The New York Clipper (November 1912)

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November v THE KEW YORK CLIPPER. lw STOP-LOOK—LISTEN WHEN IN NEW TOES, STOP AT Hotel Van Cortlandt 142 to 146 W. 49Hi St., near Broadway, URGE, LIGHT, AIRY ROODS PROFESSIONAL KATES: inn Rooms—Near Bath. $1.00 per Day anduji Parlor, . ..„J pet i/»y »uu up Bedroom and Bath, $3.00 per Daj and up B«elle»* Restasumstt Good Hul« Club Breakfast, 25 cents up. Snoclal 75 cent Table d'Hoto Dinner. NOTICE TO ALL FASTEST TIME TO PHILADELPHIA m New Jersey Central Oae Hoar Fifty flln«t«> From Liberty St., 8 A. M. to 6 P, H, Tsx. Bilutu .f th» Ilo«r From 33<1 Bt., 6.50 A. M. to 5.50 P. M. OTHER TRAINS T.BO, 1.50, 9.50, 11.50 P. M. Consult P. W. HEROY, E. P. A«t. 1440 Broadway NOTICE! To Members of Theatrical Profession While in Hot Springs, Ark. THE INDIANA CLUB extend* the courtesies. Make yourself at home. THE MANAGEMENT. DO YOU COMPOSE Songs or Instrumental Hnalcr If so, be SURE to hare same arranged by an EXPERT) An srtutic arrangement means 8UC0K88I I hare done II I'N- DRBDS or BIO HIT8I Write or call afternoons 8 0. El'GENE PL.ATZMANN Care Shapiro, 1410 Broadway, N. V. 0. la. n.rr Broi.^ Barnum A Bstley Olreus «! ui ft Randall, Prtoeeas, I'torla. 111. ., i., ■ r. : F a Co., Orpheum, Denver. Col. S&Vmmk. * Ool. Orpbeum Blow City, ■feasant(3). Orpheum, Minneapolis. hIX rnii HlWa. Orptaum, Sacramento, Oal. Hanlcy -Great, Savoy, Carhondale Pa. {Sim Alice. Nixon, Phlla. KfiS* (Jrosse. Olytnnla, Boston. H ned S>. * Co./Keith's, ClneliinaU. Hammond A Forrester. People's. Phlla. iLK Boys. Frauds, Montreal, Can. a & ft Sykes, Temple. M Hiriet. BobL, A Co.. Maryland. Baltimore, wlrt Matte * Billy, Savoy. Atlantic City, N. J. Harr'iR. Hsm. Temple, Hamilton Can. naviland ft Thornton. Grand, Syracuse. N. T. Haafand BaSS Delaneey Bt,. N. y. C, 79. erbtfl ft De Long. Cosmos. Washington Herbert's Dogs, Orpheura,J»P**an», Wtsh. Headers, The, E>»P2"w,^L nD ^"t C " 1 - Helen, Baby, Shubert, Utlea, N. T. Hcrehcy, Votel's Minstrels, leimtb Trio. Tonrlng Kureoe Healv Jeff i La Vern, Majestic. Dubuque, la., 7-0; Linden, Chicago, 11-10; Palace, Chicago, 14-10. ARTHUR YTJLB Present* BABY HELEN WORLD'S GREATEST CHILD ARTIST Booted Solid. Bhaatert, Utlca, N. T . Hods*. Jehn, Liberty, Honolulu. H. I.. 4-80. Hess Sisters, Orpheum, Sioux City, Is. Herleln Lillian, Grand, Syracuse, N. Y. Hensbu-.v A Avery, Poll's, Hartford. Caonn. Henrys. Flying, Shnbert, Utlca. N. T. Herman, Al„ American, N. Y. C, 7-0. Hill ft Sylvlanl, Bushwlck, Bkln. Hill ft Acketinan, Moss Tour. England. Ulllyers. The. Lyric, Gelsfield, Mil., 7-0. High Life Trio, Empire, Edmonton, Can. Hlgglns, John, Orpheum, Lincoln, Neb. Hickman Bros., Orpheum, Harrlsburg, Pa. Hippie, Clifford, A Co., Delancey St., N. Y. 0., 7-9. Howard A Howard, Winter Garden, N. Y. 0., Is- deflnlte. Hoey & Lee. Union Bq„ N. Y. C. Howard, Croat, Orpheum, Ban Fran., Cat. Hogan ft While, "Olnger Kid" Co. Dolman, Harrv, A Co., Plata. Chicago. 7-9; Ma- jestic, Dubuque, la., 11-13; Majestic, Cedar Rapids. 14-16. Howard Bros., Majestic. Bloomlnglon, III., 7-9; Majestic. Cedar Raplldi, la., 11-13; Majestic, Dubuque. 14-16. Hopper, Charles, Graham Comedy Co. EonVlns A Axtell, Orphenm, Minneapolis, Minn.; Orpheum. Dululb, 11-10 Dolmen Bros., Pantnges', Calgary, Can. "Honey Girls," Wm. Penu, rhlla.j Orpheum, Reading, 11-10. Howe A Romsdell. Fred Elsor's Show. Howard's Novelty. Orpheam, Lincoln, Neb, Honors A Lc Prince, Temple, Detroit. "Honor Among Thieves," Grind, Syracuse, If. T. Holmes A Buchsnsn, Poll's, Worcester, Mass. Borton, Henry, A Co., Klth'a, Lowell, Mass. Rope. Arthur, A Co.. Keith's, Indianapolis. Hoey, Geo. B., A Co., Victoria, Baltimore. Howe A Howe, Orpheam, Grand Rapids, Mich. noldsworths. The. Greeley Sq., N. Y. 0., 7-9. nodicklns, Gene, National, N. Y. 0.. 7-9. , , . Hunter A Boss, PrlsCllla, Cleveland; Colonial, Erie, Pa.. 11-lfl. Hudson*. The, Gordon A Wallace Comedy Co. Huglies, Mrs. Gene, A Co,, Orpheum, Des Moines, Is. • ■ Hont A Francis, Grand, Pitstburgh. Hurley, Frank P., Btarlaad, Montreal, Can. I Olympla, Quebec, 11-16. "In 1039," Orpheam, Oakland, Cal. Ingllst ft Redding. Keystone, Pblla. Inge, Clara, Orpheum. Harrlsburg, Pa, "In the Barracks," Keith's, PtovMenee. Inman, Annie, Gayety, Indl.n.polfs. Ishlkawa Jsps, Keith's, Cincinnati. James, Mrs. Louis, A Co., Orpheum, Kansas City, Mo. Jsckson, Lcrnu Doone, Miles, Detroit. Jnckson. Joe, Keith's, Columbus, 0. Jenks, 81, Miles, Detroit. Jentes. Wellington, Newark, N. J., 7-9. Jennings I: Smith. Hudson, Union Hill. N. J. Jenkins A Covert, Shubcrt, Utlca, N. Y. Johnston*. Musical, Touring Europe. Jones, Alexander, Grand, Qulncy, 111.; MOllne, Rock Island, 11-16. Jones A Moore, Cleveland. Johnson's Travelogues, Orpheum, Omaha, Neb. Johnston. Maybel, Pantages', Ban Fran., Cal. Jordou Trio, Hudson, Unon Hill. N. J. Josettl Bros. (3), Keith's, Louisville. Juliet, 6th Are., N. Y. 0. Junguian Family. Keith's, Loulsrllle. Kaufman, Reba * Inez, Majestic, Ft, Worth, „Ter., 11-16. Kalbo, Oreot. Nattonul. Boston. Kara Majestic, Chicago. Kalleh, Berths, A Co.. Majestic, Milwaukee. Ksofnun Bros.. Majestic, Milwaukee. Karson, Kit, Francals, Montreal, Csn. K.rro's Comedy Circus, Empress, Milwaukee Kane A Barry, Lyric, Newark. N. J., 7-». Knmplaa A Deraldo, Casino, Washington. Keaton,, American Beauty Girls Co. Keenan A Beverly, Bijou, Marinette. Wis., T* v»- ' At S 1 * 1 Orpheum, Bait Lske City, U> vJ? $ 9 1 *? 1 ' Orpheum, Winnipeg, Osn. «S. y * Utterly. Orpheum, New Orleans. 52? 1 "' T^ e . Oreheutn Des Moines. la. -win *. ^f" 11 ^' Carroll, Rome, N. Y. Kellv^'. People's, Pblla. 7 "o r * Kramer, Nickel. Lawrence, Mai*., life i Wa . rwn ' "*»• Qnlncy, HI., 7-9. jS&'JtojgP * Piatt, Keith's, Providence. Ke ill S tb % m * r A & Co- su «»'«i Toronto, Can. E! J' wsjler Ok, Grand, Plttobunth. k' J'Ahlrew, Keith's. T»well Mass. K?mh.H. J ? ,? . e ; . Lln<:oln Bb N - T - 0" 7-9. KmJi rf f. UoUr i Proctor'*, Newark, N. J. K n« D » a r v l d " P'P»««n, S«attle. Wash. v SB JWi** Ke th's, Boston. K rkimlUi BlBters, Kellb'a, Boston. "oT'iF-w"" d,m «> ,n «. 0""• H., Wllmlnf. KWn 1 "B^'lPti 8 ' ,. Ke L tt,,8 > Cleveland. KmaU n?' * 2 b Z U - Yorkrllle. N. Y. 0., 7-9. KonpJi Ii2f' ft Sawtelle, Columbia, Bkln., 7-9. Minn. 7*10 *' tJnlque ' ' n *e™»"on»l F«IH. R>S?Va«5 aslth's, Cleveland. Krle ' R 0 if. r '' In L? 1 " 1 . Mass. » U nS.'s 7, J" n . tcr Garden, N. Y. 0.. Indefinite. 'a^™}^. Ualse, Columbia, Toledo, 0., la- L "£[™«. 1 BjJt. Qtand, fiamlltob, 0.; Orphlom, L 'pR?» t^*!ft Maieatlc, Oalveston, tei.j 11 m , ' ®»& Omaha, Neb. "Uwu^ftl * ^?".. K t itn ' s ' Cincinnati. LstSm P r7 lj i T**QfP*ls pb i'«' B2S&. C yLitt K«»h'«. Providence. rPgJgi Dcmlhloli, Ottawa. Can. LinSS".' "««». «ople, Hamilton, Cad. LanaS. B i?*-' 9 r « na . Pittsburgh. uSP?' •*»-. * Co., Grand, Pittsburgh, itsinr t?.'?! 1 ' ^ tMn «' Bwllngton. Tt., 7-0. £""*• Ball. Greeley'*, PartTand, tae. tlrtl; ?'S' V ' oll ' B . Washington, tVJzt r S nm "' Premier, Fall River. Mass., T-9. j'Bveen A Palmer, Oolumbls. Grand Rapids, Mich. LufiESf.' ISkrnny." Pri«cllla. Cleveland. A, Slons, The. Piially, Elmlra, N. Y. I.angdon, Hnnlle, American, N. Y. C, 7-9 Lamb's Manikins, Lincoln So., N. Y. C, 7-9 Lander Bros., Lincoln Sq., N. Y. 0., 7-9. Lavarnte A France, Hipp., Otlci. N. Y., 7-9- Hipp., Little Falls, 11-13; Cortland, Cortland! 11-16. Lennle, Peggie, Hammcrsteln's, N. Y. C. Lewis, Cbas. T., Maud Hall Mncv Co, Leonani A Whitney, Empress. Portland, Ora; Empress, Son Frun.. Cal. 11-10. Leroy & Adonis, Gay Bros.' Minstrels. Leap Year Girls, Fatally. Buffalo, N. Y.; Fran- cols, Montreal, Can., 1S-33. Leonird ft Russell, Orpheum, New Orleans; Keith's. Toledo, 0 ., 18-28. Eddie Leslie | M'lle Carrie TWO SINGLES. ALWAYS WORKING. BKST REGARDS. Lewln, Ben, Ornheum, Debver, Col. Lester, Hairy ft., Majestic, Milwaukee Lewis A Body, Orpheum, Ogden, U. Lester Trio, National, Boston. Leonard, Geo., A Co., Empress, Milwaukee. Leonard A Lonle, Temple, Rochester, Levy, Bert, Keith's, Lowell, Macs. Leslie, Bert, ft Co., Grsnd, Atlanta. Ga. Lebrow, Crystal. A Co., Cosmos, Washington. Le Clair, Harry, Lyric, Holwken, N. J.. 7-9. Lelglitos, Harry, A Co., Yorkville, N. Y. C, 7-9. Llnd. Homer, A Co., Motart, Elmlra, N, Y.; Poll, Scranton, Pa., 11-10. Ling & Long Empress, San Fran., Cal. Lleb, Herman, A Co., Orpheurn, Boston, LIBBEY and TRAYER NOTED SHUERS, COMEDIANS 66 HANCOCK STREET, BROOKLYN, N. Y. Linn, Ben, Temple, Detroit. "Little Tarlslenne, The," Shubert, Dtlca, N, Y. Livingston, Murry, ft Co., Plaza, N. Y. C, 7-9. Lloyd, Mr. A Mrs. Hugh, Empress, San Diego, Cal.; Empress. Silt Lake City, C, U-1G. Lloyd A Whltchoose, Lyric, Dayton, O. Lowe A De Vere, Orpheum, Sioux City, la.; Or- pheum, Des .Moines, 11-16. Lorcb Family, llansa, Hamburg, Germany, 4-30; Schumann, Frankfort, Dec, 1-31. Lorettas, Musical, Empress, Butte, Mont. Londona (4), Pulsce, Chicago. Lokse ft Sterling, Columbia, Grand Rapids, Mich. Losee, Gllbtrt, A Co., Empress, Milwaukee. Longbrahe A McOonnell, New Sun, Springfield, 0. Lov<! A Wilbur. Savoy, Atlantic City. N. J. "Love Trust, The," Lynn, Lynn, Mass. Lorn, Lyric, Dayton, 0. Luby. Edna, Keith's, Louisville. Lucas, Jsnes, Keith's, Louisville. Lutgens, Hugo, Lyric, Iudtunnpolls. Lucados, The, National. X. Y. 0.. 7-9. Lynch, Jock, O. H., Bluefleld, W, Vu.; Empire, Richmond, Va., 11-16 Lydell A Butterworth, Poll's, New Haven, Conn. Lynch A Eeller, Poll's, New Haven, Conn. McMillan, Lids, Keith's. Cincinnati. McMnbim, Diamond A demons, Chase's, Wishing- ton, McDerniott, Billy, Bavoy, Atlantic City, N. J. McDtvitt, Kelly A Lucy, Poll's, Worcester. Mass. MeGarvey, Academy, Fsll River, Mass., 7-9. Merlin. Alhambra, N. Y, C. Melody Maids (5), A a Man, Bushwlck, Bkln. "Meln Lelbschen," Orpheum, f>an Fran., Cal. Melville A Hlggloe, Orpheum, Oaklaad, Cal.; Orplieum, Los Angeles, 11-10. Merrill Bros., Guy liros.' Minstrels. Merrill A Otto, Orpheum, St. Paul. Meredith A "Snooter." Orpheum, Sacramento, Oal. Melody Monarcbs (4), Liberty. Phlla. Melrose, Bert, Orpheum. Uarrlslmrg, Ps. Merrltt A Douglas, Poll's, Sormilon, Ps. Melbourne A McDqwell, Orpheum, Reading, Pa. Merrymakers (7). New, Baltimore. MerofT, LolW Greeley Sq., N. Y. C. 7-B. Melnotte Twins, 7th Ave., N. Y. C, 7-9. Merry Youugsters (6), Loew, New Rochelle, N. X: 7-9. Mlcbelena, Beatrice, Orpheum. Oakland, Oal. Miller, Larry, Majestic, Little Rock, Ark,; Ma- jestic. Ft. Worth, Tex., 11-10. Milton, Frank, A De Long Bisters, Orpheum. bee Moines, la.; Orpheum, Kansas City, Mo., 11- 16. THE ROBE WITH THE HATS JOE MILLS SEASON 1913-13. YANKEE DOODIJS OII1LS. Millard Bros. (Bill d Boh), Pintages', San Fran., Cal.; Pantages', Oakland. 11-10. Mlllner, Geo., De Rue Bros.' Minstrels. "Millinery Salesman, The," Orpheum, York, Pa., 7-9. Mlddlcton, Spellmeyer, A Co., Poll's, Washing- ton. Moore A Llttleneld, Himmersteln's, N. Y. O. Montambo A Wells, Keith's, Phlla.; Poll's, Wor- cester, Mass., 11-16. Montgomery A Medley Co., Union Sq., N. Y. 0. Morton, James J., Orpheum, Portland, Ore. Morrell, Frank, Orpheum, Oakland, Csl. Montgomery A Moore, Broadway, N. Y. C, In- definite. Mozart*. Fred A Eva, Empress. Bt. Paul, Minn. | Kmprms, Winnipeg Can., 11-10. Morton, Ed. Orpheum, Spokane, Wash. Moran, Pauline, Orpueuiu, Omaha, Neb. Morton A Glass. Hudson, Union Hill N. J. "More tinned Against Than Usual," Shea's, Buf- falo. Morrlsey A Hanlon, Dominion, Ottawa Can. Mountain Asb Choir, Orpheum, Memphis, Toon, Modena, Florence, A Co., Orpheum, Memphis, Teem. Morris, Ellda, National, Boston. Morris A Allen. Oolumbls, St. Louis. Morris, Nina, A Co., Temple, Detroit. Mosher, Hayes A Moslier, Colonial, Norfolk, Ys. Mcnetn A Wilbur, BIJoii, Jackson, Mich., 7-9. Mowatts, Juggling (S), Keith's, Indianapolis, Montgomery, Marshall, Poll's, Hartford, Conn. Mori Bros., Poll's, Worcester, Mass. Monarch Comedy Four, Keith's, Lowell, Mass. Moors A St. Olilre, Orpheum, AUeuti.wn, Pa. "Motoring," American, N. Y. 0., 7-9. Moroscos (10), Yorkville, N. Y. 0.. 7-9. Mullen ft Coogan, Hammersteln's, N. Y. 0. Murray A Stone, Grand, Hamilton, 0., 10-13. Musical Kings (4), Keith's, Boston. Murphy A Andrews, Howard. Boston, Musketeers (3), Howard, Boston. Murray's "School IClds," Empress, Cincinnati. Musical Ltwyers (8), Nixon, Phlla. Muriel A Francis, Shea's, Toronto, Can. If II 11 1 A Combination of 20 of the Most Original Comedy, Dramatic, Musical and Novelty Authors In tola country. Will write you a monologue, sketch, etc., to order with privilege of using same for Ave weeks, on a small weekly royalty basis. Our acts are all guaranteed sure fire, and our clients are fully protected against the slightest Infringement. TRY THIS PLAN and know what you are getting before investing any larger amount. And should our staff fall to suit yon, We reel justified in stating that your chances of being suited In this profession are slim. Comic songs, ballads, parodies, etc., to lit any act, to order. Stamp for Information. AddrecB 08 E. lliOth BT., NEW YORK Ljres (3), Orpheum. Altoona, Pa. Lytton, Nellie, Nickel, Lawrence. Mass., 7-9. Lyons A Yoaco, Chase's, xashlngton. Lydla A Albino, Shea's, Buffalo. Lyric Quartet Ladles', Gordon Sq.. Cleveland. Matthews A Alshayne, Bronx, N. Y. C. Moson-Keeler Co., 6th Ave., N. Y. <_'. Marcus A Gartelle, Otk Ave., X. Y. C. Ward? A Hunter, Majestic, Waterloo, la.; Or- pheam, Muscatine, 11-16. MacDooongb, Ethel, Grand, Pittsburgh; Grand, Syracuse, N. Y., 11-16. "Mascot." Empire, W, Hartlepool, Eng.; Hipp., Greenock, Scotland, 11-10; Palnce, Bradford, 18-23; Empire, Palace, Mexboro, 26-30; Palace Warrlr.glon, Dec. 2-7. Maseey A Bolton. Family, Glutton, la,; Engtert, Iowa City, 11-16. Marriott Twins, Clrco Brown, Buenos Ay res, So. America, 4-Dec. 31. Mack A Walker, Union Sq., N. Y. U. Mack ft prtb, shea's, Buffalo. Martins, Flying, Orpheum, Spokane, Wash. Mathews' "School Kids," Pantages', Sau Fran., Oal. Uaacotte's Merry Maids, Bowdoln Sq., Boston. Max's Circus. National, Boston. Hacks, Musical, Olympla, Boston. May, Arthur 0., Keith's, Indlsnapolls; Keith's, Louisville, 11-16. Manning Twins, Empress, Cincinnati. Marietta's Birds, Orpheum, Boston. Macks (2), Keystone, Phlla. Mack, Floyd, Nixon, Phlla. "Mayor and the Manicure. Tbe," Niton, Phlla. Martlnettl A Fylvester, Chase's, Washington. Maxim's Models, Grsnd, Syracuse, N. Y. Mason A Dutrlelle, Keith's, Cleveland. Madden A Fitspatrkk, Keith's, Louisville. Martha, Mile., A Sisters, Poll's, Hertford, Conn. Kartells (6), Poll's, Usrtford, Conn. Major A Roy. Lynn, Lynn, Mass. Maxinc A Bobby, Shubert, Utlca, N. Y. "Mab. Queen," ft Weis, Empress, Spokane, Wash.; F.mpress, Seattle, 11-10. Uayoe (4), De Knlb, Bkln., 7-9. Maxwell. Harvey .T., Billy Alleu's Coinedy Op. Marshall A Trlbble, Premier, Fall River, Mass., Mark." Dan'l. A Co., New. Baltimore. Magee A Kerry, Hipp., Keokuk, la., 11-13; (Jsyety, Galeshurg, 111., 14-16. Mack W. J., Columbia, Grand Rapids. Mich. "Man and Labor." The." Gordon Sq., Cleveland. McLarens (6), Bijon, Bkln., 7-9. McCarthy, Styles, ft Co., Keith's, Providence | siies's, Buffalo, 11-10. McCormlck A Irving, Lyric, Dayton, O. McDonald. Jas. F.. Lyric, Dayton, O. Mclntvre A Heath. Orplioura, Harrlsburg, Fa, McKay ft Cantwcll, Keith's, Cincinnati. McCar. YYInsor, Orpheum. Kkln. MeMahon A Chappelle, Bushwlck, Bkln. McCarthy, Justin, O. H., Elyrla, 0.. 7-9; Or- Dhium, Canton, 11-13, McGee. Joe B.. Empress, Denver, H-10-, _ fieAwOis r., "Pair of Country Kid." Co. Mc-Namara, Jack. Dan Mason Co. McOlveney. Owen, Orpheum, Los Angeles, uai. Melnlrre ft Harty, Ornbeura, Denver. Oolo. Si. Simpson. ,Orpheo^ Sacramento Cal. ScRullough. Carl. Orplieum. Des Moines, la. eRowan Trio. Savoy, Carbondalc. Pa. McDorTaM Slrters. Sa^voy, Carton**. P»- MeGraw, John. Keith's. Boston. McNsllyl Peter, Hnb, Boston. Murphy A Francis, Dominion, Ottawa, Can. Mullane, Frank. Keith's, Columbus, 0. Muller A Slanley, Oriiheum, Heading, Pa. Mnroliy. Mr. ft Mrs. Mark, Hipp., Cleveland, Il- ia. Knsnrro, Nat, A Co., Orpheum, Sacramento. Cal. Nnsh, Julia, A Co., Poll's, tiprlngneld, Moss. Nnfgys, Tbe, Gayety, Indianapolis. Kelser, Henry, Al. G. Field's Minstrels. Xeilson's Boys A Girls, Orpheum. Minneapolis. Nesl, Cesare, Orpheum, Lincoln, Neb. NelT, John, Empress, St. Paul. Kevins ft F.rwood, Bijou, Jackson, Mich., 7-9. Nelson, Kearus A Co., Casino, Washington. "Nerve," Greeley Sq„ N. Y. O., 7-0. Mchols, Nellie, Orpheum, San Fran., Cal. Ktchols Sisters, Keith's, Cleveland, Nip A Tuck, Keith's, Toledo, O. "Night In a Park. A," Poll's, Hartford, Oocn. Nichols-Nelson Troupe, nipp., Omaha, Neb.; Nov- elty, Topeka, Kan., 11-16. Konette, Orpheum. Portland, Ore. North, Frank, ft Co., Poll's, New Haven, Conn. Noiria' Baboons, Keith's, Toledo, O. "No-Ko-MIs," Casino, Watblngtoo. Nnrent, J. a, A Co.. Proctor's, Newark, N. J. O'lirlen-Havel Co., Orpheum, Bt, Paul. Otedo's. Opera Co., Orpheum, Ogden, ti. Ogden, Jennie, A Co., Keystone, Phlla, "«)h. You Girls A Boys," Wm. penn, Phlla. Olcott, Charles, Orpbouro, Ban Fran., Oal. "Old Mother Goose," Crystal, Mllw.ukee. * Ombrus Trio, Orpheum, Seattle, Wosh. O'Ueer Sisters, Oolumbls, St. Louis. "On a Houseboat," Keith's, Cincinnati, O'Nell, Dos, Keith's, Cincinnati, O'Neill EUters (3). Orpheum, Allentown. Pa. O'Neill Trio, Oraud, Grand Forks, N. D.; Gay- ety. St. Paul, Minn., 11-10. "Opening Night, An," Shea's. Toronto. Can. Ordway, Laurie, Bijou, Qulncy. HI., 7-9. Osborne's Pels, Franculs, Montreal, Can, Oscar A Buzette, Empire, l^lmouton. Gun., 7*0. Otis, Eleanor, ft Co., Pantages, Hsu Fran, Cal. Otto Bros., Orpheum. Oraud Ruplda, Mich, OtsvB, The, Lyric, Indianapolis. Pintter, Llna, Empress, Kansas City. Mo.; Em- press. Wichita, Kan., 11-10. Paul A An-lln, Grand, Elgin, 111.; Fox, Aurora, 11-13; Orpheum, Jollct 14-10. Paka, Toots, A Co., Jrpheum. Stoat City, Is. Pattersons, Bounding, Orpheum, Lincoln, Neb. Patrice A Co., Liberty, Pblla. Paroffs, The, Keith's, Columbus, o. Psnkleb A Co., Cosmos, Washington. Patterson Troupe, Lyric, Indianapolis. Pattee, J. A., ft Co. Columbia, Grand Rapids, Mich. Paul, Geo., A Oo., Gordon Sq., Cleveland. Pealson ft Goldle. Wm. Pcnn, Phlla. Petrova, Olga, Keith's, Columbus, O. Phlna ft Picks. Grsnd, Pittsburgh. l'lnst-d A Ball, Billy B. Van Co. PiroKCofaB (6), Globe, Boston. Pierce A Mahwe, Empress, Milwaukee. Powell Pantomime Co.. Stb Ave,. N. Y, Ok Powers, The, Hamtnersreio's, N. Y. 0. Post, Tom, Uuy Bros.' Minstrels. Potts Bros., Kmpress. Cincinnati. Polsln Bros., Poll's, Bcranton, Pa. Pony Ballet, Grand, Atlanta, Oa. "Pool Room, The," Empress, Ban Diego, Oal., 10-10. Providence Players, Colonial, N. Y. O. Prevost A Rosalro, nnminersteln's. N. Y, 0. Princeton A Yale, Savoy, Atlantic City, N. J, Prosit Duo, Temple. Hamilton, Csn. Prlngle ft Allen, Academy, Fall River, Mass., 7-9. Purcell, Gertie, Bowdoln Sq., Boatoo. Quaker Empress, Bt. Paul. Quire. A McCarthy, Ornheum, Los Angeles, Cnl. Hsymond ft Elllotte, Miller's Excelsior Show, Kayno's Lull Terriers, Orpheum, Seattle, Wash. Raynore, Wm., ft Oo., Orpheum, Minneapolis. Rays, The. Olobe, Boston. Rafael, Dare, New Portland, Portland, Me. Howls ft Von Kaufman, Bijou, Savannah, Ga,; Bjlou, Ki.oxvllle, Term 11-10. Rambler Girls (3), Prlscllla, Cleveland. Reed Bros., Colonial, N. Y. 0. lU'vnard, Yd, F„ Alhambra, N. Y. C. lU-eve. Ads. Keith's, Phlla. Rexos, Tbe. Orphlum, Sioux City, la. Reldy A Currier, Orpheum, Memphis Tenn. Heeklaw, Keekless, Trio, Lewlston, Me, Kegals (4), Chase's, Washington. Relsnor & Gores, Temple, Hamilton, Can. Reeves A Werner, Poll, Worcester, Mass. Itiillnitton & Grant, Orphenm. Allentown, Pa. Iti-.lf-i.-d A tVliicboster, Grand, Atlanta. Ga. Klnni* (4). Orpheum, Bkln. Itlclmrds, Chris., Orpheum. Minneapolis, Mh-ciilMuo's Horses, Olympla, Bosuu. Ross. Charles J., Wirier Garden, N. Y. 0.. In- definite. R.s-h iii's Athletic Girls. Union Bq.. N. Y. C. Roberts, Dainty June, A Co., Sun, Portsmouth, O., 7-11. Risers ft Mackintosh, Kmpress, Kansas City, Mo. ■toy A Wllsmn, Victoria, Norfolk, Va. Il'.ck A Fulton, Orpheum, Kansaa City, Mo. rtowle, Claude M., Orpbeum, Memphis, Tenn. Kiimnlne, Hub, Hoston. Itomalo A Delano, Orpheam, Montreal, Can. Hoth ft White, Wnahlnglon. Newark, N. J„ 7-9. ltnoney A Bent, Katth T n. Providence. Homnno Bros., Lynn, Lynn, Mass. Roberts. Little Lord, Lyric, Dayton, 0. Howe, Happy May, Ulsnurk Cafe, Baltimore, in- definite. Koina Grind Opera Co., Gordon Sq., Cleveland. Rosa. Ida. Plata. Sprlugueld, Mass., 7-9. Romero Family, Grand St., N. Y. 0., 7-9. Ruegger, F.lss, Orpbeum, Kansas City, Mo.; Or- pheum, Des Moines. Is., 11 -HI. Russell's Minstrels, Olympla, Boston. Kustan's Song Birds. Crystal, Milwaukee. Ryan Bros., Orpheum, Denver, Col. Bansone ft Dellla, Orpheum, llkln. Savonas, Elliott, Orpheum, New Orleans. Sale, Chick. Orpheum, Sioux City. la. Savoy, Lucille, Kmpress, Cincinnati. Ksndress Bros. People's, Phlln. Sampsel A ltellly, Maryland, Baltimore. ttaranuff, Grand, Pittsburgh. Haytons, The. Lytic, Dayton, O. Saxons, Musical [■<), Royal, Atkinson, Kan.; Parlor, Oiimhn. Neb., 11-1U. Bavoy Comedy Four, Gayety, Indianapolis. Sandberg A, New, Baltimore. Sanforl. Jere, Delnncey St., N. Y. a, 7-0. Back. Madeline. Plaza, N. Y. O., 7-9. Schlchtl's Manikins, Ot-|>beum, Portland, Ore. Sehmet'ans, The, Orpheum, St. Paul. Schmidt, Nellie, Pantnges', San Fran., Cal. Sehanault A Allen, Olobe, Boston. Schooler ft Dickinson, Keith's, Boston. Scott A Keane, Orpheum, Montreal, Cun. Scott, Marie, orpheum. Altoona. Pa. Soberer & Dllworth Majestic, Elmlra, N. Y. Sears, Zelda, A Co., Majestic, Chicago; Keith's, Cleveland, 11-10. , Srlilom's "Poems In Marble," Indiana. Chlcaso. 7-9; Majestic. Cellar Rapids, la., 11-13; Ma- jestic, Dubuque, 14-10. Seebacks, The, Palace, Chicago. PAUL SELDOMS CREATIONS OF ART. Scr-ieno, Howard, Boston, Seinuoii, Ohas. F., Shea's, Toronto, Can, Seminary Girls, Keith's, Lowell, Mass. Sherman, Van ft Ilymaii, Colonial, N. Y. O. thaw, Lillian. Bronx, N. Y. 0. Shale. Tom A., Casino, N. Y. C, Indefinite. Shu-Ids, Sydney, ft Co., Orpheum, Dulutb, Minn. ShariM, The, Bowdoln 8q., Boston. Shot, Ben, Hub. Hoston. Sherman, Sadie, Francals, Montreal, Can. Sherman ft De Forest ft Co., Bijou, Bay City, Mich.; Kedile, Chicago, 11-10. Sohrlne A Richards, Columbia, Grand Rapids, Mich. Mmordet, Mmc. Oolumbls, St. Louis. six Steppers, Orohcum, Montreal, Can. Slmon-Ostermnn A Co., Temple, Detroit. "Slivers." Orpheum, Oakland, Cal. Smith, Lee, Klsor's Shows. Smiletta Sinters, Orplieum, Birmingham, Ala.; Bijou, Chattanooga, Tenn., 11-10. Smiths, Aerlnl, King's, South Sea, Eng.; Empire, London, 11-Jan. 20, 1013. Smythe A Hnrtman, Orpbeum, Montreal, Can. Smulley, Ralph, Shubert, Utlca. N. Y. Smith A Ix noy, American, N. Y. C, 7-9. Smith, Voelk A Cronln, 7th Ave., N. Y. 0., 7-9. "Son of Solomon," Lincoln Sq., N, Y. 0., 7-9. "Spirit Paintings," Temple, Itocheattr. "Squaring Accounts," Ornheum, Des Moines. la. Stafford, Frank, A Co., National, N. Y. C, 7-0. Stone ft Hayes, Orpbeum, Grand Rapids, Mich. fctarrett Jr., Howard, "Tbe Winsome Widow" Oo. Stevens A Dunn, Harris-Parklnsou Oo. Stanford, Billy, Majestic, Washington, Indefinite. Stone, Mrs. Paul, A Marmlon, Plata, Ban An- tonio. Tex. Btandlsb, Sisters, Orpheum, Minneapolis, Stanleys, The, Orpbeum, Duluth, Minn. Stewart A Doootrae, Orplieum, Memphis, Tenn Stuart A Keeley, Palace, Chicago, Stclnert Trio, Keith's, Boston. Stewart BHter* ft Escorts, Keith's, Cincinnati, Burr, Sylvia, A Co., Keystone, Pblla. Ster-ms, Frank, A Oo., Keystone, Phlla, St. Clair, Don, Liberty, Phlla, Stanneros. The, Liberty, Pbla, Stewart A Hall, Bijou. Jackson, Mich., 7-9. Stone, Beth, ft Co., Shea's. Buffalo. Story, Belle, Shea's, Buffalo. Stalls, Phil, Grand, Syracuse, N, Y, gteadman, Al. ft Fannie, Keith's, Columbus, O. tevent, Hal, A Oo., Orpbeum, Allentown. Ps. Starr, Lillian, Orpbeum, Sioux City, la.: Or- pbeum, St. Paul, Minn., 11-10. Bully A Phelps, Sherman Kelly Stock 00. Sutton, tarry, Lyndon's Big Show. Sully. lew, Orpheum, Duluth, Minn. "Sunshine " Peoplo's, Phlla. Sully ft Huesey, Colonial, Norfolk, Tt. Siimlko, Dominion, Ottawa, Can, Sullivan A Wise, Frlscllls. Cleveland. Swot' A Mack, Temple, Detroit. Sweatmin, Wilbur, Hudson, Union Hill, N. J. Swor A Westbrook, Victoria, Baltimore. Bylphanos, Tbe, Lincoln Sq., N. Y. 0., 7-9. Tsalness, Tho, Orpheum, Lincoln, Neb, Tollman, Great, Plata, N. Y. C. 7-9. Terrlss, Tom. A Co., Indus Sq., N. Y. 0. "Texas Tommy Daueers," Howard, Boston. Thornton, Goons-, "Mutt A Jeff" Oo. Thayer. Joe. O. II.. Cumberland, Md.; Crelghton, llrhlKoton. N. J.. 11-10. Thomson, Harry, Grand, Elgin, III., 7-9: Or- plieum, Juliet, 11-13; Gayety, Ottumwa, 14-10. Thornton, Jas., Majestic, Chlcsgo. Ill I 1,1, | MS—— Original, Comedy Scenic Novelty. JO PAIOK SMITH, Representative. Ushers. The. Orphenm. Ogden, U. Vaud-wbllt A Moore, Alhambra, N. Y. 0. Van A Sctenk. Bronx N. Y. O. ft Valdsre, Singapore, Straits Settlo- meuts, India, indefinite. Vagges, The, Grand Circuit, South Africa. Van A I'eiiree, Pantages*. Sscr.mento, Cal.; Pan- tagos', Los Angelea, 11-16. Van, Ch.a. A Fannie. Dominion, Ossarra, Can. Van Nca* Troupe, Keith's, Oolumbm, o. Vassar Olrls (8). Keith's, Louisville. Van Horen, Poll's, Worcester, Mass. Van Bros., Orpheum, Omaha, Neb., 11-16. "Venui, Electrical," Victor!., Baltiiuore. Vivian, Alma C. "A Western Girl" Co. Vivian A Alton, Richards Circuit, Australia. "Visions d'Art." Ondieum, Lincoln, Neb. Vlgurlnto Troupe, Empress. San FrtD., Csl. Village Choir, Olympla, Lynn. Maaa. Vleiorlne A Znlnr, New Portland, Portland, Ma, Von Kline A Gibson, Orpheum, Reading, Pa. Wiit-urn, Kate, orpbeum, Bkln. Walsh, Blanche, A Co., Colonial, N. Y. 0. Wnde, Jobn P., A Co., Bronx, N. Y. 0. Walt, Geo, II.. Orphenm. Sacramento, Cal. Ward llroi., Orplieum, Sacramento. C.l. VVrtson's Circus, Orpheum, Memphis, Tenn. Waram, Perey, ft Co., Dominion, Ottawa, Can. Wally, Richard, A Co., Grand, Byrscuse, N. Y. Ward A Ctirran, Keith's, Indianapolis. Ward ft Weber. Keith's, Indlsnapolls. Washer Bros.. Grsnd, Columbia. B. C. . _ Welsh. Mealy A Montrose, Greeley Sq., N. Y. C, 7-0. Weavers. Flying, Orpheum, Duluth, Minn. Weston A l.e<m, Empress, San Fran., Cal. Wesley's, Orpheum, Boston. Weston's Models, Lyric, Newark, N. J„ 7-9. Wentworth, Vesta ft Teddy, Bushwlck, Bkln. Welch. Joe, Maryland, Baltimore. Wells, Billy K., Temple, Rochester. Weber. Chsrles, Temple, Hamilton, Can. Wernlt, Flying. Casino, Washington. Weston, Fred K„ ft Beatrice, "Bacnelor's Honey- moon" Oo. _., Whitehead. Joe, Bushwlck, Bkln. _ _ ... Wheiton. Anna, Winter Garden N. T. C, Indefi- White.' Porter J., A Co., PolPa, New Hattn, Whipple A Huston, Oolonial. Harrleburf, Pa. Whits A Perry, Shea's, Toronto, Can. Wheeler Bitters, Billy Allen's Oonsedy Co. ... Whittle, Wm. ti., Oolnmbla, Grand, Rapids, Mica. Whirlwind Chief, A Squaw, Pl.ra, Springfield, Whlfesi'iie. I-ithel. A Picks, National, N. Y. 0., T-». Wllklna A Wllklns, National, N, Y. c, 7-0. Wise, Tin.n as A., A Co., Bushwlck. Bkln. Wilson ft Washington, Indiana, Chicago, 11-13; Orpliouin, Itnclne, Wis., 14-111. Wilson ft Aubrey, Pints, Son Antonio, Teg.; Queen, Galveston, 11-10. Winkler, Kress Trio, Levoy, Mlllvlllc, N. J., li- lt). Wilson, Jack, A Co.. Orpheum, Los Anceles, Oal. Wills. Nst M., Or.ibenm, Salt Lake City, 11. Williams A Warner, Orpheum. Salt Luke City, U. Wilson, Grnee, Orplieum, Wlnnl|K'g, Can. Wilson's Circus, Orpheum, Des Mnlues. la. Williams, Thompson A Oipelaml, Keith's, Boston. Willis Family, Colonial, Norfolk, v«. Wilson A Wilson, New Portland, Portland, Me. Windsor Trio, Maryland, Baltimore. Williams ft Brooks, Lynn, Lynn, Mass, Wills' Musical Comedy Co., Jobn II., Renovn, Ps. Wilson. Lirtle. Rljou, Bay City, Mica. Wise. The, Prlscllla, Cleveland. Woods ft Woods Trln, Alhnmbro. N. Y. 0. Wuralwinl, Konialn L., Cook A Hans Comedy Co. W.iinl, eiilie, Lyceum, Cincinnati, 7-9; Star, Mun- ch-, Iml,, 11-16. Woliwrt ft I'niilliiiiti. Majestic, Chicago, W.wn, Joe, Olympla, Boston. IV I. llrltt. Keith's, Toledo, O, Wooil Bros., Orplieum, Reading, Ft. WoiMlriiT. Henry, A Co., CoIumblD, Grand RtplAs, Mich. Wynn, Bessie, Proctor's, Newark, N. J. Wyiui ft Itnsson, Maryland, Hiiltlmore. Young, Ollle. A April, Keith's, Lowell, Mnss.; Kellh's, Phlln, 11-10. Young. Do Witt, ft Sister, Empire, Edmonton, Oau., 70. Yoraun, Oco., Natlonnl, nostoii, Yonng A Wnlby, Princess, Peterboro, Ont„ Can, Knlirali A Zcluin, Merlden, Conn,, Indefinite. Harrow, iieh, Tioupe, Miles, Detroit. Zanettos, The, Savoy, Atlantic City, N. 3, Zutell, M.. A Co., Moss Empire Circuit, IM» land, 4-30. Zemin, Fruuenls, Montreal, Can, Zeno, Karl, llljou. Bay City, Mich, WANTED—Good Modlolno People; Piano Player whoeian dospeclaltles and work acts; Come- dian to put on ants and onangw for a week; Sketch Team, one to play piano, state lowest salary In tint letter. POO MANSFIELD. Newark. 111. WANTED FOR LUCAB A JOHIf BOIf"' Al Blaok-Face Comedian, good Magician, Musical Act Bkotch Team; change for week. Disappoint- ment cause of Ad. Join at onco. Wlro Bowling Green, Mo., wk. Nov, 4; Clarksvlllo, Mo., wk 11. LADIES, LOOK Dinner Ring. Fin*' PROSPEROUS Frenc h Rhinestone*. Cluster Ring, French ^ nu, r 8 P'" raona Rhinestones, brilliant aa diamonds; aDTColorOenterstone. ' - Thurk-i ft Mudlsou, Keith's, Indianapolis. Thumb, Mrs. Gen. Tom, De Kalb, Bkln. Timbers, Herman, Sheu's, Toronto, Can.; Empire, Plttaneld. Mass., 11-16. Tithe, Harry, ft Co., Victoria. Baltimore. Tlgbe ft Clifford, Loew, New Rochelle, N. Y„ 7-9. Tornados, Great, Keith's, Pblla. •Top o' th' World Dancers, 7 ' Poll's, New Haven, Oonu. Toy, Rath Llag, Poll's. Bcranton, Ps. "Trained Nurses, The." Alhambra, N Y. 0. ?rovato, Orpheum, Wicnlpcg, Cast. rov.Ho, Majestic, Chicago. TrsBey, Kitty, Temple, Rochester. Tfoubaitoiirs (3), Cosmos, Wasblnulon. Tuseauo Bros., OrpTtMitn, Des Moines, la.; Oraud, Calgary, Can., 11-18; Empire, Bilr- 14-16. No. 540. It K. Gold Filled. No. 360. U K. Gold Killed. Warrauted to wear for Warranted to wear for jttn. $2.oo each. years. $2.60 each. M. I,. BOTTOHBR 00., Wholesale Jowelsrs, 92 Fni- tca Btraot, New York City. Bend Money Order. L.I AGENT Experienced -Ability - Sobriety Address THOB. J. RICHARDS, 00 W. Erie St., Chicago. " MAKE A NOTC, PLEASE, OF MY NEW A0DRE88 BARRY GRAY, Of Phlla. Writer of VAUDKVILLK SKETCOEB, 80NOS, MOW. ologitkh, PAIIODIES, Etc. Acts revised and built from your own ideas. Satisfaction guurnnteed. Terms moderate and fair. Call when la PhUa.; or write for particulars. All letters answered. BARRY GRAY, 1003 Fairmont Av... Phlla,, Pa. (One block West of my old stand— "Broad and Fairmont.) A E 111 1? IS BUI Within t miles Of Atlantic City. 0 rest booming SUBURB. Invest money quick In building lots. A wonderful Investment. Theatrical colony now •tUbllshed. Lots sold, cos* terms. Write for particulars. WM. If. GOFP, Mgr., PLKASANTVILLE, N, J. EARL T. WHITE I BLANCHE WHITE Ueavles,ctc.;alsodoublo , Iugenue Uiails, etc. Agt B-flat tuba la band; lit. SO, hi. t-o.wt lit; also Al Ml. wt. 170, age SO. I Pianist, sight reader. A llfotimo experience. Good lookers and good dressers un and off. Bobcr.eto. Write or wire. can. join on receipt. Charleston, W. Va. AGENT WANTED lor ; M Aloag the Kennebec" Company Must be sober and reliable and capable of rooting show In the Northwest. State experlsncs and salary expected, which la sure. Address, by mail only, -KNICKERUOOKBR THEATRE Bl'lLHl NEW YORK. KNIOKbRBOOKER THEATRB Bl'lLDlNO, C. M* RENO