The New York Clipper (October 1912)

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OCTOBEB 26, ■** THENEW YORK CLIPPEB. 23 MaudUinbert-s NewWalte-5on«"Hin WHEN I NET YOU LAST NICHT MLAND \i k BETtl SLIER W50N Music by W. R.WILLIAMS N.B.Tkis 15 the NEW'DREAMLAN D" Sond toe/re all TavirvJ" about DorVt Miss It ! it NEXT SUNDAY at Nl The beautiful Utile NOVELTY SONG by EVANS LLOYD OF LLOYD AND WI11TEUOU8B This is song with the ' CHIMES" effect A corking little opening song for ANY SINCLC ft. BEINE DAVES' NEW "HIT By Bernard Grossman and Rubey Cowan >* I'LL BE THERE ■■ .. TEACH ME that BEAUTIFUL LOVE P9 Another "HIT" by JOE SCHENCK AND GU8 VAN " the Million "Hit" "ID LOVE TO LIVE IN LOVELAND copy "YOU CANT EXPECT KISSES FROM "YOU'LL NEVER KNOW the GOOD FELLOW I'VE BEEN "O-U CIRCUS DAY" WRr "STOP THAT BEAR CAT SADIE" it DOWN HOME RAG" *&P$18L I.B. LOVE and KISSES TO THE "MUTTS" WHO ARE CHOKING TO DEATH FROM OUR DUST! HA! HA! Prof. Copies FREE FOR RECENT PROGRAM L The Chicago Publisher l3^jUaieSt^htoo Show Printing Look nl these prices for cash with order. No h hi p- monto made 0.0. D. Dnloo workmen, Union Label. SOU 3X8 tonlililn, a changes. 1 side, no casta, $0.00 aoM umo-nlKhta, lBlde.ochanjres, no casta, DOM 4112 to-niglita, with cast and synopsis, - 12.00 30SI4X12 to nlBhta, prluted both sides, - 16.00 10H3«I9X card heralds, .... 10.00 10H8I24 heralds, both sides lor 7x21) • 10.60 10M 12x18 heralds, 4 pp. (or 8x24, both sides) 13.60 10K ltxjl heralds,* PP- (or 10>,'x28, both sides) 17.60 MM imiies free or coupon tickets, - - - 10.00 MO half sheets, from type, black on yellow, 4.(0 100O naif sheets, black on yellow, - - . T.JO 6oo ouo shoeiB, from type, black on yellow, T.OO looo oue ahecta, black on yellow, . • • 11.00 loop tack cards, 11x14, one color, • - wo carry no stock paper. Above prices are for •fecial forms from your own copy and outa. Good ► hipping facilities. Catalog: of stock cuts. Corres- pimdencc Invited. GAZETTE SHOW PKINT1KU COMPA NY. MATTOON, ILL.. U. 8^. -WURUTZER-! ORCHESTRAL HARP £s£ The Accepted World's standard Write for bcantlfal Catalogue. Easy payments. Wt supply the c.fl. Uorernm't with Mimical Instruments The Rudolph Wurlitzer Co. 571 e.lib.Cloclnnnil; 441 <.Wabaih,Cfel«i|» g.htUUIiiwl im Performers °K».ft B . t S Plotore with 94 and receive one eat and 000 latterheada.flnely printed, abargain FINN THE PBINTEB, 24 E. 21at 81., tow Yart BE AN ACT0R1 l b Tf»£&?mr&£ "Ml fasolnatlng, profitableprofession In the world. r5JP ertenco unnecessary. Iaaslst you to get an act J" d engagement. Method endorsed by managers, inirty yesrg' experience. Instructive book FREE tor stamp. PrederloLa Delle, 8ta. 0. Jackson, Mich SECOND-HIND GOWNS STAGE AND HT11KKT BARIIETT, 603 8o. SUti 8t„ CHICAGO ■ 260-page Magazine ol It original vaudeville acta for$l. Special acts writ ten. Playlets and Musi- iTisMHI~nnT " * »amCal Comedies to lease. W MY.hL, RQBENER A JAMK8,1402 B'way, N. Y. Poets. Authors SHOOTING GALLERIES Write for Catalogno and Prices W. F. MANGELS CO., CONEY ISLANO, N. Y. MUSICIANS-Use Our Songs C,!',',, ' nBln >niental Numbers. Send postage for Free liJite A?° nla wanted. IvEKlili am MUSIC MO USE, r5 8 pt. 4tT. 8t. A,onU, Mo. SllVGrERS wi e sil?? JSS our ut eit song hint OVB iiouie Uldg.. Chicago, Ilia, —NEW— Jackson Hotel RATES: $4.00 and np; With batb, $7.00 and up. FKAilK HlfilT. Prop. JACKSON BLVD. A HALSTKD ST. CHICAGO FHOI/TON'S HARMONY HINTS F An Illustrated magaslne, containing many r articles of Interest to musicians and full B descriptions of Bolton Band Instrument/). D II OUR BIG BARGAIN X.I8T II Eof second-band band Instruments shows •■ excellent bargains. Terms cash or Install- la ment. Old Instrumonta accepted as part b E payment. aw FRANK HOLTON A. CO. fc 8637 Gladys Avenue, Chicago ** I0SEPH NOLAN'S SONS Successors to Joseph Nolan MANUFACTURERS Of Leotards, Tights, Shirts, Plo- tnre Suits, Contortion, Bear and Monkey Suits, Padding*, Elastlo Supportore, Pomps. Send for price list. 05 and 07 Ellery St. Brooklyn, New Yorfc ADA LYNWOOD (ANNA DUNCAN), formerly well known In va- riety, Is requested to communicate with JAS. J. SHKVL1N, 193 Monroe St., N. Y. City. Uaudwillt notes. "oiiWANTMIUTARl GOODS?] HAND UNIFORMS. ARMY or NAVY SUITS,■ BAND UNIFORMS, ARMY or NAVY SUITS. TENTS, OUN8 and EQUIPMENT OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. From Government Auction. No matter what yon want In tbat line, I can supply It. New or second hand. Send for catalogno. B. B. ABRAHAMS, 222 South St., Philadelphia, Pa, I MUSIC ARRANGFT) For plftno - Bina Wnni. »-.. . *■"■"" and Orchestra. tar«^!i tt » n 5° mu8lo i fnnilo written to words. UlMT$85t& A - um * L Ud »"> Publisher). E. S. 8. IJHnNOTON, care CLIPPER.« W. 28th St., N. Y. CATALOG of Professional and Amateur Plays, Sketches, Mono- i ^i» , __'ogs,MlnstrolJokes,Recitations, DuTff! I,A? Mako-CpGooda,Etc.,8entFREE. J^^aj'tTqerald.jw Ann St. New York. Sff Hair, Crop Wig, $i; Negro, 26c.; Dress I Wg, import Bald, Sonbrette, $1.60 each; iJifiS O'ope Hair (Wool), U.oo. Ask Oata- 1 I °* U8 J"apler Mache Heads, Helmets, etc. |Iraporter.Kllppert,Mfr.,4FonrthAve.,N.Y onttcering adi. pha,e mention Clipwb. fsarem *f .. 1 1 Ll..,l.. n iln flA ************** ' Second Hand 4 GOWNS 4 * Evening and Boubrette Gowns, Fancy Stage H * and Street Dresses, Opera Coats and Furs. * * Fall-dress Tnxedos, Prince Alberta and * * English Walking Salts, Silk and Opera * * Hate. 343 N. Clark St., Chicago. * Fine; Magical Apparatus ILLUSIONS, TRICKS, Bte. Grand End of Century, fully illustrated. BOOK CATA- LOGUE], 26c, free by mall. Catalogue of Parlor Tricks free. MART1NKA A CO., Mfrs., 403 Sixth Ave., N. X. VAN FLEET 47 WHAT S8th ITHEET, NEW YORK. Mattib Quinn Is meeting with favor In the West as a feature with the Ned Way- burn's Minstrel Misses company, touring the l'nntagea' Circuit. L. i.iuiu.iN, manager of tbc Great Qulllln Kunilly, ncrobats and contortionists, writes: "I am still In business at South Columbus, <)., where I am conducting a first class cafe and grill room. A welcome hand Is always extended to the theatrical profession, and The Old Remadlb Is always on hand." Makie Kin/.iu 1b offering one of tho sea- son's successes In vaudeville, tbc comedy playlet, "Christmas Eve." In the cast are: Carl 0. Toollc, Den 11. Howe, Georgia Mun- son and Marie Klnzle, 0. A. (Dolly) Lyons and Helen Conger mourn the loss of their mother, who passed iiwiiv at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Charles Morgan (Helen Conger), at Daven- port, la., Sept. 20. Mrs. Thompson was born In England, Oct. 30, 1842. The follow- ing performers, playing at tbe American Theatre, Davenport, acted as pallbearers: 0. Raymond Nye, W. C. Turner, Kcrd and lTimk Nobs, Mr. Shaw and E. C. Brockman. Lionel E. Lawiiencb has placed In rc- lieni'BUl a comedy playlet for vaudeville, en- titled "Getting Away with It," by George Kelly In the cast will bo: Lillian Ithoadcs, Ma till- Anbury, James Gaylor and Louise Hydmeth. Miss Sydmeth's Inst Now York engagement was with Lewis Waller, at Duly's Theatre. Whimsical Walker arrived from Eng- land lust week, and opened at tbe Empress, Cincinnati, Oct. 21. m , M m „ _ KnKD Hamilton, of Fred and Grace Hamil- ton, writes from Hot Springs, Ark., as fol- lows: "We closed our Summer season with the Jack Benjamin Co., at LlndBborg, Kan., Sept. 22. Went home to Union City, Tenn., to reBt a few weeks, and was taken down with rheumatism, so took first train here, and am glad to say tho baths have relieved me already. Hot Springs bas Improved wondcr- lully In every way. Tbe Princess Theatre is ono of the swcllcst little theatres in the South to-day, and Mr. l'cnnell, the manaper. Is a prince. Tbe Maurice Bath House baa been rebuilt, and there is none finer In America. Will rest about two more weeks be- fore going to work again. Wo aro always glad fo get Tub Old Reliable. Goild & Mahston, the New York photog- raphers furnished the photograph of Elsie Landers, from which the cut was made for the front page plcturo in The Clh'ieii dated Oct. 11). Ada Ltnwood Is requested to communicate with Jas. J. Shovlln, 103 Monroe Street, N Y* City * Cisbib IIeillt recently presented her hus- band, Bobby Itellly, son of James A. Rcllly and May Tcmpleton, with a baby boy at London. Eng. Coccia's T, ArPLB or PAnis" is doing well on the United time. It will appear la New York la November. Jack Folei is this season wltb the George Evans' Honey Hoy Minstrels. Fox and Shea, after a successful tour through Nova Scotia, were signed by the Fidelity Booking Agency for a tour of their circuit. Their original parodies continue to be one of the features of their act . Hi Ton Ward reports meeting with big success on the Fidelity Circuit. ' 'OQ^wii-l be :E»Ar: *' For tho First Information an £9K ^Qja? £l V «><" **-»«> prioaont Wheroabouta oT HAROLD B. MEADE Formerly with "BEN-HUH'* and '•THAIS" CO. Aildreis MARYLAND DETECTIVE and SECIIET SERVICE AGENCY, 329 Law Bltlg., Billlmord, Md. Are you In need of wardrobe for the stager We carry an Immense line of ladikm' KVKMNU, din iv Kit nodi RKCKPTION GUWNB. Evening Coat* and Capes, and a full line of Fur data and Seta. Gentlemen's Back, Gulawny, Full Dresi and Tuxedo Hulls, Prlnco Alberts, and a full line of Overcoats In all weights, fur lined Coats, and everything pertaining to a lady or gentleman's wardrobe, suitable for stage or street wear. Call or write, we ship goods, 0 0.!»., with privilege of examination. A deposit of not leas than $6 required with all orders. Mils. L. NCHBl/KH. vw-tan Hout ii Street, batwaen Oth ami 10th 8ts., Phlladalphla, Pa. MBDICINH liKN, AOVNTH, AND ITREBTHEN. KLKCTIUC BELTS VOLTAIC ELKOTUIU INSOLES AND INHALERS are goods that soil and pay the big profits. Just what you are looking for. Bond Ho. for »amn!o K[uctrlc Belt or pair of Insoles and get complete price list and lecture from Hie largest establishment of Its kind In the 17. S. Melts, t doz. up; Insoles, oso. dozen pairs up; Inhalers, 60c. doz. up. Fast seller, big profits, Send to-day. (Estb. 1878.) loo. 1801.) THE ELECTRIC APPLIANCE CO., Burlington, Kan. CENTRAL TRUNKS 26UV, 18.60; 28ln., 19.50; 82ln., 110.60; 861n.. |11.B0; 40ln„ $18.00. Circus Trunks, 24x18x18, J8.00. Bill Trunks, 80x23x15, Inside, 112.00. Lltho. Trunks, 42^x28^x12, Inside, f 10.00. shipped on receipt of $8.00, bal. C. O. D„ except over 800 miles, then remit whole amount CENTRAL TRUNK FACTORY, Est. 1804. SIMONS * CO., 8. W. cor. 7th A Arch Bts., I'blla, JwlWYORK COSTUME CO. Send for Catalog C. 136 pages 140 N. Dearborn St., CHICAGO WIGS TOUPEES, GREASE PAINTS, ETC. And th* Litsit and Most Popular Stylet In Ladlat' Hair Uniting A. M. BUCH & CO. 119 K. Ninti jtejjj - - - Phlladalphla PLAYS For STOCK, REPERTOIRE, AMATEUR COMPANIES LARQEBr ABBORTMBNT IN TBD WORLD. Books for horn* amusement, Negro Plays, Paper. Brenery, Mr*. Jarley't Wax Works. Catalogue Free I Freel Free! • AMUK1. FRENCH, 28 Wet 88th St.. *,w York. OmiMt DESIGNS BY OUR OWN ARTISTS COSTUMES FROM ONE TO ONE THOUSAND BROADWAY THEATRICAL COSTUME CO. 133 West 48ih si, n.y. »•%>» In.innifi for Private Theatrlvala !•, il at abort Noll. ... WIGS For STREET and STAGE WEAR rtlADH TO OIlUKIl FIIOM «.1.IMI TO B100.00 We kjiri'liitl'/n In Hlurk Wigs THE WIGGERY nnWW CHICAGO MADB IN ANY 811APK OK 8IZK ANBRICAN UUO AND ItADIOAI. < AllI'ICT C1.BAKINO CO., 110 to 1S3 East 131st Street, New York. Phone. Harlem 2*57. NEW YORK II Electric Stage Lighting CALCIUM APPARATUS FOR SALE OR BENT LIGHT CO. I 410 BLEECKEB ST., I Y. PHONE 074 CHELSEA