The New York Clipper (October 1912)

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20 THE NEW YOEK CLIPPER. October 26 A PERSONAL WORD: ANY MELODY COMPOSED BY FRED M. FACAN 18 BOUND TO BE DISTINCTIVE, AND QUITE OUT OF THE ORDINARY) AND WHEN AL. JOLSON WRITE8 THE LYRIC YOU GET A 80NC WORTH WHILE, SO 8END FOR "THE CHICKEN'S BALL" IF YOU WANT TO CIVE YOUR AUDIENCE A TREAT OF NEW IDEA8 AND B008T YOUR OWN SALARY AT THE 8AMB TIME. ONCE IN A WHILE COMPARATIVELY u? KNOWN WRITERS SUCCEED IN PROVIDING THE PUBLI8HER WITH A SONG THAT 18 REALLY 'BIG,' AND IF YOU HAVE A VOICE For PLAINTIVE WALTZ BALLAD8, SEND AT ONCE FOR "JUST AN OLD TIME 80NC," BY CALLAHAN AND PRATT, AND YOU CAN HOLD THE AUDIENCE IN THE HOLLOW OF YOUR HAND. ORCHE8TRATION8 AND 8LIDE8 NOW READY. 8END PROGRAM IF I DON'T KNOW YOU. Aubrey Stauffer, grand opera house bl.dc., Chicago THEATRES and OPERA HOUSES Ws taastt (nvtrtlaeaMat* la this eoluu tt a ■isrisi lata tt ll.TI ptr afatt list (or S nuntae (ot 11 rimes), nit will mUi local suasfers u fcstp their koiM prominently ui eoatlBulIy otfsrt tfc* minsters of companies. Darlai u« Uae ih il u runint we will teal saca ilm- titer a eepr of Tan Ourrn (tt*. GAIETYTHEATRE,Rlcnland,Ga.-Inde- pendent attractions only; pop., S,ooo; 4 railroads: excellent growing population; adjacent small towns; good open time to right attractions. Write or wire Beall Broa, Owns, and Mgrs., Lumptln. Oa. ALKHAJSV THEATRE, Elizabeth City, H. 0. Pop. 8000. Seating capacity 800; stage 21xM; dressing rooms; electricity, steam best, wanted, tot class attractions. Address Kramer A Sutter. WASTED—Good Shows, for Fraternal Hall. Oxford, Md. Seating capacity 326. Population of town, 1400. Good for one night shows with band. STAR THEATRE, Tower City, Pa., Schuy- Ull Go. New honse, new scenery, steam heat and electricity; seats 660. Good show town. Drawing population 7,000. Wanted, first class attractions Add. W. J. Henry, and Manager. ■ (Pop. Bonk DUDLEY THEATRE,New Canton, III. 100),Jnatcompleted. Seats 300. 8tagelSx40. Bret class shows. Address R. A. DUDLEY. wasted.-To Boot Good High Claw Shows. New Hall. Good show town. 8.0. M0. St. 20x30. Reps. O. K. BREVARD AMUSE. CO., Bre vard, N. C. IT'S EA8Y to get i good crowd at HIKE'S OPERA HOUSE, Stoneboro, Mtrctr Co.. Pa. Want a good rep.showforXmagweek. Last year Clifton Mallory, |25Q.oo three nights. SAGINAW, MICH., HAS STRUCK OIL. City fall of strangers. Everybody enjoying pros- perity. Town and surrounding country ofl mad. factories running to capacity. WHY NOT BOOK THE ACADEMY Ana get in on the easy money? Recognized attractions wire or write. w. S. BCTTERFIELD, Battle Creek, Mich. WAKTED-Ai Med. Comedian. Change for six nlghig and work acts. Also Sketch Team that are np In acts and do specialty, single and double. Piano players preferred. State all first letter. J. OK, care Golden Comedy Co., Mecosta, Mich. OUT OF TOWN NEWS BOSTON. The business wis rerr good last week, owing to the baseball excitement, and it seems to be good this week oa account ot the fact that there are many strangers la town who were here to wltr.eHs ilic games. Blanche King, at the Tremoot, Is the newcomer this week. This is her first ap- pearance as a star at that theatre. The usual changes ire to be seen at the burlesque, stock and vaudeville houses. Taauoirz (Jno. B. Schoeffel, mgr.)—Blanche Ring Is here for a limited engagement la "The Wall Street Girl." She Is supported by Will Rog- ers and a capable company. 'A Polish Wedding" did a fair .business during Its ran, bat it was thought advisable to retire it. UoLLiB (Charles J. Rich, mgr.)—Tbl9 Is the second week of "Coming Home to Roost." Re- garding Ibo play It might be sail that mirth and pathos are adroitly mingled, and while tears may liave fallen for the wife in her hours of trouble they gave way to Joy at the finish. The comedy Is delightful and portrays American life and manners such as we like to see them. Colonial (Frohman & Harris, mgrs.)—Laugh- ter "as boundless ss the sea" ripples through this house at every performance ot "The Quaker Girl," now In her eighth week at this bouse. Paik (Charles Frohman, Rich A Harris, mgrs,) —There seems to be just as great an interest la Rose Stahl's engagement now as when she first started her engagement In "Maggie Pepper." Current week Is the eighth. Boston (Frohman-Uarrla Corp.. mgrs.)—The engagement of "Robin Hood" ends at this house Oct. 25. The business has been very good, but oiher engagements are said to be the cause of the famous comic opera shifting elsewhere. Majestic (Wllbur-Shubert Co., mgrs.)—"Little Boy Blue" began its third week 21. The audi- ences have been large. Huratsv (Wllbur-Shnbert Co.. mgrs.) —Ger- trude Hoffmann and her "Broadway to Par's-' show Is one of the best entertainments we have seen In this city In a long time, and it ia pleasing to note that the engagement has been extended. It's a variety show from start to finish, and the kind that pleases. Plymouth (Fred Wrtjht, mgr.)—Second week of George Arllss, In "Disraeli." A delightful play and an excellent actor. B. COOK 1.E8T lOH FOilGET WE BAY IT VET CROSS LETER HEADS Contracts. Tickets, Envelopes, Free Samples, etc. STAGE MONEY, IK. Book ot Herald Cols, 24c. CROSS JOSSBSk CHICAGO & M A11_^ ORDER B USINESS You can make a sue- eeis Ironi the itart We furnish catalogs and merchandise at whole aale. Send for our prop- osition to day. It's FREE Peerless Trick & Nov, Co. 3148 Stato St. Chicago, III AT LIBERTY Gordon Mcdowell LEADING CHARACTER AND COMEDY OLD MAN SPECIALTIES Long experience, sober, reliable, quick study. Can ]oin at once. Address BI B EAST MA 1W , CHAMUTE, K ANSAS. CO ON THE STAGE »•■ »•» ~» S.|tji,ll);i,»iuu Aim. Wi alii Jm« 5E ti.ud I S» On li Anlaf. Ml:» •• will Mil f« • UelM tlmi ft, 100. nil U u arpMulif ifiUfitlaaUKlaraiilitiaJCramir It yea d H\n Is |i oa u, 11.00. Tbll II u tf pntullr If I Ull Uai u ■•■ > Sim* laatnwtia fir 1Mb a null tmuL " FREE I rwlll amln. lain Sit ill Sitotf Hliliiiii. i" m<i AStrM •CROV •. IWINC, 70S Thaleh.r PI., OIoaTUH, ill. AGENT OR* MANAGER Thoroughlyexnerlenced, reliable, energetic. Capa- ble prews man. No liquor or tobacco. Beat of reference*. Responsible mgrs. only. RICHARD BRUllOllTOls, Palace Hotel, Chicago, 111. WANTED FOR TEXAS CATTLE KING CO. Pianist to double bund; also musicians to double stage. Specially pe"plo given preference. Octo- ber 25, narrisvllle N. Y.; 29. Benson-Mines; 28 Port Leyrtcn; ». Iloonvllle. CLAUDE REK D' AT LIBERTY, Owing to Olieppolntmen. HAMILTON W.WISE Juveniles, Char. Heavies, Gen. Bit, Age »; Ht. 5 ft. 6 in. and HO. One Piece or Perm, Block preferred. Ticket, yea. References, yea Absolutely aober and reliable. Address MAPLEWOQD, OHIO. WANTED Two Young Ladle* to Ride High Schooled Hone* AT once, for six months' engagement South. State age, experience, appearance, height and a eight. Address A. A . A., care of CLIPPER. At UbBrty, Nov. 1 t 19(2. Annabel Andrews. tUBTTOBD, COSH., Q£N. PEL. It. Jauas (M. H. Gulcslan. mgr.)—"The Deep Purple" la the offering of the stock players this week. "On the Level" was received with favor, but the business did not warrant a prolongation. Castle SotAnc (John Craig, mgr.)—"Such a Little Queen" pleased large audiences lost week, and Mary Young came In for a lot of praise for her Interpretation of the leading role. This week, "The Man of the Hour" is the attraction. Kami's (B. P. Keith, mgr.)—Top-notching this week la Mrs. Langtry, who, supported by a compnnr, appears In a sketch entitled "Helping the Cause." Others on the Mil are: Pat Booney and Marlon Bent, Charles and Fannie Van, Rube Dickinson, Hlchard Waley, Lydell and Butter- fleld, Mr. and Mrs. Darrow, and the Three Mori Brothers. ODPHEfu (Victor J. Morris, mgr.)—The list this week has for its members: Willie Smith, Tossing Austins, "F1Q In Paris," Force and Will- iams, Louise Amies and her Irish Colleens, Fiddler aud Sbelton, Bennett Sisters, Dick and Alice McAvoy, Harry Cutler, Honey Johnson, and the Bennett Trio. Globe (Robert Janettc, mgr.)—Week of 21: Eight English Boses, Dancing Wllletts, Morle and Scomc, Boyle and Brazil, Harry Thriller, Emerson Trio, Johnny Gelger. Teed and Laselle, O'Brien and Lour, Markee Brothers, Sheridan and Sloaoe, and the Rnya. National (O. A. Haley, mgr.) — Heading the bill Is H. J. Joae. and he Is assisted by Bert Levy, Grant and Hoag, Jolly Wilde and company, Four Prevots. Hickman Brothers, Corson and Brown, and the Balllots. Gobdon's Olvmi'ia (J E. Oomerford, mgr.)— BoyB In Blue. Frank Bush. Jim Tcnbrook Trio, Mumfnrd and Thompson, Qlendower and Manlon, Jules Manikins, Countess Leontine, and the Old Soldier Fiddlers. Hutvabd (O. B. Lothrop, mgr.)—The burlesque show Is furnished by the Girls from Joyland, and the vaudovillliins are: Brown, Delnwre and Brown, Egan ami DcMsr. De Garec and De Paul, Wal- ter Evans. Weston and Keith, Jess Edwards, and Frank Golot. The Ducklings are coning next week. Gbakii Oi-otA HorsD «J. R, Lotbrop, mgr.)— rhls week the patrons have the Darlings of Paris, and they will be followed by the Girls from Jov- lnnil. Business is excellent. Wali>bo!('8 Casino (Charles H. Waldron, mgr.) —There were more good real comedy and funny sltuailons In the show presented by the Golden Crook Burlesque™ than ony other show of its character given here this season. It Is needless to suy how good Billy Arlington Is. And there* are n lot others In the show, too. The Mid- night Maidens this reek, and then the Cracker Jacks. Gautt (George Batcheller. mgr.)—One of the best bets of the season Is here current week George Marion—and he hns Ids Dreamland Bur- lesqucrs with him. The Merry-Go-Rounders are due to follow. The Bcbrasn Show had a very big BnirnoiN Squabe (G. E. Lothrop, mgr.)—Vio- let Vascotte'a Maidens are still located here, and so are the Myers-Suehs Co. and Will Beech- ST.- J txln tre Frederics and his pony, "Don;" W. E. Browning. Frank Golot and Anita. o.? I,0 n. So ,' ,T, k, 96 °- ColllM ' mgr.)—Week of 21: Dlpple Dlpple. Htaode Japs, dinger Trio, Harry and Loulae Stockton, Beth Stevens, Hsrry Newman, and Porter nnd Clark. Wabiiinotoh (K. g. Collier, mgr.)—Madell and Corhley, Lewis' dogs and monkeya, Welier and Frnrer, Cheater and Lewis, Marcelle Marlon. Jacqiiette and Fred White. EAOLt—Telegraph Trio, Margaret nelblg. tialsh and Reddln, and Walters. AJTIBMATH. Tiiohb offering pictures and songs are: The lUJi.u Dream, Huntington Avenue, South End, SlinwiDM. Unique, Apollo, Orlenta. Pastime, Purl- tan. Back Bay, Premier, Norfolk, Oomlque. Nl- ygara. Wlnthrop Hall, Williams' Ideal, Superb. Scenic Temple, Star and the Box bury. Richabd Plunkstt. known to those familiar with the vaudeville stage for the paBt generation nnd more as "Dick" Plunkett, black face come- dian, died Oct. 14 nt the Carney Hospital. South lloHton. A veteran ot thirty-eight seasons, he died In harness, appearing In his Inst engagement nt the Howard Atheiircum as late as Oct 1. He had been ailing for a year with stomach trouble, but the grit In common to stage veterans stuck to his profession until he gave out. Mr. Plunkett leaves a wife snd family. Services were held at Ills home In Everett. Oct. 18. Lynn. Most*.—Central Square (James H. Donovan, mgr.) business continues fine with the pictures, songs by Maud Burns, and the selec- tions given by the mechanical orchestra. Ltnn (Jeff Callan, mgr.)—nigh Class vaude- ville, to good business. OLTairiA (A. R. Lord, mgr.)—Sam Cards and company for entire week of 21. On the bill 31- 23 were: Reed Sisters. Rekbuff and Gordon. Joe ward, the Baldwins, Beulnh De BuBsey, and the Four Huntings. Auditouum (Morlsoo 1c Mark, mgrs.) — Gene- vlvo Bllnn, the new leading lady, joined the com- pany 21, and Is being seen lu "Sweet Kittle Bel- iJ'Tl! Ml " Dllnn ■*» Pl*Te& leads with Kara Kendall, land was at one time featured with Madame Ksllch, under the Flale management She came to Lynn from Salt Lake Cltv. She Is a sister ot Edward Nannery, who u also-a mem- ber of the Mortsoa company. 'My Partner" week of 28. Oc.moca (AL Newhall, mgr.)— Moo Mark, the Owner of this bouse, was in this city week of 14, resting at his home. Mr. Mark will shortly open his new theatre in Buffalo, N. 7. Business here is treat. DbeaaILand (Samuel Grant, mgr.)—Dally at- tendance Is big. Pictures and songs. Pabtisu (E. A, Loud, mgr.)—Pictures and Dbbam, Clotondali (Thomas B. Oollen, mgr.) —Good picture business. Lawrence, Haas.—Colonial (Julias Cahn, mgr.) hill for Oct 20 includes: Telegraph Trio, W. E. Browning, Musical Basklrks, the Great Frsjs, McDonald and Kravalato, the Tomasso, and pictures. P. Paul Manel 23, Aborn's Eng- lish Opera Co., In "Madame Butterfly," 28. - Ofkba Housa (Julius Cahn. mgr.)—The Melley and Dennlsoo Stock Co. present "The Third De- gree" for 20 snd week. Kickbl (J. Fred Lovett, mgr.)—Bill for 21-23 Included: Kelso snd Lelgbton, Groh, Brock and company, Frobel and Rouge, and Freddie Healey. For 24-26: Anna Madlgan and company. Hallen snd Hayes, Jimmy Burns, and Eckhorf and Gordon. Bboaowat (Toomey ft Demarra, mgrs.)—Mo- tion pictures, to good business. Viotobia (A. A. Kellmann, mgr.)—Motion pic- tures and Illustrated songs to capsclty business. Paxinxa (N. Demarra. mgr.)—Motion pictures, to good business. Pabtims (J. Blott. mgr.)—Motion pictures, to good business. Lowell, Maaa.—Keith's (Will H. Stevens, mgr.) bill for Oct 21 snd week: Monroe, Mack and Lawrence. Cycling Zanorts, Geo. Yeoman. the Palace Four, the Clevelsrds Lloyd and f/O- rlna, Mile. Emerle, and a comedy playlet, "The Poor Relation." _ „ _. Mbbb. So. (James Carroll, mgr.)—BUI far 21 and week: The Le Drentoo Players, Mile. Marie De Beauclalr, and photoplays of Sarah Bern- hardt, in "Queen Elizabeth." PlATHonsa (Kendall Weston, mgr.)—The Drama Pleyers present "The Spendthrift" 21 snd week. "The Witching Hour" week of 28. Aoapbki (William T. Howley, mgr.)—Vsude- vllle snd pictures; smateurs on Wednesday. PiiEMiEB (Nathan White, mgr.)—Feature photoplays and Illustrated songs. Tannton, Maaa.—Pari (A. A. Kellmann, mgr.) moving pictures, changed Monday, Wednes- day and Friday, to good business. Mvaio Hall, Stab, Coliikbia, S'ickd, and Casino, picture houses, are doing good business. Norz.—Boylen's Theatre, st the Northern part of the city. Is neariug completion. Oakland, Cat.—Macdonough (F. A. Gelsa, mgr.) there was a heavy sale ot seats for the Lombard! Opera Co.. Oct, 20-22. Ya Licebtt (H. W. Bishop, mgr.)—"The Third Decree" 21 and week. Obpebok (Geo. Ebey, mgr.)—BUI for week of 20: Ethel Barrymore and company, Owen Clark, Ojulve and McCarty, Bowman Bros., Berg Bros., Josephine Rutins, Owen McGlvney, and the latest pholoplsjs. Business is large. Pant ages' (W. W. Ely. nurr.)—BUI for 20 and week: Etrl Dewey and his dancing dolls, Eldrldge and Barlow, Van and Pearce, Davis snd Scott, Schiller snd Hulbert, the Three Slnclalrs. snd Sunlight pictures. Business Is heavy. OoLCUBiA (Dillon ft King, mgrs.)—Dillon ft King present Hsrry Bernard and company, la "Two Old Sports." week of 20. InosA Pabk (R. B. York, mgr.)—Bill fo- 14 snd week was "A Trip to Chinatown," and Car- ver's diving horses wero the added attraction. Business has been good. Bboaowat, Oakland. Ltih Mabi»w», Scbkic, Oauxba, Biyon Danax, Reosn-t. ano Bbown's, motion picture houses, are doing nicely. Notbs. —The United States Marine Band, of Washington. D. O., give two concerts st the Greek Theatre, Berkeley, 19 Geo. Ebey, man- ager of the Orpbeum, and Ellse Sebuler. a mu- sical comedy actress, were slightly injured by being struck by an automobile at the crossing, Twelfth Street at Clay, 11 Fire, of unknown origin, which started In a tailoring shop in the Pantagee' Theatre building, shortly after 3 A. u„ 13, and which threatened much damage to Pon- tages' new house, was extinguished with a loss of one thousand dollars Practically all mov- ing picture houses In Oakland bare raised their prices of admission to ten cents. The San Fran- cisco houses will follow suit Hereafter no five-cent houses will be allowed to show more than two reels ot pictures. Ft, Worth, Tex.—New Majestic (Arthur C. Best, mgr.) hill for week or Oct. 14 Included: Ye Colonial Septette, the Three Lelghtons, Pnul and Marmlon Stone, the Cracker Jack Four Le Boy Homey and company, Mittle Lockette, WU- son and Aubrey, and piotoplajs. Btebs (Phil W. GreenwaU, mgr.)—Honse was dark week of 14. ■ S^, 0 * (Frsnk North, mgr.) —"The Love Route' 14 and week. Ralph Moody has been engaged by Manager North for leads, snd he won high prslse on his opening night, 14. Pbixcebs (Joseph Aranoff, mgr.) "Master 1? in Man " U ' 16 ' The Cowb0 ' ana the Soldier" MEDICINE MEN teli us mnn PRICE YOU CAN m And we will supply your -wants to a letter on short order, and give yon the biggest nnd k«- • for yonr money. ua DMt talis WE WILL SURPRISE YOU AS WELL AS PLEASE YOU THE HANDSOHEST TOOTH POWDER PACKAGE ^^SSS^^iSSPSi ln Only ie.00 per gross. •awius** top ^ THE FLASHIEST AND HOST EFFECTIVE DOLLAR HERB PACKAGE E ™ mu* Only i7.HO per gross. °«ed. THE PRETTIEST AND HOST HOOT OIL PACKAGE omy te.oo per M THE BIGGEST AND HOST WONDERFUL DEHONSTRATTVE SOAP 0nJ y •> * per GREAT TABLET PACKAGE, |9.7» per gTOSS. Oar CORN PlaLCKERS havB^ lnstanuneous hit, retaU at 15c., and only e)4.00 per gross. Yon can carry three gross ilMtVBaaS ALWAYS SOMETHING NEW-EXPENSE SAVERS AND MONEY MAKERS GALORE " 8o If there is anything missing In yonr line that yon have been unable to adopt on aeconrt «r n-v prices, give ns an ides of what It Is. Let ua do the framing and well get yonr business sure ^* All products of our manufacture fully ip to Pure Food Standard. Free advertising matter h.,u ^ with oar various Unas. It will pay yon to communicate wlthus. Addresa s^ucriumuaei THE GEBMAH MEDICmE CO„ 1813 Central Ave, Cinc innati. 0 REP^TOIRr PMPLE IN ALL LINKS Two good Directors, Good Leads, Specialty People. Also_people for one nlshtsrs People 1st all lines; Good Singers for filnslcal Comedy. Two Good Agents gnu last what yon do, your lowest salary. Send programs and photos if nosiibl. Von CAaTT BOOZt, you CAS'T KNOCK t yon mast dress gooS on and off. Tra Set yonr salary, and yon must work. 8ay Just when you ean Join as tints Is lort. Address • ^^ UNITED PRODUCING CO., 410 VNIOK WAT. BAHK BL.DG., COLTJMBPS, OHIO. For THE CHASE-LISTER GO. Al HEAVt MAN, to do one or two Juveniles; SINGING AND DANCING COMEDIAN, strong line pans must deliver the goods; GEN. BUS. MAN, to do specialties; SONG AND DANCE WOMAN, to do It* parts; PIANO PLAYER, sight reader. Speolalty Peoplo must change for a wee*. Wardrobe and sobriety essential. Send photos and late programs. Address WILL T. LISTER, Marshall Mo FRANK NOIiT ia. Hl ?T?? 1>0 i I " <L - ?• Rfm T, mgr.)—Ooldle Brad- ley. IrlU Otto, and motion pictures week of 14. Nrnra—L. B. Bwnj, manager of the Hippo- drome, opened that house Monday. 21, with Are acts of vaudeville and one notion pleturo In- ctesd of five reels of pictures as heretofore Prices ire 10 and 20 cents. ..J?* 1 !"' Tex — OiUta (George Anir. mer.) JJJfJJ 1 " M » w -" ™* « Oct 14, did good m M&*£9. (0 - E' (5<>u1 ?' ngr-)—Vaudeville and motloa pictures to capacity business. Harrr Hoca (Roy Dalton, mgr.)—West, Aver snd company, and motion pictures, to capacity OBHiauH (Roy Dalton, mgr.)—The Gacnon- Pollock Co. presented "Paid la Kull" week of 14 Capacity business ruled. GiBDBN.—BiU house opened 13, with vaude- ville and motion pictures as (he attractions. Nots. —The Texas State Fair opened 12. Die- gest business In its history was done. Galveston, Tex.—Grand (Charles Sasseen, nw.) Elsie St. Leon, In "Polly of (he Circus," plcnsed good slsed audiences Oct. 8, matinee nnd nl«ht. The Smart Set bad heavy business 10 11 "The Rosary" pleased 12, 13. "The Balkan Princess" 15, Florence Webber 10. Qysaw (E, H. FlUhugh, mgr.)—Bill week of 13 Included: Adair and Fllckey, riarlan Knight and company. Moffett nnd Claire Trio, the Three Bartos, the Ollvottl Troubadours, and the Quceno- scope. Business continues good. Nora—The Barnum s Bailey Shows are heavily hilled for 28. Denver, Col.—Broadway (Peter McOourt, mgr.) Valeska Surntt Oct. 21 and week. obhtkou (A. O. Carson, mgr.)—Bill for 21 and week: Elsa Ruegger and company, Grace Cameron, Frank Mtlton and Be Ixms Sisters. Arm- strong and Clark, Bounding Pattersons, Gordon Brothers snd kangaroo, Lowo anal Devere and Pathe's Weekly. Tasoa 02AVH (Peter MeCourt, mgr.—Panl J. Ralney's African Hunt pictures 20 and week. Rmi'Bbss (Geo. A. Bovjer, mgr.)—Bill for 10 and week; Robert McKIm and company, Lee Tun* Poo. Helen Primrose. Manley and Walsh, Gran to and Maude, Onalp, and Oannjont'a Weekly. 'Additobjux (Tnomss Annear, mgr.) — "The Secret of Suianne" 21, 22. Baant (Harry Ward. mgr.) — Bmeraon-Uook Co., three acta, and nrlsg pictures. Al SECOND BUSINESS MAN For Permanent Stock. One bill a week. SAVOY THEATRE, Ft. Worth, Teiss. WILL GUARANTEE ANY ONE-NIGHT ATTRACTION FOR THREE NIGHTS DIFFERENT TOWNS. AL80 WANT REP. FOR ONE WEEK Will guarantee. Towns near Chicago. Address JACK ALLEN. Box 381, Chicago, PJ. Can always place good reliable people. —BIG HIT _Cb.icken Rag," "Love To Live In Loveland," "Pick On ale," "ttirass Band Eph. Jones," "Tip Front £!:*' u moonlight Bay." Last 12 for Jew. 10c. each; 8 for 25, or whole 24 Big Parody Scream, $150. tasn or u. o.; no stanpe. Other material. Send for catalogues and enthusiastic testimonial*. MARY E. P. THAYER, »1»0 Broad St., Providence, R. 1. UN FOR HEAVIES AND 6E| BBS., ffOUN FOR HEAVIES, SECOND BUS. AND SOIE CHARACTERS SE.'aL?.'. 8 ! *t y° nn 8' l> aT e good wardrobe and be able to act. Incompetents closed wlthon: notice - JJSiiifi W i1 k ? ow y 5 n - uF an i* 0 P lace ** Pianist (sight reader, transpose and arrange), and feature Stan^n-iLfilin S? a . b J- e ^T, t J lat „ can P ,a y emal1 P" 1 *- Address FRANK L. MADJJOCKS, care of BADDOCKS-HELD PLAYERS, Oct. 2i-8,New Smyrna, Fls.; 28, Daytons, Fla. Loci hart, we wired ttSeVwmt to q MempU° 0rajUn «- JUcn ' Wn/don't yoa come'on'or write* us. Mr. McAhW, year THE ROYAL ZANETTOS This Week, THE ALHAMBRA A SUCCESS EVERYWHERE STOCK PEOPLE IN ALL LINES FOR PERKANKNT STOCK. OKH BILL A WEEK. THREE MATS. WO SUSDATg andc P lcveMn«nnB° r n '?. , ff lve Dr , ama . u c VaudevlUe Act'jnvenllo leading iran, ingenue le»dln«voBB» man invent wlt " resI *W* TOlcofl - Al 90 want genteel heavy man. chsracw aiSafflialV.-Sii^^E;? ll IS ct * r »<>"»"• Act plays city time, rehearsal* Oct. 28, Photo*, pro- grams ana lowest salary must accompany flrat letter. Address " „. OTIS OLIVER, Majestic Theatre, Rockford, !!»• i No. 1 REPERTOIRE and SIM COMEDUU, with Change ol Specialties, Strong Line of Parts A. QOOD Grl^lVaeRAXy BUSI1VESS MAN week^ d a?n^rrir^r <), ?>.£S 8,, ? I1 i wlw ' Other useful people, Write. J. 8. ANOBLMIoall"?*;«*• weea uct. a, ainrlas, Tto„ three nignta, Oct. 28,», 30; (Janni^.Tex^taraenlgiae, Oct. w. Nov. Ll