The New York Clipper (October 1912)

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OCTOBER 26 THE NEW YOEK CLIPPER. 9 Chas. Baker — Bertha Gibson PRODUCER SOTJBRETTE OF TEDDY 8IMONDS AUTO QIRL8 «i»BARRETT**; DUNN PRINCIPAL COMEDY AND STRAIGHT. With Bloalln Ronge Co. LOYEY MARY GREENE T HE AHWA HELP OT BUKXK8QTOB, with tfc« "Wlxmlng Widow" BIO BIG FRANK STANHOPE, ED. BRURY, HARRY FRASiKEL, ■ftl G- FRANK PICKETT. flOSTE CARLO uiKl-sl BIC3- "The Boys Behind the Laughs" WATSON and COHAN MYSTERIOUS VALDO #*&£ AN0 IRVING HAY 8t Si» ht With MISS NEW YOHK JR. EDDIE B. COLLINS STARRING FOB Charles Daniels, In "Whirl of Mirth." TOD BROWNING PLAYING OPPOSITE EDDIE COLLINS WHIRL OF MIRTH CLYDE J.BATES Character Comedlaa—Wblrl of Mirth Vedder THAT DANOIXO AND SINGING SOBBRBTTE COLUMBIA BURLBSHOBH8 BACK ON THE JOB JOE EMERSON "THE BUM" With COLUMBIA BURLESQ.UER8. DICK MADDOX CHARACTER COMEDIAN. with "LADY BU0OANEEBS ,, HARRY STEPPE THAT HEBREW GENT. With THE LADY BUCCANEERS. WILLIAM HARRISS THE GENTEEL STRAIGHT HAN With LADY BUCCANEERS JUST With MONTE CARLO GIRLS. SELLA CLATTON The Little Girl with the Sweet Voice With MONTE CARLO GIRLS Flnt Time Oat and a Big Hit HARRY WELSH COMEDIAN With MONTE CARLO GIRLS Arthur Laning STRAIGHT AND CHARACTERS WITH MONTE CARLO 0IRL8 BELLE TRAVERS LEADING WOMAN WITH MONTE PABLO GIRLS Harry Fields THE HEBREW FUNSTER Principal Comedian with the MERRY MAIDENS. Geo. F. Hayes -EZERIAH 8LO0UJI." RURAL EXPERT CROK- ONOLOQIST. MERRY MAIDENS. Clara Douglass Racket. _ . SINGING" OMEDIENNE ■ the Leading Feminine Role, BIO GAIETY CO. I Lee Sisters and Willie Hack Erat.rtalnen In 801111 and Duett, With THE MOOUHTIOCQE CO. JOHN E. RILEY "THE BUMPING IRISHMAN." T. W. DINKINS' YANKEE IMIODLK GIRLS CO Reese and Mitchell Featured with THE DAZZLEHg. VIRGINIA KELSY PRIMA DOltNA With FOLLIES OF THE DAY. 1913-13 BLANCH BAIRD and her "Stan of Btageland." BACK IN BURLESQUE Bat not in the bock line, JOE DIXON JUST JOINED THE "ORIENTALS" WITH THE COLUMBIA BURLESQUERS EL GLEVE THE SCOTCH XYLOPHONE ARTIST With GIRLS FROM RENO. COLLINS and MADISON Present "THE GIRLS FROM RENO" With MIKE COLLINS The Show that's getting the money on the Empire Circuit. DOLLY FIELDS THE YIDDISH 6IRL, with the Funny Slide With GIRLS FROM RENO. ANNA GRANT Principal Bny With "HIGH LIFE IN BURLESQUE." MAY YUIR PHIMA DON MA. With "PACE MAKERS." IVIona Raymond THE 910.000 BEAUTY With MATT. KENNEDY'S TIGER LIL1E8. Harry COLE and HASTINGS Anna (WHITEHAWK) . -. *B- (BEDFEATHEB) With MATT. KENNEDY'S TIGER LILIES. HARRY LE VAN With Dixon's Big Review GEO. F.HOWARD At SILAS HEMLOCK WITH DIXON'8 BIG REVIEW HUGHIE BERNHARD With Tom Miner'* BOHEMIANS Edwin and Delores Trevor With JACOBS A JERMON'S ATTRACTIONS JOHN A. SERVAS SCENIC STUDIO SUPERIOR DIAMOND DYE TRUNK SCENERY We equip Vaudeville) Aet» or entire shows at moderate prices. Artistic work- manahlp. Auk performers or managers who have our scenery. Write for esti- mate. Anallne and Water Color Scenery. Outdoor Display Banners, etc. JOHN A. SERVAS STUDIO, - 6 MILL ST., ROCHESTER, N. Y. Young Leading Man FOR REPERTOIRE WHO CAN ACT. NO SALARY TOO HIGH, IF RIGHT. AVIS PAIGE. Snlem Theatre, Salem, Mass. THE HOOKER-HOWE COSTUME CO. IN THEIR NEW QUARTERS, are New England's Largest and Best Equipped Theatrical Mail Order House and Manufacturing Costumers. Catalog Free. BOX 705, HAVXRH1XX, MASS. IVanted to WILLIAM TRIPLETT \S"P*«olre, several dee table people of wide experience; only those jSj^SSiSBBSSiSfSA rUnM?"* 'operative, specialties preferred. To misrepresent ft to regret. Agent, PJMj»t andj»»»w"h machine ana reels may also write. Address J. R. MITCHAL, gltlamore, Mo. Pour Big Parody Hits for $1.00 ?JvS?i^? n " T On'RE MY BABT.» "GOODBYE, ROSR." "GARDEN OF LOVE." ''OCT TOO ALONB m-NIQHT," ntao Bight lUnnteMonolqgt for 60 cents. Address „ _ ARMttTRONGf AND CHARETTB, 508 Fifth Are., ". *roy, a. ¥. AT IT AGAIN JOE BURTON SOME TAD Now with the Orientals. Gertrude De lilt (Soubr.tto) "THE GIRL WITH THE SHH.E" Now with the ORIENTALS BOB DEMING CHARACTER COMEDIAN Miner's "Americans." JUDGE J. Theo Murphy Holding court with Dante's Daughters. WEARING A CHIN PIECE COMEDIAN. With Ohm. E. Taylor's "DANTE'S DAUGHTER." EUGENE WEST — AND — CATHERINE HENRY In "BLANCHE" A Play In 1 Aet Br CATHERINE HENRY Now a feature with 81m Williams' "Girls From Joyland" Co. Biggest Dramatic- Sketch Hit In the history of Burlesque. SINQIiE With WINNING WIDOWS Direction of MAX SPIEGEL. AT LIBERTY, LITTLE JOHNNY DALE Bnrlesqne Best Juvenile. Igg closed with the "COLLEGE GIRLS." Lew Fein PRINCIPAL COMEDIAN, With Teddy tlmond's "AUTO GIRLS." HYDE & BEHMAN AMUSEMENT COMPANY Temple Bar Building, Brooklyn, N. V. STAR THEATRE Brooklyn GAYETY THEATRE Brooklyn GAYETY THEATRE Pittsburg STAR AND GARTER Ohioago NEWARK THEATRE Newark. N.J. s 8th Ave. Thea. - • Mont* Carlo Glrli People's Zillah't Own Show Doner's, Bronx • - Lady Buccanenrt Miner's, Newark, - High Ufa In Burltiqui ELECTIONS Don't Worry Vn~. Wanted, Juvenile Man; also Specialty Lady who can act a little. Touting South. Votaries of Bacchus dealt with summarily. HARRY LINDLEY and 8ECORD, Dixie Comedy Co., Delmar, Delaware, WANTED AT ONCE JUVENILE LEADING MAN Also General Business Artiste State age, height, weight. Send program and photos. Address CHAS. P. G1LMORE, Hippodrome Theatre Oswego, N. Y. WANTED PERFORMERS FOR MEDICINE SHOW AddreBS DR. JOHN E. FOYE, Fairmont, W. Va . WANTED STREET COMEDIAN with guitar or banjo forall Winter's workSonth. Address DWIGHT WILCOX, Tcxsrkana, Tex. Sketches, Parodies, etc, written to order. Prices and terms reasonable. De ROSE St RHODES, Mss., Box 136, Sonth Bend, Ind. At Liberty, Med. Lecturer Strong money getter, or will cut with good team. 1)00 KELLKY, Gen. Del., OHIOAGO, ILLS. Wasted, 6ood Black Fad Medicine Coiedlai Prefer one that plays their own music. Work In State all and lowest. Address SHAKER DOCTOR, Gen. Delivery, Eransvllle, Ind. 1 03 MAflIC TRICKS "Sfflar j oa. O. KLEIN, HOT Broadway,V Y. MIITI!. DESIGNING ENGRAVING Company 0S» and 08* Grand St. Brooklyn N. Y. Tel. 30M Stagg. New York Offlee, 1409 Broadway Tel. MM Greeley. EUGENE HEOSMENDINGER Doing bosliess at the old staid. All Correspondence, payments, etc., seit direct to Tel., «T1 John. E. HEMHBIf DINGER, 40 John Street, N. Y. City. BURLESQUE HEWS LVER'S BOWERY MOTES TO PEOPLE'S. BURLESQUE GETS NEW HOME. In the history of New York's Bast slda nothing has ever created such a theatrical sensation an. tho announcement that Miner's Bowery burlesque la about to move to tba People's Theatre, one block above the old stand. When the startling news was first conveyed to the public by tnany-hued posters old timers rubbed their eyes—they could scarcely believe that Miner's Bowery Thea- tre, tho genuine home of real burlesque, was about to be abandoned after an honorable career of nearly forty years. Not only honorable, but also historic. Miner's Bowery Theatre Is perhaps Just aa well known by lta sub-title, "Tho Bowery Hall of Fame. 1 ' It Is, In fact, the old school from which many a promising pupil has graduated. To mention every namo that baa trodden lta boards would virtually be a bulletin of nearly oil present day Broadway stars. Among those who owe their first start up the ladder of fame to Miner's may be men. tlonrd Weber and Fields, Sam Bernard, Geo. M. Cohan, May and Flora Irwin. Maggie Cllne, Evans and Hoey, Peter Dalley, Pau- line Hall Russell Brothers, Alexander Carr, John T. Kelly, Rogers Brothers, Maude Ray- mond, Emma Carus, Bobby Gaylor, Qco. YV. Monroe, Jennie Yeamana. It was also In this house that amateur night originated, and, although it has been copied and Imi- tated by theatres all over the country, at no playhouse is afforded such screamingly funny diversion aa by the amateurs who are per- mitted to show their histrionic ability In tho Miner houses once each week. 'Miner's Bowery Is moving up to the Peo- ple's, not because tho old temple of amuse- ment has lost its popularity—far from It But burlesque, as a form of entertainment, has made rapid strides within the past few years, and In scenic and costume equipment now rivals Broadway productions. At tho time that Miner's Bowery Thcntro was built, in tho late '70s, such elaborate Stage spec- tacles were undreamed of, and aa a result tho stage of tho old Bowery has been found too small to show off tbeso modern day bur- lesque productions to tho best advantage. Then again, within the past few years ladles have evinced a decided tendency and destro to become enrolled as regular burlesque pa- trons. Realizing that tho fair sex could be mado much more comfortable in tho pre- tentious People's Theatre, tho firm of Miner paid Edolsteln a- Thomasbcfsky, the present lessees, a handsomo bonus to givo up their tenancy, and beginning Monday afternoon. Oct 21, the Zallah Show, with lta quota of two dozen handsomo damsels, will disport themselves at the People's in a merry mix- ture of mirth and song. Will the renular pa- trons of Miner's Bowery Theatre follow bur- lesque up a block ? Why, of course, they will, although for tho first few weeks many an old timer will rub his eyes In amazement that tho famous old amusement landmark will no longer reverberate, with the echoes of music ana laughter aa It has dono for well nlgli two score years. The People's will bo manned by the same efficient staff that mado Itself so popular at the old house, under tho ablo di- rection of Tom 'Minor. Friday will be con- tinued as amateur night, as heretofore, with the Miner's latest innovation, "The Country Store," every Tuesday, and wrestling every Thursday night. MUSICIAN MARRIES INTO CHORUS. After two performances of "Married for a Day," Chas. Schumock, tho cornctlst at tho Empire Theatre, Newark, decided he would try the double harness thing, and tore off to get a marriage license. Tuesday afternoon, with a golden hoop In his pocket, he escorted Ella Strom to the altar, and tho "love, honor and obey" act was put over. The opening chorus of the Auto Girls was a shower of rice upon Charles, In the pit. a JINX FOLLOWS GU9 FAY. Gut Fay, German comedian with tho Big Gayety Co., While playing tho Gayety, Phila- delphia, last week, fell down the stairs In the firat part and tore a ligament la his leg. The doctors say It will be some time before Gua will be ablo to get on the Job again. I HARRY FIELDS A HIT. 'Harry Fields lias received many flattering press notices, which ho well deserves. Harry says that burlesque looks good to him, and Harry certainly looks good to burlesque. i HILLS AND EMERSON CLOSE. Harry Hills and Ida Emerson have served their two weeks' notice on Moso Messing, and close with tho Gay Masquerade™ at the Murray Hill, Oct. 20. I Manager Frank Abbott, of Miner's Em- pire, Newark, was given a surprise Oct. 14. A hurried message from the stage and a re- port ot "trouble brewing" summoned Mr. Abbott to the rear of the theatre, where ho found all the staff and attaches assembled In the orchestra room. "Pete" Mnttln, the stago manager, presented the manager with a beau- tiful diamond-studded Elks' button, on be- half of his confreres. Mr. Abbott was re- cently made a member of Newark Lodge, No. 21. At the "Country Store," last Tuesday evening, at Miner's, Newark, the principal gifts were: A Campbell trunk, a rocking chair, a dish of Dl Carlo's spaghetti (cooked), an umbrella stand, a quart of champagne and garlic, one-half dozen crabs, basket of peaches, one-half dozen pairs silk sot, etc. A theatre pasty, was given at Miner's, Newark, Oct. 22, by tho Mineral Water Drivers Association of Newark. Johnny Dale will close with tho Cotlego Girls Nov. 2; also Lorotta Dale. Tub Manly Stock Co. will givo its annual ball Nov. 20, at Sacngerbund Ilnll, Brooklyn. Job M. Fields, who went to the Western wheel this season, lias closed with tho Moulin Rouge Co. Piibynbttb Oodbn drow the lucky number at the Gayety, Newark, N. J., and won a trunk. I'lhid Bbll, with Gordon & North's World of Pleasure Co., received a big reception in her homo town, Philadelphia, Pa„ this week. Job OrPENHiiuBB had a "country store" of hla own at the Angler's Hotel, Oknuclice, Wis., Oct 20. The handbill announces a "Grand Poultry Distribution" and Free Hot Lunch, with a good time assured to all. THE AUTO OIRLS. 'Starting West, after a successful metro- politan trip, Teddy Slmonds' Auto Olrla closed a record week's run at Miner's Empire, Newark, Oct. 10. Teddy Slmonds, In presenting his Auto Girls, Is giving burlcsquo patrons of tho Em- pire Circuit u burlcsquo show up to tho mark, beautifully costumed, with tho sconery as elaborate as ever seen over the WcBtorn wheel, and a cast carefully drafted, and a fine looking, fast working chorus. Tho book, in two acts, entitled "Married for a Day.' by Charles Baker, is cleverly written, full of fast lines and comedy situa- tions throughout. Charles Baker has con- ceived an Idea in which tho plot is tho chief asset, and it •mbcrs are not depended upon to carry tho show. From beginning to end tho plot is strictly lived up to, and the audi- ence Is kept at "attention" by many funny complications throughout. Musical numbers have been Interpolated In a manner that give tho production a musical comedy tint. Slap-stick and horseplay comedy has been entirely eliminated, and not ono suggestive or vulgar lino enters. Lew Fein, tho principal comedian, who plays tho, part of Abraham Suddslnsky, a Jew undertaker, Is ono of those comedians who keops the audience In good humor, Is brimful of humor and a nit throughout. Fronklo Grace, In a Juvenile role, Is a clever dancer, knows how to read lines and puts over tho song numbers Just right, and Charlie Baker, tho straight, has the right conception in this lino of work, his manner- isms and reading mako him stand out, and his rendering of numbers compelled him to respond tlmo and again with encores. Lou Shcan gave a very clover performance as the lost husband. His work was deserv- ing of attention, and his specialty scored. Mildred Stroller, the prima donna, wears her costumes well, baa a good voice. Is decidedly graceful, and was a pleasing feature. Bertha ibsou, tho HOubretto. romped along from start to finish. Sbo has magnetism, knows how to put over her songs, and can bo put down as ono of the classiest little soubrettcs In burlesque. Hazel Ford, the ingenue, looked dainty, Is pretty, and was very much In evidence with her fast work. Lester Pike gave a lino per- formance as Col. Bailey, a Western charac- ter. The first act showed a beautiful interior scone of a sitting room. Tho following num- bers wcro introduced: Opening medley, "Tho Ghost of tho Goblin Man," "Land of Mako Believe," "New York Town," "Wedding Day," "Hello, Now York Town," "Just Your Way," "Chill Chill Beans," "Experience," A FoW Moments In Grand Opera, ft Merry Carrie"." The second scene shows a lawn with an electric fountain spouting water In the back- ground. Many novel electric effects mado this a handsome scene. At tho rtso of tho curtain tho audience showed their apprecia- tion of tho display with rounds of applause. Tho numbers In net two Include: "I Love No Ono But You," "Bathing," "Put Your Arms Around Me and lie My Bear," "Tho Wooden Wedding," Travesty, Quintette, "Bom-ba-loo." Chorus: Alice Arthur, May O'.Sulllvnn, Evelyn Kramer, Essie Ferrall, Laura Ilurby, CasHlo Martin, Oorlnno Brown, Lizzie Oraco, Mabel Benson, Esther Lnwson, Mabel Vernon, Ethel Poll, Paula Murphy, Lillian Elmo, May PIko, Lottie Reynolds, Kttn Wells, Dell Evans, Oraco 'Marlon. Jane Hardy. Olio. a i Tub lay off week of tho Crusoe Olrls was filled up last week with four days at St. Joseph, and ono day at Davenport, Rock Island and Jollet. Mr. Robinson has taken off the first part, "Ills Father's Hon," and Is trying out a new opener, entitled "Tho Baby Farm." Uknb Howard Is ono of the show girls with Dave Marlon's Dreamland company this season. FiVRLTM Knowlbs Is making good as the soubrctto In the Big Review company. Mlsa Knowlog has been over the Eastern, wheel WANTED SKETCH TKAM lor lied. Show, also B. F. OOMB- D1AN. change for week. You must have ward- robe. Preference given piano players. Bute salary first letter, llaby boys stay home. This ibow pays salaries In money, not bromines. Ad- dress B. LESLIE. Rassell, Lyoa County) Minn. for a number of seasons, and thlnfts her drat season over the Western wheel, ond also as a soubrctto. 1'iiK.n Evans Is now connected In I busi- ness capacity with tho Cafe Havarln, Brook- lyn, N.T. Lillian Lawbbnce and Dorothy Mab- kiiatl, two of last season's favorites with the Crusoe Olrls. rejoined that company at Chicago this week.