The New York Clipper (October 1912)

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OCTOBEB 19 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. 23 II. MILES, Pr.s. I. FL1JEOKLMAN, Vice Pre*. H. R. 8IIEKDY, Hee'r. BKS J. 8. MOSS, Treat. CONSOLIDATED BOOKING OFFICES, mo chiojoo owobj. FITZGERALD BUILDING, Broadway and 43d Street, New York City Phon." 1631 Randolph "orty MILES circijtt 9i;EE ^mggT THB . . ^^ BOSTON OFFICHi Telephones, 3151-54S»-M!53_3»]3 Bryant. Fhon., awt'oxtard Week, BOOKINO Forty Wool** ._ Alt CIRCUIT HOBS AMD BRILL CIRCUIT -I1EAT RK BOO K ISO CORPORATION AFFIUATKD VACDK VILLI CIRCUIT BEST Honsas. BIST TVaatmant, BUT fHJffl uREAT EXULISH vAUuBVlLLu PAPB&7 THE and THE E REVIEW 14 Leicester St., Leicester Square, London. W.C. FOREIGN SUBSCRIPTIONS, - . . . . 8a. 8d. PBR YEAH I OKESS10NAL ADVEHTISEMEM!, . . 2s. Gd., Single Column Inet New York Office: 86 Wot 26th Btreet Telephone; 1772 Madison Bantro. PLAYTNQ THE BKST TJf VAUDIVLTJUE SULLIVAN •nd OON8IDINE OIROUIT GENERAL BUSINESS OFFICEi inilivan and Conatdlae Bid*;., Third Madl.oa Street., SEATTLE, WASH. FRED. LINCOLN, - - Pan, GENERAL BOOKING OFFICE, 1405 DroRilwny (Heidelberg- Bids.) NEW YORK CITY. CHRIS O. BROWN, - . . Clark St.. cor. Madl«on Wain.; W. P. BBB8H RRANCH BOOK1HG OFFTOBSi PAUL GOCDBON, 6 North I rhlcaro I1L: MAUBICE J. BUBN8, 8d anil Madison sU., Seattle, 995 i&xket St, San ETa ndnco. Cal; B. OBBBMAYBB, 16 Greene St. London. Bog. HENRY BROWN AMUSEMENT EXCHANGE ROOM 409, 35 SO. DEARBORN ST., CHICAGO, ILL. Can alway n— Raoognlxad VaadaTUla Act, ol Every Description. A VAUDEVILLE ACT FOR 50c. (NEW STUFF) ■ Wea'v Monologues, 4 Parodies, a Comedy Recitations for Blackface, Jew. Tramp or Ece. Comedian, all for 50c. HERB 31 ON ARAN, Box 410, Brockton, Mai*. A leader WHO CAN ARRANGE. How many times have you read an "ad." like tblBf Can YOU arrange? If so, this will not Interest jon, but if not, send two cent stamp for trial lesson. Three trial leiaona free. If not then convinced you'll succeed, you owe ua nothing. TAUGHT BY MAIL SUCCESSFULLY, PRACTICALLY, RAPIDLY. You must know the rudiments of music and mean business, otherwise don't write. WILCOX SCHOOL OF COMPOSITION, Boit;c,f>« Fifth Awe., - - - - - - - - W. WILCOX, Director NEW YORK CITY MABEL PAIGE COMPANY PLAYING IN THEIR OWN PORTABLE PALACE CANVAS THEATRE ALL WINTER IN FLORIDA WANTS: Young Juvenile Woman, with child (eight to ten years). Those doing specialties preferred. State all; name lowest. Other Stock and Repertoire People write. ALSO WANT-Four clever small chorus girls who can sing and dance Week Oct. 1 4, Mti Oak, Fin.; Week Oct. 21, GalnavlUe, Pla. DELLA PRiNCLE HE.ER SKETCH TE1SI, to feature; SHGERS, DANCERS, CBABACTER C01EDM1 People who have made good lu Eastern repertoire, wire. We like married people, children and dogs, if they are clever. Easy work. Good engagement to richt people. Tell all flm letter. C. K. VANAUKEN, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. FREAKS and STRANGE PEOPLE. ANIMAL ACTS For country circus. Samar Twins, Mllle Christine, Haba Haba, wire, and any other hlgb class freaks, WORLD'S MUSEUM, - ^^ "'' °^* - MINNEAPOLIS, BINS. LIBERTY AFTI FOR STOCK OR REPERTOIRE I! GRACE H, GREINERI LUIS HOLLINGER IB Leads, Height 5 ft. 6; weight us. Responsible managers name your top salary. A chance to get experienced, sober, reliable people who have, can, and will make good, a good line of wardrooe. and plenty of ability, wire or write. Character Leads, Heavy Leads. Height 6 ft. \o% ; weight 180. rienced, sober, reliable people who LUIS HOLLINGER, St. Jamea Hotel, tjnlncv, 111. THEATRICAL LUMBER STILES, BATTENS, STHJPS, HA IL S, SHOES, PROFILE,STAGB F LOORIN 0,E te, Always on hand tor prompt shipment. Write for delivered price*. Shipments made in any quantity desired. THE JOHN GILLESPIE LUMBER COMPANY 22d AND LAFLTN STREETS, OHJOAOO, ILL. ^jHORTYAMPSHOES^ T^Jlfc> For Street and Stage Wear ^ HYi A complete line of Pumps and Slippers In all shades, for evening wear; AorobatJc Clog and Ballet Shoes kept In stock T.l. BB08-T Chelaea. wnteforoataiorueNo.8. I. mtt.t.etw 1554 Broadway, New York. WBIGHT THEATRICAL ITJMBEB STILES, BATTENS, SHOES, STRIPS, PROFILE. STAGE FLOORING Orders filled on short notice. Prompt delivery our specialty. WRI6HT LUMBER CO., 140-150 W. 38th St„ IHiYorti SHORT VAMP SHOES (Trade Bark) . For STAGE, STREET & EVENING (New Catalog on Bequest) 54W.31rfSt,Bct.B , wi7*» tt 3«* f H.T.C B'way. »t 4j« St, Qtn^l .Blott, ■ 1U SPANGLES MILLQT BROTHERS. In Metal Iridescent, Black and all other colors. 600 different shapes. Featherweight Jewels* 47 W. Third Street, New York. 8-MINUTE—: ei TO HIS fiB—8-MINUTE .""b^*. 0 '^ 1 * 0 " 806 ^""i »otch Team. Sister Team, Comedian and Boubrette,^Blaekface and M smiWj? 1 * 11 ' and «ei,rew. Also EIOBT-MINOTE MONOWQCES for Rube, IIiW»1M* oranrftSf. F ld 'Hebrew and Old Maid. Every act an ORIGINAL, W-TO-BAW SOBBAB. 600.each ",f n ?.'°.? r '<"• tiM. Csahorll.0. Nostampel Other malarial. Send for catalogues aod entbusl- MARY B. P. THAYER, MOO Broad St., Providence, ■ ««&&&* *■-««« '•losedfts£"25 Romatt rln e performer, has The Thbeb Oaklkb have dosed a very Mth ,!, J. n 8»gcmenis at tie parka and successful season with theKclley 4 »'«»**» lie m,m U| L n New England, and hes joined Shoiv. No. 1. and Joined the Whitney Stock parti Stoc * Co - " d0 nta act and play Co!, this being their fifth season with Oils company. Jt.'NE Aonott and Job. D. Clutom are with Crawford's Comedians doing tho small towns under canvas, In a now pavilion, with 1,000 capacity. 11. D. Crawford Is proprie- tor and manager. Traveling in a beautiful Pullman car. Weather very warm, and busi- ness packed all the time, with the elite of the towns. Will S. Bekciier will be starred In his well known melodrama, "The Indian," under the management of Steve Williams. The tour will opn after election. A first class company has been engaged, and the paper will be a revelation to theatregoers. A good route Is being laid out for the attraction. Hot L. M ye it s has leased the Ashland, Kan., Opera House. NOTBS PROSI TUB DlXIB COMEDT Co., Llnd- ley & Sccord, managers.—We report good business through Maryland. Among the re- cent additions are: Hiss deader, lit White and La Molte Lewis. The company Is booked through Virginia and North Carolina. Jimmie AND'Krrris Elliott are meeting success with the Bush & Moore Musical Com- edy Co. The company closed a three weeks' run at the Columbia Theatre, Toledo, and opened at the Bijou, Port ilurja, Mich., Oct. T. for an Indefinite run. Job ALuiks' Notes. —Joe Marks' dramatic and vaudeville company, supporting his clever little star, Oracle Marks, opened his season Sept. 1U, In his home town, Ruth, Can. Miss Marks received many bouquets from her admirers. J. Clyde Fisher Is In advance, and the S. U. O. sign has been out Ht every engagement since the opening. Clifton Mallouy. Co. Notes.— Since open- ing, on -Sept. 1, we have done very good busi- ness. The plays are "Our Minister," "The Civil Engineer, "Across the Marshes," and Mr. Mallory's masterpiece, "David Qarrlck." The roster: Clifton Mallory, Will Bingham, Clarence James, Arthur Uell, Karle Nelson, Victoria Moore, Julia llartcr, Ivath Brower, Ethel Codling and Mrs. Clifton Mallory. Roster or thb Habbis-Pakkinson Co. — BobL II. Harris, owner and manager; Lester Smith, business manager; Cbas. Taff, Larry Conover. Bllley Meyers, Harry Fredd, Max Stevens, Ed. Waller, Boy Vogel, Harry Hacker, George Harwood, Hoy Frey, A. Peter- son, C Williams, Bud Lyle, Wm. Harrln, •■Hug" Stall. Doc Bruce, Marie Dunn, Mary Fredd, Mrs. R. Harris, Marie Latour, Pearl Walters and Daisy Marlow. We are playing fair dates through Missouri and Arkansas, and business has been phenomenal all season. a.nmell and Bowman write: "We received bo many answers from ad. we were kept very busy." Kdmond Clement, the well known French tenor, who will return to America under the management of Howard E. Potter, will make his first appearance this season In the New Aeolian Hall In a Massenet memorial, ar- ranged by the Symphony Society of New York, on Nov. 17. The following day he will begin his engagement with the Philadelphia- Chicago Opera Co., appearing in Philadel- phia in "Mlgnon." On Nov. 26 M. Clement will begin his third season at the Boston Opera House, singing In the opening per- formance of "The Tales of Hoffmann.'' Walter C. Jordan, of Sanger A Jordan. play brokers and authors' agents, soiled for Europe Wednesday, Oct. 9, on the Lusltanla, on his annual trip. He will visit all the principal theatrical centres abroad, and ex- pects to see all the new productions. He is accompanied by Mrs. Jordan. Hblen Wabb Is rehearsing in Elmer B. 'Harris' new play, "Trial Marriage," which will have its premiere in New York early in November. Prominent in the cast In support of MIbb Waro are Harrison Hunter, Eleanor Stuart, Charles A Stevenson, Harry Llllford, Krnest Stallard, Karra Kenwyn, Loretta Hcaly, Mrs. Jerome Eddy, Ed. Ellsner, H. II. Hudson and M. Toma, S. A. Kennedy writes: "Ad. O. K. Same old story—there is only one Cliweb." Ned Nelson is with Leon Washburn's Stetson's "Undo Tom's Cabin'' Company, and reports everything fine and dandy. Tub Lewis Stock Co., which has been out ail Summer, playing Idaho, Wyoming and Montana, report business quite satisfac- tory, and conditions in the Northwest are better than in a number of years past The company is playing an indefinite stock en- gagement In Great Fails, Mont., changing bills twice each week. Roster of company: C. H. Lewis, manager; Wilfred McKay, stage director; L, A. Hamy, orchestra director; Don Jurlch, leader of band; L. Fre Stein, W. E. Dawes. C. Edw. Strong, Pete Clark, E. C. Edwards, Ivor Jones, R. E. Fremstad, Dorothy Neslo, Grace Raymond, Sadie Dean, Evelyn Edwards and Bertha Lewis. Berlin, Oht., Can.. Note. — The Nellie Gill Players opened here Sept 30 to ca- pacity. They have played to same business every night this week, and every indication points to a successful stock season In this city. The company is beaded by Nellie GUI, who In the past four years has become very fiopular In many Canadian cities as a lead- ng stock woman. Miss Gill is being ably supported by B. S. Deeks. P. R. Scammon, Richard Walling, Albert Hanna, W. W. Henry, George Stnudon, Jeancttc Norland, Ada Bolam and Gertie Johnson. Chas. T. Falbs Comedy Co. Notes. —We are In our fourth week South. One more week, then we play a few weeks In South Carolina and Georgia. We will be In Florida for the Winter, where Manager Fates and Mrs. Kales arc both great favorites, and busi- ness is always very good. New scenery and effects hove been added, and, all In all, this will be one of the best equipped companies in the South. Davb Hbilmam. agent of the Mae La Porte Co., writes that his company presented "The White Sister" for the first time at Newark, O., and it was a big hit with a popular price audience. The costumes for tho play are nil from Miller, of Philadelphia, and Manager McEnroe had F. T. Bray, of tho National Theatre, Philadelphia, come on and paint the scenery, and we believe thnt we have one of the biggest and best productions ever staged In repertoire. The company is booked solid In Indiana. Ohio and Illinois, -with a few stands in Wisconsin, and we will not close before the first of June. After playing the entire Summer at Zanesvillc. O., we re- turn there n-eck of Oct. 7. for a single week's engagement, when we will present three new plnys iind some of the old ones that we played there last Summer. Joe T. Kelly, the man with "the big voice" Joined at Newark as a special vaudeville feature. Job Fiianck, manager of the National Stock Co., writes: "I wish to say that I received enough replies from your valuable ad. to organize three shows, had I so wished. With best wishes for the future of Tub i'miteii, I am, respectfully, Joe Ksanck." Harbt Lauo.nt write* thnt he Is playing In dramatic stock at the Orplwum, Belolt, Wis., is very mnch alive, and does not wlnn to be confounded with the party of the same name who woe killed 111 a .railroad wreck rsoeotly. OmBTatTDB Phbt has Joined the Gotham ■took, Brooklyn, N. Y. ONLY ONE BEST! The EMERGENCY Steel Clad Fibre or Canvas Covered Professional Trunk. Absolutely Guaranteed Our Steel Clad XXX TK Strongest in the land 81 . .|10 M • • 11 It» not the prkt thaf» hirh— as ! i 13 hot tit qrulttr 40 . . 14 J Wardrobe, Bui aid Fibre Trunks of all makes, now and second hand, at attractive prices, always on hand. Special Sis*, of Trunks or Caiti made to order. Repairing don*. No disappointment.—prompt sarrlo.. THOME STDTVESANT 384. EMERGENCY BA66A6E Hi REPAIR CO. 25 EAST 14th ST.. H. Y. CITY BRANCH I BRANCH! (NEARBWAY.) >th AVE., Cor. 18th ST. Bttj AVE.. Cor. 41st ST. "ACME" THEATRICAL TRUNK A Sensation of Strongness GUARANTEED FOR FIVE YEARS. Unquestionably th. best Prof.salonal Trunk on th. market roamrdleaa at prlc.. Made In all sixes. Send for Catalogue. Prices, INCLUDING LOWER TRAY SO In. long, 19 In. wide, fflIn. hlgb...... 114.60 82 In. long, 20 In. wide, 24 In. hlgb 116.00 84In. long. 21 In. wide, 2»ln. high §11.60 80 In. long. 22 In. wide, 28 In. high IIS.00 88 in. long, 28 In. wide, 271a. high iu.&o to in. long, 24 in. wide, Din. high tlT.oo ACME LEATHER AND TRUNK WORKS 163 N. STATE ST. CHICAGO. COSTUMES SOUBRETTE DRESSES WIGS TI8HTS GOLD AND SILVER TRIMMINGS MAKE-UP Write for Catalogue, 80 page., OOO Illustrations. FRITZ SCHOCLTZ * CO., 10 West Lake St. (Established 2B years), Chicago, lit. JOHN L. WEBER HUBERT L. WEBER IMPORTERS AND MANUFACTURERS, 143 NO. DEARBORN ST„ CHICAGO, TJ. B. A All Oooda Theatrloal'-Oatnioga Wrmm Catalog No. 2, Soubrette Gowns and Costumes. Catalog No. 3, Wigs, Tights, Make-op and Spangles . ... Catalog No. 4, Boots, Shoes and Western Goods. COSTUMES FOR AMATEUR THEATRICALS OUR SPECIALTY Are yon In need of wardrobe for the stage t We carry an Immense line of LADIB*' EVENING. DINNER and RBOHPTION GOWNS. Evening Coats and Capes, and a full line of Fur Goats and Sets. Gentlemen's Sack, (lutawky, Full Dress and Tuxedo Suits, Prince Alberts, and a full lino of Overcoats In all weights, fur lined coats, and everything pertaining to a lady or gentleman'! wardrobe, Bailable for stage or street wear. Call or write. We ship goods, 0 0. 1\, with privilege of examination. A deposit of not less than $6 required with nil orders. MRS, L. 8CI1BUBR, . 044-uao Sooth Street, between Oth and 10th Sts., Philadelphia, Pa. MEDICINE MEN. AGENTS, AND BTREETMEN. ELECTRIC BELTS VOLTAIC ELECTRIC INSOLES AND INHALERS are goods that sell and pay the big profits. Jnst what you are looking for. Send 16o. for sample Eiectrlc belt or pair of Insoles and get complete price list and lecture from the largest establishment of Its kind in the U. 8. Belts, f 1.10 dot. up; Insoles, ssc. doaen pairs up: Inhalers, ooc. doz. up. Fast seller, big profits, Bend to-day. (Estb. 1878.) Inc. 1891.) THE ELECTRIC APPLIANCE CO., Burlington, Kai. CENTRAL TRUNKS 281n., 18,50; 281c. 10.50; 82ln„ S10.B0 ; 881n.. f 11.80; 401n., 118.00. Clrcns Trunks, 24x18x18, 18.00. Bill Trunks, 80x28x16, Inside, 112.00. LI tho. Trunks, 42^x28^x12, inslds, 116.00. Shipped on receipt of 13.00, bat. C. O. D., except over 800 miles, then remit whole amount CENTRAL TRUNK FACTORY, Est 1884, SIMONS A CO., 8. W, cor. 7th A Arch Bta.. Phila. TOUPEES, GREASE PAINTS, ETC. And tho LaUit and Mott Popular 8tylit In Lidlii' Hair Drtulna A. M. BUCH & CO. 119 K. Ninth Sir—t - - - - Philadelphia, WIGS. OPERA HOUSE WANTED.—I wait to rent an Opera House li a city net lets thai 50,000. It does not make any difference to me what State the city is In. Moat be ground floor, and not seat less than In giving description state exact Beating capacity and how arranged, aire location, license and every detail in first letter. I want to open the house Monday, Nov. 11,1012, and close May 14, 1018. Figure on lowest cash rental basis. I want toe house for Stock Co. Address DR. H. D. Rl'CKEH, HOTEL TULSA, TULSA, OKLAHOMA. SECOND HIND flOWNS, SOUBRETTE DRESSES, FCRS ANDREWS SO0 So. Stale It., Chicago STOCK PEOPLR-WUI send goods on approbation. WIGS TOUPEES, TOR STAGE and STREET OSCAR F. BERNNER 109 WEST 47th STREET, NEW YORK CITY, Near Oth Ave. . LEICllNEIl'S OREASE PAINTS, P0WDB11S, ItOUOEB, ETC. TRICKS! TRICKS! TRICKS! Largest assortment of Tricks, Jokes and Novelties in (he world. Bend 2c. stamp for illustrated catalogue. 104 N. CLARK STREET. *-• T TTTTT CHUT A TAT (Main Store). *■*• J. P JwJ^OlVLrVlN lift STATE STREET, (Palmer Uoose Lobby). NEW YORK CALCIUM LIGHT CO. Electric Stage Lighting APPABATOB FOR 8AL8 0B BENT 416 HBOB 81., »■ Y. Sm 874 CfliUSEl NEW YORK COSTUME CO. Send for Catalog C. 136 pages 140 N. Dearborn St., CHICAGO PLAYS For STOCK, REPERTOIRE AMATEUR COMPANIES LAHOESr ABBOBTMBNT IN TBB WOULD. Books for bom* amusement, Negro Flays, Paper, Scenery, Mrs. Jarlty's Wax Works. Catalogue Free I Free I Free! ■AHUEL PRBNCM. BS West 89th St.. New York. COSTUMES FROM ONE TO ONE THOUSAND ORIGINAL DESIGNS BY OUR OWN ARTISTS Costumes for Private Theatricals Furnished at Short Notlc*. BROADWAY THEATRICAL COSTUME CO. 133 West 48th SU.Y, ggfeg EVERY OOMPAIMY On the road carries some of the light, strong ■ priBRB I— TRUN KS Aro YOU still using heavy wooden Trunks f WR ,TE FOB CATALOOTJB C. "^t***"' 4i Eiiisst. WILLIAM BAL, Inc. i«b, Mamst. 146 W. 45th BTBIBT, NEW YORK OTTY