The New York Clipper (October 1912)

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22 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. October jo Grease-Paint and Burnt Cork Removed Without the Aid of Cold Great "WASH-UP" RIAXM8 EASY It easily, quickly and thoroughly removes all trace of pease-paint, burnt cork or any other make-up, without the aid of cold cream or without the (lightest injury to the most delicate complexion, leaving the skin feeling cool, clean and comfortable. FOR SALE BY DRUGGISTS AND GROCERS "Wll DO IT 11 WM. WALTKE & COMPANY Used and endorsed by the leading members of every branch of the profession. We want every member of the profession in the United States to test the merits of Lava Soap. Send us your name and address, and we will send you ABSOLUTELY FREE A SAM- PLE CAKE OF LAVA 80AP. SAINT LOUIS, U. S. A. NEW YORK THEATRES. HEW AMSTERDAM W XM R .? ET Eves. 8.16. Mats. Wed. and Bat. 2.16. KLAW ft ERLANOER Present The Count of Luxembourg T TDVDTV 42d St. near B'way. Mats. Wed. LI D Ei If 11 and Sat., 2.16. KLAW ft ERLANOER Present MILESTONES Bj AKNOU) BENNETT and EDWARD KNOBLAUCH. As played to crowded houses at The Royalty Theatre, London. Af"» ATTS"I*V B'way and 46th St. Evgs. 8.30 ur/VL HI I Mats. Wed. and Sal., 2.30. Another Ooban A Harrta Success. OFFICER 666 T he Funniest Farce In Years. DEDIIDI If* WenttfdSt. Eves.8.16. KfirUDIilV Mats. *• ed. A flat., 2.15. WILLIAM ELLIOTT and DAVID bELASCO Present "THE GOVERNOR'S LADY" A plar In tbree acts and an epilogue In '■CnlldsV by ALICE U1UDLEY. BFI kCftA THEATRE. W.44thBt. DCLBauU Mats. Thara. and Sat. at 2.15. DAVID BELABCO presents Frances Starr In a new plar, by EDWARD LOCKE THE CASE OF BECKY HIPPODROME oth A v., 43-«. Dally Mat at 2. Best Beats, 11. kv.S. UNDER MANY FLAGS ENTIRELY ME W BP ECIALTIEB WINTlR GARDEN Phone dsooCoIb! | Sharp. MliFIIDDO TnM.. Tliura. and Sat. • < nft ■AllllKBS 60c., 76c., and Beet Seats il.Utf The Passing Show of 1912 OAT VCt B'way A 80th St. Phono 6973 ■*«■•«» 0 Madison. Evgs. at 8.00. Mats. Wed. and Bat. at 2.00. Lewis Waller ■ HERTRY V With Madge Tltheradge and company of 160 Evgs. 8.16. Mats. Thura. and Bat. 2.16. East 48tu St. Theatre L Tim th. mat., beat teats 11.60. 'Phone 178 Bryant LITTLE MISS BROWN By Philip Bartholomae, author of "Over Night." William fUmik<lt> 4Ut > F * a » t of B ' w, y- Pnon e Hran v Ilia llurker'a London Company IN , Fanny's First Play DADir 69th St.. Col. Circle. Evgs. 8.16. Hats. rn.r%rk. Wed.Sat.,2.16. Wed.Mat,60c.-ll.»0. "CLEVER EXCELLENT 8UC0RS8.'*—World. "OLIKTON CRAWFORD AT HIS BE8T."-Olohe. CLIFTON CRAWFORD ,B %u 0 n8,ca ' "MY BEST GIRL" ELTINGE 42d St. Theatre Just W. of Broadway. Phono M20 Bryant. Evg. 8.20. Mala. Wed and Sat. 2.16. wed. Mat. Popular. THE AMERICAN PLAY COMI'ANY Announces A NKW PLAY Of TODAY NOTABLE OAST OF WELL KNOWN PLAYERS. GEO. |ifUIIN THEATRE, Broadway A 43d Street. GEO If. WITHIN THE Ls« I Evgs. 8.16. Mats. Wed A Sat., 2.16. COHAN and his own Company In MR. COHAN'S LATEST COMEDY "BROADWAY" JONES ACTflD B'way A 46 St. Eve. 8.16. Matinees Au 1 UII wed. A Sat. 2.16. Tel. 28T Bryant COHAN A 11A1UUH, Lessees and Manager* A. II. WOODS presents The Latest and Newest Vlonncse Operetta The Woman Haters' Club With BALL1E FI8HEK B. F. KEITH'S GREATER NEW YORK CIRCUIT colonial BV8HWICK AL.HAMBRA CRE8CBKT BHONX OHBBNFOINT OHPHHUM GOTHAM B. F. KKITH'H UNION SQ. TBEATRE, B'way A 14th St. Phone 8400 Btuyveaant Matinee Dally 260.; Nights, 36o, to 11.00 LILLIAN SHAW, WEL- LINGTON CROSS and LOIS JOSEPHINE. The MastcrMu- sIclanLAMBEltri.CbadwtcIc Trio, Lou Anger, Krgoitl and Llllputlans, Hill and Stlvanny, Pepplno, the Ac- cordion Marvel; SOPH YE BAHNARO. COLUMBIA THEATRE BROADWAY, 47th NTIIKKT, N. Y. This week, THE COLLEGE GIRLS RPOAHWAV Theatre. nrosdway,cor.4lstSt. Da\lMU>VVJlI Telephone, 101 Bryant. • Evgs., 8.20. Mats., Hon., Wed. and Sat., 2.20. Mou., Wed. and Sst. Mats., 600 orchestra Seats, $1. LEW FIELDS PRESENTS Hanky Panky C fflaxine Elliolt's ES. Evgs. 8.30. Matinees Wed. A Sat. 2.80. 11. H.FRAZEE presents JAMES MONTGOMERY'S New Comedy READY MONEY CASIXO 'Phone 8840 B'way - and 89th St. ■**< * a w nur a— MB ^aw Greeley Ergs. 8.10. Matinees Wed. and Sat. T h8 Merry Countess SZ 39th STREET^ Evgs. 8.16. Mats. Wed. and Sat, 2.16. UOMSTOOK A GE8T, 1N0., present ^^^ A New A merica n Drama, The Brute By WILLIAM ARNOLD SUMMER. 4Jd, W. of B'way I VniA Ev. 8.16. Mta. Wed. Phono 6216 Dry. L I Ml) A Bat. at 2.16. The Master of the House FNTTRE BALOONY 1)1.00 EmiRE FAMILY CIRCLE SOe. Wednesday Matinee Bast jgSjjj. >l.SO. F. F. Proctor's OthAve. B'way A 28th St. Dally Mat. 260. Eves. 26oto $1 2 CONCERTS Sun., 2.16 A 8.16 All-Star Bills GEO. URBAN'. "TheSign of the Rose"; BILLIE REEVES, "A Lesson In Temperance"; JOCK MeKAY, The Comlo Scotchman: CAHL DBHAREBT. "The •Rlgo' oi Chicago"; Max Mart's Six Steppers; Blake and Amber; UcDevltt. Kelly and Lucy; Frty Twins; Gladys Vance. HURRAY HILLTHEATRE Lexington Ave. and 49d St., M. V. This week, THE CRACKER JACKS OUT OF TOWN NEWS BOSTON. Local managers are looking forward to rather Hunt matinees this week, especially on tlio days the Red 8ox and the Giants meet In the World's scrlen, but the theatres ar* sure to be crowded Willi baseball enthusiasts at the evening per- formances. There !■ much to attract the buyer of theatre tickets this week. Three shows, brand new to Boston, some excellent vaudeville, bur- lesque atock anil moving picture entertainments offer a variety that ought to please even the moat constant playgoer. TaniioNT (Jno. B. Schoeffel, mgr.)—"A Polish Wedding," a farce with music, comes to this bouse Oct. T, tor a fortnight's stay. The play Is produced by Cohan Si Harris, and the cast bas for Its members Volll Valll. Winona Winter, William Barrets, Armand Kaflta, Matbllde Out- trolly, Sidney Bracer, Oarrlo Graham, Louise Alchol, Genevieve Tobln, Ann Pennington, Louise Cssarant, Lincoln Plainer, John Relnhard and Frank Andrews. "The Woman lister's Club" had tbree weeks of good business, Majebtio (Wllbur-Shubcrt Co., nigra.)—"Little Boy Blue," Ibe latest success of Henry W. Savage, Is the attraction here, beginning 7. Gertrude liryim, Maude Odell. Otis Harlan and John Duns- more arc the principal rnvmtwrs of a Isrie com* pany, "The June Bride" closed, 8, a two weeks' cmrigoment SiiuBtsr (Wllbur-Shubert Co., mgra.) — Ger- trude Hoffmann's "Revues" aro alwaya moat en* tertalnlng, and her latest one. "From Broadway lo Part*, ' current attraction, Is aald to excel the previous ones. In the large supporting company are: Marlon Sunshine. Rita Gould, Cordelia Ha- ger, VlaaU Novotua, Rose Dellnmare, Julia Carle, Mary Michaels, George Illckcl, Ralph Austin, Jsnve-s Morton, James B. Duffy, George Austin Moor*, Ned Monroe, Bob Archer, Joseph Schnod, Ohnrlea Abeam and troupe, Charles Heck, Leo Pernlkoff, and Lee Chapln. Fair business during the three weeks' run of "A Butterfly on U>o Wlieel." Dolus (Charles J. Rich, mgr.)—"The Talk- er," a plsy by a woman, chiefly about women, but which sppeals with equal force to every man and woman who has ever married or expects to marry, la In Its second and last week. The at- tendance during the first week of the engagement was good. "Coming Home to Boost" will have Ita Srst performance on any ctage 14. Boston (Frohman-Hsrrls Corp., mgra.)—Sec- ond and last week ot "Robin Hood." Although the tuneful opera was first produced In Chicago, Boston claims It by virtue of the performances of the old Bostonlan Opera Co. And the "Robin Hood" of the old Bostonlans has no excuses to make to the "Robin Hood" ot the sll star cast that revived the tuneful opera at this house last week. I'i.ymobth (Fred Wright, mgr.)—Very large audiences greeted the first week's performances of "Oliver Twist," given by a company of our most prominent players. It is a noteworthy performance of the new season, Thts Is the final week, and the Incoming offering Is George Arllss. In "Disraeli." Pinic (Charles Frohman, Rich ft Harris, mgrs.) —The sixth week of Rose SUM, In ''Maggie Pepper," begins T. Miss Slsbl's popularity does not wsno one bit as the number of local per- formances Increases. Colonial (Frohman A Harris, mgra.)—It Is a long time since Boston has had as dainty snd pleasing a visitor as "The Quaker Girl," who Is now In her sixth week, The engagement la due to last another month. St. Jambs (W. II. Guleslan, mgr.)—"The Dawn of a To-morrow" Is the bill this week. Ktucl Grey Terry bsa the role of Glad. "The Deep Purple" Is In preparation. Nance O'Nell closed ber brief stay at this theatre 0, with an excellent performance of "Magda." Castli Soiiabk (John Craig, mgr.)—This week's attraction, "The Aviator," marks the appearance of Wilson Melrose with the Oaatle Square Play- ers. The timely comedy Is sure to display Mr. Melrose's skill as a comedian. He Will share the leading roles at the Oaatle Square throughout the sesaou with Mr. Oralg. Keith's (B. F. Keith, mgr.)—Heading the bill current week Is Ma-Bell, who la assisted by her Sylvan Ballet, In a spectacular terpslchorean nov- elty, "The Dance Dream." Then there are the Providence Players, in "Who's Brown?" Dsve Geuaro and Ray Bailey, Marshall Montgomery, Bert Melrose, snd the Fire Msrtels. "Puss In Boots" proved to be quite a novelty last week, and the bualneas was ot capacity proportions. Obfhsum (Victor J. Morris, mgr.)—"High Life In Jail" Is one of the principal cards week of 7, snd so Is Oapt. Will J. Sweeney, ot the Boston Boll Club, of the National League, who makes his drat appearance on any stage. Others noted are: Florence Bowes, George Kane and Brother, Si- mons snd Shields, Broughton and Taylor, Marry, Livingston and company. Miller and Mack, Al. H. Wild, Bandy and Fields, and "The Gent with the Jimmy." Globs (Robert Janette, mgr.)—The acta this week are: Adelaide Herrmann, Julia Redmond Co., Beau Frummel Three, Llewellyn and Stanley, Casey and Smith, Jerome snd Lewis, Oakley Sis- ters, Brocko, Monaon snd Forest Musical Irving, the Zanoras, Tbree III id ret bs, Mondo Brothers, und the Rsys. , National (O. A. Hsley, mgr.)—John 0. Rice snd Sally Cohen, Mrs. George A. Hlbbard, Gil- lette's animals, Jessie Sutherland, Bernevlccl Brothers, Gene Hodgklna and the Reed Twins, Nick Conway, snd the Rolando Brothers are listed for this week, Gobdon's Oltmpia (J. B. Comer-ford, mgr.)— Week of 7: Jlmmle Burns, Three Whalens, W. B. Patton and company, Norton nnd Franklyn, Henry Frey, Six Baltons, and "A Night In the Slums of Psrli." Howabd <G. B. Lothrop, mgr.)—The Lady Buccaneers sre here In the two act burlesque, "That Boy Frits," Introducing John Hanson as the principal fun maker. The extra features an: The U. S. A. Boys, Louie Dscre, Albano, Wat- son and Bandy, Clabane and Sweeney, Mysterious Woods Co., Funk Carmen and Frank Golot. Dante's Daughters la to follow. Guano Opeba Houss) (G. B. Lothrop, mgr.)— After a successful week st the Howard, the Merry Maidens sre entertaining toe playgoers In the South End section ot the city. They will be succeeded next Week by Dante'a Daughters. Wai.wion'b Casino (Charles H. Waldron, mgr.) —Charlie Waldron had another big winner last week In the Daxslers. Ben Pierce, s Boston boy, shared honors with the star, Pete Curley. This week, Rose Sydell'a London Belles, snd the fol- lowing week, the Golden Crooks. Gaibrt (George H. Batcbeller, mar.)—"One of the best weeks of the sesson," Manager Batcheller sold at the close of the College Girls" engagement Max Spelgel has spared neither time nor money In' completing with n lavlshness of costume and scenic effects a production which bids fslr to be the most elaborate of the burlesque shows of the season. The Mollle Williams Co. Is the bur- lesque card for week of 7. Tbe Bcliman Bbow 14. Bowdoin Squabs (G. B. Lothrop. mgr.)— Violet Msscotte's Merry Msldcns, Three Nlbbes, Eiran snd Demar, Cecil Oterlta, Frank Golot, and Robert Millo. Old Sooth (F. a. Collier, mgr.)—Slawson snd Tyson, Walsh and Reddln, Diablo snd Nelson, Mimical Stevens, McDonald and Trovato. Grace and Paul, Henella and Eddie Horan are playing here current week. Wasuinoton (F. Q. Collier, mgr.)—Bookings for this week Include: Martin and Martin, Wal- ters, Nelson and Mllledge, Umholta Brothers, Geo. W. McDonald, and W. B. Browning. Baqi.b. —The performers week of 7 are: D. Mc- Donald, Frasee and Louise Hudson and company. AFTiniliTH. Thb Blkra Dream, Hub. Huntington Avenue, South End, Shawmut, Unique, Apollo, Orients, Pastime, Puritan, Beacon, Back Bay, Premier, Norfolk, Oomlque, Niagara, Wlnthrop Hall, New Palace, Williams' Ideal, Superb, Star, Scenic Temple and the Roxbury make weekly changes In pictures and songs. Gbaci Blliston has been engaged to play the leading role lo "Coming Home to Boost, ' which Is due at the Hollls 14. Dan Oolihan, s Boston hoy, appeared at the Gaiety last week with the Collage Girls. Mr. Coleman was wltb the Rays, in "A Hot Old Time," for several seasons. Tun Corr.nstlon pictures are being displayed at the Tremont Temple, and although these photo- plays were shown last season they hare appar- ently lost none of their popularity. William Rock, of Rock snd Fulton, wss In town all last week, Introducing some dancing num- bers In "The Woman Hater's Club," st the Tre- mont. Al. H. Woods was also here the latter part of the week, looking his newest production over before Its New York debut at the Astor Theatre, 7. The Electric Bbow Is going on at the Mechan- ics' Hall, and la said by sll who have visited It the greatest exhibition of Its kind ever attempted. It will continue until Ibe end of October. Crea- ture and his bond supply the music. Wabo and Voices sre assembling their company snd will venture forth after the election Is over In a revival of "A Run on the Bank." Strong Inducements have been made to Tony Williams to loin the company, but at present nothing definite has been settled. M. Dooolabs Flattest, wbo Is tbe secretary and counsel for the Marcus Loew Co. Interests In this city. Is putting on at Jordan Hall, 0, the Carnegie Museum Alaska-Siberia motion pictures for an engagement of alx weeks. The pictures were secured by Ospt. F. B. Klelnachmfdt, big 5ame hunter and naturalist, who headed the rctlc expedition sent out Isst Summer by the Carnegie Museum, of Pittsburgh. Nkablt every burlesque show snd the variety performers who plsy the old Howard, have the highest opinion of George Bowman, as a stage manager. There are never any waits, and the show moves along perfectly from the first per- formance of tbe week to the last without a com- plaint from one of the acta on the bill. Beookton Faib, one of tbe largest of the falw nearby Benton, has always been fortunate In hav- ing excellent weather during Its four days, and this year tells the same old story. Lowell. Muss.—Opera House (Ralph Ward, mgr.) "Mutt snd Jeff" Oct. 8, 8. "Over Night" 12. Concerts on Sundays. Plathotjbi (K. Weston, mgr.)—Tbe Drama Players present "Before and After" for 7 and week. "The Baslcst Way" week of 14. Keith's (Will H. Stevens, mgr.)—BUI for 7 snd week; Mlddleton, Spellmeyer and company, Armdtrona; nnd Ford, Dean and Price, the Lester Trio, Wlllam Oablll, Boyl and Brosll, Delmore snd Oneida, and George R. Wlchman. Aoadeut (Rdwln Church, mgr.)—Bill for 7 and week: Princess Susanne, the Toomleys, Mar- garet Helblg, Weston Sisters, Madell snd Oorbley, and the pictures. Mbb'k Sq. (James Carroll, mgr.)—Hill for week of 7: The Temple Flayers, Arthur Russell, ltoraslne. Flood and Brma, Dreno and Goodivln, and photoplays. Lawrence, Mass. — Opera House (Julius Oshn, mgr.) the Malley A Dennlson Stock Co. presents "The Deep Turple" week of Oct. 7, 'The Man from Home" 14-17. Colonial (Julius Oahn, mgr.)—Aborn's Eng- lish Opera Co., In "The Bohemian Girl." 10; "Mutt nnd Jeff" 11, '"The Common Law" 12. "Over Night" 10, "The Talker" 17. Nickel (J. Fred Lovett, mgr.)—BUI for 7-9 Included: Beulah De Bassey, Kenuey and Hollls, Josephine Rellls, snd Majestic Musical Four. For 10-12: La Vernle Barber Players, and Le Clair's Circus. PtsTim. PautiER, Broaowat, Victoria and Cosmopolitan are doing good business, with mo- tion pictures, NOW READY! THE (NEW) leth EDITION OP THE Cahn-Leighton Official Theatrical Guide AGENTS will find it correct and containing many new features oi great value to them. MANAGERS can ill afford to bo without one. THEATRE MANAGERS who are awake to every opportunity of bettcrin? their business should possess one of these volumes and receive monthly a supple. mtnt which will keep them thoroughly conversant with the theatrical conditions. IMPORTANT NEW FEATURES No o!d information used. If we cannot give you the corrected data, we publish none at all. The circulation of every paper you use is given either by statement or guarantee. The distance to the next town is published. Freight rates and shipping routes given. * v ■ THE PRICE OF THE GUIDE AND SUPPLEMENT IS $1.00 SEND VS YOUR SUBSCRIPTION NOW CAHN-LEIGHTON New Amsterdam Theatre Building, 214 West 42cf Street NEW YORK CITY People for Permanent Stock IN DALLAS. Address BERT C. GAGNON, Dallas, Texas FOR PBBHABfBr¥T STOCK OR HBFERTOIRR UlllM MOIMTROS CUDYS Versatile Lea da and Ilea vies, with Good Stoek Mrrlitta. Reliable Manage™ in nee4 of two all around performers of ability, wardrobe and experience, Addreaa I.K.HA.SJ MOWTHOBK, »9» lll K hl«n,l Are., Detroit, Mich. Slnglne; and Damclng Sonbrette, Light Ingenue*, Bojrs. LEON McREYNOLDS Veraatlle Leads In Pictures,, or Permanent Stock. Strong In Kinotlonssl Character flan 1nln nn wi™ nr ^m^!ii? r *}!?* pmrt , ,n , *»"4»»«1« or Production. olaVd with a ran™ not?" w&LSLK elec,lon , for ""ft* engagement. Have never been awo- ctatea with a fallare. NOTE --No longer necessary for• me to retain to my ranch durlngaeason. Address BoREYNOLDS, HALF HOUR RANCH, CLIFTON, COLORADO. For La Roy Stock Co. Playing small towns, Juv. Han, Gen. Bub. Han. 8 " nd d l. Comedian, Gon. Bus. Woman, Char. Woman. Those with specialties preferred. Want far B.and 0„ Cornet. Trombone, Tuba, Baritone. Those dunbllng stage preferred, rianlat, lady or R&J" Sro.**&£ Name y° ur lowf >»'.«it is sure. M. I4A. Jtit y, - Week Oct. 14, Fostoria, Ohio. Columbia, 8. O. — New Columbia (F, L, Brown, max) Maode Adams Oct. 8. House will be dark week c-f 14. _ Notb.— Buffalo Bill « Pawnee Sill's Wild Weat did well f*nt. 80 Tbe South Carolina Agri- cultural and Mechanical Society held Its annual fair 28-Oet. a. AT LIBERTY OCT. 19 IM Ability and Sobriety _ OSCAR W1LKY Care Barnom A Bailey, Meridian, Alias. AT LIBERTY Clever Ingenne, Sonbrette 5 *t 2M, 110 Ita., age 22. Btock or good repertoire. S'SJflngspeclaltfcj, |f wanted! INGBNUB, enre of CLIPPER, WANTED Man for Rube Comedy Part in Vaudeville let PLAYING BIO SMALL, 'Utile. State ALL. Photos will be returned. Add. ED. COPKI.AND, Doctataders, Wilmington, Del., week Oct. 7; then 270 WBBT 89th S T., NEW YORK. Managers, Take Notice! If you are coming my way, and you have a real show, send In your open time. I enn give you the business If you can deliver tlio goods. Have Just played Edwin Wccvcr's Franklin Stock Co., to capacity business for three weeks, For terms, etc., address W. M. HcLDAN, Box 302, Qoderlch, Out, Wanted, Cornet, Clarinet FOR DUNN'S ORCHESTRA J?/!* 1 !. 6 .f^ dance work - M*™ scale two and half, matinee one and half. Average three shows per week and plenty dance work. Most 1be"sober and reliable. Union men. SIDNBYMAYBilLeader Kyle Theatre, lleanmont, Texas. """■'"> "» aOT t CONTRACTS THKATBICAL WIGS Toupees. Ladles' rialr Goods. M. Stein's Make. mi W. 41st 8t, New York. Tel., 8726-Bryant A VERY SMALL, HANDSOME TRICK PONY Stamp for answer. Here's yonr chance. Address Prof.Pamahaslka.So.aSCTN, Sixth 8t!"phlla!,pS!! DEAFSWK! WELIi'SlilUlND JUVENILE LEADING MAN Age 22 years; height 6 ft. lOKin.; weight UOIIss. Appearance, ability, wardrobe and reliable. Wire or write. Address VAN WBBT, OHIO. I SHOOTING GALLERIES Write for Catalogue and Prices W. F. MAN6ELS CO., GOMEY ISLAND, N. V. At Liberty, Irish and Blackface Comedian. Good All Round Dancer ami Sonar Danes Man. P. J.80ANLAN, Mllleratotvn. I'erry Co., Fon n.i. Wanted, Medicine Show People, VaudeviUs Performers. Tbree days and week stands. K>"'"' small sure salary. Bxccllont treatment. Addiv-i MEDICINE SHOW, care N. Y. gjFWj. WANTED, MED. PERFORMERS Musical Act, Silent Act and good Novelty Act th it can change. Money always sure here. Dr.Howii- 1 ' Curtis, 286 King St., W., Toronto, Ont., Canada. _ ^*THEOLs7RiUr^ciT£^^~^ Planters BLACK C & C CAPSULES'