The New York Clipper (October 1912)

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..' 1 m ii H y ps Is I R i. I 1 .'.* ffi.'? I I m ;.: fi i' 1 m ■ ■> '■(.■ 54. i 5. I;? IS l! A-: : ; i> ■ $3? 3 %>■>:! >,•; ; V it . ■ - ! ■. i !i * ■-!,{ ! < ■■<;' r .* '. ■• :?; It,.,* » )' v »i : ■:■■>. \ m m • mi , :«. ?f. i i if i 16 THE NEW YOEK CLIPPER. October 26 OUT OF TOWN NEWS ^^^MM^i^^S^^I^P^ f °; eiivoiiviv^vri. There ice no such rallies at have rounded out previous political turmoils. This is a year which, las bad no effect upon tbeatrlcjl attractions. Nobody teems to know that election la approach- lug. Theatrical managers are delighted over tho botcI tu.n of affaire. " , GBAKD Opsba Houss (John H. Havlin, mgr.)-— Kitty Gordon la to come 21. la "The Enchant nua" '-•** week. Leila' Mclntrre and Johi ROUTE LIST. Rontca Intended for This Column Unit Reach This Oitlce Not Later Than Saturday of Batch Week to Insure insertion. Last week, Leila' Mclntrre and John Hymsns repeated tlielr aucceaa of la«t season, In g Girl of Mj Dream,." "The Wln»me WlooW DRAMATIC AKD MTJMCAIa Ltrio (Jamet B. Kcnnessy. mgr.)—William A. Adama, Maude—Cbarlea Frohman's—J< Brad? la to Introduce "Little Women" 21. The. 2a, Tulsa, Okla., 26. Muskogee 20, Schubert's Winter Garden attraction, "The Whirl «"■»-■ «" 9ni ■"••* worth of Boclely." which held the stag* laat week, proved a novelty which pleased big audiences. Al Jolaon beaded the remarkable cast, which In- cluded soma pronounced Cincinnati favorites, among them Ada Lewis and Lawrauee D'Orsay, Primrose A Dockstadcr'a. Minstrels 27. Mubio Hall— "The Garden of Allah" eomca Vs., 28. Marietta, 0.. 28. Partxmborg, W. Vs.. 28, Charleston 30, Huntington 81, Blucfleld Not. 1. Boanoke, Va., 2. . _ , Ml and Jane" (Louis H. Daly, mgr.)—Burt, la., 24, Llrermore 25, Bolfe 26, Oilmore Olty 23, Laurens 29, ■ Marathon 30, Fonda 31, Newell Not. J, Scballef I.- . _._ '» 30, Oenera 31. 'Little Mlai Snaan"—Fred BaTmond a < L -,. A - Edwards, mgr.) —Macomb. O., 24, Bowling rsTemiinni. nuiinu—»«><». v;..., - Oreen 26, Wooseon 20, Chicago Bl, Aahtanu OPlln, Mo., E> or . Eddie — Werba A Luescher'a — Pittsburgh. „ j siie \ b . a, . ... McAleatef fi., 21-20, Johnatown 2«, Altoona 29, Bar- .. Llt t le Tenderfoot, The" — Kllmt * Gaisoto'a Fort Worth. Tex., 31, rlaborg 30, Wllkes-Barre 31. (Lee D. Ellsworth, mgr.)—Jersey City, N. J., Flake, Mra. (H. Q. Flake, mgr.)—Dayton, O.. 24, Indlananodla, Ind., 25, 20, Powers', Chi- cago, 28, Indefinite. • . „ FaTersliam. William—Montreal, Can., 21-20. •tattle Boy Bine"—Henry W. BaTafe't-Majes- tic, Boston, 21-Not. 9. „...„ "Little Women"—Wm. A. Brady'a. Ltd.—PUy house, New York, 21. lndeflDlte. "UtUe Millionaire, The"—Cohan A HnrrU —For- "r^HiMt Rebel''—A. H. Wooda'—TraTerae City, "Ych?, Keboygan U 25 Algena 20. UtM Marie 27. ManUtlque 29, Escaaabs 30, Mar- "tS'wno'i Here"—Bam 8. A Lee Shnbert, 'in^-^lpbifphiiS!.. Ag*%lf%'. "Lion and the House, The"-TJnlted Play Co. a —St. Catharines, Can., 24, Bstarla, N. >., 25, Sodua 26, Newark 28, Lyons 29, Pena Xan WHEN TO!! PUT CMICttO the "aiternoon stout" u to Inspect THE „ s HOE NEW U"ll "HITS" rr.RTwer„tA Kxi a skilled and weU-mKnirrt S&t^ MdeswomAnU yon prefer, CALL ON tou at t/.i 0 ' HOTEL, at sny hoar you wish, una civ^I " ■ BE8T?ITsna*tlie greatest AvMiEv,? lhe Ittdt: WHY NOT, sure enough? PW«W You Just TBY IT. Find out why 0-0 8Hof<i . the steady reliance of tho best stage D enw. a r e America. i^upie in OlCOrTI»Oa& f -t WOMEN: 23 R v.*, S'ia7tSt.SSg HEN: < 8o. Clark and 206 8. State flat raaaw (AM Thones; Harrison Stos. Jot it d °^ r ;' Fairbanks, Douglas—Oohan ft Harris*—Waahlng- ..LifJ-g 8hop*'wtadow""(0. D. Parker, mgr.)— ton, D. 0., 21-20. _ . . - ., Toledo, O., 27-30, Youngatown 81-Nor. 2. "Fanny'a First Play"—Sam S. & Lee Shnbert, -i^^ Blfere" (Harry Llndley, mgr.)—Brooklyn, B F. Kbith's (Charles L. Down, mgr.) — A.born English Grand Opera, Pacific (Milton A Master Gabriel comes 20, with Al Lamar, Vida Sargent Aborn, mgrs.)—Brockton, Mass., 24, Perrln and others In "Little Kick." Mrae. Sural- Lowell 25, Worcester 20. Inc.—Comedy, New York, 21, Indeflnlte. N. Y., 21-20." _ . __ Boas. Thos. W. (J. M. Welch, mgr. )—Snrin„« jj ho, Japanese prima donna; Hoey and I*e. Leonor Abora opera Oomlque (Milton A Sargent Aborn, .. F1 | gn , The''—-Jos. M. Oaltes'—Fulton, New jKsson, John—Charles Frobman's—Garrlck, New o., 24, Daylon 25, 20. apnngMd, ■asaa?_-sv£. _-..! ti...„ tU.lliAn In •Ttti ■ MhnniallllT _« t TUiaklriTfnn fl s*l Vl-Jfl .r .i. fiA i.,.i„ii„i>, .. .' -- - - — * - — - — *- .— — —•• - — "Quaker Girl, The," B—Henry B. Harris' m. Orleans, La., 21-20, Baton Itougo n 1,7* ' Mlsa., 29, Memphis, Tenn., SO. 31, Little ft Ark., Not. 1, Hot Springs 2. ' "" Rocl - Ring, Blanche (Frederick McKay, nurr > t. moot. Boston. 21-Not. 2. "BM-Tre. Windsor Trio, the Jungman Ttou|M>, and .the yoik^ London, 21, Indefinite. Ferrell Brothers are also on the Mil. Pathe's •• ■Affairs' of Anstol, Tbe"—Wlnthrop Ames — Thurber and Harry Madison, In "On a Shopping mgrs.)—Wash pgton, D. C, 21-20. York, 80, Indefinite. ■ _..—,__. York, 21, Indefinite. _.. . Blng. Julia (J. P. Goring A Oo., mgrs.l—««>,..„ Tour." Hugh J. Kmmett and coiupany, the "Amaaona, The"—Charles Frohman'a—Duke of „ Flne Feathera"—H. H. Fraree'a—Oort, Chicago, „^ Louis—Werba A Lnescher's— Richmond, T <. r „ 24, 25, Sun Antonio 20-28 a™ n ?, "■ 31. indefinite. " vaT, 24, Lynchburg 26. Charlotte, N. O., 20, 29, Austin .11). Tyler 31, Bryan Not. 1 \vS? Fortune Hunters"—Oohan A Harris'—McVIck- Ooi um bia, 8. O., 28, Augusta, Ga.. 29, Athens "Rose Mold, The," A —Werba & L»*K. ' Brooklyn. N. Y., 21-20. Grand, New Yo rk " ^i Bose'Mnld, The "Southern—Werba & Lucschn-, —Oklshoma, 6kla.. 24, McAlesier 20 .\vVJ Tex., 20. Austin 28. San Antonio 20, 3o Hon ton a\ . ' **"■«" WstJdF WaiNirr STnsBT (W. P. Jackson, mgr.)—Don- roan Tbompson'a famed "Old Homestead" come Little Theatre, New York, 21, Indeflnlte. 'Arab, The" (Jones A Crane, mgrs.)—Stafford, Kan., 24, Anthony 26, Alva, Okla., 20. SO, following that other famous old timer, "The ■'Angel' of the Trail" (C. P. Farrlngton. bus. ton 31. er'a, Chicago, 21-26, Des MolnOT. la., 27-30, „ 0 Atlanta 81. Maaon City 31, Slonx Falls, S. Dak.. Not. 1, ajgu^u Robert B.—Wm, A. Brady's—Newark, 81our City, la., 2. (j. J.. 21-28. _ . Freckles" (A. O- Delamatcr. mgr.)—Scranton, M , cDon ald, ChrUtle—Werba ft Luescher's—Boch- Pa., 20, Hartford, Conn., 31-Not. 2. egter N- v 24-28, Colonial, Chicago, 28, In- mgr.)—Terrs d enn ite. BHTsa»s''Taeorg*o"F."Fi;i mgD-Tbe Kamo BlUsTBrt^aarle. FtoK^—Lyceum. New .. F «u. U t"-_AnihoVy -Andre's-Bocbester. N. Y.. M'". 1 "' KssSS 5. ^SSttv^Z^ ' , ^ew r Yorr2l7?u,le?niFe" tee '*-^" l,,e Elll «'' Comedy Oo. are the headlines 21, In a new com- Tork, 21, Indeflnlte. 21-23, Olean 24, Bradford, Pa.. 25, James- „" , ■ "Beady Honey" (Frizec A Brady, men 1—uvnj ^> nw.wnwa." ? Leonard md. O.. 28-Not. 2. ... . •*,... j nn [ n Charles Dll, hnm>« i^mi™ 21 inrt««ni,« "'<■"■» wyna, Opera House, I'hlla- .. York, 28, Indeflnlte. Grand Opera (Glullo opolltaa Opera House, White SlaTe"." Lillian Lee Anderson was occn m the role of Lisa. Good business. DaTe Lewis, In "Don't Lie to Your Wife," 27, mgr.)—Van Bureu. Me., 28, St. John, N. B., Can., 29, Fort Kent. Me., 80, Ashland 61, "Freckles'' (A. G. Delamater, Mllllnocket Nov. 1. Bangor 2, Haute Ind., i5, 20. Sampson, OaTln and Piatt, In "The Preacher;" ford, Conn., 21-20. Bantuccl, wltard of the accordion; Sam Hood, ••Bought and Paid For"—Wm. A. Brady's—Prin> and Newhoff and Phelps, In "In Caw of Gen' cess, Chicago, 21, Indeflnlte. , tnl DellTery." Gaumont's Weekly. "Bought and Paid For"—Wm. A. Brady's, Ltd PKOFLB'a (James E. Fenneasy, mgr.) — The —Geneva. N. Y„ 25. Tiger Lilies will blossom 21. Frankle Heath waa "Blue Bird, The"—Llebler Oo.'s—Garrlck, Obi In cheerful eridence last week in the Big RcTiew. cago, 21, indeflnlte. . _ . Harry Le Van ably seconded the fair atar. An- "Bl:jidnets of Virtue, The"—.Wm. Morris'—Bnf •ther bright light was reTealed In Claire DeTlne. fab. N. Y., 21-20, "' She's a beauty, has a sweet voice and la very York. 28, Indeflnlte. winsome. The chonm work was great. Billy "Bird of Poradltie, The"—Oliver Morosoo'a—Sioux Fenneasy's show. Miss New York Jr., comes 27. Olty, Is., 24, Lincoln, Nebr., 35, 20. Kansas 8TAND4SB (B. K. Hynlcka, mgr.)—The Merry city. Mo., 27-Not. 2. Whirl occurs 21, after a week of Billy W. Watson "Butterfly on the Wheel"—Lewis Waller's—Bal- and his Girls from Happylnnd. Ed. Rogers, as tlmore, Md., 21-20. the Marquis de Souse, created many a laugh. "Brute, The"*—Oomntock & Gest's, Inc.—Thirty- Nellie Watson Is a charmer who helped. Ben ninth Street, New York, 21-20. Welch and bla Burleaquers arrive 27. "Baby Mine," Eastern—Wm. A. Brady's—New- Hsuox'i Opsba Honss (James Day, mgr,)— ark. N. J., 28-Not. 2. John L. Lawrence Players arc still giving three "Baby Mine." Western—Wm. A. Brady's, Ltd. tabloid plsya s week. "Camllle" and "On the (U. B. Collins, mgr.)—Wallace, Ida., 21, Mis- Brink of Ruin" ware put on last week. Motion soula, Mont., 22, Anaconda 23, Butte 24, Great sauquo 25, Ottumwa 20, Muscaiine 21, vrw man 28, WeBt Liberty 29. Solon 30, Mechanics vllle 31, Wheatland Not. 1. Olin 2. "Fool There Was, A"—Rochester, N. Y., 21-28. "Fatal Wedding, The"—Newark, N. J., 21-20. "Fell In Love With His Wife"—Jackson, Mich., 29. "Freckles" (A. G. Delamater, mgr.)—Scranton Pa 28 fab. N. Y., 21-20, Thirty-ninth Street, New Oor i,' n , kuty—Jos. M. Galtes'—Cincinnati 21-26. Brooke, mgr.)— ham's, Londcn, 21, Indeflnlte. "Beaily Money," Road—H. H. Frnree's—St l»« n i Minn.; 21-20. Duluth 27, Superior, WfaJS Eau Claire 29, Wausau 30, Mcnomonie si' £,' pleton Not. 1, Madison 2. '• **' "Bed Rose. The"—John 0. Fisher's—Port A, tour. Out. Can., 24-28, Winnipeg, Man., Ji" Montreal, Can., 28, Indeflnlte. "Milestones"—Klaw A Erlanger's—liberty, New "Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm"—Klaw & p, York, 21, indeflnlte. _ . . lunger's—Globe, London, 21, inueflnlto.- "Milestones" — Klaw A Erlanger's—Blsckstone, "Bose of Panama, The'Wohn Cort's—San Fran Chicago, 21, Indeflnlte. . Cisco, Col., 21-20, San Jose 28, Santa Cri. "Million, The"—Hentj W. SaTage's—Lancaster, 29. Petaluma 30, Santa Rosa 31, WoodlaSj Pa., 31, Allentown Not. 1, Johnstown 2. Not. 1, Stockton 2. Inc.—Csslno, New York, 21, lndeSntte. Pier- Paul "Governor's Lady, The"—DaTid Belasco' NoT * •■ .. _ . *. u _ "Muster of the House, The"—Sam S. A Lee Shu- Get BIch Quick Walllnrfoird," Eastern-Cohan ™«« &SJS&m York ' 2, - NoT - 2 - A Harris'—Washington. D. C, 21-20. Baltl- ..^'HiAer Dp, the"—Jos. M. Oaltes'—Olym- " CbGago, 21. Indeflnlte, Gbsmak Tbbatm (Ernest Otto Scbmld, mgr.) Falls 25, Helena 20, Bozeman 27, Billings 28. Sheridan, Wyo., 29, Cbeyenno Not. 1, Greeley. Oolo., 2. more, Md.. 28-Not. 2. "Get file'. Quick Wolluigford," Western—Oohan A Ky. Lit'.- Gypsy. The"^-Jobn Cort's—Cleveland, 0., 31 glnla 25, Beardstown 20, Belleville 27, ColMnK. vllle 28. Ashland 29 Taylorvlllc 30, PiVa M Vnudalla Nov. 1. Centralla 2. ' J1, Rosary, The," Weatern—Rowland & Clifford's Inc. (DaTe Homage, mgr.)—Sherman, Tei' 24, Bonham 25, Paris 20, Sulphur Spring* a' Marshall 30, Tyler 31, Jacksonville Nov. 1' Palestine 2. "B^'Mtue." Southern-Wr^ A Brady's Ltd. .JTrlgS^sV *"&_*.„,,,,. PhUll . •Tho German Stock Co. will present Oscar Blu- mentnal'a comedr, "Das Zwelte Geslcht." 20. Zoo (Walter Draper, mgr.)—The Zoo had a tlrtiiday 17, the thirty-seventh anniversary of Its 21, GrecnTllle 22, Ashevllle, N. C. 23, Buther founding. On that evening a testimonial was ford 24, Charlotte 26, Spartanburg, S. 0„ 20, given to Sol Stepban and thlrty-seTen selected Greenville 28, Anderson 29, Abbeville 30, Ches- gwets participated, enjoying a dinner In tho old ter 31, Lancaster Not. 1, Concord. N. 0., 2. Js! San'Tntb'nlo" 29. BeeTllle 80. Victoria 31 Kemper homestead, the historic house now a Zoo "Ben-Hur"—Klaw ft Erlanger's—Buffalo, N. Y., "orauatark"—Uuited Play Oo.'s—Iowa City. la eihlblt. The Sengambtnn Symphony Orchestra and the Schnapp's Band furnished the melody. Ltciiik, Adoiiobujm, Familt and Ryan's N«w CaNTtraT, motion pictures, songs and vaudeville. AUTUMN NOTES, 21-20. "Bunty Pulls the Strings"—Shubert-Brady's— Brooklyn, N. Y.. 21-20. "Bunty Palls the Strings" — Shubert-Brady's— St. Louis. Mo., 21-20. tlmore, Md., 21-20, Washington. D. O, Not. 2. "Madame Sherry," B—Madame Sherry Oo.'s (Fred Ross, mgr.)—Montgomery, Ala., 24, Pensacola, Oo«roW"-iWer AOssas-S (Fred Williams, K 25 Mobile. Alu., 26, New Orleans. I.... S^t^d7^Tr g9 4n L o;iv«ton L 2 d / Hol" 1 ^ "Madame Sherry," O—Madame SherryCo.'s (Dsts 25,-Bcaumont, Tex. A 20, Galveston 27, Houston Potneri mgr.)—Newark, 0., 24, Mlddletown 25, Hamilton 20, Paris, Ky., 28, Georgetown 29, 24, Eagle GroTe 25, Charles City 20, Owatonna, Somerset 30, Chattanooga, Tenn., 31. «,',,„ " 8 It" Fsrlhsuu "m NorthOeld 29 Le "Madame Sherry," E—Madame Sherry Co.'s (Ed. fS2£?J, , t£v2Er*L' I,orta0el<1 Z8, M Lester, mgr.)—Bluffton, Ind.. 24. Harttonl City Sueur 30, St. Peter 31 Greyhound, The"—.Wagenhals & ICemper'B—New ark N. J.. 28-Not. 2. PTOlfAunN AND Oalatba" will be the first "Bachelor's 'Honeymoon, A" (Qllson A Bradfleld, "<}lrl at the Gate." The"—Harry Askln'i dramatic offering of the College of Music atU' dents. O'Meara Is directing rehearsals. TBI Kawrucsr School or Elocution an- nounces "BTerychIM," with this cast: Every- ehlld, Marlon Beeves; Fancy, Clirystal Klelinan; Knowledge, Norma Tucker, and Little Friend. Anastosla Carroll. . , . Maru. Gbobbxl Zinseb was heard In twe readings from "Tho Taming of the Shrew" ana „non 20. Rochester, N. Y 28-Not. 2. Myra Kelly's "When a Man's Widowed." Crane, Wm. H. (Joseph Brooks, mgr.)—Hamll- Ths Rialto Fan Club Is already preparing ton, Ont., Can.. 21. 25, Jackson, Mich., 80. *ir tho coming of Captain BUI Sweeney, of the Grand Rapids Not. 1, 2. ,.„,„_ Boston Nationals. Ollfton Crawford—Henry B. Harris'—Park, New B. h GrmtN, Mrs. Flske's representatlTe, was York, 21-Not. 0. «__,_- » lore a day, en route to Montreal. Croaman, Henrietta (Maurice Campbell, mgr.)— Mast Rxoina Callahan, reader, and Wm. H. Washington, D. 0., 21-28. Callahan, vocalist, arc to be married. They are Collier, William—Lew Fields'—Altoona. Pa., 25, so kin, although baying the same name. Harrlsburg 26, Washington, D. 0., 28-Not. 2. Alha Oluok will be heard In a song recital at Carle, Richard, and Hattle WIIIIhiiw — Clinrles Emery Auditorium 22. , _ „ Frohmsn's — " Sol Fislds came to town to look over the 21, ludeflnlte. sketch, "Fun on the Ocean," which was the tea- Oohan, Geo. M.—Cohan & Harris'—Cohan, New lure act at the Empress. . . York, 21, Indefinite. ^Thb Whits Slats," delayed by a wreck, lost Clarke, Delia — Wilson, N. 0., 24, Tnrboro 25, Salle, Chicago, 21, Indeflnlte. nigra.)—Dyersvllle. la., 25, Strawberry Point 20, An.imosii 29, Maquoketa 30, De Witt Not. 1. 1-0111 in the Taxi, The," A—A. 'Balance, The" (Gorhom 4 Rolader, mgrs.)— Marshfleld, Wis., 24, NelllsTllle 25, Eau Claire 20, Chippewa Falls 28, Stillwater, Minn., 29, lied Wing 30. 'Billy, the Kid"—Wm. Wood's (Herbert Farrar. mgr.)—PottxTllle, Pa., 24, Ashland 25, Lena 23, Logansport 20, Pern 29, Kokomo 30, Tipton 31, Elwood Not. 1, Portland 2. Military Girl, The"—Florei.-. Zlegfeld's. Jr.— American Music Hall, Chicago, 21-Dec. 1. Not. 1. Mulberry 2. "Rosary. The," Olnalt—Rowland & ClIffonlY Inc. (Wm. Lemle, ;-^r.)—Toronto. Ont., Car.. 21-26, London 28. <t. .Thomas 20, Woodstock 30, Brantfonl 31, . amllton Not. 1, 2. "Bceary, The," Coasc — Rowland t Clifford's, Inc (M. E. Smith, mgr.)—Colorado Sprint*, Colo., 26, DenTer 27-Not. 2. "Rossry, The"—Rowland A Clifford's. Inc. (an- kell A McVltty, Inc., mgrs.)—Del Norte Cola, 24, Creede 25, Trinidad 27. Dawson, K. llei 20, Springer 30, Las Vegas 31. "Boyal Slaye, A" (Geo. H. Bubb, mgr.)—Tin- ton. Ind., 24, Frankfort 20, Monticetlo 28, Brookiton 28, Monon 29, Rensselaer 30, Gnat- land 31, H. Woods' ""ji^url O'rt. I J' e '" Ba A ter ^" ,e , 1 ?' slffi "Romania ot the Dnderworld"-Paul Armstrong ton's—Kenyoh, Minn., 24, Waseca 20, Fari- bault 28, Wlllmar 30, Ortonvllle 31. (John J. Dillon, mgr.)—Orand, Philadelphia, >J,l??l JW^ugg J'y g' vviod.' (Fred "Missouri Girl. The," Western-Norton A Rlth's Riler StS^osC PaTiM Colmnbia 25 -PnoenU. B. C, Can., 24, Rossland 25. Nel- SffifctSSrnV "t. Si li-nohbnre 20 Marl son 20, ReTelatoke 28, Pentlcton 29, Summer- Charlottesvlile. va., M, L.ynciiDurg ^u, ainr- . . -i. irotftwrnn ti v, mn n Nav 1 wrripr. tlnsburg, W. Va.. 80, Winchester, Va., 31. }jnd 30, Kelowna 31, Vernon hot. 1, Braer- "Gaablers. The"—Kllmt A Gsezolo's—Indlonap- ° s *' , _ _ „ „ „ „„„ „ „ ,. oils lad.. 24-20, Hamilton, 0., 27. "Mutt and Jeff," E—Gns Hill's (B. M. OorfleM, —r.)—Concord, N. C, 24, YorkTllle, S. C, —^Los Angeles, Oal., 21-20. "ltonnd-Up"—Klaw ft Erlanger's—Oakland. Cel. 27-30. Sothern, E. II., and Julia Marlowe—MnnhatUo Opera House, New York, 21-Nov. 2. Skinner, Otis—Klaw ft Erlanger's—Illinois, Chi- cago, 21, indeflnlte, Ptahl. Rose—Henry B. Harris'—Park, Boston, "Girl of tie Mountains, A' 1 (Wee A Lambert. mgr,)—Concord, N. 0.. 24 Yorkvlllc-. S. C., 21-Dec. 28. mgrs.)—Kntztown. Pa., 24, Haileton 20, Arnot 25, Lancaster 20, Camden ^8, Rockingham, N. s, arr< Frances—DarU Belasco's—Belasco, Ken 28, Prottsbnrg. N. Y., 20, Wavcriy 30, Greene 31, Oxford Not. 1, Utlca 2. "Gamblers, The" (Ed. McDowell, mgr.)—Brat- tleboro, Vt., 24, Keenc, N. H., 25, Northamp- ton, Macs., 20, Springfield 29. "Girl of the Underworld, A" (Wee A Lambert, mgrs.)—Palmyra, N. Y., 24. Albion 25. York, 21-Dec. 21. Scheff. FrIUl—Jos. SI. Galtes'—St. Louis, Mj, 21-20. Suratt, Valeska—Sam 8. A Lee Shubert, Inc.— DenTer. Colo., 21-20. Frobman's — Chicago Opera House, Chicago, "Qui of the Underworld, A,'' Western (Chas. Parker, mgr.)—Stoughton, Wis., 24, Edgertoa 25, Rockford, III., 20, JaneSTllle. Wis.. 27. Por- tage 28, Beaver Dam 29, Panlocvlllo 30, Sparta Not. 1, Bangor 2. "Girl From Rector's. The"—Wm._Wamsher's (S. Dunn Not.' 1, Raleigh 2. ..A.Mitchell, mgr.)—F 0., 29, Henderson 30, Wilson 31. Mstln<OTa, Mme. — Charles Frohman'a—Ithaca, N. Y., 24, Syracuse 25, 26. "New Sin, The"—George C. Tyler Co.—Wal- laces, New York. 21, Indefinite, "Newlyweds and Their Baby"—Leffler-Brsttnn Sidney, George"(A. W - . Herman, rogr.J-DMrolt. Co.'s—Port Henry, N. Y., 21, Plattsburg 22, Mich 27-Not 2 W . ate £ own n 2 ?J C ? rtha „ B 0 e ?,*;„? ,ldc,l "J? urg , 1!B i Shea. Thos. E.—A.' H. Woods'-Chlcago 21-29, Oswego 20, Corning 28, Willslwro 29, Lock j 0 l!ct, III.. 27. 28, Peoria 29. 30, Springfield31. S? T 2\ P S" 80 ' cleorfldd ai > BenoTO Not. 1, Spooner, Edna May—Toledo, O., 21-20, Indian- On B0I8 2, anollB Ind °8 N'ov 2 ■ °'£l r !!' r F .'* k *i., 'A' ^.. Plton ,' msr ^ y J w .P r ' "Scrape' o- the Pen," A" — Weber ft Flelds*- leans, La.,_ 21-20, _Baton Rouge _28, Natches, Weber's. New York, 21, indeflnlte. .)— Nashville, Its opening, Sunday matinee, at the Walnut Street, Rocky Mount 20. Fremont 28, GoMsboro 29, BHit Watson's Gibls Fnoit Haitvland were Fayettevllle 30, 31, Dunn Not 1," Raleigh 2. „ ^ , Mllc J' e "' m £->— H1 £. wa . t , na >^? n " r 25 V 1 , k£ S Vmnhls -rSin V1C !f""" 8 8I ' aceenTllle "SeTen Days" (Jesse Weil, mgr.. delayed by a wreck, and they did not arrlTe to "Oci/wrt. The"—DnVld Belasco's — Newaik. N. "Ol'l ?nd the Tramp, The" (Geo. L. Barton. Not. L, Memphis, Tenn., 2- st-ua-a. Tenn., 21-26. Jackion 28, Union City 29, May fTrVtbe opening show at the Standard until nearly j„ 21:20. Bridgeport. Oonu.. 28, Hartford 29, S 0 ^-.).—*»t«*l lto v 8^, Dat._ 24,._ Wakjada 25. 01ctU ; _ Chauncey — nenry Miller's — McVlcker's, 0M 80 , Par U 81. Iwo hours after scheduled time. Meanwhile the 30, Providence, ft. I.. 31-Not. 2. sacked house waited. . "Ooont of Luxembourg, The"—.Klaw ft Eranger"s Hbnhi GMSBBTT came to tell of Kitty Gordon, —New Amsleidnm, New York, 21, Indeflnlte. and said that Lord Beresfnnl. the titled husband "Coming Home to Boost"—Harris ft Selwyn's— ef the star, would Tlslt Cincinnati. Hellls, Boston, 21, Indefinite. Moat Sinned Aoainst than Usual" was tho ''Country Boy, Tho"—Henry B. Harris'—Kansas Slty, Mo.. 21-20, St. Joseph 27-80, Omaha (' tit of tho B. F. Keith bill. Manaobb I. M. Martin, of the Orpbeum. lias Joined the Rotary Club. . Jaok Shannon and Dan nonr were the end men ot Van's Scotch Minstrel Molds, an Orpheum LuoiB Toussr Burkhan, amateur playwright. Is to be married to Charles Albert Reed, Harvard man. and librarian of tho UnWerslty of Cincinnati. Jchr., 31-Not. 2. 'City. The"—United Play Oo.'s — OrtonTlIle, Minn., 24, St. Cloud 25, Little Falls 20, Sauk Center 27, Fergus Falls 28, Wnlipeton, N. Dak., 20, Bodfield, 8, Dak., 30, Watertown 31. "Common Law, The," A—A, H, Woods' (John Yrnkton 20, Lcsterrilie 27, Springfield 28, Chicago, 28, Indeflnlte. Oedilca 29,- Platte 30, Wagner 31. Oh! Ohl Delphiuo"—Klaw A Erlanger's—Knlck- "Glrl and the Tramp, The"—Fred Byers' (Harry ., erbocker. New York. 21. indefinite. Koylor, mgr.)—Welser, Ida., 24, Nampa 25. "Oliver Twist"—Llebler Co.'s—Brooklyn, N. Y., "Girl of the Sunny South" (W. C. Downs, mgr.) 21-20. —Lyndonvllle, Vt., 25, Orleans 20, Rlcbford "Ofllcer 600"—Cohan A Harris'—Gaiety. New 28, Newport 20. York, 21, Indefinite. "Girl Outlaw" (Clyde Anderson, mgr.)—South "Ofllcer 000," Western—Cohan Sc Harris'—Port- Fork, Pa., 24, Homptoa 25, Indiana 20, LI- land, Ore., 24-20, Seattle, Wash., 27-Nov. 2. Hnmllton, O. — Smith's (Tom A. Smith, mgr.) "Oet-Rlch-Quick Walllngford" Oct. SO. "The Gamblers" 27. Grand (John E. McCarthy, mgr,)—Bll] for 21 and week: Burns. Brown snd Brown, Kennedy "Common Law, The," 0—A. H. Woods' (Ben Irwin Nov. 1, Braddock 2, Hitchcock, Raymond — Oohan & Harris'—Grand, Chicago, 21 Not. 23. Hope, mgr.)—Springfield, 111., 2o7 20? Quincy H1 !]! a ! , <1 i , B f? X!r 'oTv 1 '' 1 '" 7 , * Erlanger's — Broad, 27. Fort Madison. la.. 28, Keokuk 29, Ottumwa ,»fi*^Sl*& jRjgy-■»■ —..^.^ .- . „ 80, Burlington 8i. ***&*• a lL M 'r-Werba ft Luescher's—Milwaukee. Common Law, The," B—A. H. Woods* (Jack _ w .l».. 27_-30, Madison 31 gonler 28 i Jcannette 29, Perm 30, Manor 31, "Ofllcer 000," Middle—Cohan & HarrU'—Glovers' vllle, N. Y„ 24, Amsterdam 25, Utlca 20, Rome 28, Watertown 29, Ogdensburg 80, Os- wego 31, Warsaw Not. 1, Niagara Falls 2. Officer 600," Southern—Cohan ft HarrlB'—Wash lngton, la., 24, Iowa City 25, Cedar Rapids 20, 27, Independence 28, Cedar Falls 29, Webster City 80, Iowa Falls 31, Grlnnell Not. 1, Boone 2. Probst, mgr.)—Fayettevllle, Ark., 24, Fort HaJos, Muasl—Werba A Luescher's — SL Louis, 8mttn 25, Little Bock 20, Hot Springs 28, »»• 21-20; __ _ nd motion pictures. Pine Bluff 20, Helens 30, Clarksdnle, MUs„ 31. "iinky I'aniy' —Lew Fields' — Broadway, New rsL (John H. Broomhalt, mgr.)—"As Yon <'Oo mmOB l sw The," D—A, H. Wowls' (H. O. .. York, 21-Not. 2. It," with Bose Ooghlan, In photoplay, a. mm rog r.i—Lancaster. Pa., 24, Pottstown "He Fell IiiLoto With His Wife"—Jersey City, Sisters. Sheds and company, Lillian Locklmrt, i David LlTlngston and company, Miller and Nlel- 1 ton, and motion pictures. Jiwbl ' Like - 80. Buoc (A. Hammerle, mgr.)—Vaudeville and motion pictures, to good returns. Notbb. —Mr. anil Mrs, Charles Out haTe been engaged by Mamgcr Broomhull for lhe Winter aea- . ton, for piano and violin specialties, at the Jewel. I 0. A. Taylor of Pittsburgh, under the dlrec- tton of ManngtT McCarthy, waa here, 14 and , week, taking motion pictures of Hamilton's most interesting features Ed. Msrtludcll and a Mr. Frits, both of the Frltsl Scheff Company, en route to New York, stopped In this city, 13, as guests of Mr. Martlndelrs father. Hnrlnnrflcld, O, — Falrbsnks (G. C. Miller, mgr.) "The Olrl ot My Dreams" Oct. 22. Thos. W. Ross. In "The Only Son," 24, Roberts, mgr.)—Belolt. Wis., 24, Mndlaon 20, Ha ,°,!, e i t ' Norma d— Stair A Hartln s—Bay Olty, "old Homestead," Eastern (Frank Thompson, 27, Racine 28, Kenosha 29, Waukegan. III., ^sjWB ^|Wr. J t JL . _.-. . mgr.)—Cincinnati, O., 21-20, Inaianopolls 30, Aurora 31. oF' VSm— ' Uiuiec Co.'s—Jllchmond, Va., 25, Ind., 28-30, Dayton, O., 81-Nov. 2. Trtmmrtn T.«w Th» »' fl A TT. W^vlu' rTU»n ■», "Old Homestead." Const IPrnnlc Thnmnann ihm-I "Old Homestead," Coast (Frank Thompson, mgr.) 'Shepherd of the Hills, The" (Gaskell & McVltty, Inc., mgrs.)—Grand Bapids, Mich., 21-20, Oil- cago 27-Not. 2. "Shepherd of the Hills, The" (Goakell & McVIt r, Inc.. rngTS.)—Bnpld Olty. 8. Dak.. 24, Belle Foureho 26, Deadwood 26, Hot Springs 28. 1 Chadron, Nebr., 29, Fort Bobinson 30, Alliance . 31. "Shepherd ot the Hills. The" (Goskcll & Mc- Vltty, Inc.. mgrs.)—South Bend, IniL, 24, ho- , ganspcrt 25, Peru 20, Wabash 28, HuntloKlon 20, Bluffton 80, Fort Wayne 31. "School Days" (W. B. Fredericks, mgr.)—nt- erson, N. J., 24-20, Port Jervis, N. Y., 28, Cj'- b>nrtale, Pa., 29. Haileton 30, Shenandoah Ji. Pottsvllle Nov. 1, Allentown 2. _, , . "Sun Dodgers, The"—Low Fields'—Clerelind, 'Servant'In tho House, The"—Merle H. Sorton'i | —Freeland. Pn., 26, Easton 29, Allentowa 30, Reading Nov. 2, eadla 20, Plttsvllte 27, McMillan 28, Auburn- dale 20, Unity SO, Edgar 81, Wausau Not. 1, Merrill 2. 25, Shamokln 36, Sunbnry 28. «_* J,-„ 2S . N » V ' 2 - „ "Cow Puncher, The"—Howard Brandon's (L. 0. He fell in Loye With His Wife"—Jackson, Zelleno, mgr.)—Hay Springs, Nebr., 24, Rush- Mich., 20. vllle 28, Valentine 20, Cody 27, Long Pine 28, "Heart Breakers. The"—Mort H. Singer's—San Over Night"—Wm. A. Brady's, Ltd.—West End, Bnssell 20. Antonio, Tex., 24, AuBtln 25, Houston 20, 27, New York, 21-20. "County Sheriff, The" (Wee ft Lambert, mgrs.)— Galvcdton 28, Waco 29, Dallas 80, 31, Denton "Our WItcs"^Tos. M. Oaltes'—Washington, D. Latrobe. Pa., 24. Irwin 25, Washington 20, ..Not. 1, Fort Worth 2. _C. 28-Not. 2 —Eugene, Ore.. 24, Grants Pass 25, Bosehurg "Kiumblina- Block The" (Oscar Graham, ragr.)— ??■ rSSS 3 8 ; *V4S "I ** Blnff ' Cal " CToves g N Mex., 24, Boswell 25, Artesl. M 31, Orovllle Nov. 1, Chleo 2. Ca-lslind 2fi Pecos Tex.. 30. Odessa 31. , "Our Vlltoge Postmaster" (Chas. B. Mills, mgr.) "SMbonnet Sue"^aVk Pliy Co.. mgrs.)-^ -Independence. Wis., 24, Gronton 25, Ar- rnont, \V. VaT 24, Connellsvllle, Pa., K WfJ town 20, MonViwabela 28, Wayneshurg 25, Washington 30, GreeoBburg 81. , __. '■Servant In the House. The" (Jones ft Onoe. 'Ooinmerclal Traveler, The" (Richardson ft Helser, mgrs.)—Elmwood, 111, 25. New Windsor 20. Drew. John—Chorion- Frohman'a—F.mplre, New York, 21, Indeflnlte. 26, Belolt 20, Racine, Wis., 27, Sheboygan 28. 2-i, Kewanee "House of a Thousnnd Candles, The," Western— Primrose A McGlllan's—River Falls, Wli., 26, Stillwater, Mltui., 20, St. Peter 27, Dorigo Center 28, Osage, la., 80, Nora Springs 81. New feuN (Sun Amusement Co., mgrs.)—Bill Do Koven Opera (D. V. Arthur, mgr.)—Boston Illlngton, Margaret (E, J. Bowes, mgr.)—Hud- for week of 21: Beau and Hamilton. Silver and Theatre, Boston, 21-20, Chestnut Street Opera son, N. Y., Nov. 1. White Plains 2. North, Rutledge, Pickering and company, Kennedy House, Philadelphia, 28-Nov. 0. "In Ohl Kentucky" (D. Consadlne, mgr.)—San Sisters, Wormwood's animals. "Daughter of Heaven, The"—Geo. O. Tyler Co.'B t*l^n^? P ' , '5'!! 0 n 0\i^{" nn wee^fV ,, l- •■r^Tp^I^alKr D^olch's - Lyric. „*-.*». 1. San Diego 2. WlJSt ' ■S^ q yLfflll3?*t^Lg e Vt. i S; Philadelphia, 21-Nov. 2. t Ko b, Dill and Maude Lillian Berrl-Snn Fran JSX ^FVS Z y "Dtvoies Question. The," Central—Bowland ft ' .Cisco. Oal.. 21. indefinite. tossmStr - f%. C. a.m.,hell. mar.)-For week Clifford's. Inc. ..(Fred _Douglas t rngr.)-Sprlr. ? - "l«pdliDgj;-Ui.lte<l.XI»y„Oo.'s-Crown, Ohleago, 20. Flske Mwah Daui'iiind kee Girl week 1! Lyrio •rs" was "Forty Orphicdm week Mlllan Froslnl, OBnsNWALB* u ^lir*' v areenw : aM nurr ) — Fnlr . Ottawa, Can,, 24-20, Toronto "28-Not. 3." oliinatl,'0.7~27'-Nov7~2 buIlneS'wwk oV 13. with stock bXquers A %S2S."Sl- ^^feSSSBK H 'trfflffirft Lu ,r k % *SB&&PSi big change ot bill week of 20. terboro, Can., 24. Bellcvlllo 26, Kingston 20, Pa., 24, Corry 25, B LArATRrrs (Abo Seliimsn. nurr.I—■ The nsunt Montreal 28-NOT. 2t. town, O., 29, Elyrla Mgb^Ks riled w«rei3.Tbiiith?l^t , Sf " Bs , <:u!w f T^^ w «f ta «*^^^.»ffl^Sr A S' " L,,,Ie ■"»-Brown" I>ec Shubert, Inc.—Geneva, N. Y., '0. "Point ot View, the"—Wm. A. Brady —Forty- eighth Street. New York, matinees, 2b, 28, 20. Nov. 1. "Passers-By" — Charles Frobman's — Olevelnnd, O., 21-20, Ann Arbor, Mich., 28, London, Ont.. Can., 20, Hnmllton CO, Ithaca, N. Y., 31, Rochester Nov. 1, 2. mgra.)—Lamonl, la., 24, Bethany, Mo.. 2J Hnmeslon, la., 26, Elision 28. Chorltao z* Oenterrlllo 80, Milan, Mo., 31. . "Stronger Love, The" (New Piny Co., mgrs.) L;i Fayette Ind., 25, Elkhart 20. Graiia BaiiW*. »Uch., 27-30, Columbus. O., 31-Not. 2, Thurston, Howard (Jack Jones, mgr.)—«■»•" town, 0.. 21-20, Cleveland 28-Not. 2. Trentlnl, Mme. Emma (Arthur Hai» m cMMj ; , ragr.)—Colmnbus, O., 24-20, CleTelaod w Not. 2. _. ,, "Talker, The" —Henry B. Harris'-Del™"' Mich.. 21-20. Indianapolis, Ind.. 28-.W. "Tantalizing Torainy"—A. H. Woods'-Crlbilon. New York, 21-20. ^»9^C^«k e yei^^ "^^The^faw-ftErlnnger-s-NortoIk. "ffig. S^ SSSST*** --'■ unicogo, zi-nov. u. ,, a. "Putting It Oyer"—Frank Hatch Amuse. Oo.'s "TraTcilng Salesman. The," Southern (A. * (Jas. Whittcndsle. mgr.)—St. Louis, Mo., 21- Stern A Co., mgrs.)—HuntsTllIe., Ala..,» "S Alton. III., 27. Decatur 28, Mancle,-Ind., '-'- "" —™~ "" *"—- "" 2SNof - ' moTing pictures were shown. Nora.—Tho Bnrnum-Balley 8h»ws are Imokwl to show here Not. 3, at tho new circus gronndx, formerly Whlto Olty. Alton, 111.—Temple (W. If. 8anTage, mgr.). Kid McCoy, in motion pictures, Oct. 20. "Putting It Over" 27. Hipronr.iiMS (W. M. BatiTage, mgr )—Bill for 17-20 Includes: Mason mid Murray, Rego, and t-ew pictures. Prikorhs and BiooBAi'n, picture houses, are doing well. mice, O., 24, East Liverpool 29, Wheeling, W, Forty-eighth Street, FREE DATE BOOK ittntlan thl» The M. STEIN COSMETIC CO. NEW YORK