The New York Clipper (October 1912)

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OCTOBJtf* "i¥ THE NEW YORK OMPPEB. IK)CAI< OX^F^RICTGtS OF THB> WE}3$K: XT TH» VAUDEVH,I<« AND DRAMATIC HO-USK® ..THE DAUGHTER (ff HEAVER." ffi^HLS'u'S JSSSijff^ "THE 'AFFAIRS' OF AHATOL." ~r\ mrr |Geo. C. Tyler. "«*.)-,JV I* 1 ** 8 ' "5 d that unless be «u dlnlwi uttle Theatre (Wlnthrop Ames, mgr.)— c ' n , „» d«M. a dramatic spectacle In be would not be permitted to depart Th* "Affairs" of Anorol, a sequence of epl- WZiZr* m&**& oeeMf, by ftene LoU trc* ttence. MM» return la made with- .odea i n n>* icenea, by Arthur Schnlfaler. F a 7 or Vbly~comr*7eVwltb\ any offered at any th *, M .ftith Gautier, English adaptation by ontany effortat disguise, and no mention la i-araphrased by Granville Barker. Produced 5the fog ittme theatres. With the exeep AMBRIOAIf. (CRABLM 8. 1VTS1UM, MOB.) For the first three days of this week there was offered at this house a hill that could be SCENERY THEATRES AND PRODUCTIONS, VAUDEVILLE ACTS EQUIPPED New and Sscood Head goaaory isa Mock HURRAY HILL SCENIC STUDIO MURRAY UlLIi THKATKX, N. Y. W\LTKR.i[AXLY,31«f. Td.uUtiur.UUl tBU I EnttMi, trodBcea oarer-nay u.««m, ■■««™ -•■ ■r«, JI" . *" ■^".T" • VF wwtnrop Ames tnrst pnoiic nenonnance» Oeor ^» 95i Ucbler Co., with this cast: Emperor during his absence nor of the royal on Saturday evening, Oct. 12, with this cast: 2^ rm.tMW •* Heaven. Bmpreu of the SEcmm?* ,ll0,,W be U» if he played lis ^^ ^ * ioha B . rr?lnore Son i THOCTOll'S FIFTH AVKNUB. (GUS MCCUHK, MOB.) The attendance here continues Urge, and Monday matliice, Oct. 14, found nlmrst every seat occupied. The bill arranged by Man- ager McCnne to one of the beat tnnt has been presented In some time. For a headline feature those famous co- lli* h«at medians, Mclntyre and Heath, assisted by otto Johnstone, are pnaaatlnji their well tlon of a few, every act could be considered a beadliner without much stretch of the . ■ looagUsatlon. . . , ^Z_-. .-.. ^ . ... .. . Max OswaldYorke A rattling good pastoral sketch wsb offered Vtoto Allen In a work of thl» kind ttie translator must Hilda . . . Marguerite Clark by Ford and Hyde (man and woman). The _ smM ot China, U *• Mancfcu race, be to perfect conaoaance with the spirit of Btonca*"..' .7. .Gall Kaac msn is one of the best "rubes" seen on the The B 5 D *£2i»«t"",Di r T»l«. Bull QUI the theme, tor while be may have the ability jjimi Dorig Keaue local stage. The Unes are bright, and some 10 ^.SSttaUd Emperor at Nankin, to adapt or translate Mother's work, keep- WaHRP ".' ..Alfred Dc Ball of the gaga are really funny. The woman on of Sprint. va u £u t N orrla Mllttogtoa lag the atmosphere Intact, unless be can (jabrlelle Katherlno Emmet has very little to Jo, acting mostly as a rv _, nT ninkiv vleW the subject through the same eyes aa . on « ' Isabclle Lee "feeder" ToiBiCWnw"""' y,, aBrtor ne clnnot n t0 (K^tju nta pJii,";;;. ;;;.*;;;..;7. Albert Easdale Marie Russell, who to one of - .-,„,.-- ^ W ^to^ArrV;::V.\\Bernar^Va^x ttSF&SRSES-iSL'tilf2£ E**£j* charmlngU the new offer- gg- ^^ g fcS ' T' £M& *StfZ!2ttttFSPg&Jm iTtocc Winged Arrow. Claude Brooke Sit?,*??.," ,5°1 „.v'»'."fi"{*.? ^.TmSL lng at this pretty little playhouse, It "S*2 l «w«sJl^2£ M^STthat S Monday, Tuesday aa3 W.dnewUr; "The 4M K -«-•»-. Bswil^t^»7faTrit^^.rST»% s Schnltsler'a "The 'Affairs^ of Anatol." ■Osa> «w,tt*t < q> «Wflgg» ^»JSUPSL g Georgia Minstrels." Tl.ursdsy anJ Friday. J^MrrtnS'tnt rt.fhm ^.lS«rlirt?3 and Dlwctor Ames can. If he decides, keep was a dusky MMw Wtsrn Mat ■OIWB dm oio • Montana" tor the rest Fo^Wa*stlrtn^ , ol^thf iS^t tfnah'Ford it « the Little Theatre for the rest of the- gag of taking of i t jdyWat m* ■*!■?* .** of the wwk. Mm has as hearty reeep- is entttled^Sc hM^mmeldsHon: Atrical season. It. to. written ta__ a. wlttys »Jt •E^aJTL/fiT'C S'wmTCS tlon been accorded aay one a. the one .that while the Llebler Co. deserve socceas for their daring enterprise In producing so remarkable a spectacle. _ Fair. there"are"aeveral songs that are tuneful. . the conclusion of bis excellent performance (ca- and " . he wns called many times, and responded author himself, having told a com- Since Daring FH«M IjSVSl P ,ett 1*> Me * toT *- 8UC0 ■ u h * il Jmd "*«• •rnfoW Sagacity Clarence H«m»ge Gautter ^^ ^M lengthen that story with- SS^ikalrit :.V.V:.M.rahal| W Wy^ ' Kxalted 9gSSSi * Hoj Merrill MMdO TjC pj|M i ■■■■■ D ld afkpatrick cn ^ f Sf" ."... • .Lawrence O'Leary A SSsS ?"\ Alphonse Fabre A IMMWf ••'••"•", Herbert Corey A Captal* • •• j w 1Iowe £" n nJ** .'. ." Jo«» h Mitchell «£ ^r/ee' Charles Hayne Tbe Hr iff*- • r l» w i. J£ ^^V.::::::::.woodford-B^on «<«""'•" Boslna Henley Cisnamon..... •;;••;.,.. s» r ,nces Wright MUtress i day's two big audiences. Headline honors arc accorded to Arnold Daly, who made his re-entry Into vaude- Vh,i di Becker Helen de Picon, Title 14, In a presentation for the first time D » nccr 5 : 52 R«sle liar Eng«sh78»ncae here of a one act playlet, entitled "A Com- E T a de SLn?'rtolnes. MB " ,a - °» na,e cdy for xviwV by Owen Johnson, in which ttutrSJic F t°fCeremonlet Maud Salvini Mrs? Lady In Waiting Boae Norrla Daly, who made h firs, i.uw/ __ __ -t __. r».i— J^ Mm w , *111* 11 in a nra. And this In nutshell. Herbert Aimer Holly Haines. Love Serenaders: Golden Gardner. Uallett. m TO THS COUXT OF TKXIX. w.11 of Wisdom. aI IM1 7-. i!!!"^ *ach season, Maggie CUne was given a real gave n charming.nerfor^... a General i£!SS D 'J? erman Irish welcome, and to show her appreciation was winsome ond coquettish Mr. Daly had appeared with reported success in London. The playlet Is reviewed under New Acts, this Issue The 'Affaire' of Anatol." His "affairs" are with Hilda, a sweet young girl; Biases, from the circus; Miml, of the theatre; Ga- brlelle, a respectable married woman, and Lona. of the dance hall. * There are Ave leading women, and each ot them have an act all their own. First Tho act Is here for the week. Lnee and Luce (man ond woman), In a musical act pleased. The woman to comely and graceful and furnishes most of the comedy of the act She wore a beautiful white military costume (short skirt), and tho man wore a white flannel suit. Hlmras was forced to stop talking Ills lines. He wnB ably assisted by Marguerite Luelor. The burlesque opera selections rendered by them at the end ot their sketch met with hearty applanae. The Original four Loadona had the audi- ence holding their seats with their seemingly Rach one 'WActi this tosue. "•*-—- ot tncm hRVC an ac t a Tl their own. F.rst the man wore a wnixe nanne. suit. . death-defying stoats in the air. Bach one Maklni'heT usual one annearance here In appeared petite Marguerite Clark, and she ^m* ^aJE'iJ*, i.^iTtMrtS? 1„ makl '" " Antoned artist In his line, performing PSSJ'SaSi <%?£?*£. T 1 , e.l ga?e a charming performance as Hilda. She Fiddler and nMg%UAm *f**J* "g lrlrtl tntt tre remarkable.. The double itunts A General A Doctor Nicholas Bnrnham tt tne cordiality ot her welcome, the buxom lAJllCS DeVOTe %S. I. »..» ,.t1 >.«- ann». ■«/. lUtln ««nal^A.'* asides" A Secretary ijf 10 * SSS Maggie gave all her aougs, and little "aside! Master of Ceremonies Frank Russell to "|^. verT ^^ torm lnd W | th al i the vim Aiicrakl Uj5^L5C*5 of her Celtic nature. Even to-day the "Irish as Officer Ea" Y& f, da 5 eT Queen" is right there with the present gen- SL* spy " , * g ' Si°£i?f eratlon of vocaUsta Second Spy • • -i-: Cna .^_?5f a i! _ Nina Payne and company, presenting the MfsU'ess o! , - ua ^ iTj, Nina riilTie ana company, presenting iae the Robes Nusa Parke French pantomimic sketch, "La sonumbule," Gall Kane had also little to do as Btonca, the circus lady, but looked pretty. 8he did not appear In the garb of the circus per- former. Indeed, her costume was tar and away tbe finest street gown the writer has ever seen. Doris Kean? scored ft distinct triumph as the girl from the theatre. She gave the best performance of her career. She was a ptr- Ing themselves strong favoritea with tho audience, which was not surprising, for they have an art that to refined hi the truest sense of this much abused word, and at the same time the act Is amusing. The imitation of the Chinaman was not accompanied by •he unearthly shrieks that Chinamen In real life are supposed to give when In anger, which is something to be thankful for. ITddlcr and Shelton arc among the best of it Is difficult to adequately describe the began a quick return engagement here on E^KEE? LL^mmm ■ whuTnectTd theTr'ntcn'rin the stage. They "are always a SSc e . fnd "c^ne two of part two mechanical- Boy." Sevcra seasons have •'•P*^««« *K&&'3?gl' I^na, was splendid In a "A/JST-i »be Play deals with the con- &2£?&^% gtt%% US^ttSTA .S3M- l '"'. J r.T... i™™. ,VU,n^ n a. nt ihB ™,w. ™a . n.iwiiio little rnmnanv eave him houses in nn experi manner. Sly earned. Hers to ' The veteran of vaudeville. Harry L« Clair, rmancc that will not easily be for- Just cleaned up. As > UmsmM^s MMM B« stands In the very front row. If applause « the married woman was acted were dollars, Harry Le Clair would be one an old 1>J Katherlne Emmet. It Is a role full of of the richest nctors In vaudcvllBtlhto week. -i«... — j j — «—ii— — * ««..- u-,««t up rendered Ms famous song, "Those Ama- teurs Make Mo Hick," Hamlet's "Ophelia' and the "Devil Song" with great success, and his Imitation of the late Madame Jan.iu- sehek, ns Martnmc Rosonhanm, got oyer big. Van Os Troupe, which to comprised of three men and one woman, nmnaed the audi- tricks that are remarkable. The double stunts and flying swings, at the finish ot Iheir per- formance, got them the desired results. Renuttful nnd dainty Bessie Clifford offered something entirely new. (See New Acts.) nachel Lowe, an Bngllsh comedienne, making her first American appearance, also gave a new offering. (See New Acta.) Jack W. Connolly and Margaret Webb pre- sented their furiously funny farce, *'A Stormy Finish," and finished among the win- ners. As the act Is well known It to needless tu go Into details. They duplicated the suc- cess that was accorded recently, nnd which was very deserving. Several new slnntJ at the piano have been sandwiched In by Con- nolly, and all went big at the Monday matinee. _ , Myrtle Vletorine and Irene Kolar. In a small production, called "An Affair of Honor, opened the ahow, and were badly hnndltappeil la this position, Their whole performance Is noteworthy, and In a better spot on Hie pro- gram would no doubt do much better. They make about flvo changes of costume, each one sad the Daughter Heaven (fenprcss of the yore, and a. capable little company gave him nouses Ba?fymMe has the role of Anatol. ence irtfn their remarkable fen s of strength. S=StSHmt very ffitle expense has born Chinese racelTof the Dynasty of Ming. The moat excellent support. He ptovcdnls scenes iwltli a light touch, and Kranels Wood, who contributed a hoop «•>"wliig timt v ry mv'\ c B $clal drop, with Empress rules at the Court of Nankin, and The young woman with thepretty face and g» ggj" gj married woman In front rolling net, was well received, and Charles the Kmpere-r holds court at Pekln The conflict which has been carried on for three hundred years by the Chinese against the Maachus haa taken definite shane, and of song numbers, put over a nice wen receiv™, snu i,u«n™ .x ( .nil,.nt srenlc effecls and atcrlcs. mnde an excel- excellent wienie en. ns. Jnek. the most ambitious role Mr. Barrymorc has S SSS of the totter *£***&>** to sometl.lng by no means ..q-to■ •ccomp.tol, to ^nTa edTpon tS ^St^JS^ became ^.tbe_former, whom_the_Manchu^ con- Pjeseat.Jay^ taMd. fe£P be« -Jg^ Jg ^ while he I. far of "the corner," but they liked her, also her * ro ™ j";!;} 8 ., 2fc iSH^ZTZSPiEPSS"* *•***" roto whlVhii nbthlng more than a foil for aider rebels. The Emperor In a dream has seen the Empress, and his dream Inspires him with tbe desire to end the strife between the two people of the empire by marrying the Empresi. So vivid has been hto dream virion of her that he has fallen In love with her, and, despite the protests of his advisers, he sets forth, accompanied only by his coun- cillor. For reasons of safety he travels In- cognito, and on their way he has the am- bassador from Southern China detained by his sailors and Impersonates him. As this ambassador he Is given audience by the Em- press, and she Is strongly attracted to him, while he Is cnBlaved by her beauty, Sidney and Townlev won much favor. Mr. Sidney was formerly ot the team of De Haven and Sidney, lie to an ex- cellent singer and an accomplished dancer, .and his new partner, Miss Town'ey. I UK nil's UNION StcWArtE. (iMun r. noonnH. »mu.) The Glnnts cashed a glorious win over tho Red Sox nt the Polo Grounds Monday mall- nee, Oct 14, but <no* world series Interes; peared In bis quaintly humorous portrayel of a Judge of the old school. It is an ad- mirable conception of the keen and caustic lawyer and wit of a past generation, and Mr. Dickinson well deserves the success hia delightful rendition of the n-rw character Is bringing blm. . ... . The Grasers were well remembered to have been seen on the mage in many a long day. Third Itoic. PROCTOR'S TWENTV-THIRD STREKT, (J0SCPH H.U'G, MOII.) n with'her will lie fading away before the week to out. P tt Tlfe a P c twMle 8 a good one, offers while the stars that Manager Roger, has, at '".r,"*. _-_■_.i.„_ ". B „ta.| ne or dnn- this house for the current week will con tin*- Miss Town- to hit 'em a mile until another week is about s too to break in upon our little town here, their Hessli! Wynn, growing more dainty every dav (If snch to possible), and with Hint wonderfully controlled sweet voice of hers, she rlnbbrd halt a dozen hits over the foot- lights to crashing success. That Miss Wvnn lias the "staff" Is needless to repeat. Her beautiful costumes nnd the she I'UHi'H her finds her a stsr. Blmpilcity In dress From her councillors she learns that the iheir entertaining melange of music, dancing Usurper, as the Chinese call the Mancbu Em. pcror, has sent his armies to destroy the Chinese, and she also soon learns from a messenger that tbe real ambassador to on his way. having been detained by the Usurper, and that the man she has received Is an lmpoitor. i'h,- Rmpresa, after sending her young son (srbo to the Chinese Emperor) away for safety, goes to war at the head of ber armies, The Manchus assault the city of Nankin, their strongholds are battered down, and flight is the only avenue of escape for the Empress mother. Tbe Emperor (still Incognito) offers her protection, which she refuses and flees. The bombardment con- tinues, and the Chinese, fearing to fall into and baton spinning, the expert dancing of the young man, as usual, being the prime factor of their act. The Five Melody Maids and a Man is the title of an act' comprising six people, who made a most auspicious debut here 14, In a musical act. (See New Acts, this issue.) The Six Dixie Sercnaders, who present their entire act In a minstrel "first part," pleased mightily dancing. The Idea one, and their singing a Drat class act In up-to-date vaudeville. The Goldlc Boys opened the show In a neat dancing number—neat as to dressing and their stepping as well. They first appeared in suits of a light color, going to suits of MHCOLS SQUARE. (ciiAs. rnacsssx, »toa.) Standing room only wss the condition SgS^i.1^ 'ita'JSeh^h Another bill of exceptional merit was to which greeted those who came after 8 P. «. ™™™ c ™Z fh £sMr. find- . he seen here the first half of this week. Monday, 1 *- , ,„ ..» ,.„ „„„,.„. „.. . and she will remain tho same star In the big James Kenned}- ami company were the The first vaudeville act to' nppenr was a n ^ w ,o, Vow''„" tson s yet to eome. headllners. and more than made good In a welcome one, for when Matt Iv.efes vocal ano ^°\f^ „"*, |£ lOTn pany "should comedy sketch In which there arc n numlier pipes ore In good working order there Is not "S H?" j^nn doesn't tiee«l nnyUiltig of laughs and n good story. A young man to-day a plcasanter singing voice In vaude- J" J . 11TVM , ul .| nx ■■■ Skw not tcVj proud of his father, borrows the vllle to listen to Ills yodefing was soothing. \^ t .. 1 ^ a ^d | t '« « *'« "et thnt tho aii- nnmc of sn elderly man. for whom he used and hto rendition of Roll On, Silver Moon, ,„,,„, wll | ( . h ^messed It Monday had seen It to be secretary, and marries a youitg lady a gem. ...,,„■ * who also has ■ family liistory she does not The Golden Trio followed In a lively act want known. The old man bus a son of on the double horizontal bum, the grotesque irnikcs up like the old man and learns hto wife's secret. Everything finally straightens out. It Is one of the funniest acts Id vaude- ville Warren nnd Frost, man and woman, put over some fast talk about married life. Their tempts. Ryan and Ryan opened with one verse of a song and n dance medley, showing good stepping, and In excellent time. Dancing Imitations witc given by one of the hoys, and a few steps while using a. chair were the hands of the enemy.' build huge fires and dark brown for their closing dances. Ap- throw themselves Into them, preferring death pearance counts, even if It Isa dancing■act, ta | k | s „ Wiy nbovc the average and had the applauded. to capture. In the opening position, and it Is n pleasure toughing all the time. For a closing Lucy Tango sent over two sentimental song Is this scene, with Its sensational realism, shlcii Is the acme of the stage mechanics art, which causes tbe blood to tingle. The scene to told In the battlements, near the Wall of Nankin. Is the soft light of the M-mi-darkened stage the fort appears to be Impregrublc. bnt the shells of the enemy soon shatter Its walls, and piece by piece [hey crmnl'le away. Their Empress gone, Ihe soldiers throw themselves upon the tires und the curtain falls upon one of the most etarlllngly realtotlc and sensational of scenes. The armies of the Emperor win. Tho KoipresM is taken captive. Her little Bon dies. Tho Emperor tries t« to nisrrlage, bnt she refuses Iiefore ahe dl?s, however, love for the Emneror. — — Aside from the tost scene of part three Yorkers a very good successor to there to little opportunity for dramatic ex- Edam. (Sec NewAcl a.) niimittons PJ-'sslon. but In this scene both Mr. GUI and The. Grcat.Ergottl .and hto Limpumns to give these boys a word of credit. The Rosa Valvrna Troupe, a wire act, made their debut here Monday. (See New Acts this Issue.) Old Timer. ■■ • COLONIAL. (RALPn EDMUNDS, MOB.) A well balanced bill held a large audience until the last drop on Monday afternoon. Ada Reeve, a favorite comedienne in London, made her first appearance In New l'ork since she appeared here In 1808 at Roster & Rial's Music Hall. She still looks young and w111 the young woman rendered several songs, accompanying herself on a piano. Their offering wss very much liked. Three yonng women, calling themselves "The Socletv three," on full Btagc, put over a lively singing act, with a little dancing by one of them which might be left out. They open with "Ragtime Cowboy Joe," followed by "When Grandma Wns a Glri," by two of them the third rendering the music on a piano. "Hocking the Raby to Sleep," a solo, numbers finely, closing with "Mr. Dreiini Man," a song which to not at all suited to her style of work, ner voice, a deep rou- tralto, to of a very melodious quality. The sketch of the new bill was entitled "The Loan Office," well played hy a com- pany of five people. There was a pawn- broker who was Impossible In generosity, also In defying the "cop," and In being in love with a young Gentile girl. Rut the sym- pathies of the audience were enlisted In the before, altliough one wouldn't think so by the r.enr convulsions some had from laughing. It was the usual scream all the way. Leo Cnrrlllo to properly quoted on the program. He to the entertainer of enter miners without doubt, and he knocked one iignlust the fence on hto first attempt. lie appreciated the thrilling little ovation lie ntnived upon entering the stage, and Im- mediately mndo himself "at home" with the iindlcuce. Leo has lost none of his control of the Kngllsh language, and the rapid man- ner In which he banded over his good ma- terial kept ill) as rnpld a series of limglis. The Italian und Chinese dialect stories were done In true t'arrillo style, and they were Immensely amusing. Kd. V. Reynard presented bis everlasting but always fresh ventrlloqiilnl hit, "A Morn- ing In HlckBvlllc," and won his usual promi- nent place uuioug those favored. The public lire very seldom treated to something ns out nt the ordinary ns this act of Mr. Reynnrd's. and that they enjoyed It was proven by the generous applause given. Hill and Sylvian! offered a good nulcycle made ft hit. They closed by all singing a cause of tbe young girl who needed money t <mt , n ,{ f M^ng pnsltlon on the "bill ing tody in white to tbe life of to take her mother, who was ill. to Colo- found t|)(< au(H) , nre ,uow In mmeriatlng their song. The yonni, . Ihe trio. She Is very good looking, has a rado The pawnbroker was loyal to Ihn expose Ihe nip 1 tho girl was irainntl ring. J. with appro- verv Interesting. Golden mounts tbe stage prlate colored slides to the song title, "Keep from the audience and shows the house Away from the Fellow Who Owns an Auto- n« , A\ton UV do n ca , p 1ta^w e ork. ln Henry"^ •^^SHRSSmSm- gTSt??l A^sjSfcl s^aftES ""i^jneeton an,,Igh a male and ft female «an. Lee B& nnd Charles D. Herman all ""le fellows show some Alette stunts that » „„„,„. ) le pkks ont n called card from duo In comedy dialogue at a "tank station." five excellent Impcrionatlons. the flrs°nftmed well trained men ^t^lbeiBMl of. £g *S«Sr, the pieces being In different were well known to the Monday patrons^and to w.nher% C nsent ^btSiy ^/very successful visit to ^^nd In fast eMn^roWbe a ilri and by 'threatening to ex] -sand takes notion New York. (See New Acts.) Sam (hip and ^V" 1 , t " n l ' for grafting, he won out. ond she confesses her Mary Marble In a pretty tolWAlJ aSSb Oolden. with the assistance of a acquitted of the theft of a dtoi , sne conicsscs ner tlUed , vpho j^ Q , pyfcg, » showc-d .New * ■ , w ' h(( opous tne R{ . ti provrd An lllustrsted song followed, .. . u Ynrkers a verv aood successor to in uiu ■ » ,»,.„.».'_ a n \,\ n „ n «„m. tho »tn<?e nrtote coloreil I ties to the sona wiirk. Tho mule of lite team sceoniullshed some clever work, and when lie rode down a flight of stnlrs with the woman nstride hW shoulders, the auillrncc came to and gave film hearty applnuKe. "The Girl," n one net comedy; Jennlugs nnd Dormer, and Mc.Malion, Dlnmond ami Clomons, were seen hero for the drat time. (See New Ada.) Tot. ^^Zxr^^^l^.^S^l^ TheV are welTbulTt "little follows and go ^SaS^^^ riaa^tl^ttfcta WwrTibS ii„V repeated the surcess won "by iken at Mllilngton, ns'thtTTOU^nc Fmneror was clever! through their stunts with smiles on their gj^» uu former visits h^re. The man Is a flip advance andl! I* a "mill bit raveTan excel- faces. They were warm favorites with the tK ^tm Four Kids, n quartette of boys man for a show. will, an abundnnc. of slang Innl . .•«..""'?'' ""'. B«"! »1 Bitci ,_,_. «,„1l„n..o at tho Cnlnntol. - W ^T" _,_,',_ _2 » ,,,.._ „„_„ „. I, , ,.„,r,i,,,n.,] htwI tho V r Tnnhl'H lin Kll- i„», ■«■»«. m a smnn Dit, gave an excel- ""■*•, "".." ., iC r.„innl.l lent account of himself civlnc evidence of fem nine audience at the Colonial. ability worthy of a more lSporfant role The Farber Girls, Constance and Irene. -Willi Is os a spectacl7on1, th. I "The followed with bits »f vaudeville J h^se DsugMcr of Heaven" should be considered, girls dress cxcepttonalywel, they sang scv and as such, as stated above, It tokes high oral songs and tried a little dancing, nnu juhi rank. The various scenes passing before the about "got over. . ..irnnnr spectator In kaleidoscopic review are re- About a year ago Joseph Hart s Honor markshle for their loveliness of color. The Among Thieves" opened at ^ihe ^Colonial Korgi'oas Chlm eye to count, a symphony *-.n . scene of the batt'ements near the N„. .J? f ^oasln there were several hitches, forma work out wlUx "Ocoeasl'e P 0 '" der twenty, plainly showed they were nt his command, nnd Ihe girl makes nn ad- nr yojng. but their singing and dnnclng inlrablo "feeder." Their dialogue, which oc- un very . got them by v-ath a little to spare. Anton Zlnkn opened on full stage with xylophone selections from Rosslna nnd flallop. lie closes by putting fonr small dogs through several tricks. Fred Primrose. In one, offered a coojilo of "c bos a good man Stuart ESk VS^lff-ASoa te/esTln'^the^ollowing being seen : .Path* ™," ^tl e" eoncern r^po'nsMrta for the' taking "^-J^J?$r& m *2LJS?V& ^m No._8»: "A llosnlU Hoax" «nd uf m pla , n ousc. on the stage of whlcG Erogram. Homes is niways u mi, y"* S 3S ? e did not put on bis full repertoire Morr- Proctor'a Flfty-rlitlith Street (F. P. I'roctur, mgr.)—High class motion pictures nnd vaudeville. Bill for Oct. 14-10 Included: O'Marn and Wilson, Mollln Woods, Coyle anil Morrell, Gertie f/e Claim nnd picks, fioplili- Everett and company, Keene, and moving curs st a supposed railway station was par- J)1( .turcs of Sarah Ilernliardt, In "Queen ICUzn- tlcutolly pat. and was sent across In a busl- J 1|lth » B ,„ for , 7 . 10 . Wooawara's Dogs, ness-like manner. Tliey MMI nUje lilt. J(ime)! and pvnncls, comedians; Kimball and *»*" '"""'• Donovan, banjolsts: Abe Mnrk« und company, ' *—' in "The Fighter;" the I'eddler and the Girl," Felix, cartoonist, and "Queen Eltoa- both" pictures. Ciiiueily (Albert Kaufman, mgr.)—Motior pictures and Illustrated songs. Circle.—Vaudeville and pictures. Plasm (Dnvld Benjamin, mgr.)—Loew vnudevllle nnd motion pictures. I uiu lie (K. L. Weill, mgr.)—Vaudeville Italy's.—Motion pictures of Barnh Bern- hardt as "Quwn Eltoabefh." opened at this well, bnt the mn- no|1H1 , ji onu „y. net. 14, and the good attend- . . . ance at the opening shows augurs well for iinnsually clear and In- lh) , mana g,. mi . n t. The Famous I'luyers Film ars past, some of the most wiT L~?*£ i r /lng part of the performance s,"' ,lrnls £ed by Ehe long waits between the hut th - „ i Trnc - ? n of tne Mts are "heavy," for m„, ,0 5? wa . lts B1,de foe performance last the ^?, tD,n P ur loure . U being 8.30 when ; ■-.--"■ - £SSlS?M^MtSS S^.««ft .be rrlmroses. [5S^S«HSH Sei^rii,=gh'^ Fl ,ut on bis full irepertoire Mon- .. An ,^ nt Temp i el , of E gypf," a split Kalem t» MMTVli ' hc . SLSSTdttaST "el: " T1,c Stolen mng,^ Lubln, and "An n " au c production^i seen In this country, and and motion pictures, one or tne oiggest successes of !***■*>- . t'oseen Enemy," BlogTaph. Boc. Fred Watson and Rena Santos followed «»"•■ the Intermission with a dancing and singing - . - number In one. The dancing did not go r.raail Operai Hasse (It. J. Madden, for moreen f^rT™tJ^ C f^V or, n*o« ce i ,,8 JJ very" weir but-Miss Santos' singing earned mgr.)—Henry Miller. In The Rainbow the fl".T „,5.r? u r? 0U ™i ll being 6.30 when Ix»1«.m» 1b this week's attraction, assisted by Ruth Cohen, in their was Introduced* by "the" tnnstotorr'to ■ try-oqt From the .„ room In success on tbe ■£,•£-«= ^^c.eVSg^Ve «*, fbriK-cra - fa with • credltaole athletic exhibition on^full of the .Ll 1 l8 , no t In harmony with the rest leave *. rk - . ,0 !t tt e Emperor Is made to couneoiiIJ Lv,*," e t as accrctoTy to his. own fore th?. •i* hls appearance Is made bc- the E5js! Wlu ly" os an ambassador from own. The dramatist endeavors to stage. Grand Street (Hnrry Reekman, mgr.)— Vaudeville and motion pictures. the fact 'that: famous players and famous Manhattan (C. M. Shacofsky, mgr.) — ulnys ore now to be seen hero In motion pic- Freaks nnd motion pictures, lures, seems fittingly appropriate. To begin lioew's Delancey Street (Hernard I-ra-ik. this series with film reproductions of tho mgr.)— Vaudeville and motion pictures. Hill greatest actress of our day Is ftlso fitting, for Oct. 14-10 Included rIM.EstuB.l'erry und Cbatterton. Vera McCord. Charles' Ham- To see this famous nlavcr In one of her groat Elliott. "The Manicure Girl.", the Hylphanos. niond, Robert Stowc Gill, H. Conway Wlng- fteld, Joseph Allenton, Daniel Pennell, George <'. Fierce, Edith Barker, Ann Crewe, Eth;' Martin and Ethel Lloyd. Next lotte Walker, In "The Trail some l'lne." Herald Sqomr* (M. Rothcblld. _ Htwt.l M_<s»« y jMgWM««s» .shiNosiM tt".^*. a.,,,- , tw< ftll 12 and the " Hawoy (Hosenberg Bros., mgrs.) "Keener'.Thtod7v..«' (CM I Mc bo?«Ta dart "A Rich Man's Son" I. an- pictures In which leading star, appear is Ihe MahojT Jgi.) —VaudevTlle and Soilon pic- Sounced to follow, ,b« no date to set for attraction nt,1hto boiise. tures. the opening. i- to see this famous player In one of her groat Elliott, "The Manicure Girl, the Hylphaniis. t- impersonations Is nlwnys a treat and her Ward and Smith, Winch ond Moore, Witt * performance In pictures to one of tbe strong- and Davis. Three Gnmous, and Monte Crlsto. ■I estT features ever turned out by n film con- Bill for 17-10: Ford and Hyde. Wllklns an. Motion {Continued on poyc S.)