The New York Clipper (October 1912)

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22 THE NETW YORK CLIPPER. October 26 TEST FOR YOURSELF Mix the best cocktail you know how—test it side by side with a Club Cocktail No matter how good a Cocktail you make you will notice a smooth- ness and mellowness in the Club Cocktail that your own lacks. Club Cocktail* after accurate blending of choice liquor* obtain their delicious flavor and delicate aroma by ogting in wood before bottling. A new cooktail can never have the flavor of an aged cocktail. Moxkatta*. Martini andatktr iteniari tUndi, hltlid. nail) i- $nv Iknuth cnibd let. OUT OF TOWN NEWS Refuse Substitute* AT ALL DEALERS G. P. HEUBLEIN A BRO.. Sob Prse*. Hartford New York London = F" IFL El El = Christmas Dinners FOR 300,000 POOR PEOPLE Will be auppllad by The Salvation Army Throughout tl>o United Suites Will jrou hol|i by MOtllllllKIL (Immtl'.ii, 110 matter how eiiuill TO COUMINDin MISS BOOTH 118 W. 14th St., New York City W«l«m SUlai, Cam Etlill, «69 S. Slit* St., ClicMo WURLlTzER r ( FREE ..CATALOG Musical Instruments 282 Pom*, aitl Artloloadowrluod. 788 Illu. Stratum., 67 Color 1'IiiU'h. Kvory Mu.lual lnHtmniimt. Hupbrli Qunllty. Lowest Prions. Koay FitymmilH. Monllon trmtm- merit yon iitu liitarestod la. Vt'» supply tho U. H. Gnvornmnnt. TIIK III'DIII ru wt'/ILITXItR CO, snE.lttA«.,CkdiNtl Ml S.i*la*A«.,OJa(i Want This Suit? Sbow oar nmp.M to lhr»e of jour f rt»ndi, iMo iwo crtlsri *>aij end matte i«r<.nt onoufh to Iat llils iml) Uilored suit free. No trouhle, •hnjilr show our ntrr Dp>io-daUumploi. Kverjbodj surprised, prices so tow, ttjlti toueAiillfnl, orders ooniti easy. We pay thai •ipr«ts and |u»ranU* perfoot fit or no Ml*, Vou can maho 0S.0O a Day Baty. Write Sulck nd laiiatnploa and afoota' outfit frae, "very ilni aaplalned, and apeclal Inalda price ou a suit for Tomirlf. H'u womlerful cheufA, ■Ahf»IRTAILORir.QCO. r 'lT lMl iK7) CHICAGO BROWNS Bronchial Troches An effective remedy for Cough* and Hoarseness. Invaluable In Bronchial and Lung Trouble* and to Singer* and Speaker* for clearing the voloe. Entirely free from opiate* or any harmful Ingre- dient. Sold only In boxoa, Sample mailed free. JOHN I. BROWN & SON, Boston, Ha**. BEFORE AND AFTER THEATRE MOUQUIN'S 6th Ave., bet. 27th and 28th Sts., New York HOST POPULAR FRENCH RESTAURANT PAIU8IAN CAFB : MUSIC 6.80 TO 1 A. M. OKNTHK OF ACTORS' COLONY PllKKPOllT, L,. I., If. Y. CHOICE CORNER PLOT o5x!05 Ft. Adjoining lllllv W. Watson and FninK' Morrell. 1'ilce, (1,800. Your terms. flAM.IKNNE, Iiulliler, FKKEI'ORT, NASSAU CO., N, Y. 1171 VTPIk NOVEL OliHISTMAS APPARATUS II 1 11 I Vi\) or 1'lHplay of tome kind, which " * tJI7 will attract children to rotall store. F. A R. Address Advertising Lasarua Co. Haiager, Clllll III llllH, Ohio. nSendlOclH. for Parlor Trick, Btago Act, Now EsospeH and Illustrated Catalogue of Wonder*. UI'HE KOItlNhllN NAOIO CO., ltooin B, 19 Gray St., HohIoii. Muhb. WANTED QUICK, Ton Al IHcd. Lecturers Salary or percentage Must lie Blrlo'ly sober and reliable at all Union. Dr. Marshall and 0. J. Allen, B inwor. Add. Lif e Tono Medical A*ao.,IIogalma, La . FOR SALE-THE 6REAT WHITE COCKATOO That Famous Bell Ringer. Does a wliolo act In vaudeville Send stamp for roply. AddrcBa PROF. PAMAI1A81KA, 2,127 N. 8tll 8T „ PH1LA., PA, SKETCHES, MONOLOGS, Patters and Parodies, written to order. Good original work; reasonable pilccs. JKN NRA MARTIN. Rox m.JNI)IANAPO|jlB. IND. yon weigli OToruuieh and want tu Rot rid »I the ... lllllrkly , miti'ly unit onully, jou ran laarn how hy reaoOiK my ih'W InlcreMliiir Ihiok w liieli 1 will »enil wfili n Pruuf Trmliiitint, all'FRKK, postpaid. Pf.BHADFORD,20 E.22dSl,,iQ7K NewYork,N.Y. In antwciiny ad*, plcaso mention CLlPrts. Too Fat?" uurdeiiMiuo fnt iinlvkly.« Despite the warm weather the attendance st the theatres, so fsr, bos been very satisfactory. The now offerings the current week Include: "Look Who's Here," at the Adclptil; Robert Billiard, In "The Argylo Oase," at the Broad; -'The LItOe Millionaire," also succeeds the Zlegteld Folllea at the Forrest. _ _ I/tbio (Messrs. Sbubert, mgts.)—"The Dove of Peace," a comic opera, by Walter Damroscb, with the libretto by Wallace Irwin, received It* premiere on IS, in the presence of a distinguished audience. Both the press and the public were lavish In their pralao of tho opern, and particu- larly of tho music, which Is melodious snd tune- ful. There Is a stirring march snd a tuneful waits that are destined to become very popular. Ituth Tl.rop, in the leading soprano roile, dis- played a voice of much sweetness, while bltr, were also made by Henrietta Waktfleld, Jessie Bradbury, Frank Pollock, and Ernest. Torrance. The second week starts at. ..._ Fousest (Nixon & Zimmerman, mgrs.)—"The Little Millionaire" comes 21. for a two weeks' slay. Zlegteld'* Folllea finished ID, a satlv faciory two weeks' »tay. OAiinicK (Nixon & Zimmerman, mgrs.)— "Ojlisy Love," which was prweoted here last season, was enjoyed by splendid houses lost week, that found a number of delightful changes in the production. Phyllis Partington and Arthur Albro were excellent in the leading role*. The second week Uglns 21. „. , Auslpui (Mesara. Shnbert. mgre.) — "Look Who's Here," with Helen Lowell, has It* local prniUre 21. "The Million" departed 19, after two very *atlsfactory week*. Broad (Nixon A Zimmerman, mgr*.)—Robert Billiard, In "The Argyle Care," haa It* first •ocol view 21. David Warfleld, In "The Return of Peter Grimm," had a successful fortnight ending 10. Oiustnut Stbbbt Opera Houss (Ntxon A Zim- merman, mgrs.)—"The Lady of the Slipper" is unquestlonubly the big bit of the season. Mont- gomery mid Stone and Elsie-Jsnls are making I li: hits nightly. The sprightly music of Victor Herbert Is also a One feature of the show. - The third wctk begins 21. Walnut (Harrl* A Howe, mgr*.)—"Lonlslann Lou" was a decided success, last week, on It* first presentation to big houseB. The show li chockful of clever performers, headed by Alexan- der Oerr, Bessie De Vole, Eleanor Henry, Bur- rell Barbaretto, and Lester Orawford. Much In- terest was attached to the 1 show, because the libretto was by Fred DonagUey, a former Phlls- delphla newspaper man. The second week begins 21. Giund (Stair & Hnvlln, mgr*.)—"The Girl in the Taxi" 21 and week. There la u lot of genuine fun In "Happy Hooligan," and large audiences of young and old gave plenty of applause to Danny Simons In the tltte role. May Shirk and Josephine Branta carried off 'he vocal honors. Haiits (John W. Hart, mgr.)—Paul Burns, In "Lonesome Trail," 21 and week. "Uncle Tom'u Cabin" was a* popular as ever, to big houses last week. . Ohibtnot (Fronk Williams, mgr.)—The Or- phcum stoik put* on "Sham" 21-20. The Splen- did reputation that the stock 1* making In re- vivals of modern plays was shown laat week by the line audience* that witnessed a particularly good production of "The Bight of Way." Vlr Klnla Howell carried off the honors In the lead- lug role. William Ingersoll, Rita Davis, Percy Winter and Wtlmor Walter also appeared to Uric advantage. "Brewster's Miliums" next. AuraiciN (James Wall, mgr.—The stock ap- pears In "Siberia" week of 21. "St. Elmo," which Is achieving the popularity of an old time drama, drew splendid bouses last week. Grace Huff and John Lorena bad an Intelligent conception of tho leading role*, and received well deserved applause. "The Little Minister" 28. National (Jos. M. Kelly, mgr.)—The Kllrnt A Oniulo stock offering week of 21 Is "Queen of theWhite Slaves." "The James Boys In Mis- souri' 1 , wis the melodramatic offering, to tine houses last week. Kmpibh (E. J. Bulkier, mgr.)—The Oriental Riirleaquera are due 21 and week. The Girl* from Reno were a popular offering last week, to excellent return*. Mike Oollliin was the big star, and he handed over the fun In big chunk*. The sunxrting company was alio very clever. Znl- Inh s Ilurlesquers 28. TnooADtBO (Sam Dawson, mgr.) —The Pace Maker* 21-20. The Star* of Stageland was a lively aggregation that faced a dozen crowded houses if-10. Blanche Balrd captivated every- rly by ' Girl* next. Casino (E The Meat in the Nut Ellas A KiKtrlg, mgrs.) — The Ginger Girls will be on band 21 and week. The Bowery Burlesquera maintained their old-time popularity, to big bouse*, last week. The abow Is entirely up-to-date, and Mnbelle Morgan and Fitrgernld and (Juiiiii are the features that made the biggest kind of a bit. Columbia Burlesqiiors follow. Oayett (John P. mgr.)—The World of Pleasure come* 21 and week. The Gnycty Olrls gave a rattling good enow laat week, to crowded houses. Qua Fay furnished the keenest kind of comedy In the burlesque.], and scored big. Clara Uackett and Billy Armstrong were also very popular with tho crowd*. Jolly Follies next. B. F. Keith's (II. T. Jordrn, mgr.)—Blanche Walsh and company Is the feature week of 21, In addition to Ollff Gordon, Mullen and Obogan, Murtiiiette and Grlbbeu, Connolly and Webb, the Juggling Burkes, the Three Dixon*, the Provi- dence Players, and moving picture*. Wm. Ponn IWu. W. Miller, mgr.)—Week of 21: The Six Musical Cutty*. Fred Duprei, Er- gottl'a Llllputlans, Lynch and Zeller, Muller and Stanley, the Snllyi, and moving picture*. Liiierty (M. W. Taylor, mgr.)—Week of 21: The Four Bards, Horner Barnett, the Majestic Musical Four, Cora Simpson snd company, Bud Snyder, Sydney and Townley, and moving pic- tures. I'koi'LE's (Fred. G. Nlxon-Nlrdllnger, mgr.)— Week of 21: "The Suburban Winner," Nick's Skntlng Girl*. Blue Ribbon Trio, the Leonardls. Mllano Duo, and moving picture*. Nixon (Fred'k Leopold, mgr.)—Week of 21: Rnwson and Claire. Wm. S. GUI and company, Stain's Comedy Circus, Rice and Franklin, Burn* and Franklin, and moving pictures, Kbystoni: (M. W. Taylor, mgr.)—Week of 21: Tate's Motoring, Patrice and company, Ten Rough Riders, Will* and Burt. Moore and Young, the Four Everetts, and moving pictures. Dumont'b Minstbvls (Frank Dimtont, mgr.) —Two new skits will occupy the attention of Diiinont's Minstrels week of 21. They are en- titled "Seeing the Historical Pageant" and "The Lady Car Conductors." Last week's bill was pleasing In the extreme, and good elxcd houses were on hand to enjoy the show. Duou, OniAiiD, FoRKFArjOH'a, Oltupia, Co- lonial, Palace, .Viotobia, Majestic, Alls- niiBNK and Alramiira, give vaudeville and moving pictures. noti*. Samuel Johns ha* relinquished hi* position a* assistant treasurer of tho Garrlck, to assume the position of treasurer and assistant manager of the Walnut Street Theatre. llAM'u Dbluorx began stilt last week to re- cover $1110, which lie claims 1b due 1,1m for acting the rule of .\r.iuhe»- O'Oonner, In "Searchlight,' which recently np|>oared at the Walnut, Poster Emerson Biiown. author of "A Fool There Was," and Robert Billiard asked for an injunction last week, In the United States Dis- trict Court, to restrain William Schilling from producing a play, entltld "Tlio Vampire'* Fool." The claim Is mode that there Is an Infringement on the third net of their play, which la copy- righted. The hearing on Hie preliminary Injunc- tion will shortly take place. O. Cookn Wanamakbr, ii well known news- paper man, has been appointed as press repre- oentallvc of the Walnut Street Theatre. Lancaster, Pot,—Fulton (Clias. A, Yeckcr, mgr. "The aypsy" Oct, 25, "The Million" 81, muvliig pictures of LaucHster Fair 28-80. Colonial (Charles M. Howell, mgr.)—Bill for 21-23 Included: Tlebor's teols, Herbert and Wlllln, and De Anno. For 24-20: Bootblack Quartette, and dial. K. Howo and company, Fauilt (Howard IS. Donne, mgr.)—BUI for 21-23 Included: Four Gardiner*, the Menards, Mullp,- and Randolph, Redded and Hilton, Dave Zltnmcr, Gotham City Trio, and Warren Travis. For 24-20: Carl Damman Troupe, Gaulllcrl and linimirs, Tunnle and Ralston, the Weatons, Billy Morse, Anthony and Hoyte, and Raymond, Lelgh- lon nnd Morse, This Is a new policy for the Family Theatre, making two change* a week. To our Mind ite the KBABON WHY back of our Declaration that our clothes cannot be approached for the money in New York that makes OUT Declaration worth while. For anybody can make Declarations, And they may be just empty statements—empty as th e holl ow nut shell and equally worthless. The WHY is the meat in the nut How for three weeks we've been pounding home a single Declaration- that our fabrics are exolusive —and telling WHY. And although we have heard Similar Declarations elsewhere—we have yet to see a WHY. Our Reason WHY is this: Because we make Our OWH clothes, we buy our fabrics seven months after the shops that sell other folks' clothes have to select their fabrics. We go to the Woolen Hills at such a late date that their designers are already designing on new patterns for next year. We bought many of these. Therefore, we have exclusive fabrics. And into them is put the skilled workmanship productive of such style as their superiority deserves. These are important points which yon cannot afford to ignore. UNDER SAME CONTROL 8t OWNERSHIP SINCE 1845 BROADWAY AT WARREN ST.--NEW YORK--5th AV. BET. 27th & 28th ST8. FULTON ST. AT FLATBUSH AV.--BROOKLYN-BROADWAY AT BEDFORD AV. '15.50 8 18.50 up to '25" and up to $ 40 Suits and Overcoats Motoring Clothes for Owner and Chauffeur A most complete and interesting display. Send for Catalog. O. H. MILBS, Pre*. t. KI.I1EOBI..VIAN, Vlee Pre*. Kf. It. HIIKKDV, Sec'y BF.tVJ. a. MOSS, Treas. CONSOLIDATED BOOKING OFFICES, i... ™»"»°K«S'' FITZ6EMU) IUILDINS, Bmlw alt 43d Stall, Hen York Gil) tSrUSB" Phone, 1031 Randolph Telephoaeal MA—MS*—0493-31)13 Bryant. Phone, twin Oifo'rd Forty Weoks BOOKING Forty W«e»kc*» MILBS CIRCUIT OUNNIMaHAK-PLUBOBLnAlf CIRCUIT MOSS AND BRILL CIRCUIT SHEBDV CIRCUIT THEATRE BOOKING CORPORATION AFFILIATED \AUDBVILLB CIRUU1T PLAYIMO THE BEST IN VADDEVIIXE. BEST Honsea, BIST Treatment, BEST Engagements. AT LIBERTY, after Oct. 26, \V. Melvln flay and Vera Wallace (lay—juvenile leads, Juvenile*, gen- teel heavies, Age, 28; height. 6-10>j; weight, 140. Dlrcotor scripts 4 and 3. Wallace—Soutirctte, in- gonue*. Age, It; height, 6-2; weight, 106. Doth good dresuers on and off. Tend strictly to our own bual- iii'bh. No booze. Rep. or one piece. One piece pre- ferred. SpcclaltlesattorflrBt week. NewHtninielne prepared. Not Junk. Nothing too big or too small. Salary low and moat be tore. Can join anywhere on wire tickets? No, we are working now. W, MEf.VIN OAY, 614 Walnut St., MuHIiih tarry, Onlo, till Oct, 28. After that. Canton, Ohio, (Jon. Del. MimiO COMPOSED AND ARRANGED (or any instrument or number of Instruments, ■a,Words and Voalo, Sketches,, etc. Sendstanr TUB GREAT ENGLISH VAUDEVILLE PAPER, THE MUSIC **° THEATRE REVIEW 14 Leicester St., Leicester Square, London, W. C. FOREIGN SUBSCRIPTIONS, PROFESSIONAL ADVBRTISBHBNTS, New York Office: 86 West 25th Street 8a. 8d. PER VH4H • Si. Od« "Ingle Column laek Telephone: 1772 Madison Square. Songs, Words and Moalo, Sketches, eto. SendaUrnp, 0HA8. L. LEWIS, 429 Klohmond St., Cincinnati, O. II Mail STOW N, N. J., OPERA HOUSE, wants one show a week. C. FllKD KUIILMAN, Manager, too Liberty Street, Trenton, N, J. FOR SALE—Handcull Act, Boi Mystery Hall Bag, Spirit Cabinet, Comedy Haglc Act, Stere optlcon, Slides, and a Complete Magic and Picture Snow; also many other bargains. Circulars f'ir STAMP. GEO. A, MOB, AUBURN, N, Y. REPRODUCTIONS, Window Card*, Slide*, etc. Catalogue and booklet, "Tip* To Rodackera," FUEE. 10cent*for mailing brlngsone 6X7 copy, any photo. Free developing for amateurs. Brownie print* 3o.; 8,'j .\4 <4. 4c: 8.' 4 'x6,s, 6c.; l'ix2>„ gum- med photos. 12 fur 26c; 100 for )1.26. Montgomery Commercial Studio, Lewis Bldg., Lebanon, Ohio. FAMILY THEATRE, Chester, Pa., wants burlesque, musical comedlea.drama, minstrels, dra- matic Western, any playa; one, two or three day*. Seats 1200. J. O. Hull'man. MY LATEST on "When I Get You Alone To- Nlght," 60c.; "Howo Dawg," "Daddy Did the Same Thing," "Everybody'* Doln> It," $l; Election Parody, Taft-Booscvclt version,'2 v., 2c, too.; 0 Ked Hot Parodies, f2. Muoologs, Sketches, etc. items), ft J. La Pierre, Box 664. Unites, Texas. WANTED GOOD LEADING MAN, JUVENILE MAN CHARACTER ACTOR Can alio nse good agknt who la not afraid of work, for one night stand work. Tell all In Unit letter. Name lowest salary. You pay your own Hotel. i. KA It I. BARRINGTON. Mgr.TheOrow* Attractions, KAY, N. DAK. AT LIBERTY Bandmaster CORNET. D. and O., or FLUTE and PICCOLO IN ORCHESTRA LOCATE OR TRAVEL. E. O. JONES - - Gen. Del., Harvard, III, PLAYING THE BEST IN ULL.IVAN sand OONS VAUDEVILLE ■ DINK CIRCUIT OBNERAL BUSINESS OFFICE i Snlllvan and Oonaldlne Bids., Third and Madlaon Streeta, SEATTLE, WASH. FRED. LINCOLN, ■ ■ Gen. Hgr. GENERAL BOOKING OFFICBi 14B5 Broadway (Heldelberff Bldg.) MOW YORK CITY. CHRIS O. BROWN, Mgr. BRANCH BOOKING OFFICES* PAUL OODDK0N, 6 North Clark St.. cor. Msuiior,, Chicago, III • MAURICE! J. BURNS, 8d and Madlaon Sts., Seattle, Wash.; W. P. HBE8B, 9S5 Market St., San Francisco. Cal; B. OBKRMAYBR. 16 Oreene St., London, Bag. HENRY BROWN AMUSEMENT EXCHANGE ROOM *0», 3B SO. DEARBORN ST., CHICAGO, ILL. Can always use Rooogjnlzod Vaudeville Aota of Every Description. VAUDEVILLE ACTS WRITTEN TO ORDER AND LEASED ON SMALL WEEKLY ROYALTY. Bave several high clasa Dramatlo and Comedy Sketches for sale to Intelligent people on etiy payments. No manuscripts submitted for perusal and no tmst. PLAY DISTRIBUTING CO., Childs Bldg., IQIh and Chestnut Sis., PHILA., PA, AT LIBERTY—Oa Account of Company Cloalng DAVB CAMPION MERTIE ROSS Genteel Heavies, JuvenllcB, Light Comedy. I Ingenue, Mads, Soubrettcs, Best of WardroM. Sober, reliable, experienced, good studies. Address DAVK CAMPION, 1010 Wall St., Ann Arbor, MM r\i Enoch Arden, two reels, 12,'.; white Slave, three reels, $00; Uncle Tom'* Cabin, three reels, »7S; Celebrated Case, two reels, $40, and 100 others. Auy make Alms (2.60 to 16 per reel. Used ma- chine*, |40. New Powers, Lubln, Edison, Mon- ographs, 1100. Light reducers, $16 to S36. FOR RENT—12,000 feet film $12 weekly, one shipment, posters and songB free. WILL BUY machines, iliniK and tents. II. DAVIS, Watertown, Wis. LEARN TO THROW YOUR VOICE On receipt of one dollar I will send yon one com- plete course In Ventriloquism, 8 lessons, neatly printed, originally sold for $10. Only a few seta at this price. Order now. LINDERMAN SCHOOL OF VENTRILOtlUISM, 70S N. .MIi St., Philadelphia, Pa. Bell Telephone, "Markot 12-17-A." A iiHiseiiieiit Business or HALL FOR RENT With Piano*. 17ilO N. Broad Street. Philadelphia. Pn. Tioga, 417S A. Plenty work, and union men. SIDNEY MAYER, Leader, Kyle The a tra, Beaanaont, Texas, Black Face Comedian That Can DANCE, for Standard Vaudeville Act Meat not he ovor 6 foot in height. . Address with full particulars, BERT HARVEY, Care of NEW VORK CLgWay WANTED, INTELLIGENT, WELL FORMED, CAN SING AND DANCE, FOB MRS. GENERAL TOM THUMB AND HER COMPANY Sond photo*, slate lowest salary, line of business, to u v, ".JACOBS, Director, B»» Myrtle Ave., « H. II. Albany, i LOUISE POTTER head*, Heavies, Second llua.. or a Strong Oharactor. ,.r _ ■_ . ««• »In., weight 1.6. Wardrobe a feature; quick: study, experienced aud reliable. Addreaa, • . . . PREFER STOCK FREDERICK Horr ,1 M d W Cha-actem and Oen. Hub., B.vpcrkiiei Setont. i., weight2'^ .goflrti Capable Director; Lot* of Good, Shot i""' . PITTHAN, LAKE rnnNTV. FLWWg, J. S. MOORE, of Syracuse (ADVANCE MAN) «»'* M "* Sent yon S13.50. ticket money Mgr. Barnard's Theatre, Mlllbi rook, N. Y. WART Al AGENT FOR PAjflj! To pnt np dollar for dollar for none MB" particular*, address OIIAS. 8. HIl*»gl. p,, 100 High Street, I'oti«o»»'