The New York Clipper (October 1912)

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OCTOBER 19 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. 21 CUMMINS-SEAVER'S BIG PLANS. SPARKS SHOW NOTES. Removing make-up? Lifebuoy does the trick. It cuts out the grease. Clears the pores — and keeps the skin healthy. Keep a cake of Lifebuoy in your make-op kit. For toilet, bath and sham- poo. I '* thi 8oap with tht dean imtll. L1FEII1 HEALTH SOAP Removes make-up EASILY The Young Buffalo Wild West and Colonel Cummins' Far Bart closed a successful teuon at nooncTlllc, Mo., Saturday, Oct 6. After teeing to It that the paraphernalia of this aggregation was itored away at Peoria, 111., Colonel Cummins, with Col. Ver- non C. Bearer, arrived In Chicago Wednesday morning, 9. In an Interview with, the Western repre- sentative of Tub Nbw York Clifpds, Colonel Cummins said: "The season of 1012 has been an eminently pleasant one, and It Is grati- fying to record that our show has made con- siderable money. My relation! with Colonel Heaver have been moat enjoyable. He has the faculty of surrounding himself with able and loyal lieutenants, and, not to divulge secrets, I am frank to say that we have In mind several novel features for next season, the like of which have not been teen with a Wild West aggregation Id this country." As to his plans for the Winter months, Colonel Cummins said: "I am leaving to- morrow on the Twentieth Century Limited, for Mew York, where I wilt confer, by ap- pointment, with Antonio Publllones, with reference to supplying htm with a large as- sortment of animals for the Publllones Clrco, for the Winter engagement In Cuba. It may Interest you to know I have concluded ar- rangements with Sullivan k Consldine fortho presentation of the Waltcs champion Au- stralian whip manipulators, for a tour of the S. as C. Circuit, opening at the Empress The- atre, in Cincinnati. I have also booked the Singhalese, which were featured with us thin season, on the vaudeville circuits. These acta are under my control for three years, snd will be kept Intact for the 1013 tour of the Young Buffalo Wild West and Col. Cummins Far Blast. Should I effect arrange- ments with Mr. Publllones for Wild West features. It will be the first time that Ameri- can Indians will be exhibited la Havana and on the 'Pearl of the Antilles." " It Is pleasing to. record that Colonel Cum- mins is In the best of health and spirits. His record for presenting Wild West exhibi- tions at the leading expositions of America bt Fwcan aura. NEW MODEL I ({/» at your Drug- Ow' gist's or Gro- cer's. If he haan't It, send five eta., stamps orcein, for a mil else cake to Lever Brothers Co. Dent. 18. Cambridge, Mn*s. The week ending Sept. 28 will long be re- membered by every one connected with the John II. Sparks Shows, not only by reason of the record breaking business, but through the long series of Incidents and happenings that kept everyone keyed up to the highest possible pitch. Through It all th* general- ship and thorough showmanship of Manager Chris. Sparks was every minute In evidence, and he was able to successfully cope with every obstacle, and hla Indomitable energy and perseverance accomplished seemingly th.e Impossible. Every man with the show was with bun, and now that It Is all over, and It la plain sailing again, who cares for what happened as long as the ebow moved. But to begin at the beginning. Through the ef- forts of the business men of Mt. Aire snd prominent officials of K»» Southern road, the powers that be In Washington consented to haul the Sparks Showa over the mountain branches running out of Greensboro and Wlnston-Ralem, N. C, to Mt. Aire and Wllkeiboro, In the very heart of the Blue Ridge Mountains. The show was the first to visit the towns In years, and It was an event second only to the opening of the branches and the advent of the first trains. The run to ML Aire was successfully accomplished, thank* to the watchfulnesa of Captain Dufan, the popular superintendent of the Winston-Salem Di- vision, who was with the train throughout the entire trip, it started to rain Sunday morning, and as there bad been no downfall in the region since last May, It made up for lost time, and a veritable cloudburst raged all Sunday and Monday, transforming the show grounds Into a muddy lake. At one time It looked like no show, but the natives came for twenty miles In the storm, some arriving Sunday night and camping out neat the lot It was estimated that 8,000 strangers were in the little town on Monday, and In-' creased by the 2,B0O residents, the streets took on the appearance of a little city. In OF TUB » aT\ V A T STANDARD I\\J X JTXLm TYPEWRITER The: LATEST Model of ANY Typewriter on the Market HAS TWO COLOR RIBBON, BACK SPACER, TABULATOR and many flaw and valuabli patented features that other typewriter* do not have PRICE, $75 Send for "The Royal Book," 83 pages of typewriter Informatlon-the finest typewriter catalog ever Issued. Yours for a postal card. ROYAL TYPEWRITER CO. Royal Typewriter Bonding HXW YORK 66 X. Monro* Street, CHICAGO, HX, ^^ DON'T FORGET FUNK'S THE WIG MAKER" if FORHKHLY McVlckera Theatre Building NOW at 412 North American Building Northwest Cor. State and Monroe 8U., CHICAGO » Sketches Cletn,brlchutnipp/ new Ideal. Moderate prices. Wilutn br Indian! ncwipipcr ■an. Add teu W. "W. Ilonkl. TO^otmoitDEn. AshlnndBlk..ChlcagO WC11I Op.nlngi Arrnn«*d I N.w Cro4*- nLn Flee Famished. ActsRowrittea. brims copy ol my 25c 1 -" Get an idea ol niyityleol work ^FIZZ" Ayrei, South million THE DIIOWN AMrUlTHBATBB. Frank Brown"s new Hippodrome and Anfltcatro Is located In Buenos America It was Just lateiV opened with great success. The building cost over a million doTars?and pet*, a combination^ of circus and vaudeville shows, also pantom me and talleU Mn.i of thi> «et» (hut BDneor there are Imported from Europe and North America. Tho well BSn sttBM«. TmS'Smr 1 ^ -Sum" * 8°"<h America," la the proprietor aad manager of t§e new Hippodrome. Roy Chandler Is the general manager, and Menard Pltrot Is the special New York representative for this enterprise. Performers °ttS u y B . l S ploturo with 94 and receive one oat and oOOlotterheada, finely printed, a bargain FINN THE PRINTER, 24 E. 21st 8t, Haw Ywt BE AN Af TAR ■ rBn P |Boe > ou on if .. *>**W* the Vaudeville Stage. Mostfasclnatlng, profltableprofcoalon In the world. saperieace unnecessary. I assist you to get an act and engagement. Method endorsed by managers. pirtj joara' experience. Instructive book FRBB twatamp. Frederic La DeUe, 8ta. 0, Jackson, Mich SECOND-HAND GOWNS STAGK AND STREET BARWETT, 503 So. State 8t„ CHICAGO 260-page Msgaslneot 16 original vaudeville acts for SI. Special acta writ- ton. Playlets and Musi- cal Comedies to lease. MES,140J B'way, N. T. la well known, and he seemi determined to outdo hla previous efforts In preparing for tho edification of American audiences a novel entertainment which should add lustre ito the escutcheon of the Young Buffalo and Colonel Cummins' shows In 1918. s HIC1I1CH BROS. OLOSH SEASON. Heber Bros." Clrcos and Wild West^clojed at West Mansfield, O., Sept 29, with the following roster: fc aggaJd' C.,»!*>.BJtag ger; R..F. Heher, assistant manager. R. B. ECZEMA Also called Tetter, Salt Rheum, Pnarl- <»h, Blliu-Cru.t, Weeping Skin, etc. K07.BMA CAN UK CURBD TO STATf, Sit , w » e . n ■ **J CBM «. ' m e* n 3° rt wnat ' »T- <- -i it-E-ii, and not merely patched up for a while, oi i-i urn worse than before. Remember. I make im*»d statement after putting ten years of my lime on this one disease, and Tiandllng In the ''""V."?*..* Quarter of a million cases of this "Milfin disease. Now, I do not caro what all you nave u»ed, nor how many doctors havo told yon I'M you conld not be onred-«H I ask Is Jnst a ckanca to show yon that I know what I am talking *.'""• Bja wlu wrlte «"<> TO-DAY, I will send leu m CilKE TRIAL of my mild, soothing, K'l-^ameed cure that will convince yon more In a fln> Hum I or any one else could In a month's time. » >"ii are disgusted and dlseonragod. I daro you ,^ ',!* me i c h»noe to prove my claims. By wrlt- h, Xa ~$*l< r° n *'" eD i°7 mora real comfort "ii." you had ever thought Ihls world holds for the inilh^ * nd ,0U ™ Me ' sm t * UlD * ,0U »t■ I. t OuuudaT. ><64 Park Square, SedalU. Ho. OfSSJiSHPSJ '"i!" 1 N »«onal Bank,Bedalia,Mo. t-'iiii'l J°,n do a better act than to send this notice •— to some poor sufferer of Become? show loaded before dark, and the train Just eber. treasurer; Q. R. Hcber, transporta- crawIca nown the mountain to Pilot Mound, „on manager; A. B. Heber, steward; Benja- lu( . Ban y' B gtand. It continued to rain, and mln C. Heber, general advance; James K. R | though lt deared op about noon. Manager Itamsey, advance No. 1; Roy Woods, advance g k , dec i ded 0 n one show. On^ the big No. 2; >rank Watts, twenty-four-hour man, ^ ftn(1 glae Bhow were pu t up and a hurry- Arthur Langhrey, boss " nTa,m »" ;„?•„."I- up show was given, with no I po rn ' n f fc P a ' aa 1 e J Bond assistant, with eight men; Harry Bow, B ^ B | neBg wa8 gS£ and at 6 o'clock the ttala Earl Mead, boss props, snd four as- Ucd out for a l0Dg tr | p to North Wllkes- boro Arrangements had been made for the show to bo the main feature of the Wilkes County Kalr. but the fair management had given the place of advantage on the lair grounds to a carnival company, relegating band o^ twelve pieces'; Rolto H. Heberjnd f nc clrcU8 , 0 tne rear E a portion of the fair grounds knee deep In mud, They had aim rolsed the price of admission to fifty cents, In anticipation of the crowd drawn by the show. It took a deal of diplomacy on the part grounds free at 4 o'clock p. if., and the re- suit was thst the parade, which went out at 12.80 f. M., held the crowd till that hour. The show packed the tent at both shows, given with only hslf an hour's Intermission. Thursday's stand wsa BUrlna. and a ten o'clock parade diew a mob to the lot. Three showa were contemplated, but two were given, to tremendous business, especially In the afternoon. A wreck on the road three mllos from Blklna tied the show np till 9.80 Friday morning, and, with a seventy-five mile Jump to make. It looked like no show at Coolomee. Here was a town of 2,000 people, two mllo* up a branch, that had never bad a circus, and, being only sixteen miles from Salisbury, the Winter boms of the show, everyone knew the show and turned out It Is esti- mated that more than four hundred farm rigs were In town at noon, hut as the train did not get to the Junction till 6 r. m„ most of the farmers went home. It was decided to risk sending up the flats over- tho branch, but the stocks and sleepers were left at tho Junction. The town people almost demanded a show, donated enothor lot nearer town, and waited patiently till the doors opened. The side show and s two-pole big top were put up. Everybody pitched In and helped, and despite the two mile haul, the big show was started at 8.80, and the concert finished at 10 o clock. More than 1,000 persons squected Into the top nnd applauded the show. It was smooth sailing to Mooreavllle, Saturday, and another day's good business. Sunday Manager Sparks slept Tate, and so did about everybody else. "Never again," be said, "will I take the chances I did last week." But. to sum It all up the ends Justified the meant, and the Sparks Show proved Its ability to cope with nil emergencies. Last Sunday saw a pilgrimage of the big show performers to Salisbury. Among those who renewed old acquaintances there wcro Bert Mayo and wife, Thomas Patrick Oor man, Bert Andrews, Frits Brunner, Thomas Jacobs and others. A number of Salisbury ale were vlstors at Btatesvllle and Lcx- >n. The city officials of Salisbury have extended the water system to the fair grounds, tilling a long felt want and making is grounds now an Ideal location for Win- ter quarters. Equestrian Director Bert Mayo received the aad news a short time ago of the death of his father. Mr. Mayo was an animal trainer of note, and at one time the pro- prietor of a wagon show. Tit had been as- sociated with nearly all of the old time shows, and spent last Winter In Salisbury breaking In stock. The Crandalls, riders, late of the Campbell Bros.' Shows, are recent arrivals, and were welcomed home by the bunch. Bed and his wife were with the show last season and Jim Jacobs, the u »™*:*™*l£' ?°"? 0,t, ,t made many friends. They are putting on a certainly accomplished wonders, and. al- , , , } £ t wUn Bert j,,.,, tn ^ Ba(11 „ though the.wag™. were hub ga^ka* tte gQQ grj-, . nwt ^^ a pouring rain the parade went out at noon, and one performance wbs given to In reality stnndlng room only, for every seat and allot the space to the ring bank was packed. The aide show also did a record breaking business, and on this occasion the four pole menagerie tent wss used In place of the nsual side show top The business was remsrkable, Inasmuch ns another show was billed for a later date, "never-glve-up" boss hostler, lights; isari mean, dub» v'"v> »-» "~,r»" v. illtants; Earl Baker, charge of ring stock Charley Parks, charge of animals, >">•"/ lor boss hostler, and six assistants. Jos. U Cole, in charge cook house Frank Walker, aasStant- E. V. Lahm, musical director, and band of iwcIvV pieces'; ««"»?. Heber and bis performing animals. P« rfo ™ e ;?--**- Fox, Leonard Washburn, Raymond Shannon, Chester Langhrey. Dehema, Mabel Avanell, Walter Hartlr, Sell Haskms Buck Carson, Chief Grey Wolf, the Flying La Vons acro- batic; Adell Sisters, and Edward Looker. The season was a successful one, and plans are made for enlarging for JMt ■eaaon. Two shows only were lost during the entire season. of Manager Sparks to finally round op the fair officials ond Induce them to partial y live up to their contrtct. It was flnslly agreed to throw open the gates of the fair DOWNIB A AVHICEI.Kn. ENTERTAIN ELKS. About sixty members of the Elks, from the Elks' National Home, at Bedford City, Va., were highly entertained by the Downle & Wheeler Shows, Oct 4. A section of re- served sests was decorated and beld for them, and lt was the unanimous verdict that It was one of tho roost pleasant events In the history of tbe Home, Messrs. Downle & Wheeler and their wives, and Manager John V. Stowe and wife visited tbe Home after the afternoon show, together with a number of other Elks, members of the show. Mr. Stowe and Mr. Wheeler made a few remarka to the members of the Home. Mr. and Mrs. Stowe took supper with tho Elks, and, after a hearty handshake and "god- speed," left tho Home, declaring that they had been liberally rowarded for the courtesy extended to the Elks of the National Home. TOE PDDILLOHBS TRAIN. Publllones own circus train In Cuba. Tho first car "-- season In Havana Is the special private car of Mr. Is finished, and tbe That "Awful Smart" Your ShavinjJ Soap Dtd It The free caustic found its way into the pores of your skin and thai terri- ble smarting and draw- ing sensation resulted. MENNEN'S SHAVING CREAM which contains no free caustic, and enjoy a cool, con\fortable shave. Mennen's Shaving Cream makes a lather which requires no "rubbing In" to soften the beard. You lalher and then shave. Saoti lime, and does away with tender faces. For talm mvrywhmn, 28a Samptt Tuba Fn» GERHARD MENNEN CO, Newark, N. J. BEFORE AND AFTER THEATRE MOUQUIN'S 6th Ave., bat. 27th and 28th Sts., New York HOST POPULAR FRENCH RESTAURANT PABI8IAN CAFB : MUSIC 6.H0 TO 1 A. M. w goes on the. road, touring all over ""»«>,, , h . t Antor ,t 0 Publllones hi at the Orand 1'ayret tbo'benuUfnf Interior of Cuba, and does a great illness, us i . rublllones gives these Bronchial Troches For Hoarseness, Coughs, Inflamed Throat, Bron- chial and Aathmatlo Troubles. Aire prompt and grateful relief. An arllele of saperlor merit, ab- solutely free from any harmful Ingredient. Bold only la boxes. Sample mailed free, JOHN I. BttOWN | BON. Boston, Mass. Pi&0^MONDS: T "*(* 1/41 ototi-U soup oold auras nanslM IkfB. ••• IMS B fO M » » w. ■will oruc-1» »«... itH i« m» 1 0..U ,l.|l>tlll. II1MII <*Jf » •»» f.llliM htoatrtMli«MlMlM<#.MJa»lt. ftolarOala.SOCllO lllltllnS.ISfasi ■ n/xn:nn CONTRACTS l.RTTRIl IIKAIIS, KNVKI.OPKH. TIOKKTB, PASSES, OAUDH, Etc. Write for Samples. Webb l'lg. Co., Nj Ho. Dearborn St., Chicago, Ills. Written to order. Snappy ono-ncts,twoandthrco char- acters, Just finished. Origi- nal, out-or-tlie rut work. AdilrcsH "FLIP," 406 North Hixtii St., Torre Haute, Ind. THEATRICAL WIG8 Toupees. Ladles'nalr Goods. M. Stein's Make- up. Bend for Price List GEO. BHINDHBL.M, 282 W. Hist Bt. New York. Tel., 8726-Bryant 1912 CATALOG '208 pages. Send oo. "stamps for Pockot Trick and partlon- maoio co., uept. i, arow. roth Bt,, ft. r. FREE magic ' ■ ■'■iUhim for Pocket »rs. AT LIBERTY-ADVANCE AGENT or MANAGER Practical anil ciporlonceil. Consider liirgo or small attraction. Adilrof* J A MICH M. HIIIK1.DH, 4U1 0UD8TUNK AVK., OTTAWA, CAN. xnrcpixsxc! nave OUB Tbe'whole population of Cuba la about Publllones starts late on account £ou tot our latest song tiltaf [LKIl, Room 31. Orand Opera Hoose Bids;., Chicago, IBs. MUSIC ARRANGED f D °5 »SL Bd Word* written to music: music written to words. References, P. A. Mills |kuslo Publisher]. E. 8. B. BDMTINOTON, care OUPPKB, «7 W. »th St., N.T. CATALOO or Professional and Amateur Plara, Bketobes, Mono- logs, Minstrel Jokes, Recitations, . MaSe-UpGoods, Etc.,sent FIIKK. (IK HALI), 20 Ann Bt.. New York. vm ■ Real Hair, Crop Wig, »l: Negro, Vm. ; Dress i Wig, Import Bald, Boubrette, $l.w each; ,0yds. Crepe Hair (Wool), jl.OO. AskCata- llogue Papier Macho Heads, Helmets, ete. i Importer, Kllpport, Mfr.,4 rourtliAve.,N.V