomss.—Moving pictures snd vaudeville, to capclty. Ghidets • «T REALLY DELIGHTFUL ftp $amig ttlint Gctoerei Getting (lutm Look for the Bird Cards in tho packets. You can secure a beautiful Bird Album FREE. Half a million folks of all kind)— including grown-ups, children, teach- ers, etc., are collecting our wonderful Bird Studies — faithful reproduc- tions of American birds in full colors, with description of the birds' plum> age, habits, and how to know them on sight. You will find one beauti- ful bird picture in each packet of Chiclets. Send us any fifty of these pictures with ten cents in stamps and we will send you—free—our splendid Bird Album. The refinement of chewing gum for peo- ple of refinement. It's the peppermint — the true mint Far Sate al all Iks Better Sett s! Stane Be. tbs Ounce and la So., 10c. and 28c. PackaU SEN-SEN CHICLET COMPANY Metropolitan Tower Nsw York IF H. 3D El Christmas Dinners Will you help Ivy sondliiffa donation, no matter how sniiill TOCOMMANDES MISS BOOTH 118 W. 14th St.. Now York City Weslam Stales. Ceaue. Estill, Ml S. Slat. St., Ciltag* BEFORE AND AFTER THEATRE MOUQUIN'S 6th Ave., bet. 27th and 28th Sts., New York MOST POPULAR KIIISNCII nOSTAVRANT I'AUIBIAN CAB-B I MUSIC 6.80 TO 1 A. M. WurlTIzer', FREC . CATALOG Musical Instruments; ntPaso*. 2MlArtloloadeacrlbod. 789111a. {trotlons. 61 Color I'lattis. Kmry Musical nstmmiint. Hupurb duality. Lowest 'rUif.». Komi Payment*. Mention Instru- ment ynu nro Interested In. Wo supply tho U. H. Government. THE RIUOLrilwrAiimcE*CO. ST! I ttk Av„ (Masai Ml 1 IstaS sv„ I Talent Wanted For Smokers and Cliurcli Concerts. Send full par- ticulars. VAN. Mt, Vernon, N. V. Bronchial Troches Save the volco In all kinds of weather. Invalua. ble to singers and speakers for clearing the voice. There Is nothing more oifoctlvo for Throat Irrita- tion, Hoarseness and CoukIib. Sixty years' repu- tation. Bold only In boxes. Hnmple mailed free. JOHN I. BROWN & SON, Boston, SKETCHES, MONOLOGS, Patters and Parodies, written to order. Good original work; reasonable pi Ices. JERKS A MARTIN, BOX 83, INDIANAPOLIS, INK. lOSMAaiCTRICKI 9 ^^^ JOS.O. KLICIlf, 1193 Broadway,V Y.