The New York Clipper (November 1912)

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8 THE NEW YOEK CLIPPER. November 30 TTTF TiVM TOftE" CLIPPER V. C. C CLOWN RIGHT. lilh " h vSLnieltn ^sVbT Dig CUH Bob D.lley, of the V. C. C, Founded in 1808 « over another all star clown night. Not. _ THE FflANKQUEEN PUBLISHING CO.(Umltid) aDd bov tDe boys did gather at "bob's call, wkwbibtobs, packing the grill to capacity. And, let toe ALliEET J HOME 'Borroaui iND Bdbimbss Mawaaaw. NEW TORE, NOVEMBEE 30, 1012 Entered Jon* 24. 1879, New York. N. 1.. •« tie act of March 8, 1878. gay. Dob handed the mob some entertain- ment Each and every member called opon was a headline attraction, and the program was most-enjoyable from start.-to finish. Leo Edwards opened the bill with one of bis new selections, ''So Long, ■Qood-Bye, which went over nicely. Bear Cat Johnny SLrtcta* matte?Snder" Cantwell Instructed the boys In singing "He's Kcooa cms miner. ,™o« ^ Bear," and the gang ably responded with . . the" real noise, and sang thclf-blts In har- " — . nionlous Bplendor. to -v Johnny's"- delight Deviled crabs, com bread and fritters were Adnrtlaementa— 82.80 per Inch, stogie column, next served. ,„„_i» „• ' iSJSESintTset'wltAborder, 10 per ct extra. . Tom Waters entertained with a couple of ^imW^JiT^V7 hls Irlab »<«>j[s, which,, ne^lcssjo say, jvere . Om year, la advance, «4; six monthi. $2; tares montbf |1. Ganada and foreign poitafe extra. Single copies wUl b* sent, postpaid, on receipt of 10 etnta. . . Our Terms are Cash. THE CLIPPER li Issued every THURSDAY, The Fornt Clostus Promptly . oa Tuesday, at Noon. Flesss remit by express money order, check. p, o. order or registered letter. All cash enclosed with letter is at risk of sender. Address All Communications TUB NEW YOBK CLIPPER, 47 West SStb street. New York. ' Tel. 2274-Madln.Ti. Reglittrtt Cable iiiret; ' Aoinoaixx." THE WESTERN BTJBEATJ of THl CLipeaa la located at Boom SOS, Ashland Block; Chicago, Warren A. Patrick, manager and correspoi>deut. Tub CLirrrn can bi obtained wholibiub and arriiL, at our agents, Brentano's news depot, 37 Avenue d> l'Opera, Paris, France; Diamond Newf Co., 126 rrado, Havana; Manila Book and 8ta Honery On., 128 Kaoolta. Manila, P, 1. ATTRACTIONS AT THE NEW YORK THHATBBB. Eves. 8.15. Man KUW4 EB TheCounto Bros.I M. Mam.Wed.andBata.16. KLa W A ERLANOKR Present .•' Musical Romance by FRAN* HWA I cohiSSw ot'"THB mmSa wi dow." LIBERTY mBunt ll?£ T ;*.it KLA W A ERLANGER Present Mate. Wed. MILESTONES By ARNOLD BKNNETl and EDWARD KNOBLAUCH. As played to crowded honaes at The Royalty Theatre,. London, one or the big bits of the evening. Benn. Lynn, a heavyweight- from • South Norwalk, sang a new ditty, entitled "So Sweet," and .was compelled to repeat with extra choruses. Hnghle Jennings and Ben Smith were next called by Chief Bob. Hugblc struck out, but Ben Smith, bis sparring partner, tenprcd a home run, singing "That's How 1 Need You and "Blanket Bay." Jack Goldle Introduced a burlesque operatic selection, sang In good voice' a in Caruso, and for an encore whistled a selection from "I Pagllaccl." Bob Daley .._ put on one of his funny lectures, deraon- to titrating the location and Inhabitants, of the Isle of Togl. Many laughs. Andv Rice then parodied to much merri- ment. Louie Stepp declined, and his partner entertained with an Irish selection.' Johnny J»hs begged to-be excused. (A cold.) "Then Bob Daley's operatic company got the hook. Jean Barron gave his two weeks' notice to Bob, but Bob said he'd not accent It and closed the act a la "Girl from Brighton. Frank Abbott sang "Bow, Row. Row.' bred Paris, France; Diamond News Dupree handed out plenty of laughs during a few minutes' talk with the boys. Clarence Wilbur closed the show with "ABlecp In the Deep." - ' ■ ■ - ■ Among those present were: Ed. Rcdway, Frank Woods. Walter James, Johnny Johu- ston. Percy Follock, Victor Heerman, Ben Linn,'' Patsy Doyle. Phil Dalton. H. Van Clevc, Chas. A, Mason, Jack Campbell, Harry C Frey Jack Irwin. Fred nallen, Frank A. Wells. W. K. Hill. Maurice Freeman, E. G. Wright, Harry Tlghe, Louis Conn. Ned Nor- ton, Chas. O. Rice, Louis.Stcpp, L. C. Phil- lips. John B. Gordon, Ed. Reynard, James J. Devlin Walter Turner, Bob Cunningham, John Cantwell, Tim Cronln, Arthur Pickens, Sam Shannon, Tom .Waters, Francis Morey, - Joe MATCTV B'way and itth St. Evga.«.90. VrAAlL 1 * Mate. Wed. and Bat.. 2.80. JOS. H. QAITES PRESENTS a New Comedy of Sex "OUR WIVES" With HENRY. KOLKER. HIPPODROME 1th Av., 48-44. Daily Mat aj, 2. Beat Beats, |1. Bv.8 • UNDER MANY FLAGS ENTIRELY NEW SPECIALTIES WINTER GARDEliKSfeSSfi: I ISS, 8 . ..^•■iino |TuS.T Thorn, and Sat. t, aa 14T1IBE8 ioc., i&c., and Beat Bea m Jl.W GERTRUDE HOFFMANN An EnUrcly New Musical Entertainment, BROADWAY TO PARIS «».*• PLAYHOUSE S3 Mate. Wed., Than, and Bat., lit. Brady's Evgs. 8.15. CRUPPER business mp zx at the rate of lir/foTone yXur<S» liftS*! copy of TB« New loai Oiaiai will £ J2 1 ,-. » to each advertiser while the ao^ertlteineift' 2? Ding* .. — ■ * ■ *•• ASBESTOS CURTAINS AM, PICT|)I||J • T. Trainer Mfg. Co.. 76 Pearl St. Boston MOULIN ROUGE Formerly New York Theatre. Eves. 8.10. Mats. Wed. and Sat. FOLLIES ANSWERS T O C0RRE SP0NDERTS. DRAMATIC. H. J. D.. Hamilton.—Address W. H. Mc- Elfatrick, 701 Seventh Avenue, New ■ York. It. W. It., £» route—Address E. H. Bctts k Co., 45 William Street, New York. MISCELLANEOUS. J. A. J. C., Indianapolis.—A loses. Important Decision of the Supreme Court. On Nov. 18,'In the "Bathtub Trust" case, the Supreme Court of the United States laid down the broad principle that there can be no monopoly In the unpatented production of a patented machine without violating the George E. Delmorc, George P. Murpby, Joe Kcaton. Hughcy Jennings, Gus Dreycr, George Meyer. James Clancy. Fred Duprez. H. B Taylor, Meyer.' Jamee Clancy, Toomer, ■ Paul Barron Tell Cooper, Jack Curtis, Marvin Welt. Robert L. Dolfey, Joe Ward, Charles B. Bafsky. M. S. Epstin, Bamuel McKec. George Morton, George Botsford. Harry PIncus, Murray' 1 eh, Frank Tannebill Jr., Frank Moore, C. E. Andelflngcr, J. Boyer West, W. E. Atwell, Clem Bevlns, Al. Bellman. K. West, Joe Kane, L. M. Borle, Wm. H. Jacobson, Joe Verdi. Ed. M. Clark, Fred Cummlskey. Ash- ton Parker, Charlie Manny, E: Colt Albert- son. Harry Beekman, Clarence Wilbur. B. E ,..^, *-n-__,'ii^ 4 k.... tTittiii Tl T (li.'(,n Inn T* A. 1317 «»th 8t„ Col. Circle. Evgs. 8.16. Mat. rnnl\ Wed.8at.,XU. Wed.Mat.,60c.-fl.aO JOHN 0ORT PBE8ENT8 A Romantic Operetta, In Two Acts, THE GYPSY By PIXLBY A LPDER8 AQTfiD B>wayA4S8t. Eve. 8.15 A91UH wed. A Sat 2.1S. Matinees Tel. 287 Bryant. COHAN A HARRIS, Lessees and Managers COHAN A HARRIS Present MR. DOUGLAS FAIRBANKS IN "HAWTHORNE & F » U.S.A." Little Women • WedneacUy Matinee, Best Beata tl-W. William Cslller' «lat, East of B'way. Phone SIM Bryant. Ev. 8.1S. Mats. Tues., Than. A Sat '•Comedy Tuesday Matinees, ' Oranrill* Barker's London Company, In Fannys First Play LVHIA Evgs.8: Nam.Wed. I ItlU Sac. A 'rbanlug'g 2 .YRIO rVVERS; B. F. KEITH'S 6REATER NEW YORK CIRCUIT COLONIAL BUSH WICK ALHAJKBRA S555SS57,.™, OHPRBVH aOTHAM Sherman' anti-trust law. In other words, O'Connor Charlie Ahearn, Hans Wilson, Jos. while a machine may be protected b, a &M^^3&££ So^ern'.^M^n 8 ; patent, what this machine produces cannot g^jp rfcty, Edward Emery. Dan Coll"— be controlled by the same patent. The conrt w. Cl'tnton,_L._ Race, George Bendard, _HO | Dan Collyer, be controlled by the same patent The conrt w. Cltnton,L. Race, George Hendard, Hollls- declared-s Illegal the, •£« ngreemeuts'' g^^Knfc^^SjS by which the manufacturers of sanitary enamelled Ironware were bound together in a combination. .The license agreements al- lowed the manufacturers to use a patented dredger, but only on condition that they abide by a certain price list—twould not sell to jobbers who bought from Independent 1 !, would not sell in certain territory, etc. This patent "license agreement" has been adopted by many concerns in an endeavor to evade or get around the law applying to trutte. This decision of tho Supreme Court will have a B. F. KEITHS UNION SQ. THEATRE, B'way A 14th 8t. Phone 8400 Stuyvesant. Matinee Dairy 2sc.; Nights, 260. to 81.00. VALEKIE BKlte.KHK Ai CO., JOB WBL.CH, WDJBOR MeCAT, OENARO A BAILEY. MIDDXETON A 8PKLLUEYER, Ih "A Texas Wooing;" The Langdons, Wartenberg Brothers, Bls- aert A Boon. CHARLES LEDEOAR. aid,- W. of B'way. Phone 6216 Bryant. _ . . WHilAM FAVERSHAM Presents JULIUS CESAR With a cast of prominent stars. "EEY'I EMMA TRENTINI in THE FIREFLY Evgs. 8.16. Mats. Thurs. and Sat.. 2.16. 'Phone 178 Bryant. .East 48thSt.Theatre« .„_nt. LEW FIELDS Presents WILLIAM COLLIER *$&' NEVER SAY DIE C Into Elliott's Hffi Evgs. 8.W. Hats. Wed., Sat. A Thanksgiving. LAST TWO weekb —II. H. TRAZEB presents . JAMES MONTGOMERY'S Now Comedy READY MONEY M .p™»* MADAME? '"iSSS* Oth Ave. TbePeerof Pattl.MelbaandTeu-a- B'way 428thSt. zJnl. MASTER GABRIEL A CO., Ihitty Mau, 26C. UNA CLAYTON A CO.. HART A Evei. 260 to $1. JOHNSON, CONK LIN, STEELE A 3 CONCERTS CARR, THE OHADWICK TRIO, Bun..2.16A8.16HAL STEVENS. DAVE JTEROU- AU-StarBUIS BON, BAYTON TRIO. ELTINGE^^^h; e. pobui THE AMERICAN PLAY COMPANY Bryant. Erg. 8 M. Bat. 2.16. Phone U» ata. Wed. and •d. Mat. Popular. Jack Ward, John Belback. Frank P. Schaetter, M. B, Aycrs, W. H. Harvey, James Alltnan, Jack Goldle. Dave Beeler. B. Jacobson, Wm. Jflcotaon. 1. Loebel, 3am<-9 Taylor AUan 42<l St. Dlnehart. Jack Gardner, George^Lapkln. Gus STTLtIS Plermont. Jack Gloran, Eugene Kelcey Allen. TneatTe ,-_.... » mrar ttMtatJEFJ&vSS^ WITHIN THE UW~™ t , , I MQTABLE OAST OF WELL KNOWN PLAYERS. B'way and 88th St. Evgs. 1.16. CASINO 'Phone MM Greeley Matinees Wad., Sat. A Thanksgiving T' O. W. Trainer Mfg. Co.. T5 Pearl St. Be /AUTHORS AND PRODCC^** Wm. A.,Quick. 282 W. aetb 8t. New Y «k Rk. BICYCLE) A GYMNASTIC A^P*niJS, t '• Hart Mfg. Co., 882 Atlanticr&;X*£*J™8. CHIMBS, BELLS * SPBCIAI'riv. B. H. Mayland, 351 Adam. "l. B "k" E N % . CONFECTIONS. Bneckbelm Bros, ft Eckstein, 248 So. Peorli St GYMNASTIC APPARATUS O. A. Hawkins. 884 E. 27th St., N. Y. city MUSICAL, BELLS AND NOVELTIPa Edwin R Btreet. 28 Brook St., HartfordTwE A^Braaaelsa. 1012 Grant Ave.. ficaa^Btti, '■ MUSICAL SPECIALTIES. J. 0. Deagoa, 8800 N. Clark St.. Chlcijo IU OPERA CHA»R" A A\D AI'DITOKU-m H. J. Harwood, 220 Devonablre St.. Bootoa Uu ■ POPCORN MANUFACTURERS Roeckhelm Bros, ft Eckstein, 245 So. Peoria 8t SCENERY AND SCENIC PAINTERS O. L. Story Scenic Co., Somerrllle station rL ton. Mass. ' The New York Studios, 1001 Tlmte BMr. N v n Soeiunn A Landls Co.. 41T 8. Clinton SI. Chlpim Tooraoy ft Volland, 2312 Market Bt.. St. iioll Shell'a Rcenlc Slndlos, 561 So. Hl ? h St Ooi™ bUB, OblO. , uur SHOW AND POSTER PRINTERS Aim • ' LITHOGRAPHERS. ™ Enquirer Job Printing Co.. Cincinnati. Onto Planet Bfcow Print ft Eng. House, Clinthnn Oat SLOT MACHINES AND TICKET CHOPPERS. V " VB " The Callle Bros. Co., Detroit, Mlcb. SNAKE DEALER. W. O. Learn, 715 W. ConjuMrce St.. Sin Antonio. Texas. — - ~ STEAMSHIP AND RAILROAD TICKETS. 7 Paul Taoalg, 104 R. 14th St., N. Y. 0. • • TENTS. Runkelr Tent ft Awning Co., 188 Sooth Bt., H 1 THEATRICAL GOODS. Boston Regalia Co., 387 Wash. St., Rotloa, Uut. THEATRICAL PROPERTIES. E. Walker. 809 W. 80th St., New York. THEATRICAL HARDWARE. A. W. Gerstner, 034 8th Ave. (41st St.); N. I. ft WIG MAKERS. A. Forger. 521 Walnnt St., St. Loali, Ho. WIGS, SUPPLIES, ETC. Percy Ewlng Supply House, 715 N. Water St., D*- eatar. III. r g: 38th STREETJ3£ Ergs. 8.16. Mats. Friday, Sat A Thanksgiving. ANNIE NSSaL'S ILO EHSLISH MHEBY C6. ■ MICI m AMIJT WTliSd ;°e r e a k. Next production, Dec 9, "THB RIVAUS" Annonnoea HOKE NEW PUTS. Mme. Slmone comes to Walleck's Theatre, New York, 25. In •■The Paper Chase," a comedy, by Lon!a X. Porker. The scenes fur-rcachlnj; effect upon many concerns who »re set In pre-revoln!ionnrv Versailles, and are tenia, doing business in fancied security. {J^^^Ma* K vWd * nil from the application of the trust laws. In i UKn c igg, rtory lR founded npon the novel, tho suit now pending against the Motion fcy Henry Mountjoy, entitled "Tho Minister Picture Patents Company it is quite probable & V $g&^ t far& "&&££ °! that the same, or a similar decision will be upHnflfui joung friend of Marie Antoinette, who has followed her ejuecn from Vienna in on endeavor to extricate her from the net- handed down. The "license agreements" of this company are in purpose and intent idcntlral with those of the Sanitary Kn- nmcllcd Ironware Company. Judge McKcnn* In his opinion declared that the effect of agreements of this kind was to convert In- work of intrigue that Ihc hostile faction ct the French court has wound about her. Julian I, Estrange, Pauline Frederick. Dallas Ander- son nndPedro de Cordoba are in the cast. "Mere Man" was presented it tkc Hnrrls Theatre, New York. 25. The east Included dependent and competitive companies into a Constat Heme William Sampson, De Witt combination, subjected to rules and regula- tions. If this same decision is reached In tbo ease of the Motion Picture Patents Com- pany, there will of necessity be an entire reorganization of the moving picture business. Just what changes will be made cannot be foreseen at this time, but whatever may be done, wc hope that it will not be disastrous to the gigantic industry which is now fur- nishing healthful amusement to millions of our people at a nominal price. +**+ COLUMBIA CONCERT. Good sized audiences saw the show 24. THEATRE, Broadway A 48a BtfMt Evgs. 8.18. Matt. Wad A Sat., 2.11. COHAN and Ms own Company In MB, COHAN'S LATEST COMEDY "BROADWAY" JONES OKO. M. GEO. M. BBBIIBI ls^ WestlMSt. Eves. 8.16. KbrUOLIIv Mats. «ed. ft Sat, 2.16. WILLIAM ELLIOTT and DAVID aELASOO Present "THE (MEMO LAM" A play In three acts and an epilogue in "Ohllds'," by ALICE BRADLEY. THEATRE. W. 44th St. _ Mats. Thurs. and Sat. at 2.16. 'AVID BELASOO presents C. .fennlngs, Orlando Daly. Katherlne Browne Det-ker and Helen Orr Paly. ♦»» EDITH WYNNE MATTHISON FOR "THE SPY." Charles Frohmnn completed one of the most Important contracts of his present sea- son, last week, In the engagement of Edith Wynne Matthlson, formerly of the New The- atre, for the chief part In Henry Klstc- mnccker's remarkable play, "The Spy." This will be Miss Matthlson's first return to Mr. Frobman's management since 1003, when she and her husband, C. Bann Kennedy, were first brought to America by Mr. Frohman for the first New York performance of the morality pley. "Evoryniau." Since then Mies Matthlson has appeared In "The Servant in the House,'' in a Shakespearean repertoire over the country, and during Its most Inter- Top, Topsy nnd Snot opened In an exhl- ea ti ng sesson she practically headed the bltlon of canine Intelligence. The three dogs Ncw Theatre Company, imrtlcularly attract- dld all BOTts of tricks, posing, loon ng the , ng attention by her performance of "Sister loop, playing dead, etc. Spot wrote his name Beatrice," ln thc Maeterlinck modlcovnl drama on a slate antl also told numbers nnd names. ot tnnt nttlDCi Bn j m t ur ns neruilonc, In the Cummlngs and Glndlngs sang "When I Get }{ cw Theatre's Ellznbothnn production of "A You Alone To-night" ad ''Glory, Glory, II aim- winter's Tai e .» inlah." Thc lady Is on exceptionally nimble Tnt . ro ] e W bieh Mr. Frohman has scleeted high kicker, and the Souse Dance, with both Mls3 Matthlson to play Is that of thc wife, ln male evening suits, wns well liked. j n „ n adaptation of Henry Klstemnecker's Major and Roy, In their comedy^ juggling aramn. "La Flambee," which was acted for over a' year at the Porte Saint Mnrtln The- atre, Paris, and Is now running at the St. .Tames Theatre, London, under the title of "The Turning Point" Aa there Is no equivalent ln English for the title, "La Flambee," the play in America will be known as "The Spy." ■»« » Frances Starr In a new play, by EDWARD LOOKE THE CASE OF BECKY COLUMBIA THEATRE BROADWAY, 47th STRBET, N. Y. Tills -week—Boonty, Vonth awd Folly. t. ii v»C B'way A 80th. 'Phone 6878 Mad. So. U All X 0 Evga. 8.16. Mats. Wed. ft Sat. 2.16. A New Mnsloal Play Entlttod THE REB PETTICOAT With lELEl Lf WELL of Favorites. Extra Matinee Thanksgiving. BPflinWlV The*., B'way ft 41st SL UnUAUTVAI Telephone 101 Bryant. Evgs. 8.16. Mats, this week, Thurs. and Sat. LEW FIELDS Presents THE SUN DODGERS (A Fanfare of FrlTollty),wlth 6KOROK W. MONROB BKSSIK WINN an* HARRY FISHER rB\niRV TDPITllr^lS'-AOentralPt.West CDllIUIVl lHliAlnG 'Phone, Ool. 8800 Evgs., 8.10 sharp. Mats., Wed. and Sat., 2.10. Pxiees, US Ctati to ftl.54). - Extra Matinee Thanksgiving By PIERRE LOTI and JUDITH GATJTIER Will U't'fi Broadway A SOthSt. .Evgs., 8.20 n JHAAvR 0 Mats., Sat. A Thanksgiving, 2.20 SIMONE THE LIEBL ER CO ., Managers InL Nra y er ' a THE tAPER CHASE art, broke ellshcB galore and Indulged ln some clever manipulations. Manny and Roberts, ln black and white face, put over a lot of talking. "Certainly Not wns sung by the colored party ln gro- tesque make-up, and they both finished with "All Night Long." Nat Cnrr ana comrany played "Thc End of the World" very well, Mr. Carr being nt his beat ns the dUclple of TobllUky. Sammy and Esther were also well played. Rollins and Kllfton Sisters played classic and popular selections on the banjos with harmonious effect. Williams, Thompson and Copelnnd, two v/hlte face and one corker, put on the bur- lesque burglar scene, which has done duty for n long time, and raised many laughs with thc skit, Hawthorne and Burt, tho regimental come- dians, went through the drill, exchanged sol- dier talk and dnneed grotesquely. Ilnleb, the educated horse, showed some GOMPBRS WRITES "WHITE RATS. Samuel Gompors, president of thc Ameri- can Federation of Labor, has sent thc fol- lowing telegram to thc offices of the White "It waa decided by the executive council that all parties mnhlng protest be advised that the White nats-Actors' Union has abso- lute autonomy to conduct tho affairs of their union, and therefore tho protests cannot bo considered by thc executive council of the American Federation of Labor, and for the further Information of the protestnnts that only in case of violation of the termB of the MURRAY HILL THEATRE Lexington Ave. and 43d St., N. V. Tnla week—lloae Sydell's London Belles. w! U o?« MM & WELDS' Bryant. NEW MUSIC HALL i' ALL STAR Evs. B.16. Mats.Thurs. (Thanksgiving Day) ft Sat. ,2.18 in "HOLY POLY," And a Burlesque, "WITHOUT THB LAW" Welter & Fields'.^ Stock Co. PRODUCER FOR MUSICAL COMEDY, AND MUSICAL COMEDY PEOPLE OF ALL KINDS Address J. M. DUBBS, O. T. Crawford Theatrical Enterprises. 411 Century Building, St. Lonls. Mo. * JACK ALLEN STOCK CO. WANTS People in All Lines Bend size and photos. Weok stands. Address JACK ALLEN, American Theatro, TOLEDO, OHIO clever stunts, and picked numbers and colors amalgamation' between thc WJiltc Rats and 'the Actora' Union can the executive council called for, eorrcctlv; rang up cash sales and change or. the cash register, gnve Imitations of horses suffering from spavin, also colic, and showed other result of n novel course of training. Uill. + »» ' I XHIir, LANDER RECOVERS. Elsie Lander has entirely recovered from ner recent Illness, and will shortly be seen as a special fenture. Her sketch, which Is as yet unnamed, will most likely cause much tola. 1 he scenery, costumes and electrical effects have cost a small fortune. take cognisance of a dissension ln the ranks of the White Rats Union. "You will please accept this communica- tion as official notification of thc. action of thc executive council on thc matter of theso protests." - .. . ■ ■* « > — HIPPODROME GIRL WEDS. May Carlisle, for four seasons a member of the New York Hippodrome Company, will be- come the bride this week of Krncst Bloat, a pilot ot tac port ot New York. 3 TABLOID MUSICAL COS. ONE OOMPAN Y nn in shirt eBBt playa or tiblold comedy drama, Two companies to onen Bnndav Wire or Write GATES * HOWARD, Box 385 Central P.'o., Toledo,, twlto. Sett blS A. F. L. ELECTS Samuel Compere was. re-elected president of the American Federation of Labor, at Rochester, N. Y., Nov. 23. over Max Hayn, of the Typographical Union, by a vote of 11,074 against 6,074. This Is tie first year In ten where there was an opposition can- didate to Mr. Gompers, who has been presi- dent since 1894. All other officers were alio re-elected. Seattle will be the convention city ln 1918. A committee appointed to investigate the White Rats Is the outcome of the cnargti made against that body by the Insurgents, and it will be some time before the matter can be finally settled. « i » JIME. BERNHARDT SAILS, Mme. Sarah Bernhardt sailed Satttrdiy, Nov. 2d. to begin her American tour under the direction of Martin Beck. Barring accident, she should reach New York, Saturday, 80 As quickly as tie scenery and other paraphernalia transferred from the steamer to baggage cars, Mme. Bernhardt will leave by special train for Chicago, where, on Monday, Dec 2. at the Majestic Theatre, she will be seen for the first- time ln American vaudeville, beginning her engagement with Henri Cain and Maurice Bernhardt's one act play, "WW Nult de Noel, Sous la Terreur" ("A Christ- mas Night Under the Terror"). • ■ » MORRIS GBST HURT BY SCENERY. Morris Gobi, one of thc managers of the Manhattan Opera House, was unable to oe present at the opening performnace of Taj Whip," Friday night, Nov. 22, on account or an accident In the afternoon. Mr. Geat vr.i on the stage during a rehearsal of the rail- road scene and failed to get out of the-way of the moving train. He was struck by m heavy scenery and knocked down n fllgm ot stairs. Mr. Gest was removed to bis borne nt 200 West Seventy-ninth Street, BnfftrlM from severe bruises. He got report* or ue progress of the' play by telephone from tne theatre. ♦ « > "BLACKBIRDS" COMPANY COMPLETED. - Laura Hope Crews and H. B. Warner and the cast engaged to support them hi BWr* birds," are now In Boston, where future^re- hearsals of the new comedy will be coo- ducted under the personal supervision oi Henry Miller. The Wirty will InHurlc: Ma* Mothildc Cottrelly. Bthel Wlnthrop. BeriM Welhy, Jean Galbralth, Sydney ValentlM, James Bradbury and Harry O. iw^; "Blackbirds" will be produced nt tie Apoii' Theatre, in Atlantic City, on Thursday nlgnt, Dec. 5. ACTORS' FUND FAIR IN MAY, lW*j The monthly meeting of the , no . a ™ r ,.. Trustee* of the Actor? Fund of America took place Friday, Nov. 22, In the uaicu Theatre Building, New York. » Those present were: Daniel Wrolimon. ■_ F. Mackay. Joseph R. Grlsmcr. Charles ui» Bon, Bam Scrlbner, James J. Armstrong, s« win D. Miner, Ralph Dclmore anil W"gJ Vincent. The executive committee rcpo" that tho Fund Was taking care of one a- dred and forty cbbcb of distress. ?»»JS1 there were thfrty-scven guests .nt tne s«g on 8tatcn Island. Mr. Frohman Pf°>S° ce that thc next Actors' Fund Fair W»?»" ln May. 1014, and the board approvca suggestion. «»»■■ references P. 8.—Directors, Producers and people In nil lines wrlto WANTED-Medicine Lecturer Must be of good appearance, a convincing taker and a gentleman. Alao TcrsatUe mediein* Bsriormers-plano player Mrho doable* stage, stale fully JnBt what you do fur salarv asked R. DAYOLHEASALA, care General Delivery, Chica go, 111. 7 *"""'■ WANTED--F0OEPERT0iRFHEAVY"MAN Both gant'ol and chnractore. Must have wardrobe and ability. Tell all flrat letter LONG, Hendota, 111. FRANK E, acts and the prosecuting attorney rn third act trial scene. In ^"""Vimance. plaved the two parts at a single p^SEtaf It Is not generally known tnnt sir. „ to played "Hawthorne, of thc U. »• "*■ London some years ago. _ TWO FiFTY-MINCTB ^T^fl,! The two flfty-mlnuto plays tML.'S are Frohman hns received from J. »• '', proa- ready for performance as soon as - "> au nc& man enn find a theatre In which to 1 One of the plnys Is called "TJie f; l t ,t ' c B |o- lleeman,• , and thc other, not quite " f '^ m |ti utas In length, as one can guess n* title. Is called "Half Hour."