The New York Clipper (October 1912)

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THE NEW YOB K CLIPPER. OCTOBER 19 THAT WONDER Of »•■»'"' P^lEO.fOS .SendAtt'ffeit, taNXOffce - 1 '/ >. -;- ',* SOME CHORUS^ Like the roses need Mr fragrance, Wke a sweetheart needs a kiss, Like the Summer needs Mie Like a Laddie needs a Miss; Like a broken heart nHs gladness, Like the flowers need the k% Like i baby needs its motlier, That's how I need yon. GOODWIN, MCCARTHY and PIANTADOSI Published and copyrighted by Leo Feint. Inc., N.y/. ■- SOME MELODY a ESSARAY NOTES. Gioa.01 K. Sroos, president of the Bssanay Pllm Manufacturing Co., who recently re- turned from a business trip to the home of the Western company In Nllei, CaL, report* that CI. M. Anderson ha* the finest photoplay location Imaginable, situated In the very heart of a magnificent natural clnyon, with every convenient advantage. An Baaanay col- ony baa been formed, and Mr. Anderson baa erected alz artistic bungalows that house the players. Kabnum T. Fish, the aviator, who recently carried an Essanay camera operator In his machine while a moving picture was taken of Chicago's water front, Is the youngest aviator In the game. Fish Is Just fifteen years old, and la the son of a wealthy Los Angeles Ehyelelnn. lie Is a pupil of the Wright Bros. [e and the Baaanay camera man were ar- rested during the recent flights In Chicago for being forced to land In Grant Park be- cause of unfavorable air currents, and con- siderable space was devoted to the Incident In the papers. The Bssanay photoplay, snapped from the soaring machine, la a re- markable triumph of photography and abso- lute novelty taken under the moat trying conditions. 0(t tub evbnino of Oct. 8. Augustus Car- ney, famous the world over for his "Alkali" Ike character creation In Essauay's great Western comedies appeared In person on the stage of the Orpncum Theatre, Chicago, and made the acquaintance of hundreds of his admirers. Needless to say tbe large the- atre was Jammed to the doora, nnd the ap- pearnco of Carney In hla Western garb was greeted by storms of applause. "Alkali" firoveil himself Just as funny before the foot- IghtH ss he Is on the screen, and his clever talk, together with the running of " 'Alkali' Ike Stung," the new first run Baaanay release for tbe day, was a thoroughly enloyablo treat. It la also quite needlcaa to add that the theatre did bigger business than ever be- fore In Its blatory, and the "Alkali" comedy proved a riot of mirth. Mr. Carney has already received flattering offerings from a number of Chicago photoplay theatre mana- gers to appear at tbelr bousea In conse- quence. DoniKU the second day of the recent Cali- fornia Motion Picture exhibitors' Conven- tion, held In San Francisco, the exhibitors iourncyed out to Nllcs, Col., the home of Ossanay's Western stock company, and were royally received by Q. M. Anderson and his company of players. After watching with keen Interest the production of one of the famous "Broncho Billy" pictures, Mr. An- derson conveyed the entire party to Fern- brook Tark where an elaborate luncheon waa served, and a photograph taken of the gath- ering. At the close of the convention a vote of thanks was tendered Mr. Anderson for his kindness and hospitality, KINRMACOLOR NOTES. . Pursuing their policy of eztenaton, Mr. Miles recently has established three more dramatic companies to work at the White- atone, Long Island, studios, and generally through the Bastern States, while he has personally taken the three original companies comprising seventy members, on a Western tour. Two of these companies are to proceed at ones to the new Klnemacolor atudlos at Hollywood. Los Angeles, where they will be permanently established. The third will create productions which have been prepared for months, using the glorious wonderland of the Grand Canyon for a background. The color Alms will catch every glory of this paradise on earth, end tho scenarios to be worked out there are said to be tremendously effective. This company will later take Bide trips to all parts of California, New Mexico and Alisons where useful "local color" may be obtained. Anita HcndrleB Miles will ac- company the Western party as general scenario editor. After Mr. Miles has started the companies at work, ho will leave them In charge of Frank Wooda and Jack Le 8alnt, both well known directors, and he will return to mako up new companies in the Baat Being tho pnly company to produce tho colors of nature, it will be necessary to mako aa many pro- ductions as half a down of tho "black nnd white companies combined. Among tho artiste who went Wcat with Mr. Miles are many familiar names, Including Mabel Van Burcn, Stella Basetto, Clara Bracy, Ituby Ross, Ethel Davis, Linda A. Griffith, Gaston Bell, Chas. Fleming, Jack Drammall, Chae. Haydon, Wm. Brown, Guy K^U°b3 IfiW&J'W: Broderlck, Erneit Joy and Murdock McQuarrle. . s - rwUW" 1 ! Fbatdbji Film Co.. of PLEASEMEHTIOH CLIPPER WHEN WRITING ADVERTISERS SELKHIWS. Tub forty-first anniversary of Chicago Day waa celebrated in unusually impressive fashion on the evening of Oct 8. It was ob- served la all the public schools of the city, neighborhood festivals were held at all tbe social settlements, together with the Imposing exercises at the Massacre Monument on Eighteenth street and the Lake by the Daugh- ters of the War of 1812 and the Irish Fellow- ship Club, while In the evening the Society of American Research and the Chicago His- torical Society had exercises at the beautiful home of the Historical Society on Dearborn Avenue—the Sellg Folyscopo Co. being the star guett of the night. Mayor Harrison presented a greeting, The*. ^iWiWlV INDISPUTABIE ORICWATOftVCOWBOY FILMS. WECDHHNUnOOfrEREAOiWt^ MR.G.M.AWDERSON . . •:--(POPULARLYKNOWN AS ? BRoNCH6 BlinOlN THRILLING STORIES ;irddu?/ionsin Ws'pdpcr ' SUMRVlSIOHorMR;ANDERs6N,/lS5l5!'rD BYACAREFUilY TRAINED tOMPANT Dent, of the Historical Society, made an ad- dress, and Franklin Shepardson, of the Uni- versity of Chicago, spoke of the scarcity of historic relics In this city. Chas. R. Nixon, author of "Red Jacket," "Osceola," "Cortez, the Conqueror," "The Coming of Columbus nnd other historical playa and pageants, ad- dressed the society on the possibilities for history In moving pictures, the address being followed by a display of 8,000 feet of reel on historical subjects that had recently been made by the Sellg Polyscope Company. -' Tiiiiol-oh the courtesy of Charles F. Qun- ther. who has the distinction of owning the SCENE FROM "THE WARNING HAND," . Basanay's drama, released Oct. 18, featuring Francis X. Bushman. Scene from the Clnea-KIelne Featnre Film, "THIS MOID TAMER'S REVENGE." Released Oct 21, 1012. largest collection of Spanish American, and Civil War relics In this country, the Sellg Poylscope Co. will be enabled to use any and all of Mr. Gunther's various historical chattels that they desire. In the production of historical pictures. The original flag of the Mcrrlmac will be borrowed from Mr. Qunthcr nnd utilized In a forthcoming pro- duction by the Sellg Co. The Lot Angeltn Time* of Sept 20 carries a Ave column layout and story regarding tho famous Sellg Wild Animal Farm, located In that city. Recently W. N. Hcllg, presi- dent of the Sellg Polyscope Co., made a business trip to the Pacific Coast, and while there entered Into an arrangement with "Big Otto" Broltkreltz, who for some years past has been Identified with the Sellg Co. aa superintendent of the animal department and director of animal pictures, whereby Otto •will become a partner of Mr. Sellg'a In this particular branch of the Industry. FILM S REVIE WED. "Uncle Man and the Minister" (Edition). Released Oct. 0. Uncle Mun, that funny newspnpor Individ- ual, originated by Fred Nanklvel, Is featured In this very amusing comedy jplcture, toe story of which was written by Mr. Nanklvel, and the character played by him. It begins with a scene In Mr. Nnnklrel's country studio where, unable to secure a model for the Dncle Mun character, tbe artist makes himself up to represent that person- age, While he Is at work drawing he Is sud- denly Interrupted by the entrance of the vil- lage minister, who excitedly explains of having lust seen a canoe, which had con- tained his daughter and her sweetheart, cap- size on the lake. Dncle Mun hunledly gain- ers a rescue party, and a mad rush li made for the scene of the disaster. Arriving, RRX I>E ROSSEMJ. Sellg Popular Player, No. 14. DEAVTIFVL TRAVEL PICTURES. Nox McCain has opened his travelogue sea- ^? n ,' iD<l i; !M5& " ome ot «» finest motion S, C ^'i e ?„ tbat . hav ? ever been t»ken «»»<1 Pro- duced in a travelogue. Ho will deliver the following t rave lopes at the Brooklyn Acam- &»'„flH»OB 1». "Prom Morocco to Malta;" Oct. 26, "Southern France;" Nov. 2. w.«7»' a r "l Bul «" r 'V" N07 .- •• '"*** ooia«n W mt .- V 1 ^ Be n»on 1b proving the most me- ccaaful of Mr. McCain's careerT and a« la lecturing to packed houses. Vn'J?■^. flT ?" 0 •^ I * 1 ■ , " V,IM Co- <* New lork has been incorporated by Albert Joo Budolph Stedlak and *John KoinlaT ' Dncle Mun. with the aid of a telescop", die- covera tho loving couple seated on tho hs wg of the lake, apparently wltheot knowledge of their perlloua iwaltlon. With the use « a cannon he bnrsts the dam, and wn<;ni wj water Is drained off the couple sramngij make their way to the shore throip »• knee-deep mod. and are married by tin mm later, while Dncle Mnn Is hailed as tlio hero. Mr. Nanklvel has written a very od.l, W a decidedly amusing story around tho en" ncter of Dncle Mun. and the picture, thouw of conrso Improbable, Is laughable U,| ™ teresUng. Good situations ara^plenltiulI w this comedy. The capalBlng of the MM* the couple's descent to tha bottom of "■ FREE DATE BOOK MsnMon Infa The M. STEIN COSMETIC CO. NEW YORK S • MAKBCP