The New York Clipper (November 1912)

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THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. November A ran money maker. Some* thine new. Sell "Zand" Con- eantrated Extracts for making Whiskies. Liquors »m) Cardials at home. •*«•• aver BO par cent, el •*)• IIq w«r de. I »r*' price*. Mnkca thexenolneerticte. A few minute* does the -work, stricti, test timn t.. M»Hc»«se required. Used by Liq- uor dealers for years. Sells {neither wet or dry territory. Sum Miller OUT OF TOWN NEWS •otdevcrS OOOnackngeJv Othersmaklng J6,112. tffi.fM • week. Yon can do it. A big ropeater. Small, com- pact, carry week 'a supply in pocket. Sample case and I agent's outfit free, r.normous demand. Quick sslcs. Large profits. Better be quick. Territory going fast. Just send ■ postal. We will show you an oye opener. UNIVERSAL IMPORT COMPANY 3942 Sycamore Street Cincinnati, O. DON'T FORGET FUNK'S "THE WIS MAKER" FORMERLY McVlckera Theatre Building NOW at 412 North American Building Northwest Cor. State and Monroe Ste., CHICAGO MUSICAL GLASSES Xylophones, Rattles, Musical Electric Bells NKW-re-SOLOPHONK-NKW Musical Flower Po t a, Joins, Fa n- ' nels, Hat Harks, tow Belle,etc..etc. Catalogue and full Information on receipt of •tamps. A. BRAUNEISS, 1012 Grant Ave., Rich- mondHlll. N. Y. SPANGLBS.fl.OO PER POUND GOLD OB SILVER Cotton Tight., pair |1.00 Worsted Tights, pair 2.00 Plaited Silk Tights, pair 2.2G Best Silk Tights 1 onll 9 Inch cotton tops ( vw LIVING PICTURE 8DIT8 Calf, Thigh and Hip Padding*. Gold and Silver Trimming* Send deposit and route with order THE BOSTON REGALIA CO.. 387 Washington St,, Boston, Mans PIIIIVADBIVPHIA. Doalness at the theatres last week took oa encouriglor torn, and all of the downtown houses had houses of One else. The now offer- ings the current week are "Bobln Hood," at the Chestnut Street Opera House, end DaTld Be- losco'a "The Woman," at the Garrlck. inn.nn (Messrs. Bhubert, nigra.)— "Look Who's Here" received Its premiere on the even- ing of 24. In the presence of a distinguished au- dience. The book is by Bids Johnson Young, the lyrics by Paul West, and music by Jerome D. Ktin. All three bare Tied with one another Id providing a very pleasing musical show. Helen Lowell Is the star of the production, and the music allotted to her Is song with much chirm. Gertrude Wllllngton, Joseph Phillips. Grace Field and Dtnald McDonald also add to the success of the show. The second week begins 28. Ltuio (Messrs. Shubert. mars.)—"The Dove of Peace." with Its wealth of melodious music, continues to be a very popular drawing card. The cast Is a very capable one, snd the big audiences last week keenly enjoyed the performances. The ■bird week starts 28. Bboad (Nixon A Zimmerman, mgrs.)—Robert Hllllard presented to local audiences last week for the first time, his new drama, "The Argyle Case," to big audiences. The play Is an in- genious melodrama with all of the familiar Wm. J. Bums Instruments In detecting crime. The star appear! In a role that fits him most ad- mirably, and Is ably supported by Selene Johnson and Stella Arcber. The second week begins 28. FonirsT (Nixon A Zimmerman, mgrs.)—"The Little Millionaire" was liked by solendld booses last week, which found great delight In the sec- ond act of the show, and less Interest for the first and third acts. William Keongh was a dis- tinct revelation ss BUI Oostlgsn, snd he carried off the lienors with ease. Robert Spooner and Edgar Halitead do also splendid work. The second week starts 28. Walnut (Harris k Howe, mgrs.)—"Louisiana Loo" continues to be popularly received, and BLOSSOM SEELE AND FEATURING MISS INAL. HI T'it TH0S ENORMOUS SUCCESS AT HAMMERSTEIN'S. . $. "THOSE RAGTIME MELODIES" WRITTEN BY GENE HODGKINS ""W*JO S. W. S T EIRINI * <C O. ' ,! SS l# T Bronchial Troches Bellere Sore Throat, Hoarseness, Coughs, Bron- chial and Asthmatlo Complaint!. Unexcelled for clearing the voice. Sixty years' reputation. Free from opiates or anything harmful. Sold only In boxes. Sample mailed free. JOJIN I. BROWN A SON, Boston, Mass, CO ON THE STAGE Tm «■ tun fries |40 ID 11\HJ A Vllk iJ AS Actor. ¥• Ufa JOJlea*. El flu Dtarw la liilef, ehloh «■ will hII f«r i Ualiad tlmi Nr ftii Ift M opportjalij «rkHraUm«U|tl»mBlaV|Me*tLrt*if lutruttloii for aoBti a rbbII amount. If job dislrs 10 C a BB til h»ji or an Istonatad li arefe Ufa. be sere to Mod for a copy. Tt» noil (ckdbIiU cvum of lBiimatloBi atat published, II will uti jbq • out af BBre koo*ki end atieble jou to prooere a Bredubka aegavfiiaaat •juliilj. baed 11.00 for aomplata Ib»ubsUooi, or write Hi FRCC "**•* aripllti elrcoleri. Utfi wi| end Msks-up eAUlefQA, ft eaeia AadTtaa i PERCY S. CWINO, 76S ThatoliarPI., DECATUR, ILL. Ltrte Llit of New Profe* alontl tnd Amateur PUy«, VkudartUa fiketohoi, BU«i If onolofuei, Mini i ni MtUrftt OMCOs PLAYS Mats. DUleswse, sUke-eafeeeaVste. OeteJooree ¥71. DMliON a ofl.. dodu i?. ohlcu CIRCUS aft JUGGLING Apparatus,Rolling Globes, Clubs,Batons. Guns Wire Walkers'Apparatus snd Novelties. Stamp for catalog. KDW, VAN WYCK. Cincinnati, (t AT LIBERTY, Clarionet Double small parts, or locate for Dance, Concert or Theatre work. Addreas LEOL. STERNBERG. MORRI80NVILLB, ILL. VJTAlUTpn Youog and middle age Ladles nnd VV ALllLaV Gentlemen that can p'ay a string musical Instrument and act some. Full purlieu- lare, present and permanent, address first letter. GEO. R. BTKBBHvS, Sodus Point, W. Y. FOR SALE-THE GREAT WHITE COCKATOO That Famous Bell Ringer. Does a whole aot In vaudeville. Send stamp for reply. Address PROF. PAHABASIKA, 2327 N. Oth ST., PBILA., PA. last week's audiences were as large as the pre- ceding week. Alexander Oarr snd Bookie Tucker are two popular performers, and pleased greatly. The third week start* 28. GiBBios (Nixon A Zimmerman, mgrs.)—"The Womru" has Its Drat local view 28. "Gypxy Lovo" had two very successful weeks, ending 28. Ohektnijt S-riiEsr Orzsa Hodbs (Nixon ft Zimmerman, mgrs.)—"Robin Hood," with a star cast, begins 28 a fortnight's stay. "The Lady of the Slipper," with Elsie Jonls, Montgomery and Stone, was the lilgegst king of a financial success for the three weeks, ending 26. Chestnut (Frank Williams, mgr.)—The Or- pheum stock produces "Brewster's Millions" week of 28. "Sham" was a decidedly successful pro- duction at the hands of the players last week. The bouses were of big slae, and all of the prin- cipals were rewarded with fine applause. Wm. Ingersoll was at his best as Tom Jaffray, while Carolyn Gates did forceful acting as Katherlne Van Riper. Virginia Howell, Walter Lewia tail Albert Saokett were also painstaking In the less Important roles. "Checkers" next. Amkuican (James Wall, mgr.) — The stock puts on "The Little Minister" week of 28. "Si- beria," with Its wealth of dramatic situations, pleased crowded houses last week. Grace Huff, John Lorens and their associates gave a produc- tion that was without a flaw. National (Jos. M. Kelly, mgr.)—The Ktlmt A Gazzolo stock puts on "A Desperate Chance" 28 and week. "The Queen of toe White Slaves" nas as thrilling as ever, and the house! greatly liked the acting of Madge Hollar, the new lead- ing lady. Marcus F. Hoefs and Eleanor Denmin are also proving themselves very popular mem- bers of the stock. Grand (Stair A llnvlln, mgrs.)—"A Grain of Dust," 28 and week. "The Girl In the Taxi" was n genuine laugh producer last week, to houses of line slae. Clara Joel and Roy Sumner, In the lending rcles, carried oft the honors. "The Ding- but. Fain.'iy" Nov. 4. Hart** (John W. Hart, mgr.)—"A Wife'a Se- cret," 28 mid week. Paul Barns, in "Lonesome Trail," gave very clever performances, to tine sired houses last week. Em-iai (E. J. Bulkley, mgr.)—Zallah's Own Co. comes 28 and week. Trie Orientals show,- last \ve?k, possessed the merit of novelty. The house* were of fine nlte. and the work contributed by Williams and Brooks was of the very best, Swau nod Bombard, Bruce and Dagneau, and Col- lins and Htwley were the best liked In the olio. The Junlln Do Pnrls Girls Nov. 4. TaocADsuii. (Sam M. Dawson, mgr.)—The Auto Girls t.uhe 28 and week. The Pace Makers, with a handsome' chorus, took big houses by storm last week. The Four Dancing Harmonists " Includes: Miss Loralne Webster, the Randolphs, Gralher and Dnmar, the Reynolds, the Three Troubadours, Arthur Bumatd, "Electrical Venus," snd Mne Hendricks. IdsMIi (L. A. Farrell, mgr.)—Lyuott's Orches- tra and four reels of moving pictures, changed dally. Gem (Alphonso SIrrlanul, mgr.)—Animated Weekly and four reels of pictures changed dally. The Lady Mon.iirer Slirlacnl took advantage during the en- - forced ldleuess to beautify the Interior of his the- atre. A mechanical orchestra of nine pieces is a ne.v feature. Savot (Benny Bensoo, mgr.)—O.'cuestra music, under direction of Richard Lynott, snd three reels of up-to-date films, changed dally. Viotoma (Louis Matule, mgr.)—Mechanical orchestra and four reels of pictures, changed dally. ALICE FORREST, Professional Irlatxagrer of the McKluley Music Co, Is the first season 'he Grand has not ran vaude- ville or pictures since It was built In 1804. BOSTON. The only novelty of the week is a stock one— "Butterfly Baronet," at the Oastle Square. The shows at the combination houses are continued ones, snd the vaudeville, burlesqne and picture houses are offering their weekly changes. Oastlk Squabs (Jsbn Craig, razr.)—The at- traction this week Is "Butterfly Baronet," a new drama, by Robert Keith Smith. The plot Is taken from the novel, "Sir Charles Danvers." . This Is the first presentation noon any stage. "The Man of the Hour" was a groat card. Tbkmont (Jno. B. Scboeffel, mgr.)—This la tbe second and laat week of Blanche Ring, In "The Wall Street Girl." One of the big hits of the performance, aside from the success mads by the star. Is the remarkable lariat throwing .by Will Rogers, who has been seen and much ad- mired here In vaudeville. He Is the Western cowboy in life, nnd his characteristic comedy is thoroughly enjoyable. Henry Milter is coming next in a pl.ty new to the local playgoers. Uolus (Charles J. Rich, mgr.)—This Is the fourth and lost week of "Coming Home to Roost." "Tbe Concert" Is due next. Colonial (Frohman A Harris, mgrs.)—"The Quaker Girl" is in Its ninth week of good bust ness. Park (Charles Frohman, Rich A Harris, mgrs.) —Rose Stahl, In "Maggie Pepper," begins her eighth week, with good attendance. Boston (Frohman-Harrls Corp., mgrs.)—This famous old playhouse Is closed for u fortnight. The cause for same has not been given, but read- ing between the lines, an attraction Is lacking. Mubstio (Wllbur-Shubort Co., mars.)—"Little Boy Blue" began Its fourth week, 28. and large cudlcnces continue to laugh and applaud tbe mirthful operetta. Shubibt (Wllber-Shubert Co., mgts.) — It be- gins to look as If the number of extensions of tbe Gertrude Hoffmann •■ngagement In this city, made necessary by the success of "Broadway to Paris," will be In the same proportion as the postpone- ments of tbe piece before tbe Brat performance lu Bostou. ■ Pltmodtr (Fred Wright, mgr.)—Three weeks of George Arllss, In "Disraeli," and the the- atregoers still continue to show thorough appre- ciation of the delightful performance. St. James (M. II. Gufeslsn, mgr.)—The stock players, this week, are doing 'The Blue Mouse." excellent work was accomplished In "The Deep I'urjiU" last week. Kami's (B. F. Keith, mgr.) —Week of 2«: "Hie Trained Nuraes,'' Wabbbn D. Cnrmcn has added two more offices to his suite of hooking offices In the Carney bullti- lng. Ths members of the Ward and Vokes coiwanv are reaearslng dally In Pilgrim Hall, and the show will open In about a week. As stated be fore, the production will bo a revival of "A Run on the Bank," which was done by tbe clever comedians about twenty years ago. Jahsk F. kxhb, well known to the members of tbe theatrical profesulon, has been highly com- plimented hereabouts for the able manner in which he has managed Rockingham Park which Is situated In Salem. N. H. The park Is' one of the best in this part of the country, and durlnc the- Summer msny hlg events have been success- fully promoted under tbe management of Mr Kerr. The principal park event of the new year will be the Rockingham Fair, which will occur In August, and already preparations are bclnr made In the way of struct ions, etc. It Is staled that tbe receipts of tbe fair of last August were muck In advance of rhose of Ihe Brockton Fair This Is quite a compliment for Rockingham, as the.Brockton Fair Is an old Institution. Tow Mtrapnv and Jaok Harnett, two of ths best ticket sellers In the city, are now resting after a very strenuous season at the Boston American League Baseball grounds. Tbey worked night and dsy while :he World series was on, and will not return to their theatre duties until the middle of November. Lynn, Mass. — Central Square (James n Donovan, mgr.) reports good business. Orches- tration selections and moving pictures are the attractions. Ltnw (Jeff Call an, mgr.)—Ma Belte and her bullet of dancing girls made a hit here ireek of Oct. 21. Another first class program Is offered week of 28. Olvjipa (A. a. Lord, mgr.)—Bill (or 2S-.10 Included: Pete La Belle Trio, Old Soldier Fid- dlers, Kennedy and Kramer, and Oroh BMck and company. Bill for 81-Nov. 2 includes: Bert and loltle Walton, De Witt, Rnssel's Minstrels, and Gertrude Franklin and company. Business oortlnnes heavy. APDiroiiirm (Morlson A Mark, mgrs.) —For week of 28 the stock company present! "My Partner." "The Man from Home" Nov. 4 anl week. Business big. Couiqcb (AI. Newhaii, mgr.)—Capacity busi- ness, with pictures and songs. Four cbangOB a week Dbramlano (Samuel Grant, mgr.)—Pictures and scigs, to satisfactory business. Pastims (B. A. Loud, mgr.)—Pictures to fine business. SS JSfJSSt* ? ft8 rl8en t0 her P re8en t PO" B^in^rrV N ^l 9 |ara W Rlch«d? a"nd mSS, 8K*£ Clittondal> (Thomas H. Cullen, mgr.) SS ■L t Jf m »*i^I. h ..*^„?«r. I t "?.»»"!»«•«*«. E«r*L G, l!»- »«ln» Brothers and Bobby,Jaur. -££»•'£*SE& n fef°^„ ,. ^ ,r Ca?lln° n we*re i .Wor/worke» furnishing ==riJ-=g."g.gfff *R» Perseveran, tbe fun. High Life in Burlesque follows. and_ her genial r^rsoruillty has made her a Casino (Ellas A Koenlg, mgrs.)—Tbe Colum bis Bnrlesqners are scheduled for 28-Nov. 2. world of friends In the profession. SKETCHES, M0N0L0GS, Good Patten and Parodies, written to order. original work; reasonable prices. JENNE A MARTIN. Box 82, INDIANAPOLIS, IND. FREE 1913 MAGIC CATALOG,208 pages. Sena 6c. stamps for Trlok and particulars. MAGIC CO., Ilcpt. 1, 249 W. 38th St., New York. WANTED AT ONCE. SKETCH TEAM Ono to play piano, or good single B. F. Comedian anil l'luno Plnver. Good salary, good treatment. AddresB B. J. LAFFKRTV, Walker, Mo. Wanted, Blackface Comedian aid Performers For medicine show. Must change for one week. State salary. Join on wire. ROY ROBINSON, (ion. Del., Devil's Lake, N. Dakota. MUSICIANS-Use Our And Instrumental Numhore. Send postage for Free Samples. Agents wanted. NEKUHAM MV8IO HOtlgB, Pept. 4T, St. Louis, Mo, SIIVQERS Have yon got our latest sons his? qus WIrTKLKll, Room 31, Grand Opera Honse Bids;., Chicago, His. MUSIC ARRANGED SSEB&"- Words written to music; music written to words. References, Y. A. Mills (Music Publisher].' E. 8. S. HUNTINGTON, care (JLIl'PKK, 47 W.28th St., N.Y. CATALOG of Professional and Amateur Plays, Bketches, Mono- logs, Minstrel Jokes, Recitations. r Make-Dp Goods, Eto.. sent FREE. 1TZQBRALD. 20 Ann St, New York. SAVE MONEY ^f^'^"^^ HTJRD OF SlIARl'SIIDRG, In Iotra, SjiCTjPrhitcr. Opera Bouse, Euslis, Ha. SNffitt First class attractions. Address W. F. MANTEY. PJM M t Real Hair, Crop wig |i i Negro, 2&o.; Dress Wig, Import Bald, SouLretTo. $1.M each; .« yds. Crepe Balr (Wool), $1.00. Ask Cata- [ logue Papier Maclie Heads, Helmets, eto. \ Importer. Kllppert, Mfr.,4 Fourth Ave ,N,Y In otuwtrtnff odi. pleat* mention Curna. The Ginger Girls were accorded a big greeting from splendid houses last week. Ed. Lee Wrothe Is a most resourceful comedian, and be dominates tbe show from start to finish. Frsnk L. Wnk-j- fleld, Henry P. Nelson and Jane La Beau are also much In the limelight. Tbe Dasalers follow. GAYBTr (John ». Fckhardt, mgr.)—Tbe Jolly Follies 28 and week. Their predecessors were the World of Pleasure Burlesqners, who had houses of big slae. Will Fox and Harry Marks Stewnrt were the live wires In ths show, anil their comedy efforts were received with shouts of approval. The College Girls next. B. F. Keith's (H. T. Jordan, mgr.)—Ada Reeves Is the big card week of 28, In addition to: W. L. Bblnugdon nnd company, Arthur Dtagoo, Lyons and Yosco, the Five Martels, Burns and Fulton, Fulgora, Poison and Goldle, Honors and Le Prince, and moving pictures. Wm. Psnn (Wm. W. Miller, mgr.)—Week of 28: "The Lawn Party," Blxley and Lemer, the Five I'lroscofAs, Inglls and Beading, Windsor Trio, and moving pictures. Libbbtt (M. W. Taylor, mgr.)—Week of 28: Texas Tommy Dancers, Landry Bros., Luckstone Opera Trio, Winkler and Sullivan, Oatne and Odom, Landry Bros., and moving pictures. KarsTONu (M. W. Taylor, mgr.)—Week of 28: .Stain's Circus, Asber and Oarr, Majestic Four, Bounding Ronalds, the Aero-Note. O'Donncll, Kaufman nnd Wolfe, and moving pictures. Nixon (Fred Leopold, mgr.)—Week of 28: "The Suburban Winner," "Jack, tbe Giant Killer," Stelner Trio, Cotter and Boulden, Harry Cutler, Harry Van Fnss?n, and moving pictures. Psor-Ls's (Fred ft. Nlxon-Nlrdilnger, mgr.)— Week of 28: "The Passenger Wreck," Staley and Btrbeck. Books. Lupeta Perea, Ollff Bailey Trio, and moving pictures. Dtiuoira's (Frank Dumont, mgr.)—Last week's bill was one of the funniest of the season. The new ektts. "Seeing the Historical Paqeant" and "The Lady Trolley Conductors," are In Frank Dnmont's happiest vein, and were received with salvos of applause. Eddie Cassaday, Joe Hortls, Steve O'Rourke and Geo. Bradley were the best liked numbers In tbe time honored first part. There wit be no change In the bill for the cur- rent week. Bijou, Girard, Fobspauob's, Olyhtu, Co- lonial, 1'ai.acb, Viotobu, Majkstio, AlXsV iiiiKNT and Aluaudha give vaudeville and mov- ing pictures. NOTSB. Tni Philadelphia Operatic Society gave a One JJJ ha » ""J* "■*: ehanges. Independent alms production of ''Der Frelschuts" at the Academy fi£J2* Mr. Stanton maasum the house of Music. 24. Owing to tbe Illness of Siegfried sS&t-S "" the mi>tlon Picture houses cen- Bchrens, the musical director of the society, the llnu «s gooo. baton wsb wielded by Nasslli Leps. Juliet, 111—Jollet (H. H. Grampp, mar) Tim grand opera season at the Metropolitan "dt j«k*ll and Mr HvdB" bet 2H "aiS» 9VLSr i 0pe " 31 WlU ■ «"* V**™ 1 ""* Wm ^EW Vol Llvel" Novf 3. "The O'nly ton'' Vf' W"* "»*, ?• SlvL'Owely'and" Rnnd.u' Terre llnuto, Ind,—Grand (T. W. Bar- hydt Jr., mgr.) Sarah Bernhardt, In "Queen Elliabeth" pictures, matinee and night, Oct. 28, 29. "The Game Keeper" (local) 80, Kid McCoy pictures, matinee and night, 81, Nov. 1; "Di- vorce" 2, 3, Eugene Debs' lecture afternoon S. "The Great Divide" B, 6, "The Price" 7-8. Vabietibs (Jack Hoeffler, mgr.)—BUI for week of Oct. 28 includes: Hick McCoy, Mack Williams, Emily Equamorc, Qulgg, Nlckerson and company, Twelve Melody Girls, Harry Brown and company, Seldoms' Poems In Marble, the Sldonls, Dunbar and Turner, Roxy La Rocco, and pictures. BUI changes Tbursdays. Ont'lliou (Brcntilnger A English, mgrs.) Or- gan recital and pictures to capacity business. Loia (B. B. Sheets, mgr.)—Al. Q. Rogers' Comedy Co. and pictures, week of 21, had good business. Savot, Pbinckbs, Gsisosnt, Elk, Colonial, Fountain and Gem, moving picture houses, re- port good business. Notes.— Corn Carnival week of 28... .Braill, Ind., Lodge of Elks' Minstrels Nov. 11, 12, under tbe direction of J. R. Prltchett, of Terre Haute. White City Park Is again In hands of a receiver. A stock company from Braill, Ind., leased this park early In September, bat It only ran two weeks. The outstanding debts prior to tbe lrst venture amounted to over $15,000. The Brasll Stock Co. raised it $2,800 more. Re- ceiver reports about S370 cnBh on hand, and the taxes have not been paid for ten years. It Is now In the hands of tbe sheriff and Is offered for sale to satisfy claims The Park The- atre at White City Park, which had been play- ing Sunday burlesque, has also closed. Joe Barnes, tbe vetran manager, left this city In ad- vance of the Jersey Lilies company, the last attract lou which appeared here, Michigan City, Ind. — Orpheum (Otto DunUer mgr.) Minnie Palmer's Golden Gate Girls, Oct. 28-30, 'vas the opening engagement of this capable company. "The Shepherd of the Buckley, Brown and Blyer, the Berrens, Watson and Santos, and tbe Eugene Trio. OBPHsim (Victor J. Morris, mgr.)—For the full week: Harry Le Clair and Girard and Gard- ner. First three days: Grace Dixon, Romalne and company. Five Musical MacLarens, Joe Lanlgan. and Blake's Comedy Circus. Last three day!: The Skatelles. Golno Sisters, the Browns, Eve- lyn Clark and the Martin Brothers. GonnoN's QLTstTLt (J. E. Oomerford, mgr.) For tbe current week the players are: De Fratrs, Kelso and Lelgbton. Six Rosebuds, Church Olty Four', Annie Hart and company, Masten and Mel- vln. snd the- Bach Brothers, National (G. A. Haley, mgr.)—Week of 28: Top o' th' World Dancers, Tom Kyle and com- pany, Helen Trlx. Art Bowen, Bedlnl and Ar- thur, Plsano, Muller nnd Stanley, and Klmberly and Mohr. The Red Sox Quartette was s big drawing card last week, and the management could have easily retained the boys for another week If other engagements hadn't interfered. Globs (Robert Jnnette, mgr.)—RIva Larsen Troupe. Morris and Clark, Barrett and Boyne, Five Seminary Girls. Revei and Werner, York Herbert, Kelley Latella Troupe, Franell and Ty- son, Richards Brothers, "Bill Blithers, Bachelor," Stern and Vance, McBrlde and Oavanaugn, and the Raya are providing tbe entertainment at this house current week. BowiioiN SqnABS (G. B. Lothrop, mgr.)—The Violet Mascotte Maids appear this week. In "The Female Minstrels." other asslsters to the bill are: Margaret Wilcox and company, Van and Rlnchort, Trent anil Trent, Paul Perry ind Otto Howard (G. B Lothrop, mgr.)—Tbe Monto Carlo Girls are here. English Jack O'Brien heads tbe Howard's olio bill, and among the others are: The Mix Imperial Dancers, Albsno, the Bellmares, Walsh and Reddln, Dick Stead Skinner and Wood, and Otto Erne. The Glrla from Reno are due next week. Grand Opsau Hooss (O. B. Lothrop, mgr.)— The Girls from Joyland are merrylng here cur- rent veek, after a successful sojourn at the old Howard. The Monte Carlo Glrla will follow. Waldbon'b Oasino (Charles H. Waldron. mgr.)—The Midnight Maidens were most wel- enmo Inst teAAtv L<i m .,.. m~_i '_. -. . ;. Hills" Nov. 8."^he"0»mm5i Law^T '^Bunty Sato, '"'he "tw^" eoroMla'na^lL "f _1 *? 6 SI" Pulls the Strlnas" 12 «•»»«# zTSzi .. . eOfnedians, were cleverly sup- Notes.— S. W. Salisbury staao caroenter at Ivliv -S'on , ff g6 n? n 2 ,anl l ° r ""' burlMquers. ,, avhnuu lurew & Onmpbell, mg the ^M&^taltsasffiOTuSM S^ QLW SSS^ '«<=»>. to be followed N keeDoodl, Girls week of 27. and hss mad? m£r'%L*^j!^ t VSl fflK" TnVre wS SSffsS S S *!**'>*'-**»>*»*• *• * time, nnd many were loath to leave during the Intermission for fear of losing some of the show. The Meiry-Go-Rounders for current week, after which enrao tbe Bon Tons. Old Sooth (F.G Collier, mgr.)_Beth Stew Tub Burton Holmes travel lectures, at the Academy of Music, start on Nov. IS. Tin new moving picture house erected by Mrs. Jennie Bflhger, at Forty-first Street and Lancas- ter Averjuc, opened 94, with W. W. Jones as manager, ItKLsnt Harbison, -an actress, formerly with Obpkecm (Major Le Voy, mgr.)—Bill for week of Oct. 28: Walter Law and company. Five Armanis, Warren Keane and company, Monahan, Pistol and Gushing, and Illustrated songs and moving pictures. Obvstal (L. M. Rubens, mgT.)—Bill for week of 28: Florence Evuns, Wm. Waihburn, Chas. Dean, tnd othreo. Wu mnm mi (f. g collier, s "wDlppell. n, Harry Newman, Potter - sT' Ay.) M a play. D'gljy DfPpeir Hlnodejaps, and -The play. ers this week are. , geTSeP^^ Eaqlb. IlBLsnt Harbison, -an actress, formerly with of 28: Florence Evuns, Wm. Waihburn. Chas. „«T A Sr I ' B •^" IIclloII *.• "adell and Oorbley, Olotllde William Hodge In "The Man From Home" Co.. Johnson. Joe Ebner, and Illustrated songs and tl£ £°2} m ! e h 0 ' iDi 0nrllrt J r * Di "«ck are booked was married? 24. to Frank W. Mecnes, a non- moving- pictures. w ,M r ° r , w * c ! c T ot t 8 ., . Notes— Charles W. Sheafe, well known In tills city, where he was In the theatre business for a number of years, Is now manager of the Continue, at Stafford Springs, Conn Gen. Plsano, the sharpshooter, opened on the Keith time In this city, week of 20, when he appeared In tbe Lynn Theatre Sam Curtis and his company, play- ing nt tbe Olympla, week of 21, will go to Ens- land next June. His school set has met with big success Ma Belle's Sylvian bnllet was a fcataru at the Lynn Theatre week of 21 Andrew F. Kelley, also at tbe Lynn, week of 21, was among those who assisted In the performance given In Beverly, Beverly, Mass., 21, for the pleasure of President Taft, and mayors of fifteen cities of Massachusetts. Mr. Kelly's stories went Immensely. Lawrence, Mas*. — Colonial (Julius Cnbn, mgr.) Ahorn English Opera Co., In "Madame But- terfly." Oct. 28. Vaudeville 28. 27, Included: The Empire Quartette, Baker and Byrne, Weslon Sisters. Kiltie Duo, Great Hay?s, and Frojo. "The Gamblers" Nov. 5, "Freckles" 7-». "A But- terfly on the Wheel" 11. "Little Hoy Blue" IB. Ornu Honss (Julius Oahn, mrr.)—The Mnl- ley A Driinlson Stock 00. presents "The Blue Mouse" 28 and week. "Mrs. Wlggs of the Cab- bage Petch" Nov. 4 and week Nickel (J. Fred Lovett, mgr.)—Bill for 28 and week: Marvelle. Jim Tenbrooke Trio, Mc!.emi Sisters. Russell's Minstrels, Joe Ward. Carol Pier- lott snd orrnipsny, Helen Gammon, snd Old Soldier Fiddlers. Viotobu (A. A. Kellmann, mgr.)—Motion pic- tures and Illustrated songs, to good business. The Oernlegle Alaskan-Siberian pictures sere n spe- cial feature 27. "Dublin Dan" and "Ttirkc Italian War" features for week 28. Bboadwat (Toomey A Demnrra, mgrs.)—M« tion pictures, to good business. Pbemieu (N. Demarrn, mgr.)— Motion picture! to capacity business Pastims (Joseph Blott, mgr.)—Motion pictures, to good business, Detroit, Mich.—Detroit (B. C. Whitney, mgr.) "The Pink Lady" week of Oct. 28. Oarbick (R. H. Lawrence, mgr.)—"The Whirl of Society" week of 28. Ltohuu (B. D. Stair, mgr.)—Geo. Sidney, In "Busy Isxy/* week of 27. Avsniiu (Drew A Campbell, mgrs )—Tbe Ynn- Robinson's Cru- BUI for week of Gardner Crane nnd Paintings," Kliiy Trnney, Brown, Harris snd Brown, Billy K. Wells. Cooper and Robinson, Leonard and Louie, and the Mooreoscope. MILH3 (0. W. Porter, mgr.)—Business Is gorst. Bill for week of 28: The Boys in Blue, Mae Word. John Clark, Deodats, Miller and Stanley, and the Mllesccpe. Jackson, Mich.—Athenmum (H. J. Porler, nigT.) "He Fell In Love with His Wife," Oct. -'!;. W. H. Crane 80, Soma's Band Nov. 1. Lyman II. Howe's piclures 2. 8, snd "The Gii'-iblcrs." 4 , Buon (Frank B. Lampmnn, mgr.)—Bill 97-M included Crouch, Richards and Crouch, Corn Hill. Mr. professional, of this city. A Tiiopfunn exatnlratlon made of the 173 mov- ing picture houses has been completed by Fire Marshal I.r.ttlmer, and his report to tbe Director of Public Safety states that all of the houses are fully complying with the law In regard to over- crowding. Oarbondale. Pa.—Grand (Frank R. Tralles, mgr.) Bob FltMlrnmons' company did not arrive here for Oct 28. Information came by wire that Colonial (Roy McMUIIau, mgr.)—BUI for week of 2b: Rolaud Meeks, Josephine Oarnaghl, Oscar Gardner, Bill Tate, and Illustrated songs and pictures. Tavibn (Clark A Stewart, mgrs.)—Bill for week of 28: Harold Webster, Guy Martin Har- vey Brown, snd Illustrated songs and mcvlna pictures. snd Mrs. Joseph Henley, Benalor Fni'i'S " snd Fred Ireland and Girls. For M- Oarl Zeno, Dooley and Sales. Five Ar- y^yy JU JM ji mgr.)—The Hubltes current B,n J5 l8 ' Geo ; Ko»ley! and Willie Hale end comi ; n-:r. £."%& Miller, and Tempest, Foley and Mr. Cnowx (0. A. Kuhlman, mgr.)—Two reels of motion pictures dally. Rkx (O, a. Knhtman, mgr.)- Gregor, WIch.m, imaSmTS BalfVo^llly.' APTKBUATH. and n vlews ,l< " 1 • P ' C Tr! re 0,Tcrln t changes In songs ., -Motion pictures. TruPLB (j. j. rtelder, mgr.)—Motion plclu-rv Bon Tow (W. Carroll, mgr.)—Motion plct:. -; All of ths picture bouses are doing good M'J ness. t "' d at the Crystal. Rose Luther succeeds herT. SL3m ^*!& S!!«B*J* .ftKVTrr 5 - The"GraujThe.fro,>hlcT^^JtoA "f.Vt Flint, Mich.—Stone's (F. W. Bryce, ns-v-l William,' Ideal, Superbl SSSSS^tSSLTS&^Si I2*t5* lf"S"«" Oct. 81, Nov. 1. "Bunty I' .* the Roxbury. ' ° ^viapie, otsr, and the Strings" i. O'Brien's Minstrels 0. ,. A «p» M. SmuvAH and Paul W Port.,. «» oa 8 ." 0 . 0 .< F - S »«•<*• mgr.)—Bill for Oct. * the Blanche Ring Co.. were married in <&£&£ 80 »iicluil««d: Geo. Rowley. Kennedy. Berlin ■* 23. A. wedding Breakfast^asterved S Sl*vfiSl P*ny. Housely and Nichols, and Wells snd ' iff Tourslne. w ™ "*"" ** «"• Hotel sen. For 81, Nov. 1. "The Time, the Place w* the OlrL" ,. . -t