The New York Clipper (October 1912)

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OCTOBEB 26 THE STEW YORK: CLIPPER. 11 NOW FOR STOCK BY AMA CALDWHl and JAKES 0T)EA THE COHBDT IB WHICH THOMAS A. WISE «na JOHN BARRYMORE Stsirred at the GAIETY THEATRE, NEW YORK t-J 1 ??^ Jf A "2f ,t % 5 h0 n »« h «n with the Jewell Kelley 8tock Co. through the South 'or the past year, It Is reported, has had a very flattering offer tor next season from a prominent Northern stock company for leads. 0. Ed. Naft5!(1m. known as "Daddy" by the profession In the West and Mld-Weat li doing very nicely with his newspaper at Dallas City, III., where he located a year ago, and la always pleased to hear from any of bis old time Meeds. OUT OF TOWH HEWS For Term*, Apply to TUB JOHN W- RUMSEY PLAY COMPANY 152 WEST 46th STREET, HEW YORK CITY STOCK NEWS V0rXG-ADA3IS CO. NOTES. We are no>w touring Canada, to enormous business. On our opening night we never fall to use the 8. R. O. sign, and on many occasion! during the week the same thing occurs. The company la considered one or tic lest stock companies now touring Canada. Margie Adams, our leading woman, is pro- nounced by the press and public as wearing the most expensive gowns ever seen in Canada with a stock company. Edward Hugh Barnstead Is in advance of our com- pany. This Is his third season, and he cer- tainly gets us turn away openings, for lie knows how to do the stunt The roster Is as follows: H. Wilmot Young, Louis Neville, Arthur J. ilarkey, James Sbadrick, Sam Stiadrtck, Sam Archer, Margie Adams, Hazel Stevenson, Carrie Oarlow and Julienne Tal- bot Our vaudeville is as follows: Baby Mar- guerite, songs and dances; Ernest Kola, the frog; At. White, whistling pianist: Sbadrick and Talbot, that smart comedy trio; Archer and Garlow, comedy Instrumentalists, and Edw. B. Hugh, magician and wonder worker, ran you beat them? Executive staff: H. Wilmot Young, proprietor and manager; Ed. !!. Barnstead, business manager; A. J. Mar- key, stage manager. I CALLAHAN DRAMATIC CO. NOTES. We closed our twenty-eighth season at nnopeston, 111., Oct. 12. The past tenting reason has been ths most successful In the history of the show. The play of "The Clansman" was featured and played by the permission of Messrs. Brennon k Dixon, the owners. With the company were the fol- lowing people: L. W. Callahan, manager; Mrs. L \V. Callahan, treasurer; H. H. Wblt- tler. business manager; C. A. Corbln, bund master; Chas. Lasser, orchestra leader; Ar- thur Callahan, John M. Scott, Jack Howard. Ora Murphy, Clarence Brown, Ed. Hayes, Ben James, Will Landls, Alec Robinson, Geo. Neece, Ceo. Mack, Otto Corbln, Geo. H. Rlttcr Lulu Callahan Corbln, Freddie Whit- tles Viola Callahan, Buddy Whlttier, Dutton Corbln and Ted Reed. s KING-LYNCH CO. NOTES. We have just closed a successful season of twenty weeks at the Society Playhouse, Wor- cester. Mass., and we are now located at the New Park Theatre, Manchester. N. H., for the Kail and Winter. Opened here Sept 30, with "Alias Jimmy Valentine." This week we arc playing "The White Sister," to ca- pacity business. Next week, "The Call of the North;" following week, "Madame X." The company remalnB practically the same, and Is headed by Rose King and Edward D. Lynch. i KF.YES SISTERS' CO. NOTES. Wc played the Opera House at Mlddleport, 0., all week, and hundreds were turned away every night, We broke all previous records, and were voted as the best show wc have ever had. We also broke all records at Ashland, Ky., week of Oct. 7. The man- agement of this company has made arrange- ments to produce "Little Girl that He For- got," by Beulah Poyntcr, and "Capt. Clay of Missouri," by David Higglns. They will Do given scenic productions. ■ PMSCILLA KNOWLES ENGAGED. Prlscllla Knowles, who was leading woman [or two seasons with the Academy of Music Mock Company, has been engaged for a llko position with the stock company at B. F. Keiths Harlem Opera House. She will make ?r r "a* appearance on Oct 28, In "The Deep Purple.'' She succeeds Wanda Howard. >»». E. Mallbtte is meeting wdith excel- lent buecess at the Lyceum Theatre, Allen- tmvn Pa., with the Calsmlth Stock Co. »eek of Oct 14, "The Groat Divide," to big business, followed by "Billy."' r „ t '" s . s , *KOM TBI DEANE-SCOYILLB STOCK u>.—mis new atoclt organization, under the ■as company: Hal Andrews, Oussle Andrews, HSS" Brown, Inez Mace, Nesblt Scovllle, i*l,i i Deanc . Ben McDanlcl, Madge Mc- Daniel and Baby Vcrle. -"WW Marke, leading woman with the \w n ", Gypzcnc Co - at tn = kyrlc Theatre, wnTb r r,(,nDB . closed a successful forty-seven <■?, ck8 „, pn « n Be»ent. to Join the Majestic Stock AW } , e Ua JC8tlc Theatre, Montgomery, Ala., opening week of Oct 21. Tie t ;„ M -r UES , T,c JPi-mmb. at tho Majestic BsssT^SBfe ? an - are doln * a nne busl- ertn«,7.i S Ji? ve Deen several changes in the vert ^ L°L, tho c °™pany, which have proved Itn7 rv°„ Bt ? b, S t0 J he management, L. M. and hill. , aw ' or(J - ^ arc playing all royalty cLw 8t . weck ' "Friends;" this week, "Old Sm2S??S next weck ' ' ,Tlle Freedom of tt'r" "\t «- In Preparation, "The White Sls- (ilr'l" *i* Jl nii the Flame," "Tho Silver nani- M^' P 11 * The roster of the com- nncn - fiS Con »°"y. director; Annie Bro- mnn-wS d n J? ' ady = Jock Roscoe. lending Kane JoJn ^""n, Francos Edwnrdes, Fenny pfc.™" 1 ?, Da Mee, Albert Lawrence, E. John T„T' ^r,°rs e Sharpe, George Sccord, Oscar {? r °L Wil, ] l,m Wllcox - Frank Barnette LPrtvn„. W h a r d Jack Trultt - manager. N nt I w»H nA ?, L,!r . , riose * wltn tue Grec n- sffif t&sussg*' oct io - and w,n fcVnSstf mJsTSH '" P'»»wg a special on- ntr uE v»I wee l, at th0 Westchester The- Tnr ni ntjr Cbn'mian." Tinimon, K K ? T »? T0CK Co. Includes! Irene *Tbi.ii? d1 McAllister, Misses Nleder- '»*»■ Eva™ B LA n , 7,1 JJ ton ' and Messrs Cecil • '■vans and McGregor. T {*^?.? na ' 'W«»h. —Empress (Daaa Bayw. mir) Nil for week of Oct. 21 include*: Bessie's Cockatoos, Collins and Hart. Arthur Wblttlaw. the Dancing Maddens, Italian Troubadours and "Dane* Aux Violins." I'aniiq«8' (W. J. Tlmmons, mgr.)—Bill for 21 and week: Zara-Oarmcn Troupe. II. W. Lang- ford, Beadlck-Freeraan Players, O'Neill and Walmaley. and Weyburn'a Minstrel Hisses Princess (O. L. Richards, mgr.)—"The Spend- thrift" was presented by the Princess Players, to good business, week of 13. r.T^S'M, !S ba . a i H «"ld, mgr.)—"Bought ind Paid For" 18, 18. liuou, Caicon, Cbown, Debasc, Idls Hora, Lyuio, r*uicE, Ross, Botal, Hcsnic, Sheu. and Vacdxtte, moving picture houses, report good business. It'CJi's Tavebn (Dick Welae, mgr.)—The Lit- tle Peasant Band features. Oltmpio Cldb (Chas. Sttrrgis, roirr.)— Romano Neapolitan Orchestra and entertainers. Olimpos Ink (J. Short, mgr.)—The Scenesca Orc hestr a, with June Raymond, vocalist Dbwst's (O. B. Dewey, mgr.)—The Hawaiian Orchestra. Tacoka Cabaso (Ben Norman, mgr.)—Bram* bills Orchestra. motes. Meta Meesiu, one of the six American Beau- ties, playing at the Panta«es' Theatre, week of 7, w«a entertained by her Tacoma frienda during her stay In this city. J R. Webbs, of Minneapolis, has organized • sympbon' orchestra here. Prof. Olof Bull, » well known local violinist, will direct the organization. A series of six concerts will be given during the season. Sadie Wsinstone, a Tacoma girl, who played the part of one of the Wlggs children in "Mrs. Wlggs of the Cabbage Patch," at the Princess Theatre week of 7, was engaged to play a part In "Salvation Nell," which opened at the Seattle Theatr;, In Seattle. 30. Miss Weinstone has ap- peared In local vaudeville houses on several oc- casions, and Is s child actress of much promise. Joseph Si. I'eteb, of Everett, and owner of theatres In that city and Portland, Ore., was the guest of hla mother, Mrs. A. St. Peter, 11. Oeobob McQuabhi and Bar.nest Qiluorb. who played at the Empresa Theatre week of 7, as- sisted the Knights of Columbus In celebrating Columbus Day here, Saturday, 12. Hal Sullivan, stage manager at the Empress Theatre, has tetumed from a hunting trip la the Olympic Mountains. He brought back two largs lucks as trophies of the hunt. F. A. Laoet, the new manager of the Scenic Theatre, announces that only the best class of moving pictures will lie run at this photoplay boose, and that In connection with the pipe or- gan music, by Prof. Paul Engall, the house is doing an Increasing business. Oi.iveb D. Bailet, director of the Princess Theatre, this city, opened the Seattle Theatre. Seattle, 13, with his second stock company. In "Salvation Nell." The company Is comiwscd of the following members: Viola Leach and Clifford Thompson, leads; Dwight A. Meade, Joha Al. Livingston. Guy Usher, Ray Collins, Fred Har- rington, Will Cross, Tony Stanford. Harold Joes, Nat Holmes, Ed. Knott, Nlab Howard, Marie Baker. Mabel Darragb. Claire Sinclair. Guy Hlt- ner. Chas. Murphy. Arthur Elton. Percy Chal- llnger. Shirley McDonald and Sadie Weinstone. The latter six were formerly members of the Princess Stock Co., In this city. The management of the Princess Theatre claims to have the only family of girl ushers In captivity. They are Zelma, Anita, Letltla and Cathryne Becker. Tbh Abtist Conxsa, under the direction of Berulce Newell, Includes a Joint concert by Ryder- Kelsey and Claude Cunningham, a piano recital by Leopold Godowskl, Johanna Oadsky and Mischa Elman. The season opened 9. by a Joint concert by Rloardo Martin and Rudolph Gans. TfnBK Is at present under way In the base- ment of the National Realty Bull-ling for the building of one of the finest rathskellers In the West. It will extend Into the basement of the new seventeen story addition now being built Kn-rr O'Haba, a female "Raffles." appeared at the Empress Theatre Tuesday, 14, to give her pursuers a chance to see her without make-up. Battle Creek, Mich.—Pout (E. R. Smith, mgr.) the Edward Doyle Stock Co. week of Oct. 20. Their .-eocrtolre includes: "Alice of Old Vln- cennes," "Mairled on- the Quiet," "The Final Test," "The Parish Priest," "Lillian's Sacrl- ace," "My Wlfe'a Gone to the Country," "Sapho," "The Lost Heiress" and "Two Men and a Girl." Bijou (Will Marshall, mgr.)—Bill for 20-23 included: Delray Brothers. Emlle Span. Harry Beresford mid company, Llnle Wilson, and Hill, Cherry and H11L "The Time, the Place and the Girl" will be presented for the first time In tabloid torn 24-20. Majestic (William Caldwell, mgr.)—Motion pictures. Rex (Llpp & Cross, ragrs.)—Motion pictures. People's (J. C. Caldwell, mgr.)—Motion pic- tures. Qdeen (Llpp & Cross, mgrs.)—Motion pic- tures. Family (H. B. Knapp, mgr.)—Motion pic- tures. All the picture bouses report good business. Detroit, Mich.—Detroit (B. C. Whitney, ngr.) "Tho Woman" week of Oct. 21. Gaiuuck (R. H. Lawrence, mgr.)—Tully Mar- shall, In "The Talker." week of 21. Lyceum (B. D, Stair, mgr.)—"The Divorce" week of 20. Avenue (Drew ft Campbell, mgrs.)—Billy Wat- son and bis Beef Trust week of 20. Gatett (Wb. Roache, mgr.)—Sam Howe's Lore Makers week of 20. Templb (J. H. Moore, mgr.)—bill for week 21: Dlgby Bell and company, Julius Tanneo, Sir Klrkamlth Slaters. Olive Briscoe. Delmore and Lee, Corelll and Gillette, Puck and Lewis, Sidney Baxter, and tbe Mooreoacope. Miles (O. W. Porter, mgr.)—BUI for week of 21: Mabel McKinley, Slg. Gulaenpe. Bartolotta ana J. Anton Dalley, and Norlne Carman ami her Merry Minstrels, which Includes tbe Dixie Four, Carman and Coaley, and Sam Carmau. Grand Rapids, Jllch—Powers' (Harry G. Summers ft Co., mgrs.) Cobura Players Oct. 25, 20, Soma's Band 81, Mme. Scbumann-Helak 30, Wm. H. Crane Nov. 1, 2. Majestic (Orln Stair, mgr.)—"The Shepherd of the Hills" week of Oct. 20, "Tbe Price" 31- Nov. 2, Geo. Bydney 3-0, "The Gamblers" 7-9. OoumniA.—Bill for week of 21: Braun Sis- ters. Henry E. Dlxey, Dooley ana Sales, Violet MacMHInn, John S. Hay and company, and Bert Shepard nnil company. Ospheum. —Bill for week of 20: Elsie (lamella and company. 1a? Keillor Trio, Thompson and Carter, and Musical Tremalns. OinnicK.—Empire Ntock, In "St. Elmo," 21 and week. Kalnmaxoo, Mich. — Fuller (Will J. Don- nelly, mgr. I Nnncy Boyer Stock Co. week of Oct. 21. Business fine. Majestic (Lew M. Goldberg, mgr.) — "The Time, the Place and the Girl" 21-23. For 24-20: mil. Clierry and Hill, Harry Beresford and com- pany. Ltiale Wilson, Delray Bros., Emit Spats, and Majestlcscope. Good business rules. Nora — All the moving picture shoivs report good business. Bar City. Mich, — Washington (W. J. Daunt, mgr.) "The Littlest Rebel" did fair busi- ness Oct. 15 , _.„ . . . Buoo (J. D. Pllniore. mgr.)—Bill for week of 20 includes: The Broncho Buster. Senator Fran- cis Murphy, Kingsbury anil Mason. Rsllier anil Anthony Fosto anil Frjor, and the Bljouscoiw. CInrkadnle, Mlsn New Clsrksilale (Craw- ley Bros., mgrs.) Cohurn's Minstrels Oct. 23. "The Common Law" 31, "Polly of the Circus" Nov. 0. Between regular lockings motion pic- tures and songs do good business. . Amiamma (Charles Dill, mgr.)—Motion pic- tures and songs to crowded houses. Baltimore, Md.—Ford's (Chas. B. Ford, mgr.) "Madame Sherry" week of Oct 21. "Oet- Rlch-Qulck Wnlllngford" 28 and week. Acaoeuy (Tunis Dean, mgr.)—Helen Ware, In "Trial Marriage," week of 21. "Oypsy Love" 28 and week. AunrToaiuK (Frank UeBrlde, mgr.)—"A But- terfly on the Wheel" 21 and week. "Matt and Jeff" week of 28. Holudat St. (Wm. Rite, mgr.)—"A Desper- ate Chance" week of 21. 'Ten Nights In a Bar Room" week of 28. Gatbti (Wm. Ballanf. mgr.) — Gaiety Girls 21 and week. The Ginger Girls 28 and week. Eupiaa (Geo. Rife, mgr.)—Tbe Stars of Stage- land week of 21. The Pace Makers 28 and week. Uaetland (Jas. L. Kernan. mgr.)—Bill 21 and week: Lillian Shaw, Sidney Draw and company, the Willis Family, Matthews and Atsnayne, Phi- na's Pickaninnies. Baltos Troope, Devoirs Trio. and Cross and Josephine Nbw (Geo. Scbnlder, mgr)—Bill for week of 21: Sanrders Troope. Colllna and Rellly, Three Fredericks. Lester and Lester, Sylvester, snd Ids James and company. Victobia (Chas. K. Lewis, mgr.)—Bill tor 21 and w«ek: "The Girl Haters," Welman and Wini- fred, Lee and Washburn, McNeill and Rollo, Hur- ley and hurley. Lea Jeunetta, Staley sad Blrbeck, and "Tbe Beauty Shop." Portland, Me. — Jefferson (Julius Cahn, mgr.) Alice Lloyd, In "Little Mlaa Fix-It," Oct. 31-23, "In Artsona" 28, "Dandy Dick.'* with Wm. Hawtrey, Nov. 1, 2; Aborn English Opera Co. s. a Keith's (James E. Mrore. mgr.)—Frances Mc- Henry is featured In "Green Stockings." week of Oct. 21. New additions to tbe company include Doris Woolrldge and Ktbel Blane. New Portland (I. M. Moaher, mgr.)—Vaude- ville and tbe pictures. Bill for 21 and week: The Polgln Bros., Gretchen Spencer, Walter Law- rence's Players, Blmberg, Marlon and Day, the Manchester Bros., and movlog pictures. Gssbly's (Jsmes W. Greely, mgr.)—Vaude- ville and movlag pictures to excellent attendance. Bill for 21 and week: Six Imperial Dancers. Mary Kay. "Balls and Strikes." and Pat and May Tonhey. Casco (M. 0. Blomenberg, mgr.)—Motion pic- tures, with Ines George and Mr. Hollywood as vocalists, continue to please. "Moule Crlato" was the feature picture among those seen week ending 10. Bio Nickel (Wm. E. Reeves, mgr.)—The mo- tion picture offerings week of 14, Included "Ths Great Moment" and "Their Lives for Gold." New Pavilion (J. W. Greely, mgr.) — Motion Picture offerings, dancing, the Arlington Orcbea- ra. and focal numbers, to good patronage. New Orrr Hall The Maine Mnstc Festival, conducted by Wm. R. Chapman, week of 14, fea- turing famous singers, was a big success. Lincoln, Neb.—Oliver (F. 0. Zehrung, mgr.) Nell O'Brien's Minstrels Oct. 21. "The Goddess of Liberty" 24, "Tho Bird of Psrsdlse" 25, 2(1; "Mailam Yale" 28. Ltbic (L. M. Garman. mgr.)—Bill for week of 14 Included: Shoen's Rough House Kids, Zubn and Dries, Ohartres and Holllday company, and Chas. Mack. Own ecu (L. M. Garman, res. mgr.)—BUI for week of 21: Mrs. Gene Hughes and company, Chris Richards. Van Brothers. Sidney Shields and company, Pauline Moran. Johnson's Travelogues, Slmonilet, and photoplays, "Wheellnjr, W. Va. — Court (Felnler 4 Moore, mgrs.) "Mutt and Jeff" Oct. 21-23, "Ex- cose Me" 20. Victobia (George Shafer, mgr.)—Bill for week of 21: Wormwood's baboons, Marie Kenale and company, Lawrence Johnson, Ladell and Taylor, and Amossos and Mulvey. Obi-heum <J. V. Lee, mgr.)—Bill for week ending 19 drew good returns. Nora—C. N. Lareaux, stage manager of the Orpheura, celebrated his birthday 15 at the T. M. A. Hall, and entertained hla friends In a royal manner with a big banquet, and all bad a fine time. Macon, Ca. — Grand (Harry Bernstein, mgr.) Al. 0. Field's Minstrels. Oct. 14. did ca- gaclty business Keith vaudeville command* good otiscs every night. Nora—The Georgia State Fair, 1S-2S, la prov- ing a record breaker. OUR LONDON LETTER. FROM OCR OWN CORRESPONDENT, Clipper Bureau, 14 Leleester Street, Leicester Sqoare, London, IV, C, Oct. 12. William Kuhe, for more than halt a cert- At the Princess Theatre on Wednesday tury a distinguished figure In tho world of nlgbt tbe Brothers Melville revived "Monte music—impresario, orchestral conductor, pro- Cristo." with Lauderdale Maltland as Dantea, HOC composer of pianoforte music—Is dead, and Frances Dillon ns Mercedes. It had a Ho was eighty-nine. Fur years he had been friendly welcome. In The flsisday Carols- blind. tele Henry Oeorgo Hlbbert recalls that On Thursday night tho centenary of Drury "Monte Crlato's" only successes here have Lano Theatre was commemorated, very casu- becn as a burlesque at the Gaiety, and as a ally, by nothing more than a set of verses. ballet at the Alhambra. It was last done written by Stephen Phillips, and recited by by Henry Lee, at the Avenue Theatre, In II, 11. Irving. There had. ot course, bcon succession to the unfortunate "Henrietta," three theatres on this site licforo the present with Charles Warner as Dantes. They are houso was built both desd. "Monte Cristo" was first dono Henry V. Esmond's play, "A Young Man's here in tbe original French, at Drury Lane, Fancy,'' Is a failure, and la to be withdrawn nearly a hundred years ago. Its perform- from the Criterion on Friday. Frank Btay- ance should have extended over two nights, ton's play. "Tantrums," Is to follow, bat the English actors objected to a "foreign Surah Ucmhardt's performance of "Ellm- invnslca" at • distressful senson, and drovo beth, Queen of England." has made a pro- file- unhappy Frenchmen from the stage, found Impression at the London Coliseum. The second half of "Monto Cristo" was Sho will give one performance of "La Damn sever reached. Fechter did an English ver- sion of 'Monte Cristo" at the Adelpbl. The performance lasted till early mom, and the America aux Camellias," In her own theatre, for the benefit of tho stage hands, ere sailing for audience shouted "shall you be long, sir? Agnes Robertson Bouclcault was a mom- Ellen Terry, to her regret, cannot under- ber of the audience at Wyndhatn's Theatre -take the pescntatlon of the birthday tribute when her daughter, Nina, returned to thu to Sarah Bernhardt next week, so she looked stage. In "Doormats." In at the Coliseum list night embraced the hey say It was Oeorgo R. Sims who distinguished French actress, and made her adapted "The Little Cafe" for Cyril Maud.-, a presentation of her own. There was quite a large gathering at St Pancrss to send off My Fancy, tho dancer on a tour ot the world. Hut' the name on tho bill la "Peter Lo Murchant." Olga Ncthcrsolo produced "The Awaken- ing of Helena Rltcblc" at Birmingham on Miss llorneroau, who runs the Manchester Monday. The press notices are enthusiastic. Repertoire Theatre, and produced "Hlndle Miss Nctliersolc hopes to settle down to the Wakes," Issues "Advice to Audiences." She management Indefinitely, of a London tbea- begs her patrons not to grumble to each trc, after Christmas. other If they see something they don't llko Ucorgo Ucdford, who used to bo the cen- at tbe theatre, but to write to her personally, g n r, Is producing a play called "Contracts," shortly. Pat Carey, an old time Irish comedian, Is dead. He acted as superintendent of the giving their full names and addresses. Capt. Jack Kelly sails for tbe States on Saturday next. Tbe. Two Bobs and Beth Tate represent M ,• IInll Benovo | ont institution at Twlck- America at the Pavilion, Newcastle, next cnl)Rrn week. On Monday night the reconstructed Al- hambra will open with George (Jrossmlth's At the London Palladium the afternoon program Is now supplied by Anstcy'a farce, "The Brass Bottle. 1 ' The audience seemed revue, "Kill That Fly." There will be a to approvo of tho Innovation and, In fact, to strong American flavor about it. for tho pad the few variety "turns," essential to music Is by Melville J. Gideon, and Julian tho Lord Cbamberlaln'B approval, rather tiro- Alfred will produce. The pit has been ahol- SO me. . — lahed, and the floor la now a luxuriously fur- "Springtide," a musical play dono at the nlshed lounge, as at the Empire. A sort CUe|wa 1. a i ft( . B oa Monday, proves to bo gray-brown Is the prevailing tint or tne | |ttlo more tnBa tho D1K . K | ng of n Brittany decorations, relieved here and thereby tur- - orchard {op loYe gon _ g and ductg by u ajrau •«£l"l. __""-_._iis.x Collin and Marlon Edwnrdes. John Terry and Mabel Lambert arc quite a m A gkctcn CI1>d "Tho Monto Cnrlo Girl" hit on the Mosh Empire tour. was dono at the Victoria Palace on Monday. R. G. Know cs, who has Just fulfilled a , m Monte carlo girl Is a smart actress, most successful encngoment at thn London w i, oge ingenuity and kindness are employed Palladium, comes on Monday to the hmplrc, , u rccon clie a starchy old aristocrat, hating liolboni. mMjST " 10 stage, to his son's mart-Inge with a Gerald Griffin will do "Other People s t . uarm |„5 ' K ] r |, Moncy." st Stall's now; Chlswlck: hmplrc (on Carles Bowmclstcr. Iho Dutch protean the outskirts of London), next wm*. »« artist, comes to. the London Palladium on popular has Mr. Griffon s performance In tins ji on(m y sketch proved that he hoB postponed bis re- Wecdon OroHRmltb Is about to publish n turn to America InuVIInite y. volumo of reminiscences called "From Studio Tom Costello mourns tho loss of bis wife. t(J st „ sc ... n ,, S | U dicd pictorial art before ., 'Prncess Caprice made a bad start at fc Decam0 an ttct0 r, uud bus exhibited at tho the Shaftesbury, but was effectively pulled A ,. a( i„ mv together, has now registered .one,, hundred shnkp y Hp(>nrc . a Kng | nn(1 c0mc8 to nn pn( . „ Earl's Court to-day, likewise the circus. Hurry l.niiili-1- Is lo tnkc part In a single and fifty performances, and looks llko an in definite run. "Milestones" has now been played two hundred aud fifty times at the Royalty. afternoon performance :nxc pn of "A Scrape o' tho Lecturing it Oxford to the National Union !'«"." •» « b « Comedy Theatre. — of Women Workcfn Mrs H II Irving, who Revision, which seems agreeablo and even 71 4il A A Hill/4 MitsrAA described the stage as the only -profession fatal to tho serious drama. A new last act UflUilCV V alOlCS. men" 1 " ^ ^ "" ^ ^ ^ —uC'ano 18 ending 1 h'all^w'.^ wnU V Ethel Warwick, daughter-in-law of Lewis Frederick Fetjn has s U p P ried "The Great Waller, opened the Queen's Theatre on Moa- Jpha Canton." at tho Aldwych, Is genera ly day, with a revival of "Zaxa." It hardly aljowwljo bo nn Improvement; at any rate, Manages John McGraw, of the New York Giants, will take a I'yor in vaudeville tills season. Pitcher Rube Marquard will also accept bookings. Eugene Hemmenoinoeb, tbe well known ieweler to the profession, died recently at its home In New York. He Is survived by his wife and three children. The business will be conducted by the estate. KiMUKiay and Mohb have joined bands and will be seen In a new act, entitled "In Clubland." The boys opened over the United time Oct. 21, st Lynn, Mass. T. Uaxbs Hcntkb lias been engaged by Weber & Jcrmon to produce a new act, en- titled "Trlxie and tbe Amateur." Frederick Hoex and wife, having sold their Interest at Old Orchard, hare Invested In an orange grove, on the banks of Lake D'Or, at l'lttman, Flu., where they have been the past few weeks cultivating tho grove, and disposing of the coming crop, which is far beyond expectation. Ted E. Gai.rbaith, general ngent for John W. Vogcl's Big City Minstrels, Informs us that business so far this season has been wonderful. Dulae and Gf.ykb Inform us that they are scoring a big bit on llodklos' Circuit They have signed with the RIngllag Show for 1013. Padl and Marion Stone finished their Orphcum time at Minneapolis, last week, and were Immediately booked over the Inter- state time by Cells Bloom, opening Oct 14, at the Majestic, Fort Worth, Tex. The following acts appeared for Bobble Wlnstanlcy's benefit, Oct 18, in Boston; Prof. Dodd, master of ceremonies; Joo Coyne, silly kid; McWllson, wire act; Mario Dnnle, sonbrettc; Harry La Marr, Jimmy Ncary, Jimmy Murray, Randall, Dan Ilealy, John Walsh and Son, Joyce and Phlpps, Joslc Evans, Dave Harris. Phil Morton, Joe Ellis, Frank Ecland. Mr. (jiffy, Bobble Win- Stanley and Son, John Mack, and Al. K. Hutchinson. J. Wilson Cui-fe, who has been out of vaudeville for some time, will open on West- ern time In December. He has teamed up with Oscar Knablln and will produce a new musical act, working under the name of Ray- mond and Haymond. Bob Cook and company, including L. nea- ter, Ray Hester and Col. Dell Knowllton, wbo played Kansas City the past three weeks, arc now with the Little Buffalo Shows. Paul De Mar. with Whitney's Operatic Dolls, now touring the Pantages Circuit, with the Miles to follow. Ax. E. Hutchinson did the "rube" at the •uto races at Rockingham Park, Salem, N, II. (joliien and HuniiES arc being featured over tbe Orphcum Circuit, and meeting with big success. Tub Howard boys landed their new car Into a nice smasbup In Central Park lately. Billy O. Day Is with tbe Edwlna Barry Co., In "Tbe Homebrcaker," In vaudeville. playing an old seaman and making good. Wm. Richards, Theodore Dudley, Isaliel Abeam and Edwlna Barry are also in tbe enst. Tun Abmoby Oi>>;ttA Hoi.'sk, at Freehold, N. J., lias changed management. Cornelius B. Bsrknlow ana Harry W. Bnlley are now the managers. Mr. Barknlow was a former manager of the house. Mr. Bailey has been connected with the bouse as usher and treas- urer for the past fourteen years. They In- tend to liook one attraction each week, and five as good attractions as can be secured or one night stands. The Clipper Is always on file at the house . /• onivertog ait. plaote msnMon Cxtrrn. seemed worth while. Guy Standing Is her ncceptablo to the public!. Tom II. Davis announces tho withdrawal of "The Grass Widows" from tbe Apollo, a fortnight hence. Charles Frohman opens tho Dukn of York's Theatre on Monday with an Interesting pro- Martin Harvey promises a revival of "The pram, made up of three short plays, folfow- imlng of the Shrew." Inar: "Overruled," by Bernard Shaw: "The leading man Geoige Alexander seems to have got a genuine success In "Thu Turning Point," at the St James though most of the critics found It melodramatic and unreal Eugeno St rattan had a sharp attack of widow of Wasdalehead," by Arthur IMncro, Illness the other day and had to glvo up and "Rosalind," by J. M.Barrle. work, but he deprecates the sensational They contomplato a big mlnBtrel show at stories quickly In circulation, and promises the London Palladium for Christmas, to be at work again soon. An operetta, entitled "The Blue House, "Little Miss Llewellyn." who Is a kind of written by Anston Uurgon, nnd composed by second cousin of your "Suzanne," makes ber Emerlch Kulman, Is duo at tho London lllp- fiftleth appearance at the Vaudeville on podromc on Oct. 28. It will feature Shirley Monday. ' Ki'llog. likewise Bert Cnoto. "Dicky" Dixon, the managing director of Fred Oinnctt who lias been running a the Empire, has taken the Follies in bond. "Wild Australia" show in thn provinces, has He will run them at the Apollo In their wlBcly adapted It to the variety stage, and regular show till Christmas, then bring them got a show at Shepherds Bush Empire on to the Empire In a pantomime skit. Monday. It features broncho riding, stock- Fanny Ward's mansion In Berkeley Squaro whip and lariat work, lariat and lasso throw- has been entered by burglars, who got away ing and ansko charming, with $2,500 worth of goods. Lester Loncrgau uindo a hit nt the Kll- "Bunty Pulls the Strings" Is running up burn Empire, on Monday, In Howell Collins' the record, toward six hundred, nt tho rato protean sketch, entitled "From A to Z." of nine performances a week, at the Hay- This Ingeniously • exploits Mr. Loncrgan as market Mhakespoura (satirising Shaw), as Knsclits, A new subject has been chosen for the Drury the first actor; as David Garrlck, in that Lane pantomime—"Tbe Sleeping Beauty." apocbryphol drunk scene; as Dion Boucl- Frank Carter and Isabel D^Armond are cau t. playing Conn, and as Richard Mans- due at the Palace, with a jDlano. . Held, as "Dr. Hyde and Mr. Jekyll." "Rebecca of Stinnybrook Form" Is Immcdl- „ An ta Borelll Ihe wife of Signer Nino ntcly to be replaced at the Globe Theatre, Borelll, died on Sunday after a abort Illness, by Austin McnuKh's "Officer 000." ««? was the daughter of an American ran- Forbes-Robertson snvs that when bo jlclan of German extraction. As Hlgnor nnrl played "The PasslDg of tho Third Floor Madame Borelll the OEtlsts have been, for Back" In America, ho used to have in his many years, popular exponents of operatic dressing room every night "a constant sue- music and comedy, notably the .'nls duet, cession of visitors— bishops of tho Episcopal They met as members of tho Bessie Iloiiehlll Church, Roman Catholic priests, rcproscnta- biirlesciuo company, In tho States, tlves of every sort and kind of religious nc- Herbert Lloyd reports a successful season tlvlty. Including ltabbis, quite as enthusiastic in Stockholm. as any minister of tho Christian church, to . Henley and West, who sail for America shortly, to cover the Orphcum Circuit, lire this week at the Empire. Contracts extending to 11114 were the hn- all nf whom the play appealed by Its aim plicltv nnd catholicity." "Public taste," according to Mr. Robert son, "Is In a very healthy state. It may bo mediate reward of the American Raglliuo seen in the recent success of the morality Octelte, at the London Hippodrome, plays. The taste for crudu love stories and Gene Urconc, the ragtime king, Is due at melodrama Is passing, and we shall have the the Palnco Thentro on Monday, plays with ideas, not merely designed to By permission of the Sbiiberts, Gaby please but to quicken thought nnd arnuso Dcslys, shortly duo In New York, extends the flier susceptibilities of our nature." ber season to Nov. 2. World of Players. Notes from t'he Henry Family Theatre Co. —We will open our regular season In about two weeks, starting some three later than last scuson. The delay was caused by a railroad wreck, In which one of tho Henry Sisters— Florence—was badly hurt, but she will bo able to appear. It Is thought, playing most of her roles as usual. This Is the first mishap that has ever happened to a member of this company In all its long career, and as It was a bad mix-up, we nrc only too thankful that she escaped with her life. Some new faces will lie with us this season, nnd one or two old stand-bys «ri already on hand. F. S, Edwards has spent his vacation with the family at tbeir Summer home, and will direct the music as usual. The veteran, "Pop" Henry, Is on deck as lively as ever. He has just completed a new musical play, which will have a try-out at the very start. "Old Adirondack" will be retained, as It was a big winner. The orchestra will, as ever, be a feature. qtOHTEn ay the Pkicfi & Butleh Co. : Mar- garet Regan, leading business ; Ethel Klinerly, characters; Eleanor Butler, Ingenues ; Adah Williams, heavies; William Price, comedy; Frank Spencer, characters; Max McDonald. juveniles; Charles Lcalnnd, comedian ; Will Cunnlnglmm. heavies; Robert Bochmc, busi- ness manager; Earle Tobias, carpenter; C. E. Gerry, misleal director; George llutler, leading man. This Is thu eighth nnntinl tour of this well known company. Season opened Labor Day, In Ohio. Snowball Jack Owens and Company, who have been playing tabloid versions of comedies and dramas for thirty-six weeks, at the Market Theatre, Algiers, La.-(a ferry- boat 'ile from New Orleans), will on Oct. 1!? ta,.. ..'s company on thu road with a high' class musical production, carrying his own orchestra of twelve people and thirty chorus Klrls. Mr. Owens writes that he has secured the following players: Holler Clayton. Fred Lorcb, Carroll Hill, Oscar Hell, Mac Carroll. Pearl Keens, Hetty Baldwin and May Owens. Snowball Jack Owens will be principal co- median. W. Ren Bnazman will be business manager of tho company for Mr. J)wcdb.