The New York Clipper (October 1912)

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OOTOBEB 26 THE 2STEW YORK CLIPPER. 17 ALBOLENE By far the best preparation for removing make-up. Leaves the skin soft and velvety. Not sticky, and a little goes a long way. Used and recom- mended by the best pro- fessional talent Sold in 4 oz. jars and I lb. round decorated cans {new style) by all first-class druggists Sample tube tree on request McKE880N * ROBBINS •f FULTON STMCT, NtW YOKR "Thief, The"—Primrose ft MoGlllan's—Mitchell, S Dak., 24, Salem 25, Canton 20, Sioux Fall* 27, Bock Rapids, la.. 28, Slhler 29, Spencer 30, Emmetsburg 81, Algona Not. 1. "Ten Nights In a Bar Boom"—Newark, N. J., 28-Nov. 2. •Three Weeks"—Brooklyn, N. Y., 28-Not. 2. "TeiiB Cattle King" (Claude Reed, mgr.)—Hav- rlsonTllle, N. Y., 25, Benson Mines 20, Lea- den 28, Boonvllle 29. "'Uncle Tom's Cabin"—Kibble ft Martin's (Win. Kibble, mgr.)—Evaneton, III., 24. Kenosha, Wis., 25, Bnclne 20, Fond du Lac 27, Appieton 28, Oshkosh 29, Sheboygan 30, Madison 31, Hockford, 111., Not. 1, 2, "Uncle Tom's Cabin," Western—Stetson'B (Thos. Work, mgr.)—Macon, Mo., 24, Sedalln 20. Ton. Billy B.—Stair ft Havlln'e—Toledo. 0„ 21- 20. Wnrfleld, DaTld—David Belasco's—Schenectady, N. Y„ 24, Albany 25, 20, Rochester 28-30, Syracuse 81-Not. 2. ■ • Ware, Helen—Henry B. Harris'—Baltimore, Md., 21-20, Hudson, New York, 21), Indefinite. Walker Whiteside (Walter Floyd, mgr.)—Kansas City, Mo., 21-20. Topeka, Kan,, 28, Lawrence 20, St. Joseph, Mo., 80, 31. - Walker, Charlotte—Klaw ft Erlanger's—Grand, New York, 21-20. Wilson, Al. H. (Sldaey R. Ellis, mgr.)—Dallas, Tex., 24, Paris 25, Bouhatn 20, Sherman 28, Denlaon 20, Dnrant. Okla.. 30, Muskogee 31. Williams, Estha—Arthur C, Alston's—New Or- leans, La.. 21-20. "Woman, The," Eastern—DaTld Belasco's—De- troit, Mich., 21-20, Oarrlck, Philadelphia, 28- Nov. 9. "Woman, The," Western—DaTld Belasco's—San Francisco, Cat., 21-26, Sacramento 28, Stock- ton 29, San Jose 80, Oakland 31 -Not. 2. "Woman Haters' Club, The"—A. H. Woods'— Astor, New York, 21, Indefinite. "Within the Law"—Am. Play Co.'s—Eltlnge, New York, 21, Indefinite. "Whirl of Society"—Sam S. ft Lee Shubert, Inc. Indianapolis, Ind., 24-20. "White Squaw, The"—Milwaukee, Wis., 21-20, Chicago 27-Not. 2. "'Way Down East"—Wm. A. Brady's—Memphis, Tenn., 21-20. "Within the Law"—Am. Play Co.'s—St. Louis, Mo„ 21-28. "Winning Widow" — Max Snelgel's — Richmond, Yn.. 21-20. "Wolf, The" (Jones ft Orone, mgrs.)—Osceola, Nebr.. 24. Seward 20, Tecumseh 28, Auburn 20, Plattsmoutb SO, Fremont 31. "Woman's Name, A"—Buffalo, N. Y„ 21-20. "Winsome Widow, The"—Florenx Zlegfeld's Jr. —Colonial, Chicago, 21-20, Cincinnati, O., 28- Nov. 2. "Yoke, The"—Cleveland, O., 21-20. Zlegfeld's Follies—Florenx Zlegfeld's Jr.—Mou- lin Rouge, New York, 21, Indefinite. STOCK AND REPERTOIRE. Permanent and Travel I nm. All Star Stock (M. H. Gulealan, mgr.)—St. James, Boston, 21, Indefinite. American Theatre Stock (James Wall, mgr.)— American, Philadelphia, 21, Indefinite. Academy Stock (F, E. Henderson, mgr.)—Jersey , City. N. J., 21. indefinite. Aubrey Stock (D. Otto Hltner, mgr.)—Clarks- hunt. W. Va„ 21-Nov.-l. Allen Stock (N. Apnell, mgr.)—Bloomsburg. Pa., 21-20, Ashland 28-Nov. 2. Angell's Comedians—Shattuck, Okla., 21-20, Hlg- glm. Tex., 28-30, Canadian 31-Nov 2. Brown, Kirk (J. T. Macauley, mgr.)—Pough- keepsle, N. Y„ 21-20. Helgsrde Stock (Leslie E. Smith, mgr.)—Cans- Joharle. N. Y., 21-20, Cohoen 28-Nov. 9. Dyers, Fred, Stock (Harry Schemcrhorn, mgr.)— „ White. S. Dak., 21-20. Bojv: Nancy, and her Stock—Kalamazoo, Mich., 2120. Breckeurldge Stock (Chas. Breckcnrldge, mgr.)— _ Dwlght, 111., 21-20. Bclasco Theatre Stock (Oliver Morosco, mgr.)— Los Angeles, Cai., 21, Indefinite. Bishop Players (H. W. Bishop, mgr.)—Oakland, _ Oal., 21, indefinite. Burhank Stock (Oliver Morosco, mgr.)—Los An- geles, Cal., 21. Indefinite. Bentoy Musical Comedy—Kane, Pn„ 24-20, Titus- vlllo 28-80. Chase-Lister, Northern (Glenn F. Chase, mgr.)— Bowdle, S. Dak., 24-20, Selby 28-3U, Mcintosh 31-Nov, 2, Cbnunccy-Kclffer (Fred C. Ohauncey, mgr.)—Dan- ville, Pa. 21-20. Shamokln 28-Nov. 2. Cnatterdon. Arthur (N. Appoll, mgr.)—Meadville, Pa.. 21-20, Oil City 28-Nov. 2. Ooniell.Pr ce Players (Cornell ft Price, mgrs.)— Marshall, Mich., 21-20. Urlcton Sisters (Varney ft Montgomery, mgrs.)— Mnrtlesbnrg, W. Va., 21-20, Annapolis, Md., 28- Colonial Stock (Cortland Hopkins, mgr.)—Anna- jwlls, N. S„ dm., 24, Kentvllle 25, 20, Halifax 28, indefinite. Carroll Comedy (Ion Carroll, mgr.)—Holden, W. r J»V 2J-20, Catlcttsburg. Ky„ 28-Nov. 2. ColwUal Stock (Holden ft EdwardB, mgrs.)—In- flh1 B „",T. 11 »' M 21 ' Indefinite. uiase-IIsttr Stock, Southern—Marshall, Mo., 21- (v!'I!, m 0 F 1 ". 5 ' CTB — Qnna Rapids, Mich., 25, 20. oralg stock (John Craig, mgr.)—Castle Square, Ikslon, 21, indefinite. v^o', BlBK? B - F - Keith's—Brooklyn, N. »-. 21, indefinite. J22? l'?^ (T ' ft Qleason, mgr.)—College, Chl- _ cago, 21. Indefinite. wi.^'ViFJa™ .{*■ B - Eotnour, mgr.)—Delavan, xi-il" ?t'£ a ' McHenry, IU., 27, Lake Geneva, — "is., *^*Nov« 2, r?i" ol 00 !? } m ™y D » Tl «. mgr.) — Pittsburgh, rw?'■ -V Indefinite. K'r. M ?"?* Bt<xk (Oo^ 16 Bro »- mgrs.)—Bat- tle Cieek. Mich., 21-20. hCTnfu' ll 8 2° Clt <N " S " 8c0T,lle ' "W''- San - Du ( ? ,lf «» 1 Stock (W. B, Garyn, mgr.)-OIevcland. n™^ 2 i'. '"deflnlte. ur 5 mB ., p «|cts (K. Weston, mgr.)—Lowell, Mass., run ' '""Wliilte. '"?".' King Mnslcal Comedy—Oakland, Cal., _«i. Indefinite. Fr™^i Maaa S', ana Jlun «« Dnrkln Btock —San Frank P tm?' S* 1 " 21 ' todednlte. "SfeJMw »•. Players (O. Ansklngs, mgr.)— Fox m^OTS N - Mex " 21 - Indefinite. ot\& l iP oa ^ T < Wn »- Fox ' mgr.)—Academy FisrW.''& N . ew York ' S1 . Indefinite. lo. a M , n »l c " Comedy (B. A. Fisc Fischer, mgr.)— Nashua, N. H., Orn?™ If M ' 0,i '-' K Indefinite. flrll. '=9 ,rdnw j u ««a.. 28-Nov. 2. 21 St'EOf- Annell, mgr.)-^,ansfort, Pa., GiSa h£SB*k 28-Nov. 2. - . . „ Cn!iot 0r o d re 8, S5 k 20 (n "^ ; °^^ d " rr °" TCSaflS? 2 "* *' K 'l«'»-Brooklvr., N. X.. Hayes and Associate Players fLnra \i u„„„. nBUS ■* »^"2«^^ liny word, Grace. Stock rnoo \r n„*._ » " Y«X ^ r indeZ S |te B,0Ck - E - E A '^'-.Vew l W«hffiL*" p - ltora «' ■*>-** ^vela^o". ra^"*^ ■»>- ^ U W S 1 ,°, C, 2l! J ind , c I nnK ,C, '" t ' ,nBr ->- M »''-- ^a^^d/^^.^n,,?'- ^'•' , K T 2^ iPrient &£ ^-", Kelly, Sherman L., Stock (Harrv n Oho™.^ nu£)-Wi IIm ar, Minn., liSffltth *3F& Kl 21, t todeflnl" 010 8,0Ck - N '' tl <>P'». Philadelphia. K "lefln*e GaMoi0 Stook - Balt| n>o«. Md„ 21. In- *»tt"£UxSKZ E ' Mooro ' """-'-^""nd, Kl definft IICl1 Plnj "" s— Manchester, N. H., 21, in- K 5m*8:£S& Kelly - °« r ')-««"»»». Kovacks' Stock (Edwanl L. KoTacks, mgr.)— ... Ie , r " 1 Amtioy. N. J.. 21, Indefinite. "^' Klnile. Marie—Steulienvllle, O., 24-20 21 K -2o!° Ck <Fr<,nk E " L °° s ' m S r ->-°elweln, la.. La Porte. Mae (Joe McEnroe, mgr.)—Belief on- talne, O., 21-20. Union City, IndT 28-Nov 2 y S?on t0 ?- l£ (J 1 ck Lyt i!i-. a >et-)— Medina, N. S\, 21-20. Canandali'ua 28-Nov. 2. Lang, Evu, and Players (O. D. Woodward, mgr.) —Omaha, Nebr., 21, Indefinite. * ' Lewis Stock (O. H. Lewis, mgr.)—Great Falls. Mont., 21, indefinite. ' Lyceum Stock (Lee Norton, mgr.)—Elmlra, N. Y„ -^i, indefinite. f^^t™ Stock—Fox ft King's—Ogden, U., 21. In- definite. Morison Stock (Lindsay Morison. mgr.)^ynn. Mass., 21, Indefinite. /—*»/"». Marlowe i'layers (F. C. Rclnvabe, mgr.)—Mar- lowe, Chicago, 21, Indefinite. Manhattan Players (Geo. E. Brown, mgr.)—Tren- ton, N. J., 21, Indefinite. Marks Bros." Stock (Ernie Marks, mgr.)—Tren- ton, Ont., Can.. 21-20. Msdilorks-Fields Pluyore—New Smyrna. Fla. 24- 20, Dayton 28-Nov. 2. Malley & Dennlson Stock—Lawrence, Mass.. 21. Indefinite. Murphy's Comedians. No. 3 (Bert Melville, mgr.) —Ennis, Tex., 21-20. Maher Stock (Phil Maher, mgr.)—Fort Edward, M. Y., 21-20. iAilAAAAAAAA.AAAAAAAAAAAAAAiAAA R REMOVING MAKE I At all good drug and dipartmtnt itoroi or direct, poitagi prepaid, Sooo arug ana oepartmenl itorat or direct, poiuge pt ot 75c. for pint tin. Pleasant, quick and economical to uii No wax or paraffin.; won't grow hair. Irnprovae the complexion. STEVENS OO. 1182 BROADWAY, NSW TORS Tffff m ifffifTf n iJfTfTf m Jjyfff flHr*'^. * Seamou's. New York, 21-20, Murray Kill. New York, 28-Nov. 2. Co lege Girls (11. U. Hedges, mgr.)—Empire, IIo- boken. 21-23. Empire, Paterson, 24-20, Hayety, Newark, 28-Nov. 2. Columhla Burlesquere (Prank Burns, mgr.)— Oayety, Newark, 21-20, Casino, Philadelphia, 28-Nov. 2. Cracker Jacks (Harry Leonl, mgr.)—Westminster, Providence, 21-20, Casino, Boston, 28-Nov. 2. IiOMlers. The (Chas. B. Arnold, mgr.)—Olympic, New York, 21-20, Empire. Patersou, 28-30, hniplre, Holwken. 31-Nov. 2. Dreamland Burlesnuers (E. Travers, mgr.)— Oayety, Boston. 21-20, Ollmore, Springfield, 28- ■10, Empire, Albany, 31-Nov. 2. Gaiety Girls (Phil Paulscraft, mgr.)—Gayety, Baltimore, 21-20, Oayety, Washington, 28. Nov. 2. Gay Masqneraders (Moe Messing, mgr.)—Murray Hill, New York, 21-20, Park, Bridgeport, 31- Nov. 2. Ginger atrls (Manny Rosenthal, mgr.)—Casino, Philadelphia, 21-20, Oayety, Baltimore, 28- Not, 2. Girls From the Great White Way (Prank Perley, mgr.)—Oayety, Kansas City, 21-26, Gayety, Omaha, 27-Not. 2. Girls From nappyland (E. W. Chlpman. mgr,)— Oayety, Louisville, 21-20, Oayety, St Louts, 27-Nov. 2. Golden Crook (Jaa. O. Fulton, mgr.)—GHmore, Springfield, 21-23, Empire, Albany, 24-20, Oayety, Brooklyn, 28-Nov. 2. Bastings Show (Harry Hastings, mgr.)—Oayety, St. Louis, 21-20, Gayety, Kansas City,- 27- Not. 2. Jolly Folly (Al. Rich Producing Co.. mgrs.)—Em- pire, Paterson. 21-23, Empire, Hobokcn, 24-20, Oayety, Philadelphia, 28-Not. 2. Knickerbockers (Louis Rohle, mgr.)—Onycty, To- ronto, 21-20, Garden, Buffalo, 2R-Nov. 2. Love Makers (Ira Miller, mgr.)—Oayety, Detroit, 21-20, Oayety, Toronto. 28-Nov. 2. Merry-Go-Rounders (LeOIer-nrntlon Co., ingra.)— Empire, Albany, 21-23, Franklin Square, Wor- cester, 24-20, Gayety. Boston, 28-Nov. 2. Merry Whirl (Louis Epstein, mgr.)—standard. Cincinnati, 21-20, Oayety, Louisville, 27-Nov. 2. Midnight Maidens (Wm. 8. Clark, mgr.)—Casino, Boston, 21-20, Columbia. New York, 28-N'ov. 2. Mollte Williams (Phil Isaacs, mgr.)—Oayety, Brooklyn, 21-20, Olympic. New York, 28-Nor. 2. Queens of I'nrls (Joseph Howard, mgr.)—Empire, Toledo, 21-20, Star and Garter, Chicago, 27- Not. 2. Robinson Crusoe Girls (Sam Robinson, mgr.)— Miss New York Jr. (Wm. Fenncssy, mgr.)— Star. Cleveland, 21-20, People's, Cincinnati, 27-Nov. 2. Monte Carlo Girls (Tom Sullivan, mgr.)—Eighth Avenue. New York, 21-20, Howard, Boston, 28- Not. 2. Moulin Rouge—Lyceum, Washington, 21-2(1, Lyric, Allenlown, 28, Academy, Reading, 20, Majestic, Uarrlstiurg, SO, Mlshler, Altoono, 31, Cambria, Johnstown, Not. 1, White's Opera House, Mc- Keesport, 2. Orientals (Wm. O. Cameron, mgr.)—Empire, Philadelphia, 21-20, Casino. Brooklyn, 28-Nov. 2. Pace Makers (R. E. Patton, mgr.)—Trocadere, Philadelphia, 21-20, Empire, Baltimore, 28- Not. 2. Queens of the Folles Bergere—Oounlhnn ft Shan- non's—Star, Toronto, 21-20, Lafayette, Buffalo, 28-Nov. 2. Rose Buds (Lew Livingston, mgr.)—Grand Opera House, St. Paul, 21-20, lay off week 27-Nov. 2. Stars of Stageland (Wm. Dunn, mgr.)—Empire, Baltimore, 21-20, Lyceum, Washington, 28- Nov. 2. Tiger Lilies (James Weedon, mgr.)—People's, Cincinnati, 21-20, Empire, Chicago, 27-Nov, 2. Watson's Burlesquers (Dan Guggenheim, mgr.)— Avenue, Detroit, 21-20, Star, Toronto, 28-Nov. 2. Whirl of Mirth (Robt, Gordon, mgr.)— Mlshler, Altoona, 24, Cambria, Johnstown 28. White's Opera Honse, McKcesport, 28, Btar, Cleveland, 28-Nov. 2. Yankee Doodle Girls (Max Gorman, mgr.)—Folly, Chicago. 21-20, Avenue, Detroit, 27-Nov. 2. Zallah's Own (Harry Thompson, mgr.)—People's, New York, 21-20, Empire, Philadelphia, 28- Nov. 2. VAUDEVILLE SHOWS. Hoffmann, Ocrtrude (Morris Gcst, mgr.)—Sim- liert, Boston, 21, Indefinite. Kellerninnn, Annette (Wm, Morris, mgr.)—Roch- ester. N. Y„ 24-20, Buffalo 28-Nov. 2. Murdork Bros.' Comedians (Al. Murdnck, mgr.) —Colebrook, N. II., 24-30. Todd's (Wm. Todd, mgr.)—St. Matthews, S. C, 21-20. HINSTRBLS. Big City — John W. Vogel's — Indiana, Pa., 24, Vamlcrgrlft 25, Tnrcntmn 20. Evans, George, Honey Boy—Davenport, In., 20, 27, Burlington 20. Field's, Al. O. (Edward Connrd. war.)—Vleks- burg. Miss., 84, Nntehex 23, Baton Rouge, ha., 20, New Orleans 27-Nov. 2. Guy Bros.' (<".. It. Guy. mgr.)—Owen Sound, Can., 24, Wlnrton 25, Chesley 20. "THE BIRL WITH THE CAPTIVATING EYES" SINOINO JEANNETTE MILLER "THERE IS NO LITTLE GIRL LIKE YOU One of those beautiful waltz gongs that -will Improve any act. Von can depend on this, absolutely—Get It now, -if WAY DOWN ON THE MISSISSIPPI" Positively a beautiful number. Harmony all the Wby through, and a sure winner. Ilullad. .. BURGLAR MAN" GREAT use I AT! BUSINES«, BUSINESS, BUSINESS! If you are willing to learn this song, you'll have a riot. Everybody can't It | Just those that know how to put on a. real novelty number will appreciate this song. Double Version If you want It. "JERUSALEM RAG" Just what the name Implies. Make one guess on this and write for a copy. ORCH. AIJ. KEYS. SEND PROGRAM TO BETTS * BINNER COMPANY, : : 143 N. CLARK STREET, CHICAGO North Bros.' Stock ("Sport" North, mgr.)— Oklahoma. Oklu., 21, Indefinite. Ornheum i'layers (Grant Lnferty, mgr.)—Chejt.- nut Street, Philadelphia, 21, indefinite. Oliver Stock (Otis Oliver, uigr.)—Itoekford, III., 21, Indellnlle. Ornheum Stock (T. L. 8hceley, mgr.)-^Jersey City, N J., 21. Indeflnlte. Opera IIoiiro Stock (Reed & Znbrlskle, mgrs.)— Paterson. S. J., 21, Indefinite. Pavton Stock (M. 8. Schlealnger, mgr.)—Newark, N. J.. 21, lndeiinlte. Pernclil-Oypiene Stock (O. D. reruchl, mgr.)— New Orleans, La., 21, indellnlle. Prlngle. Delia, and Stock (0, K. Van Auken, mgr.(—Edmonton, Alta., Can., 21, Indefinite. Princess Players (C. L. BlchardB, mgr.)—Ta- coma. Wash., 21, IndeBnlte. ProsiKct Theatre Stock (Frank Oersten, mgr.)— 1'roipect, New Xork, 21, Indeflnlte. Palwt German Stock (Ludwig Kreiss, mgr.)— Milwaukee,, Wis., 21, Indefinite. Paige. Mabel (Cbas. W. Bitchle, mgr.)—Gaines- Parks''Stock' (0. W*. Parka, mgr.)—Opellka, Ala,, 21-26. Plekerls, Four (Willis Ptckert, mgr.)—New Polti, N. Y., 21-20, Chatham 28-Nov. 2. Beriiohla A Iloss Stock (Billy Boss, mgr.)— Exeter, Nebr.. 24-20. McOool Junction 28-30, Oliy Center 31-Nov. 2. ,,„„,„.i Boynl Stock (Oliver McBrleu, mgr,)—Montreal, Can., 21. Indeflnlte. »_nti. IMsclelgh Stock (Jack Bosclelgb. msr.)—-Okla- homa, Okla., 21, Indefinite. Spooner, Cecil, and Stock (Louis T. Foss, mgr.) —Metropolis, New York, 21. Indeflnlte. Stratton I'layers (II. Appell, mgr.)—Usnover, Shannon Stock (Harry Shannon, mgr.)—Sablna, 0., 21-20, Clrclevlllc 28-Nov. 2. St. Clair Stock (Harry St. Clair, mgr.)—Prince Albert, Sask., Can., 21, indeflnlte. SlaJiiach-Hirds Slock-Mt. Vernon, N. X., 21, in- Swain Show (W. I. Swain, mgr.)—Amory, Miss., 21-20. Totento Stock (W. B. Sberman, mgr.)—Calgary, Alta., Can., 21, indeflnlte. Tempest Stock (J. L. Tempest, mgr.)—Pnlton, ra 21-20 Teal,'Winona 1 , Musical Comedy—Shanghai, China, Van Dyke k Eaton Stock (F. ft C. Mack, mgn.) —Superior, Wis.. 21. Indefinite. Wlnnlngcr Bros.' Stock—Milwaukee, Wis., 21, in- Woife"siock (J. A. Wolfe, mgr.)—Wichita, Kan., 21. indefinite. WHEEL III IU.ESiU E SHOWS. Columbia—Eastern. Al. Beeves' Beauty Show—Bsstable, Syracuse, 21- 28, Oayety, Montreal, 28-Nor. 2. • American' Beauties (Dave Onran, mgt.)—Oayety, Omaha, 21-20, lay off week 27-Nov. -2. . Beauty, Youth and Folly (W, V, Jennings, mgr.) .—Corinthian, Rochester, 21-20, Baitable, Syra- cuse, 28-30. .. , „ , ., Pchman Bhow (Jack 8tngcr, mgr.)—Columbia, New York, 21-20, Star, Brooklyn. 28>Nnv. 2. Bon Tons (Jesse Burns, mgr.1—I'nrk, llrldgeiiort;-- 24-20, Westminster, Providence. 28-Nov. 2. Bowery Burlesnuers (Geo. U. Uarrls, mgr.)— Star and Garter, Chicago, 21-20, Oayety, De- troit, 27-Nov. 2. ltose Sydell's London Belles (W. S. Oampliell, mgr.)—Star, Brooklyn, 21-20, Empire, Holwken, 28-30, Empire. Paterson, 31-Nor. 2. Runaway Girls (Peter 8. Clark, mgr.)—Oayety, Montreal, 21-20, Empire, Albany, 28-30, Frank- lin Square, Worcester, 31-Nov, 2. Social Maids (Itobt. Colin, mgr.)—Krnplre, Cleve- land, 21-20, Krnplre, Toledo, 27-Nov. 2. Star and Garter Show (Frank Weinberg, mgr.)— Lay OS week 21-20, Columbia, Chicago, 27- Nov. 2. Taxi Girls (Louis Hurtlg. mgr.)—Gayety, Pitts- burgh, 21-20, Empire, Cleveland, 28-Nov. 2. TrocaderoH (Frank l'lcrce, mgr.)—Uartlen, Buf- falo, 21-20, Corinthian, Rochester, 28-Nov. 2. Welch's Burlesquers (Jacob Llehe.iuan, mgr.) — Columbia, Chicago, 21-20, Stiwlurd, Cincinnati, 27-Nor. 2. Winning Widow (Jacob Goldonborg, mgr.)—Gay- ety, Washington, 21-20, Gayety, Pittsburgh, 28- Nov. 2. World of Pleasure (Dave Gordon, mgr.)—Oayety, Philadelphia, 21-20, Hurtlg & Scaiuouhi, New York, 28-Nov. 2. Empire—Western. Americans (Ed. E. Daley, mgr.)—Lay off week 21-20, Krug, Omaha, 27-Nov. 2. Auto Girls (Teddy Slraonds, mgr.)—Orpbeum, Paterson, 21-23, Columbia, Scranton, 24-2U, Troeadero, Philadelphia, 28-Nov. 2. Big Review (Henry P. Dlton, mgr.)—Empire, Chicago, 21-20, Oayety, Milwaukee, 27-Nov. 2. Bohemians (Al. i.ubln, mgr.)—Lafayette, Buf- falo, 21-20, Columbia, Scranton, 28-30, Or- pbeum, Paterson, 31-Nor. 2. Century Girls (Walter Greaves, mgr.)—Stand- ard. St. Louis, 21-20, Buckingham, Louisville, 27-Nov. 2. Cherry Blossoms (Max Armstrong, mgr.)—Gaiety, Minneapolis, 21-20, Grand Opera House, St. Paul. 27-Nov. 2. DaffydlllB (Arthur Muller, mgr.)—Empire, In- dianapolis, 21-20. Folly, Chicago, 27-Not. 2. Dandy Girls (Abe Gorman, mgr.)—Century, Kan- sas City, 21-20, Standard, St. Louis, 27-Nov. 2, Dante's Daughters (Ohas. Taylor, mgr.)—Grand Opera House, Boston, 21-26, Bronx, New York, 28-Nov. 2. Follies of the Dsy (Jack McNamara, mgr.)— Buckingham, Louisville, 21-20, Empire, Indian- apolis, 28-Nov. 2. Gay Widows (Louis Oberwortb, mgr.)—Oayety, Milwaukee, 21-20, Gaiety, Minneapolis, 27- Nov. 2. Girls From Missouri (Lewis Talbot, mgr.)—Krug, Omaha, 21-20. Century, Kansas City. 27-Nov. 2. Girls From Reno (James Madison, mgr.)—Ca- sino, Brooklyn, 21-20, Eighth Avenue. New York, 28-Nov. 2. Girls From Joyland (Sim Williams, mgr.)—How- ard, Boston, 21-20, Grand Opera Mouse, lloi- - ton, 28-Nov. 2. High Life In Burlesque (Cbas. Falke, mgr.) — Empire, Newark, 21-20, Orpbeum, Peterson. 28-30, Columbia, Scranton, 31-Nov. 2. Jnrdln de Purls flirts. (Morris Walnslock, mgr.)— - Columhla, Scranton, 21-28, Orpbeum, Paterson, 24-20. People's, .New York, 28-Nov. I. . 77 l.mly Buccaneers (II. M. Stroune, mgr.)—Bronx, - Ncr-Yovie« , «er*HI»r>rre,- Brotrkijn. 28-Nov. 2." JklrtrA Maidens (Kdw. Fchsefer, mgr.)—Empire, ^">Uyn, 21-20, Empire, Newark, 28-Nov. 2. Georgia Troubadours (Wm. McOubo, mgr.)— Jamestown, Kuu., £4, Beiolt 25, Oawker City 26. O'Brien's, Nell—Cedar Rapids, la,, 20. Primrose & Dockstudcr's—Greensburg, Pa., 24, Alllauce, O., 2ft Lima 20, Cincinnati 27-Nov. 2. Rmell's (Chiis. A. Itozell, mgr.)—-Memphis, Tenn., 21-20, Little ltock, Ark., 28-Nov. 2. BANDS AND ORCHESTRAS. Sonsa and bis Druid (John Philip Sousa. conduc- tor).—Escunabn, Mich., mat., and Menominee 24, Appleton. Wis., mat., 25, Milwaukee 20, Andltorlum, Chicago, 27, L.i Porte, ind., mat., md Elkhart 28, Benton. Mich,, mat., ami South Bend, Ind., 20, Kalamazoo, Mich., nmt., mid Battle Creek 80, Grand Rapids 31, Cnldwiitor tost., and Jackson Nov. 1, Norwalk, O., mat., and Ixrobio 2, CIRCUSES AND WILD WEST SHOWS. Barnum ft Bailey's—Paris, Tex., 21, lexer- knnu, Ark., 22, Hlireveport, La., 2.1. I.ung- view, Tex., 24, Tyler 25, Oornlcniia 2d, Gal- veston 28, Uouston 20, Beaumont 30, Ope- louse. La., 31, Baton Rouge Nov. 1, New Or- leans 2, S. Barnes', Al. G., Circus—Sou Marclal, N. Mex., 24, Velarde 25, Gallup 20, Flagstaff, Ariz.. 28. Brown's, Frank, Circus (Roy Chandler, mgr.)— Anritentro, Buenos Ayres, S. Anu-r., 21, Indefi- nite. Buckskin Ben's Wild West—Charlotte, N. O., 21- 25, Hpartunburg, S. 0., 28. 2V. Ylrco Vuzuuez Hermanos (Hlinon Miclas. mgr.)— Mexico Oily, Mex., 21-Dec. 2. Carlisle's Wild West—Hippodrome, New York, 21. Indeflnlte. Gollmar Bros.' Show—Ada, Okla., 22, Madlll 23, Hugo 24, Ashdown, Ark., 25, Ho|ie 20, Nash- ville 28. Arkadelpiils 20, Newport U". l'ura- gould 81, Corning Nor. 1, Dexter, Mo., 2, season ends. llagenbeck-Wallaee (B. E. Wallace, mgr.)—Du Suolo, 111., 21. Ilnrrlsbiirg 22, Mi. (Jurntel 23, vansvllle, Ind., 24, Heuuerson, Ky., 26, Mor- eanOeld 20. Miller Bros, ft Arlington's 101 Ranch Wild West (Geo. Arlington, gen. mgr.)—Argents, Ark., 21, Pine bluff 22, Warren 28, Crowelt 24. Monroe, La., 25, Alexandria 20, Lake Charles 28, Leesvllle 20, De Kidder 30, Jasper, Tex., 31, Center Nov. I, Longvlew 2. Hlugllng Bros.'—Anderson, S. 0., 22, Greenville 23. Spartanburg 24, Charlotte, N. 0,, 2r>, High Point 20, Durham 28, Raleigh 20, Rocky Mount 80, Portsmouth, Vs., 31, Norfolk Nov. 1, Richmond 2, season ends. SellsFloto—Fort Worth, Tex., 21, Cleburne 22, Waco 23, Temple 24, Brcnham 25, (lulveston 20, Houston 28, Pnlesllue 20, llesrne 30, Aus- tin 81, San Mar.Hjs Nov. 1, Man Antonio 2. season embt, Hhlpp ft Feltus Circus—Santiago, Chill, 21-31. Btsrrett Olrcus (II. 8. Htsrrott, mgr.)—TsMtaewt, Ala., 28-Nov. 2. FILM SHOWS. AUskan-Slberlan Motion Pictures — Indlnnnixills, Ind., 28-Nnv. 2. Bernhardt. Mm*. Harab. In Moving Pictures— Dstdel Frohmsn's—Daly's. New York, 21, In- .definite. < DnriVrf- "Inferno,"ilist. M u ling I'lclures (R. J. Kearney, mgr.)—Lowell, Mass., 24, Newberry- port 20, 20. Hsgenlieek-Wnllace Circus. In Moving Pictures— Whitney, Chicago, 21, Indeflnlte. Howe's Moving Pictures (Lyman II. Uowe, mgr.) —Springfield, Mass., 24-20. Howe's Moving Pictures (Lyman U. Howe, mgr.) —Burlington. In., 25, 20. McCain. Nox, Travelogue snd Moving Pictures— Ilrooklyii. N. Y.. 20 and Nov.. 2. 101 Ranch Wild West. In Moving Pictures (W. J. McQuInn, mgr.)—Ashcroft, B. 0., Can., 25, 20, New Westminster 28, Vancouver 30-Nov. 2. Ralney's, Paul J., Afrlcnn Jungle, in Moving Pic- tures— iiijmi, New York, 21, Indeflnlte. Ralney's, Paul J., African Jungle, Is Moving Pic- tures—Denver, Colo., 21-20. Ralney's, Paul J., African Jungle, in Moving Pic- tures—St. Paul, Minn., 27-Nov. 2. Rule's Moving Pictures (F. E. Rule, mgr.)— Juda, Wis., 24-20, Oratlot 28-30. Thompson's Moving Pictures (F. H. Thompson, mgr.)—Douswan, Wis., 25-30, Eoglo Nov. 1-3. CARNIVAL SHOWS. Mtcy's Olympic Shows—Uartsells, Ala., 22-20, Center 20-Nov. 2. MISCELLANEOUS, Butler, magician (II. J, nnrrlngton, mgr.)—La Fayette, HI., 24, Mineral 25, Annawnii 20. Wheatland, la., 28, Center Junction 20, Edge- wood 80, Greeley 81, Dixon Nov. 1, 2. Baker-TtLgley Show (Chas. E. Welsh, mgr.)— Cortland, N. Y., 21-20, Fulton 28-Nov, 2. Combination Show—United Piny Co.'s—Pomoroj, Wash., 24, Genesee, Ida., 25, Livingston, Mont., 20, 2T, Wallace, Ida., 20, Colfax 3d, Sand Point 81. Carlos' Circus (Charles Carlos, mgr.) — Bstnn Rouge, Ln., 21-20. Great Raymond (Maurice F. Raymond, mgr.)— Dnluth, Minn., 24, Superior, Wli„ 25. Still- water, Minn., 20, R«u Claire. Wis., 28, Red Wing, Minn., 20. Winona 80, La Crosse, Wis., 31, Rochester, Minn.. Nov. 1, Faribault 2. Otlpln's Hypnotic Comedy (J. H. Gilpin, mgr.j —Ooff, Kan., 24-20. Long Acre .Squure Producing Co. (Don J. Dowes, mgr.)—Pans, III,, 31-20. Mysterious Smith (Albert P. Smith, mgr.)'— Hudson, B. Dak.. 21, Jasper, Minn., 25, Dell Rapids, S. Dak., 2S, Ramon a 20, Oldham 80, Mnillson 81. iluuclere. Harry and Mildred (Harry Rouclere. mgr. I—Bahama Islands 25-Nov, 3. Wright's Combination Show (O. A. Wright, mgr.) —Mellenvllle. N. Y., 24-20. See Rell, Frank (Al, 8. Weston, mgr.)—New Castle, Ind,, 24, Alexandria 25, Anderson 20. THE BOSTONS WIN. NEW YOnK PLATS GREAT HALL, BUT ERIIOUS AID THE RED SOX. UY W. M. UANKIN. Tor three consecutive yenrg tlio old Na- tional LcAKun Iiob trailed Its colon In the wnke of the Junior organization, but the Una- ton American h found worthy opponents ln the, New York Nationals this your, us it required eight games before the llnal outcome wue decided in the Red Sox's favor. It was; a renin rkablc series of jznmeH from nny view- point, and wits certainly a hard one for the New Yorks to lose, especially after their lined up-Iilll fight when the odds were so heavily ngnlnst them. There was gloom and sorrow for tho local rooters when the llnal eamo went to tho Iiostous, but that hits ever been tho case when a favorite team was 'de- feated, whether tho scenes were laid during the stirring times In ihe .Nineteenth Century when the old llrooklyn Atlantlt-M were the predominating spirit of the ball field, i or whether they were pnlntcd at any time there- after to the period of 11)12. when the game Is alleged to have reached the pinnacle of lte famo for speed. No post season series of gamce to 'be handed down to future generations will con- tain more thrilling and lmir-rulslng Bccnes, brilliant Holding and Interesting events, or Srobably in which go many errors figured In to results, The first game of the series was played on the Polo arounds, this city, on Oct. 8, and resulted as follows I It IV K Boston 0O000 1 80 0—»' fl' i New York.... 002 0 0000 1—8 8 1 Pitchers: Boston—Wood. Now York—Tee- rcmi, Crnndall. The second game was played at Fenway Park, Boston, on Oct. I), when three errors by New York extended tho game Into en eleven Inning tic, as follows : R. H.B. New York 0101000801 0—0 11, 5 Boston... 8000)00101 0—a 11 1 Pitchers: New York—Sfnthowson. Boston —Collins, Hall, Bcdient. The tie gumo was played at Fenway Park on the following day. The score : B. H.B. New York.... 01001000 0—2 7 1 Boston 0000000 0 1—1 7 0 Pitchers: New York—Marquard. Boetoa —O'Brien, Ilcdlcnt. The scene of action was shifted again to the Polo Grounds, this eWr ( on Oct 11, when Boston won by tho following score: It. H. B. Boston 01010000 1—3 8 1 Now York.... 00000010 O—1 0 1 J'itcbors : Iioston—Wood, New Yorlt— 'i'esreau, Ames. On Oct. 12 theso teams again mot at Fen- way Park, Boston, and the Red Sox won, ae follows: r. a. b. New York.... O000001O 0—1 4 0 Hoston 00200000 0—2 5 0 Pitchers: New York—Mathcwson. Boston —Ilcdlcnt. The sixth game was plnyud at the Polo Grounds, this city, on Oct. 14, and New York won by superior all around work, ns follows: * "■ ■ Hoston 02000000 0—2 (I 2 New York 00000 0 00 x—« 11 2 Pitchers: Boston—O'Brien, Collins. New York—Marquard. The New Yorks gave the Bostons a surprise on Oct. 15, at Fenway Park, Boston, when they, by winning, evened tip the games to three victories each. Tho score : R. II. B. New York,.. (11000210 1—11 10 4 Hoston 010000210—4 ft 8 Pitchers: New York—Tesreau. Boston- Wood, Bedlent. The eighth and deciding game was pluycd at Fenway Park, Boston, on Oct. 10. und a couple costly errors enabled tho Ilostons to win In ten Innings. Tho score: ft. II. B. New York.. 001000000 1—2 1) 2 Huston 000000100 2—3 R 5 Pitchers: New York—Mathcwson. Boston —Bcdient, Wood. ♦ ■«■ "RANSOMED." "Rnnsomed." a drama by Theodore Burt Snyro and Cleveland llodgers, will begin a short road tour at New Ilnven, Conn... Nov. 8. ltd New York presentation, late In No- vember, will be under John Cort's mnnngo- ment. «a» "LA FLAMIIEE." "La Flambee." by Henri Klstemaeckcrs, which Is to he produced In New York very soon, was given In London recently by Sir Ocorgc Alexander, at the St. James.