The New York Clipper (October 1912)

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24 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. October 12 B.B.&B.SPECIAL THOtATRICAX TRUNK 6-YZAR GUARANTEE 24-ln. 28-ln. 28-ln. SO-ln. 82-in. 84-in. 88-in. 88-ln. 40-1O. 42-ln; LOOK AT THE PRICE! . ' $ iioo Bound with ©or New Cold- Bolled Steel Binding Three-ply B. B. & B. trunk wood, hand-riveted tipping tray. SEND FOR FREE CATALOGUERS deposit re- quired on C.O.D, shipments. 12.00 18.00 14.00 16.00 16.00 17.00 18.00 19.00 B. B. A B. TRUNK FACTORY 415 Federal St., X. M. 888 Sralthneld St. 44T Wood It. Factory i 83-40 Isabella St., N. fl. PITTSBURGH, PA. B. B. & B. TRUNKS THEATRICAL GOODS 4 WIGS ] TIGHTS [ . . . Ceulooue Ko, HOSIERY j SPANGLES 1 GOLD & SILVER catalogosNo. TRIMMINGS j STAGE I JEWELKY J ■ • Ctlatofloe No. GOLD a nd SIL VER BROCADES SATINS and BEADS Catalogues and Samples upon request When asking tor Catalogue, please mention what goods are wanted. SIEGMAN ft WEIL 77-70-81 Wooittr St., NSW YORK The Theatrical Supply Emporium 5 UNIFORMS For Bands, Military, Minstrel First Part, Minstrel Parade, Ushers, Bell Boys, Base Ball, Foot Ball, Basket Ball, etc, etc. Stealer CATALOG. Be Sure and Mention Kind of Uniform Wanted, Western Uniform Go. 814«.CIAHKST. CHICAGO —NEW— RATES: $4.00 and up; With bath, $7.0) and up. mm HUT, Prop. JACKSON BLVD. A HAL8TED 8T. CHICAGO I0SEPH NOLAN'S SONS Successors to Joseph Nolan MANUFACTURERS Of Leotards, Tights, Shirts, Pic- ture Salts, Contortion, Bear and Monkey Bolts, Paddings, Bastto Supporters, rumps. Send tor price list. 05 aad or Bllery St. Brooklyn, Haw Yorfc "A LIUELLA" DAN CI VQ CLOGS 'Bhort'Vainpa Price, all wood sole, $4.00; leather shank, $6.00; de- livered free. Patent fast en log. Man- ufactured by Albert H. Rlemer Shoe Co., Mllweukos, Wis. TIGHTS AND SHIRTS of every description, Padding, Frost, Snake and Honker 8alta, Blaatlo and Cloth Supporters, Gymnastic Pomps and (Setters, Spangles aad Ballloa Fringe. Send tor catalogue and sample of tight*—FREE. JOHN BPICER Successor to Bptcer Brae, 88 WOODBINE ST.. BKLYN. N. T. SPECIAL SALE OF SILK TIGHTS and SHIRTS FHOH NOW ON TILL. NOV. 1 We will allow a dlseoant of 331 ,% Oa oar h. SIB, 16.00, in Id. 116, $8.50, SILK TIGHTS tttMUm , and SHIRTS The No. 816 Tights and Bhlrts in the fol- lowing colors only: Wblte, Flesh, Pink and Red, and tie No. 016 In White and Cream only. Complete stock always on hand. Cotton Tights or Shirts 8 9 .78 Wonted, medium weight 2.00 Worsted, heavy weight 2-7B Silk Plaited (Imported) 2.50 CLIPPER CATALOGUE FREE OH APPLICATION BERNARD MANDL 210-212 W. MADISON BTBBBT CHICAGO, ILL. STAGE SHOES WOOD SOLE CLOGS Plain Kid, • • $3.50 Patent Leather - $4.50 All Colors, • - $5.00 Extra neat will not rip. STAGE LAST In Oxfords, Slippers and Shoes. Bend (or Catalog Sent C. O. D. IfJl.OOjper pair is advanced. FINB HAPLB DANCING MATS, Dade to order st 80 eta. per square toot NEELY BROS. 72B W. Madison Street Opp. Htymarket Theatre TMa Style 80.00 CHICAGO E.ri $35 to $500 Weekly, Stud, CTAfiP DANCING OlAtJl. SINGING Vaudeville Acts, Sketches, Drama, Mate-up, Plavwritmg. Persona] In- struction by phonograph st your home II you cannot come on to New York. Write tor illustrated booklet bow 8,000 students succeeded. Engagements guaranteed. Failure Impossible. Airiest Theatre School of Actlig S8d 81. and Btn Are., Now York BRANDO The Hendcuft SWj_-„_ we ttaittsrswjra. SECRET CATALBME J At BEE FOR YOURSELF f aosvow. MASS, USED MOVING PICTURE MAOHINBS bought and sold on 10 per cent, basts: Star Pin or Sprocket Wheels,86c; Vain Shaft sec.; Intermittent Shaft, 65o.; Roll Tickets, 6c. per 1,000; Condensers, 40c.; 60 Carbons, tl.OO; Arc Lamp, 12.26; Stereoptloons, (12.00: Calcium Jet, t2.26; Film lo. a foot, any length; Acetylene Jets, 12.60; Heavy Condenser Mounts, $1.10; Asbestos Wire, 6c. per foot; Wire Connector, 6c. Hundreds of other bargains. (Catalogue). L. HKTZ, 30» B. »3a Street, New York City. FHOVXOHn HARMONY- HINTS |_ An Illustrated magasine, containing many |~ R articles of interest to musicians and full descriptions of Button Band Instruments. D OUR BIO BAHOAIN LIST 11 Eof second-hand band Instruments shows _e excellent bargains. Terms cash or install- m menu Old Instruments accepted as part B> E payment. na FBANK IIOLTON Si CO. P S63T Gladys Awsnwa, Chicago — Fine Magical Apparatus ILLUSIONS, TRICKS, Etc. Grand End of Century, fully Illustrated. BOOK CATA- LOGUE, 25c, free by mall. Catalogue of Parlor Tricks free. MARTI NKA A CO., Mfrs.. 408 Sixth Ave., N. Y. yrAQHIBHBRADE nCOO MAKE-UP "Not How Cheap but How Good" Bold oy Leading Druggist*, ., Heir Stores jyr-vTiSia Dapt. Stoma LUCY GOODMAN SECOND-HAND DOWNS EVENING GOWNS, BTBBBT DBSSBBS OFBBA COATS, FUBS, BTC. B4T 8. State St. 'Phone Cal. 1888 OHIOAQO FREE-MAGIC CATALOGUE-FREE Catalogues now ready. All the latest Improved Rope. Chain and Sensational Escapes. Newest Creations In Advanced illusions, Splrltoallstlo Ef- fects, Challenge Mind Reading Aots, newly per- fected Card Tricks, Ventriloquist Figures, Books, Pussies and Jokers, Secrets. Plans, Apparatus. Tables or Accessories. W. albekt Tripp, Boat* lO, New Bedford, Man, ^^ Combination Prtlrlt WrtltUe. YoucalalUW any llrd orulvaL AatooliA Twit Mind, b; mill., thim Ulltr. 711 in > aVMlrilataM. Th. lutnmiDl It ecaMtltd la •w w O» root .fih. mouth ul dtitdi™ fstatnanK UUShaannHtimtumtnotMtna in Hum ir.b ttMlrtklrta acdclltobft chilr. Bojl, If tou like fuo, f»lont, [Mc. IOh.W vim ton dUtcUoa* tai out bij tirrHo utoiof nu Setna, SWINO SUPPLY C0„T1»1 N. WATIS IT.. DtCA.TUH.IU. ipili'|i^i^irii;i 1 machine earned $16,860 In 28 weeks, 1001 1 machine earned $17,043 In 20 weeks, 1003 I machine earned f 16,002 In 25 weeks, 1906 1 machine earned (16,017 la 27 weeks, 1007 I machine earned 812,802 la 27 weeks, 1008 1 machine earned $16,842 in 25 weeks, 1900 1 machine earned $18,521 In 28 weeks, 1910 Above figures will be verlSed to prospective customers. Write for catalogue and prices to C. W. PA R K E R Leavenworth. Kes, tPXBtiffSi ^BMgJMOg . TOM LEWIS Starring In "Yankee Prince," says: Taylor Trunk for me every time; I've tried them all, I know. SEND FOB CATALOGUE. C A. TAYLOR TRUNK WORKS CHICAGO I 35 E. Randolph SL NEW YORK: 131 W.38th St. -WURUTZER-, ORCllKimHARP£*£ The Accepted WortTe Slenders , Write for beatalfnl Catalogue. Easy payments. We supply the U.& cWrWtwUhMaalcsllostrumKits The Hudolph "Wurlitzer Co. 57IE<lb.Cloclsnitl: 441 s.Wibtib.Cblette HatAhll.bart »m Telephone Bryant 8044 Eaves Costume Co. Manufacturers of Theatrical COSTUMES arid UNIFORMS Of Every Description 226 West 41s* Street, One Block West of Broadway NBW TORE SPANGLES, $1.00 PBB POUND GOLD OB SILVER Cotton Tights, pair $1.00 Worsted Tights, pair 3.00 Plaited Bilk Tights, pair , 2.25 Best Silk Tights 1 flaA 9 inch cotton toptf ¥ - w LIVING PICTURE! SUITS Calf, Thigh and Hip Paddings. Gold and Silver Trimmings. Send deposit and route with order. THE BOSTON REGALIA CO., 887 Washington St. Boston, Mass. STALLjHAN'8 dbesbbb TRUNK. Let our catalogue tell what an improvement It is. How easy to get at anything. How quickly packed. Bowuse- roi In small room as chiffonier. Holds as muoh as a good box trunk. Costs no more. Strong- est made; hand riveted. So good that we ship It 0. O. D. sob]eot to examination. Send So. stamp to-day for catalogue P. A. STALLMAN, 86 E. Spring SU.OOLUMBDS. 0. it Evening and Soabrette Gowns, Fancy Stage * i and Street Dresses, Opera Coats and Purs, * i Full-dress Tuxedos, Prince Alberto and * * English Walking Salts, Silk and Opera * * Hats. 343 N. Clerk St., Chicago. * Performers •«JiW5fS ploturo with $4 and receive one ont and 600 letterheadH.flnely printed, ahftrgain FINN THE PAINTER, 24 E. 21st 8L, New York SeXisr Have yon got our latest song hilar OV8 WINKLER, Room 31, Grand Opera House Bldg., Chicago, Ills. MUSIC ARRANGED K8M? - Words written to music: music written to words. References, F. A. Mills (Music Publisher]. E. 8.8. HUNTINGTON, care CLIPPER, 47 W. 28th 8t., N.Y. D1C K. A FITZG CATALOG of Professional and Amateur Plays, Sketches, Bono- logs, Minstrel Jokes, Recitations, , m Hake-BpGoods, Etc..sent FREE. FITZGERALD. 20 Ann St.. New Tork. SECOND-HIND GOWNS STAGE AND STREET BARNETT, 503 80. State St., CHICAGO CIRCUS & JUGGLING Apparatus, Rolling Globes, Clubs, Batons, Ouns, Wire Walkers' Apparatus and Novelties. Stamp for catalog. BDW. VAN WYCK, Cincinnati O. Poets. Authors Get Casn for Yonr Songs and Stories MUSIC BALKS CO., *7-*, St. Lonla, Mo. FREE magic ■ ■■■"■"stampsforFookel 1912 CATALOG 208 pages. Send 60. stamps for FookctTrtcX and partlcu- MAGIC CO., Dept. 1,270W. 68th Bt, R. T. VAN FLEET ONLY ONE BESTI The EMERGENCY Steel Clad Fibre or Canvas Covered Protessi" a TrnS, Aosolntolr Ossaraatecii ™*' lVs set the price thaEs Ug._ but the quality M M . Bt f$loT XXX TK8tr ° I ' gMtlntl,el »« 84 i ; 11 86 . . 13 88 . . 18 40 . , 14. Wardrobe, Bill and Fibre Trunks of Ml ma*.. new and second hand, at Su2e&S m > prices, always on hand. e Special Btses of Trunk, or Cbsm made to order. Repairing d.m. » ffiS 3WaW^S^ EMEI.BENGY BA66A6E and REPAIR CB 25 EAST 14th ST., R. Y. CITY BRANCH 1 BRANCH i (NEARBTVAT.) a!h «JrS" S 0r * 1Gt >« 8T. 8th AVB.. Cor . 4i,t gf w*^% CARL KITTLER, Pre. and Treaj. HERBERT KEITLER^ CARL KETTLER WIG CO. BffOOKSBOBTO wh, HEPjrara wio co. face POWDBBB For $0 rears America's W1QB ORBASB PAINTB llrAVrrpa BE *»Di C08METIC8 WAV M ft K Pi KB TOCPBII Write for Hlmstreted Catalog E—best lHned la tn la eenmtrp STAGE MAKE-TJ P Ifr. Carl Kettler gives his personal supervision to tea ml natii detai of all orders, whether large or small. BEAOBET A LAWLER BUILDING N. W. Cor. Wsshlngton and Dearborn sts. 56 WE8T WASHINGTON STREET - • CHICAGO. ILL. Wtgs^onted for all oeeedoas ■■ "ACSVSE" THEATRICAL TRUNK ASensafionofSlrongnoss GUARANTEED FOR FIVE YEARS. Unquestionably the best Professional Trunk on the market regardless of price. Made in ell sizes. Prices, INCLUDING LOWER TRAY 80In.long, Win. wide, 23 In. high tu.w 82 in. long, 20 in. wide, 24 in. high mm 81 In. long. 21 in. wide, 25 In. high $iu» 88 in, long. 22 In. wide, 28 In. high «i«.m SB In. long, 28 In. wide, 27 in. high »i«.» 40 In. long, 24 In. wide, 28 In. high $17,00 ACME LEATHER AND TRUNK WORKS 163 N. STATE BT„ QHTOAflO. OUR PROGRESSIVE POLICY We believe In Trusts and have a corner on Truth. We hare a monopoly on cheapest prices and highest grade goods. Strong for Suffrage. We work for women. Solid for a lower tariff, and prove it every day. We do not limit onrselves to Interstate commerce. Our trade Is International. Bend for onr catalogue of dresses and price list of theatrical goods, and we'll surely get jonr nod of approval. WOLFF, FORDING & CO., - 20 ELIOT ST., BOSTON, MASS. COSTUMES SOUBRETTE DRESSES WIGS TI6HTS GOLD AND SILVER TRIMMINGS MAKEUP Write for Catalogue, 80 pagea, 600 illustrations. _, FBITZ SCBOULTZ & CO., 10 West Lake St. (Established 25 years), Chicago, UL MEDICINE HEN, AGBNTS, AND 8TBEETBEN. ELECTRIC BELTS VOLTAIC ELECTRIC INSOLES AND INHALERS are goods that sell and pay the big profits, just what yon are looking for. SeDd I60. for sample Ejectrlc Belt or pair ot-Insoles and get complete price list and lecture from the largest establishment of Its kind in the D. B. Belts, $1.10 dos. up; Insoles, ?5c. dozen Salrs up; Inhalers, eoo. doz. up. Fsst seller, big profits, end to-day. (Estb. 1878.) Ino. 1891.) THE ELECTRIC APPLIANCE CO., Builogton. to, CENTRAL TRUNKS 261n., $8.50 ;28ln.. $0.50; $11.50; 401n., $18.00. Circus Trunks,24x18x18. IWeBBM fO.UV j aVOlU,, BWsBV i OAlAl.p fiV.W I OUIUt, fAl>VV I IVUkf f IV.Wi *"i v T" JV . 1 j • ■• It sVe 18.00. Bill Trunks, 80x28x16, InsWe, $12.00. Lltho. Tronks, 42M,x2»Hxl2, Inside, $15.00. Shipped on receipt of $8.00, bal. C. O. D., except over 800 miles, then remit whole «»"?■*' CENTRAL TRUNK FACTORY, Est 1B64, SIMONS A CO., S. W. cor. 7th * Arch Bts., PM1S. WIGS. TOUPEES, GREASE PAINTS, ETC- And the Latest and Most Populer Styles In ladles' Heir Dreulnf A. M. BUCH & CO. 119 N. Ninth Street - - - - PhlladelpU* 47 Me* sTHJDET, NBW TOBUC OPERA HOUSE WANTED.—I want to rent an Opera House la a city not less than 50,000. It does not make any difference to me what State the city is In. Bust be ground floor, snd not seat lesi than 1,000. In giving description state exact seating capacity and how arranged. Give ' oc « u ""; license and every detail in nrst letter. I want to open the house Mondaj, Nov. 11, M«, » n0 ■*• May 14, IMS. Figure on lowest cash rental basts. I want the house for Stock Co. Address DB. H. D. RUOKJDB, HOTEL TULSA, TULSA, OKlAHW«a^ SECOND HMD GOWNS, SOBBRETTE DRESSES, FPUS ANDREWS 500 So. State St., Chicago STOCK PEOPLE—Will send goods on approbation. WIGS TOUPEES, POR STAGE and STREET OSCAR F. BERNNER 108 WEST 47th STREET. NBW YORK CITYVNear Oth Ave. LEIOHNER'S GREASE PAINTS, POWDERS, RO00EB. ETC. TRICKS I TRICKS! TRICKS! Largest assortment of Tricks, Jokes and Novelties in the world. Send 20. stamp tor illustrated cat a.ogne- 104 N. CLARK street, ft T IT17T QWIAM • US STA TBI I tBgk* (Main Store). O. J. X* A^LoIVliVLV (PalmerHouse Lobbj). NEW YORK CALCIUM LIGHT CO. Electric Stage Lighting APPARATUS FOR BALE OR RENT no MMmilt ST- «- Y- FUME HI !g NEW YORK COSTTfMl CO. Send 3c. for Catalog C IU vases 140 N. Dearborn St, CHICAGO we: qua IMTBCI V* VJ JSK S-* MK r*d I H.SJX. niu-.ivastll* Tlie trimmings on onr trunks for flvo years. Vou aro wwaj" of the satisfactory service of San Francisco Agent Victor Tronk Co. 41 Ellis St. 145 W. 46th STJUER, T m %J N K s „. SEND FOR CATALOGUE C. MacK Truss Co. WILLIAM BAL, Ino. ibs.^ - - - - row TORK OltT