The New York Clipper (October 1912)

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OCTOBEB 26 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. € A SHAPIRO LANDSLIDE! If You. \A/ar\t j. ^on^ to make a Genuine hit for Your Act just tell us Your Style WeH&veva Marvellous ^ ■n March- Ra5 5on<J, 4 A £ U A ^ah^emi-B^IJaGl YOU 5EEM ei'rn:—: V ■ -TKe^ §M^0M ■ ilteife ,arfe i E -^r-——- r -_ T ---'_-. 5 a£ I oftM I. Winter Si^^^ti-Sa^lli ^s^tou i ; i:r?^ 4 7 Hi A"\vdrvder:£ DR ME ^Jpii SHAPIRO .NEW YORK: CHICAGO"BRANCH. ■" GrAnd-Opcra Hoiiie^Blcl^ 'Sig. BpSLty, Representative U!! Streetmen Venders and Clipper Merchants Don't forget that the BEST AND BIGGEST HOUSE between the ATLA.VT1C AND PACIFIC WATERS IN AMERICA IS l>S. SHURE To buy your ■applies from. we have the LARGEST VARIETY OF BEST SELLERS The (roods yon handle In our special business, and SEND FUR OUR CAVA LOGL'E. We aend no catalogue to consumers, so when requesting a catalogue •tate what kmlneu yon condnct. Wt protect onr customers BY KEEPING OUR CATALOGUE FROM CONSUMERS' HANDS. CAMPAIGN COODSanpNOVELTIES Get onr his; circular of these lines. Yon will do brisk profitable bu«lne» If yon handle onr attractive sellers. We manufacture these goods AT PRICES NO ONE CAN BEAT. Address "CUPPER DEFT." N. SHURE CO. 237 239 Madison St. CHICAGO, ILL. FAVORITE RENDEZVOUS FOR REPRESENTATIVE SHOW PEOPLE THE WELLINGTON HOTEL E. D. CUMBONOS, Manager 3SSS av-eSue" 1 CHICAGO, ILLS., U. S. A. Europun. Cafe and Buffet Sirvlcs Unexcelled. VISIT THE INDIAN ROOM Official Headquarters for The Carnival Managers* Association of America. r^ with the Hagenbeck-Wallace Shows, and one season with the Bells-Kioto Circus. For tho past three years he has been under the di- rection of Louis E. Cooke, general agent of the Two Bills' Show, and this Fall was of material assistance In. making the railroad and local contracts In Texas. COLONEL ANDRESS IN CHICAGO. Colonel Charles Andress, the veteran circus adjuster, who for manv years played a promi- nent part In the tented field, has returned to Chicago from an overland trip to bis thou- sand acre farm at Great Bend. Kan. Colonel Andress is one of the "boys" In every sense ot the term. . He seems to grow younger every year, although he has put In a lHe- time with amusement attractions. VICTORIA IN GREAT COMPANY. Charles M. Abrahams Is to be heartily ieiicitnted upon having concluded arrange- ments for the presentation of his star attrac- tion, Princess Victoria, with the Harry Lau- «er show, under the direction of William Morris. Sure It Is that the "Miniature Melba will shine with such a classy outfit. * - BTJD ATKINSON AT WELLINGTON. Bud Atkinson will continue to make his ncadquarters at the Wellington Hotel, Chi- {^eo. .until the middle of November, when ne will leave for Australia to take active cnargo of his circus and Wild West, to tour o^ e - An , tl P<>des. H. S. Rowe, his general SESa lc " Chicago Thursday, 17, for San f. rancl «co, to sail for Sydney to look after =.-„,preliminary arrangements for the Au- T'lli £ ,our ' to °P en ta Sydney at the Public HS HP* . 1B ' Bert Morphy, who Is to,bo £ntured with the big musical organization ^ c ° m J»?ylng the Atkinson aggregation, and ti.ii mni ' ,e ... tne banner and program adver- "*»* will leave with Mr. Atkinson neit "Jpntn. ■ ja . ■ »■ '** Cochrane returned itfikjblcago Frl- Iff, 18, after an eaWnslve trip In the South looking after business matters snd Incidentally visiting the Barnum & Rnlley and the Two Bills' ahows. He Is ranking his headquarters at tho Annex. Lon B. Williams Is In Chicago. He has sot announced his plans for next season. ■ WILL ROSSITER GOSSIP. Walton and Brandt arc featuring the hurricane song tuccess, "AH Night Long." John Baxter Is also making some real nolss with this over night song sensation. Virginia Grant expresses herself as well pleased with the song repertoire she select- ed from the W. R. shop. "Oh, You Georgia Rose," being especially well liked by her au Florence Stlllwell Is exploiting several W. R. numbers successfully. "Texas Prance and "Oh, You Georgia Rose" are her feature songs "I'd Love to Live In Loveland With a Girl Like You" Is still a big bit with Boycr and I'rAnrh Ellda Morris, a rollicking hit at the Pal- ace, Chicago, week of 7, has taken a fancy to "All Night Long," and will Immediately make It her feature song. Flo Collier has two rousing numbers In "I'm Going to Take tho First Train" and "Oh. You Georgia Rose/' "You Can't Expect Kisses from Me. one of the biggest hits In the W. R. catalog. Is being featured by Mary Elisabeth, the Grey Trio, Mason and PearBO, Adcle Oswald. Edythe Livingston, Mnry Qulvle and Paul McCarthy, Frederick V. Bowers, the Keene Trio, American Troubadours, Sharp ana Wilkes and Virginia Grant. Noble and Brooks have a W. R. song reper- toire which Is giving much satisfaction, "Keep on Lovln*" being their featured song. Maude Lambert has an emphatic success In the new and beautiful ballad. "When I Met You Last Night In Dreamland The Curtis Bisters find In "A I Night Long" a ready encore gatherer. Grimm and E'llott also flnd.thlB number a splendid one for their particular requirements. Dorothy Vaughn Is back in Chicago after a prolonged tour of the far West. She re- ports "O-U-CIrcus Day" a complete riot with her everywhere Introduced. Charlotte Knvenscroft Is using "All Night Long" and "Keep on Lovln'," both with marked success. The Connolly Sisters are singing "AH Night Long," and from present Indications the song Is destined to be one of the grandest successes they have ever used. s BETTS & BINNER NOTES. Schultc and Kcenc, that entertaining duo, are now using "Burglar Man," which they say Is one of the best' numbers for their kind of work that they have yet had the pleasure of securing. These two performers predict a great future for this song. Stanley and Grey, those clever singers and dancers, have gradually worked their act up step by step, until they now begin to look like a real big time act. They arc using "There Is No Little Girl Like You." Hayes and Wlcr, that musical act of class, Is now playing the local vaudeville theatres In and near Chicago. Miss Wlcr Is a violin player whose ability surpasses that of any artist of whom wc have had the pleasure of hearing In a long while. She has added to her repertoire "There Is No Little Girl Llko You." Mr. Hayes Is the one man who can put over a talking song, and put It over right, outside of the celebrated George M. Cohan. Doretta Hoyden, who Is playing In tho South, Is a baritone singer of note, and is surely making a hit with her single act. She considers that the best number In her repertoire Is "There Is No Little Girl Like You." Bhe Is gathering her share of popu- larity with this one song. Dorothy Dodd, of the team Dodd and Gough, says they arc wild about "Rurglar Man." These people are now playing St Ixnils. OUT OF TOWN NEWS VV^®Hi:LVGrT01V. Fair weather anil first class offering? at all tho houses. Bis business for all. Ackmi (J. W. I.jrous, rap-.)—"The Oamhler'i" drew big business week of Oct. 14. "Happy Hooligan" week of 21. "The Little Tenderfoot" week of 28. H2USCO (L. Stoddard Taylor, mgr.)—"A Bnt- terfly on the Wheel," sang for the first time here, pleated good business week of 14. "Chimes of Normandv," by the Atom Opera Comlqae Co., week of 21. William Collier, In "Never Say Die." 28. Columbia (Fied O. Berger, mgr.)—Wm. Hodite, In "The Man from Home," drew large audiences week of 14. Henrietta Crosnuin, In "The Real Thing," week of 21. "Madame Sherry" week of 28. "Zlmballst" matinee, 80, at 4.30 p. u National (W. n. Bapley. mgr.)—"The Spring Maid." with Christie MacDoaald, week of 14; Douglas Fairbanks, In "Hawthorne, U. H. A.," week of 211 "Onr Wives" week of 28. Casino (A. Julian Brylawskl, mgr.)—Big busi- ness last week. Bill week of 21: Sig. Ameda I'nascrl nnd concert band. Vincent and Oarr, Marie King Scott, I. Aldrldge Llbby and Katheryn Trayer, Billy Bowers, Faint and Haunt, and new pictures. Sunday concerts do well. OnAKB's (Miss H. Wlnnlfred De Witt, mrr.) —A regular old time "Chase Polite Vaudeville" Rrorram wan the offering week of 14, to good uslness. Bill week of 21: Arthur Dengon, Pouchot's Flying Ballet, Laura Guerlte and Ar- thur Oourad, Hal Stephens and compiny, Clara Inge, Solly and Huasey. (be Btelner Trio, the Animated Weekly, -the pipe organ recitals. On account of permanent stock closing, JUVENILE LEI DIM W *- «00» SECOND BUS. 1T0MAI Are 27 height I ft ok in weight us Strong lloavles, Juveniles and Grand Dames, soma Agezi, neigniBrt.»xin.,wcignii4o. specialties. Ago 20, height6 ft. 4 In.. wclghtlis. ► Stock, one nlghter or reliable Rep. Join or wlro. Years or experience. A1 wardrobe and plenty of If State yonr limit. Reliable managers only. JACK SMITH, Hart's Theatre, Philadelphia, Pa, im t ed7 for re!»e : rtoTre DIRTG 3VI Mast be good reader and have wardrobe. Address IDA WESTON RAE, Walt Hill, Nobr., H*-S»o; Slonx City, Iowa, H8-30. WANTED, FOR MUSICAL COMEDY CO., PEOPLE IN ALL LINES, TO ENLAR6E COMPANY Soubrette, Chorus Olrls and others, write, Lowest salary, age, height and weight first letter or no reply. MUST bo sober and reliable. BEN TOY'S MUSICAL CUMKDY CO., Temple Theatre, Kane, Pa., Oct. 24,26, 26; Opera House, Titusvllle, Pa., 28, 20, 30. WALT WILLIAMS, Characters, age28; ht.ift, 101n,; wt. 140il>*. ETHEL FOSTER, ■oa- brette, Ingenues, age 24; lit. 6 ft. 8>, in.; wt. 120lbs. Wardrui.o, experience, reliable. Wire limit ' Join on Wire. Rep. Stock. One ple.e. WALT WILLIAMS, I'llAlitlt: DEPOT, OHIO. Cosmos (A. Julian Urylawskl, mgr.) —Hill week of 21: Faber and lie Voe, the Kalxtuiiii, 1'lckettc and Brown. Oypslna, iiml new u|i-tu. date pictures. Sunday concerts and music by "That Orchestra," do capuclty business. Oaiiusn (Tom Moore, ingr.)—One hour und a Iair show, with good music, Is the program, m offered for week Oct. 21. Uatbtt (Uwrge Peck, mgr.)—The Taxi Olrls plooBol big business week of 14. The Winning Widows week of 21. The Gaiety Girls week of 28. Sunday concerts do well. L.ceum (A. C. Mayer, mgr.—The Whirl of Mirth drew big business week of 14. The Mou- lin ltougc Burkequcrs week of 21. The Htnrs ot Stugclund 28. I'om'h (James Thatcher, mgr.)—Bill week *f 21: The Musical Lawyers Kcno, Welsh and Mel- rose, Carl Rtatzer and company, Billy McDcrmott, Bert and Lottlo Walton, Karltou and KUfford, Clare and West, with new, up-to-date Poll photo- plays. Big business rules. NOTES. Oiiaslis U. Scitusvc Jb. Is In advance of "Madame Sberry." Jfi.u Mat, of the Winning Widows Co., rumor has It, Is to retire at the end ot the present sea- son to become tbo wife of a Baltimore merchant. Cuase's announces a change lu prices at tbo new home of polite vaudeville, to become effective Oct. 21. All dally mntluee prices: box seats, SO cents; all other seats, 2G cents. No Increase Saturday or holiday matinees. Night prices: rroscenlnm box seals, 11.00; messanlne box seats, DO cents; orchestra, 76 cents and no cents; mezzanine door, .15 cent*; balcony, 20 cents. "Tnc OotiNTST STiias," a feature new to Wash- ington, which was placed before a Washington nu<llcnce at the Lyceum Theatre, Friday night, 18, pleased Mnnajcer A. O. Mayer so much that he will continue it on all Friday nights In the future. Maurice Hals, business manager for Henri- etta Crosman, is a Wsshlngtonlan, und was warmly received by his many friends Stanijct JAiixs was not forgnltcn by his Wash- ington ft lends during his engagement at Chase's, week of 14. Pou'a Porous Pi-avres, A. H. Van Boron. Mirk Kent, Graham Velsey. with Stage Director Harry Andrews, have Joined Foil's Stock, In Bridgeport, Conn. BrtTON Holmes and his Interesting travel- ogues, are due to oiten at Columbia Theatre, Nov. 17. . . . no*. Oliver S. METZKnoTT, the popular treas- urer of (he Columbia Theatre Co.. will lay aside the dudes of that ofBcc for a while, and will ac- coiupuuy the governor of. M-iryhiml on a tour West. Mr. Metzerolt In u member of the legislature of (be State of Maryland, and for a young matt he Is oue of the Mrougeat and brightest lights In that body. Los AnirelcN, Cnl.—Majestle (Oliver Mo< tosco, mgr.) Hulbnxik bllim and company pre- sented "A Itouiuncc of the Underworld," week uf Oct. 13. Belahco (Oliver Morosco, mgr.)—Orrln John- sou and MarguerKa Leslie, la "The Money Mum," Indefinite. Iti'iuuNK (Olive Morosco, mar.)—Ralph Stu- art and Morosco Co., in "A Dollar Did It." In- dellnlte. "Tho Kscniie" Is In preparation. Auditobiuu |L. K. Uehymcr, mgr.)—Oadskl Oct. 10. oiii'iini'M (Clarence Drown, mgr.) — BUI for week of 21 Includes: Claude and Fannie Usher, Dlero, La Mate Trio, "The Wonder Kettle,' 1 Ofeilo's Opera Company, Annie Kent, Nat Wills and Williams and Warner. KinmesH (Demi Worlcy, mgr.I—BUI for 21 unit week: Chapman and Uvrubc, Ilussell und Church, Jura, Heed and St. John, Ward, Klcire mill coinpuny, nnd "A JOght on a Roof Garden." l'ANTAUKH' (Carl J. Walker, ingr.) —lllll for 21 and week: l'aul Gordon und Itlccu, Keen* Trio, Alice Teddy, Tom Kelly, and Woolford'i Chleklets. St. Lonla, Mo.—Olympic (Walter Snnford, mgr.) Fiitil HcbeO, In "The lAiva Wager," wet* of Oct. 21. Centuuy (W. D. Cave, mgr.)—Mlzzl IIuJos, in "Tbo Spring Maid," week uf 20, SiiunuiT (Melville Htotlt, mgr.)—"llunty Tulls the Strings" Is held over for anolher week, be- ginning 21. Oabhick (Melville Rlotli, mgr.)—"Within the Law," second week, Is'gnuliig 21, American (Horry Wulluee, mgr.) — "A Ken- tucky llomance" week of 20. La Salli (Oppcnhclmcr Bros., mgrs.) —"Tie Power llehlud the Throne" week of 20. GAYn-r (O. L. Walters, mgr.)—Hunting's Big Show week of 20. Staniiabd (Leo Relclienboch, mgr.I — New Cen- tury Girls week of 20. Columbia (Harry Buckley, mgr.)—BUI for week of 21: Mmo. Marie Onlvnny. W. II. St. James and company, the Colraret Trio, the Three Kentons, Apdole's Zoological circuit, llelily and Currier, and Ik lie Onrs. Iltpponaoui (Krnnk Talbot, mgr.) —Hill for week of 21: Cingalese Dancers. Five Hippodrome elephants. Fire Aerial IlnwariN. Alexonder Chris- hmscn, the Tliree Heads Olrls. Arthur llahn, Alvrailo's gonls. HI 1',-snan Ben All's Troupe, and While's Animal Circus, sn