The New York Clipper (October 1912)

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18 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. OCTOBEE 19 THEATRICAL REPRO. PHOTO CO. »»» west «a« nthkbt (onp. American Theatr*), WBW toiik Lobby displays. Enlargements. Ooplei of all Unit. Sittings taken M atndtoat lertssMtabla prices Mali order* promptly attended to. Send /or prtco Hat. Telephone Bryant 4690. V. ROSS, Prop. OFFERS I EDMUND H. FLAIG, Dramatic Leads, Characters ELEANORE LE CROIX FLAIG, Characters LITTLE ELEANORE. Child Parts With "The Ninety and Nina," "I^nla Jmies," "Alias Jimmy Valentino," etc. Pormanent Stock or one pleoe preferred. EDMUND k i*aiu, Halton Powell Co., Canal DoTer, Ohio AT LIBERTY Owing to tfa* closing of the t,yr«nm Stock NEIL HICKEY RENA ST. CLAIRE LEAUINV MAN JUVENILES!, ISUBNUKt AND ■OKB HE AV IE A. ExparlenOe, Ability anil Wardrobe. AUdr... LllBlIM THEATRE, BRAVER FALLS, PA. P. 8.—With pleasure I recommend the Above peopl*. 8AM MANAUER, Mgr , Lywtun Theatre. MANAGER AT LIBERTY! JOHN A. MACK Owing to sudden closing of "THE PARISIAN MODEL" CO, I am at liberty to Accept position as manager of road show or theatre where honesty, sobriety aud aieoutire ability will bs appreciated. Can Join at once at years' practical expetienoe as performer and manager. No show or theatre too large or too small for me to handle, Write or wire. 96V* Hoopsr at., Brooklyn, N. Y. H AL APHIL 'PLAYERS COHPETEHT SCENIC ARTIST whs can play parts Permanent stock. RUM lowest flret letter, other pennlo write. James K. Street, Chan. L, Elliott and Benny Wells, wire. Address HAL CASTLE, Smith's Theatre, Hamilton, Ohio. MANUSCRIPT PLAYS Fall length and Tabloid versions. Sketches, Monologues, Parodies for sale and written to order, Dspt. t, Room 308, Bangor Building, Cleveland, Ohio. 3 GREAT POLITICAL PARODIES^ "Tilt, Wilson god floosevslt," on "When I Qst You Alons Tonight." «J lure Fire. All throe lor OOe. JACK BDWAR09, 41 XV. M St., N. Y, ^^ MUSICAL BARGAINS 16 straps sleigh bells, single, and floor nnU ' $jo, like new and very flue set; 2-3 oct. xylophones., F. R. & Res. L. P. $25 each; 1 3% oct. xylo., F. R. & Res. L, P., $35; 3 net Maylandphone, iilto new, $45; 1 oct. lunnels $6, new; 25 electric bells and key- board, new, $50-25 electric bells and push- button Keyboard, new, $45; 2 oct. chrom. 81 alT bells and F. R., $20; I oct. musical flowers, reed tone, 2 bunches, four tones in each, (8; 36in. Patterson trunk, At shape, $3.50; 2-y, oct. staff bells and F. R. & Res.— deep-shell, gong shaped bells $45. Catalog. E. B. STREET, 28 Brook St., Hartford, Conn, WANTED GOOD RCP. PEOPLE Al Juvenile Leading Woman, Ingenue with spe- cialty, Character Woman, General BuntneM Man for Characters, Juvenllo and Light Comedian with spoclal.lcH, Union Property Han for parts. Mnst have wardrobe, end salary must oe low, as samo Is nure. rhoto end programs strictly essential. Address 0K0K0K F. OKMSIIKF., 11 4th St., Troy, M. V. P. S.-Jack Murphy, Blllle Marlow, Laura Clever, wnio. TOM PEOPLE in all Lines Foil oast. Male must double, brass. Also nil kinds of Tom Show Properly, Droiw, lings, etc. Must ho rlimp for cash. This Is a Hotel Show. If you're not there, don't answer, DK CltOTEAU AMUSEMENT CO., 1 Aehton Square, Ba st 1 .} ssn, Mass. WlUTCnToJoin 0ct.2H, Womanf<>r Juvenile Lead, Tf «n I ullHinging and Dancing Boubretto, Charac- ter Comedian, strong specialty; character, Juvenile and Heavy Man, Actors who double brass, Musi- cians who double stage and orchestra, one night stands. Long season. Stato your lowest, full par- ticulars tint letter. Tickets, if I know you. Add. i iiah. K. WHAPLB9, 10, Wllllamaport, Md.; 81, Berkley Springs, W.Va.; 22, Keysor; after lliat Dad's Hotel, Phils., ]'u. Show opens near l'lilla, Oau uio a good Agent, one who will paate. SOBNBRY, Show PAlniing«, Properties, All Theatrical Ooods, Trunk Scenery, a specialty; Amateurs' Supplies, Artificial Plants And Flowers. Bent Grass Mats made, Floor Cloths, canvas Work of every description. Try our work for good re- sults; lowest prices. Aome Canvas and Soenlo W o'Ki, 1 8 Hertfo rd Ave., Brooklyn, M. T. WANTED, 1IY STAGE CARPBNTBR, BNOAOBHBNT At Onoe. Theatro, vaudeville or good nock company. Oan play parts. 19 years' experience. Height 6 ft., age 38. KeHinnable salary. Write H.MItobley, 167 Myrtle St.,Mew Bedford.MASS. WANTED LEADING AND GENERAL BUSINESS MAN For emum BOULTON CO. H. a. ROPY, St. Charles, Ho. WANTED Mnst Join on wire Al HEAVY MAN, GEN. BUS. ACTOR. VAUDE- VILLE PEOPLE who can Chang* and plsy parts Wardrobe and experience essential. No drunks. MANAGER U. A K. STOOK CO., IRWIN, PA. 1.11 11-V Wanted For 6. M. BROWN'S ATTRACTIONS Heavy, Qod, Business, Juvenile Men and Hustling AOT. who can Wild Cat and POST when noces- sttry. All must bo sober: no others wanted. State lowest. 1, a, night and week stnnds. can use clever S. aud D. 8oubretto. Send photos, age, height and weight. Care of Alrdome, ftUTLAND, VT. Uaufltville Rome Cist L.I1 Miss Gertrude Livingston Characters, Heavies, Grand Dames aud Juveniles, Prefer repertoire co. making week stands. Re- sponsible managers only. Address 13H Solo St., Rochester, IV. Y. THE LAMBS INA, Poubrette, Ingenues, specialties; excellent appearance, strong personality, good wardrobe. LEE, Second BualhefB, Juveniles, exceptionally Strong Street Trombone, sight reader. Height nix feet, good appenranco, personality and wardrobe. Congonlal people. Ko car show. LBE L AM BS, Dn ttlln, T«». AT LIBERTY ALICE B, HAMILTON CHARACTER WOMAN With wardrobe, ability and a few good special- ties, Only reilablo nigra, playing towns, not lanks mid paying salaries need apply. 40» PENN AVE., PITTSBURGH, PA. AT LIBERTY Billy Stanford 1 Al COMEDIAN. With Strong Comedy, Talking und Wooden Shoo Dancing Specialty. Musical Comedy. Uurletqiio or line pelco preferred, can Join on wire, Write or -wire (prepay your telegrams) to 314 CLYMKK ST., READINU, PA. "WANT QUICK FEATURE SOUBRETTE, PIANO PLAYER to Double Stage. Others write Perry PAWAMA CO., Correctlonville, I n. QUITTING THE BUSINESS FOR SALE Be * Bt y?aS?r pe * n NOVELTY ANIMAL ACT A SENSATIONAL NOVELTY, I For lady or gcntioinan. Boll for $1000. Address • "J. P.," Csre of CLIPPE R. Wanted--Trombone, Tuba, Baritone Week slaud . Want Tall Men who can speak lines. Aililre.nK. Itallug lowest ss'arv, W. II. KHH »l>S Lincoln Ave., Syracuse, N. Y. ' WANTCO A MOVING PICTURE MACHINE Powers or Edison preferred, with Attachments for gas. J. II. RKHAW, Kenton, Delaware, Wanted Quick—Med. Performers B, l'., 1). and I. Comedians, up In acts, play organ and piano. Address DR. W. F. POWERS, Seoley Creek, Chemung Co.. N. Y. R. 1). a. SKETCHES Written to order and atagod. ED, HANSEN, M-og Broadway (Room 218), S. Y. Hours from 19-1, and by appointment. Monnlngs, Parodies, etc., written to order. Oood, original work guaranteed. Prices and terms rea- sonable. DcKOSK A RHODES. H8S. 11 X 190, SOUTH BKNO. INI). JEWISH AND ENGLISH SKETCHES (Three and four characters.) FOR KAI.K. Address "II. C," 101 Lexing- ton Air,, New fork City. OUT OF TOWN NEWS llnclne, Wis. — ttnclne <C. II. Dantbcr, mgr.) "Within the Law" Oet. 13. Maud Pow- ell, violinist, 14. Martin's "Uncle Tout's Calilu" Co., 20; "The House of a Thenssud Candles" 127. .saw Oarnsuai (II, 0. Andreas, mgr.)—Dill for li -hi lnelnd<Hl: Iltuh and Peyser, McGee and ltenyk, Dick Orollus aad cumpntiy, Evans and Rrwond, and the Vasunr Olrls. for 17-20: I/oh- lek mill Debug, Dm Is iiimI W ilkcr, the lltirkwblst Players, .Morton ami Fnhrvin. Seymour's Happy Finally, moving pictures. Business Is excellent. M»JRMTtl!. Utl.VNO. OIII'llltl'M, lsuoU, l.i mo, Amush, Hum and Uahino, uleliire houses, are all ikilng well. Noma.—II. C. Andreas has resigned as inanu- ger of the New Otplieuni, to engsgv III other limine**. A successor Is not as yet iistned I.ik-iiI I'.II.'- nre [irottil of their mhmtrel show, sml s liaiidiwnvc sum wan renllteil to asslHt In fnrninbiiii! tlielr new |70,UUil lioine, now nesrlng cuui|ilelloii. Moliiif, 111—Molloe (Cliaiiilierlln. Kindt ft Co.. nii!r«.> "The Olrl of the Underworld" 1.1, "OlTlcer mm" lu. "Tlie Ulue Mouse" 10, "The House of a Thousand Candles" 20, Homo's pic- tures 21, "A Modern Ere" 22, bencnt, llclliauy Home, 23, 24. H ii en Inimiil, III.— Illinois (OhsmUrlln, Kindt ft Co.. nigra.) "Ollleer (HID" 17. Ksstern wheel liurlesiiue 18, "The House of a Thousand flsniltrs" 20, "A Modern .Kye'!..21. Howe's pic- tures 22, benefit, Bethany Home, as, SO. wr*'Vsnw ( riifl wiiess no data la M W I IvBl'^nlTrn, tlio vtfk of Oct. 14-11) la represented. Abingdon. W. Ik, A Co., Keith's, OolnBJbtts, O.; drsnil. Atlanta, OS., »l-2«. ...,„... "Act Beautiful, The," New i'ortland, Portland, Me. Adler, Kellx. Poll's. Wsshlngtoi. Adonis ft Dog. Poll's, New Ila»en, Conn. Adelaide ft Hughes, Whiter Garden, N. Y. C, indefinite. Adams, Hartley A Reoy, Ornhlum, I.lraa, O. Adler ft Arllue. Colonial, Norfolk, Va. Adgle, Keystone, I'blls. _ ... Agoust, Emlle, Winter Oafden, N. T. C, laden- nlt*< _ i, Altken-Whlttnsn Trio, Orpheuro, Spokane, Wish., 2l, »°- .. .. Alrln ft Kenny, Grand, Syracuse. N. Y. Alplnn Troupe, Itlnsllng Dros.' Clrcns. Allen, Minnie, Orpheum, Los Angeles, Cal. Alfreds (2), Orpheum, Sesttie, Wash. Albsno, Bowdoln Square, Doston. Allison, Mr. ft Mrs., Columlila, Orsnd Riplds, Mich. Alpha Troupe, Sliea's, Toronto, Can, Alexander. Gladys, Orsnd, Syracuse, N. X. Atfredos. Shubert. Utlca, N. Y. Allen ft Morton, Princess, Peoria, III. Allen ft Clark, aiohe. Clereland. 17-10. Alexander ft Hcott, Keith's. Loulatllle. American Dam-era (IS), Keith's, Cleveland, Ainoros Slaters. Poll's, Hsrlford. Conn. American "Hoboes" (0), Hllili., St. tools. Airislo, Minnie, ft Co., Keith's, Indianapolis, "Antique olrl. The," Orpheum, Los Angeles, Cal. Anderson ft Gobies. Delancey St., N. Y. 0., 17-10. Antrim, Harry, Orpheum, Boston. Apollo Trio. Bronx, N. X. O. Armanis IB), Fox. Aurora, 111.. 21-20. Arlon Quartette, Kmnress. Ssn Diego, Csl. i Clunle, Hscrsmento, 21-20. Armstrong ft Clark, Orpheum. Salt Lake Olty, 0. | orpheum, Denver, 21-2(1. Ardeil, I-'ranklyn, ft Co., Orpheum, San Fran., Cal. Arco Bros., Dominion, Ottawa, Can. Armstrong ft Ford, New Portland, Portland, Me, Arnold ft Beynolds, Nixon, Plilla. Amaman, Milt, Kmnlre, St. I'anl. "Arm of the Law, The," Orpheum, Boston, 17-10. Asahl Quartette, Orpheum, Sacramento. Cal. • Aahley ft Le«, Orpheum. Ogden, U. Ashley, Lillian, Proctor's, Newark, N. J. Aschcr ft Cnrr, Liberty, Pblla. Atkinson, Harry, Msjestlc, Chlcsge. Awrorde, Adrlennc, ft Co., orpheum. Winnipeg, nil. Avon Comedy Four, Orpheum, Bkln. Assrd Bros., Orphcusi. Portland, Ore. Bnrlows, Breakawny, Lyric, Hoboken, N. J„ 17- 20. llnakomb, A. W., Casino, N. Y. 0.. Indefinite, linrtoa i;t), Queen, Oalvcstou, Tex.; Majestic, Little Rock, Ark., 21-20. Barnes ft West, Johanneslnirg. 8o. Africa, In- definite. Ballet, Olauslqno, Orphenm, Haeramento, Cal. Bnrrymore, Ethel, ft Co., Orphueio, San 1'ron., Cal. Earry ft Wolferd Orpheum, New Orleans. l'niijoiihlenda («), Oolumbln, Grand Rapids, Mich, l!i,lt,uia (01, Howard, Boston. Bnllerlnl, Curs. Majestic. Clilcago, Barnes A Crawford, Columlila, St. Louis. Baseball Four, People's, 1'lilln. Betes, Louis. American. N. Y. <)., 17-19. Unbelts, Greeley Sq., N. Y. 0., 17-19. Barnes, Stuart, Colonial, N. Y. 0. Berry ft Mildred, Cosmos, Washington. Bnrtlett. Ouy, Trio, People's, Plilla. Barto ft Clark, Poll's, Springfield. Msss. Barrett, Frank. Grand, Olean N. Y., 17-10; Lyric, Jamestown, 21-23; Temple, Lockinrt, 2-1-20. Barry, Mr. ft Mrs. Jlnitnle, Proctor's, Newsrk, N, J. Beckwlth, Linden, Temple, Detroit; Temple, Roch- cil'.er, 21-20 Berg Bros., Orpheum, Oakland, Cut.; Orpheum, Salt Lake City. U.. 2S Nov. 2. "Betuty Shop, The,' 1 Nixon. I'hlls. Bvrllsch, Orpheum, Los Angeles, Cal. Beln.ont A Harl, Orpheum, Omaha, Neb. Belli, Lea Marco, Orpheum, xonttK Wash. Bennett Slaters, Francois, Montreal, Can. Bernlrlccl Bros., Keith's, Providence Bcrger, Kdgar, Orpheum, Toronto, Coo. Beban, Qeo., ft Co., Broux, N. Y. C. Beyer, Ben, ft Bro., Chase's, Wasblnirton. Berre.'B, The, Savoy, Atlniiilc City, N, J. Bell Family, Hipp., Pittsburgh. Beldon, Mllo, ft Co., Shea's, Toronto, Can. Beuere, Valerhi, A Co., ornbeuni, Atluuta, an. Bennett. Sophli, Howard, Bomon. Dell ft Caron. Colonial, Brie, Pa.; Keith's, To- ledo, (>., 21-20. Benway ft Dsytou, Edlsonla, Wnynesburg, Pa. Bert, Johnson ft Bert, Hudson, Union 11 III. N. J. Blughnni. Amelia, ft Co., urulitiuu, Portland, Ore. "Bill Jenkins, Crook," People's, Pblla. Bison City Four, Majestic, Chicago. Blxley ft Lorncr, Shubert, titles, N. Y. Big Clly Four, National, Boston. Blnnells (4), Orphlutn, Llnu, O. DIJuus. The, Greeley's, I'ortand, Me, Black ft While. Poll's, Scranton, Pa. Blondell, Rd„ ft Co., Haiuinersteln's, N. Y. 0 ; Savoy, Atlsntlc Olty, N. J., 21-20. Borden ft Shannon, Orpheum, Montreal, Can.; Dominion, Ottawa, 21-20. Bottomly Troupe, Orpheum, St. Paul, Minn. Eowers, Waltora ft Orooker, Winter Garden, Ber- lin, Ger„ 14-31; Apollo, Vienna, Austria, Nov. 1-30, Bolses (4), Touring Europe. Down-inn liroi.. Orpucum, Sacramento, Cal. Boyle ft liraill, Keith's, Boston. Bowes. Florence, Oraml St., N. Y. C, 17-10. Hotter, Hurry, ft Co.. Colonial, Columbua. 0, Bobby ft Dale, Orpheum, Minneapolis, Minn. Drown, Nellie, Winter Gartlcu, K. Y, 0., in* definite. Brown, Martin, Csslno, N. Y. 0., ludellnlte, Brown Bros. (0), Primrose ft Dockstader's Min- strels. Hrmlnn ft Derrick, Harnum ft Bailey Circus. iirndslinw Bros., Orpbeuiu, Lincoln, Neb. Brown ft Foster. Empresa. Kansas City, Mo.; F.mpresa, Cincinnati. 28-Nfiv. 2. Drowns, The, PUMA, N. Y. 0., 17-10. Brown, Harris ft Brown, Dominion. Ottawa, Can. Hrenurr ft H.ulirre, Temulc, llmnlltou. Can. Breen, Horry. Colonial, Krle, Pa, Briscoe, Olive, Majestic, Chicago. Brendel, Kl, Cnslno. Washington. Drown ft Lawson, Orpheum, Wheeling, W. vn. Brooks, Hnrry. ft Co., Kuipreaa, San Fran., Oal. Brown ft Brown. Uaycty, IndlananollS, Breiuens (3), Orpheum, Minneapolis, Minn. Brown ft Blver, Maryland, Baltimore. Burnege, Mabel, Casino, N. Y. 0., Indefinite. Bubm'b, Madame. Dogs. Kio|iress, Ssn Fraa., Oal. Busley, Jenslc, ft Co., Keith's, Boston. Bums ft Fulton. Bushwlek, Bkln. Burr ft lloi>e. Or|iheiiin, Kansiis City, MO. Burkes, Juggling. Orplieiim. Bkln. . Byrne Bros., Ololie, Boston. Carmen, Frank, llowdobi Stpiarc, Boston. Canton, Al„ Klark-Urbau Co. Caselll's Dogs, Orpheum. Oiunlin, Nch. Cameron, Grace, Orpheum, Salt Lake City, U. Case, Charley. Orpheum, Ouinlia, Neb., 21-30. Cnrsou & Wlllard, Palace, Chicago. Carlllo, Leo, Union Snuiire, N. X. 0. Carraya. The, Honda, Barberton, O,; Olympic, Cleveland, 21-23; Globe, Cleveland, 24-20. Case, Jack, National, N. Y, C, ti-10. Ci.rrcll, Taylor, Temple, Detroit. Carlton A Kay, Poll's, Scrautou, Pa, Cansldy, Longhton ft Co., Prlselllo, Cleveland. Carmen ft Clifton. Lyric, Danville, 111., 17-10. Cnnlllle, Miles', Detroit. "Oainpltig Days," Hartford, Conn. Campbell, Gua, ft Co., Prlsellls, Cleveland, Ceballoa, Rosalie A llllarlon. Winter Garden, N. Y. C, Indellnlte. Cheater, Ida, Walter McMillan Co, Chimin (4). Touring Rumiie. Chip ft Marble, Colonist, N. Y. 0. Church Oily Four, Olytnpla, Lynn, Mass. Chung Wa Comedy Four. Win. Penn, Phils.; Park, Yoangstown, O., B1-2U. Clarke ft Owen, Sydney, Australia, Indefinite. CliiiiillUB A Scarlet, Orpheum, Seattle, Wash. Clark, Alice. HIJou, Qnlney, 111., 17-10. Clucas ft Jennings, Prlsellls, Cleveland, Clark ft Hamilton, Poll's, New Haven, Conn. Clifford, ftthel, A Girls, Casino. Washington, Clnrk ft Verdi, Poll's, Washington, Clifford, Bessie, 5th Ave., N. Y. 0. Cliff, Laddie, nth Ate.. N. Y. 0. Cllne, Maggie, Itammerxtpln'a. N. Y. 0. Clnrk, Owen, Orpheum, San Fran., Oal. Clayton. Una, ft Oa.. Hlmbert, Utlca. N. Y. Clark ft Duncan, llljou. Bkln., 17-10. Conrov ft l.e Ms lee, Grand, Auburn, N. Y. Cole ft Coleman, Ololie, Boston. Coombs ft Aldwell, Keith's, JJoetta. Collins, Jo*, Casino, N, Y. C, Indefinite, cophlsn, Beaallnd, A OsW.Crtbeiim, Montreal, Can. i Orand, Sytatuae. N. f., Hl-IO. collegians (»), orpheum, Sacrtmeeto. Cat. c<,nnelly. Hogh, 0. H., KranWln. Mass. (Viiielsnd-Payfon Co., Psntages', Ban Fran., Cal.. 21-90. Cooler, I*w, Orpheum, Lincoln, Neb. Cowboy Minstrels, Lyric, Indianapolis. Colboni. Jeanls. Billy fmmj lis 11 Co. Ooyte ft Merrell, Lyrle. Newark, N. J., 1740. Cooper A Rlcsrilo, f'lssa. N. Y. C, 17-10. Courthrope, Jane, ft Co., Kelth'i, Louisville. Conibls Bros.. Cryalal, Milwaukee. Connolly A Webb, 9th Ave., N. Y. 0. Cooper A Roblnsou, Bushwlek, Bkln. Orelll A Glllstte, Bbes's, Toronto, Oan. Conrad ft wTlldden, Keith's, Phils. Connelly A Wearies, Alhsmbra, N. Y. 0. Conlln. Steele ft Carr. Poll's, New Haven, Conn, j Poll's, Hsrlford. 81-80. Cohden. Mark, Colonial, Sioux City, la. { Hipp., hi. Paul, Minn., 21-20. "CourllerB, The," Bushwlek, Bkln. Coatea ft Marguerite, Olytnpla, Lynn, Mala. Conway, Nick, Keith's, Lowell. Mass. Cross ft Josephine, Alhamhrn, N. Y. 0.', Maty- land, Baltimore, 21-20. Creasy A Dayne, Orpheum, Des Moines, la. Crane. Mr. ft Mrs. Gardner, A Co., Poll's, Scrsn- ton, Ps. Cremonesl, Pnola, ft Co., Casino. Washington. Crawford ft Deloncey, 0. H., Van Wert. 0.) <V "., St. Marys, 21-20, Craig A willlnms, Temple. Ft. Wayne, Ind.; Family, La Fayette. 21-20. Creatore. Frnncesco, Miles, Detroit. Cromwelil, The, Maryland. Baltimore, Cutler, Kdward, Winter Osrden, N. Y. C. In- definite. Cunningham ft Marlon, Atnlltorlum, Lynn, Mass. I Poll's, Springfield, 21-20. Cutler, Harry, Lynn. Lynn, Mass. Cu!!en, James II., Columbia, St. Louis. D'Armond ft Carter, Touring England. Davis, Roger, Winter Garden. N. Y. 0.. Indellnlte. Dasle, Mile., Casino, N. Y, 0., Indefinite. Davis Bros,, Guy Dros.' Minstrels. Daly, Arnold, ft Co., Hammersteln's, N. Y, 0, rinrrell ft Conway, Orphenm, Bkln. Davis, Mark, G. 0. H.. Oshkosh, Wis., 21-89. Davis A Scott. Panlages'. San 1 ran., Cal. Dacre, Louie, Howard. Boston. Davis, Edwards, ft Co., Poll's, Scranton, Pa. Davis, Tom, Trio, Keith's, Boston, "Danes Dream," Majestic. Chicago. Dare Bros., Keith's, Cincinnati. Dalmeilo Bros., Keystone. Phils. Davis, Will II., A Co.. Liberty, Phlla. De Frankle, Sylvia, "Girl of My Dreams" Co. De Mario, Harry, Hipp., London,; Hipp., Bristol, 81-80; Coliseum. London, 28-Nov. 2; Empire, Manchester, 4.9; Middlesex, London, 11-10. lviinnr ft Delmar, Shea's, Buffalo; Shea's, To- ronto, Can., 21-20. De Beryl. Slmone, Shea's, Buffalo; Shea's, To- ronto. Can., 21-2(1. De Mont, Robert, Trio, Orpheum, Minneapolis, Minn. De Witt, Burns ft Torrance, Orpheum, Denver. Delmore ft Lee, Wo. Penn, Phlla. Iii-innrest, Carl, Proctor'a, Newark, N. J. De Vora, Harvey, Trio. Poll's, New Haven, Conn. De Vine ft Williams. Kclth'a, Providence. De Vole Trio, Temple, Rochester. De Lisle ft Vernon, Empress. Wichita, Kan.; Ma- jestic, Des Moines, la.,. 21-20. Dragon, Arthur, Orpheum, Bkln. De iinrino, Alice, Poll's, Worcester, Mass. Dean ft Price, Keith's, Providence. Delmore ft Oneida, Globe, Boston. Del Franco's Animals, Poll's, Washington, Dewey. Knrle. ft Dulls, Psntages', San Fran., Oal. Drlrit, Orpheum, San Fran., Cal. De i.oriH, Chevalier, Orpheum, Kansas City, Mo, Demlng, Joe, Nelson. Springfield. NHiss., 1710. Dixon ft Fields. Orpheum, Oakland, Oal. Dlero, Orplieiim, Oakland, Oal. Dlxey, Henry F... Majestic. Milwaukee. Diamond ft Brennnn, Alhnmbra, N. Y. 0. | Bush- wick. Bkln., 21-20. . Dixie Kids, Mosart, Eimlra, N. Y. Dleklnaon, Rube, Hammcrateln's, N. Y. 0. Dickey, Paul, ft Co., Orpheum, Lincoln, Neb. Dlxons (0), Keith's, Lowell, Msss. Dixie Serensders (0), Hamracrsteln's, N. Y. C. "Dlnkeisplel's Christmas." Columbia, St. Louis. Dingle ft Ksmeralds, Maryland, Baltimore. "Dick" (Writing Dog), Hipp., Pittsurgh. Dixon, Musical. Hartford, Conn. Dixon, Once, Plasa. N. Y. ft, 17-10. Dolly Twins, Casino, N. Y. C. Indefinite. Dobi'n ft Lenhnrr. Bnahwlck, Bkln.; Poll's, New Haven. Conn., 28-Nov. 2. Pokes, Joe, Linco ln Sq., N. Y. ft, 17-10. JAB. B. CHA8. M. donovan a™ Mcdonald KEITH'S. Philadelphia. Doan, Lludsev 4 Doan, Colonial, Columbus, O. Doolcy & Sales, Palace, Chicago. Don (Talking Dog). Shea's, Toronto, Can. Donovan ft McDonald, Keith's, Phlla.; G. O. H„ Pittsburgh. 21-29. Donlta ft Co., Garden. Dallas, Tex.; Empress, JopHn, Mo„ 21-23; Davidson, Ft. Scott, Kan., 23-211. _ . . Dooleys, The, Orphenm, HsrrlBbnrg, Pa. Drew, Lowell ft Esther, Pantages', Scramento, Col., 21-20. _, "Drums of Oudc," Orpheum, Omaha Neb. Drew, Chns. 0., ft Co., Orpheum. Winnipeg, Can.; Sherman Grand, Calgary, 21-23. Drew, 8. Rankin, Orpheum, Reading. Pa. Dupre, Jcnnnotte, Empire, Johannesburg, So. Africa, 14-MnrcU 1. 1013. Dunbara (4), Shea'a. Buffalo Duncan, Orphlum, Lima, 0. Dunn, Thos., Potter, Empress. San Frn„ Cal. Dupont, Teddy, National. N. Y. C. 17-10. Dyer ft Fsyc, Mosart, Elnilrn, N. Y. Earle. Dorothy, Princess. Biunnivood, Tex. Enrl ft Curtis, Keith's, Cleveland. Uckhoff A Gordon, Olympla, Boston. Rdluger ft Cooke, Cooke Comedy Co. KdwaTila', Kid Kabaret, Keith's, oleveland. Edwards' Song Revue. Poll's. Sprlnglleld, Maas. Edna, Mysterious, Poll's. New Haven, Conn. Ellaa, Harry, Stctson'B "U. 'P. C," Eastern Co. Bllsobetb, Mary, Orpheum, San Fran., Cal. Ellnerc ft Willlnms, Chase's, Waaulngton. Bldrld, Gordon, ft Co., Bijou, Bangor. Me. Kldrldge ft Harlow, Pnntugva', San Fran., Cal. Ellnore, Frank 0„ Hipp., Omaha, Neb. Elliott, Fred,. Grand Street, N. Y. C, 17-10. Empire Comedy Four, Orpheum. Kansas City, Mo. Emmy'B, Karl, .Pets, Temple, Hamilton, Oau. Emerson ft Baldwin, Savoy, Atlantic City, N. J. Emerson ft Adams, South, Omaha. Neb. Emerson (3), Hipp., Pittsburgh. Ergottl ft Lilliputians, Colonial, N. Y. 0. Ernests (8), Bushwlek, Bkln. Estus, Ed., Oreeley Sq., N. Y. (',., 17-10. Esmond, Edward, A Co., Orpheum, Altooua, Pa. "Eternal Walts, The," Palace. Chicago. Enigma, Orpheum, Wheeling, W. Va. "Everywlfe," Orpheum, Dulntli, Minn. Everett, Sophie, Lyric, Newark, N. J., 17-10. Evans ft Video, Hudson, Union mil, N. J, Ewnld, Edward, Temple, Detroit. Fnrkon, Maurice. Casino, N. Y. 0.. indefinite. Fnlf.rilniH, Cnmllle. Trocadero Burlesquers. Farlier SlBters, Colonial, N. Y. 0. Fay, (2) Ooleys ft Fay, Colonial, Erie, Ps. Feulirer, Holert, Cnslno, N. Y. C, Indellnlte. FermiBon ft N'orthlnne. Orpheum, S|»kane, Wash.; Orpheum, Seattle, 21-20. Fentoil, Marie, Maryland, Baltimore. Ferguson ft Muck. Lyric. Newark, N. J„ 17-10. Ferguson, Dick, Globe, Boston. Terguson, Dav», Keith's, Columbus, 0. Felix ft Oalre, Orpheum, Montreal, Oan. Fern, Kerns ft Illgelow, Prlsellls. Cleveland, Fldalnimons ft Cameron, Keith's, Columbus, 0„ 21-20. Fields, W. 0., Orpheum, Lincoln, Neb. Fields ft Hanson. Orpheum, Hammond, Ind., 21- 23; Orpheum, Gary, 24-20. "Flfl from Paris Land," American, N. Y. U, 17-19. Flltirllibona, Bert, Colonial, Dayton, 0, Fisher, Harry, ft Co., Hipp., Omaha, Neb. Fiddler ft Sbeltou, Yorkvllle, N. Y, 0., 17-10. "Fixing Furnace," Maryland, Baltimore. Fields A Lewis, Temple, Rochester, Fisher ft Sharp, Columbia, Grand Rapids, Mich. Fleinmlng, Claude. Oaalno, N. Y, 0., Indefinite. Flat loo. Al., ft Holland Slaters, Luna Pork, Cleveland. Florlmonds, Les. Orpheum, St. Paul, Minn. Florentine Singers, Orphenm, Winnipeg, Can. 5 Grand, Calgary, Can,, 21-23; Empire, Edmon- ton, 24-2(1. Fox ft Hughes, Frsnklln Block Co. Fox ft Ward, Empress, Milwaukee, Wis. | Unions. Mluneanolls Muni., 21-20. HAIR ON THE FACE Noek and Arms oldentally sblllta on iu dlicoTered that the bait was completely remove Ws named the new dlsooyery "MODEnr « fi pHr for a few minutes and tho hair disappears».,, B?ma«lo. IT CANNOT FAIL. Modene suSaes efsotrolysla. Used brpcople of rennememTand » commended by all who liavs tested its meriix ilk. dene Is now for sale at drug stores, or win bo, Z by mall In Bafety mailing cases on receipt of ii ■ per bottle, Postage stamps taken. Address Hodtne Minnfariitriiig Co.. Dtpt 11, Gndonati, 0. Folles Bergere Trte, Orphenm, Beaton. Ford-Rogers ft Co., Keystone, Phlla. Ford, Ed.. A Co., Shea's, Buffalo, Ford ft Ilyde, Delancey Street, N. Y. c I7.ta Ford ft Wesley. Greeley's, Portland, Me Frlganta, Trlxle, Winter Garden, N. Y. C In definite, '• Frey Twins. Proctor'a, Newark, N. J. Froilnl, Orpheum, Memphis, Tenn. Freeman, Maurice, ft Co., Temple, Detroit. Fuller, Ida, A Co., Ondieum. Minneapolis, Jjlos Fulgoro. Orpheum, Altoona, Pa, "Futurity Winner, The," Grand Street, N, t o 17-10. u " "Fun In a Cabaret," Empress, Milwaukee. Gainons (3), Lincoln Sq„ N. Y. 0„ 17-11). Oalettl's Monkeys, Orpheum. Duluth, Minn.; Or. pbeum, Winnipeg, Oan.. 21-20. Gautler'a Toy Shop. Orphenm, San Fran.. Cal. Gabriel. Master, ft 0o„ Keith's, Indianapolis. Gnlvln, John ft Klla, Broadway, Superior, Vis. Gannon, Helen. Olympla, Boston. Oavlord ft Herron, Empire, St, Paul. Go'rnella, Elsie, ft Co., Orphlum, Limn. 0. George. Edwin, Empire. Edmonton, Can., 17-19, Gene ft Arthur. Hartford, Oonn. Gerard, Francis, ft Co., Olympla. Lynn, Mass. Glrord ft flardner. National, N. Y. C., 17-19. Gillette's Aulinnla, Keith's, Pblla. "Olrl Haters. The," Nixon, Phlla. "Girl Fiom Milwaukee, The," Hammersteln's, N. Y. 0. "Olrl, The." Union Hqosre, N. Y. C. "Olrl From Bhsnley's, The," New Sun, Spring- feld, 0. Glnsir, Lulu, A Co., Keith's. Phlln. Olendower ft Marlon. Olyniidn. Lynn, Mast. Glenn. Harry, Prlsctlla, Cleveland, Holding ft Keating. Keyatooe. Phlla. Gordon A Klnley, Plata, N. Y 0„ 17-10. Ooesatis, Bobby, O. II., Besjvell, Pa.; 0. If.. Tarentnm, 81-20. Gould ft Ashlyn, Orpheum, Ogden, t'. Gould, Venlts, Orpheum, Omaha, Ni-h, Godfrey ft Henderson, Orpheum, Duluth. Minn.; Orpheum, St. Paul, 21-20. Gordon Bros. A Kangaroo, Orpheum, Salt Lake City, V. Goldsmth A Hopne. Orpheum. Winnipeg. Can.) Sherman Grand, Calgary, 21-23; Empire, Ed- monton, 24-20. . Oordans. Musical (2), Grand Indianapolis. Gordon Highlanders, Keith's, Columbus. 0. Goldrlek A Moore, Ooxmos, Washington, Gordone, Robbie, Keith's, Prnvlilonre. Gordon. Cliff, Alhsmbra, N. Y. 0. Goodrich, Ivlim, ft Co.. Bushwlek, Bkln. (lonlon A Marx, Orphenm, Montreal, Can, Consoles. Julln. Gnrrlck, Wilmington, Del, Online Boys. Hammersteln's, N. Y. C. Grant, Sydney, Winter Garden, N. Y. 0., Indefi- nite. Greenwood, Charlotte, Winter Gardes, N. Y. C, Indefinite. Grimm ft Elliott. Majestic, Dubuque, la.; I'rln- .'its, Wichita, Kan., 21-20. Gross ft Jackson, Majestic. Des Moines, la.; Nich- olas, Council Blnffs. 21-20. Grny ft Graham, Orpheum, Ogden, U. Grace, Llaxle ft Frank, Auto Girls Co. Green, Ethel, Empire, Edmonton. Can., 17-10. 0rover ft Richards, orpheum, Lincoln, Neb. Grenler ft La Fosse, Keith's, Providence. Grant ft Hoag, Lynn, Lynn, Mass. Grojt-sn ft Mauter, BIJou. Qulncy, III., 17-10. Gravers, The, Haminerateln's, N. Y. 0. Granville, Tnylor, ft Oo„ Bronx. N, Y, C. Gregcrle ft Rlmlrn, Dominion, Ottawa, Can, Green ft Long, Orphenm, Boston. Graham ft Randall, Hudson. Union Hill, N. J. Gnliiiil. Uallil, Orpheum, Sioux Olty. It, Ouerlo, Kcniiii, Orpheum, Montreal. Can. Gunning, Vera. Cosmos, Washington. Ilnre. Ernest, Winter Osnlen. N. Y. 0„ Indefinite. Harvey, Ernett, Winter Gardes, N. Y. C. huh* nit*. Harrah, Great, A Co., Pantages. Sacramento. Cal., 21-20. „ , Hninraond. Hoops, Charlestown, Prince Kdwanl Island, Can. . , Hatfield. Jolly Fanny, A Co., Auditorium. Flics- burg, Maas.: Montauk, Passaic, N. J., 21-20. Hawley, H. Frederic, A Co., Orpheum, Los Aa- gcles, Osl. Harcourt, Frank, GlrlB from Hsppyland Oo. Hurt Urns., llaininn ft Bailey Circus. Hayes, Edmonds, A Co., Orpheum, Denver. Hnnlon Bros. A Co., Alhsmbrs, N. Y. C. Hall. Billy (Swede), ft Co., Poll's, Springfield, Msss. I Poll's, New Haven, Conn., 21-20. Haydn. Dunbar ft Haydn, Bushwlek, Bkln. Harmony Boys (4), Cosmos, Washington, Hnllen A Hayes, Olympla, Boston. Hale. Walter, Hipp., Omaha, Neb. _ ' Harrison, Wett Trio. Victoria, Norfolk, Vs.; Ro- anoke, Roanoke, 21-20 Hardeen, Orpheum, Boston. Hallers, The, Klrby's Shows. Hnrreys (4), Palace, OlilcsgO. HarrlB. Meyer ft Co., Plata, N. Y. 0., 17-10. Havelocks, The, Orpheum, Atlanta. Oa. Hanson, Alice, Delancey 8t„ N. Y. O.i 1J-19. Hampton ft Hassett, Hipp,, Fslrmont, W. VI.. Hipp., Parkcraburg, 81-40. Hayes, Lucy, A Players, Crete, Neb., 17-1(1. Hassans (3), orpheum, Kansas Olty. Mo. Hayward. Harry, ft Co., Crystal. Milwaukee. Hnrned, Virginia, ft Co., Majeatlc, Chicago. Halllgan A Sykes, Shubert, Utlca, N, Y. HaBtlngs ft Wilson, Orpheum, Harrlahurg, Pi. Holl ft O'Brien. Orpheum. Reading, Pa. Hnnlon ft Hanlon, National, N. Y. 0„ 17-10. Heoly. Jeff ft La Vern, Orpheum, Rocktord, in.. 1710. Heuman Trio, Touring Europe. Hershey, Vogel'e Minstrels. Herbert, Frsnk, A Co., Orphenm, Boston. Hedders (3), EmpresB, Milwaukee. Herbert's Dogs, Orpheum, Wlnnl|>eg, Can. Helblg, Mar garet. Howard, Bolton. ARTHUR YU1.B Presents BABY HELEN AMERICA'S GHBATB8T CHILD WTaTOBB* Colonial, Norfolk, week H ^ Helen, Btby, Colonial, Norfolk, Vs.; Colonist. Richmond, 21-20. Herleln, Lillian, Hipp,, Pittsburgh. Henshnw ft Avery, Keith's, Cincinnati. ,. n „. Hill ft Ackcrman, Moss Tour, England, Indefinite. Hickman Broa., Keith's, Lowell. Maas. Hill ft Sylvaul, Union Sq„ N. Y. 0. Hlgglns, John, Orpheum, Denver. High Life Trio, Orphenm, Mlnneatiolls. Mlmi. •High Life In Jail," Loaw's, New flochelle, n. »•• Howl'and. Jobnn, Winter Garden, N. Y. C, In- definite. ■ , u v n in- Howard ft Howard, Winter Garden, N. Y. v.. ■" definite. , .» « c.. Howaon, Albert 8., Winter Girden. N. I. «" Indefinite. _ _.„ Howell ft Scott, Bmpresi, Vancouver, Can. Hogan ft White, "Ginger Kid" Co. Houston, Henry, Ceylon, India, *4-si. Qk| Holman, Hirry. ft Oo„ Orpheum, Tyrone, u«i». HoVkfns A Axtell, Majestic. Milwaukee. Wlfcl Orpheum, Madison, 21-20. Howard's Norelty. Orphenm, Ogtleti. D. Howard A McOane, Orpheum, Oakland. "»■• Howard, Great, Orpheum. Seattle, Wain. Hopper. Charles, Grahsm Comedy Co. Hong Fong, Orpheum, Boston. _,,„,„. u f, "How Props Bntted In," Famllir. Bhnlta, » "Honor Among Thieves," Colonial, N. X. v- Hoffman, Lew, Colonial, Norfolk. VS. - "Hold-Up, The." Orphenm, Wheeling, w- Howard ft Lawrence. Colonial Dnylon'- Hodge. Robt. Henry, ft Co.. Pol Ps. Harr»r i^ „ Honseiey ft Nlcbolsa, Columbia, Orsnd «si Howard Bros. Indiana. Chicago, 17-20: AaMs»* Chicago, 21-23. »i v C Holmes ft Buchanan, Alhsmbrs. Bk»<J* Hewe, Charles. A Co., Colonial, Erie, i «■