The New York Clipper (October 1912)

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•j ' I H . 'l ' '•. \>m I I * 20 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. October 19 THE MUST I'artlcular rooplo on Earth are 8Mhb People. And the most Successful Stane Bhoea g\ f*i SHOES, dally, are W™OT weekly and yearly ID YOU REALIZE that the Fashion Decisions of lugedoin set the styles for all clauses of society. loUR Judgment Is respected. O-G shoes are re- •nceted. 0-0 originality is respected. Yet IT ALL roaTW backJ* YOU PEOPLE, the ladles and gen- rumen of "the profession of ail professions. 'TOT »K ID •: the styles-we (O-uj simply provide them. Yiic fact that we do tt ao successfully Is a matter af .treat pricfcto, -L JQV pbAY CWCMQ tome In or -phone for our "best »»le»Pe i »2»"«™ a e If a c'ro still setting the pace on both STYLES anil tdONLY'B WORTH I . You'll find weARK-alwavsnnd forever. 9-a WOMBN'H SHOPS I 23 E. Madlion Bt and Zai. State! MEN'Si 8 8. Clark and 206S.State. lle.ti store Service. (All 'phones, Harrison Mrs. Jot It downj OUT OF TOWN HEWS PHI1VADE1VPHIA. The new offerings the current week are: Waller |..i "roach's "Dove of I'cacp," at the Lyric, anil ' .oiilslora lou," at the Walnut. " lyiwy Love ,l« replaces "Get-Itlcli-Qulck Walllntrford." at Hie Oarrlck. L.MI0 (Messru. Sliubert. nigra.) — On Oct. IB tiVKM the premiere of Walter Pumrosrirs new ♦ m'ra "Tho Dove of Peace." The oust Inclines: Kutli 'Thorn. Jessie Brudbury, Henrietta Wnketlelil. I'riiik lNdlock, Thomns Htinllt", ltobert Lett, Kr- NMlSm S3 a hoHt <,f pttavr* Blanche ilnir In ;'Thc Walt Street Olrl." departed, 12, jftcr ii very prosperous fortnight.! (Messrs. Slmbcrl. mars.)--There la llviity ofhllarlcus fun In "The Million," ami fine J «7l.°u*e. were captivated WjMt the show Inst »«*. Tailor Holmes Is the lender In the fun. and has the able asslslanre ut Kd*nn1 m» Maud Parrell awl Paul Ker. The second week wpk !*• ... , Walnut (Harris & Howe, mars.)— Louisiana Lou," with Alexander Csrr, hiis lta llrst local »t*w. 14. oikI reiiislua for nil extended engagement. -Die Searchlight" had two fair weeks, ending U. (UiinioK (Nlxcn A Zimmerman, mars.)—' Gypsy Love," the Lehar offering, cornea 14. for a two weeks' slay. "Oet-Hlch-Oulck Walllngtord" had Iwo very satisfactory weeks, ending 12. , llnnan (Nlion * Zimmerman, 'mgr*.)— Die "how- •rs of applause that greeted David WarOeld, In lis apiiearniicc, last week. In '"Hie lletiirn of retiT Grimm," was on Indication of the esteem at which ho Is held by Phlladclphlans. The trowded houses thoroughly eu»oycd the play, llie •ue acting of Ihe star, ns well as the cupn ile iiipporthiK company. The second weok BMWi 14. VtiuaisT (Nixon It Zlraincnnan, ingrs.)— Zleg- teld'a Follies," like all of Its predecmors. has a tremendous vogue In this town, and the latent edition last week gove complete sotlsfaetlon to wm big houses. There Is a riot of color, music, smfumlng and scenic equipment, and a cracker tick cast. In which the principals are: Boy Jiimticls, Leon Krrol, Miss Chatelaine, and Lil- Dan Lorraine. The second week sturls 14. Oiikstnut Brnarr Oraaa Housh (Nixon ft Zimmerman, nigra.)—On Oct. 8 occurred lie rrrmlrrt of the big snectnculnr show. The Ladv of the Slipper." In which Elsie Janls, and Miiiilgmiiery and Btone were presented as the • Ian. Everything Is gorgeous In the production, and there Is a never ending array of songs, dunce* and stugc pictures. Victor Herlwrt » iiini'ful music fits In admirably In the show. Elsie Janls" Initiations were as clever ns ever, while Montgomery and Htone, It Is needle** to •in- displayed all of Ihelr old time cleverness. David Abrahams, Douglass Stevenson, Olinilea llasmi and Allenc Crater were also kept buiiy In livping u() the Interest. The second week stnrts >4. OimsTNUT (rronk Williams, mgr.)—The Or- thrum Stock appears In "The Bight of Way," 14- 111. "The Dawn of n To-morrow," with a fine scenic equipment and a particularly well balanced snst. was a big drawing curd last week. Carolyn •lutes, ns Glad, was u splendid ch.iractcrlsittlnii, while Wm. Ingersoll. who Is particularly at home ■i elderly parti, wou a big triumph iih Sir Oliver Holt. Wllmer Walter. Albert locket, Walter Lewis, and Virginia Howell alao dhl creditable work. "Sham" next. American (James Wall, mgr.)—The stock puts an "St, Elmo" 14 ami week. "Carmen" was icvlved last week, lu a splendid inauner, lo ea- tae'.lv house. Grace Huff was Ideul In Ihe title side, mid scored a verlluldo triumph. National (Jos. M. Kelly, mgr.—The Kllmt & llntiolo stock offering week of 14 Is "The James llnvs III Missouri." The preceding week was devoted (o "Okhthoma." Eleanor Onlns made ler appearance as leading woman, and was verv well received. Marcus V. Uuefs, as the sheriff, shared the honors. •Iiianii (Stair & Ilovlln, ingrs.—"Happy Hooli- gan" week of 14. A thoroughly competent corn- puny scored a big bit last week in a Sue pro- duction of "The Hamblen." It.iv.l Nolan was very effect I re ns Wilbur Phncrsou, while Loin I'liiiriin luvestcd the role of Catherine Darwin villi much uatnrahiess. Anvil (James II, Ducken, mgr.)—"My Wife's Family" was acceptably rcoo'.ved by Ikhiscs of fair proportions Inst week. The experiment of tunning plays lu English at this house has not l-oen a success, and beginning 14 the theatre will resume Its old policy of uluys In Yiddish, sutler tho management of D. Thomashefsky. Haut's (John W. Hart, mgr.)—Stetson's "Un- tie Tom's Cabin" 14 and week. "The Wroug ' Way" was favorably received, by cccllent sited louses, last week. Eui'ian (M. J. Bulklcy, mgr)—Stura from Htagclsml ore tho tenuiiis week of 11. The Monta Carlo Girls were a aplemlld aggregation of finer- Islners. to hlg returns, last week. Harry Welsh arts tho top-notchcr In the burlesques, while ■Vila Clayton, Uellc Travers, Karl Gates, aud Ihe Hlg Pour Quartette were also popular num- bers. Tie orientals 21. TnoCADsao (Sam Dawson, mgr.)—The Girls from lteno are due 14 sml week. The Moulin Rouge Co. was a real cure •ltsiadler, 7-12, to Iho ■sual big houses. Joe Fields Is tho all-|>ervadlng spirit, and he worked overtime lu furnishing tho laughs. The Pace Mukers next. OtsiNO (Ellas ft ICoeulg, ingrs.)—The Bowery Durlesquers 14-10. The Winning Widows were all that the name Implies Inst week, and ihe large houses were entirely satisfied with the •jiiallly of (he show. Iaiu Towers, Sinn Mlchiihi and Lew Christy were Indefstlgsble In their ef- forts to please, while Aela Phlpps, ivllth Powers and Mne Rose were Ihe best liked af tho female font I a gent. Ginger Girls next. OAvirrv (John P. Kcklinrdt, mgr.)—The flny- ely Girls, the locul contributors to the Columbia wheel. Is the attraction week of 14. The Gay Mnsiuieriiders furnished a thoroughly -date ■how lust week, to completely filled Ikuiscs, George n. Reunion and Murk Ailnms hud Die right kind of comedy lo offer. Ida Kmorsiui wns nlso considerably In the limelight. Hie World of Pleasure follows. It, l\ Km-rii's (ll. T. Jordan, mgr.) — Lulu Dinner nnd company makes Her local vaudeville tlolml here week of II. Olliers are: Donovan ami McDonald, the Three Mori's. Mnnon-Keeler nnd cimipiuy, Olllelt's Anlinnls, Conriil nnd Wbldden, Ail llmvon, Olinrles and Fiinnie Van, Jordan Trio, ■ml moving iilctures. Wu. Pknn (Win. W, Miller, mgr.)—Week of 14 : Chung Ilwn Oomeily Four, Kate Watson, Del- more and Lee, Charles Weber, Thomas nnd Hall. MrOonnnck and Wallace, nnd moving pictures. Lidkiitv (M. W, Taylor, mgr.)—Week of 14- Vera Hunl and coninnny, Prank Stevens, "Those Thrie Rnscols," Will II. Davis, Aschcr anil Csrr, the Three McDonalds, nail moving pictures. Kkvstonb (SI. W. Tnylor. mgr.)—Week of 14: AdJIc, Ford Rogers and company, Winkler end Sullivan, Jerry SIcAullffe ami company, (lidding ami Keating, Dulmedo Bros., ned moving plclnr.'s. Nixon tPreil'k Isx>|iol<). mgr.)—Wci-k of 11: "The Clrl Haters." Stnlov anil B iirlsvli. Moor- GETTHIN Would yon llko to reduce your weight without Mrenu. .ous exercises, dlsngrceahlo dieting or "•tarvuiK' am! no loss of tltnev Would you llko to impmro youi ilunro sndcouiplaiioa? l/'t mo send you PUKE, my Proof <«ntrannt nnd Hook. A gladdoner lor f nt people. .Br. BRAOFORD, 20 E. 22d 81., 107 K, NswYorkTrix ish Acrobats, Arnold nnd Reynolds. "Tho Beauty Shop." leononlls, and moving plctureo. VSuruK (Fred. O. NIxonrNlfdllngtr, mgr.) —We-a of 14: Baseball Poor, Bill Jenk's Crook," Guy Bartlett Trio, "Too Many Millions," Klsle Btlrk and company. Rice anil Franklin, Sprlngftohl and Bhaw, and moving pictures. Otimont's (Frank Duraont, mgr.)—There was s complete change of bill last week. In which ihe big feature was a side splitter, entitled "Free Ixrre." In the first part there was also new songs, by Charles Boyden, Eddie Caasldy, and Joe- Horlls. In tho olio Haney and Carvln, and Harris and Bradley were excellent numbers. Busi- ness continues fine. L.*'"s. « . Bijou. Oisasd. FonsPAtmH'i, Olthpia, Coi*- wial, Paijici, VioToniA, Majestic, AiLionsmr, amd Ai.iiamdba give vaudeville snd moving pic- tures. HOTCS. | Tua TjHiran Bmotras will give a hlg concert In Convention Hall on Oct. 21, the proccedsof which will lie devoted to making up the deficit occasioned by the last Nstloosl Ssengerfest. There will Iss 2,000 singers, ss well as an or- chestra of 100. Adele Kruger, of rtew York, will be the soloist. The Historical Pageant, which took place last week, was ■ huge success, both from ■ historical as well as a financial etnndts>lnt. More than 100,000 persons wit- nessed the spectacle. EvsavTitmo Is In readiness for the opening or the new theatre built by Mrs. Jennie Rfflnger, at Forty-first Street and Lancaster Avenue. Storing pictures and vaudeville will be the irnllcy of the house. , ... Leopold Stokowski, the new conductor of tlie Phllnde'phln Orchestra, made his debut, II. and wns neeorded an enthusiastic welcome. A L. rcnr.ANoKn. Marc Klaw, Florcns Zlegfeld Jr., Frank SIcKee, Rennold Wolf, Pat Casey, B. Rosenhaum, and Snm II. Harris nil came over fnaii New York, 7, to witness the Initial produc- tion of Zlegfcld's Follies, at the Forrest. Cnrliondnle, Pa,—The quarantine restric- tions were rescinded night of Oct. S. Religious services were resumed Sunday, 0, and school ses- sions nud amusement places were opened Slonday, 7. To commemorate the snbsldence of the small- |K>x scare there was a Jubilation parade on Mon- day evening, consisting of tho city fire department, niitomotillee. and fat.tnstlcs. Two of the city's high-grade bands sml plenty of rt-.l-llrc added to Ihe enjoyment of the ocrnslon. Five of the mov- ing picture shows o|x>ued, snd buslnexs hns been fairly good. Iuiai, (L. A. Farrell, mgr)—T.ynott's Orches- tra and four reels of high-grade pictures, changed daily. Gnu (Alpbonao Slrrlnnnl, mgr.) — Mechanical orchestra and four reels of plotufes, changed each nuniuiv. Bavot (Benny Benson, mgr.)—Orchestra music, under direction of Richard l.yiiott, and three reels of first class picture'. PaorLa's (Louis M.mile. mgr.)—Attractive en- tertainment, Willi gisnl music, mil dally change of reels. VicroniA (Ixmls Matule. mgr.)—.Mechanical orchestra and four reels of pictures. Am. admbshins arc five cents. N itb. —The Rarbenu Family have gono on the road. K. II. linris'iiu has been In hospital for two weeks, under treatment for lung trouble. He Is slowly convalescing. York, Pn.~0|KTa Home (Wllmer ft Vincent, ingrs.) Myrkle-Hnrder Co.. week of Oct. 0, did capacity business. OiiPiiKt'H (Wllmer & Vincent, nigra.)—Bill for 10-12 Included: The Illchnrds Brothers, Burke and Derotine, Chan. W. Ferris and company, Armlna and Phluii and Picks, to capacity busl- ness. Mllwnnker, Wis. — Davidson (Sherman 1-i'own, mgT.) Rclney'a African Hunt pictures 10-l'J. "mi» Pirate'' 17-10. r-iiuiiMiT iWm. E. Mick, mgr.)—"A Sloilern Fve" week of 13, The Vboru Opera Co. week of 21. Miji.-KTii- (J. A. Hlgler, mgr.)—Bill for week of 14: Henry It. Blxey, Nina Morris and com- pany, Iolo, Julius Tanncu, Leonard and Russell, tho Bit Manias, Hopkins and Axtell. and the Gieat Llbby, I'ausv (Ludwig Krelas, mgr.)—The German Players scored n success it, with nn excellent isvfnrinanee of -'Fraueleln Joselte." "Die ''leilermnua" 1:1. Saxb (Edw. Raymond, mgr.)— "Tlllle's Nlght- rrore'' week of 13. 'The White Sipinw" 20 snd week. Gatstx (J. A. Whitehead, mgr.)—Tho Cherry Blososns 13 snd week. The Gay Widows 20 snd week. Oiivbtai. (Eilw. Raymond, injr.)—Bill for week of 14 Includes: Edwsrd Jose snd company, Oombis Bros., May Ward, Richard and Montrose, and Harry Haywurd nud company. .Rui'nr.HH (J. Isaacs, .mgr)—BUI for week of 13 Includes: Lew Fields' "Fun In a Cabaret." Two Hedders, Fox and Ward, Jack Ranaban, and Five Musical I.unds. Joniau (J. B. Relchert. mgr.) — The Juneau Stock Co. gsv* a aplemlld presentation of "For Hearth and Home." week of 0. "The Original Cohan" 13 and week. "The Resurrection" week of 20. Columbia (Wlnnlnger Bros., mgn.)— The Win- nlnger Stock Co. presents "The Struggle" for 13 and week. St. I.onU, Mo. — Bbnbert (Melville fltotls. mgr.) "Dunty Pulls the Strings" w«-ek of Oct. 14. Oltupio (Walter Banford, mgr.i—Mile. Nntl- inovn, In "Tho Marionettes," 14 anil week. Cn.vruiiv (W. D. Cnve, mgr.)—"The Isle of Dreams," wltb Ghauncey Olcott, week of 18, Gausick (Melville Btotls, mgr.)—"Within the Law" week beginning 13, Ahmican (ll. R. Russell, mgr.)—"The Coun- try Boy" 13 add week. A pros|s?rous business Is being done here. La Sai.i.b (Oppenbclmcr Bros., mgrs.)—"The Olrl from Toklo" week of 18. Gavutv (C. L. Walters, mgr.)—The Girls of the Gay White Way" week of 13. Hasting*' Big Show 20 and week. The Girls from Happy- lund fellows. Stakdabd (Leo Relcheiihach, mgr.)—Follies of the Day week of IS. Columbia (Harry Buckley, mgr.)—Bill for week of 14 : Rock and Fulton. J. Hurt's "Dlnkel- ■jilel's Christmas," James II. Cullen, Barnes and Crawford, Reba and Ines Kaufman, La Petite Mlgnon, and Work and Play. Hirrot.Boua (Frank L. Talbot, mgr.)—BUI for week of 13: Lasky's Six American Hoboes, Onetta, and motion pictures. Deliver, Col. — Broadway (Peter SIcCourt, mgr.) James K. Hackett, In ''The Grain of Dust," Oct. 14 anil week. oni'iiiJiiM (A. 0. Carson, mgr.)—BUI for 14 and week: Kdmond Hayes and company, Cresaro Nest, Do Witt, Burns and Torrance. Whitfield and Ire- land, Van Bros., Konera Bros,. John Iltgglns, and Pathc's Weekly, Tadob Oa«KD (Peter McCoart, mgr.)—"Alias Jimmy Vnlentlne" 13 nud week, ICMpnHHH (Geo. A. Bovyer, mgT.)—BUI for 12 and week: Tho Loop Year Glrla, Lowe and Ed- wards, Vim Hampton sml Joselyn. Joe Cook. Jack Allinnn, "A House Boat Party," and Guumont's Weekly. AtliiiTOBtuu (Thomas Annear, mgr.) — Alma Gluek and Alwln Schroder, 14. Hakkh (Harry Wsrd, mgr.) — The Rmerson- Cook Co., tbreo vaudeville acta and moving pic- tures. NoTga.—Denies' Circus showed here, 7, lo big business. Norfolk. Via.—Academy (Otto Wells, mgr.) "The Man From Home" Oct. 22, 2U. "The Pink Lady" 24-20. iVi.iiniai. (C. C. IOkhh. mgr,)—Bill for week of 14: Lnsky's "The Little Parisian," Baby Helen, Adler and Arllne. Mr. and Sirs. Murk Slurpby, Lew Hoffmun, and Woodford's animals. Business la very good. iihiniiv (Otto Wells, mgr.)— Kugenle Blair, In "Madame X," week of 14. AuaillOAN, WllNIIKIII.ANII. AkCADB, OOLtlUDIA, llo.MTA, and Fotiihiii). moving picture houses, report ysoakX business. L> uolilmrit, Vn. — Trenton (J. B. Trent, prop.) bill for week of Oct. 7 Included: Ilerrnra. the Isuigwortlia, Arthur ltlghy, Vnleno and La- more, Aldro and Mitchell, Rimer Jerome, Lohae and Sterling, the Flvo llrngdons, and motion pic- tures. BKLViniBH (C. SI. Casey, prop i—Motion pic- lures aud songs, by Joseph Combs, are doing well. GAvrrr.— Million pictures. SIajkstiu (P. M. Ceiey. prop.!—Motion idetnros. Stnuntoii, Vn,—Beverley, Oarletmi Sisters, In iv|stIi Ire, week of Oct; 14. ; ■\i.-r. Palace and Savuv, with veislevllle nnd pleieivs, rvisirt good business. Nuts. —A big aviation meet was held here 11, 12, by Oscar L. Brluly. THEATRES and OPERA HOUSES W* tatart Mvtrtlsssssata la thla col sum at a ansrlal rat* *f »i.7» per agtta Ha* for I atonta* Ba it tJaata). Tfela will saiMa local nsnafsrs tt aaap tkslr koaats prominently anal ooat t a«al l y tssfara tks aaaaaaata of eotapaslts. Darlag tk* Usm tk* sat U vnmnlng w» srlll aaast tack advsr- tisssr a aspf of Tars Ourrn frw. GAIETY TIIK AT HK .Hlehl nn.l.Ga.-Indc- pendent attractions only; pop., 3,000; 4 railroads': excellent growing; population; adjacent small towns; good open time to right attractions. Wrtto or Wire Beall Bros, Owns, and Mgrs., Lumpkin, Oa. ALKRAaU THEATRE, Elizabeth City, N.O. Pop. 8000. Seating capacity BOO; stage 21X26; dressing rooms; electricity, steam heat. Wanted, first clans attractions. Address Kramer A Nutter. WANTBD-Oood Shows, for Fraternsl Hall, Oxford, Md. Seating; capacity 226. Population ot town, 1400. Good for ono night shows with band. STAR THEATRE, Tower City, Pa., Sohny- kill Co. New house, nnw Bcenerj, steam neat ana electricity; seata 660. flood show town. Drawing; population 7,000. Wanted, firm class attractions Add. W. 1. Henry, Owner and Manager. DUDLEY THEATRE, New Canton, 111. (Pop. 700)Ju8tcompletea. Soatsaoo. 8tagcl6xl0. Book: first class shows. Address R. A. DUDLEY. WAWTBD.-TO Book Good High Claes Shows. New Hall. Good show town. 8. 0. 600. St. 20x30. Reps.O.K. BREVARD AMC8E. CO.,brevard,N.C. KCSIO COMPOSED AUD AHJIASUKD for any Instrument or number of lnstrnmonts, Bongs, Words and Music, Sketches, etc. Sendttamp, OHAS. L, LEWIS. 43B Richmond St., Olnolonatl, 0. HIOHT8TOWN, N. J., OPERA HOUSE, wants one show a week. 0. FRED RIIHI.MAN, Manager, too Libert; Street, Trenton, N. J. BfY EliECTIOS Parody, Taft and Roosevelt versions, 60o. Thla week, "Hown Dawg," "Daddy Did the BameTulng Firty Years Ago," "Kverjbody's Doln' It Now," 11; nine other red-hot ones, $2. monologs, sketches, etc. [stamp]. F. J. LsPlerre, Dallas. Tex. . ■WANTED —EXPERIENCED MED. PEOPLE, State all In first. Will deposit or advance two weeks salary, bnt no tickets to strangers. BUI and Nellie, Chan. M., Louie B-. and others write. DR. P. L. HERMANN, OHAHLOTTKMAN, P. E. I. FOR 8AL.E—Bandcnd Act, Box Mystery, Mall Bag, Spirit Cabinet, Comedy Magic Act, Stere opQcon, Slides, and a Complete Magic and Picture Snow; also many other bargains, circulars for STAMP. OEO. A. RICE, AUBURN, N. T. ON ACCOUNT of disappointment, Gibson Dra- matic- Co. wants General Bub. Man, Ingenue, young Juvenile Man, Piano Player, Small co. playing small towns. Tickets, no; juot co>>t me $26 to catch a woman, at Wilmington, Del. MubI be able to Join on wire. Want also an Agent. Olbson Dramatic Co., Stratford, Fulton < o., K. Y, AT LIBERTY, Lady Piano Player, no organ, do specialties sing, piny guitar, up In acts,exper. good dresser on and off. Al Med Cos., ans. Bute salary; ticket necessary. MAY VEDDER, HIS Chared Street, Wonbory, Pa. ARE YOU AWARE that hundreds of high salaried vaudeville ar- tist! get Ibelr mono- logues, sketches, par- odies and jokes from MADISON'S BUDGET —not because they wish to economize, but because they cannot get better comedy ma- terial anywnoro. In classic parlance, "Go thou and do likewise." Get the latest issue, MADISON'S BUDGET No. 14 PitlCH OnE Contents In- Include 11 monologues, 0 acts for 2 males, 6 sketches for male and female, 12 parodies, a great minstrel first part, a one act farce, be- sides sketches for two females, tor roalo quartettes; also hundnds or new gags and ••sidewalk patter" Jokes. All written by JAMES Maiiinon In Ids best style. PRICE ONE HOLLAR. Back Issues out of print, except Numbers 10 and 12, Will send both for SI.60, or Budgets 10,12 and 14 f r $2. JAMES MADISON, !«<>* Third Ave., NawTfork, LEST YOU FORGET WE SAY IT YET LETER HEADS Contracts. Tickets, Envelopes, Free Samples, etc. STAGE MONET, Do. Book of Herald Cuts, 36o. CROSS JOSSA. CHICAGO WANTED QUICK FOR MUSICAL COMEDY CHORUS OIRLS AND HINGING AND DANCING JEW COMEDIAN. MUalCAL. ACT, PIANO PLAYER, AOBIsT. AITON AND STODDARD, Pullman Tourist Co , Foster Theatre, FULTON, K. Y. CORNET and TROMBONE That can play tho big stuff and do solos, for four Slece concert co. Must have evening dress Bull. tate salary In first letter. Pay your own board. Address w. F. OILHOKK, Seward, Nebr. WANTED QUICK NOVELTY SKETCH TEAM. WHITE ACTS; also a NOVELTY MAN or BANJO B1NOER. State all and salary wanted by night letter. Mutt be good. Salary aure. Join on wire. Address DR. O. U. DAIS/SON Naah, Bowie Co., Texas. FOR SALE--LEVITATI0N Used one season. Good condition. Complete with crates. Price 140. Photo for stamp. Add. Uharlea J. Jones, IBM l'enn St., Harrlalmrg. Pa. KKISI* YOIXR JMIIVD ON HIKE'S OPERA HOUSE. Open Time. Want a dood Ken. Show for Xmas week. MOIL, BTONEBORO, PA. WANTED, Med. Performers, Piano Player TO DO STRAIGHTS IN ACTS, SKETCH TEAM. OTHEttS WRITE. Addrcia TOMMY BARRETT, KEOTA. MO n Send loots, for Parlor Trick, Stage Act, Now Escapes and Illustrated Catalogue of Wonders. UTIIE ROBINSON MAGIC CO., Room B, 1» Gray Bt., Boston. Mast. At Libert,, Singing and Dancing Blackface COMEDIAN. Change for woek. PlBy piano. Ticket, yes. ED. PRINK ■ Gen'l Pol., Cedar Haplds, Iowa FOR SALE-THE 6REAT WHITE COCKATOO That Famous Bell Ringer. Docs a wholo act In vaudeville. Send stamp for reply. Address prof. PAMAHA8IKA, 2327 N. 8th ST., PHILA,, PA. AT LIBERTY, W. S« COTTINGHAM Barytone and Baritone. Can double Mellopltnne Slide. Brums nnd Stage. Experienced In quartette and Chorus Work. MILAN, TENN. In anitocring adt. plcuie mention CLirrgR. SHORT CAST SCRIPTS All of the plsvya tfc»t I own aad control and hava us«d 1st stock la ci«. elnatstl »■« tstMnrbs, I »m otTerlng for lease for oate year for '"" A3.00 FOR MANUSCRIPTS •sjoo for bet or parts I will personsUy gnarantco every mantucrlpt In my repertolro to plcue If yon have a capable cast for.foor males and two females. The entire list can be done with four ak? tw! and some of them with three and two. WJ WO OU) WORN OUT PLATS Tata List Includes I "SUNSET TBAIt," "WKKTKHN Ollll, ""tiir CLASa MATEB."™WM "WOMOSN BINj" "Bl/lLDER OF BRIDGES," "TOM (traju N K ll' H LOVE AFFAIR," »Bd Tnlrtr others. " AW " If you will send me ll.oo to Insure expresasge and ten me Just how your cast Is framed who yon are featuring, whether you want rough or drees bills, I will select three real piavs and forwardthemtojouforyour reading;. JOHN LAWRENCE, Hotel Walnut, Cincinnati, Ohio. TELl US YOUTwSts AND THE PRICE YOU CAN PaV MEDICINEMEN And we will supply your wants to a letter on short order, and give yon the biggest Bnd best Ta i ni! for jour money. WE WILL SURPRISE YOU AS WELL AS PLEASE YOU THE HANDSOMEST TOOTH POWDER fieU^f^SSSU^SS?&& Only 16.00 per gross. ' aa - THE FLASHIEST AND HOST EFFECTIVE DOLLAR HERB PACKAGE Kv »"««> Only iT.HO per gross. <ia(ti - THE PRETTIEST AND MOST EFFICIENT OH PACKAGE omy ae.oo per groS! . THE BIGGEST AND MOST WONDERFUL DEMONSTRATIVE SOAP "J** w ORBAT TABLET PACKAGE, $9.T« per gross. Our CORN PhlKKKKS have made an lnstanuneous hit, retail at 15c, and only (4.00 per gross. You can carry three gross In your pocket ALWAYS SOMETHING NEW-EXPENSE SAVERS AND MONEY MAKERS GALORE So If there Is anything missing In your line that you hare been unable to adopt on account or iiii-ii prices, give ns an idea or what It Is. Let us do tho framing and we'll get your tni-im™ sure. All prodncta of ourraanufacture fuPy op to Pare Food Standard. Free adrertlfilng matter furnlebcd with oar various lines. It will pay you to communicate with us. Address THE GERMAN MEDICINE CO., 1613 Central Awe*, Cincinnati, 0. 511-1 NA/AIM-ri lo ayers 04th Consecutive Weak Young Man aid Woman for Juveniles and 600. Bus., Woman for Characters and Some Heavies Those doing specialties preferred. State all particulars first letter, with lowest salary. Addreaj COHNKLL A PRICE, Mgrs., week Oct. 14, Ypsllantl, Mich.; week Oct. 28, Marshall, Mich. WANTED, To Join On Wire For MISS GRACE MACK STOCK CO. MAN FOR HEAVIES, MAN FOR 6EN. BUS., WOMEN FOR 6EN. BUS. Those wltb specialty preferred. W. P. WAOHTKL, Manager, care ol TICKETS» KO. Others wire. Klare Hotel, Meyersdale, Fa.' AT LIBERTY For Permanent Stock, Repertoire, or One Plect I COMEDIAN BOUBBKTTE Both llglit and character comedy. Age 28, height Ingenue and lngenne leads. Age 18, height 5 It. tt. S, 126 lbs. weight 114 lbs. Beat of wardrobe. Years of experience. Address until Oct. 20, LYCEUM TIlEATilK, Beaver Falls, I"a., then 816 Sherman St., Johnstown, Pa. THE LONG ACRE SQUARE PRODUCING!), WANTS MAN for GENTEEL CHARACTER PART (with modern wardrobe of dro'S and business sultfl)' iniiHi be tail, good looking and have ability to handle part ol man of business llfo; AGENT who can and will get np paper, must be huttler, must have business ability and make front. To such can offer a year's work with money dead sore. Both must be strictly temperate, All other posltlonn mini. Olvo full particulars, reference. Bond photos. State loweaL Pay yonr own A high class one nlglucr. Don't misrepresent Address DON J. DOYVr S, Mgr., THE LONO ACRE SQUARE PRODUCING CO., Teck Oct. 14, OarroUton. Ills.; week Oct. 21, Pana, Ills, PEOPLE IN ALL LINES Two bills a week. In city of 40,000. Mnst be up-to-date. Can use GOOD MAN, Heavies and Leads, with ro»d company. Address AL. uui'i.u, Mystic, Iowa. PEOPLE -M?U-LIKS PERMANENT STOCK, TWO BLUS WEEK, NO SUNDAY SHOWS Most have excellent wardrobe, ability and quick study. Leading people, send late photos. State all fully flrat letter. Address week 14, Lancaster, Wisconsin; week 21, Mason City, Iowa. HARVEY P. OWL " WANTED QUICK ANGELLS COMEDIANS WANTS CAPABLE HEAVY MAN Must be experienced and Tollable. Long season. Sure money. Kennett, Mo,, week Oct. 14: Kuaiel' vine, Arkansas, week Oct. 21. KD c. NUTT, Mgr. FERGUSON BROS. STOCK CO. WANTS FOR PERMANENT 8TO0K, Woman for Ingenues and Second Business, Woman for Characters ami General Business, Man for Juveniles nnd Light Comedy, linn for Characters and General Hiibiiicm, Al Journal Business Han. Ail must have appoarance, ability and nrst class wardrobe of your own. Sobriety la absolutely essential. ARTUUIl L. FANSHAVV, WIRE. Would like to hear from Hrat us» Director capable of playing parts. Pay own telegrams. AcdreBS A. 0. FKROUBOlf, care Prlnceta Theatre, Fort Worth, Texas, NT Rep. People, all Lines One year's work. Balary absolutely suro. Full particulars, with programs and photos If P° 8fl , , ' , ' e ;. Address P. «. KILLER, KWortulo, Kaas._ WANTED 0IITl*K JKORUB GIRLS with good singing voices. Musical Comedy WflJ^jS A,rZ V; , mea wr,t0 - Company play H two and three iilghtaunds. Companyl»«>» posed of ladloa and gentlemen, olenao govern yourself accordingly. Name lowest salary; 1 PU''"J«K ???S, e . 8, ,. J . 0 r, lnon V?t- „ LE( >NAftD AND DRANOBL, Mgrs. Mualcaf Comody 0->.. Montr^llor, Ohio, wee» of Oct. ItgBryan, Ohio,21.M-23. P.S.-Barnoy Williams, of Williams, Oonzalcs A WUUama, plose wnic. ?Lt.7i*. y ,* f U 2 "> «o»>M«r CLEVER PBOPLB IN ALL LINEIB for high 9'^ \J!ZS . "* • ,0ek • 8 '"" 1 l»«"*«'»eiit uddreat, can't tell wla.n we »•».«•■•■«?. Long,-sure teaioa a cerialatt. 'lell aU ta aad tend panto* aad P'fffiiJ. HARRY A. MAitCH, Canton, OUIO.