The New York Clipper (October 1912)

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OCTOBER 19 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. 9 NEW YORK CITY* (ConMved fro* P«g« 1-) THE BRUTE." *,_/»«" ni«. a PUT In Sree acts, by Roderick Arnold Kummer, produced oaTu Sir evening Oct 8, by domatock ft G« day ea- Gest, jfe TSm *..... Ethel Clayton James Brennan •• • • • • • ■ •J2S Mo £ an While this play, which the author has rimmntlred from his novel of the same name. S plenty of dull spots, especially In the first two acts. It Is a -work of much Interest, espe- cially to women, It •will cause much discus- sion Among the fair aevand as the discus- sion of a play means good advertising, It is nossille that "The Brute" may make money for its producers, If not In New York, at least "Villi? Mr. Hummer has been successful as a novelist, he has still much to learn as a dramatist Still, his play Is not without merit The last scene In the last act Is one of great strength, and la not easily dismissed from one's memory. "The Brute" concerns Mr. and Mrs. Donald Rogers. The young husband Is anxious to cave evcrv cent possible In order to Invest It. so Unit In their old age the family will have some money. He .8, however, not stingy. Ills wife finds this mode of living distasteful. feven.l years before she married Rogers she was courted by one William West, a rich man. West remained the friend of the Itogers long after the marriage. lie and Mrs. Rogers continued to caro for each other, although nothing of a serious nature has ever trans- pired between them. West goes to Denver, sod from there he writes Mrs. Rogers to join lilm with ber boy. Bobble. ■ Before she gets a chance to start she and her husband are notified by a lawyer that West died from appendicitis and has left all of Ms money and Ills property to Mrs. Rogers. They move to a handsome cottage at a popular Summer resort, but Rogers, who Is Ignorant of the fact tbnt his wife has been unfaithful to him in intention, although not In any actual deed, refuses to live on bis wife's money, and continues to stick to his old job. He, of course, lives with her and his boy at the' cottage. Through an old college friend, Emerson Hall, who Is the fiance of his wife's sister,. Itogers learns the true story why West left his wealth to Mrs. Rogers. He leaves her,, taking the boy with him. Ills wife follows him to the old home. When he sees her dressed In a costly gown, her fingers and ber leek covered with Jewels, be cannot restrain his anger and he tears the jewels from her reck. On one condition' will he forgive her. ijbe most give up every cent of the money left ber by the treacherous friend. Nothing else will satisfy him. As she Is honestly in love with her husband, she consents, despite the pleadings of her grafting mother. Comstock & Gest have given the play a good production and have gathered together, a fine company. Head and shoulders above the others in the cast stands Ernest Glen- denning, wbo played the role of the young husband In an admirable manner. He played his love scenes with charm and tenderness, and he bandied his dramatic scenes with vigor. Mr. Glendennlng (wbo Is the son of John Glendcnnlng, a well Known actor) scored a. great personal success in "The Brute." Ruth Shcpley was entrusted with the role of the wife, snd although she gave a credit- able performance, she left much to be de- sired. She was never convincing. Jeffreys Lewis, as the grafting mother of the wife, was a delight, but it must be con- fessed thst she over-acted at times. • Ethel Clayton, as Alice, and Wlllard Rob- ertson, as Emerson Hall, her lover, who un- fittingly caused all the trouble, played their roles m conventional manner. Stephen Davis, as Bobble Rogers, proved not to be tiresome, which is indeed praise for a child actor, and Kelt Moran, as the lawyer, was excellent. The second week began Oct. 14. Third Roic. City (Ben Leo, mgr.)—The bill for 10-12 Included: Mr. and Mrs. Thomas, In their well known sketch, with the stolen dog game; Kepplcr and Joss, a Jew kid and his girl, made believe that th " were married : Boutin, Tllson and Parker, la the musical farmers, played saxophones disguised as milk cans, uwrlmbaphones rigged Tike a fence, and mu- sical chimes. The lady sang "Take Me Back to Dreamland." Their miniature piano was connected by wires with electric bells located among the seats, and thels ringing caused a mild sensation. The automobile organ and singing "Last Rose of Summer," In a sunset scene, was liked. The Runaway Four, two straight sihgers, a Hebrew and a black face comedian, made fun and harmonized, danced Jind finished with a parody on 'My Hero." The Bralthwalts played a sketch wherein the House gets into the wrong house and Is finally sent home by the lady next door, after r. series of comedy events, falls, bangs, etc. Nichols and Sherwood, as the countryman .ind the singer, played the old knockout drop game, with the lady taking the drops and tbc countryman recovering the goods, taken from nlm for the phantom blackmailer. The Stroub Sisters had a variegated act. One of them opened by singing "Mine," In rather prolonged style, with firelight effect. A clever ballet dance by sister followed, In regulation ballet costume. No. 1 then re- lumed In green to sing "Those Irish Melo- dies." A hoop-skirt number by No. 2 and No. 1 came back to show the contrast to the present styles by wearing an ultra-tight train sown and the largest fiat in captivity. A dipping rope act by the dancer, with vocal necompanlment, finished op. l^wrcnce and Reynolds sang "When I Jtoltz With You" and "Ghost of the Goblin Man" and "You Are My Life, My All." alternately, and Joined voices In "Good-Bye, My Love, Good-Bye." r Thc „Pictures Included: "Love In Tough Luck Ranch" (Essanay). "His Mother's FTc- ,'iJ* . (Kalom), "An Aeroplane Love Affnlr" !oi. ?'• nnd ' ,Jun International Romance" HERE AND THERE IN BURLESQUE 1912-1913 nm BARRETT <fc DTJNN"»s Witts Moulin Rasa;* Co. PRINCIPAL COMEDY AND STRAIGHT. LOYEY MARY GREENE THE AWN A HELP OF BTJR3LXBQPE, with the " Winning Widow" Chas. Baker and Bertha Gibson AUTHOR, ACTOR AND PRODUCER SOTJBRBTTB WITH TEDDY SIMON DS At TO GIRLS ««Tne Boys Behind the Laughs" WATSON and COHAN With MISS NEW YORK JR. MYSTERIOUS VALDO £55. and IRVING HAY "SiP* With MISS NEW YORK JR. EDDIE D. COLLINS STARRING FOR Charles Daniels, In "Whirl of Mirth." TOD BROWNING PLAYINO OPPOSITE EDDIE COLLINS WHIRL, OF MIRTH CLYDE J. BATES Character Comedian—Whirl of Mirth DICK MAD DO X CHARACTER COMEDIAN. with "LADY BUCCANEERS" HARRY STEPPE THAT HEBREW GENT. With THE LADY BUCCANEERS. WILLIAM HARRISS THE GENTEEL STRAIGHT HAN With LADY BUCCANEERS JUST BILLY ININ With MONTE CARLO GIRLS. ZELLA CLAYTON The Little Girl with the Sweet Voice With HONTE CARLO GIRLS Flr*t Time Out and a Rig Hit COMEDIAN With MONIB CIHLO OIRLB Arthur Laning STRAIGHT AND CHARACTERS WITH MONTE CARLO UIKL8 Fannie Vedder THAT DANCINO AND SINGING SOUBRETTK COLOMBIA BURLHSdDERS BACK ON THE JOB JOE EMEBSON ♦THE BUM" With COLUMBIA BORLESftUERB. I? un i WITH THE COLUMBIA BURLESQUERS EL CLEVE THE SCOTCH XYLOPHONE ARTIST With QlRLB FROM RENO. COLLINS ^ MADISON Pretent "THE GIRLS FROM RENO" "With MIKE COLLINS The Show that's getting the money oa the Empire Circuit. DOLLY FIELDS THE YIDDISH GIRL, with the Funny Slide With GIRLS FROM RENO. JEANETTE YOUNG Prima Donna With GIRLS FROM BENO. BELLE TRAVERS LEADING •WOMAN WITH MONTE CARLO GIRLS HUGHIE BERNHARD With Tom Miner'* BOHEMIANS Edwin and Delores Trevor With JACOBS A JBRMOS'SATT1UCT'OKS_ ANNA GRANT Principal Boy With "HIGH LIFE IN BURLEStLUE." MAY YUIR PRIMA DONNA. With "PACE MAKERS." With the MOULIN ROUOE CO. Lee Sisters and Willie Mack Entertainer* In Songs and Dance*. With THE MOULINTIOUGE CO. JOHN E. RILEY ••THE BUMPING IRISHMAN." T. W. DINKIN8 YANKEE DOODLE GIRLS CO Reese and Mitchell Featured with THE DAZZLER8. VIRGINIA KELSY PRIMA DONNA With FOLLIES OP THE DAY. Ralph Rockway THE CARUSO OF BURLESQUE With THE NEW CENTURY GIRLS 191)1-13 BLANCH BAIRD and her "Star* of gtageland." BACK IN BURLESQUE Bat not in the back line, JOE DIXON JUST JOINED THE "ORIENTALS" BOB DEMING CHARACTER COMEDIAN Miner** "Amrrlc»oi." Clara Douglass Racket! SINGING* OMEDIENNB In the Leading Feminine Role, Big GAIETY CO. JUDGE J. Theo Murphy Holding court with Dtnte'i Daughters. WEARING A CHIN PIECE COMEDIAN. With Chai. E. Taylor'* "DANTE'B DAPQHTEB." SINGLE Willi WINNING WIDOWS Direction of MAX SPIEOEL. JOHNNY HURRAY DALE and HARRIS MAX SPIEGEL'S COL LEGE OIRLB. lYlona Raymond THE 110.000 BEAUTY With MATT. KENNEDY'S TIOER LILIES. Harry COLE and HASTINGS Anna (WHITE HAWK) (njJStMM < RED M»™KB> With MATT. KENNEDY'S TIOER LILIES. Harry Fields THE HEBREW PUNSTER Principal Comedian with the MERRY MAIDENS. Geo. F. Hayes "EZERIAH 8L00OM." RURAL EXPERT CROit- ONOLOGIST. MERRY MAIDENS. EUGENE WEST -AND — CATHERINE HENRY In "BLANCHE" A Play in I Aet Br CATHERINE HENRY Now a feature with Sim William*' "Girls From Jorl&nd" Co. Biggest Dramatic. Sketch Hit In the tilstorjof Burleaque. HARRY LE VAN With Dixon's Big Review GEO. F.HOWARD A* SILAS HEMLOCK WITH DIXON'S DIO KBVIEW HYDE & BEHMAN AMUSEMENT COMPANY Temple Bar fiulldinr, Brooklyn, N. Y, STAR THEATRE Brooklyn OAYETY THEATRE Brooklyn GAYKTY THEATRE Pittsburg STAR AND OARTER OhlCHgO NEWARK. TEEAT RE Newark, N.J. 8th Ave. Tbea. • • Bowery Miner's, Bronx Miner's, Newark, - Olrlf from Joyland Oriental* Marry Maidens iuIo Girl. 'I ESTABLISHED 1890 DENTISTRY TO THE BURLESQUE PROFESSION. SPECIAL BATES AND EASY PAYMENTS. All work guaranteed. DR. L N. BUSS, 227 Grand St. West of Bowery, NEW YollK. 'Phone 6710 Spring Burlesque news. NEWARK COUNTRY STORE. The "Country Store" at Miner* Empire, Newark, I* Droving a tremendous success, and the Tuesday night audiences go wild oyer It. Laat Tuesday the presents included: A chicken and sweet potatoes, a Turkish rug, a woollen sweater, a basket of peaches, a six pound sea bass, three wals's. etc., etc. The rrlnelpal bit was made by the presentation o Harry Carpenter, of 7I» Orchard Street, of a lively little goat, which he took to his aeat with him amid howls of Joy, Two theatre partlca were held at Miner's Empire, Newark, on Oct. it. one In honor of Mae Yulr, leading lady of Iho Pace Makers, and the other In honor of Uus Knoll, a New- ark boy, who la & member of the Four Dan- cing Harmonists, wllli the same compnn.v. Mlsa Yulr was presented with a beautiful basket of flowers. The Emanon Club held their annual theatre party at Miners Empire Theatre, Oct. 10, to the number of sixty. Aflcr tho show tho Kmnnons had a love feast at which several members of tho Pace Makers company as- sisted to the satisfaction of all concerned. s NEW GAYETY A SUCCESS. The new Onyely Theatre, at Montreal, Can., opened on Aug. JO with the Columbia Circuit burlesque. Since the opening the H. It. O. sign has been In evidence at almost every performance, and (lie heat people of the city are attending, ladies being In largo numbers at all performances. The theatre Is mvned by the Canadian The- atres. Limited, and 1b considered the hand- somest and safest thentre In the city, and I lie first and only cantilever theatre to be built In Canada. .1. V. Arnold, the well known manager, Is In charge. Burlesque has never been a big success there till Mr. Arnold look hold, and now tho (ioyety la' considered one of tho beat assets of the entire Columbia Circuit. • ■ "JTDGE" MURPHY IN JAIL. On nceount of matrimonial discords. "Judge" J. Theo. Murphy was taken In hand by two county detectives, upon his arrival In New York from Philadelphia, Pn„ and fit the Fifty-fourth Street Court had the pleasure of saying "(Hood morning, Judge," to Magis- trate Ilrcnner. Hull m accepted. A NEW OAYETY, PHILADELPHIA. Ilurlesquers will bo pleased to note tho change* In the Gayety, Philadelphia. Mana- ger John I'. Is decorating the entire house, front and back, renovating the stngo and dressing rooms. The ushers are in uni- form, and the entire establishment Is like new. LOVEY MARY GREENE CLOSES. Lovey Mary Greene closed with the Mou- lin Rouge, Oct. !i, and was replaced by Mar- lorle Dennett. Lovey Mary Orccnc Joined Max Spiegel's Winning Widows, which opened at Newport News, Oct. 12. UU Mi THERE ■ BMSp, BY OLIO, Por sale— White moire serpentine dress •*, pose outfit $12, black art outfit 118, Powers' IS, E?„i e ? t . conaltlon - Fl "as. song elldeB. later magic. shod 1 , £",!>■ Enclose stamp for list. WILSON BU PPr.Y HOUSE. 8a Broadway. Rochester, M. Y hn P i ASni,T *HBATRH, Chester, Pa., wants m.Vi ll le - mn 8tcalcomedics.drama,minstrels, dra- Ro..L c ,iS rtera ' anT " laT8 ; one > tTO or tnree d& 7'- ?=»ib raw, j. o, Hoffman. WANTED FOR KING'S "EAST LYNNE" ^y 18 'SUall lines. State foil panlonlarg. Address Wellavlllo, Oct. 19; Addison. 21; Wat- kins, a; all in New York. A.t Liberty After Oct. S5. Responsible managers only. JAS. S. MCLAUGHLIN] DOROTHY HORR Juvenile Lend* and Soabrette »n<l In- H*nTl*..Yonng. height genue Lead*. Helglit 6ft. Win., weight 1« KIS n., welghtliolbs. Require tickets. Joint only. Experience ward- robe and ability. ACTRESS, Geucrnl Delivery, Wenaburg, W. V*., week of 14; Msdlngton, week of a, then M O Capital Ave., Pittsburgh. Pa. WAHTEP-Tlm e In O hio, Oct., The DAINTY HINA GEHHELL CO. Up-to-date Tabloid, Mnslcal Comedies and Dramas hlghclaes, refined and clean. Want houses with 400 to too capacity, la live towns, where two per- formanees can be given nightly. Seven people, Musical Director. This attraction Las t e reputst'on and gets the money, per cent, or w MANAGER SS t «jl Hqkatfor Diamond Ring, -2X kt.. for »W. 9*9 In for laoo. Cost 1600. Just pawned this BBS RINO, care of CLIPPER. 9m DOGS! dogs, sasfeaggs PRINTING Company DESIGNING ENGRAVING 08i< and 084 Grand St. Brooklyn, N. Y. Tel. 2680 tt'agg. Wetr York Office, llUtf Broadway Tel. 6231 Oreeley. PIANO PLAYER whoeanworklnacts. Performerwhocanohange to? week and double Piano. Money abaolntcly writ* nnlck. Stale all in first letter. W WILL 8, OENARO, 01lther.ll, Minn. sure. wre act, now playing In Vaudeville. '.ten. Vj'. Also single WISEMAN, WANTBO QUIOK SINGING AND DANCING SISTER TEAM Change for a week. I^ngaeaaon. _Snrepaf. ■ i do Al piano. . All most be good. ^ e^b. OTOOIMLL, lines.write. Can Al piano. All nu» u "*^™', Jlir'w'vi" Manager, Carroll Comedy Co., Logan, W. Va. WANTED AT ONCE EXPERIENCED REPERTOIRE LEADING MAN Only tlioie with qualifications for strong line of parts need apply. State age, height, weight, with photo, and full details. MATTICB STOCK CO., Chester, M. Y. Wanted-Full Acting Company LEADING WOMAN, strong enough to feature; HEAVY MAN, OHARAOTEK MAN and WOMAN with r u,*mA£ij dm vug «i specialties, COMEDIAN with SCENIC ARTIST, to play parts; PROP OENERAL BUSINESS MAN and WOMAN With specialties; ,TY MAN, to play parts and specialties. Name your very low- Pay your own, I'll do the bhiiio._ Rehearsals Oct. 21. Photos and est first letter, remember tbe year. . lata programmes, which will be returned. Alice Hamilton, write P. H FRANK J. LOFTl 8, G«n RpKN-NA* received a beautiful Thomas cat over the footlights at the Eighth Avenue, while singing "when I Clot you Alone To-night." Billib Davis la making a big lilt win- ner Imitations, with Dave Marlon's show. Jo. Fields was a big feature at the Um- pire, Newark, last week. May Yum and Maboib Catlin, holding down the big roles with the l'aco Makers, and n hit. riiYLMS Fohtkb (the smiling kid), lead- ing numbers and getting the presa notices, with the Gay Widows. Jos Phillips Is some tough guy. Wield, n Jack Hko a "Lofty," with Eddie Shafera troupe. KtEi.BY and Fkuluy doing the heady stuff Willi the lion Tons. "Tiik Uiim" Is making more than good. Now Iic'b booked up for thrco years with J. & O. Zklia Clayton's first trip East was a busy one. Automoblllnic dally, then to work, Huhy I. hum, displaying some wonderful Parisian wardrobo on Forty-second Street this week. BAM La Toun. hilled Hko Rvn Tangtiay on One Hundred and Twenty-fifth Street this week, with the Hon Tons. Dick Mapixix ami .Ioii.v IIanbon were battling a severe cold nil last week, but nulled through O. K., on the week. l'hahmh Hakkr, the main chauffeur with tho Auto Cilrls, yodled all laBt week In the Bronx, and was n hlg hit, Ciiabmh Howaiui tied his nuto to tho flro pump outside of the Star Theatre all last week. Tbc hoBt "souse" on the stage to-dny, but only on the stage. JUmtY Kibluh, that funny Jew with tho Merry Maidens, received plenty of good press materla.1 the Inst two weeks In Boston. Dolly, that Ylddtshor girl with the funny slldo. Is making a big hit with tho Qlrls from itcno. 'Hbi.lm Tiiavkiis, leading woman with tho Monto Carlo Girls, says: "No more vaude- ville; I'll stick to burlesque," Kd. Led Wuotim, cleaning up with thn Ginger Girls. Ed. is the same old "Janitor." Fannib Vkdder expects to purchase nn auto, so "look out for the girlies who own an automobile." May Hum: Is tearing along with the Win- ning Widows, Her specialty a tremendoiM Wm. Sisto, with the Cracker Jacks, Is In- teresting tho woman suffragettes' cause wltti his talks. tico. K. Havkh, the hlg rube, Is digging up elm's In the ilronx this week, Dan Colrman, tho Irish nightingale, get- ting tho laugh records over thn ColumhU Circuit. Thibty-i'ivb cents for a brick In a cigar- box. Ask Lou Hurtle. Ida Hayton Is doing a new number with tho Taxi Girls. Hun Wklcii has signed a three yrnr ron- tract with Hud Hynlckn, to appear In bur- lesque over the Columbia Amusement circuit, UnflW AND AGENTS* NOTES. Address Del., Fhtlraont, N. Y. B. hTIuCKlIy and WIFE AN". 1 CORNET AND PIANO. Experience in all lines theatre work. Double small parts. Locate or travel. If you don't pay salaries don't answer this adv. Address B, M. BUCKLEY, NEW RERLIN, N. T. WANTED QUICK PIArTO PLAYER, SKETCH TEAM to doable Piano, SMALL NEAT WOM AK for ninsiorx*. Addxes* BUTLER, MAOIOIAN, m per ronU, Tkdpy Simonds reports exceptionally gcmil business for his Auto Girls. Walter Meyers out front. Jack Lkhlib. the old timer, out In front for the Merry Makers, eight years with Mut- ter, Jacobs, Lowrry Ic Monnhan. James Madison had plenty of Italian literature distributed along tho Dowcry laxt week, and packed the sons of Columbus In nil week. Lkon Evans Is taking guitar lessons be- tween sessions at the (layety, Newark. Tub "Silver King," Jack Faust, ahead of tho Oay Widows, gets thn real press stuff, and has tho towns hilled like a circus. Jimmy Wemikn took the moth balls out of tho ticket for Ills Kenny. Getting cold out West. Mori Mkhsino snys things are humming on One Hundred and Twenty-fifth street this week. There's a reason—the Gay Musquor- adcra. T. D. Hitllivax, some real name for a showman, and a regular fellow, too—boss of tho Monte Carlo Girls. i;<