The New York Clipper (October 1912)

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! !,::■ ',. •• I ! ■} 18 THE -NTErWY YORK CLIPPER. October 26 Property Man and Stage Carpenter BOTH TO PLAY PARTS, AMD HOST BK UNION HEN. N. APPELL, OPERA HOUSE, YORK, PA. WANTED AT ONCE Large Character Man, Ingenue, Scenic Artist; other Useful People, write JACK LEWIS, Majestic Theatre, Streator, HI. WANTED, To Join On Wire For GARLETON SISTERS COMPANY CLEVER CHARACTER COMEDIAN THAT DOES SPECIALTIES Glad to bear from GOOD REPERTOIRE PEOPLE at all times. Will Peters wire address. YARNEY A MONTGOMERY, Martlniiburg, West Vs., Oct. 2; Annapolis, Maryland, week 23. roxj^tb> x,i®T. qandcpilie Route Pit ED QUICK, LATIMORE LEIGH PERMANENT STOCK CLEVER HEAVY MAN, HEAVY WOMAN, GOOD COMEDIAN, some JUVENILES. Photos, bU parte* ulars flrst letter. One bill a week. No Sundays. Join for rehearsal*, Oct. 28. Long engagement Useful and reliable people keep in touch. LATIMOEE LEI Gil, Roanoke, Va. EXPERIENCED HOUSE MANAGER VAUDEVILLE, COMBINATION AND PICTURE HOCSES AT LIBERTY < 15 YEARS IM ALL BRANCHES OP THE SHOW BUSINESS BEST OF REFERENCES AMY TERRITORY ACCEPTED W. P. CROUCIIEH, AUBURN, N. Y. HURRAH! HURRAH! OH, LOOKEE WHO'S HERE SALVADOR and FELICE MARTIN BIO SIMP and LITTLE CASINO Strong Specialties, Acrobatic Toe Dancing, Changes, Cartooning. Character, Gen. Bus., Small Soubrette, Burlesque, Musical Comedy or Drama. Responsible managers only. tm W. CANTON STREET, BOSTON, MASS. WANTED, FOR WM. F. LEWIS STOCK CO. CHARACTER MAN, doing Specialties PEOPLE XH ALL LINES, WHITE. HONEY SURE. WM. P. LEWIS, Keneaaw, Neb., Oct. 21 and week; Shelton, week, 28. AFTER OCTOBER 86 CHAR, COMEDY, GEN. BUS. For permanent stock or one piece. Bober, quick study, ward rob». Responsible managers only. Write or Wire. General Delivery, Charleston, S. C. WANTED-AI COMEDIANS TO JOIN ON WIRE BEN TOY, KANE, PA. CINCH for any vaudeville perform- er requiring high class com- cdy materlal-MADISON'B budget No. l*. Con- tents Include 11 great mono- logues, 9 acts for 2 males, 0 sketches for male and female, 32 parodies, a great minstrel flrstpart, a one actlarce, be- sides sketches for two females, for male quartettes; also hundreds of newjokes and "sidewalk palter" gags. MADISON'S BUDGET No. lt-PRICE ONE DOL- L All—and sold on an absolute money back guarantee. Hack Issues out of print, except Numbers 10 and 12. Will Bend both for »l.w, or Budgets 10,12 and 14 for 22. 140^Tffir& S Avffi<lw York. WANTKD FOR J. ffl. TIANO PLAYER to dotible Band. CORNET to double Stage or Orchestra. BARITONE to double Stage or do Specialties, MUSICIAN'S who double Stage or do Specialties. Write or wire. SI HENRY, Mgr. "Western Girl" Co., Oct 24, 8tra8bttrg, Va.; 25 Winchester, Vs.; 26 Shep- ardstown, W. Va.; 29 Berkeley Springs, W. Va. At Liberty After Oct. 85. Responsible managers only. jas.s. Mclaughlin: dorothy horr Juvenile Lends and Sonbrette and In- Heavlei.Young height gena* Lends. Height !• ft. 10m., weight 144lbs. left,, weight 110lbs. Require tickets. Joint only. Experience, ward- robe and ability. Address General Delivery, Man- nlngton, W. Va., week of 21, then 210 Capital Ave., Pittsburgh, Pa. NELLEWALKER Ingsnuet, JuvinlUt, Soma Characters Age IS; height (ft. Bin.; weight 1201bs. Export- .eiico, wardrobe, ability. Require ticket. I NELLE WALKER, Canton, O. Waul INDIANS, SQUAWS and PAPOOSES, at once. In New Tork city. Address AU CLAY, gPJ of Adams, ♦WW. 44th St., M. Y. Theatrical Costumes IIOUGHT AND SOLD Also Wigs, swords. Stage Properties, etc. Charles Treuchtlliigor, WW W. 146th Street, New York city. . rVFNTNG gowns, street and ankle JIVELUNV LENOTH DRESSES, SLIGHTLY USED. 1 caler to the Theatrical Profession. Mail tirdera promptly executed. DIRS. A. ISNER. m SIXTH AVE., near 271b St., New York City. WafltcJ--Trombonc» Tuba, Baritone Week stand). Want Tall Men who can speak lines. Address, stating lowest salary, W. ll. EMM. »08 Lincoln Ave., Syracuse, N. Y. WANTED-Sketch Team, one to play piano: Comedian to c jange for a week, put on acts and make ihcin go; Piano Player who can do special- lies. All Winter's work. State lowest salary In Brat letter. Gibson's Vaudeville Co., Mendotla, 111. AT LIBERTY —LADY VIOLINIST. Strong Player, flood Sight. Header. Address ADELE NORMAN, "67 N. 20th St., Phils., Pa. PROF. RICTON THE REAL COIN EXTRACTOR WANTS Experienced Medicine People Must be young, A No. 1, and know all acts. No all day sleepers, knockers, chasers, bum dressers, boozers, last minute, or would-be Bhow managers wanted. This trick remains out. Salary low, bet sure. Big operas In llg towns. Limit: single, eight; double, fifteen and all. I WANT Comedians, S .iibretton. Sister Teams and Novelty Men. A year s work to good people Tlckeis. sure. Write or wire. PROF. RICTON. 821 CLAYTON ST , TOLEDO, OHIO. P. 8.—Reason for this ad., Just closed four know- it-all peope. John Sheridan FOR CHARACTERS Always reliable. Invite capital. Address PINKWE % VILLE, ILL. WANTED TO JOIN QUICK CORNET PLAYER to doublo stage; BARI- TONE, double stags or specialty; man with red hot specialty, doublo alio or trombone In band. Address J. M. COLE, Mgr. No. 2 "Western Girl" Co., Dover. l>ei. P. s.—Will buy second-hand Rocky Pass drop for cash. WANTED on ROYALTY "CRAUSTARK" For Iowa and Nebraska. Towns under 3,000 pop. O. E. WE1NBR, Manager, Dixon, Nebr. SYDNEY ROSENFELD ARRESTED. On n warrant Issued on complaint of the Snbbntb Society, Sydney Rosenfeld, president of the National federation of Theatre Clubs, was arrested Oct. 10, charged with giving a theatrical performance on Sunday, contrary to law. Mr. Rosenfeld was arraigned before Ohlef Magistrate McAdoo, and was held In ?50 bonds for the Court of Special Sessions. According to the warrant he was charged with producing: the three net drama. "The Higher Court, at Maxlnc Elliott's Theatre on Sunday night, Oct. 0. Mr. Rosenfeld, at the examination, held that the performance was private and for members of the federa- tion only. No tickets were sold at the box oflleo. and only those who had qualified for meinbershlii la the organisation were admlt- ■ ■pplemeatal List—Received Too Lata for Classlnaatloa. Afaora Entllsh Grand Opera. Pacific (Milton ft Sar- cent A born, mgrt.)—Correction — Brockton, Mass., 24. WoroMter 25, 28. "Ainu, Where Do Ton Life?"—MM, O.. 28, Knoxvllle, Teoa.. Nov. 1. . „_^_ Brown, Kirk (J. T. Macauley, ragr.)—Newborgh, N. T., 28-Nov. 8. . , _ Bowdltli Stock (Angell a Bowdisb, mrrs.)—Oon- nellSTllle. Pa., 21-26. By*™. If red. Stock (Harry ScherrnerboTO, mgr.) —Iroquois, S. Dak.. 28-Nor. 2. _ Ik* res' Mnlcal Oomedy—Tasuroa, III., 24-2*. BcrnlMrilt, lime. Sorab, in Moving Picture.—Dan- iel Frobman's—Terra Haste, lad.. 29, SO. "Bachelors and Benedicts"—<H. H. Fraeee's— Criterion, New York, Not. 2, indefinite. Corneil-Prlce Players (Cornell 4 Price, mgrs.)— JonnTtlle, Mlcb., 28-Nov. 2. "Call of the Heart"—Birmingham. Ala., 2I-2«. "Dingbats, The"—Leffler-Brntten OVs —Akron, O., 25, 26. "Dstchnan's Dsffydll, A"—Cannings A Miner's —Florida N. X.. 21, EHenrllle 22, Liberty 23, Montlcello 24, Dowravllle 25. Binrhamtrm 26, Delhi 28, New Berlin 29, Sidney 30, Walton 81. Hrneock Nov. 1, Deposit 2. Earle Stock (L. A. Earle, max.)—Springfield. O., 28-30. "Easy Money"—Syracuse. N. Y., 24-26. "East Lynne"—Jos. King's—Aitoona, Pa., 26. Frank, John E., Players (a Ausktngs, mgr.)— Correction— Agtilla. Colo.. 21-26. "Forty-five Minutes From Broadway"—Charleston, 8. a, 26. "Grain of Dost, The"—Yaughan Olaser's— Grand, Philadelphia, 28-Nov. 2. "Girl snd the Drummer, The"—Fred Brera'— Larchwood. la., 28. Sioux Falls, S. Dak., 28, Humboldt 30, Salem, 31, Spencer Not, 1, Center- vllle 2. "Girl From TJ. 8. A.. The"—Woods fc Chalker'a (A J. Woods, mgr.)—Selma, Cal., 24. Porter- Tille 25, Ylsalla 26, OoaUaga 27, Hanford 28, Tnlarc 29, Tall 30. "Godrless of Liberty. The"—Lincoln. Nebr., 24. "Girl and the Tramp. The"—Fred Bjers (Harry Kaylor, irgr.)—Deer Park. Wasa.. Nov. 2. "He Fell In Lore with His Wife"—iooisvllle, Ky„ 24-26. Lewi] Stock (W. F. Lewis, mgr.) — Shelton. Nebr., 28- Not. 2. "Life's Shop Window" (C, D. Parker, mgr.)— Akron. 0.. 24-26. "Light Eternal, The"—Racine. Wis., 30. Moray Stock — Le Oomte ft Flesber's — Council Grove. Ken., 21-26. "Modem Ere"—Mort H, Singer's—Cedar Rapids, Is., 24. Powers, James T.—Sam S. ft Lee Sbubert, Inc.— Scranton, Pa., 24. Paige, AtIb (Bates ft Herrick, mgrs.) — SaJcm, M.tss., 21-26. "Power Behind the Throne, The"—S.L Louis. Mo., 21-26. O'Brien's Minstrels (Nell O'Brien, rugr.)—Akron, O., SO. Rae Coiredv—Walt Hill, Nebr., 24:0. Shinx City, la., 28-30. Rclncy's, Paul J., African Jangles, In MoTlng Plcturts—New Haven. Conn., 24-iO. Stewart. May (J. E. Cllne. mgr.)—Appleton, Wis., 24, Grand Rapids 25, Stevens Point 20, Anti- go 28. Walker Whiteside (Walter Floyd, mgr.)—Correc- tion—Luwrence, Kan.. 28, Topeka 20. Whltn-jy Sleek—Lalngsburg. Mich., 21-20. "Western Girl" (SI Henry, mgr.)—Strasburg, Va., 24, Winchester L5, Sbepberdstown. W. Va.. 26. Berkeley Springs 29. "Where the Trail Divides"—Terra Haute, Inil., 27. "Wife's Secret, A"—Hart's, Philadelphia. 28- Nov. 2. SAN FRANCISCO. (Special dispatch to The New Tontt Clitper.) Attractions week beginning Oct. 20 are good. Columbia. —Monday, 21, begins the sec- ond r.nd last week of "The Woman." Conr.—Sunday, 20, marks the commence- ment of a two weeks' engagement of "The Rose of Panama." Savoy. —Sunday (matinee), 20, "In Old Kentucky." • Alcazar. —Monday, 21, Mandc Fealy and James Durkln, supported by the stock com- pany of the houso. In "The Inferior Sex." Owheum. —Bill opening Sunday (mall- nee), 20: Josepn Jefferson nnd Felice Mor- ris, Albertlna Bosch's "La Ballet Classlquc," with Mile. Domlna Marin), assisted by Mar- cel Bronskl and a company of ten; Mae Mel- ville and Robert Hughes, Asahl, assisted by the Asabl Quintette; Mary Qulve and Paul McCarty, Ben Lcwln, Jack Wilson, Frank- lyn Untie and Ada Lane Leonard Gautlcr's Animated Toyshop, and Daylight motion pictures. Kmprkss. —Blil opening Sundsy (matinee), 20: Arujc, McRae nnd Levering, Hylands and Farmer, John Delmore and company, Chas. Wlldlsh and company, Scott and Wil- son, Phil Bennett, and Twilight pcltures. Paktaoes'. —Bill opening Sunday (mati- nee), 20: Hassen Ben All Troupe, Mercedes, assisted by Mile. Stantono; Lowell and Ester Drew, Copcland and Peyton, Flo and OlUe Walters, Sylvia Subolcsy, Harrah and com- pany, and Sunlight pictures. National. —This place of amusement, built immediately after the fire and earthquake of 1006, nnd for a long time run by Gntuman and Sullivan ft Consldlne as a popular vaude- ville house, and since the building and open- ing of the Empress Theatre, opened at periods with cheap vaudeville and moving pictures, la located on the Northwest comer of S telnet and Post streets. It has been recently opened as a melodramatic theatre, the opening play having been "The Conquerors," followed (14) by "Northern Lights," and for next Monday night (21), "The Heart of the Storm." The prices of admission arc 10, 15 and 25 cents, nnd since the opening the attendance has been large. The united States Marine Band gives four concerts In Dreamland Rink on Snnday and Monday afternoons and evenings. 20 and 21. ♦«» ENGAGEMENTS. •Wii.tos lackatb, for his original role of John Brand, in "Fine Feathers." Sarah Cowell Le Moxne, for "The Five Frnnkforters." Peter Bassett has been engaged to play the Marquis of Beverly, In "The whip." Riciiaiin Bennett has engaged Tim Mur- phy to play a leading role In nla production of Margaret Turnbull's "The Stronger Claim" Georoe Gidukns, an English actor, for Annie Kussell's Old English Comedy Co. Louise Uvtteb, for "A Rich Man's Son." Euwaiid Emebx, Frank Losce, Renec Kelly and Ilvlton Allen have signed for "The Five Frankfort era." 'Lowell Shirmax has signed for "Pet of the Petticoats." Mi it ian Clement (English nctress). for title role of Eastern company of "Evcry- womnn." llKKIiKRT CORTttELL, with "A TeXBS StCCt." «»» ANNIE RUSSELL'S COMPANY. Rehearsals of Annie Russell's Old English Comedy Co. have begun at the Thirty-ninth Street Theatre, under the direction of Os- wald Yorke. Besides Miss Russell the com- pany will Include: George Giddlngs, Frank Helcher, John Westley, Fred Permaln, Little- dale Power, Edward Longman, Clifford Dcvereaux, Sidney D. Carlyle, Albert Mcltzer, Holland Hudson, Paul Bern, Johnson Bris- coe, Beatrice Herford, Henrietta Goodwin, Rose Bender. Mary Murlllo and Mayne Long- man. The flrst play will be "She Stoops to Conquer." « i » THE "JULIA MARLOWE CHAIR." In order to present a chair once owned by Shakespeare, The Veto York Ucrald has started a fund for the purpose of buying it and presenting the relic to Julia Marlowe. NOTICE— JEST. ,r. S& 3 Oct. 21-20 Is represented. Abingdon, W. L., ft Co., Orand, Atlanta, Oa-S KeTta's. Phlla., 28-Not. 2. _ _ Abbott A Roy, Mourt, EIrolra. N. X. Adelaide ft Hughes, Winter Garden, N. X. B>, indefinite. _ Adler ft Arllne, Grand, Atlanta, Ga. Adltra, Lea, Eaopreas, Cincinnati. Adler, Felix, Btb Ave., N. X. 0. Aerial Howards (5), Hipp., St, LMlS. Agoost, Eralle, Wloter Gardes. N. X. C in- definite. _ . AilkenWhltmsn Trio. Orpbeom, Spokane, Wasn.; Orpheum, Seattle. 28-Not. 2. Akerstrom, OlUe, Scenic Temple, PrOTldsnea, K. I., Indefinite. Allen ft Clark, Cleveland, Indefinite. Alpine Troope. Singling Bros.' Clrcaa. Alfreds (2), Orpbeom. Portland, Ore. Allen, Minnie. Orpbeom, Ogden, D. Alpha Troupe, Bushwlck, Bkln. Alexander, Olsdya, ft Co., Proctor's, Newark, N J Allrnanj Jack, Empress, Kansas City, Mo. Allegro, Majestic, Cedar Rapids, la. Aleierado's Goats, Hipp., St. Louis. Alrercs, The. Hudson, Union Hill, N. J. American Dancers (8). Keith's, Columbus, 0. "Antique Girl, The." Orphean, Ogden, 0. Anita, Bowdoln Sq.. Boston. "Apple of Paris," Keith's, Louisville; Orand, At- lanta. Ga.. 28-Nor. 2. Apdale'a Animals, Columbia, St Louis. Apollo Trio, Orpbeom, Bkln. Arlon Quartette, Cbunle. Sacramento. Cal.; Em- press. Salt Lake City. D.. 28-Nor. 2. Armanis (5), Fox. Aurora, III.; Orpheum, Lansing, Mich.. 28-Nov. 2. _. _ Armstrong ft Clark. Orpheum. Denrer, Col.; Or- pheus. Omaha, Neb., Not. 4-9. . Ardell, Franklyn ft Co., Orpheum, Oakland, OaL Area Bros., Temple. Hamilton. Can. Aruje, Empress, San Fran.. Cal. Arabians (10), Garrick. Wilmington, Del. Asahl Japs, Orpheum. 8an Fran., Cal. Ashley ft Lee, Orpheum, Salt Lake City. D. Aatalres, The, Orpheum, Spokane. Wash. Ashley. Lillian. Sbobert, TJtlca. N. X. Angarile, Ailrlenne, ft Co., Empire, Edmonton, Can...24-26. . _ _ Austrillau Woodchoppers, Colonial, N. Y. 0. Ayer. Sidney, ft Co., Orpheum, Spokane. Wash. Axard Bros., Orpheum, Sacramento, Cal. Bascomb. A W., Casino, N. Y. C, lndeonlte. Bsrtos (3), Majestic. Little Rock, Ark. Barrett, Frank, Temple. Lockhart, N. X., 24-26. liarlorvs, Breakaway. Lyric. Hoboken, N. J. Uarnea ft West, Johannesburg, So. Africa, ln- deflntte. Ballet Classlque. Orpbeom, San Fraa., CaL Bnrrjmore, Ethel, 4 Co., Orpbeom, Oakland, CaL Baker, Belle. Majestic, Milwaukee. Uarnea. Stuart, Orpheum, Bkln. Baldwins, The, Olympla, Lynn. Mass. Barry, Edwins, ft Co., Orpbeom, Montreal, Can. Baker, Pete, Orpheiim, Gary, Ind., 24-26; In- diana. Chicago. 28-Not. 2. Bartolettl ft Breton, Orpheum, Altoons, Pa. Baxter. Sidney, Temple. Detroit. Bartolattl. Slg. Gluslppl. Miles, Detroit. Ballots, The, National, Boston. llauma. Musical. Hub. Boston. Bards (4). Liberty. Phlla. Bnrnett, Homer. Liberty, Phlla. Barto ft Clark, Poll's, New Haven. Conn. Kartllng, Axlta, Majestic. Cedar Baplls, la. Bantas (4). De Kalb. Bkln. . Barnes & Barron, Hammersteln's. N. Y. C. Baltona (6). Marvland. Baltimore. Baurns, Mnslcal. Hnb, Boston, 24-26; Dreamland, Beverly, 28-Nor. 2. _..,., Bell ft &i:en. Keith's, Toledo, 0.; Keith's, Louis- Ttlle. 28-Nov. 2. BeckTith. Linden. Temple. Rochester; Poll's, Springfield, Mass.. 28-Xov. 2. Berg Bros., Orpheum, Salt Lake City. D., 28- Not. 2. Beniray ft Dayton, Maryland. Cumberland, Md.; O. H.. Lewlirtown, Pa, 28-Nov. 2. Belmont ft Harl, Orphean, St. Paul. Bertlsch, Orpheum. Ogden, D. Write to "JIM," eare of CLIPPER. Bennett, Phil, ft Co.. Empress, Ban Fran.. Cal. Beu AU, Hassau, Troupe, Pantage* . San Fran., Cal. Bcmls. Jimmy. Nickel, Lawrence. Mass., 24-20. Bell. Dlcby, ft Co.. Temple, Detroit. Bennett Trio, Orpheum, Boston. Besson, Mme.. ft Players, Keith's, Indianapolis. Bell Family, Keith's, Cleveland. Beban, Ueo.. ft On., Hammersteln's, N. Y. C Beyer. Een, ft Bro., Shea's, Toronto. Can. Berger, Edgar. Dominion, Ottawa, Can. Ueruere, Valerie, ft Co., Keith's. Toledo, O. Billy. Little, Orpheum, Winnipeg, Can. Blnciam, Amelia, & Co., Orpheum, Sacramento, Cal. Big City Four, Bronx, K. Y. C. Blmlieis, slarlon ft Day, New Portland, Portland, Mo. Blxley & Lerner, Hammersteln's, N Y. O. Blue Ribbon Trio, People's, Phlla. Black ft White, Poll's. New Haven. Conn. Bkmilell, Ed., ft Co., Savoy, Atlantic City, N. J. Bowers, Walters ft Croiker. Winter Garten, Ber- lin. Germany; Apollo, Vienna, Austria, Not. 1-31. Boriten ft Shannon, Dominion, Ottawa, Can.; Shu- bert, Utlca, N. Y., 28-Not. 2. Botses (4), Touring Europe. Bottomely Troupe, Orpheum, Duloth, Minn. Bobby ft Dale, Orpheum, Winnipeg, Can. "Boys in Bine," Olympln, Boston. Bowers, Billy, Casino, Washington. Bonlta ft Hearn, Proctor's, Newark, N. J. Bond ft Benton, Garrick. Wilmington, Del. Bowen, Art, Colonial, Norfolk, Va. Brown, Nellie, Winter Garden, N. Y. 0., in- definite. Brown, Martin, Caalno, N. X. 0., Indefinite. Brown ft Foster, Empress, Cincinnati. 28-Nov. 2. Brown Bros. (6), Primrose ft Dockstader's Min- strels. Braclna ft Derrick, Barnnm ft Bailey Circus. Bremena (31, Orpheum, Duloth, Minn. Bradshaw Bros.. Orpheum, Sioux City, la. Breen, Harry, Palace, Chicago. Brenner ft RatltrTe, Pell's, Worcester, Mass. Briscoe, Olive, Temple, Detroit. Price, Lew, Hub, Boston. Brown, Delmore ft Brown, Howard, Boston. Browning, W. E., Bowdoln Sq.. Boston. Bradford, Tom, Lyric, Indianapolis. Brown Sisters, Columbia, Grand Rapids, Mich. Bn4i ft Lyons, Prlscllla, Cleveland. "Broncho Busters, The," Bijou. Bay City. Mlcb, Brown ft Blyler, Keith's, Providence, B, 1. Brant ft Earl, Garrick, Wilmington, Del. Brown, Harris ft Brown. Temple, Hamilton, Can, Bush, Frank, Olympla, Boston, Bnmege, Mabel, Casino, N. Y. O., Indefinite. Busse's, Madame, Dogs, Empress. Sacramento, Cal.; Empress. Los Angeles, 28-Nor. 2. Burr ft Hope, Orpheum, Omaha, Neb. Barm ft Fulton, Broni, N. Y. O. I'.mley. Jessie, ft Co., Bushwlck, Bkln. Rush Bros., Howard, Boston. Burkes, Juggllnn. Keith's, Phils. Burns A Franklin, Nixon, Phils. Burke, Illllle, Lyric. Indianapolis. Barns. Edna, Hudson. Union Hill, N. J. Carter, Susans, ft Minstrel Maids, Majestic, Ma- eon. Ga., indefinite. Case, Charley, Orpheum. Omaha. Neb.; Orpheum, 81oax Olty. In,. 28-Not. 2. Canton, Al.. Klark-Urban Co. Carmen ft Ollfton, Orpheum. Hammond, Ind., 24- Carroll. Clever, Louisville. Indefinite. Carrays. The. Globe, Cleveland, 24-20. Cameron, Grace, Orpheum, Denver, Ool. Casselll'a Dogs. Orpheum. Minneapolis. Cabaret Trio, Columbia, St. Louts. Carrlllo, Leo, Alhambra, N. Y. C. Carney. Don. Empress, St. Panl. Cartmell ft Harris. Poll's. Sprlngneld, Mass. "Caught by Olrls." Hudson, Union Hill, N. J. Carlton ft Kay, Grand. Pittsburgh. Celialloe, Rosalie ft Iillarlon. Winter Garden, N. Y. €.. Indefinite. Chip ft Marble. Hammersteln's, N. Y. 0. Chester, Ida. Walter McMillan Co. •Cheyenne Days " Poll's. Worcester, Mass. CliunnB (4), Touring Europe. Chung Hwa Comedy Four, Park, Xotmgstown. O.S Msjestlc, Chicago, 28-Nov. 2. «*"""<. v., Chrlstensen, Alex.. Hipp., St. Louis. "Circumstantial Evidence," Empress, Milwaukee. Clngstese Dancers, nipp., 8t. Louis. *<"»«• Clarke ft Owen, Sydney. Australia, Indefinite. Claudius ft Scarlet, Orpheum, Portland, Ore. Clark ft Hamilton, Palace, Ohlcaio. CUB, Laddie. Proctor's. Newark. N y Clipper Quartette, Globe, Kansas Olty, sr», (ttare'ft West, PalTs, Washington. ■ ■ Cr^ord.^Bessle. Pwetor's. fiewark, N. 3|> ^ ffllTe, Heary, Keith's, Prorldcnce, B, r Clayton. Una. ft <»., Coloslal, Norfolk, v. ftoillns, Jose, Casino, N. Y. O.. Indenn to CoWen, Mark, Hipp.. St Psni. Minn Cnlborn, Jennie, Billy (Swede) Hall r« Ooallo, Steele ft Oarr Poll's, New Haven rw>. Orphema, Bkln.. 28-Not. 2. ' "■*! Oollego Trio, Orpheum, Oakland, Cal Coombs A Aldwell, Alhambra. N v" c Cor, Ray, Orpheum, Ekln. ' ' Oorelll ft Gillette, Temple, Detroit Corson ft Braun, National, Boston. Oolumbinas (8), Orpheron, CMnclcnatl Oonnolly ft Webb. Keith's, Phlla. Ooaroy ft Le Main, Mosart, Elmlra N v Oolrmbla Musical Four. Prlscllla. Clevei.^ "Ooocert Girls." Garrick, Wilmington 1M 1 Oooper ft Robinson, Oarrlck, Wllminrrtoi n.i Collins, Revolving. Temple, Hamilton Can Conrad ft Wbldden. Colonial. Norfolk Va" Cotton, Lolo, Orpheaon, Sloox Cltj li ■» Not. 2. • ™" a ~ Craig ft Williams, Family, Lafayette, Iud • a. pheum, Hammond. 28-Nov. 2 " 0r ' Cross 4 Josephine, Maryland, 'Baltimore: Oraru Pittsburgh. 28-Nov. 2. * ur * D *' Crawford ft Delancey. 0. H., St. Marys O • n H.. Sidney, 28-Not. 2. ^' °" °- Creasy & Dayne, Orpheum, Des Slnlnes la Cralgblon Bros., Orpheum. Montreal Cm, " Craig, Gibson, Colonial, Columbus, u Crane, Mrs. Gardner, A Co., Temple", Hamilton, Cutler, Edward, Winter Garden, N. Y. C., ladet- Curmlngnam ft Marlon, Poll's. Springfield, Man • Alhambra, N. Y. O, Nov. 4-9. ■*■». Cnllen, Jas., Majestic, Milwaukee. Curtis, Sam, ft Co., Olympla, Lynn, Mass. Cuttys, (0) Musical, Wan. Penn. Phlla. Cummlngs ft Thornton, Hipp., Iveokak la 24 M Daxle, Mile., Casino, N. Y. C. Indefinite" Davis, Roger, Winter Garden, N. Y. C, lndelnlu' D'Armond 4 Carter, Touring Europe. Davis, Mark, G. 0. H.. Oshkoah. Wis.; Ornbeara. Hammond. Ind., 28-Nov. IL^ wpneaa, D'Arrllle, Jeannette, Phlla., Indefinite. Darls Bros., Guy Bros.' Minstrels. Darrow, Mr. & Mrs. Stuart, Keith's, Boston Darrell A Conway. Bushwlck, Bkln. "Dance Dream, The," Keith's, Cleveland. Davies, Tom, Trio, Grand, 8yracnse, N. X. Delmar 4 Delmar, Shea's, Toronto, Can ■ Palam Chicago, 28-Not. 2. ' ""* De Frankle, Sylrla, Gsltes', "Girl of My Dreanu" De Lisle ft Vernon, Majestic, Des Moines la- Grand, EsthervUte. 28-Not. 2. ' De Msrto, Harry. Hipp., Bristol. Eng.; Coliseum. LonJoj. 28-Not. 2; ISinplre, Manchester, 4^ Middlesex, London, 11-16; Gertaean, Londoai De Beryl, Slmone, Shea's, Toronto. Can.; Keith's. Cleveland, 28-Nov. 2. "^ Du Mont Robt, Trio, Orpheum. St. Paul Devlne ft Williams, Bronx, N. Y. 0. De Bussey. Beolab, Olympla, Lynn, Mass. Delmore, John, ft Co., Empress. Sau Fran., Cat De Garmo. Alice, Poll's, Springfield, Mass De Vole Trio, Marylsnd, Baltimore. Dean ft Price, Savoy, Atlantic City. N. J. Delmore ft Lee, Temple, Detroit. De Grace ft De Paul, Howard, Boston. Dcagon. Arthur, Chsae's, Washington. De Witt, Burns A Torrance, Orpheum, Lincoln, Neb., 28-Nov. 2. "Devil ft Tom Walker, The," Majestic, Cedar Rapids, la. Deery ft Francis, Majestic. Elmlra. X. Y. De Vora, Harvey, Trio, Shubert. Utlca, N. Y. Dcmarest Carl, Grand, Pittsburgh. "Detective Keen," Grand, Pittsburgh. Diamond ft Brennan, Bushwlck, Bkln.; Bronx, N. Y. C. 28-Nov. 2. Dlero, Orpbeom, Los Angeles, Cal. Dickey. Paul, ft On., Orpbeom, Sioux City. la. "Diamond Necklace, The." Majestic, Chicago. "Dlnkelsplel's Christmas," Majestic, Chicago. Dixie Four, Miles, Detroit. Dickinson. "Rnbe," Keith's, Boston. Dillon, William, Grand, Atlanta, Ga. Dlxons (3), Keith's, Phlla. Dlxey, Henry E., Columbia, Grand Rapids. Mich, "Dick," Keith's, Columbus, 0. Dingle ft Esmeralda Suiters, Poll's, Scranton, Pa. Dooleya, The, Lynn, Lynn, Mass. Dolly Twins, Castno, N. Y. C, indefinite. Donlta ft Co.. Davidson, Ft. Scott. Kan., 24-20; Garden, Kansas City, Mo.. 28-Nov. 2. Dolan A Lenbarr, Poll's, New Haven. Cocn.. 28- Nov. 2. Doi-ovnn ft McDonald, Orand, Pittsburgh; Keith's. Toledo. O., 28-Nor. 2. Dody, Lewis, Orphean, Sacramento. Cal. Downs ft Gomes, Keith's, Indianapolis. Dooley ft Rales, Columbia, Grand Rapids, Mich. Douglas, Byron. De Kalb, Bkln., 24-20. Dorr, Marie, Colonial. Erie, Pa. ■ Drew, Chas. C, Orpheum, Spokane, Wash., Not. 4-9. Drew, Lowell ft Bather, Pantages', Sacramento, Cal.; Pantages', San Fran, 28-Nov. 2. "Drums of Oude," Orpheum, Kansas City, Mo. Drews, The, Pantages', San Fran.. Cal. Drehany ft Ambrose, Colonial, Erie, Pa. Dupre, Jeaunette, Empire, Johannesburg, So. Africa, 21-March 1, 1813. Du Gallon. Orpheum, Bkln. Dupres, Fred, Wm. Penu, Phlla.; 6th Ave., N. Y. O., 28-Not. 2. Earl ft Curtis, Union Square. N. X. C. Eckhoff 4 Gordon, Nickel, Lawrence, Mass., 24- 26. Edna, Mrslerlous, Poll's, Hartford, Conn. Edlnger 4 Cooke. Cooke Comedy Co. Edwards' "Kid Ksbaiet," Orpheum, Aitoona, Fa. Edwards, Jess, Howard, Boston. Edwards' Song Revue, Poll's, New Haven. Conn. Erne, Hipp, Omaha, Neb. Egan 4 De Mar, Howard, BoBton. , Ellas, Harry, Stelson'a Eastern "U. T. C" Co. Elizabeth, Mary, Orpheum, San Fran., Cal. Ellnore A Williams, Alhambra, N. X. 0. Brnnett, Grade, 4 Co., Orpheum, Spokane, Wash.. 28-Nov. 2. Empire Comedy Fonr, Orpheum, Des Moines, la. Emerson A Baldwin, Orpheum, Bkln. Emmy, Karl, Orpheum, Bkln. Emersons (3), Orphenm. Harrlsburg, Pa. Emmett, Mr. ft Mrs. Hugh, 4 Co., Keith's, Cin- cinnati. , . „ English Roses (8), Globe. Boston; Po.-tlsnd, Me., 28-Nov. 2. _ , Ergottl 4 LUIIpntlans, Wm. Penn, Phlla.; Chase s, Washington, 28-Not. 2. Ernests (3), Poll's, Hartford, Conn. Ernesto Sifters, Grand, Pittsburgh. "Eternsl Walts. The," Palace. Chlcajo. "Everywlfe." Orpheum, Minneapolis. Evsns, Walter, Howard, Boston. Everetts (4), KeyBtone, Phils. . . ,^ Farkoa, Maurice. Casino, N. Y. C, Indeflnlte. Falardanx, Camille. Trocadero Burlesquers. Faber ft De Voe, Cosmos. Washington. Faust A Faust, Casino, Washington. Fay. Anna Eva, De Kalb. Bkln. Farber Bisters. Oarrlck, Wilmington. Del. , Fay. (2) Coleys ft Fay, Savoy. Atlantic City. N. J- Fenhrer. Robt.. Casino, N. X. C, Indetlulte. _ Ferguson & Northlane, Orpheum, Seattle. Wasn,, Orpheum, Portland, Ore., 28-Nov. 2. Felton. W. J., Carroll, Rome, N. Y.; U'W- Utlca, 28-Xov. 2. Ferrell Bros.. Keith's, Cincinnati. Ferguson, Dave, Keith's, Indlnnapolls. Fenton, Marie, Poll's. Scranton, Pa. Flttslmmous ft Cameron, Keith's. Colnmbns, o. Fields ft Hanson, Orphenm. Gary, ■§_:»sn Gaiety, So. Chicago, 28-30; Orphenm, So. utm Ind., 81-Nov. 2. -_ .,„ Fields. W. C, Orpheum. Kansas Olty. Mo. "Fill In Paris Life." Orpheum, Boston. Filter, Lea, Hipp., Omaha, Neb. . Fltagibbon, Marie, Hipp.. Omaha. Neb, Fltxglbbon. Bert, Keith's. Toledo, p. "Fixing the Fcrnscc." Orsnd. Atlanta tia. Fields, Will H., ft La Adella, Keith's, I*wen. Mass., 28-Nov. 2. — - anna. Fiddler ft Shelton, Academy, Fall Blver. >« 24-20 Fisher, Bud, Hndson, Union Hill, N. J- Flemmlng. Claude, Casino. N. Y. C.. IndeflniIe Florentine Singers. Empire. Kdraontori, tan-. 26; Orphenm, Spokane, Wash., Nor., *"' Ba nlils. Fletcher. Pauline, ft Co., Majestic, Cedar aai Fox'ft Sbes. 0. H., Burlington. Vt. WJL s . Fonr Entertainers. Those, Proctors. Newar*. J.; 5th Ave., N. X. 0.. »Nov. S., , of , Fonds. Mabelle. Troape, Pantages, »1«» Wash. ; Pantages', Seattle, 28-Not. i-