The New York Clipper (October 1912)

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OCTOBER 12 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. 23 lei tafii minis«it terns "dk m subb-a. m himid THE M05T WONDERFUL 50NG OF THE ACE 'AND THE ONLY MILLION COPY "HIT"OF 1912 ! Put over by Montgomery and Moore, Maud Lambert, Courtney Sisters, 5 Madam Sherry Shows I Other "hits" that are "cleaning un": "YOU CAN'T EXPECT KISSES FROM ME" SOTElW 'WHEN I MET YOU LAST NIGHT in DREAMLAND" Maud Lambert's Latest "Hit" TEXAS PRANCE" A " s "OH YOU GEORGIA ROSE" Lee White and Geo. Perry's "Knockout" .uv„o mnnut "NEXT SUNDAY AT NINE" Alexander and Scott's New "Hit" "MAMMY'S SHUFFLIN DANCE" "YOU'LL NEVER KNOW the GOOD FELLOW I'VE BEEN" "STOP that BEAR CAT SADIE" MP" Urate Wilson's "Hit" ALL NIGHT LONG -The- Overnight" Sensation WIN Ross Iter Is now spoken of as the Haw does he do it? Publisher Prof. Copies S£ WILL 136 W. LAKE 8T. CHICAGO, ILL. LEO WOOD N. Y. Selling Agt. 1367 BROADWAY Show Printing Look at theie prices for cash with order. No ntil - mentu made U. 0.1). Union workmen, Union Label. SOU 1x8 to-nlglita, o changea, 1 aide, no casta, to.oo SOU 4x12 tonights, 1 side, o changea, no caste, 10.60 SOU 4112 to-nlglila, with cast and synopsis, . 12.00 SOH 4X12 to-nlRlita, printed both aldea, - 16.00 10M axis a card heralds, .... 10.00 10B OM heralds, botlialdea (or 7x21) • 10.10 10M mi8 heralda, 4 pp. (or 9x24, both aides) 13.60 101114X21 heraldMpp. (orioj;x28, botbaldea) 17.M 80H ladles tree or coupon tlcketa, ■ • ■ 10.00 HO hall aheeta, from type, black on yellow, 4.60 looo halt sheets, black on yellow, - • - 7.60 600 one sheets, from type, black on yellow, 7.00 low one aheeta, black on yellow, - • - 11.00 looo tack cards, 11x14, one color. • - 7.G0 We carry no stock paper. Above prices are (or special forms from your own cop; and cuts. Good shipping (acuities. Catalog of etook cuts. Corres- pondence Invited. GAZETTE SHOW PRINTING , COMPANY, MATTOON, ILL.. V. 8. A. SHORT VAMP SHOES FOR STAGS, BTRKKT and KVBNINO WKAH SUPPERS "SiSS* Send for onr new catalog 8. of Shoes and Hosiery. SHORT IB Al/'C SHOE VAMP JAUIV O HUOl' tl>5 Sixth XV., bet. a» A SO Stfl. Tel. 7068 Mad. So,. [DoYouWANTMIUTARYGOODS? I «ANI) UNIFORMS, ARM V or NAVY SUITS, l«ISX?,'.SP. N8 aD(1 KtiUlPMKNT OF KVKItV \ 80RIPTION. From Government AucUon. ettter what yoa want In that lino, lean r It. New or second hand. Send for gue B. B. ABRAHAMS, 222 Booth St., Philadelphia, Pa. BE AN ACTOR! XJ&JlZ&ZSUSL jioatftwclnatlng, profitableprotesslonln the world. experience unnecessary. Iaaalst you to get an act Th?JI? BBge, ? ew - Method endorsed by managers. f n .IsI e * l ^ ex J wrle,1 ce. Instructive book FREE torelamp. Frederic La Delle, 8ta. 0, Jackaon, Mich 260-page Magazine ot 16 original vaudeville acts for $1. Special acta writ- ten. Playlets and Musi- . , _cal Comedies to lease. ROSBNER A JAMKS, 1402 B'way, M. f. [ WETZEL, MUSIC ABBANGHl PIAJfO ■elodles written to song * Son. J g~g NBLBOfi ORCHESTRA poems. Ret.—Wltmark , 128 W. 81th St.. N. r. NEW 212 PA6E ILLUST. MAGIC CATAL S»2rio lng cut » ot Leading Conjurors, 6<Jc. New 62 page book natal 10c. None free. Boston, Mais. W. D. LBItQY, 103 Court St N. Y. PLAY BUREAU Is now located at Tremont Thoatro, New York. Get New Catalogue SONG WRlTERS-.Ttjra Your Songs ^-•."l^^raSSfflKf oo., . .Pept. 4T, St. lrt»als. Mo. ! m~ I !* lr > 0r °P Wig, »1; Negro, 26o.; Dress Wig, import rlaid, ionbretle, $1 JO each; r ?,!-• S, W I* H » lr l Wool ». r 1 - 00 ' ■*»* Oauv S3ESLSPBS M » one 9»K Helmets, etc. 1 Importer. KUppert. Mf r.. 4 Fourth Ave.,K.V '» "Wwfaj od». v uo»» mention Cufmb.* | Uaudeville notes. Chahlottb Roobes (Mn. W. N. Little), of Little and Rogers, who was at firit thought to have suffered a nervous break* down last March, later developed a serious cni,o of typhoid fever, and was conflned to her home at Port Huron Mich., the biggest riart of the Summer. She la rapidly gaini- ng In strength, but will not be able to play until after the holidays. We have organized the Little-Rogers Concert Co.. and will tour Michigan until Miss Rogers Is able to play again. The roster of concert company is: Alice Griffin, reader; Milton- Powers, con- tralto; E. Vera Walters, accompanist, and Sutton, "the boy" violinist; W. M. Little, manager. Dick Mitchkll and Oban? Hazel, who are In their eighth week of the Western Vaudeville Association time, are booked through to the Coast. TBI Hbndhix and Belli Iulb Co., pre- senting a revised version of the old school act, playing the Miller time, is now on Its third week at the Empress Theatre, Joplln. Mo., a split week ho.ise. It Is a feature act and a laugh from the opening to the finals, and packing the house at every performance. Smith and Qllis have boon re-engaged at the Casino Theatre, The Dalles, Ore., In- definitely, to put on acta and musical comedies. Al. Mack, one of our foremost comedy writers, has returned to his office, after a three months' vacation, and expects to have a still better season than last, which was hla most successful one since In business. Mr. Mack's acts were highly commented on last season abroad, as well aa throughout this country, but feels confident of making this season the banner one of his career. Barrett and Swinbodbnb arrive! In New York Sept. 28, having closed B successful trip over the Western vaudeville time. frank "Bud" Williamson- Is doing his single act, "Smart Fooling," oa the Butter- Held time In Michigan. Thb Blondix Show cabs were robbed night of Sept. 24. The thief got away with a valuable package of papers belonging to Leo BJondin, deeds, abstracts, receipts, in- surance polMes that will no doubt be de- stroyed. He also got a $00 gold watch and chain of Mrs. Blondln, nnd two watch fobs, made of gold coins of various denominations. The coins could be twisted off and wed. Any one helping to convict tho thief will re- celvo a liberal reward. . . W. B. Shebuan, who 1* playing Orpheum acts at his Grand, Calgary, Can., will assume the management of the Medicine Hat Opera Houae. ■"The Gibl" will be presented at the Union Square, New York, Oct 14, with Hall Mc- Allister, Cyril Young and Albert Lasbe In the Frank Cloud and his "Quaker Doctor's" company report doing fine bualneaa, with J. J. Ray, Andy and Jennie Adams and Frank L. Hlgglns as the principal fnnmakcrs, with James Murray presiding at the piano. • Annie Hart Is doing well In her new act, "Mrs. Flannagan's Honeymoon," assisted by S, F. McKlnny. Edith Price and W. C Kelly, he played the Wm. Penn Theatre last week to a big hit, and Is at the Allegheny, Phila- delphia; this week. She has been booked solid since Aug. 10. William O'Dat writes: "I am with the Barry Vaudeville Co., playing the role of an old sea captain. We opened our 060500 at the Park Theatre, Youngstown, 0. The act was a big hit." ' Latpo and Benjamin are In their sixty- ninth week for the W. V. M. A. They are at present paying out the Inter-State .Circuit and doing welt The meeting of the Fidelity Booking Ofllccs Circuit house managers, announced for Oct. 1, was unavoidably postponed uutll Oct. 16. Boy Marshall, of Blatfngton, Pa., and Frank Nichols, ot Derby, Conn, have been suggested to replace Messrs. Thomas and Beaard on the provisional committee. Among tho many new acts now playing Fi- delity time appear the names of Simple Simon Musical Comedy Co. (nine people), Harry Leander and company, Little Lytton and her blondeB. Adelo Kornfs and her seven players, Robertl's animals, Will Hcbort and Langlay Sisters Frederick and Vernlta, wire experts; Aerial Harbours, Eva Allen and company. Great HaYco and company, Les- palgcs, Harvard and Cornell, Marlowe and Axzell, McDonald Bros., Oertle Laclalr and her Picks, Temple Girls' Quartette, the Four McDonalds. Lelsch's lions, Lopez Marimba Duo, Twin Anderson Slaters, the Harwoods, West Sisters, Capt. Jack Bonlvlta, Fred Webber, Pete Lamar. Benway and Dayton opened for the Fam- ily United at the Family, Pittsburgh, Sept. 28, and are well booked ahead. The act, they write, Is a hit. Bob Cobtlby, of Costley and Ross, writes: "Vera Ross, of the above team, after spend- ing two months at her home, Springfield, III., with her parents, returned to the act Sept. 22. She Is now In Detroit, doing a 'single' over the Sefton Circuit, as I am temporarily engaged with the Wheeler Com- ely Four." Dick Jess informs us that the novelty cabaret he ran Sept. 27, at Bennett's, 440 WestchcBter Avenue, and the Old Heidel- berg Palm Garden, 872 East One Hundred ana Forty-third Street, were a great suc- cess. Owing to tile extensive advertising done for both places, It was Impossible to handle the immense crowds who sought ad- mission, and hundreds had to be turned away. ThcBe shows, with new talent every week, have become a regular feature of these places, and are constantly gaining In popularity. Johnny and Ella Oalvin, who, for the past rive years, have been Identified with the production of musical comedies In repertoire, have arranged a tabloid version of "Little Miss Mix-Dp" for vaudeville, opening in Ot- tawa, III., on Sent. 20. The attraction was a big success, ana the Galvlns will remain In vaudeville during this season. Twenty-five people are carried with the act, together with a special sixty foot baggage car of acenery and effects for a complete musical production. Mat Tohb and Hamid's Seven Abaiiian Achouatb are playing tho Fidelity Booking Offices' time. Anoeb and Hanlby write: "We have signed with the Johnny and Ella Oalvin company, In vaudeville, doing our new spe- cialty. The act Is booked solid, and from Indications will be a big success." We-Chok-Br, the Sioux Indian girl, who recently closed a succeesful engagement at Fargo, N. Dak., received from Geo, H. Web- ster routings over his entire circuit, with the Fisher and Levy time, which takes her to the Coast, making her bookings solid for one year, under the personal directions of Mr. Webster. During the three weeks that she hss played the Webster time she reports the engagements as perfectly satisfactory and pleasant. Ruth Hoyt, In private life the widow of Dave Murphy, has opened a theatrical board- ing house at IS West Blddle Street, Balti- more, Md. Hahky Emherson, of the vaudeville team of Emmcrson and Fourge, is resting at Sara- nac Lake, having been ordered there by his physician. Harry has. gained in weight since his arrival at the lake, and hopes to be en- tirely well In a short time. Hilly Habt and bis two Circus Girls, In- cluding a prima donna and a soubrette, start rehearsals this week for the new act JOHN l„ WKIIKll All HI HKIIT 1,. WKIIKll WORKS IMPORTERS AND MANUPAOTURBRS, 143 NO. DEARBORN ST., CHICAGO, U. 8. A. OoodsB Ths»sjs'trlos»l--OsjB'talos)r*» •*>•«■> Catalog No. 2, Soubrette Oowna and Coatmnoi. Catalog No. a, Wigs, TlghtH,Mako-up and Spangles Catalog No. 4, Boots, Shoes and Wostotn Goods. COSTUMES FOR AMATEUR THEATRICALS OUR SPECIALTY 1000 PERFORMANCES IN THB EAST CHARLES TERRIS AND COMPANY IN 1118 OWN GOMKDY PI.AVLKT, WITH A MORAL THE PREACHER AND THE MAN Direction ED, V. KKA1.KV. SECOND TEAR. 160 PERFORMANCES IN NKW YORK (JITV. NOW BOOKING SEASONS 1912-1913 THE NEW LAFAYETTE THEATRE MoDONALD, l=»A. M1NSTRBLS, BlVBirAL COHasDIBB and BEPBRTOIHB SHOW!. Big prospects for allows Willi a> band. Good. Protection. Uet lluay. Book your iter - dates now. Shown one night pur week. Address L. P. LAVIB. Manager, McDonald, Pa. LATEST- -BIO HIT Parodies on "Fiddle-Dee," "Ragtime Soldier Man," "Want To Ilo In Dixie," "Ulrl UuMnd Man," "I'll Bit On Moon," "Ohost of Oolilln Man," "Doing It Now," "Junglo Moon," "Ragtime Violin." "Wheu You're In Town." "Wo All Fall," "When I Was Twenty-one." "Mellow Melody." ' r Wlien I Oet You Alone To-Nlglit," "Elevator Man," "Robt. K. Leo." "You're My Baby," '■Homebody Else Ih Uettln' It," "Chicken Rag," "Love To Llvo In Loveland," "Tick tin Mo." "llraaH Rami Kpli. Jones," "Tip From Fattier," "Moonlight Bay." LuHt 12 for Jew. 10c. each;!) for 24, or whole 24 Big Parody Scroama, (1.60. Oaah or M. 0.; no stamps. Other malerlal. Semi for catalogues and outhiialaatlc testimonials. MARY B. P. TMAVBH, »100 Broad 8t., Providence, R. I. Are yon In need of wardrobe for the stager We carry an immense line of tiADIB*' BVBKIIfO, DINNER and RBOMPTION GOWNS. Evening Coats and Capes, and • full line or Fur Coats and Seta. Qenllemen'a Back, Outawey, Full Dress and Tnxedo Dulls, Prince Alberts, and a full line of Overcoats in all weights, fur lined coats, and everything pertaining to a lady or gentleman's wardrobe, suitable for stage or atreet wear. Call or write, we alilp gooda, U 0. P., with privilege of examination. A deposit of notions than |5 required with all orders. MltS. l>. BOHBUBR, -. M4-0510 Sootb. Btreet, between Oth and 10th st■., Philadelphia, Pa. WIGS For STREET and STAGE WEAR MADE TO ORDER FROM $6.00 TO $100.00 We specialise In Stock Wigs THE WNCBTsaUsfir. CHICAGO CsfB a HA TT TWr "El Ct ORIGINAL 0E8IQN8 BY OUR OWN ARTISTS KM » JL U lyj. £i iSI Burlstqui Drams a Specialty FROM OWE TO ONE THOUSAND ESTIMATES FURNISHED BROADWAY THEATRICAL COSTUME CO. "JS^^^ZSEST* PLAYS For STOCK, REPERTOIRE, AMATEUR COMPANIES LA HO BUT AHBOBTMENT IN TUB WOULD. Books for horns amusement, Negro Plays, Piper, Scenery, Mrs. Parley's Wax Works. Catalogue Free I Free I Free t •AHVBL FHBNOII. 38 W«Bt 88th St.. New fork. ~ -'■ MADB IN ANY SIIAPK OR SIZB AMKUIt AV RUG AND RADICAL CARPBT CLEARING CO., no to las Bast 131st Street, New York. Phone, Harlem 3M7.