The New York Clipper (November 1912)

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THE NEW YOEK CLIPPER. November 2 RIWAWA.Y YEAH HARRY VON TILZER RUNAWAY YEAH SOMEBODY EL8E IS GETTING IT "SHFB^aSEQraH^ THE GIRL BEHIND THE MAN BETTER Til AM «I WAST AOIBW' QHIIAT FOA QUARTETTE THE^ GHOST OF_ THE GOBLIN MAN.WBSWqr I'LL^SjTL RIGHT ONTHE MOQN i3SE^jS&^J& I'D DO AS MUCH FOR YOU um 6ig1S^mSFa^SS nm ■ FJIOIAJL NOTICE. ■■* BOHKSTtCIH Will, nr. xr i»UH l Ml( A'll) OFrKB rOK Till MIT FOl'H WKBKI, «RA*D <)l'«H4 HOTJSn ILD*. HARRY VON TILZER MUSIC PUBLISHING CO,. 125 West 43d Street, New York BELASCO'S TO STAGE A CHILDREN'S PLAY. David Bclasco's production, to follow Fran- ces Starr. In "The Case of Becky," at tbo Belasco, will lie a children's play, to be staged at Christmas time. The play Is to bo "The Good Little Devil," that was first pro- duced at the Gymnase Theatre, Paris, about a year ago, under tho title of "Un Bon Petit Dlable." Rehearsals of "The Good Little Devil" will begin as soon as Mr. Belasco has produced "Years of Discretion," -which la to follow "The Governor's Lady," at the Republic Theatre. The cast will Include Wm. Norrls, Ernest Lawford, Ernest Truax, Henry Stan- ford, Edward Connelly, Etlenne Glrardot, Marie IMckford, Wllda Bennett, Iva Merlin. Edwin Griffin, Jeanne Towler and Mrs. Sol Smith. The first performance will occur at the Broad 'Street Theatre, Philadelphia, on Dec. 10, and the first New York performance will take place on Christmas Night. TO AVOID CONFUSION. A temporary box office, never before used except on the occasion when Oscar Hammer- stein's Opera Company Bang "Salome," will be installed In the lobby of the Manhattan Opera House, Monday, Nov. 4, when the seat sale for the big Drury Lane melodrama, "The Whip," will open. The reason for the Installation of the temporary box office la to prevent confusion and Interference with tho Bothern and Marlowe advance sale, In prog- ress at the regular box olBce, and of unusual proportions. Mr. Hammersteln Used the emergency box office la the same way, de- voting It exclusively to the sale of scats for "Salome" during the progress of the rou- tine season sale at the regular window. It has been stored away with many other sou- venirs of the Manhattan's former operatic ?lory until tbe present emergency neccssl- ated Its return to activity. 4 «» "BACHELORS AND BENEDICTS." Two performances of "Bachelors and Bene- dicts," with Ralph Hers In tho leading role, will be played In Springfield, Mass., Oct 30 and 81, before Its metropolitan premiere at tho Criterion Tbcatro, which Is scheduled for Saturday night, Nov. 2. "Bachelors and Benedicts" Is a comedy by Jackson D. Uaag, and produced under the direction of James 'Montgomery, author of "Ready Money." The caat, besides Mr. Uerz, Includes Harry Williams, John Flood, Ed- ward Wade, Horace James, Lawrence Eti- dlngcr. Warren Cooke. Edna Baker, Grace Gooduil, Nena Blake, Reglna Connelll and Isabel Garrison. 4»» COMING EASY FOR CAMPBELL. Robert Campbell, whose father was Bart- ley Cunipbcll, bns no cause to complain of poor business. Tho week ending Oct. ID "The White Slave" closed to 10,000 at tbe Walnut Street Theatre, Cincinnati, 0. This was the thirtieth season of the famous play in that city. The same week the other attraction (controlled by Robert and his brother John), A Fool There Was/' was at the Prospect Theatre, Cleveland, 0. (nine performances), and the piece played to $$4,344.10. These plays were acted at popular prices. 4»» "LITTLE WOMEN" HAY MOVE. If Grace George's new play Is a success, it will be brought Into New York almost im- mediately. As Miss George Insists that all of her metropolitan engagements shall be played at her husband's pet theatre (The Playhouse), "Little Women" must therefore find a new home. This will In all likelihood be the Forty-eighth Street Theatre, where "Little Miss Brown" Is now on view. This attraction will, of course, go oa tour. AL. HUHMllll, Featuring Hurry Vou TlUer's hits. SINGERS ARRIVE. On board tbe Potsdam, which arrived here Oct. 23, were: Icllle Calleja, an Egyptian twjor. and Mm*. Cecilia Gagllartl, Ytal aS aff^^ntlLamjP American debut witn the Philadelphia-Chicago ODora Com- SET' 1 ! llc , tlt,Jf r °'° ot "Aiav'TOiiSdS fie season *' tho c P° nl »8 performance of Mr. Calleja also will Join the same conv K' m tmd W,U m 1 k0 nl " American tMounS Itadamcs, on opening night. ■«■»■• «» JURY FAILS TO AGREE. A jury before Justice Brown, on Oct. 23, In the Supreme Court, was unable to agree on the amount of damages to be awarded to Mrs. Bertha Wcstbrook Held, an actress, who sued Albert Plaut, president of a drug company, for $20,000 damages as a result ot an automobile accident at Deal Beach, N. J., a year ago. She alleged that the acci- dent marred her beauty ao that she will never again be a successful actress. < i> "MERE MAN" IS THE TITLE. William Harris announces that the title selected for Augustus Thomas' new comedy Is 'Mere Man," rehearsals for which are-on. It will open out of town on Nov. 18, and. will come into New York oh Nov. 25. MRS. DUFF DIES SUDDENLY. Mrs. Augusta Duff, wife of James C. Duff, the well known manager, was taken suddenly ill Oct. 21, while walking In Columbus Ave- nue, at Seventy-sixth Street, New York, and died before an ambulance summoned from Polyclinic Hospital reached her. Mrs. Duff left her home, No. 33 West Tenth Street, took her ten year old daughter, Mary, to Durland's Riding Academy, and went on toward the residence of her French teacher. On her way she was taken ill. 4 < » BACK AT OLD JOB. Louis Stern lias returned to his old post of general press representative of Fred C. Whitney's musical productions. Mr. Stern is known in every newspaper office In America. LILLIAN HAY WARD. Sellg Popular Player, No. 10. "IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE." Tbe Llebler Co. write: "On Sunday, Oct 20, we took advertisements In the New York Sunday papers calling attention to the re- duced prices for "Tbe Daughter of Heaven," at tbe Century Theatre, by which the best orchestra seats for this $100,000 production could be had for $1.50 Instead of $2.50. the former price. In the first hour of business on Monday morning, following the appear- ance of this advertisement, we had taken In at the box office $570. We are glad to call attention to this result as an evidence ot the value ot advertising." ♦ i » NEW THEATRE FOR BERLIN, ONT., CAN. Manager Geo. 0. Philip, of the Star Tbc- atro and the Theatorlum, Berlin, has made public his Intentions respecting the proposed erection of a largo and up-to-date opera house In that city. It is proposed to make the Btage accommo- dation the largest outside of Toronto and Hamilton, whtlo the seating capacity will be about 1,500. 4«» ABORNS' LATEST SUCCESS. Messrs. Milton and Sargent Aborn announce that tbe success of their recently founded Abom Opera Comlquo Co., in the big spec- tacular production ot 'Tho Chimes of Nor- mandy," has more than fulfilled their expec- tations. Tbe new production hod Its first presenta- tion two weeks ago, at the Brooklyn Acad- emy of Music, and immediately scored a most pronounced success, »»♦ "THE YELLOW JACKET." The first performance of the Harris A Sol- wyn production of '"The Yellow Jacket," a now Chinese play, by George Haxelton and 3. Harry Bcnrlmo, will take place at Wat- lack's Theatre, on Nov. 4, following the termination of the ran ot "The Nov Sin." NOW BEADY! THE £ CLIPPER RED BOOK AND DATE BOOK For 8«si>on 1912-1913 It contains tbe names and addresses of Man- agers, Vaudeville and Dramatic agents In New York, Chicago, Boston, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, San Francisco, Canada, London; Music Publishers; Railroad Agents; The- atrical Clubs and Societies; T. M. A. Head- quarters : Railroad and Steamship Lines, etc., and other Information. 8ent only on receipt of 10 cents (stamps or coin), accompanied by a coupon cut from THE NEW YOKE CLIPPER. FRANK QUEEN PUB. CO., LTD. Publlsbsrs THE NEW YORK CUPPER ALBERT I. BORIE, Managing Editor 47 W. 28th STRUT, NEW YORK OCT OUT AND Send Tola Coupon and Ten Gents for a copy ot THE CLIPPER RED BOOK AND DATE BOOK (For lorj-1018) To THE NEW YORK CUPPER 4T West »8tb Street, New York FRED TUOBIPSON'S LIABILITIES. It now transpires that $00 is all that Frederic Thompson, former owner of Luna Park, at Coney Island, has to pay liabilities aggregating $004,804. This was made known at a meeting of the bankrupt's creditors before S. B. Strong-, the receiver. Mr. Thompson's creditors Include Mabel Taliaferro, bin wife, from whom he Is separated. Her claim, filed la the name of the New York Circus Co., Is for $540,000. 4 ■ » MASON ENGAGEMENT CONTINUES. Charles Frohman has decided to postpone the production of "The Heart Decides," which was to nave come to the Garrlck The- atre next month, until January. In conse- quence, John Mason, in "The Attack," will remain at the Garrlck until that time. The piece will be presented in London In February. «i» "SUN DODGERS" CLOSE TEMPORARILY. "The Sun Dodgers," after the performance Oct. 26, at the Alvin Theatre, Pittsburgh, Pa., closed temporarily. Manager Lew Fields announces he will re-open the show shortly, and after a few weeks more on the road will bring It to New York for a run. ARNE EMERSON, The young protean artist, Is Introducing Ui lightning planologuc, consisting of a letol his own classical compositions during his female Impersonation in several elaborate gowns. Mr. Emerson's voice bus been an- fully trained and developed In a course ot study with Prof. Roscoe Huff, of llcrlln, Germany. Mr. Emerson makes bis hcadquit- ters at Wllllamsport, Pa. "STRONGER CLAIM" CAST FULL Richard Bennett has completed his cat for his production of "The Stronger Cist* the new comedy drama by Margaret MB Those engaged to play leading DUB.j" Edith Wynne Matthfton, Tim Murphy, Ale Johnson. Lee Kohlmar, Margaret rap Master Mac Macomber and Salvatore BU Mr. Bennett will play an important role in *'Tho CC 8tronger Claim" will have its jg production at the Fulton Opera Bouse, U» caster, Pa., Nov. 2, and will flay «.««„' Washington and Baltimore, after *PJ" Bennett will bring the production Into m York for a metropolitan presentation. I ■ > ■ JOHN MASON'S SEASON, Charles Frohman has decided to postpone the production of-"The Heart Decides, wwen was to have come to tho Garrlck Theatre. Mr. Frohman's purpose Is to extend « Mason's engagement In "The AB M»»„W B will consequently have a much I«*M3 York season than was originally «gH "The Heart Decides" will |» &JgCt In New York in January, and lowj* February. The piece was NVMnUE duced nt the Athenee Theatre, J** °»° ( the title of "Le Coeur Dispose, ««f •** long career In that city. *"*"•• MARIE FITZGERALD IX LOKD05. Marie V. FlUGcrald is Dow J*JfiS of irneotrelond, doing "Over ",?«,&., v|» and Over There In America, ft^ Gerald was asked by the Mesuamcs *-■»in Stevens and Mary Hall, the -;il <•"• * ,,iri Americans, who have resided far ffS/ut in England, to do this work ere she nWHj two hours In London, and. »•»'"„ ik Gerald Is never known to " ns ™£! ed iM negattvo where work Is WBMTOft^,. acquiesced. She is also 4»£«JfeUp and pluywrlghtlng, following uiit her plans. , "THE DOVE OF VH&& _, The new Walter Damros.'i "g^fflll "The Dove of Peace," will I* P rcw -" tho Broadway Theatre on Nov *. •** *»ltl>t M Rodbbt M. Richards, last *uii g «*. Robert Hllllard Co.. Is "" : "X c .? crD oS* miinlcoto with Tun Cliioti: West In Chicago. THE COLONIAL, IIARRISBURG, PA. The Colonial will open during November. The owners arc Wllmor &vi •,»«„.. n.,**! * — Wllmcr 4 Vincent will manage tV new playhous^nTvaudcv^^^ attractions will be played, according to present plans, but it is understood that tt s ?« wfii^n NOTICE, HALF TONE PICTURF' ■» «■*„, p lies Kiel of THE OUT*** m inserted at these prlcee I ^ Front Paste Cot 2ao!«* Doable Column $5.0° Hbnsrle Column ^