The New York Clipper (October 1912)

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>' >t I OCTOBER 26 THE NEW YORK: CLIPPER. THE HOUSE OF- SELIG BBLIO FIVE A WEEK. THE IftTxNCIBLF, PROQHAM fBo" *. THBC VOICE OF* WARNING I The appealing and dramatic ntory of a child of tbo tenement districts, and her I temptation and regeneration. Teaching aBtrong moral lemon. Aoout 1000 feet. hot. a. TME: DYNAMI An exceptionally exciting story of the West. One sensational sceno shows tha blowing up of a surveying party's shack by the dynamiters. About 1000 feet. Good Western feature. not. o. HBR EDUCATION The story of an orphan girl of the Western range and her ambition to secure an education. Containing an excellent element of comedy and some exciting dra- matic scenes. Written by Marjorle Benton Coolte. Good feature. About 1000 feet. ivot.t. OARMEN OR" THE l: A romance of the South Sea Manila. A clever story told In a fascinating man. ner. Filled with the hot amorouB atmosphere of the Southlands. Picturesque In Its backgrounds. About 1000 feet. ~7T*. THE LEGtND OF THE LOST ARROW A beautiful tale of Indian romance and sacrifice. Adapted from the original Tosemlte Indian folklore stories and myths. Cleverly portrayed. On the earns reel With "ENCHANTING JAPAN." Another remarkablo Sellg educational subject deplotlng the bounties of the Oriental land. About looo feet. ANNOUNCEMENT EXTRAORDINARY :: SELIG'S GREATEST FEATURE KINGS OP THE FOREST as two reels) WILL. BE RELEASED ON MONDAY, NOV. 11, SPECIAL, Beyond all doubt this remarkable aim of wild animal lire In th« Transvaal jangles la the most daring, thrilling, hair raising, dra- matic, spectacular subject ever produced anywhere, at any time, i, y any maker. The nbaolnte feature of features. Finest line of paper ami publicity aids ever offered are being prepared for this feature. Make your preparation* now I at oncer fioolc this film to- day 11 Send In your name for "The King* of the Forest Envelope." 6/>e Selig Polyscope Co. .<&. —I 20 EAST RANDOLPH ST. CHICAGO, ILL. SELIG ROTES. "King* of the Forest." It would- be Impossible to remark the In- fluence that the exposition, of wild life has made upon tho literature of the decade, so that the lives of the far away wild animal* have taken on an almost human • Interest through, the clever exposition of writers that have studied their habits end revealed them In most fascinating form. Long ago tho Indian play gave away to the melodrama, enlisting wild animals (that were usually "doped Into domesticity for tho purposes of exhibition). This ago ot realism, now- ever, calls for a very different article—a new brand of enterprise and Intrepidity which brings wild animals In their true environ- MOVING PICTURE THEATRE LIST — O H SB A L. BE Containing 11,305 throughout United States. Guaranteed OB PER CENT. COll- HECTi maTled under * two-cent stamp. PRICE, 920.00 for the Hat, or $3.00 V" thousand far certain State*, TRADE CIRCULAR ADDRESSING COMPANY, 100 WEST ADAMS STREET, CHICAGO. and SOJATGr Sl_.X-->_E-__* Tl Besot of fine mm, M a reel and up; ai.ooott. or line stock, no worn out Sim. So. and up, 000 Set* Song Slides. »1 a set and up. A Power So. 6 Machine $100; Krtlson Kxhlbltion Machine, $80; Mods "B" Calolnm Machine, ISO. I also buy Film, Slides and Machines, If good. O. F. OALLOT TO Chrlstonhsr jtjSjA IT. Y. City. ment In touch with human beings In photo- bird with oranges, which they swallow whole, play* that are as convincing as they ore and naturalistic. The leader In his line Is the Sellg Polyscope Company of Chicago, whose animal picture plays have at once been the envy and despair ot all would-be rivals. In order to make these, plays Intimate, striking and potential, the Sellg Compaoy concluded that tho rental of wild animals was Impracticable for obtaining big moving results In tho pictorial and natural way. W. N, Sellg accordingly purchased a three hun- dred acre tract near Los Angeles, where he established a wild animal farm, patterned after the most famous zoological garden In Europe (the Ilagcnback collection In Ham' la another feature view during the picture's run; the trimming ot tho bird of Its plumes, and a final view of plumes ready for wear. It furnishes good, substantial entertainment. Tod. "Cairo, Egypt" (Klnenmcolor). Excellent photography and Interesting scenes mark this travelogue offering. It Is also valuable as an educational subject. Tod. "Gentleman Joe" (Lnbln), Released Oct. IS. A dramatic story, with tho loss of memory burg), environing his animals In a way to Idea used as a means ot foundation. gh of bis character In shown \ Jj loves the mmth and numerous other exhibitions have members who were attending tho seventh daughter of his former employer, a proud been requested of Sir. Dobbs. But his um- BBblenjan, who has Just been guillotined, and bltlon Is to place thorn In a permanent kter, when she herself la thrown Into prison homo on Broadway, If possible, and that to await a similar fate, the dovoted fellow they will win popular favor Is beyond doubt. •Mains her release by bribery.. But the mat-. ter Is soon brought to the eara of Robe- Silcere, who signs Vlgot'a death warrant. ven his former deeds and seal In behalf of. the new government cannot - save him; his ESSANAY HEWS, make them feel absolutely at home, The big Sellg successes In this line, "Back to the Primitive," "Captain Kate," "Lost In the Jungle" and others of less pretention, have Inspired more Interest In their release than any Polyscoplc plays ever produced. The practical experiences of the past have led to a more daring diversion In a new ani- mal piece, entitled "Kings of the Forest." which Is said to havo reached the acme ot sensation—not In the mere exhibit of trained animals, but In their habits as they naturally kill and forago In the Jungle. "Kings of tho Forest" has a big heart- throb based upon the mother's love for her child, that Is quickened to a tremendous de- gree through the foray of a man-eating lion that visits the wagon where the lone child la sleeping on the cWlgo of the desert. Tho idea of a lion stalking Its prey Is Interesting In Itself, but tho sight of It leaping upon the quarry and dragging It away to Its cave Is something difficult to describe. This Is one of the big episodes* In this new wonder from the Sellg Polyscope Co. Tub Sblio Polyscope Co. acted as host at their mammoth plant on the Northwest side of Chicago, during tho forenoon of Wednesday, Oct. 10, to nearly seven hundred ""ng tho seventh annual convention of the American Meat Packers' Association In the city. Tho visit-' lng body mado their trip to the plant In some hundred and fifty automobiles, with Tod. pennants flying and flags waving.. At 11 o'clock, as the packers arrived at the Sellg Slant, a moving picture waa made by tho cllg cameras of their npproach. Two hours Tom Gordon returns to his luxurious home In the city, after a visit to his sweetheart's country home. "Gentleman Joe," a Ilaffies typo of burglar, enters Tom's bouse, and after carelessly laying his gun on the dining room table, Is busy packing away -the silver- ware when discovered by Tom, well armed. Tom calls tho pollco by 'phone, but wblla doing so Joo hurls a largo stein at htm, which strikes Tom on tho head, and upon regain- ing consciousness bo is left without his rea- son. Joo realties tbo pollco nro about due, and changing clothes with Tom, turns htm over as the thief. Tom la Jailed. Later, while attending a dance, Joo meets and falls In lovo with Alice. Tom's sweetheart, and wishing to present ner with somo Bort of a firescnt, ho picks from among his plunder a iracclct which Tom had taken from her to be repaired. Alice recognises the bracelet as hers, and with suspicions aroused, sbo visits pollco headquarters, whero Tom's memory Is re- stored to Its natural condition, and "Gentle- uinn Joe" is soon after shadowed and caught. Though the Idea Is nn old one, tho produc- tion Is fairly well dono and got over nicely. Tod. .earn to Write Scenarios for Moving Picture Plays Orcat demand. Bis prices. No arest literary THE EMERY COURSE will talent necessary, teach you how to work mem out, and wAtrs to Mil them. Leam In stew months at emeu cost. Under personal instruction of ln« C. Emory—author, odltor end lueirwtivu ui iiihv. nmi'17—auiuur, uuuui mm publisher. Aleo Emery Counea In Short Story Writing, Move! Wi E for Booklet Mil. rriunir. Novel Willing and Journalism. Intercontinental University TfeiUulM, D. v. Chartered by D. S. Cmgrtu. Founded by Me late Supreme Cttwrl JuettM Darld J. Ameer. former Senator Cnaunoev M. Dejxw, tdumri Sverett Uaie, Judge Martin A. Knapp awi otter /amoue mn. KlJFvUASBS. LICENSED FILMS. Es sonny. Oct. 22.—"The Tomboy of Par Z" (Dr.) Oct. 28.—"Bringing rather Around" (Oom.) Oct. 24.—"The Thrifty Parson" (Oom.) Oct. 2B.—"Nunahlno" (Dr.) Oct. 20.—"Tho llani-h Olrl's Trail" (Dr.) Oct. 20.—"Miss Slmklns' Hummer Hoarder" (Oom.) Oct. 80.—"The Letter" (Dr.) Oct. 81.—"The Flahcrman's Luck" (Oom.) Nor. 1.—"The Moving Klngtr" (Dr.) Nov. 2.—"Tho Mother of tbo D Sellg-. Oct. 21.—"A Sad Devil" (Oom.) Oct. 22 "So-Jun-Wab. and Ibo Trlbsl L«k" (Dr.) ••Tevn-iin If Bench" (Dr.) the new government cannot^ wve nim.nis. _.._ „ „_ ., ... . . .. la ter ,„,„ Bnmo p | cturo wna exhibited to 5LSU5umtU3 N & ta-ff®^%?^^^tnrS tojmi-wE&l-A'U* trloclpal roles are very well taken^ through •at, and this scenes allowing scterlstlc costumes deterring of the highest praise as a historical iroductlon. .' . . DOBBS' ALASKAN PICTURES HERB. (S-iJIJ Rlcnil Cafe. Tho packors expressed them- sfacl^ogeferwUhtbeg^t S^^^JjH^.^®"® SB? .TO. ^eSST^^S^m ng crowds of people In the chnr- a *f" ul !f.J B ,0 fl ,™ r H ffiffltt* S-EtVKE *»« trip through the Sellg Institution, and , tt"HJ!-! b »JK" n .« , £TJ».Kr.- rmmed.ate l9 fu u"re 1S Tbe'nh SLTI i"_£ each and everf one will ^doubtcdly .be an enthusiastic follower of Sellg pictures In the future. Beverly B, Dobbs, tho explorer of beard- sf land*. Is in New York with IS,000 feet Tbo Justice's decision marked ono step In a tangle of litigation between the Majestic Motion Plcturo Co. nnd the Motion Plcturo Distributing and Sales Co. The former con- cern asked the court to order tho latter to distribute Us films on tho same terms as It distributes Its own. Justice BIscholf declined to grant tho order on tho ground that a monopoly In the dlstrl- Immedlato future. The photoplay was pro duccd at tho suggestion of Dr. Qcorgo B. Young, tho well known Chicago health com- missioner, and Is tho starting of a campaign of education Involving tho Important use of the motion picture. Dr. C. St. Clair Drake, of the Chicago Health Board, arranged tho distribution of motion plcturo films Is not a tf his most .wonderful moving pictures of scenario, nnd the lllm will bo put out as a scrvlco for tho "furthcrunco ot tho public Alaska, and summing up . the exhibition regular releaso by tho Essanay Co. It will good." which Mr. Dobbs gave at tbo Museum of also bo shown In connection with the travcl- Katural History on Friday, 1 Oct. 18, he will lng exhibit of the Woman's City Club. Tho le able to remain In New York Just as long as story of tho photoplay Illustrates In a moat le exhibited In cities along the Pacific Coast, startling way tho lax methods of physicians where his name alone now assures aatisfac- and parents In not registering tho birth ccr- tlon to our brothers and sisters ot those, tlflcatcs ot their children, and In direct con- Kits. trast, portrays the Immediate registering of Mr. Dobbs' pictures were enjoyed by tho dogs and the rushing business done at this writer after having; viewed "movies" for office. The result of parents' negligence Is . four previous hours, but extraordinary en- vividly depleted when tho boy, whose birth button of motion picture Alms cannot be for- lertalnment will renew anyone's vitality, and' ccrtlflcato has carelessly been recorded, Is bidden ns a monopoly which contravenes tho that this exhibition did that was evldenco refused permission to attend school, falls to public welfare, lefore the first one hundred feet hod been rind office employment, cannot obtain a mnr- run nit. ' riage license, and seeks In vain to establish A tourographolog It Is In every sense of his right to an Inheritance, all because of tho the word. Starting from Seattle. Mr. Dobbs' inck of a birth certificate. Tho film will un- flcturej take you oa a most thrilling, Inter-, doubtedly go a long way toward arousing istlng and educational trip through tho heart public interest In such vital matters, ef Alaika's Ice and snow, and land you In Augustus Carney, Essanay's world fa- the Northern gold fields, where a $00,000 m0 us "Alkali" Ike, Is having tho reception «loan-up I* shown In operation, and the mam- 0 f his life In Chicago at present. Ever since moth gold dredgers at work. Then you are Carney appeared in person at the Orphcum tailed from Behrlng Sea Into the Arctic Theatre, two weeks ago, and addressed tho Ocean; a Polar bear chase and capture fur- enormous crowds, Chicago photoplay theatre alihes exciting entertainment. Tho bear Is managers are clamoring for his services, hoisted aboard the boat and, after being Carney addressed the audiences of the Lyda washed and skinned, we proceed on our trip Theatre, Forty-eighth Avcnuo and Lake and land at Cape Prince of Wales, whero street, during the past week, and met pcr- fhe Eskimos are shown at work nnd at play, sonally every man, woman and child in tho Returning to the good ship Sea Wolf. Mr. neighborhood. Tho Lyda was packed to tho Dobbs takes you on a cruise' to Siberia, doors throughout the evening shows, and "The Miracle" (New York Film Co.) This Intense dramatic plcturo story is superbly nctcd and magnificently produced. Its sccncs»arc laid In Ocruiany, wkcro tho picture was made from tho play of that name. A beautiful young girl, Sister Bea- trice, takes up the vows of a nun In tbo cloister, but later falls In love with a gallant young knight, nnd he persuades her to run off with him to his rastlc, where they llro together In luxury until bo finds-a new love And when ho has lost most of his fortune while gambling, ho also gambles and loses tbo girl who broko her religious vows for him. Sho tempts her gunrdlnn, and after killing him with his own sword, sbo escapes from tho caatlo of the knight who won her, with tbo aid of an old itntcmnn. who had learned to love her as his daughter. They are captured by a hand of robbers, and Ben Oct. 28.—''Tempted by Necesilty" (Dr.) Oct. 24.—"The Awakening" (Dr.) Oct. 25.—"The. Blwa Onnsl en.I Shooting the nap- Ids of tho Kataurasawa,.Japan" (Kdu.l On samo reel, "ileitis* Atmosphere" (Com.) Oct. 28,-v'A Flshcrboy's Faith" (Dr.) illci Oct. 20 "Jlm'a Vindication' Oct. 80.—"A Beart In Bags" Oct. 31.—"Her Blller Lesson" Nov. 1—"His Wedding Bvo" Cine*. (0. Klclne.) Oct. 21.—"Tho Lion Tamer's Oct. 22.- (Dr.) (Dr.) (Dr.) (Oom.) B«Tengo" (Dr.- Special). On tiro roela. -"The Iiivltnl Oneet" (Oom.) On aame reel, "Ascoll I'lCCDO, Boutlicru Italy** oho tempts her gunrdlnn, and after Oct. 20.—"A Turn of Fortuno AN IMPORTANT DECISION. Justice Blschoff Inst week held that tho trlco falls In love with tbo lender of the highwaymen, but tbo old gateman Is sent away. lie notifies tho young knight, nnd where trading with the natives by tho light the appearance of "Alkali" In his Western of the midnight sun is Indulged In, and the g Br b was tho signal for wild demonstrations natives entertain you with their own po- on the part of his admirers. Ocorgo II. rullsr stylo of singing and dancing. Then nines, manager of .tho Lyda, was only too follows a visit to tie, Copper River country proud to escort "Alkali" to his homo for FILM S REVIE WED, "Mnnlry Bench, New Sonth Wnlc»" (Klnenmcolor). A very Interesting scenic picture, showing scenes at this famous bathing resort during the busy season. Tho many surf views aro magnificent, while the very "mannish" bath- ing costumes worn by the frolicsome females naturally adds to one's curious appreciation. It Is good. Tod. "(Utiiiul, Belfxium" (Klnenmcolor). Another good ocean scenic picture showing water views and the bathers at this pleasure resort. The Klnemscolor Company should And both this and tho Manley Beach reel In demand. Tod. with" bis soldiers tbey aro led to tho robbers' den by tho old man. A spirited fight ensues. In which tho young knight nnd the leader of the highwaymen aro killed. The girl Is n*- pentant, and making her way back to tho church she finds that Virgin Mnry had taken her place and made her absence unknown. Virgin Mnry returns to her plncn on tho pedestal, while Sister Beatrice dnns tho old cloister robes, and the film ends showing her worshiping at tho shrine of tho Virgin. Though the story Ik most Impt'oliublc, Mm production Is commendable. Dora (lelsen plnyed the port of Sister Bcntrlce realisti- cally, and upon her excellent work rests tho greater part of this remarkable picture's suc- cess. The plcturo Is In four reels, nnd was shown privately nt tho Manhattan Theatre, Frlilny morning, Oct. 18, but will bo put before the public as soon as A. J. Dnnzlgcr, the owner, can secure a suitable theatre In New York. Al. II. Woods, tho theatrical producer, claims to hold tho rights to producing "Tho Mlraclo" In this country, and he has threat- ened to brine suit against tho New York Film Co.. should they present It publicly. Tho plot of tho film Is much tho same as that of the piny, "Sister Beatrice," and tho Oat. 28 scenic effects nro very beautiful. It was mado by the Continental Kunst Film Concern of Berlin. Toil. (Dr.) Oct. 20.—"Straw Bats Mado in Florence, It- aly" (Ind.) Oa »nmo reel, "MnHqin-t and Turkish Palaces" (Trarel), anil "Venetian Lace Works" (Itnl.) Nov. 2.—"A Bead for a Head" (Dr.) Eollpae. (0. Kleloo.) Oct. 23.—"A Persistent Fly Swatter", (Oom.) On same reel, "Making Briar I'lpes" (tail.) and "In tho Ossau Valley, Pyrenees, France" (Travel). Oct. 80.—"A Unco tor Honor" (Dr.) . Bdlaon. Oct. 21.—"KItly at Boarding School" (Oom.) On Kuino reel, "Mother Goose In a Six- teenth Ocntury Theatre" (Uoni.) Oct. 22.—"At the Masquerade Ball" (Dr.) Oct. 23.—"At Home In tho Water"- (Dos.I On same reel, "Tho Boy Bangers" (Com.) Oct. 28 "Tho Affair at Ilaynor'a" (Dr..) Oct. 20.—"Youn.j Mra. Raton' 1 (Dr.) . Oct. 2H.—"Tho Land Beyond (he Sunset" (Dr.) Oct. 20.—"Burma, nougoon, India" (Drs.) tm Mioo reel, "Bringing Homo the Pup" proud along tho coast; line of Southwestern Alaska, dinner, a "The Lnaa of Gloimter" (Pnthe). Helen-nil Oct. 10. Betty Lane, n fisherman's daughter, Is In (Com.) Oct. 80.—"Copper Mines at Bingham, lltnh" (scenic). On same reel, "A Hii'rrii- gctto In Bplto of Himself" (Com.) : VttneTraph. - Oct. 21.—"Poor Days if Widow" (Com.). .' Oct. 22 "Tho Spirit of the llango" (Dr.) Oct. 23.—"An KxiKuislve Milne" (Coin.) On same reel, "Scenes of Irish Llfo In Dublin" (Scenic). Oct. M.—"Tho TViymaker" (Dr.) Oct. 23.—"Faithful tnlo Death'' (Dr.). Ot. 211.—"In lb* Furnace Fire" (Dr.) "None hut the Bravo Deserve Una Fair" (Dr.) Oct. 20.—"Bunny at the Derby" (Oom.) On same re.-l. "Juat Luck" (Oom.-Dr.) Oct. 30.—"Poet and Peasant" (Dr.) Oct. 31.—"On the Line of Peril" (Dr.) Lnbln. Oct. 21.—"Just Maine Folks" (Oom.-Dr.) Oct. 22—"In the Scrvlco ot (he State" (Or.) Oct. 24.—"The OM Chess Player" (Com.-Dr.) Oct. 26.—"Down With the Men" (Oom.) On same reel, "Tho Noodle Industry" find.) •'Tim fl "The Otter" (Klnpinncolor). _nd the sirloin steak "oat "ABcall" Several species of this flsh-eatlng aquatic love, with John Monroe Sim meets am I, allowing beautlfuf scene, la Copper Klvcr d0 mo fshed wul^ not 'at III In keeping with animal are Shown In this picture. Wellent ^»1S* '^i*,^ $'"& Valley, Its mountains and glaciers, and then his diminutive staturo. "Alkali Ike's Hants'- camera work was accomplished In gctt ng ffi-V'TTrsC« to clot a tvltl an ascent Is made on an aerial tram bucket waa tho lllm shown that caused the greatest elose up views of theBo queer rat-IIko looking fflSJ»_S ta »S!SJ^ 1 2 i homo to irather ° Pt ' ««—"«•«. Forest Bsnger" (Dr.) line, up forty-five hundred feet to tho Bo- demonstration ever seen In tho theatre. Mr. animals, and tbo pictures are commendable. »L m ^!S* , iJMli^JEr l l^ , !l^ii > JPiStS Oct-?«—::*» W* Qlrl's Lovo" .(Oom.-Dr.) tunte. mine, the richest copper mlno In tho Hlnes declared ho never saw a film "go so Views abovo and below tho water aro jhown world. * ■ big," and is preparing to hold a carnlvol of It la interesting from beginning to end. Wo were unconsciously tugging at out "Alkali" pictures for the perpetuation of Ton. Imaginary big fur coat and gloves about this hilarity among his patrons. Meanwhile period when Mr. Dobbs anlshcd what part "Alkali" Is being featured In some comic of the pictures ho had to show with a true masterpieces at tho Essonay Chicago studio, enough walrus hunt, showing tho herd of that aro booked for November release. walrus being discovered by one of. tho Eskl- Oboboih K. Spoor, president of the Kssa- pos, his notifying the natives, who came nay Co., returned from Phtlndelphln tho past from their Igloos and take up the chase, week, Two days spent In tho Quaker City Their hauling of tho great whalcboats over were plenty, according to Mr. Spoor s re- tho Ico to tho open water, the launching of ports, and he slept soundly^ all the while, the boats, tho harpooning and landing of the Great place for Insomnia that, walrus, and the removal of tho skin nnd tusks. "The liiiHliiiiiti'ii Story" (Klneiun color). A well produced drama In two parts, tells of how a husband showed his wife, who waa about to elope with another man, the ills up her belongings, tho stranger stimulates too frcclv with a bottle of liquor. John Is on hand to stop tho elopement upon tho girl's return, but a blow with bottle, In tho hands of tho Btronger, fells him. Reaching tho anchored yacht, tho girl's new lover ace! Oct. 20.—"Tho Family Next Door" (Dr.) Oct. at.—"The Heavenly Voice" (Dr.) Nov. I—"Fixing a Flirt" (Oom.) Nov. 2,—"Paraou James" (Dr.) Pathe. Oct. 21.—"Patho's Weekly, No. «." m™i *•&«.«"-?»:"-?i:' fi™««H Sa-wsr&rarwjfr jki oa thoro Is no hope of saving two lives from , amo ^i .. oul xoledo" tho burning boat, ho proceeds to save himself. Colored). But John spies tho girl alone on the yacht Oct. 20.—"The Simple Life" (Com,) r.) <Tr aval* astrous end sho might come to by relating and loses no tlmo in making tho rescue and Oct. M,—"Llttlo Bsven's Sweetheart" (Dr.) to them the story ot an old mansion-. Tbo wife of u wealthy man Is about to elope with her young lover, but on their Tun Essanay Co. Is arranging to send a jjj th nrc mft jj» » ho hugDan(li wn0 gud , company of players to » ha ,": «• Y " 5? r f 'T donly taken HI In his office, returns home. Mr. Dobbs only showed about 8,000 feet of jmrposp of securing some corWng g °<> a ™°l Th e wife explains that she and her hus- Jlm at this exhibition, but It would be next hall pictures at Cornell Un "«"*■'™r band's friend' were Just going for a walk, to JmpoBslble to And such a magnlOcent us- doro Wharton, dl£« ctor ,. 0 5 m tn , l ;,„ co S,P" ny ; r " P and the husbnud. believing otherwise, Bug- Mysterious re-wlnnlng Betty's love. Tho plot Is worthy of stronger acting. Tho rcRcuo scene, however, causes a little thrill, but the main Interest of tho picture centres upon tho decidedly pretty faco ot the girl. Tod. Oct. 2S.—"Tom Thumb" (Trick). On biiuio reel, "The Hermit Orali" (Science). Oct. 20 "Tho Light That Failed" (Dr.) rr?"ii,f 0 n?*r n7 n ttfir a"" the husbnud, believing •ortment ot ArcHc views. In most pictures turned tho past week fr« t X l , S, n V,°r pests that all three visit the aero ls_a tendency to .dwell too long upon ™ffi^i£™^g*J°^$%iM Mansion. . Arriving, be tells .them .tl <mo scene, which quickly wearies the on- Whartpn nns a numner .01 "ceii.-iii. '"»•■'"'.'.' mory of the fnlthiesB wife of the baron who looker, but Mr. Dobbs used excellent Judg- scenarios^on hand that wll IW' spte nuin |ong agQ occupled tll(} rn , n) , d cagt , c of ,, ow "Like Knlffht* of Old" (Edison). Released Oot. 10. Tho story Is a comedy, and tells of a ., young girls ambition to marry a iicro i o font In his exposures throughout these pic- films with tho hearty co-operation of tho tnc » ba * M , rpt urnlng home one day. suspected those who won famo in tho days of her nn- tures, and wheh this preliminary exhibition Cornell team . . „ nott .„ r of Fl!( ,„ nnv 'g his wife of having a caller, and how she re- $J" tor8 -. SWVSl^SSff Z' ', . , was concluded, it was evidenced that he was „ Tan b» offl y ^ f» f K ™ » ^ himband ((> „„„,,.„ a M^Ut t^l^±WtJum^ M^._t^mgJt^ «« pleased with the enthusiasm that the nu- "Broncho Billy' ulrns. W J«> O,-.* 1 - *. 1^?l: clothes closet. Immediately the nobleman to" 1 " 1 " / r P c . r ' c , nc " f h "^ on J,,,,„'J,,,. «ni nl>o t d enco showed as was the audlenco with tho and tho "Alkali Ike" comedies -wit a servants and ordered them to seal years before, and of how. when she » abo;it V'ctures. gustus.Carney, Is fully reaUjed byenn Mn s d t„ „„ beheaded, n hero nppeored, the exatt mjESfr ^hhs may bo a newcomer to New sSEr*. B P'eBent, but as soon as he has \J.l '^.Pictures all Ironed Into tiptop ahune ano tho natural effects working as they did wL. "J'W, cWe * l« Which they were shown wrote h e decided to give us a visit, his ,,ff„ »»1 undoubtedly become as big an ad- v n ~ ~ to . tno Picture crazed public hero In .with Ks«an«ir« ''"^ c r r " n ''c„ nc /a n d Stella Kosctta, as tho wife, and Jack llram- popularity trio this—Anderson, tnrncy ana ^ ^ _ |o » good wof ^ wh||e th(j IluBhman I tgJ, the picture crazed pti BJ™ ,T crk , ns n Is In Philadelphia, Chicago, rm!L ra " < ' ,s co. Sacramento. Hcnttle and the ■■■1 other dtlc3 along the const whero ■ney wore Bhown. enred V 0 **"* h «>ltable theatre ran be se- ture theatres for tho acceptsnee of coupons eared l„ Now Jork, nnd.arrange-n.nt,.made which.they dlstrlbut^wlt^a e^ta^WJ* JOSEPH COTtOlY HNOAOED. Tnsenb Conoly has Joined the business staff of BmrlyB. Dobbs, tho Arctic explorer and lecturer _____ Tim Amfjrican Tobacco Ca has entered Into nn agreement with nearly all the■ ph> characters In the nlctured story ^f the hus- ' illy acted by Linda Griffith and Gaston Bell. band were capitally acted by Guy Oliver, The double story Is good, consistently told and excellently produced. < Tod. "The Ostrich Farm" (Klnemaeolor). This is tho fourth subject of the "Peeps Into Nature" series that tho' Klnemaeolor company' sre putting on- the market for 8*»?Vt n,,mlt - d BtM ' Mr. bSbbs will put of their goods, for admissions The tohacc. gtsa pictures before the public. • They will company redeems the coupons with n boftu * shown at Carnegie Hall sometime this of ttvo per cent ■ company arc ijuiuuk *m ■■"" hihip..-.. . .« ma v* ivi-«ri 6B , *«« v^.,. u ....... ............ ~, — - & a very Interesting picture, showing the birth crash, tho floodlne of tho ship, the rescue of o of the bird by tho breaking of tho egg by ono passengers, and tho sinking ot the boat are ■ of the breeders, and its rapid growth In com- realistically pictured. It U commendable. narlaoawlth a chicken. Feeding tho full grown Toa. parlson with a chicken. Feeding tho full grown INDEPENDENT FILMS. Cianmont. Oct. 22.—"A Country Scunilsl" (Com.-Dr.) Oet. 24.—"Love" (Ouiu. I iJn aaiua reel, "Oallno Mnrrleii a Suffragette" (Com.) Oct. 21.—"A Domestic Treasure" (Com.-Dr.) On same reel, "Tho Uorgcs of Albuquerque" (Scenic). Oct, 81.—"Zuologlcal Siiecliaens of the Pond" (Kd.) On sniiM' reel, "Bruges, tho Ve- nice of tho North" •.Scculc). . Hellnuce. Oet. 28.—"Johnny nn Mm Spot" (Com.) On same reel, "How Jack Won Out" (Com.) Oct. 20.—"A Wireless Miracle" (Dr.) Comet. Oet. 21.—"She Married a Item" (Com.) Oct. 2U.—"Tho Mule Iliuieji Mystery" (Dr.) Oet. 2K.—"Dowlry's Trluni|ih" (Dr.) Nov. 2.—"A Tenrpcal In a Teapot" (Dr.) Nor. 4.—"A Four Cornered Wedding" (Oom.) Ma Jostle, work of'divers and the r |ise of huge derricks Oct. 22.— "Loto and War" (Dr.) In clearing waters of wrecked ships. Tod. Oct. lit. —"A Woman Alone" (Dr.) Lax. Jet. 25.—"All Through a Bank Note" (Oom.) On same reel, "Stick It, John" (Com.) Nov. 1.— "Oh! My Pipe" ICmii.) On same reel, "Henpecked'* Bid for Kr.>*<li>ni" (Com.) ——— * i Lily Bbanrcomhb closed her engagement as leading lady with tho ICssnnay Film Co., Oct. 12, and Is taking tier llrst vacation In Km.m anii Exhibition Co.. of Manhattan, has licen Incorporated aj) Albany by Ignatius A. Bcanncll, William it. flayers and James II. Uordon. "Shipwrecked and Ieeheru*" (New York Film Co.) This two reel picture deals with the Ti- tanic disaster. Is well produced, nnd shows characters made up to represent somo of the well known victims who were aboard of thnt fatal liner. . t , ,. The embarking of the passengers, the sight- It Is lng of icebergs, tho confusion caused by tho three years Tun Educationai