The New York Clipper (October 1912)

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OCTOBER ltf THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. 13 „ ■• for the enrichment of the Police- ^•JotSSh* *»»}»< ft wl - Ji Smith's "The Only Bon," will come J'rti next season la a now comedy by roelet), a l° cal organUaUon, returns to the rhfcieo vsndevJllo J»ta«e next week, after a .» the Bast BoM 1» a P«anUt, Amea a ' l rr.f« "SI A. G." Trio (Ross Ames and wee ^Stei Sfegl. hi Chicago rie&peoVle. called "I Loved iter, But She °fiS£w% Herbert Ingrabam and n.hij.- Crawford arc arranging a new act. B rronoB S Cullbn, Columbia Tbeotrc treas- urer is at Alcxlan Brothers' Hospital, suffer- ■_• m-ith screre paralyslB. %omib ■BEirm.D, head of White City, goes to Panama in December. aSH Osmjm Is on the ocean, en route for London, where he Is to open at the Pal- 01 HrNaf«TT* Chosman will appear. In the Southern Cities tbls Winter, playing "The B< s« welUileased Is B. H.'Fracee with the support given his last two .Plays. "Fine Feathers - ' and "Bea^jr Money," at the Cort Theatre Chicago, that hereafter all his pro- ductions will be made at thlg pl ayhouse. CHiaGO CABARETS. CoNonsss (Prank Howard, mgr.)—The at- tendance at this popular after-the-theatre re- sort continues tine. The uniformly good bills dense and a Bohemian atmosphere prevails it all"times. Week of 7, Margaret Reed, In hnr novelty dances, opened the bill. The Wltmsrk Trio, composed of Messrs. Howard, Stover and Mathews, put over some telling bits. Elsie Hornkohl and company, In a tinging review, pleased Immensely. The Throe Normans were next and proved clever iIdiits. dancers and entertainers. Rosalie Itose and her cabaret cut-ups had the honor of bold faced type on the program, and de- sirvcil It. Flo jacobson and Clayt Coolldge continue to be Congress favorites. The Wel- llnijton Three are a nifty trio. The Congress Musical Comedy College Four, composed of Measra. Miller. Peters, Marler and West, are capital cabaret entertainers, and were ag- itated by Gene Gregory, Margaret Reed, Nel- lie Wilson, Rosalie Rose, Helen Gregory and Elsie Hornkohl. Oii.uxik Inn (Gene Belfeld, mgr.)—Edna Whistler continues a host In herself, and night after night gives a varied program. ■ung among the tables with a vivacity and Individuality that Is unequaled. .North American (W. N. Morris, mgr.)— Kljnn and McLaughlin, In their special ren- dering of "The Bumble Bee Bag" and other popu lar selections, together with the Cabaret bin foVwecf 5 IC 7 a " D(f 90ng8 • con » u ' u 'c« tho .i 8 i vor < JFrank Howard. mgr.> _ Good ffi? # < T d «' rci 8?P aed t0 the drawing qual- 7 *V f ttJK* , 6 ".' of , entertainers wee* of iLmif'SrS, ^ta'cd-Wltmark's "Till the Sands of the Desert Grow Cold.'" The SSFHfiS B, f tcr ? dld 80me c |ev ef dancing and tumg pleasingly. Lockman, Loos and ♦Vi sf" \V e ; '2, 9t weck tne headline fea- ture at the Indiana, scored with, a classy staging act Donna Karcher proved n high class vocalist. The Melvln Sfsters occupied LS&JQPi* th \ Wl K Bon *«. dance, and lastrumental numbers. Rocco Voc t o Bane Von Timer's lascsthlta with success Kitty Hart to an attractive and pleasing cabaret this well known cafe, week 7. Lillian Sieger pleased with cornet aolos. The Tarlnelll Trio of.International gtngets and Instrumen- 2a4& SET ?.*"•„ ?'•»»• p « r » Fell Is a dainty sonbrette. Dot Oatman song ragtime BSE SSJrSL w i l ™.<*^ t MlRli,"Ken- drlok. Grace Lewis and Vesta tax did Colon- fiJg gM? snd minuet dancing. Lcito tSu. ai SiH» re . deve 4. caibaret entertainers, and AJ. Bellln sang Wltmark's songs well. broken In thelt now act, and reports Indicate they hnvc n winner. "I'm Going to Take the •WH Train" la their feature song. Billy Ncblc and Jeanne llrooka arc suc- cessfully exploiting two W. It, numbers, namely: "Oh, You Georgia Rose" and "When I Mot You Last Night in Dreamland." O-U-Clrcus Day" still continues to bo the reigning hit with Lee White and Oeorge I'erry, with "Oh, You Georgia Rose" a close second. Lucler and Ellsworth arc using several W. K. songs to more than good advantage, their particular feature being "Oh, You Georgia Rose." Zeno and Mandell have secured the English singing rlghta to "O-U-Clrcua Day," and will feature It during their tour abroad, lasting HAL BRIGGS ADELAIDE DALTON Stage Director, Plays Parts Future Leading Woman Address RKSPONBIBLB MANAUKltft ONLY. ROOM 708, NORMANDIR HOTEL,, flBW YORK CITY. SI STEBBINS ORIGINAL ADVERTISING HVDB Young Buffilo Wild Wsit and Cummins' Far Esit enuriii, CAPASSERS, .WESTS, AUCTIONEERS, SCHEMERS and ClBJTflL HI YOU MEED US-WE NEED YOB. Write for Catalogue. Hailed free to Dealers. INBROS. Bat. 1880 Terre Haute, Ind. MUSIC ROTES, BdwimR Schmidt, a new writer of popu- ar music with Charles A Meyers, the pub- Usher, has met with Instantaneous success and Popularity with his songs, "i Never Knew rtls World Contained a Girl As Sweet As You" and "The Whole Day Through " v» ?if?. *£? , B ,'I, NEI £ 8 8on * hlt ' '"""Me Is .£&&£ Glrl , Uke * ou - w "» sell at least a million copies, according to a statement made by Herbert BInner." Their too new numbers, entitled "Burglar Man" and " 'Way Down on the Mississippi," look like sure hits. Billib Warbbn, Mildred Nelson and Burt Duffy have Joined Billy Maher in putting LJtttotaS?'' Hatr1 '' Wt 80n *' '^ U8t • AunREY STAnwaa was the lucky publisher to put out the number, entitled "Just An Old lime Song. Bill Downs Is another successful song writer. In less than a year he has written Down In Melody Lane," "Mr. Ragtime Whlp- poorwlll" "Tlpperary Mary" and his new song, entitled r 'Maybe." All of the numbers have gone over big and are good sellers. Ben Bobkstein the general manager for the Harry Von Tllier Mnslc Company, is spending a few weeks In this city, helping his Chicago force to put over "I'll Bit Right Onthe Moon" and "Somebody Else Is Getting Thb Thompson Music Co. has a "hit" song In their new number, entitled "Jonah and the Whale." Hulllvan and Baser have already created a demand among the music trade on the South Side, where they have been using the song for the past week. Violet McMillan will play the Majestic Theatre In a few •weeks, and will alng 'There Is No Little Girl Like You." linger nnd Sullivan are singing "When the Chick- ens Were A-81«eplng 1 WaB Sleeping. Too," a crackerJaCk song for the Bettk & Dinner's office. Jdub ind Jack Von Timer take over the York Maslc Co., while Albert Von Tllzer re- tires. Clyde) Uaoer and Jehiiy Sullivan have written a promising song In "Gooda-Da-Bye, Antonio." Frank Clnrk will publish It. i * WILL ROSBITER GOSSIP. "The Girl from Milwaukee," one of the big hits at the Palace, Chicago, Is featuring the everlasting ballad hit "Twilight." Doris Thayer, of noble's Knickerbockers, has two grand song numbers in "O-U-Clrcus Day" ana "Texas Prance," both numbers being staged by Jerry Mills, of the W, R. staff. Betty Washington, with Ous Rdwards* Kid Kabnret company, hns a splendid number for violin In the over night song sensation, "All Night Long." Hivzei Bwanson and Milt Francis have until early Spring. "You'll Never Know the Good Fellow I've Been" has proven such a hit for Alexander and Scott that they have concluded to use It this season again. Ferguson and Northlane, with a Will Ros- slter repertoire, are an unquestioned success on the Orpheum Circuit. "When I Met Yoo Last Night In Dreamland" Is their big ballad. . "All Night Long" will be featured by Stein, Hume and Thomas. Manny and Roberts, Grimm and Elliott, Ben Harney, Mac Curtis, 8am J, Harris, Alexander and Scott, Farbcr Sisters, Al. Jolson and Virginia Grant are others who will- make this song their par- ticular feature. . "Happy" Harry Hlnea will feature "All Night Long" and "I'm Going to Take the First Train," over the Inter-State time. "I'm Going to Take the First Train" Is go- ing very big for the Grey Trio, Haonon-Diggs Trio and many others. Send for New Catalogue Stating Kind Desired THEATRICAL CATALOGUE ol Show Print- lag. Repertoire Stack. Circus. Wild. WsjI.Tsnl Shows, Etc'. FAIR PRINTING.; Fairs. Racss.. Aviation, Auto. Horso, Slock,Sh'owY, Etc WESTERNPLAYS. Etc Show and Theatrical Printers ; Lithographers, Engravers MAGIC PRINTING. Hypaotltm, Illusions, Mind rfeadins, Etc. MINSTKEL PRINTING, While or Colored, VViVh,or;VVith6uI Title . Etc MOV IN G ! . PIC T U RE v P RIN T1N C. Etc.. • Stock Hangers and .Posters /.iMt -jusemenl Enterprise WRITE ST. LOUIS OFFICE - 7TH AND ELM STS. u TO Prices Right. We Challenge the World. Best Work FINEST EQUIPPED STUDIO IN THE UNITED STATES . WK AtlK IR A POSITION TO KXKCUTK ORDERS I9IMKDIATELY AND OVAJIANTBB DELIVERY ON TIJIK UNITED STATES TENT AP AWNING GO. . B»V. P. NEtTMANN, Jr.. ITes. WALTER F. DRIVER, Vlce-Prea. EDWARD R. LITZ1N0ER, tteoy. 82-88 NORTH DESPLAINES STREET, CHICAGO, ILL. TBNT8 AND SHOW PAKAPHKRN AlilA. WR1TB FOR ^CATALOGUE. UI! Streetmen Venders and Clipper Merchants Don't forget that the BEST AND BIGGBBT HOUSE between the ATLANTIC AND I'ACIPIC'XVATKRS IN AMERICA IS IM. SHURE CO. To huy yoar sappllss Oram. Th« goods yon bundle Is »»* speelal bnilneis, iiBil ESjHSfS * n « l-ARCtEST VAHIKTY OF BEST SEIiL.ER8. SEND FOR OUR CATA- ; , ' , ™' 1 We „nd no ratnlo K u« to»r.. .o when r.qn.itlng » «» , " 1 »JL a * il?<l? y b,Lt bnslnes. yon conduct. W« protect oar oastomcrs BTf KBBPINI* WUR CATALOUVB PROM OONBVHERS' HANDS. CAMPAIGN COODSMPNOVELTIES l«|pr N. SHURE CO.^cgfl8g ?L ax " PAVORITB RBRDEZVOtJS FOR REPRESENTATIVE SHOW FEOPL.B THE WELLINGTON HOTEL X. D. OUMMINOS, Manager CHICAGO, ILLS., XT. S. A. ,. . . C.U snd Butt»|_S,Mc. Un.xctlled. VISIT THE INDIAN ROOM ••«l*«art B r. for TnT'Carnlral Manaf^irs' Ai.orlallon of America. x^Pff 801 " BbVD. and WABASH AVENUE OrBcla" msz I1ETTS AND DINNER NOTES. 0. II. Fhlel writes from the Bsst that ho Is using "Jerusalem Rag," with greater suc- cess every day. Albert and Walker, of the Musical Walk- ers, write from the South that " 'Way Down On the Mississippi" Is sure-fire hit as a quartette number. Eddie Riley and O'Noll Bisters stopped the show at the Marshfleld Theatre with "Burglar Man." Den Clark, ventriloquist, and "Casey Jones," his dummy, tell us that "There Is No Little Girl I.Ik© You" is going great. "Casey Jones" sings this to the prettiest girl In the audience, and sure puts It over every time. L. Clveland Davis, king of ragtime, writes that "Jerusalem Itag" Is a riot In the South. Flo Adler and Her Boys have left for a fort}' weeks' engagement over 8. A C. time. Mies Adler did her share In popularising "In songs "There Is No Utile Girl Like You." Miss Adler did her share In popularising "In the Summertime,' and will no doubt be a big factor In putting over the new song, Doretta Haydcn, soubrettc. writes that she Is having great success with "There Is No Little Girl Like You" and " 'Way IKiwn On the Mississippi" ■ • The Harrison Bisters tell us "That Burg- lar Man" is a positive riot. The; are fea- turing this number. William Boeder, baritone singer, li putting over "There Is No Little GlrT Like You," and reports he Is getting his share of suc- cess out of It. He Is now playing local vaudeville theatres In Chicago. e TELL TAYLOR NOTES. McKay and Cantwcll last week, at the Palace Theatre, Chicago, were a big bit with Tell Taylor ana Don Heath's new long, "I'll Get Mine When I Get Home To- night." The Tuxedo Four are having a big succi'is with Tell Taylor's " 'Way Down South" and "I'm Going to Write You a Letter." The Oakland Trio are a riot with Tell Taylor's " 'Way Down South" and "Rag, Rag, Itag." The trio are Harry Coon, Jack Roberts and Tom Faxon. Karl Smith, of tho Tell Taylor staff, has arranged his "Flowers of Love" song Into a concert waltz that will sure be some waltz. It will be out very soon. Don ll.'iiih Joined the Tell Taylor staff again. He has nlao written a few new num- bers thnt will sure be la the running. Tell Taylor, who Is at present In Now York, tells us thnt "'Way Down Bouth" is a big hit there, also states that his "Flowers of I.nvc" Is taking a hold In New York, and will become quite popular with the singers of unllndi nlon? Broadway. SHANNON STOCK COMPANY WANTS AI VAUDEVILLE TEAM Man and woman who do single and doable specialties; both must piny good line of pans; alio genera business m»n. with strong specialties. Weefcstamln. Mention all In drst letter. TO LJtABZ-My blgsucccss, "THE banker's < iiii,i>," for one ntghtors. cerialn ter- ritory or stock production. The greatest play for child star ever written. HARRY SHANNON, week Oot. 14, Wilmington, Ohio; week, Oct. 11, Bablna, Ohio. . OUT OF TOWH NEWS JBOOTOPsT. As huh cxiiectetl the worM'a series baseball gomes Interfered greatly with the mntlnee per- formance* lust week, but the nljkt shows were liirti'ly patronised. Tlie new offerings for tbls week lire: "Coming Home to Roost," ut the Hob Us; Ueorge Arllss, In "Disraeli," at the Plym- outh ; "Much a Little Queen." at the Osstle Siruure; "On the Level," at the lit. James, snd new bills at the vaudeville, burlesque, and mo- tion picture houses. lioi.i.m (diaries J. Rich, mgv.)—"Coming Homo to Roost" bos its first iiertornioucc bore, 14. Tho novel theme of the new drama Is Ibe cure of nournstlienlo which o young ir.ultlinllllonalro works upon his wife. The cost Includes: Wllllom Courtlclgh, Qroce Elllstou, William Hnmnson, Phyllis Dostwlck. George Backus. Frank Mtinroe, l'ellx Krcmbs, Otto Hoffmann nnil (ieorge Ucbaef- fxT. "The Talker" was In the Hub for a fort- nlgbt. , - 1'LvuovTK (Fred Wright, mgr.)—The lale of sests for the opening of Oeorge Arllss, In "Dis- raeli," which la announced for the wiek beginning 14, Is quite large. In Bupnort of Mr. Arllss are: Mnrgaret Dale, Marguerite HI. John. Violet Item- ing, Alexander Culvert, Arthur Eulred, and other well known players. TsauoNT (Jno. B. Hchoeffel, mgr.)—Tbls Is the second and last week ot "A Polish Wedding." Tho farce has not been very successful, and at the close at the current engagement will be laid aside for a while. Blanche Ring will o|ien here with her company, 21, for a run. This will be the young star's first engagement ot tbls house, and she la a Boston girl. The business Is sure to he good. Boston (Frohman-IIarrls Corp., mgrs.)—Third week of "Robin Hood." The engagement was only to be of two weeks' duration, but the old comic opera seems to bsve renewed Its youth, and tbe slay has been extended. The production Is r»nlly a revelation to those who have never beard the tuneful operetta. Hiiubkbt (Wllhur-Hbuhcrt Co., mgrs.)—After many rehearsals and many iiostiwnements. "Broad- way to Paris" was given Its initial performance 111, and proved a lively affair, full of Innovation!, anil with an excellent cast beaded by Gertrude llnrrmimn. It Is more than likely to remain In the city for some time. Majcktio (Wllbur-Uhubert Co., mgrs.)—This Is the second week of "Little Boy Blue." Tbe pro- duction adds another to tbe "Amerlcaiilxed" Euro- l>eaii novelties that have been presented here tbls CoLOMur, (Frobman k Harris, mgrs.)—"The Quaker Olrl." with the assistance of pretty Isn Wore and mirthful, provoking l'erclval Knight. Is furnishing the patrons of the Colonial with un- limited opportunities for enjoyment. Thh Is the seventh week of the engagement, uud the business aomolns good. _.^ _ , Park (Charles Frobman, Rich A Harris, mors.)—Hose Htabl and "Moggie Pepper" bsve certainly earned a Boston reputation that Is un- questioned. For nix weeks Iney hnve held the stage of this theatre with a record that Is suld to go ahead ot any of the long run plays that hove been seen here In recent years. St. Jambs (M. II. Ouleslnn, mgr.)—"On the Level," a first performance on any Mage play, Is the attraction current week. . All the prin- cipal memla-rs of the stock players are In the caat. "The Dawn of a To-iuorrow" went very well last week. Oastlb Bqvaiz (John Craig, mix.)—- "Hih-Ii a little Queen" is the offering this week, and Mary Crslg li acta is the title mle. The re- PEOPLE IN ALL LINES FOR ONH NIGHTBR (WBSTHRN) Can use a GOOD advance, at onco; PIANO PIiAYBR to doable Stage. State all In fiiit> Join OB wire. MQR. " WYOMING' CO., Box 843, OUlUootlw, Mo. WANTED for the FRANK E. LONG STOCK CO. CLEVER JUVENILIS WOMAN, must have appearance and wardrobe. Also MAN FOR LEADS, COMEDY, with Specialties, Characters, In fact, all lines. Send photos and tell all. aTRANK B. LONG, U.lw.ln, Iowa, Oct. SI to S»0. turn of Wilson Melrose was in tbe nature of au old home week, and his performance of IUibert Street, in "Tho Aviator," was enjoyed by all «ho saw the farce Kami's (B. F. Keith, mgr.)—Heading the bill tbla week is Jessie Busley, In s comedy ot leal life la a big department store, entitled "Mils &18." Mlas Busley In supported by a large company. Others ou tbe bill are: ttert Levy. Andy Kellcy, Five Musical Lassies, Frank Ooooibs sud Kinest Aldwell, McDevItt, Kellr snd Lucey, Tom Davis Trio, Boyle and Brasll, and Moutambo and Wells. OaruiCM (Victor J. Morris, mgr.)—For tbe weck of 14 the following are billed: Kolltna and Kllflon Sisters, Murry Livingston Co., Gran- ville and Mack, flardeen, Lawrence and Edwards, Wilson Sisters, Mack and Foley, tbe Savoya and their acrobatic bull terriers, Folles Bergere Trio, Harry Antrim, Herbert Frank aad company, Lotta Brothers, Hong Fong, Mitchell and white, and Oreen and Long. (It/) in (Robert Janette, mgr.)—The Brothera Byrne, In their famous "Right Bells," are head- lining this week, and tbelr fellow performers In tbe week's show are tbe Three Musketeers, Martin and Courtney, Ollaton and Russell, Harsda, Mar- cus and Osrtelle, Delmore snd Onelds, Oole and Colriuan. Marias snd Clemens, Dick Ferguson, Three Oldmans, and the Rays. .National ((). A. Haley, mgr.)—Tbls Is another big week here. Those acting are: Ma Belle and her Sylvan Ballet, Big City Four, Marshall Moot- fernery. Cycling Zenoras, Lelghtner and Jordan, and Orace Wilson. OosnoN's Olimpia (J, K. Oomerford, mgr.)— Week ot 14: Witt anil Merrick, Helen Oanuon, Jane Wilson and company, Rehl Slaters, Kckboff and Gordon. Hollsn snd the Hayes, and Gharlls Mack and company. Howabd (O. E. Lothrop, mgr.)—The bur- leoiuera currant week are Danto's Daughters, with Oladya Sears and J. Tlieo. Murphy featured. The Howard's extra features are: The Ballon Troupe, Louie Dacre, Three O'Connor Rlaters, Dora Ronca, Margaret Helblg, Princess Huxanne, Wheeler and Ooldle, and Sophie Bennett. The Ulrla from Joyland will be here next week. Osaho Oi'iniA Housa (0. B. Lothrop, mgr.)— The current attraction la furnished by the mem- bers of the Lady Buccaneers, and, according to Howard reports, they arc said to be some enter- tainment furnlahera. Coming ore Dante's Daugh- ters. Waldioh'S Casino (Charles II. Waldron, mgr.)—Rose Bydell and her London Belles Co. were given a cordial reception last week for tho up-to-date show given. The offering was called "A Feal ef Fun," and It give the big organisa- tion wide scope for its talent. The Midnight Maidens are coming next week. (Uirrr (Oeorge Batcheller, mgr.)—The patrone were delighted lait weck with tbe performances given by Mollle Williams and her company. Tho nliow given wis quite out of the ordinary, rii- iii-liniiui Show Is here current week. Dave Marlon and his Dreamlnnil Burk'squcrs aro sin led for Ihe week or 21. IlnwioiN HQUiHH (O. B. Lothrop, mgr.)—Vio- let Miscotte's Merry Maidens, Myers nnd Hachs, Nelson and Mllledge, Carmen and Albano are among those who are appearing here this week. oi.n South (F. u. Collier, mgr.)—Madell and Corbley, Lewis' dogs snd monkeys, Weber nnd Fritter. Christie snd Msek, Burton am\ Prim- rose Was week: - vens, McDonald and T.-ovoloto, Hcnnella. He Grni'c and De Paul, Eddie Horan, and l.inhle and Nel- son. EAOtc — Stein and Collins, Musical Bmklrk, and Mlsi Ford. Hon (Joseph Mack, mgr.)—Week of 11: Hbelly anil Proctor, Fortln Brothers, Billy Quirk, llhoiles' Marionettes, Taylor and Price, and B. F. Hughes. AtrTEMIATn. Tub picture houses offering new views and songs ore: The BIJou Dream, Huntington Ave., Bouth End, Hbswmut, Unlquo, Apnllo, Orients, Pastime, Puritan, Back Bay, Premier, Norfolk, Continue, Niagara, Wluthrop Kali. Williams' Ideal, Superb, Scenic Temple. Star and the Roxbnry. One ot tbe cleverest acts on the bill at Ihe Globe, last week, was furnished by Jnlla Red- mond ard company. Al. naynes Is associated with Miss Redmond In the presentation of n clever comedy, entitled "The Critic and tbe Olrl." There Is a laugh every second of tbe enactment of the offering. Wiluau MuariiT, of Ihe Tremont Theatre box office, was one of the head ticket sellers at tbe American League grounds during the baselwll series In this city. The young man hod some tickets to handle, and was rather pleased when bis day's work was over. William Habsis was in town fl, to take part In Ihe fnneral services of the lato '/mis Rurk- 1 unit. Tbe Interment was In East Iloston, and all the theatrical mauagers of the city were present at the services. Bbn Snow, stage manager of Ihe Ilowdoln Square Theatre, died 0 lie u-ss well known to all vsudevllllans playing this city, as Ihe gentle- man was connected with Dr. O. K. Lothrop for oter twenty-six tears. Lynn, Masts. — Central Square (James II. Donovan, mgr.) tbe new mechanical orchestrlau. which can also be played as a piano. Is proving a big hit at this theatre. Business continues big, with motion picture attractions. Ltnn (Jeff Callan. mgr.)—racked houses wit- ness tbe vsndevllle sttractlons here regularly. Olyhpia (A. E. Lord, mgr.)—Eddie Miimford, formerly ol tbls city, was given s warm greeting at each performance, week of Oct, T, when lie appeared here with bis partner, Jehn Thompson. Their act went well. Bill for IT-IP: The Church City Four, Ulendower and Marlon, Coales and Margurlle. and Frauds Oorartl ami company. Jef- frey L. Whaleo continues to lecture on the mov- ing pictures. _ AuiuTuniru (Morlson 4c Mark, mgrs,)— The Morlson Slock Company, presenting "Seven Days," week of 14. Fcr week of 21, "Sweet Kitty Bel- Couiqua (Al. Newhall. mgr.)—Motloa pictures aod Illustrated songs, lo capacity business. DrBAMLANO (Samuel Grant, mgr.) —'Pictures and songs. TMisIiicsk continues to increase. I'astims (K. A. NhhI, mgr.)—Pictures and good business. Dsbam. ilr.tnoNiiAi.r. (ThoiiuM n. Cullen, mgr.) —Pictures and songs. K»TB Anna Cleveland, who has lieen leading lady for Ihe Morlson Block Co., for the past two ecssens, closed ber engagement. 12, to return lo her home In Wotervllle, N. Y„ where she will real. Oenevlve llllnn.aucceedil ber. Mlas Bllnn Is a alater ot Edward, Wagner/, another meuilwr of the si.ine company. ter. unristte aim discs, iiurtou unn rrim- , Morcelle Mnrlon, Jucniiette aad Ferd White. asiiinoton (F. G. Collier, mgr.)—Current [I Hurry Newman, Klowsnu and Tysou, Hle- Newnrk. N. J.—Newark (Geo. W. .Bobbins, mgr.) "Het-RlchOuIck Walllngford" week of OcL 14. "Tbe Concert'' week of 21. Hudsbbt (Lee Ottolengul, mgr.)—"Bouglit an* Paid For," with Charles Rlchmon Julia Dean. Frank Oravsn, Marie Nnrdstrom, Allen Atnell sad Dorothy Davis, week of 14. Robert Uiotell, la Shskespearean repertoire, 21 and week, 1'aorroa's (H. 0. Btuart, mgr,)—Dill for II sad week Includes: Frank Mills Players, Olrl Demireat. Frey Twins, Gean Smith, Lillian Aab- ley, Mullen and Coogin, Mr. and Mra. Jltninl* Barry, and Morgan, Bailey aad Morgan. on mux (M. S. Schleslngrr, mgr.)—"The Ser- vant in the Bouse" la presented by the Cora* Peyton Stook Company for week of 14. "What Happened to Jones'' week of 21. Jacodb' (Geo, W, Jacobs, mgr.—"Tbe Wruui Way" week ot 14. "Tbe Fatal Wedding" 21 aud week. EuriSB (Frank Abbott, mgr.)—Teddy SlmnndsT Auto Otrls 14 and week, with Mildred Stroller. Lew Bhesn. Cans. Baker. Hand Ford, llertlia Ollison, Lew Fein, Frankle Grace nail Lestvr I'lke. Wrestling night, amateur night sn4 Country Store night aro popular. Pat White's High Life In Burlesque 21 and week, Uatbtt (Leon Evans, mgr.)—The World of Plcssuro week of 14. Fox and Stewurt, and Wm- aon and Dwyer are featured. Columbia "or- lesquers week ef 2l, Wasiiinoton (O, R. Neu, mgr.)—Vaudeville and pictures, to good business. Bill for It HI In- cluded: Rhea Keane and company. Scully sill Larson, Doris and Dnlley, llraun Slaters, Farley and Present!, and Helen Lorslne. For 1711): Beatrice Wilson and company, anil the Shelbys. Lvaio (R. 0. Btuarl, mgr.) — Pictures mil vaudeville to good business. Rill for 14-10 In- cluded: Felix, James slid Francis, Kimball sag Donovsn, Abe Marks and company, and Llssle IL Raymoad and McNeil. For 11-10: Mollle Wisiils. Ooyle and Morrell, Ferguson and alack, Gertie I e Claire and Pick,. Bouhlo Everett and company, and Keane, Notb. — The first anniversary of the Corse Paytou Stock Company, appearing In tin- new <> phvuni, was celebrated 0 with a special perform- ance, and a reception after the show. The house was tastefully decorated for the occasion. Hoboken, N. J,—flayety (Cliim. Frnukljn, mgr.) "tlbcckere" week of Oct. U. "Seven u* ters" 21 and week. KuriitK (A. M. Bruggetnsnn. mgr.)—Colins- bla Bnrlesquers 14-10, (linger Glrln 17-111. I.vnic (O. S. Itlggs, mgr.)—Variety, moving pictures and Illustrated songs. HuiiHON, Union Hill.—Hill for 14 and week Includes: Nance O'Nell and a company. Notbh. —Siegfried Cronhelm, who was for mony yeirs a well known nniuseiuent purveyor In tlili oily, and who located where tho Kiuplro Theatre now atsinln, Is at the head ot n syndicate for the erection of a new theatre In Jnchnoii Avenue. Jersey City. It will cost J12S.OO0 ami uuve a •eating capacity ot 1,000, Pf. Worth. Tex.—New Mnjenllc (Arthur 0. Best, uigr.) bill for weck of Oct. T Included: Wlllsrd's "Teni|le of Mimic," Ciirrntl ami Fields. Waller Schrodo and Kllxuls?th Mtilvey, Dnnlil Itiuieh and James McC'tirdy, Lny|si and llenji- mine, the Three Dixie Girls, Hwnlu's cockaKws, ami motion pictures, Patronage Is good. Ilrisu's (Phil W. Oreeinvnll. mgr.)—"Mlas No- body from Btnrlend," with Olive Bill, 10 j Black ruin Musical Ciimeily Co., In "Osptuln Jasper," 11. 12. Havov (Fra'ik North, mgr.)—Frank North Oi. presealed "On Parole," week of T, to ca- pacity. Hii'ponnoiin (I., B, Remy, mgr.)—Vaudeville and four first tun Dims. I'uinosss (Joseph Arannff, tngr.) — "Thorns sad Orange Blossoms" featured for week of T. Notbs. —All of the picture houses are doing S. R. O. business Sells-Floto Circus Is billed for 21. Waco, Tex, — Auditorium (Aaron Lukln. mgr.) "Mlas Nolssdy from Btarlmd" Oct. 14, "Polly of the Circus" IT, "The Rosary" 111. "Naughty Marietta" 211, "The Balkan Princess" 24, "The Rose Maid" 20, Black I'atll Trouba- dours 2M, George Dcmmerel, In "The Heart Breakers," 20. IIii-i'ouniixB (J. A. Lcmpkc, mgr.) — Spoonrr Dramatic Co. week of T. I' i — Moving pictures and vaudeville te crowded houses. f'ozv.—Moving pictures to capacity. Iiikal. —Moving pictures to capacity. (IsrsTAt,.—.Moving pictures and vnudevllle t» loist hiaises. Dtxil.—Moving pictures (o crowded houses. Dalles), Tex.—Dallas (George Ansy, mgr.) "The Common Law." Oct. B, II, ployed to favor- able business. "The Old Homestead" 7, Black I'atll Comedy Co. I), 10. Majrstw (O. F. Gould, mgr.)—Vaudeville to capacity business. OBPiiauu (Roy Dnlleti, mgr.)—Tho Gagnon- Piitlock Stock Co. iireseulerl "The Lion and Ihe Moose" to cnnoelly business week of 7. _ HAM 1 * Hoita (Itoy Dalten, mgr.)—West Avey and Leroy White, in musical comedy, sad motion pictures week of 7. Niitb,— The llnrniim-Bnlley Clrcui drew great crowds l....Tlie Texas State Fair opened Satur- day, 12. Detroit, Mich.—Detroit (B. 0. Whitney, mgr.) Kitty Oordon, in "Tho Knclisntreie," week nf Oct. 14, . _. Gassick (R. II. Lswrence, mgr.) —John Cnrt's new farce, "C. O. D.." week of 14, l.yuBUM. (K. I>. Stair, mgr.)—Merman Hackett, In "Satan Sanderson," week of 13. Atbnux (Drew A Campliell. nigrs.)—Queens of the Folles Bergere week of 13. (Urarri (Win. Roach, mgr.) —Tbe Knlcker- l»ckera week of 1.1. TBurl.l- (J. II. Moore, mgr.)—Attendance Is good. Rill tor week of 14: "An Opening NIkIiI" Msurlce Freeman and company, Vnu snd Bchetick. Linden Reckwlth, the Five McNnllys, McCnr- mack and Irving, and Louise Sllckney's Circus. Milbh (C. W. Porter, mgr.) —Oooil busings rules, nil! for »«k of 14: Slg. Francesco. Creulorc and eoinpany. "Mother Ooose,' hi Jenks, famine's ling Circus, Ritchie and ltou- nard, snd tbe Mlleseo|ie. Jackson. Mleh.—Atlienoearn (n. J. Por- ter, mgr.) "The Littlest Rcliel" Oct. 1". Coliiirn I'layers 23, 24, "He Fell la Love With Ilia Wife" 20, W. II. Crane 30. Bijou (Frank R. Lampman, mgr.)—Bill for 13-10 included: Adams and lluhl. In "In Sunny Spain." For 17-10: La Vere and I'nlmer, Mary Mulligan, Junlo McCree, In "Tbe Dooo Fiend," and Sbermin and De Foreit Jkfld compiny, la ^1 Jay Circus." ^ ■<£ ■A 'jm If