The New York Clipper (October 1912)

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OCTOBER 10 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. •.e&NHSnir THE HITS! 'JEROME H. REMICK & C0> (NEXT TO GLOBE .THEATRE) Most Complete Music Publishing House In the World YOU'RE MY BABY. MY MAN WHEN YOU'RE AWAY MOON. LIGHT BAY AT HOME 119 WEST 461ft ST. JEROME H. REMICK & CO: (NEXT TO CI LOBE THEATRE) Most Complete Music Publishing: House In the World EVERY- BODY lTW0»STEW 219 WEST 46 JEROME H. REMICK. President fc. E. BELCHER, Secretary^ [MOSB GUMBL& M£r. Professional Deoi WHEN YOU'RE MARRIED I'M THE GUY MEW YORK DETROIT CHICAGO. WHEN I WALTZ WITH YOU OH, YOU SILVERY BFLLS AT BE MY LITTLE BABY BUMBLE BEE MY LITTLE LOVIN* SUGAR BABE THE ISLAND OF ROSES AND LOVE MY LITTLE PERSIAN ROSE HOME 219 WEST 461b St. JEROME H. REMICK & CO.] (NEXT TO GLOBE THEATRE) Most Complete Music Publishing House in the World ON A beautiful! NIGHT witiia beautiful GIRL 219 WEST 46 AT HOME 219 WEST 48th ST. JEROME H. REMICK & CO.] (NEXT TO GLOBE THEATRE) Most Complete Music Publishing House in the World OUT OF TOWN HEWS Indianapolis, lnd.—Morat (Fred J. Datley, ■MMAbom English Grand Opera Co. week of Oct. 14. 'The Whirl of Society" 24-20. Knolisii'b (Ad. F. Miller, mgr.) — Frlul 5JM&, In "Tbe Lore Wafer," 14-10; Thoe. Ross, SL -"S? 0ai * Soa " "1"; Mile. Trentlnl, In The Firefly." 21-23; Mr.. 25. 20. I auk (Anderson A Zlegler. nigra.)— Dare Lewis, m "Don't Lie to Your Wife," week of 14; too Snart Set 21-23, "The Gamblere" 24-20. Uiiokul (Holden A Edwards, nigra.)—"The City" week of 14. K«T„-, (Ned „ Hastings, mgr.)—Bill for week of 14 includes: Mile. Mlnnl Amato, Belle M«ry. Master Qahrlel and company, Doc. O'Nell. i' x Klrksmlth Slaters, Mclntyre and Groves, La m Rros., Claude M. Roode, and the i.vaio (Olsen ft Barton, ingrs.)—This bcautful gj the.tre opened with Sullivan A Consldlne ■•tta, 14, giving three performances dally. Ad- .ni.sion, 10 cents, to all parts of tbe house at matl- ,\Z '. ,na , J.f 1 wnt9 nnd twenty cents, night. The ,™„ '/J*'! 1 ""eludes: Tbe Five Juggling Nor- ™tan pletares' Mln,treh ' otn * r fcat « reB - » nd m> - f..r GA JS? Pi 1 ! 1 * Anraaement Co.. mgrs.) — Bill g "■Ufli The Great Roberts, Brown and irSAS"? Tt>0 - un <l Mylle and urtb. M Sbnir * A '«"> b fW"«. mgr.)-Vaad«vlllo a£rSB*t £• Barton, mgr.)—Tanka Doodle *wk oTsu * S * m Rke *"* U1 * D*^" 11118 tmfQFWSL lnd. —Nelson (Sue Fink, S'-S-*^ **■■»% who for the past two sca- hl" eeSKK* . ,bl> ."*»»*. has resigned, to give I.llSSSih? *""»*><"> to the Colonial Theatre at nMitnapolis, M a the Wallace The.tre. at Peru. tr~iun~'„! , 5 0 t0T . ■ "umber of sccums has been sw«SF Si ■»'■«•« manager of this theatre, tlm™ !,„",& Ml8,, r,nk '■ energetic, at all SB te £2?' ,nd Mcr »'"«, and will, no "S aJJH 8 " < *JF« f "' 1 m her new capacity. I" IweXm ^£}l a 5 tat *" Oct. 14. "He Fell '•nicen s«ir^i. W '^f ,0 ' «*™ret Anglln, In "III™ 25 »S?iE 2?. "The Shepherd of the I"u lAneV.v *7i! am « Sherry" 20. tires a,d T."L.m Cl "">'ns»am, ragr.)—PlC- Q**m*J3g'* a ' k CB »»S«> irl-weekly, are '"iCjP^^res. m '* " *■ ' ■' ■' Orcheatra ii>i.p7t T ' M g 8 b R u ,f^ D M( Tt >"*o. motion picture houses, !"« "JSia^?", 8 : "° nk .2 0 . turnrt to lh'« city, hav- Iwr" cte" ll "„. nro r*rtjr man with the ''Busy Xolson TlmVii'li. n '.L t 1 *"'<*. harpist, with the "here S*SbJ2LS*l*& 10 - tnr B" Angeles, fc'-l>ert RnS^'SP. 1 "" '««"'« permanently".... "Two M«i ? nd . w/ 0r P^JT"* 0 ' t - 5 Join tbe •vn and a Woman" Company VVaugnn Glasor, who appeared In "A Grain of Dust." at tbe Nelson, 8. la making his rente in an automo- bile this season, be being an enthusiastic motor- ist. He baa already covered .n tbe neighborhood ot 5,000 miles. Louisville. Ky.—Macauley's (John T. M>- ciuley, mgr.) Obarlea Cherry, In "The llissers- By," Oct. 14-16; Frits! Scheff, In "The Lore Wnger." 17-10. Shubert Masonic (J. J. Garrlcty, mer.)—"The Power Behind the Throne" 17-19, "The Whirl of Society" follows. Walnut Stueet (C. A. Shaw, mgr.)—Beutah Pointer, in "A Kentucky Romance." week of 1.1. Gayett (0. T. Taylor, mgr.)—Harry Hnstlnrs' Big Show week of 13. BrjCKINOIUM (Horace McCrocklln, mgr.)—Sam Itlcc and his Daffydllls week of 13. Kirrn's (J. L. Weed, mgr.)—Bill for week of 13: Jane Courthope nnd company. Three Keatons. Alexander and Scott, Linton and Lawrence, fondling's animals, IUwsoa and June, Harry B. Lester, nnd Kmma O'Neill. Hippodlomb (Max L. Slmoa. mgr?.)—"A West- ern Girl's Dream" features the dim. tor week of 13. Olympic. (Mex L. Slmou, mgr.)—"Her Last Resort" features week of 13. Citbtal (M. Swltow, nwr.)—"Miss Bohlnson Crusoe" features week of 13. _ OuPUEi'M (I. Simon, mgr.)—'Terrible Teddy" features week of 13. Avenue (M. Shaw, mgr.)—"Life of a Rose" features week of 13. Columbus (I. Simon, mgr.)—Morlup pictures. Casino (I. Simon, mgr.)—Morlng pictures. Majbstic (L. Dlttmar, mgr.)—Motlnj pictures. NovxLTr (J. LevenBon, mgr.)—Moving pictures. Notb.— The picture show business Increases regularly. St. Paul. Minn.—Metropolitan IT. N. Scott, mgr.) Is dark week ot Oct. 13, excepting 18. when Sousa and his Band will five concerts afternoon nnd evening. 'The Siren" week of 20. SnunBitT (Frank O. Priest, mgr.)—"The Bird Of Paradise" 13 and week. Ouphbom (B. 0. Burroughs, mgr.)—Business is very good. Martin Beck wis in this city. 10. on an Inspection tour of his theatres and arrang- ing for the appearance of lime. Bernhardt. Bill for week of 13: Bertha Kallch rud company. Carl McCullough, Wm. Raynow. Viola Krane ami company, Bottomley Troupe, Slmon<let, the Four Florlmonds, and Bob and May Kemp. Rmprkss (W. S. Brewster, mirf.)—Business continues good. BUI for week of 1.1: Milt Arns- man, the Three Lorcttas, Llml, Uaylord and Her- ion. and the Plcchlanl Troupe. Gbano (Tlieodope L. Hays. m/rr. 1 — Miner's Americana week of 13. the Rosebuds 20 Bn ,i week. Majestic (II. S. Mitchell, mgr.)—Vaudeville with motion plcturea to good business. Stab (John T. Kirk, mgr.)—This theatre baa closed as a vaudeville and moving picture house, and it Is announced that It will be re-ntted for motion pictures exclusively. STARL4ND (C. F. Rose, mgr.)—Good bualneHS with vaudeville and moving picture attractions. New PniNCEss.—This bouse is doing a record breaking business. Oakland, Cnl.—Macdonougu (F. A. Oelsa, mgr.) Lambnrdl's I'aclUe Const Opera Co. Oct. 20-22, 'The Rorod-Up" 27-30. Xn LiBEBTk (H. W. Bishop, mgr.)—Tbe Lander Stevens season opened la "A Tale ot Two Cities" for 14 and week. (.'oi.uuiitA (Dillon & King, mgrs.)—Harry Ber- nard's musical Merry Makers presented "McCubc In Paris" week ot 0. Imora Parr (R. B. York, mgr.) — BUI tor 7 nnd week Included: "A. Night in Venice" and "Shin Ahoy." Carver's diving horses were an added attraction. Oupiietjk (Geo. Rbey, mgr.)—BUI for 18 and week: Owen McGlreney. Otedo's Manon Opera Co., Franklyn Ardell and company, Owen Clark, Ryan Bros.. Ed. and Minnie Kwter, and photo- plays. Business is good. I'antaoes' (W. W. Ely, mgr.)—Bill for 13 and week: Boyle Woolfolk's "Chlcklets," Gordon and Rlcca, Tom Kelly. Fraax Adelnun. Keane Trio, "Alice Teddy," skating bear; Fred Graham. Nel- lie Dent and company, and new Sunlight pictures. Business Is heavy. Broaowat (Guy O. Smith, mgr.)—Vaudeville nnd photoplays, changed Wednesdays and Sundays, to capacity business, Oakland. Ltiic, Mablowb, Camera. Scenic Bijou Dbkax, Regent ani> Beown'h, motion pic- ture houses, all report rood attendance. Notes. — L. D. Ilurkhart, until recently as- sistant manager and press representative at Pan- laces' Theatre, has accepted a like position at Ibc Orpheum Robert O. Drady succeeds Mr. BuikLart at Pcntages'. Fnll River, Jlnss. — Savoy Its, M. Boas, mgr.) Aborn Opera Co., In "Madame Butterfly." Oct. 21; "The Talker" 28. ACADBMr (L. M. Boas, mgr.)—BUI for 14-10 included: Kartell and Ilogan, Hudson ami McCor- mlck, Hong Feng, and J. Herbert Frank and com- pany. For 17-10: Hoar and Couroy. the Dorans, Lawrence nnd KdwunlH, und the Savoys. Bijott (M. N. floodbue. mgr.)—BUI for 14-lf) Included: l£ Bneuf Brothers, Two Scntts, Kotiblns and Tremalne. Kula Heritage, Hose PI ton off, and Klnemacolor motion pictures. Perkier (L. M. Boas, mgr.)—BUI for 14-10 Included: Folly Bergrre Trio, and Hatry Antrim. For 17-10: Kolllns and Kllfton Sisters, and Gran- ville and Mack. Pai-acr (A. H. Ashler, mgr.)—Motion pictures and Illustrated songs. r.inic (K'l. Doherly. mgr.)—Motion pictures and Illustrated songs. Stab IF,. Michelfelder, mgr.)—Motion plcturea ami Uloatrted sonet*. NiCKBLonanN (Walter Blgekiw, mgr.)—Motion pictures and Uustrated songs. Scsxio (H. S. AtebcT, mgr.)—Motion pictures. Lowell, MrtNH.—Opera House (Ralph Word, mgr.) Is dark week of 14. I.l's-ratl'x Hand 20. Kbitii'h (Will II. Stevens, mgr.)—Illll for 14 end week: Chaa. Bowser ami company. Wil- son and Wilson, Polzln Bros., the Three Dlxons, Chns. and Ada Latham, Nick Conway, Mori anil Scome, and Hickman Bros, and etimpauy. Mkuuiuack Square (James Carroll, mgr.)—BUI for 14 and week: The Temple Players, Steve While, Malcolm, the Maraballs, nnd photoplays. Acad.u* (Edwin Church, mgr.)—Bill for 14- 10 Included: The Zarnes, SlcDonald and Trnro- Iato, and W. F. Browning. For 17-10: The Telegraph Trio, Walters, Morgan and Dixon, and the pictures. Playhouse (K. Weston, mgr.) — The Droaia Players present "The Kaalest Way" for 14 und week. "The Cosumuters" 21 ami week. Premise (W. T. Howler, mgr.)—This bouse opened 7. with Independent festure pictures, to good business. Tnnnton. Mnas. — Park (A. A. Kellman, mgr.) opened under new management Oct. 11, with moving pictures. "OUver Twist," with Nat Goodwin, were featured. Stab, Musio Hall, Casino, Oolusiiiu and fiicxEL, moving picture houses, continue to good returns. Dtabaqne, la Grand (John II. Maclay, mgr.) Howe's travel pictures Oct. 13, 14. Majestic (Jake Rosenthal, mgr.)—Bill for 10- 12 Included: Tbos. q. Heabrooke. Seven Belfords, Msrlniba Band, W. I. Harvey und company, Barry Halvers and company, and lloey and Mour. This playhouse is playing to capacity business. Star (A. C. Thompson, mgr.)—Pictures, and Kthel North, In songs. PniNCEsH (H. W. Fulton, mgr.)—Picture, lo excellent business. Amusb (A. I» Stevens, mgr.)—Pictures. ItoTAL (A. L. Stevens, aigr.)—Pictures. Dhoamland I (J. B. Boyle, mgr.)—Pictures, Debamland II (A. 0. Wright, mgr.)—Pictures. Cedar Rnpldti. In,—Greene's (W. H. Col- lier, mgr.) Walker .thltestde. In "The Typhoon," Oct. 16; "Thst Gal o' Howa'd'a" 20, "A Modern Eve" 24, Nell O'Brien's Minstrels 2B, "Oftlcer 000" 20, 27, Margaret Anglln, In "Green Stock- ings," 31. Majestic Vaudeville (Vic Hugo, mgr.)—Bill for 14-10: Carl and Lillian Miller, Clark Sisters and Sterling, Grim and Elliott, I« Roy nnd Paul. Charles Kenna, 'Mother Uooee" and Edengrapli. For 17-20: Al. Allen, Gannon and Trace/. Gard- ner and Vincent, Johnny Small anil Sister, Empire State Four, Four Vanls, aud the Kdengrapb. Davenport. la.—Burtls (Cliamberlln. Kindt 4 Co.. tngra.) "Officer Hip)" Oct. 13, Walker Whiteside, In "The Typhoon," II; Eastern wheel hurlesiiue 10. "A Modern Kve" 20, "Tbe Blue Movse" 21. Honey Boy Kvans' Minstrels 27. Gbano m. I,. Hughes, mgr.)—l*anl J. Ralney's African hunt pictures drew good business, matinee - and night, 0. American (Charles llerkell, mgr.)—Bill tor 7 and week Included: the Five (ireens, Hurt 0. Weston mid company Ixmlm Carver and Tom Murrsy, Herbert, McDonald and Oenereaux, and the Amcrlcascoiw, Hartford, Conn.—Parsons' (It. C. Parsons, mgr.) Blanche King. In 'The Wall Street Girl.' 1 Oct. 14-10; "Oliver Twist," with Wilton Lackaye, Edmund Hrecse, Marie Dorn and Constance Col- lier, 18, 10; "Bonght and Paid For," with Chas. Richmond, Julia Dean and original cast, entire week of 21, Poli'h (W. A. Ascough, mgr.)—BUI for week of 14: Tempest and Ten, Morton and Glass, Van Hoven, Hurrord nnd Chain, Amoros Sisters, Dainty La Cranilell, Robert Henry llvdge and company, and the Electrograph. Haktvord (Fred P. Dean, mgr.)—Hill for week of 14: Pauls Edwardcs, Joe Doming, stern and Vance, Fish and McDonouifli, Jessie Edwards' dogs, "Camping Days," Tozo nnd Geneva, Lloyd and Zarlim, Gene and Arthur, Musical Dixon, and 'Patho's Weekly. Happy Hope (Harrison Harris, mgr.)—Dally change of pictures lo good IiiihIuchs. Empire (P. I-. McMahon, mgr.)—Tbl. new house continues to enjoy splendid business. Note. —Tbe theatrical senson here Is now well under way. Manager II. 0. Parsons has some exceptionally line bookings ahead, and, with the Poll bouses supplying good vaudeville, Hartford theatregoers are being well entertained. New Haven, Conn.—Hyperion (B. D. El- dredge, nmr.) "lluuty Pulls Ihe Slrlngs" wevk of Oct. 14. Piii.i'h (P.. O. Edwards, mgr.)—Hill for 14 and week: Mysterious Edna, the Harvey De Vors Trio, Clark sod Hamilton. Clara Inge, Conllu, Steelo and Carr, Frank Ilae nnd company, nnd Adonis and dog. Allinnv, N. Y. — HaraunuH Bleecker Hall (Edward M. Hart, mgr.) "One Day" Oct. 14-111, Lew Fields' newest muslon! comedy, "The Sun Dodgers," 18, III; David Warfleld, In "The Re- turn of Peter Orlmm." 25, 20. EMPIRE! UriH. II. Rhodes, mgr.)—The Midnight Maidens 14-10, Motile Williams' company 17-10, Merry-Go-!toiiiul<<rs 21-23. tbe Gulden Crooks 2420. Pimctoe'b (Howard Graham, mgr.) — Vaude- ville and inorlni; pictures to capacity business. Majestic MCnill Dclches. mgr.) — Vaudeville and moving pictures. Proctor's (Guy E. Graves, mgr.)—Vaudeville and moving pictures. Centennial Hall. —Mrs. Tom Thumb week of 14. Note. —"Th. Sun Dodgers" will be given at Hermanns Hleecker Hull for the flrst time on nny stage in, with Eva Tnngiiay and George W. Mon- roe In the cast. ClnrkMdalc, Mlsm.—New Clarkadale (Craw- ley Bros., mgrs.) comic opera selections, by home talent, under auspices of the Elks, Oct. IT, 18; Coburn's Minitreli 23, "Tie Common Law" 31.