The New York Clipper (October 1912)

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OOTOBBE 20 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. 15 OUT OF TOWN HEWS Cleveland. O.—Optra House (A. F. Hnrlz, but.) CI dries Cherry, in "Passere-By," Oct. 21 •nil week. Emma Trentiol, In "The Firefly," week of 28. Colonial (P. Bay Oom»to«k, mjr.) — "C. O. D." week of 21. Era Tanguay, In "The San Dodgers," 28 and week. The week of Nov. 4 will witness the production of Schubert's "The Whirl of Society" with N. Y. Comoany of one huu- dreu, and the famous Broadway Beauty Squad. Pnosi'ECT (G. M. Todd, mgr-)— John O'Don- nell. In "Rollicking Shannon," week of Oct. 21. Thurston the magician. 28 and week. Gbaxo (J B. Michaels, mgr.)—"The Yoke" 21 and week. "Faust" week of 28. Cleveland (H. D. Zlrker, mgr.)—The HoMen Players, Is "Sapno," 21 and week. "Woman Against Woman" week of 28. Duchess (W. B. Cairn, mgr.)—"Wildfire." by the Duchess Stock Oo.. week of 21. "Tbe Alan of the Hour" week of 28. Keith's HierocBOHE (H. A. Daniels, mgr.)— Bill for week of 21: "Tbe Dance Dream," Tro- vollo. the Bell Family, Harry Fox and tbe Mil- lership Sisters, Kittle Traney, Jimmy Lucas, Hunting and Francis, and Bedford and Winches- ter. Pbisctlla (P. E. Seaa, mgr.)—Bill for week of 21: "Polly Pickle's Pets," the Torleys, Logan and Tenia, the Columbia Mualcal Four, Etbel iicPbee, firoh and Lyons, and Mareena, Nevaro and Mareena. Star (Drew A Campbell, nigra.)—Has New lork Jr. week of 21. Euruu <e. A. McArdle, mgr.)—The Social Uslds 21 and week. Aluahbba (Wm. Chase, mgr.)—Klneinacolor pictures and a special program of organ and'or- chestra selections week of 21. Knickerbocker (E. M. Downs, mgr.)—"The uon Tamer's Revenge" Is one of the feature films, with "Thermose" shown between the films, week of 21. Note. —Sousa's Band Is announced for concerts OS Nov. 3 at tbe Hippodrome. „.I° ,eao > O.—Valentine, Mrs. Flske, In "The High Bond," Oct. 21, 22. Lyceum —Billy B. Van, In "A Lucky Hoo- doo." 20 and week. Keith's —BUI tor week of 20: Valerie Ber- cere and company. Mack and Orth, Bert Flte- giiition. Linton and Lawrence, Three Pnrrell Sis- ters Ellda Morris, Bell and Csron, and Puthe's » eekly. , CoLcunii—Vaudeville and pictures. Begln- j> jig 20, Arthur Olamadge and company, IndeB- Empixb.— Ben Welch's Burlesquers were here week of 13. Aacaps.—Vaudeville. Bill for 17-10 Included: imperial Japs, Adams, Elsie Garnella and com- pany, Charlotte Duncan. Four Bonnells, and the notion pictures. Colonial, Hast, Cbowh, Both* Eupibss, victoit, 8ta» and Pbinoess are showing pic- tures to good business. Notes.— Arthur Clamadge Moslcal Stock Co. t" returned to tho Columbia from a successful run in Chicago. The company carries twenty-five people, and their stay will he Indefinite on trlday night, 18, Ben Welch, who was play- ing at the Empire, and, while waiting for bis ! u ' n . w *»t over next door to the Arcade and nutted in on the amateurs, and with his usual Hebrew jokes he had the bouse from the start. „ c ° ,n .»»'»«". O. — Hartman (Lee M." Boda. JiT. - .' T £°*- w - *«■■• to "The Only Son," Oct. ''■"B: Emma Trentlnl, In "Tbe Firefly," 24-20. So^Sm.''* r - **«• ■»•)-"»• Whlt « n.! 1 "?." n. 8 ? 1 " <C W. Harper, mgr.)—"The Price' 21-28. "The Gamblers" 24-20. hEiru's (W. W. Prosscr, mgr.)—BUI for week ■nil 1 ;. ^ e,l, » 8e «™. Six American Dancers, .. i ?. - .u. EUwl MacDonoogb, Max's Circus, Lloyd US 2 n »«bouse, Bert Terrell, Wartenberg Bros., and the pictures. . /gf f Sffi (J. A. Madnox, mgr.)—Bill for week 5.-1 : F1 i*«lmmons and Cameron, Qlliton Craig, asurtroB Bros., George Watson and Florence Wtt-cgain, and the pictures. Bboadwat (W. James, mgr.)—Bill for week of ii i™ Snarrocka, the Four Hogans, Edith It !?* B ° ,, company, Uanlon and Clifton, Jack nolll, and pictures. Zonenville, O.—Schalts (W. S. Canning, m Kr.) "Fenny Side of Life" Oct. 22. Geo. Syd- ney, in "Busy laxy," 23; "The Spring Maid" Ouphktw (E. R. Harris, mgr.)—Vaudeville and moving pictures. Hiri'obRoaE (C. W. Morrison, mgr.)—"As You Like It" was the feature film 16. Business Is good. Qt'iiiBT's (W. C. Qounby, mgr.)—Moving pic- tures, to good returns. Manager Qulmby left for the Fast 15, to witness several feature films, to be shown at (his house In the near future. American (James Collins, mgr.) — Always crowded houses, with moving pictures. Elmlra, X. Y.—Lyceum (Lee Norton, mgr.) the Lyceum Theatre Stock Co. closed Its sea- son here Oct. 19, after presenting "The Lion and tbe Mo me." The enterprise was not a financial success. The theatre management an- nounces that M. Reis will soon Introduce high class stock attractions st this playhouse by a permanent company of capable players. The Ly- ceum will he devoted exclusively to this new stock Idea, but Mr. Rela baa secured the Co- lonial Theatre here, which will be utilised by him for bis one night attractions formerly seen at the Lyceum. The opening date has not been announced. Motion pictures will be discontinued at the Colonial. Coming, "Alma, Where Do You Liver* Oct 26. Mozabt (George F. Dunbar, mgr.)—BUI for week of 21: Conroy and Le Malre, Roy and Warren, Marlka and Carmen, Presto, Abbott and Bay, nnd O'Neill Slatera. Majistio (M. D. Gibson, mgr.)—Bill for week of 21: Frcncllll snd Lewis, Olivette and com- pany, Deery and Francis, and Ktpp and Klppy. Fa wilt (Q. W. Mlddletou, mgr.)—BUI for week of 21: King, MoJnolland and company, Kiull Le Croix and company, Turrelly Duo, Harry Rose, Great Rago and company and West snd Brown. Buffalo, X. Y.—Star (P. C. Cornell, mgr.) "Ben-Hur" week of Oct. 21, Wm. Farnum, in "The Littlest Rebel," 28 and week. Teck (Messrs. Shubert, mgrs.)—"The Blind- ness of Virtue" week of 21. Cosmo Hamilton, author of thla play, lectured at this house IS. Annette Kellermann week of 28. M/jEsnc (J. I.nughlln, mgr.)—Eleanor Mon- (ell, In "A Woman's Name." week of 21; "Bol- llcklng Shannon," with John O'Donnell, week of 28. Shea's (M. Shea, mgr.)—Bill for 21 and week: Edna Goodrich mid company, Scott and Kenne, Reed Brothers, Hitlllgan and Sykes, Jordan Trio, Sivor and Mack, Itaiusdell Trio, Phil Slaata, and Helen Henschel-Morrls, who made her debut as local pianist. Garden (M. T. Middle ton, mgr.)—Trocadero Burl" squers. with Frank Fluuey, week of 21; the Knickerbockers week of 28. Lafayette (C. U. Bagg, mgr.)—Bohemian Bur- lesquers. with Andy Gardner and Ida Nlcoll, week of 21; Queens of (he Folles Bergere 28 and week. Contention IIai.l (II. L. Meecb, mgr.)—Alma Gluck and Fasqtule Amato 20. lit lea, Bf. Y.—Majestic (Ford Anderson, mgr.) Madame Naalmova Oct. 21, Wm. FaTcrsham 23, "Omcer 006" 20. Shvbekt (Raymond T. Morrow, mgr.)—Bill for week of 21 Includes: "In the Barracks," Grenlcr La Fosc, Karvey De Vora Trio, Lillian Ashley, Wlllard Hutchlna company, and Herman Tlmberg. HirpuDEOkE (J, P. Qulnn, mgr.)—Bill for week of 21: Geo. Naegle and company, Joe Bren- nan, tbe Great Rogo and company, King, Mulhol- land and Brown, Battle Rose, Mr. and Mrs. Setl- bono. _ -M Luk behi. —Al. Beeves' Beauty Show week of 21. Aliumbba (Henry Lax, mgr.)—Motion pic- tures. Oarnrxu.—Motion pictures. oesi. —Motion pictures, Nora — Manager Ford Anderson, of the Ma- jestic, will act as manager for all of tbe Wllmer A Vincent thentres In this city, namely: The Majestic, Orpheum and Shubert. Albany, K*. T. — Harmanas Bleecker nail (Edward M. Hart, mgr.) Lew Fields presented his latest musical comedy, 'The Sun Dodgers." Oct. 18, 10, for the first time on any stuge. Tbe cast included: Eva Tonguoy, George W. Monroe, Harry Fisher snd Belle Blanche. Capacity house* greeted the production. '"The Wrong Way" 21- 23; David Worneld, In "The Beturn of Peter Grln-m," 25. 20; Sam Bernard, In "All for the Ladles," Nov. 7-0. Emi-irb (Jar. H. Rhodes, mgr.)—The Merry- no-Knuuders Oct. 21-23, the Golden Crook 24-211 Olnrk's Runaway Olrla 28-30, Dave Marlon and Dreamland Burlesquers 31-Nov. 2. Proctor's (Howard Graham, mgr.)—Contlnu- ous vaudeville and moving pictures, with Ave changes a week. AKE-UP NEVERBETSHARD Majestic (Emll Detests, m4T.)— Vaoderflje and moving pictures. Syracuse, N, Y—Erar-lre (Frederick Gage, mgr.) the premiere of "The Firefly," with Emma Trential, look place at this house week of Oct. 14. Standing room was at a premium at every performance. On tbe opening night Miss Trentlnl and the anther of the piece were accorded an ovation, which lasted for twenty minutes. Christie MacDonald, In "The Spring Maid." 21- 23; Alia Naiimova, In "The Marionettes," 55, 20. WicTiNo (Francis P. Martin, mgr.)—Annette Kellermann company 21-23, Mme. Sembrlch, In concert, 24. IUbtable (Stephen Beatable, mgr.)—AI. Beeves' Beauty Show 21-23, "Easy Money" 2420. (Cans. H. Plummer, mgr.)—BUI for week of 21 Includes: Mclntyre and Heath. Prosit Duo, Benn Linn. Olga Petrova, Tom Davles Trio, Four Musical Kings, and Rosalind Ooghlan and compauy. General, If. Y. — Geneva (B. B. Gutslndt, mgr.) "Bought and raid For" Oct. 25. "The Pasalng of the Third Floor Back" 80, "The Lion and the Mouse" 31. Tekkjb (Frank 0. Pierce, mgr.)—Pictures and high class musical turns, afternoons and evenings, to good bouses. Star (Daniel Deegan, mgr.)—Pictures, to fair business. Motion Wobu>. —Picture and variety (even- ings) to satisfactory business. Lnnlkvllle, Ky.—Macauley'a (John T. Ma- canler, mgr.) "Get-RIchfJulck Walllngford" Oct. 21-23. "He Fell in Love with Bis Wife" 24-20. Eiiusext's Masonic (J. J. Qarrlety, mgr.)— The Winter Garden Company, with Al. Jolsoo, 22, 23; Bernard Daly, In "Dion O'Dare," 24-28. Walnut Strevt (0. A. Shaw, mgr.)—Dsve Lewis, in "Don't Lie to Your Wife," week of 20. Ciyety (O. T. Taylor, mgr.)—Big business week of 13. Billy W. Watson's Girls from Hap- pylsnd week of 20. Bcckinqhau (Horace McCrocklln, mgr.)—The Follies of the Day week of 20. Keith's (J. L. Wicd, mgr.)—BUI for week of 20: "Tbe Apple of Paris," Elliott, Savonas Smjlhe and Hartman, Lora, Doc O'Neill, Britt Wood, and tbe Rials. Majestic (L. Dittniar, mgr.)—"The Widow's Second Marriage" featutea the films for week of 20. Aienub (M. A. Shaw, mgr.)—"Golden Rod" fcatcres week of 20. Novelty (J. Lerenson, mgr.)—'What the Bell Told" features week of 20. C/sino (I. Simon, mgr.) — "The Cringers" -esiures week of 20. Cjlcmria (I. Sin on, mgr.) — "Star Eye's Strategy" features week of 20. Ceystaa. iM. Switow, mgr.)—"The Border De- tective" features week of 20. Olymi-ic (Max I. Simon, mgr.)—"The Dummy Dlmciur" features week of 20. Bil-i'ODaojiE) (Max L. Simon, mgr.)—"A Tale of the Foothltla" features week of 20. Noir.—The picture bouses are doing big busi- ness. Milwaukee, Wis. — Davidson (Sherman Brown, mgr.) la dark week of Oct. 21. Mlxxl Hajoa, In "The Spring Maid." week of 27. Shubm't (Wm. E. Mick, mgr.)—The Asorn Opera Co. 20 and week. Majestic (J. A. Hlgler, mgr.)—Bill week of 21 Includes: William Rock and Maude Fulton, Bert Leslie and company, Belle Baker, the Har- vey Family, James II. Cullen, Mclntyre and Groves, La Petite Mlguou, and the Five Juggling Mowatta. Pabst (Ludwlg Krclvs, mgr.)—The German Players presented "Die Elsa Von Erblenbof." 20. Uaiety (J. A. Whitehead, mgr.) —'The Gay Widows week of 20. The Big Revue 27 and week. Saxf. (Edward Raymond, usgr.)—"The Woman in tbe Case" 20 and week. "Alma Where Do You Live?" week of 27. Cetstal (Edward Raymond, mgr.)—Bill for week of 21 is beaded by Lillian Mortimer and "The Mun That Grows." f.mi'eehu (Jac. Isaacs, mgr.)—Bill for week of 20 includes: Johnny .Vert, "Circumstantial Kvl- dence." the Mosarts, the Quaker Girls, and Harry Esadspr. Jineac (J. B. Belchert. mgr.)—Tbe Juneau Stock Co. presents "Tbe Resurrection" 20 and week. 'The Little Gray Lady" week of 27. Columbia (Wlnninger -Bros, mgrs.)—The Win- nlager Stock Co. presents "The End of the Trail" 20 and week. Racine, Wis. — Racine (a H. Bentber, mgr.) Mania's "Uncle Tom's Cabin" Oct. 20, "The House of a Thousand Candles" 27 "The Common Law" 28, "The Light Eternal" SO, 'The Fortune Hunier" Nov. 8. New ORiHEtiu (H. C. Andreas, nujr.)—Bill for Oet. 21-23 Included: Broomstick Witches, Seven Belfords, the Bag Trio, Lew Wells. Jessie Bell. For 24-29: Eddie Leonard and Mabel Russell, Warren and Bruckway, Sumner and Clark. Four Victors, and Virginia snd Bibbing. Excellent business dally. Grand, Majestic, OariiiuK, Bijod, Ltric, Gr.x, Akcsh and Casino, picture houses, are all doing well. Notes. —P. 0. Havll, the popular and com- petent manager of the Orpheum picture house, has tendered his resignation in order to accept a more Important position In Chicago C H. Bauther, manager of the Racine Theatre, and a gentleman of experience In all branches of the theatrical profession, will assume tbe manage- ment of the new Orpheum Tbe Orphctiui picture theatre has been changed to a combina- tion house, and will give three acts of vaudeville In addition to the pictures. The bill for 21-2.1 included: Berry and Benson, Theresa Miller, and Rledcrsoa anil Bernard. For 24-27: Leo and Chapmaa, Carrie Mcjianua, aud Florence Wilson. Memphis, Tenia. — Lyceum (Frank Gray, mgr.) "Madame Slierry" Oct. 21, 22. "(iet- Klch-Qulck Wuillugfurd" 27, 28. Lyric (BciiJ. M. Stainback, mgr.)—Wm. Brady presents " 'Way Down East" week of 20. Orpuedu (Max Fablsli. mgr.)—BUI for week of 21: Paul I'erlera, Stein, Hume and Thomas, Valletta's Leopards, May fully, Bay L. Royce, Itebrt and lnei KaufmauB, Work and Play, and tbe tcotlon pictures. Princess (Walter D. Botto, mgr.)—Good bus!- less nled. Beginning 20, this theatre showa moving pictures only. Mozabt, Madison, Popular and Metropoli- tan, alrdomes, have all quit business for the Winter. Tub Four Majrwtics, Alamo, Colonial, ?lixn. Palace, Carrollton, two Pastimes, or, Savoy, Uoial. Gbv, I'bkin, Famous, ano Dairy, moving picture houses, arc doing good business. \nahvllle, Tens.—Vendome (W. A, Sheets, mgr.) Mamie Adams, In "IVtcr Pan." sold out for two performances Oct, 17. "Madame Sherry" 18, 10. OephedaC (Geo. H. Hickman, mgr.)—Bill for week of 21: Three Bohemians, Pierce and Roalyn, Frits Houston and C'avnna Duo. Princess (Harry Sudekum, mgr.)—Good busi- ness. Bill for week of 21: Pollard, Paddock and Paddock, Four Lewises, Jarvls and Harrison, and the Hassams. BLror/ (Geo. H. Hickman, mgr.)—"Seven Days" week of 21. Crtstal, Elitb, Aliiambra and Rrx, moving fileture houses, are doing well The IIomita iss been closed on account of poor business. Knlxville, Tenia—Staub's (Frits BUnb, mgr.) "Madame Sherry" Oct. 17, "Old llmne- stesd" 18, "Ushy Mine" ID, "Alms, Where Do You Llve7" Nov. 1. Bijou (Fred Martin,'mgr.)—Excellent vaude- ville, continues to good returns. Grand (Frank Rogers, mgr.) — Vaudeville. Business first clnss. Majestic. Oat, Ren, Crystal, Bonita and Lyric, picture bouses, are doing One business. Fall River. Mass. — Savoy (L. M. Boas, mgr.) Aborn English 0|iera Co.. In ".Madame But- terfly," Oct. 22. "The Butterfly on the Wheel" Nov. 8, Blanche Ring 8, Bostoi Symphony Or- chestra 12. Academt (L. M. Boas, mgr.)—BUI for Oct. 21-23: Texas Tommy Dancers, Chief Red Feather, Alice IIiuiKm and Honey Johnson. For 24-20: Texas Tommy Dancera. Force and Will- iams, and Fiddler and Hhelton. .Bijou (M. II. Goodhue, mgr.)—Bill for 21-23 Included: All Bajsb and company Clahan and Sweeney, Unnley and Gsrvls, and Chaa. Kelly snd company. For 24-20: WlnOeld and Smith, Helen Gagi-on, Costellcd Band, and Ruin Heri- tage. PBRMnot (L. M. Boas, mgr.)—Bill for 21-28 Included: Fred and Clara Steele. Ja-:k Case, and the Tossing Anal ins. i'auce (A. II. Ashley, mgr.)—Motion pictures and Illustrated songs. HEW YORK THBATRE8. ELTINGE 42d St. Theatre WITHIN THE'lit ME Brjant. Irr. I ao. Mats. W< Sat 11A Wed. Mai. Ponnla THB AMERICAN PLAY OOlf Joart W. of Broadway. Phone 8420 Mats. Wed. sad MM, 3GMPANY Annoascea iraw ay of TO-DAY NOTABLE CAST OF WELL K50WK PLATERS. QKO. fW\niK THEATRB, BroadwsT A 48d Street, llVsUIl KvgR. 8.1S. lteta. Wed * Sat., 2.16. COHAN GEO. M. and Dig own Company in MR. COHArTS LATEW COMEDY "BROADWAY" JONES AQTflP B'wayAtSSU Eve. 8.18. liatmeos n° + "« Wed. A Snt. 115. Tel. 28T Brjant COHAN A HARRIS, Lessees and Managers A. H. WOODS presents The latest and Newest Viennese Operetta, THE WOMAN HATERS With SAVIaLIB fishier B. F. KEITH'S 6REATER NEW YORK CIRCUIT COLONIAL Bl NIIWICIC AIaHAHBRA crescent BHOhTX ORKKNPOINT ORPHEUM GOTHAM B. F. KEITH'S UNION SO. THEATRE, B'way A 14th St. Phone urn Stnyveeant. Matinee Dally Sic.; Nights, 25c. to $1.00 JIMMY BRITT, EMMA CAHUS, Avon Comedy Four, OrahamMofflit'aPlayers.lntlie Scottish comedy, "The Con- ceded Bed;" Phillip Bartool- omae'aPlayers.In ''They Lived Happy Ever After; "Seymour Brown, Anna Buckley's Anl- Imala, crelghton Bros., others. MOULIN ROUGE Formerly New York Theatre. Eves 8.10. Mats. Wed. and Sat. NEW AMSTERDAM ^r^l^ Eves. 8.16. Mats. Wed. and Sat. a,16. KI.AW A ERLANOER Present The Count of Luxembourg A Ilnslcal Romance by FUAKZ i.eiiaiT, COtupuier of "THE MERRY WIDOW." LIBERTY -m-aSSi Mats, Wed< and Sat,, 2.16. K.LAW A ERLANOER Preaeut MILESTONES By ARNOLD BENNETT and EDWARD KNOBLAUCH. Aa played to orowded houses at The Royalty Tbeatre, London. aflATTT'TV B ' Wl »y »nd46th8t. Evgs.S.30 VKVlaCs A X Mate. Wed. and Bat. 2.S0. Another Cohan 4 Harris Success). OFFICER 666 The Knuutest Farce In Years. DPPIIRI IsT* West42d8t. Evos. 6.16. BB "«' D sssl\s» Mats. wed. 4 Sat.. 2.1S. WILLIAM ELLIOTT and DAVID IiELaSCO Present "THE mOM'l LADY" A play In three acts and an epilogue In "Chllda'," by ALICE BRADLEY. DEI ACAA 'THEATRE. W.44thSt DCLflOUU Mnta. Thnrs. and Sat. at 2.16. David BELA8CO presents Frances Starr In a new play .by EDWARD LOCKE THE CASE OF BECKY PAT9TC Mth St., Col. Circle. Evjs. 8.16. Mats. ******»• Wed.Sat.,2.1S. Wed.Mat,oOc.-|1.60. "CLEVER-EXOELLENr-StJCOESS."—World. "OL1FTON CRAWFORD AT HIS BE8T.»-OIol)e. CLIFTON CRAWFORD "•aSS -- "MY BEST GIRL" F. F. Proctor's 6th Ave. B'way 4 28th St. Dally Mat., 26c. Eves. 25c to $1 3 CONCERTS San., 2.16 A 8.16 All-Star Bills B. A. Rolfo'S 120,000 Production PU88INBOOT8 featuring WILL J. KENNEDY. MORGAN, BAILEY & MORGAN Felix Ad 1 <• r, Chaa. F. be mon, Frank Mills Players, The rt I'lruAL'oflls, Von Klein <h Gibson, Tom Kyle A Co. MLRRAV niLL THE4TIM: Leilnarton Awe. atnd *9d St.. M. V. This wash, PAY MABtjCERAOEH*. COLUMBIA THEATRE BROADWAY, 47th STREET. IT. Y. This ■week. The Bahmasaa Show. HIPPODROME 6th At., 4.1 44. Dally Mat, st 2. Best Beats, |i. Br. 8. UNDER MANY FLAGS ENTI R ELY MEW BPECIALTIEB IAjIUTCD PADnCM B'wayAWthSt. I Evgs.8 nlRICll uAnUtn PhoneSMOOoIs. I Sbarp. MATINEES &oo., T6C., and Best Bests' $1.00 The Passing Show of 1912 William A. pi A VnfUICss «"> «»•« of B'way. Brsdy's rLHIflUUiJE PUone. 2628 Brjunt. Evga. 8.16. Mats. Wed., Ttiuru. and Bat., 2.16. Little Women Wed. and Than. Hats. Best Seats $1.60. Even. 8.16, Mats. Than, and Sat. 2.16. East : 48th St. Theatre L, 'Phone 178 Bryant Thurs, Hat, Best Seats LITTLE MISS BROWN By Philip Bartholomse, author of "Over Night." William Collltr 1 i Comedy, 41st, East or B'way. Phono 6184 Bryant. Br. 1.16. Mats. Thura. and Sat. 2.16. Thursday Matinee, Beat Seats 11.60. Granville Barker's London Company, In Fanny's First Play RDfiATlWAV Tbeatre. Broadway,cor.41stSt. DRVOV TY AI Telephone, 101 Bryant. E?rs., 8.30. Mala., Mon., Wed. and Bat, 3.20. Mon., wed. and Sat Mats., 600 Orchestra Seats, tl. Last Two Weefca. LEW FIELDS PRESENTS Hanky Panky C Maxine ElUott's SfeS Evgi. 8.80. Matinees Wed. A Sat. 2.80. a. H. FRAZEE presents JAMES MONTOOMERY'S New Comedy READY mONEY . B ;r CASINO ^ 0D8 8»th St. XsfWsV«BsjsV»#«sVssV^ ^sF oroeley Ergs. 8.10. Matinees Wed. and Sat T hs Merry Countess C 39th STREET SC Evas. 8,16. Mats. Wed. and Sat., 2.16. aSSfcy I THE KINDNESS OF VIRTUE Oct.! By COSMOS HAMILTON. 42d, W. of B'way. Phone 6216 Bryant. Last Evsa. I Mats. Wed. 1.16. I A Sat 2.16. •eksj The Master of the House fl.UO FAMILY OIROLE »l)c. 'Wednesday Matinee Best Baats, s)I.BO. ENTIRE BAL0 ° Q71II Is^V'tt Broadway & 80th St. Evm„ 8.16 ITjiLL.ll'li 0 Mais., Wed. (Pop.) and Hat, 216 B. MAOUONALD HASTINOS' NEW OOMKDY, The New Sin with tlie cotupuny from tho Hnyal Theatre, London. CENTURY Tmm m tt2?8l?g tt * Evgs., 8 sharp, Mats., Weil. Hiid Hat., 2sliar|> Prices :6 cents t» |l.6o. THE DAUGHTER OF HEAVEN lly PI KltllK LOT I and J Uli ITII OAUTIEA Ltbio (Kd. Doliertv, mgr) —Motion plctarc* rnd llllastrated sontm. Stab (E. Mleiielfeldrr, mgr.)— Motion pic- tures and Illustrated sougs. Nickilodkun (Waltc-r llbrelow, mgr.) — Mo- tion pIctnnB and Ulustratnl sungs. Scenic (II. K. ArcLtr, nigr.)—Motion pictures. SprlnsTfleld, Haas.—Court Square (D. 0. Qllciore, mgr.) Howe's moving pictures Oet. 24- 20, "The Oamhlers" 20, "Frecklt-s" Nov. 4-U. Pjli's (Qordon Wrlglitor, uigr.)—Hill for w<*k of 21: Simon and Osterman and company, Cart. null and Harris, "Tbe Love Specialist," Cun- ningham and Marlon, and Eddie Boas. Oilmoib (P. F. Shea, mgr.) — The Golilea Crooks 21-23, a Parisian Model 21-20, Dreum- land Burlesquers 28-8U. Nelsom (II. I. DIUenback, mgr.)—BUI for 21- 98 Included: Conboy and Wlllsea, Berg and Wil- son, and Marab. Craig. For 24-20: Howard and Curtis, Jerome and Jordan, Leo Beers, and mo- tion pictures. Plaza (Goldstein Bros., mgrs.)—BUI for 21-23 Included: Metropolitan Trio, O'Brien and Lear, and Belle Meyers. For 24-20: Morris snd Clark, Adams and Olroux, Knrrell, and moving pictures. Notes. —George E. Stacy, at one time dramatic editor of The Springfield Union, la now business manager of "Tbe Wall Street Girl" Co (lus Kdwanla' Song Revue wss a big bit at Poll's, week of 14. Terra) Haute, Ind.—Grand (T. W. Bar- byilt, mgr.) "The White 81ave" Oct. 21, 22, matinee snd night: Mrs. Flske, in "The High Boad." 23: "Frecklea" 25,20, ''Where the Trull Divides" 27. Sarah Bernhardt, In "Queen Kllza- bMh." moving pictures, 20, 30; Modern Woodmen (local) 31. Vabieties (Jack Hoeffler, mgr.)—Bill for week of 21 Includes: Kmll Koch and company, Carl Pantzer Trio, lorn Mahoney, Bamxey's Harmonists, Sterling and Woolford, Bessie Drowning, Valentine ind Bell, Wilson Franklin and company, Karl and Belmont Troupe. Ospuruii (Brcntllnger A English, mgrs.)— moving pictures. Havoi, Puimciss, CaiaosNT, Fountain, Co- 7.oniaL AMD Elk, uiOYlng picture bouses, rei»!t good business. Norts.—The Inter-State Carnival Co., which showed at Brasll, Ind., week of Oct. T, were attached at Terrc Haute, 14, while en ruiir> l» Memphis, Tean. Unpaid sslarles amounting to $700 were demanded by the manager and itcople. The railroad company also made demand far tickets for the company, worn there were fnrtr- tbree people on board and only tickets for twenty- Ave. After considerable wire service claims were settled, and the company left Terre Hante Mon- day night, 14, with tbe exception of the Wild West people, who started on horseback for Falton, Ky....Tbe Savoy, moving picture house, changed hands 17, Sam Young disposing of same to his manager, Al. Joab The Rockrllle, Ind., The- atre, under the management of Max Prultt, with a seating capacity of eight hundred, was dedi- cated IB, when Tkoi. W. Itoaa appeared hi "Tho Only 8on." Indianapolis. lad. — Marat (Fred J. Dalley, mgr.) '•Whirl of Society" Oct. M-M. Tullle Marshal, In "Tbe Talker," week of 2H. Ekoush'k (Ad. F. Miller, mgr.)—Kmiuu Tren- tlnl, In "Tbe FircBy," 21-23. Mrs. Flsko 29, 20; Carnegie Polar motion pictures week of 28. Park (Anderson A Zlegler, mgrs.)—Tbe Sunrt Set' 21-23, "The Gamblers" 24-20, Colonial (llulueti A Kdwanla, mgrs.) — "Tho Price She Paid" week of 21. Kutii's (Neil S. Hastings, mgr.) — Bill for week of 21 Includes: "More Sinned Against than Usual," Havllnud and Thornton, Dave Fcrguxin. MndLin Besson's Players, Three Joaettls, Downs and Qomv*. Leltsel Sisters, and the Photoplniie. OATBi-r (Dixie Amusement Co., mgrs.)—mil for week of 21: Four Parisian Dancers, Sltinl, lAon anil Adeline Sisters, and Boss nnd Stewart. Ltbio (Olsen A Barton, mgrs.)—Bill for week of 21: Dillie Burke, Onetla, Sylvester ami Vance, ami 'Aim Branlfnrd. I'amii.v (II. 0. Argenhrigbt, mgr.)—Vaude- ville and picture*. Kui'intj (H. K. Hiirton, mgr.)—Ham Rice niel his DnITy Dills week of 21. Follies of tho Day week of 28. Notes. —Alma Gluck will appear at the Macn- ncrcbor Artist Conceit, 2S "Jack and tho Beanstalk" will he presented by local talent, at tbe German House, 20. nirmlnsrhnm, Ala. — .Tetreraon. Flsko O'Hnra, In "The R>«e of Kllilnre," Oct. 18, made s distinct lilt with his song tiumliers. Buoo.—"The Call of the Heart" week of 21. OnpitEnu.—Hill for 11 anil week Included: Valeria Bergero Players, Cnvnnim Duo, Frltx Houston, Golden ami Ilughex, Monro and St. Clair, and motion picture*. Majkhtic. —lloselirs Minstrels, week of 1-1, played lo capacity business. Niitbs. —I.eon Merger, former trensnrer of the Majestic, l» now manager of the Folly Then I re, Oklahoma City, Okla II. C. Rteveusnn, former msnuger of the Mujcxtlc, Is now ahead of "Tho Call of the Heart" Co. Ada Proc- tor, premiere ilanseuse, with "Tlie (Junker Girl" Co., Is a great favorite here Klrmr Coleman, the live wire ad. man for the JehTerwiii. rsis-iitly returned to this city, after a Summer season iili-ml of a musical comedy show It. P. Whitfield. recently cpnolnled treaanrcr of He- Majestic and oriihciim, was called to St. l/ouls week of 14, by the serious Illness of his mother. S > I fci