The New York Clipper (November 1912)

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NOVfiMBEB 80 l^HEJ NB)W REVIEWED REXT WEEK. iajgg Van Cham" (Mm, Slraone), Wal ,JH3IjKg gW YOHK CLIPPER. YORK CITY THBATRB8 iscn;; Theatre. (special Mlti ■\helB MAS," HMTIf J^peaire- 2SH firs DonoM*," Broadway Theatfc .J. llclnsc o Theatre.^ CONTINUED ATTRACTIONS, h«w a** "Roly Poly." Wfooeld Barnes*. Molly Magulro... Percy fUzslniniooa. lllfaiB rltiilMtoorm Bijou ritTMmttxmn Michael Hohmalts DRAMATIC AND afVilOAL. ASTOB.— "Hawthorne, Of tile V. ft BUA»C0.~{nnm 9UTt, to "T*» Case of ji^TataftSn* Becky," MtB JH**. UFroMou*.. MHTHBT. — Tie DittgMdf of Heaven,' "-•«- C seventh week. CASINO.—"The Merry Countess," fifteenth CRITERION.-<"Wl»t All» Y«oT' second vtfAflk, nAiTS.-^The Red Pettldoat," tlrtrd week. KUrTNOE'S FORTY-SECOND STREET. — blm "Within the Law," twelfth week. fupire. — Mmc. Nastrmovay In "Bella EM Donna.'' third week. FORTY-EIGHTH STREET. —Wm, Collier, In "Never Bar Dta," third week. FIJI/TON. —■ "Tbo tallow Jacket," fotfrth week. GARDEN.—Jno. E. Kellerd, In "Hamlet," second week. SCENERY THEATRES AND PRODUCTIONS, VAUDEVILLE ACTS EQUIPPID New and Second Hand geemery In Stock MURRAY HELL SCENIC STUDIO —. .JfflfH *irjHU. TJ1KATRK, NY. WAI/PgAR gMHig Mst. TellaltMMof.HUl A**lf Pinochle, "AUCTION PINOCHLE" Phlllfcpa n I'arlslan Theatre, -i AuHion vaudeville, in three Certfa. .. Katrlns. .. Herf Bhtts... Dancers from St. Saseha Plator°and "Wimoot the Law, Snafab Swlpeson Richard Pilfer Bdward Pilfer George Damn rascal. Inspector Bunk.... Merry TJmer , .Tagncs ■Toko Arson Pea nine. "I'J 1 ' b l-A' aul Herve, music by Joan Briauct thS edit" " PP ' P^ nce « »<>▼• 2& ilk ■■■■■ Nora Bayes BI « norta » Vinfll. Dorot&y Clark ...Thomas Beauregard Mr - E yc has written a play which la not Jack Norworth 9%&J£$2»l jew !£•. but the old story .......Frank Danleia ».dellgbtfuHy told. Tho scene of the Bttt ...Arthur Ayleawortn act » "room in Jacob Henaaberry'a band- Joe Webor ' ome r /»'*»;«- Prom the servants* tan vo .......Marie Dressier I 00 ™ "at Mr. Hennaberry la a mild, he i- Helena Collier Garrlck Peeked husband and that Mrs. Hennaberry is ....Lew Field* foaicwhat of a tartar, bat really Jim a good .. .Hazel Klrfca Heart. hmanuel Hcld*»Mt B ... ..Qnvrty flcrtiholm iSSlImI' '»*««•«••♦•« .Mario Berlnl JttHna Iteidertfaen,.,.........Oacar Kmegor Rose ,[]■. ,.?__ Herrmann fleldenbacli Wngen Keller !•............. . I.lescben Schumann aequo Hcldcnbach Rmll Iterla *« Afnry Breyor r cr ka fi nd ,. wn * druggies"«o»"«omlttliif"nl«hc , r" , Sii l (i wSShSST 7, •••«••"•. V.\V.\TT7T7iII»Mto i n .*"' «. cl i ere ' » hat ^^"P *nd wlfti the fflSftjtf --i • • *M_ Stelndler That Mra. Flak* la itlll lored by K>* York theatristotraiwaa prwrt by the r&tptlon she rffig— waa accorded upon her flrst atam ehuance SWff 'i-" iSoT. , ere K ,rn f Pl " °* Mft »«MrS5 rS-ffi Mra. Flake gare • charm » of Mary I'age, a woman who, Mown notblng but prlratlon ., „ u lUB rntaHte. r..7......Mary Breve to the. portrayal r'Sfflf JiiP 0 ?'•! L "re'e Meye », aa a aBTad ig*i 'ggtowaa Dora Uregow.'k a and hardship! fflS^uvi!^ lb0m KtnTlst N««moni Kin. kl.t... . J3 y tt0 . " "SB , Ottn M,.»m esteem of those thousands who knew her The atory begins at the girlhood borne of Fr!!™ 0t 'a'vV ■/ ,r • nn, Brookmann Aff 8ohlMln 8 er .- Adolf 1'hlllpp OAIBTY.—"Our Wlvea," flrst week at this house, OARRICK. —John Mason, hi "The Attack," eleventh week. HIPl'ODROJIE.—"Under Many Flags,' thir- teenth week. HUDSON'.—Mra. Flikc, In "The High Road," second week. KXICKBRBOCKEB. — "Oh, Oh, Delphlne." ninth week. LIBERTY.—"Mllestonea," eleventh week. LYRIC.—Wm. Faveraham, In "Jnllus Cossar," fiiui'ih and last week. • LITTLE.—"The Affaire of Anatol," seventh popuiar aeformanagcrs opened their music fei,»m ?? '<"•,the butler for years, and hall at Broadway and Twenty-ninth Street, 2SX2S «• ? a !, ler H J% Hcnnaberry'e maid over alxteen yeara ngo, but no more on^ SSriKS* tae n bu ' | e' »»d Mr. Hennaberry talk- spielous one than tlmt on the above men- 15 g !2H? ? B e u '»h Randolph, and later aeei tloncd date has occurred. The ( n. new playhouse hns become such occurrence that the fact that the u also marked the dedication of a new home f , 8 , c ' M ™ e ,'wo women atart to follow the above men- iSf ESS* i Beu lt° Randolph, and later soei opening of '7, bu "er leave the house with a box. Being i a P frcquen ?',,'' '32 "ggSaS and Jta J 0U8 naturc ' *• he occasion 2£L S*«^2^?™», and the drat act son. a yonng artist boarder, la paying Mary tV», • "P 6 "^' '''» new 'y ouBt theatre In East and puta him out of tho place. MaV runs J; lfty - s «vonth Street, on thc above date. The off with tho rich young painter and llvei «" us £ w i" * micd . to «iP»clty—a little over Hvc hundred people—and hundreds of people had to bo turned away, most of them, how- ever, contenting themselves with tickets for one of the following nights. It was .evident for the Weber & Fields AH Stnr Stock Com- ixiny had no significance other thnn that we were again to see tho delightful burlesques and foolishness which In tli<- little Twenty- ninth Street and Broadway house became an Institution In New York amusements and week. "Snow white," fourth week, gave these managers an International rcpiitu- ereryjnatlnee but Saturday. flon never to be forgotten, LYCEUM.—Bllllc Burke, In "Tho 'Mind thc Paint' Girl," twelfth week. 1UX1NE ELLIOTT.—"Ready Money," fif- teenth week and last fortnight. MOULIN ROUGE.—"Follies of 1012," sixth NEW AMSTERDAM.—"The Count of Luxem- bourg," eleventh week. PLAYHOUSE. — "Little Women," seventh week. REPUBLIC.—"The Governor's Lady," twelfth tveek. THIRTY-NINTH STREET.—Annie Huswll'a Old English Comedy Co., third week. \VM. COLLIER'S COMEDY.—"Fanny's First Piny," eleventh week. WEBBR'8.—"A Scrape o' the Pen," tenth and last week. • WINTER GARDEN.—"Broadway to Paris," second week. WEBER & FIELDS'. — "Koly-Poly" anfl "Without the Law," second week. In selecting their present company Messrs. Weber k Flelda have adhered to their old time policy of an All Star 8tock, U *'I'-**2 to l 8ome ' mc n »» been visiting his master's daughter-ln-Iaw, and who. at his masters orders. Is now taking tho llttlo tranddaugbter a box of toya. nPA.Z!S££ t *%. nlcturea Beulah Randolph, the daughter-in-law of thc Hennaberrys, In' (lustrloiisly sewing in her shabby East Side Lit, fflr .'' I s looUn ,K out of thc window and talking to her mother of fairies and Christ- mas. Dr. Stewart Marshall, who for a long limp lint! hnnn nnvlnt>.. «.— ., . **v I'wuvj va mi AH OU11 niUCrt. *lt«« l.« U — -■■■■asa-aaa] v» ajajp ntf fl iVUK "Roly Poly" l« well worth while. It la 2?ZJ a .it CC . n nnxlo "» to marry thc young one laugh from curtain to curtail.. It la " ld . ow .', ™ ll8 „ ,0 , 8pc „f h , e ", ,tle «'«. who Is not gramraed "A more or less digestible dra- STLSESSf D ' wl " 'R tho near ««ture have tic depsert," and a more palatable or de- aL"SSS9K an "P^t'on. The doctor and „ "'SfflLiK out ' and Bl,or "y afterward Hm, Hennaberry reaches her daughtcr-lu- law's home. She la captivated by flic win- some little girl, who calls her a Chrlatmaa SSPU& 8tra , n ? e 'orm. She arrangea to giro the little girl a ChrlBtmai party. KS mother comes home and la persuaded to let who she is 7 * * Pftr ^ not kn<> * ,1 « PROCTOR'S TWENTY-THIRD STRBET. (JOSEPH IUUO, MOB.) The bill for the latter half of last week ^ orcd ' tat opened by McBrlde an" joung men appearing straight, live a pleasing way about wrnedf and aonira over «nrt *■•-*- *^*g^ BH J ' B nsa puiiea tne boat aeveral aSJl SOng8 over ' ,nd 0lelr offcrlD K with the anchor dragging. Then Lew aaya The peculiarity of our u n «,... -m.i, i!? at tM 1 '* * ^ood placo to Hah, and Joo «uiei £ to term a ah n as The'" l7 th. f" 0 '* th » °*" overboard with thc remark, foundation for the sketch^ nreaentSl V r vrtu 2 "Hftt, t0 L * wi """"strance, that "we Powell and comnani" JherSsM ?f £fi£* ?*'% Bot . th ^ m oa onr way D * ck - The »f« n « noon of the dlv SiH? ««,«" .„!i5 e . |B 5^? ut '» done In the usual screamingly funny Weber- Zlvcrsary ^Ifc ? Srfi'aSSK^ T C<,d '" R ! leld ' rtyl,, anl ' '« one continual laugh. Earlier B huDand has given"o a?fd« e of havhw " J>.tf>J""»J" ono of 5« o' d ,lm ^ b "» Knembered it R,»h..^ . «.»■ na « n g In which Joe, of course, la the "goat" In SFiX _Husband a little nervous this they are assisted by Mr. Danlela, who ably aids In the funmaklQg. in the second act Mr. Fields gives one of his artistic performances, giving a burlesque Imitation of Mr. Mack in tho play from which the skit la taken. Mr. Fields. In make- up, manner and action, closely follows Mr. Mack, and further emphasises the fact that not only docs he ataod without a superior aa a burlesque fun-maker, but that he la also one of our best character actors. Mr. Weber in thla part of the abow la funny as In- spector Bunk. Marie Dressier signalized her debut with the Weber and Flelda "bunch" by proving that uhe la at homo as u fun maker In any so- ciety. Aa Bijou Fltzalmmons she is simply great, and aa Merry Urner she proves her- i elf to be an 18 caret line burlesnuer. No one seeing Frank Daniels work would ever think of saying actors can't "come back." Not that Mr. Daniels has ever been "counted out," but of late years we h.ivo seen llttlo of him. In this he does "come back" with "both feet." He was never funnier than now. As Hiram Fltzslmmona he Is tho same Frank Daniels that used to make us laugh with his funnylsras, and he Is n valu- able asqulsltlon to thla company. In fact, Weber, Fields, Dressier and Paulels make n quartette of laugh producers hard to equal and Impossible to beat. Bessie Clayton, who probably hns the dis- tinction of being America's best dancer, fully sustained her reputation, She appeared ia several danecs and waa aeon at her very pro; matlc depsert," and a more palatable or de- « lectable lay out could not be imagined. Of "J. S » i?°J? ut ' and ■'••ortly afterward plot, of course, there Is none—there never la In a Wcbcrilcld production—but there it entertainment. The curtain rises on a beautiful aeeao representing the Spring at Raalenhad Oer., with the usual bunch of pretty Weberfleld chorus gills, gorgeously dressed, who slug a tuneful ensemble, entitled "At Gay Raafea- bad." and this acta a pace which Is well kept up throughout ...J.^ huK«equc on "Within the Law," called Without the Law," which constitutes the second act, has been capitally done by Mr. Smith and It admits of clever work by sev- eral of thc company. Weber and Fields were never funnier, and their "murdered" English waa never more Ia tho flrst act they Introduce a with him for three years" In luxury. She yearna to accomplish something out in the world and at laat leaves thc beaittlfnl sur- roundings for a acven-dollar-a-wcek Job In a factory. Yeara roll by and Mary grows to be a woman of prominence, when she wins- a campaign favoring a woman's factory law bill. She vlalta Wlnneld Barnes, the gov- c S?Ii w ?o '■ no other than a-friend of her childhood days back on the farm. An old love relights within him tor the girl, and lie confesses hla love, but even after she tells him that alio loved another for three years lie still perslats that that cannot keep tbcm apart, and tbey marry. Wlnfleld Baroea Is nominated for tho Presidential chair, but John Stephen Mad- dock, who la the owner of a powerful chain of newspapers, and who waa a friend of the , dead artist threatena to expose Mary's real } 0 .H °/, "P'endld songs, ono of which. "The relatione with Wilson unless Barnes promlaca C*H ,Iouso " nd tno r ' lttl0 M * n '" D| o« W "U Arverne and New York, respectively, and tho audience greeted these familiar scenes with unlimited enthusiasm. The three principal ro .'r;, ln J*" P'oy—a mnnlcurtst, a gay. middle-aged bachelor, and thc t;nlor partner of a wholesale house which deals In butter and eggs—were played equally well by Frl. Meyer, Adolnh I'hlllup himself, and Herr llcrla, the latter especially causing outbursts of aughter which lasted aeveral mlnutea at tlmc,_ brl. Meyer has aeveral hits In the not to allow the child labor bill to go through, as aucb would be a great financial loss to tho newspaper man. Mary, to aid nor husband, denies the allegations, but, under Mnddocks questioning finally wcakene, and confesses that what he says Is true. In Part V Mary, having Induced her hus- Durlng thc party, which is attended by the lM,nd to attend a' political meeting send carrrdT P A ny .^ h , C . llttle * lr, . falnt « « d '• f ? r *S£*2ft * nd threatens to paraonaily carried to an adjoining room by the doctor, B'™ the history of her past to tho news- o perform the necessary operation P"Pora unless Maddock promlBca to recall tho atory be has glvon to them. Maddock weak- one, and notifies bis "chain of papers" to kill the scandal story. Governor Barnes re- turns and they begin life anew. ,*2L"; MB wa8 capitally supported by Frederick Perry and Arthur Byron. Mr. MM he has bought for her. Husband'* ™ In, e young woman, Is expected for a ttiLw i ,. 0,,OTh ««" aoaband talking WV&^SSS about y acht ' ""d Wlcv nj k li about young woman, abe gets "peeved ■ mL'SSn,^ . and on WtornlK\ar1T fln% ffih> S.i' n8 . ln /,?° nu "Ban<f The usual aUBf.a" „ t0 "other, etc. Of course, the X\h n ,ng IV c 9 nd R B t h , . n ppn P v POrh,ne n, ° mCnt ' " nd »ltt fariaF'SX' WMr ' n8r B 5 reen 8ult ' and rid?, hi. ♦ "".bp-up representing a dog, dl- SS h„ lB , tl ?° ln *o three parts. In the 11 rut SrViaatESf. d °iS I ta0X 80n F' V*** MaMm- Bcotch mS'»» f bar uy a r<Jlnlinbltnnts and a »VwL h^ 8 ^, 6 , 11 * 0 "- The thlrd P" 1 '- our- lualewc whlstlea, was well liked by the roftoftJKE: s J rdne 7 Reynolda were pros- »c opens w fth e n n 5 d m 8l 3 Blne 0<rcrln e. 'n one. «nd "C W&& comedy song. She follows tomcuv tnJ ats How J Need You -" After i«..i° 'icnch girls, each aft™ » »«.»•£ Immediately. In a dramatic and tearful scene the young mother turns her pnrout«-ln- law from her home. r. ^"oi'J" 1 ? IS! l8 a ttw hours later, In the East Side dwelling. Tbe operation has proved successful, and the atraln Is over. During wi—nia rvrrr ana h». fl.-ii 0 ™. 6 "^ I J n 5t b0 [*'.. ta * Ffontni ualdT ?J"»? espcclal[y gava a noteworthy por has finally landed the butler. After a great tr "7 al ot » succeaaful man of affairs. Tie SSL? ? e „ r i u ? B " >n th .? nKMN "Ins tbe ?°ked the part aa well aa he acted It, aurt widow, and In another good acena the old *»•* *■■ without a blemish. lady and her daughter-ln^aw ar» reeoncllcd aTie company aa a whole gave a very ablu performance. Albert Reed, aa Jacob Hennabarry. waa amaslng. Florins Arnold, as Henrietta He" *"$& to become as popular as tho one of "Alma, Where Do You Live?" The othor roles wero entrusted to Frl. Bregowska. Serlnl, Brcver, Hralin, Reny, Brockmann and Schumann, and Herren Hartaholm, Krugcr, * Keller, Nan- inann, Meyer and Btelndler. who were well able to take core of tlicm. The scenic effects and the costuiuea were elaborate It la to be oxnectod that "Auction Fluurblo" will have a long run. Serollna. * KEITH'S UX10N SaVARQ. (SLUBB F. IIOoBfts, jiok.I An audience of good pronortlona assembled at the matinee of Monday, Nov. 20, and when tho curtain roan upon tho flrat act of tho new bill for this week, there were but few vacant aeata ln any part of tho bouse. .Valeric Borgere and her very capable little company havo tho chief placo on the new program, aad they dllpd tbo position , In "IT" nabcrry, "Mrs. Christmas Anael," acted aln- ■i«w.ry, Mrs. iMsnu Angel," acted sin- cerely. Boyd Nolan played fte role of the big, manly doctor very well. Jane Grey, sa tho young widow, waa pretty, and won tho sympathy of the audience. n„r^hI l 1r*i B i mond ' W " 1,a . m Koll l' • n ' 1 kittle Dorothy Clark, aa tho Eaat Side children, guvr excellent performances. Nellie rilmnro snd Louise Muldcna. as Eaat 8ldo typos, wore excellent. Ednamao Wilson, aa Dulcle, Bcnlal'a dauab- ter, ln tho second act gave company gave able perform Th» second week began Nov. 25. Tod, LINCOLN 9QVARE. (ciub. rauouHON, mob.) The Incoming new vaudeville show which came with the regular weekly change of pro- gram, at tbe matinee of Nov. 21, served to attract an audience which filled, completely, the spadoua auditorium. " Ida Fuller and her company of eight girls -„--- »-.* -performance J' ,|(1 the topllno position of the new till, and which promises well for her future In the «•! spectacular fantaay. entitled "IF" was profession. During the few momenta beforo » ur oly » revelation to the patrons of the tho- -rkablc. "tre. Nothing to approach' such gorgeousncMS iterestlng ln ■wog and lighting effects has ever l»een only provo '' een M popular price houses, hut Miss Fuller's beautiful production waa relished just aa keenly and applauded even more enthusi- astically than when It was being shown on what Is known aa thc big time. For this engagement Miss Fuller did not reduce thc number of her company, nor was the slightest curtnllment of tho act notice- talented actress has ever given to the Amer- can atage. In thla Miss Borgere givea full Play to her admirable art In dcufctlnir the Japanese character, and her dcrlro to please ncr American husband In a Hncero desire to conform to American custrms la homo life, In one of tho prottloat bits ot comedy characterisation the atage 'ins a<sen. Her- bert Warren, Katherlne Kiirnnaiigh. Ilfflo I ordem and Harry Smith continue In Miss Bergen's support. • Joo Welch, tho popular Hebrew monolo- gist, received a bumper -velcome for bis first ?P pc ". ra,,co .. no,e t 0 " 1 Boason. It waa upon I r|0 BT-1 A Pnche, glrla, each after a certain apscae Tii« »«— J' >;""*.«"«" u certain e«aadler rttt.'Wfi ? a o<:tng of a French fist? 0 ?€i eS 7^V% •togtog SrcrlnS S, 0 *^ V 1 "? 1 ** of all waa a 9* VtaifflLS JoMPhlne Ialleb and two tt '« ) rform^nL 0n8 are we " cnoe eo. «>d tbo best. Nora Bnyea and Jack Norworth, with their various songs, were simply themselves, and, lest thc audleucc should forget It, they told them so. They said they were playactors she faints, her acting waa remnrkabl< . ..""J* ' micn that la humsnly int In Mr Eyre's play. It will nof onl, interesting to children, but there Is enough to It to hold the attention of "grown ups." It was also given nt the Wednesday and Friday matinees, This play was originally designed as an extra matinee attraction but owing to the favorable reception it hns re- ceived. It has been withdrawn by tho man- agement, and will bo held until a New York thentro can be secured In which It can be put on as the regular attraction. Coo. ■ ■ GREELEY SQUAIll*. (JBUTJ8 HBBX8TKIX, MOB,) The bill for Nov. 21-23 was enjoyed by Urge audiences nt every allow. W. W, Powers' elephants, billed aa "tbo only two pachydcrmlc elephants In captivity," did their tricks precisely, Including the front ?. nd . "!? d K ' B a ' a ads, carrying and other cute little things. The Queen City Four were a riot, and their splendid singing, with incidental comedy bits. Tlicr bad to Bing "Ragtime Soldier Man," •Hands of thc Desert" "Robert E. Lee" "Rugtime Cowboy Joe," with innumerable bows. These four boys can certainly sing, and the piano player counts, too. Union Square stogn that Mr, Welch llrst ....n.icd into prominence, showing a new typo of stage Hebrew, and he haa held the palm for originality. There la no one lust llku Mm, and he occiidIch a nlcho In Amer- ican vaudeville absolutely alone. In tho lyne of character ho represents. "^ Wlnsor McCav, tho accomplished cartoon- 1st, extracted nbout n laugh ,, minute with his comedy crayon drawings. Mr. XeCny l,.„1 rM .i , "'. d , t i hc f i ,c ^ W cnr| y 1" "I" "tngo . career that hla mission la to amuse, and his J l . w » In "tage Bettings and brilliant color and "ucceaa proves that he hns Human well, light effects. Dave Gennrn and llay BauVy mado their Billy Klnkald, the Beotch Juggler of light J*} onpearanco slnco Miss Bailey's Illness, and heavy wc ght objecta, and costumed in ? nd ! hc }' P'" over their line mwlcal and the philda of his Highland cinn. opened thc Sii" 0 ',' "anclng act in their oldtlme form. new show In smart fashion. Ills Juggling was artistic, and he kept up a running lino of talk which was uccompanlcd with a Scotch burr' that made It very entertaining. His work with the heavy steel balls was excellent. « A 7°fflS"{' w 'th tho cute stage name of Coy do Trlckey. followed In black face make- This Is an act that la all class, and is never '"mTm" 1 .''' 1 ln ."'5 #**« PMrilcular. .i„i!i ddIp 'on and Spellmeyer presented their finely a aged and splendidly acted bit of border life, entitled A \ Texas Wooing." ami c«Vu -i'.!;2"n"i , V appla "" 0 and wveral curtain up, in Iiwell wlccted repertoire of songa. The «„i'i , . 0 .-«' ,r , , ," D , b,,r * J ,r0,, i "'« 'o»l Jutglers, removal of one of her long block gloves, "PPn'/'ntly find no difficulty In lerampl Shlng showing that sho was actually not of tho J""KHng fenta with their feet similar In colored race, did not acorn to aurprlso tho l™? y lt . t '' Hl "\ vt *•. ,0 • ll0 "'' "' the hand Jugg era. -, , t and they also do sumo tlilngH that are entire! audience | n tho loaet. Perhaps they did approve of tho black face make-up, but the young woman did very well, and was Jolly withal. Prlngle and Allen came next In a novel thonTselve* •*■«"» "nd original with •hni!".!" an< L5 eo V' ncnt "rcssera and export ftSSftt JSaHT-SfflaSl '"clr. chief merit and Mr. Norworth i remarkable. He was then nailed up into "Pertinent, during ropalra to the apartment 1? (h "l" •« a novelty and always gets them ~is further secured they have Juat vacated in the same hnlldlnir ' 52"": . . wire Plo'a!ure Jl ' , an,i w " e , l ' at e D *d' to with great clever has probably nover been denied, and f packing case, which was further accurcd t?«r have Juat vacated ln the same building, ,-,. _Ttc; Great Kuril® a J?? n i5 e applause. they may show to better advantage when h y J *J f» ■trips ,_flrmlj JffM M an around apii JJm rejs a.nlcejlneofcoraody talkhcre. and rhsri" D tho corners. At the end of fifteen mln- the Idea Is surely a novel one. Having an come (ly wire act, and dy Juggler mado *»" TbeiJ ►fS JI*. 1 'ViP* »"d the men when tbey were not In court, and olher Horbert Brooks, here for the full week, did ejmedy and musical skit, by Searl Allon. At hi"' '5, S*?°*ifi ■ 1 fe PP'nB that Is «w«« from P'tces and afSS 1 'ncludea grand opera llttlo plrasantrlea of Interest to themselves, "'d tricks and palming feats that are truly the opening wc And them moving Into an ,?! SStiSPU ""nclng act. Their work on °«f. Th« 2 mo8 ,? Popular aongs of to- That Miss Bayes ........ Pleasure, and *22 , i atene<1 to with great clever has probabl Tbe Grent vr„ , 1 genuine applause. they may show tu imur uuvauu K < ""slclnn tHeiri i» rel1 cl , 08ed the show with they get used to their present surroundings. °y cr ' hl « full st"». ^U""?**** evening clothes, but -they haven't atruck rte gait of the rapid uto , 8 tt , 6 0 The Haynes-Redmcnd _ c'omDaay "nsd" their "mualng to witnea»"tacir getUng'kite"'other etch about thc old country editor, who garments, which make them a awell couple, planned a little supper with thc ahow girl, J! they depart to fulfill their engagement The J . rQK Oha$e. with Muie. Simon and the spoiling of the plana by the wife, Th* "«t won ont by its novelty and the ex- P r °duced hero Monday evening, 25. cellent acting of the principals. Mr. Prlnalo'i company Includes Julian I/Estrango and anperb baas voice waa also heard to excellent 'aimue Frederick, who return to tho stage advantage In "Sanda of the Desert." after an absence of aeveral years. 9 tullstni. B -, H ,o works In evening clothes, but-tliev haven't atruck the gait of the rapid " IW.JW L.wM Btandlng alongside of the box, er,gngcmcnt for the evening, and alao having Bj* K'' U i 8 . h .7i'' ? B ' 8nd oro »»"«w«d undor *m lots 5.'.i la * numcroua tricks with pace always set by the Webcrdeld "buachT" a llttlo the worse for wear, but amillng. "«>t their evening clothea to be proaiod. It la ft «w Acta In thlslsaue. Oil Timer. The Haynes-Redracnd compaay had their amusing to witness their getting kito other „. .. » sketch about thc old country editor, who garments, which make them a awell couple, „.. w,,,, " c, ''" (Charles "unilinni. mar.) The fapcrOhate with Muie. Slmone? was Rin'r^'^eTc. fte tordUW^te*? 5 Lc £ e >' and Mellon . g. Romicci . .aKa Jean Baldwin. Claire Helena Collier Garrlck did well wbat little abe had to do. "ui'cel ««VT"' *™n uaiawin. ciaiire Ous Sohlko deserves credit for oiis staging HkZ and o d m ^, n W an > , ' J -""roe Kids from of thc production. 28-30: Bensmore «'Jr tfg. * »lBk- Bill for . _Tbe new house Is very room^, seating over gk&HBy. ]S522 and Cantor, Da'lbeanl and 2,000, with wide aisles" 'toatlna' end rnSSL.*? T £raont, Adellae between the rows of sei Pkntt oirlj C a Td P J^cit^e. 1108 ^*' *««-Tele- _W m . Sfams. JJ oo. S2&S* Coxaedr &s^T£sSsrz a !tt A K"s»iord, Miss ni.j " ?? • MT - *-' T ey. Mr. Th'C"""""^* Rand "" aBd ftSl »ii"lwVjk 8 h^ e tv~d nn,e *™** n »"• l a °, About WoJa?.^" 6 . M L ona ay. 25. In lfucn S"3!W* The w,t , h «'»■ RubbcII as p-"seos, ns rtnarT "»""■ as uiauc &°- W MaVnrV. P f r< * L?nda, • ns Don lT c B euder /. e r,It ynt0 5.' aa Don John : sa„ n y o ntidLl»H.a e t ro i, Fred Permaln. as p.7i v "uord Dnvoi«.7 %J ower, Holland Hud- *u lon ' Kd &„!' Ha I 0,d , Meltaer ' The". Set li0n * 1nB, » and Henrietta Good- 2s ck ' '"'lie l Br^a° pep " H<"i««.-The third and .plenty of room seats. The decorations are In old Ivory with gilt trimmings, and toe upholstering Is In crimson. There are two tiers of proscenium boxes, with seals and meaianlno boxes in the enllery and fam- ily circle. Smoking 1b permitted above the of the house. The ataae ia com- Ith former will Include few exceptions, as large as any fn tho city. —'ng waa most auspicious, and ' likely to be with us for soma The aecond week began Nov. 26. WW*. i ■ Academy of Mnalo (Samuel F. King- ston, mgr.)—This large and popular theatre resumed Its William Fox brand of vaudeville on Nov. 25. The bill for Monday, Tuesday "s and Nclll. Clark and Verdi, Andy Rice, Brown and Nowman, tbe Eloven Arabs. Force and Will- iams, and Kramer and Morton. For the latter part of the week the bill Includes: Clifford Hippie and company, Kenny and Hollls, Brougnton and Turner, thc Three Yos- carvs, William Morrow and company, Stone- '. '_ ana a r i_ ..,1 MfiifAM ■> tirl V*HMttar n> r._ ."f^'ai niatlneo of Paa «y circle, amoxing is pcrmuieu uDove mi Xjooiia win\- ", a " a " and Beaa<u and the "«t "oor of the house. The atage Is com ??• TV ~.f ,* lve n »t thla house Friday mndlouo, the proscenium openlna being, wltt Maurice v.wZ a.°. r the former will Include «m exceptions, as large as any Tn tho city. <£"• Woitc™ , K ' l ldn e? p axton. Walter Crclgh- The openlnj S 8 * VtSX BW*$ry&*m PenSa, "Holy I'oly" Is & D *°<°'«. Mla.'MLj!" 1 ^?= M^Elvey, Mr, with good comedy results. Boyd and Nelson opened with a Texas Tommy song, followed by "Beautiful Doll, Cood-Bye," a baseball aong, "When I det You Alone To-night" and '"The Boogyboo." Miss Nelson shows a beautiful gown, and Mr, Boyd acta naturally. In full dress. Michaels and Michaels, a colored couple, san» "Honey Bee," and danced to general satisfaction. Jack Case opened with " 'Way Down to Alabama," then "Somebody Else la Getting It," a few parodies aad a dance. He did well. Fannie Fondeller, In Spanish costume, pre- The i .. An ••'""t'ated song came In here, with tho title. "My Angel Man." but It lacked tbo necessary "swing." and tho "choir" did not "rise" to tho closing stanza. One of those prolific and equally Improhshlo burglar sketches followed, and tha faot that It was well acted by all threo members of lu little cast helped materially In preventing Its becoming tiresome. Its title was "Bill Jenks. Burglar/' Whon a performer can come on tha atage, sented a nice alack wire act, playing several walk slowly to centre and stand for two or musical Instruments while posed on the three mlnutea without uttering a syllable, ^««rice. The ;.:?*.• v'V 1 M,fl » Russell as on Nov. no. xnc nu wr mduu.,, iu« S!>ncdict ■ T^'^P^udea: Frank Retchor, and Wednesday includca: Sam J. Curtis S ld >as, „" WSJ Westley, as Claudlo: Geo company, Glrnrd and Gardner, Emma O'J & dr0! WV Mavnl r3 v : - P i !rc y L WdBl, as Don ' Uot2 m A"l- ZPitiE^&JS Jo« John | Blender path. The pictures Included "Bunny at tha Derby." Bill for Nov. 25-27 Included; B'lly Sheer, Ward and Cullen, Cortlt and florerce, Lau- der Bros., Nat Carr and company, Follca Ber- gcrc Trio, and Larking and Burns. BUI for 28-30: M. De La Valle and company, Cralgfe- ton Brofl.. Jack Rose, Ethel WhlKelde and ricks, Juliet Wood, John It. Eoy'.o and com- pany, and Harry Mayo. j/fii. Broadway (Wlllam Wood, may.)—Tne wail Jackson Trio Lewis and Norton, and Bun Dodoeri opened at this house Wednesday Ruth Becker. Lyric (Sam 8. A Lee Shuhert. Inc.. mars.) —7ac Fireflu. a new Mcht opera. In which Mile. Emma Trentlnl will sing th? leading role, will be presented at this house Monday evening, Dec. 2. evening, 27. The eaat Includes: George W. Monroe, Bessie Wynn, Ana Tucker. Maud Gray, Naa Brcnnnn, Nat Fields. Denman Maley, Harold Crane, Jerry Hurt. Ilsrry Clark. Jack Jarrott, Sascba Platov, Ethel Ilnrtlii and Harry Fisher, while tho audlenco Is elmnly convulsed with laughter he has accomplished a feat very rare In hla generation. Thla waa the recep- tion accorded to Joe Lannlgan, tbe tall and slim comedian. His stories were new and funny, and hla parodies upon "All Alone," "I'm the Ouy." and "Robert B. Lee." .nade hla act the applauae winner of the entire bill. Old Timer. a Grand Opera Roast (B, J. Madden, mgr. > — David BelaKuo's prodwtlon. Tht Woman, opened for a week's stnv here. 2B, with Mary Naah and John Cope (n the Icad- Ine roles. "The Quaker Olrl" will tic the at- tri'-tlnn week of Dec. 2. Pnr'r (Prank McKeo, mar.)—"The Oynsv" rto«cd her* Saturday nlebt, 23. "A Rich Mnn't flan" moved Into thla house from the Harris, 20, for an engagement of one week. Gaiety (J. Fred Zimmerman Jr.. mgr) C. O. D." closed Its engagement horo Satur- day evening. 28. Oar Wirct moved into this liiiuse Monday evening. 25. Mau hat tan fC. M. Bhacofaky, mgr.) •— Freaks and motion pictures. * ,l v ,,e ^ , * e , 0,,,e '" (Edwin D. Minor, mgr.) ™*Jl-)—"° hcm1a * t this week. Querns of tho Folles Bergcre next week. Columbia (J. Herbert Mack, mgr.)— llmulu. Youth and Folly this work, Troca^ derns next week. Olymulo (Maurics Kraus, mgr.) — J)/>» Tom thla week. Oay Masqucrndora next week. Horror Hill (Frod vValdmann. mgr.)— Roto midell'M London Belles Hits .veok. Bvb- man Show next week. Miner's niulHli Avenue (B. D. Miner. —Paiil-ec Doodle atrlt this week. DalTydllla next wc-tk. Hanimenttla's (William Hammerstelu, mgr.)—.Announced for week r.f Nov. 25 were: The Great Johnson, FendHnn Sisters, the Boldena, Bounding Oorduns, Flvher and Miarp.MIke Donlln and Tern Lewis. Wllla Holt Wakefield. Three Kcatnns. Bessie Cllf- ford, Ed Reynard, Hack and Walker, Hay Cox, James Thornton, Alexander and Scott, llocy and T^ee, Blanche Sloan, and One Round Hogan. Grand Street (Harry neekman, mgr.)— Vaudeville and moHnn pictures, (Continued on pane IS.)