The New York Clipper (October 1912)

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October 26 " jo .»*> H'SJUTI'JI MM 01 MUMIM GOSS' SHOW m CANVAS r , i — 7 buck TENTS : mm FLAGS Waterproof Covers sm fgk «* cituou^'seco.wV^o usr IheJ. cgossco.''''^;"' Sketches Clean ,brlgbMn ip py newldeai. Moderate prices. Written by Indiana Dewipiper ■U. Add ml W.W.Doakle TO YOUR ORDER. Ashland B]k..Chicago lirtU Openings Arranged I Naw Crou- Htn Fire Furnlihed. AcuRe-wrilten. brinks copy ol my new lllailrtled 100 pile J>ook ;iiC|77" Gel an. Idea ol Fl££ myilylee'work ■ ■■■■■ , One Fancy Horizon, one Beautiful Church Drop, one cut Wood, one Rocky River, one Hut, moon- light cflect; one Rock Cut, one Victoria Palls, one Fog Horizon, and six other assorted drops. One lot Rock Tabs, one large Taylor Trunk, one doz. Stage Screws, one doz. Stage Braces, one lot Grass Mats, one Fancy Mantle, two Trees, one Step Ladder, one Fire Log and Hacking, ton Fire Palls, two American Flags, one Parlor Lamp, all good Usher's Uniforms. $100 takes all. rvi. A. MoCANN 4293 Put Aw. • • Bronx, New York City FRANK HAYDEN THEATRICAL COSTUMIER 149 W. 36th St. - - New York Tel., ir.81-Gree!ey. Modern Gowns, Costumes (or Sister and Girl Acts; ankle and Short Dresses on hand. WANTED QUICK WOMAN FOR INGENUE to double Grande Dame part GENERAL BUSINESS MAN Must have square cut. Specialty people preferred. One night stands. We pay all. State all first letter. FRANK N. GRAHAM. CINCINN ATCS, X. Y. The Henry Family Theatre Co. A SLIDE TROMBONE PLAYER OR CLARINET Host double stage, playing good part. Would like to hear from good SPECIALTY TEAM. Other rep. people write, addressing C. W. HENRY, Worth Ferrisbtarar, Vt, Open In two weeks. Yon get ticket—and It wUl pay yon to show up. AT LIBERTY K1MV. B. RODGERg Al Character Comedian. Also Direct. Have some new scripts. HA I. MARVIN GIRWKD RODGERS Heavies t Characters Small Parts N. B.—Rodgers and Marvin, known In vaudeville is the Song Birds of the South. Al specialties. Ad- dress Cumberland Hotel, Atlanta:, Ua, AT LIBERTY The Croat Ames MANDOLIN SOLOIST SUPREME. Repertoire of Grand Mandolin Solos. A refined musical offering of sterling merit. Address GREAT AMES, _ 818 Cherry Street, Green Bay, Wis. Vandevillle Violinists r^ W ,.^. n .fi NOE1,BNTof "THE MOCKING BIRD" rnwi ?M S 8nd P,A ' AGO., by Edw. Herman. X™, T , AINS EFFECTIVE and HUMOROUS TRICKS on bird Imitations. Positively HOT dlnicult. Professional price, Mo. Q. 8C1B&TB, 117 WEST U3d ST., NXW YORK Minstrels, Musical Comedies, Burlesque, Dramas, and ill Kinds of Road Slums oit . . Wr »*« W.T. GRIFFITH HJL'-'l'plncott Bldg.. Philadelphia, Pat. GEO. R.' TAYLOR av^. MWM i OR GEN. BUS. wariiroue ability and experience. Will play any- UmmSTT for except Leads, and dress the parts. \v i J, w 1f k • 0De P'ece- Karl King, write. flSSuj* 8t0ir ,ent to 0Ulc »8o returned; . : " ff - PIKE BT„ CLARKSBURG. W. VA. WANTED, SKETCH TEAM <it'.'.' l r,?'^n g J e ? 10d doubles, lo change fora week. >« *mrl "AilM PlBn °' * M and *h**. ^U must cn-vll v> to a week B '" d Vaudeville, under ao7itaJR 8, »Wroom car. Wire or write all, WANTED-LADY PIANIST Ira ,m,.TO. 8,8Ddtrd overtures with small orchee- «'<■• Z2S2? B " g ,ame M « b c,a6 » son &- <l^ts, !>..» wISS .. ] - J^neaeason, easy work and euro CrtJJ""!'* only one matinee. State cx- K rer wrt?» Be *? f J?' ce - e,c - 0oo(1 V|0| » or '«eU° Cniedir^-,,^ >»• STOGDILL, Mgr. Carroll ^■W dy Co., Holden. W. Va., Oct. 20 to 26. Want to Boy TRAINED AMHAL ACT ,I l " l 1 b *Bood. W" • u ?'.*Uh price '&ev"d 0 v -?^- . Wrtte, *'!'.?# P»'»onlare, what SSNgf yo'r 6 k cfrpp^T* 8 * ABnui ACT - THE NEW YORK CLIPPEE. 21 ROTES FROM S0RGLAHD. EDDIE DOERIl, Formerly professional manager for the Carl Laenmle Co., has Just returned from Atlantic City, where he ban nude himself a big man with his own song successes, entitled "Won't Yon Let Me Take You Homer' and "Ob. You Million Dol- lar Kid," Is now professional manager for the Royal Music Publishing Co., 112 West Thirty- eighth Street, New York City, and Is glad to meet his old friends, as well as the new ones, there, where they can obtain several big song hits In manuscript as well as bla own compositions. FORSTER NOTES. JT. Fred Helf has arranged to become the East- ern representative of F. J. A. Foreter, of Chi- cago, one of the largest music lobbers In the West, who became a publisher about a year ago. The two big Forster numbers, ."Garland of Old Fashioned Roses" and "At the Ragtime Ball." which have enjoyed vast popularity In the Middle West, will be featured by Mr. Helf. with the as- sistance of bis professional staff, which Includes Murray Bloom, Mort Green, Willie Thorn, Fay Schram, etc "Garland of Old Fashioned Botes" Is James Barardl's biggest encore winner. "At (he Ragtime Ball" la being successfully used by dozens of prominent acts. Manuel Rotnalne la meeting with bis usual suc- cess with "Garland of Old Fashioned Roses." "Garland of Old Fashioned Roses" la featured by the biggest Illustrated acta In the East. "At the Ragtime Ball," the best rax namber on the market, is an applause winner for many big acts. JEROME « SCHWARTZ NOTES. Lefller and Bratton are putting oat "The Ding- bats," In which "I Love to Hear an Irish Band" end "Ragtime Eyes" are the featured songs. Harold Herber la featuring the brand new high class ballad, entitled "If Ever I Forget You." Al. J. Roberta, the whistling boy wonder, Is making a phenomenal hit with Jerome & Schwartz's two sorg hits, "String a Ring of Roses 'Round Your Rosle." and "Whistle It" "Ragtime Eyes," a new song, by Jean Schwartz, that gives every indication of being a tremendous success, is being featured with much success by the Four Entertainers. Edith Mote la featuring "String a Ring of Roses 'Round Your Roale," and "If Ever I For- get You " In the leading New York theatres. Miss Mote has made a deckled success since her ar- rival in the East. NOTES FROM STERN & CO. Gypaloa Is using, with much success, a special arranged medley of Stern's songs, including "I'll Build a Pretty Cabin." "Huih, Here Comes the Dream Man," "An Bevolr, Sweet Marie," and "Butterflies." Agnes Trneadale Is featuring "Have You Ever Loved Any Other Little Girl 2" The Bradhurst Minstrels are singing "That Shakespearean Rag," to many encores. Weston and Le Roy hare been using "Those Ragtime Melodies," scoring a big bit tor them. Nelson i-nd Sprague, high class singing duo. are featuring "Silver Water," "Egypt/" and "Ex- cuse Me, Mr. Moon." Cbiklxs I. Davis writes: "I am pleased to In- form you that my two recent publications, 'If I Could Call Y.ou Sweethert' and 'Mr. Melody Man.' are going l-e'jond expectations. Both songs make good whenever used. Also wish to state that 'Down On De Levee' Is a great number, which I Intend to plug for all It Is worth." JOHN L. WEBER . HUBERT L, WEBER CHICAGO COSTUME WORKS IMPORTERS AND MANUFACTURERS, 143 NO. DEARBORN ST., CHICAGO, TJ. 8. A All Goods Theatrloal-CsitaloKe. F"«-•»«» Catalog No. 2, Sonbrette Downs and Costumes. Catalog No. 3, Wlge, Tights, Make-up and Spangles Catalog No. 4, Boots, Shoes and Western Goods. COSTUMES FOR AMATEUR THEATRICALS OUR SPECIALTY $25,00 WILL BE PAID for the first information of the present whereabouts of ALBERT and FANNIE DABOLL Known as the Daboll Trio. Their last address was 917 Harrison St., Pavrtucket, R. I. Address MARYLAND DETECTIVE AND SECRET SERVICE AGENCY, 3'JU LAW BUILDING, BALTIMORE, DID. COSTUMES S0UBRETTE DRESSES WIGS TIRHTS GOLD AND SILVER TRIMMINGS MAKEUP Write for Catalosrne, SO panes, GOO Illustrations.. FRITZ SCHOULTZ eft CO., 19 Welt Lake St. (Established 25 years), Chicago, III. USED MOVING PICTURE MACHINES bought and sold on lo por cent, basis; Star Pin or Sprocket Wheels, 81c: Main Shaft, aoo.; Intermittent Shaft. too.; Roll Tickets, 6c. per 1,000; Condensers, toe,; to Carbons, 11,00; Aro Lamp, 12.25; Stcreoptlcoiia, f 12,00; Calcium Jet, $2.26; Film lc. a foot, any length; Acetylene Jets, 12.00; Heavy Condenser Mounts, $; Asbestos Wire, to. per foot; Wire Connector, to. Hundreds of other bargains. (Catalogue). L, I1ETZ. 30a E. »3 tl Street, Mew York City. Song Poems Wanted CASH OR ROYALTY TO YOU. AGENTS WANTED FOIl OUR I'UII LIGATIONS. NBBDIIAH MUSIC HOUSE, AT-», St. Louis, Mo. . MUSIC AHIt \\<*EI> PIANO ORCHESTRA Melodies written to song poems. Ret—Wltmark A Son. W. H, NELSON, 128 W. Mth 8U, B. T. NEW 212 PA6E ILLUST. MA6IG CATAL Containing cuts of Leading Conjurors, 50c. Now 52 page book Catsl., 10c. None free. W. D. LBltOY. 103 Court St., Boston. Mais. PLAYS N.Y. PLAY BUREAU Is now located at Tremont Theatre Now York. Get Now Cat hi og tie. WIGS TOUPEES, FOR STAGE and STREET OSCAR F. BERNNER 109 WEST 47th STREET, NEW YORK CITY, Near Oth Ave. LEICHNKR'S GREASE PAINTS, POWDERS, ROUGES, ETC. TRICKS t TRICKS t TRICKS! Largest assortment of Tricks, Jokes and Novelties In the world. Send 2c. stamp for Illustrated catalogue. 104 N. CLARK STREET. C* T s VsV T QTUI" A T\I ua STATE STREET, (Mala Store). V/. Vs s7 ssa ss a ss ss waaatsssv l (Palmer House Lobby). OPERA HOUSE WANTED.—I wilt to nit u Opira House li i city lot less tbu 50,000. It doe* not make any difference to me what Stale the city Is In. Most be ground floor, and not seat lets than 1,000. Id giving description state exact seating capacity and how arranged. Give location, license and every detail in first letter. 1 want to open tne house Monday, Not. 11,1012, and close May 14, U1S. Figure on lowest cash rental basis. I want the bouse for Stock Co. Address ' DR. II. D. RICHER, HOTEL TULSA, TULSA, OKLAHOMA. BORDONI, The new French singer, from Paris, for her engagement at the Winter Garden, New York, -will be seen In an elaborate production, en- titled 'The First Affair." STOP YOUR LEAKING You'll leak and leak and keep on leaking as long as you carry heavy, old fashioned canvas covered trunks. And the worst of It Is It's MONEY you leak every time you pay unnecessary excess baggage charges—real money, clothes money, "grub" money, smoke money, "Jump" money. Take a think I Wake up! Shake yourself I Cu: It out I Buy a HAL FIBRE TRUNK and let tho lightest sud strongest trunk on earth plug tbe leak and save money for you. WILLIAM HAL Inn I AGENTS: .., ~2ETS!!Sm «5U !"*'„„ Mack Trunk Co., 102 8. Main St., Memphis, Tonn, 145 W. 46th STREET, • NEW YORK CITY. | victor Trunk Co., 74 Ellis St., San Francisco. /* arutcering odi. pirate mention Curm. SONG WRITERS-Tam Your Songs INTO MONEY. IIE8T PROPOSITION. Write PROGRESS PUBLISHING CO., Dept. 47, St. Louis, Mo. " CONTRACTS LETTER HEADS, KNVELOPES. TICKETS, PASSES, CARDS, Etc. Wrlto for Samples. Webb I'tg. Co., MJ Ho. Dearborn St., Chicago, Ills. THHATttlCAL. WIGS Toupees. Ladles'Hair Good*. M. Stein's Make- up. Send for Price List. QUO. 81IINDIIKLM. 282 W. 41 et 8t. New York. Tel.. 8720-Dryant. CATALOG, 208 pagea KltKE. Send so. stamps for New i'ockut Trick and MAGIC HAH 10 CO., Dept, nnrtlculHiH. 1, 24U W. ,'iiiih St. New York. mm CAPSULES/" MlDt CATARRH and DISCHARGES lelieved Is 24 Hours Each Cap- / —\ r aulo bears the (MIDY) name «#- \(^»y Beware of eounter/ritt