The New York Clipper (December 1912)

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2 EVERYBODY IS HUMMING IT THE NEW YOEK CLIPPER. DECEMliKR 7 HARRY VON TILZER THE WHOLE WORLD WILL BE SINGING IT SAYS: JIMMOE V. MONACO'S SUCCESSOR 'DREAM MAN" ••>:-■ IlL SIT R THE » _ _ -uLsa .!UAir-svu»s TB-'sassr" "*"•" ™ OA " - ■ - * BALLAD OB RAGTIME BONG. FITO IDT AMTWHBBU YOU'VE HEARD OF THESE HITS SOMEBODY ELSE IS GETTING IT I'D DO AS MUCH FOR YOU THE GHOST: OF THE .COB LIN MAN THE GIRL BEHIND THE MAN special notice ^ukn^™ : v.;-- mm HARRY VON ^ NOTES FROM SO NGLAllD. WILL IIOS91TEII GOSSIP. Prank Farron. tenor, with Primrose * Doek- stader. Is featuring tbe new ballad, "Neat Sunday at Nine." Bayuion Wiley (same company), Is t'olng like- wise with "I'd Lore to Live la l/orelnnil with a Girl Llk* lou." The Ifour Harps, Chicago's favorite entertainers, have several W. B. songs In their repertoire, and report "Down Home Bag" as showing the best resulls. . , . Lee White and Geo. Perry wero the llrst to In- troduce in New York "Down Home Itns" n new Idea lo the rag line, depleting real rube music and words. They will also sing "Jtatt Sunday at Nine." "Down Home Bag" will be the special feature In the song repertoire of John Lambert, with I'rinirose & Doekatader. , "Keep On Lovln' " Is proving a most successful song number for Tracy and Gannon, now touring the Middle West. , „ ... _, The Antvlll Four are singing "Teach Me That Beautiful Love," and playing "0-U-Olrcut Day" on four aa*tpbonea. "All Night Long" Is being successfully exploited by Lou Archer. Al. Martin la using "Teach Me That Beautiful Love," and "Next Sunday at Nine," to numerous encores. "The Girl from Milwaukee" la making a sen- sational success with the great W. It. ballad, "When 1 Met You Last Night In Dreamland." olive Briscoe Is gathering a collection of encores with "All Night Long." Jane Barbour, one of Chicago's favorite sopranos, Is using several W. B. numbers with murked suc- cess. "Oil, You Georgia Boee" Is probably her bent liked song, "Happy" Harry Hlnes, now touring the far South, Is enjoying much success exploiting a re- lierlolre of W. It. songs, lucludlug "All Night Long," "Keep On Lovln'," "Oh, Von Georgia liose," anil "I'm. Going to Take the First Train." Dave and Percle Martin report universal success with "All Night Long," and "O-U-Olrcus Day." Alexander and Scott are featuring "Oh, You Georgia Row" and "Next Sunday at Nine." "All Klglit Long," Ihe latest song sensation from the West, bids fair to make a new sales record, as although it has been published but a few weeks, the demand Is enormous, Iteceutly, a song, bearing the title, "The Whole Dny Through," was offered Ihe profession by h smull publisher In Chicago, and In the melody and lyrics there was discovered a remarkable resem- blance to "All Night Long." Will itossltcr, the Chicago publisher, who owns the last named . copyright, Immediately referred the matter to his attorneys, Cohan, Creevcy & Blchter. of New York, who served notice on the publisher of "Tai Whole Duy Through," that any attempt to market this song would be promptly dealt with lu the United states Courts. This law firm baa won a number of notable victories in similar litigation. aiid It Is hoped that the Immediate action taken by Will Boaalter will result In Improved condi- tions with respect to observance of the copyright laws. F. J. A. FORSTER CO. NOTES. "Garland of Old Fashioned Roses," mid "At the Ragtime Ball" are being successfully exploited by J. Fred Uelf, In the effective mnnner which bus mBda bo many songs big "Helf hits" In the past. Each week these popular Forster numbers are featured by many prominent nets In vaude- ville theatres, and are sung to big applause by hundreds of artists In the cafes, cabarets, and pic- ture houses throughout this city. "Garland of Old Fashioned Roses" la being used very effectively by Joe Schwab old James Bamill. nr.d Sadie Helf Is using "At the Ragtime Ball" and "Garland of Old Fashioned Roses" as her chief encore getters In vaudeville. George and Mae Bennett, who sailed for Eng- land on the Mnuretanla. on Nov. 27, will feature "At the Bcgtlme Ball" In their singing and dan- cing act In Great Britain. Beatrice Roye's rendition of "At the Ragtime Ball" and "Garland of Old Fashioned Roses" is always accorded a warm reception, and Ellis Brothers continue to score strongly with the bal- lad. "At the Ragtime Ball," the best opening or closing rag number on the market, has been added to the repertoire of Wllllami and Stevens. The Primrose Four's Interpretation of "Garland of Old Fashioned Roses" la warmly applauded. "At the Ragtime Ball" la an attractive feature of tbe Lawnnna Trio's act. That Singing Trio are doing exce : >llc!ially good, work with "Garland of Old Fashioned Hoses." NOW BEADY! QaUdWHIt HOUS. THE| CLIPPER RED BOOK AND DATE DOOK It contains the names and addresses of Man- agers, Vaudeville and Dramatic Agents In New York, Chicago, Boston, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Ban Francisco, Canada, London; Music Publishers; Railroad Agents; Ths- atrtcal Clubs and Societies; T. M. A. Head- quarters ; Railroad and Steamship Lines, etc., and other Information. Bent only on receipt of 10 cent* (stamps or coin), accompanied by a coupon cut from THE NSW YORK CLIPPER. DAVE JAItRETT. FRANK QUEEN PUB. CO., LTD. Publishers THE HbW YORK CLIPPER ALBERT J. B0R1E, Managing Editor 47 W. 28th STRUT, JTIW YORK OUT OUT AND Send This Coupon and Ten Cents for a copy of THE CLIPPER RED BOOK AND DATE BOOK (For 1913-1918) To THE NEW YORK CLIPPER 4T West »8tti Street, Sew York World of Players, Abtrub C. Aiston closed a fifteen weeks' tour of lflstha Williams, In "A Man's Game," at Oklahoma City, on Not. 80. Having proved the merit of the play, and fulfilled hla contract of fifteen weeks' production this season with tbe owners, Darcy & VVoLfoid, and the author, Owen Davis, he will lay aside the play until the first of next season, . when It will open early, play a long Southern This Cmpmr Is pleased to announce that tour and tnen g0 to tne pacific CoaBt In tbe Davo Jarrctt has been re-engaged to manage mean time an extensive assortment of new mJm™t™?"Jr™ £J$U lav &*D°&«^™J^&&3& W^ wiu be goTten" out paired through the"terribestES kSShiS? from Wild West and Pawnee BUI Far East Show, ciublbb Du,mnqkam has arranged to re- trylng to™ tbtTwrltS pablhSer.Tal^ian «d season 1013. Prior to Joining the Two Bills' proauce ^ movtag pi cturcB> ln natural €O | 0ra> "plngger" of her catalogue, Clarice Manning tie- Show, In 1010, Mr. Jarrctt was In we au- tae production 0 f 'The Lady of the Slipper," tnjver uKimn »nnr muii, cumposcu ui elded to place her Intercuts with Jos. W. Stem vanco of the Hagenbcck-wallaca t-ircus ior wfl |ch i a now playing at the Globe Theatre. Flieimle and Etta, Is now working alone and & Co. They have already started an extensive Ave years, and one season with, the aciis- jj c Qlla a ] B0 arranged with the Victor Com- doing finely. Etta married the former half Tub T. Dwiqht Pepflb acts. —The Ober- lln Musical Girls, an act consisting of live young ladles from the Oberlin Musical Col- lege, of Oberlin, o., presenting a singing and Instrumental act, are now working for the W. V. M. A. The act presents six numbers, vocal and Instrumental. Amy Ellis, soprano; Mary Dee, contralto; Norma Hopkins, vio- linist; Mildred Tburman, 'cello, and Hose Itelley, pianist. The Colonial Minstrels, now ln their twenty-third week, are meeting with success, playing a number of return dates on tbe Sun time, Sonata Dlnkins and Billy lturke are the principal comedians, with Tes- sle Hays as Interlocutor, One of the features of the minstrels Is the Xeo Musical Girls, an act consisting of five young ladles. This act closes the bill as presented by tbe company, which presents a program lasting one hour and ten minutes, ltavle Troy 1b playing for Norman Jotters. Mr. Troy Is working In white face, with an entire new act, Is meet- ing with success, and Is well booked ahead. A company of nine people, presenting "A Night At Maxim's," will open the first of the year. The act will be presented with special scenery and mechanical effects. Eddib Lawobncb, of Lawrence and Har- rington, mourns tbe loss of his mother, Mrs. Rose Snyder, who died Thursday, Nov. 2'A ln New York City, of heart failure. Jack and Jbnnib Wilis Musical Comedy Co. opened, Nov. 18, at the Majestic, El Paso, Tex., for an indefinite engagement. H&bbx Thomson, "His Honor the Mayor," Is enjoying a landslide success, presenting "The Tammany Judge," out Chicago way. Maboabbc Madden was married Nov. 27, at tbe Church of the Immaculate Conception. Brooklyn, N. Y. Miss Madden 1b a cousin of J. Bernard Dyllyn, who attended the cere- mony. Tub Mlzuno Troupe of Japanese perform- ers are due to arrive In San Francisco from Japan, after an absence of some eight months. They come back with many new ideas, and have Invested several thousand dollars In elaborate wardrobe, and claim they have the handsomest embroidered drops that ever left Japan. They are composed of masses of gold and. the finest satin, and will make tho American public sit up and take notice. Their American representative, I. N. Cohen, will continue to look out for their interests. ■ Ciias. Acton Lewis writes: "I was mar- ried on Nov. 21, at Chicago, to Virginia Thornton (Abbott). The ceremony was per- formed by the Rev. S. D. Pollock, pastor of the Parkslde M. E. Church, The wedding was quiet, only a few intimate friends being present We will work together ln future, and we are booked up solid after Dec. 1." Ci.aiibnce H. Doth writes: "Clarence II. Doty and Nance Naylor, of "The Cow Puncher" Co., were married Nov. 18, at Mlnot, N. Dak." 1'kennib Lockhabt, formerly of that clever Lockhart sister team, composed of campaign on* the catalogue" and such numbers as Fiot)" Shows. He enjoys the confidence of hla "I Know You're Somewhere Loving Me," employers and associates, and has a practical "Dearie, Mine." "Glgglln' Bag," aud "Dance. CX porloncc which should Insure his rapid ad- of the Virgins" bear all the Indications of sue- yanccment In the circus field. cess. After negotiating almost two months, during which time almost every publisher of any con- sequence made a bid for the catalogue, the prints of the Win. Penu Co. were finally transferred to Jos, W. Stern & Co., as telling agents, As the iwpular expression goes, this bouse expects to "clean up" with some of the numbers. For instance, "Daddy Has a Sweetheart and Mother is Her Name," which is being featured by Lil- lian Lorraine, Nell O'lirlen'a Minstrels, "School Days" Co., and other big acts and productions, baa already started a deemed ripple on the ocean of popular music, and 1b being ordered lo hun- dred lots by dealers everywhere. Among some of the other promising successes of this cata- logue are "Maurice Rag," "Sweetheart," "Kfory Day lu the Year" and "Cliryanthenuiuis," a beautiful Intermezzo. Stonewall and Jackson are »ilng Ida wlih "Rne- •71)1 - puny to secure records of the score. These pictures and records are to be kept on tile. T. Warns Wilson, of the American Play- ers, writes: "We played week of Nov. 18 at Montpeller, Md., to capacity business the entire week, and on Saturday night hundreds of the vaudeville team of Hufford and Chain, leaving Phennle to make good alone, and she Is succeeding Immensely. Bowbrs and Da Vine, presenting "The Maid and tbe Bell Hop." have dissolved JEROME & SCHWARTZ NOTES. entire week, and on Saturday night hundreds partnership. Mr. Bowers has formed a part- Henrietta wht'e well known In the music nab- were turned away. Business all along tbe nerablp with Isabella M. Welch, to do a Oilwt line, will" start on the Loew citcult, Dec, line has been S. II. 0. the majority of nights, comedy singing and talking playlet, "The and will sing all the latest hits of tbe Jerome Everyone with the show is enjoying pros- Lady and tbe Bell Boy," under the team " perity aa well as the best of health." name of Bowers and Welch, featuring Midi Wiliiub Hathaway writes: "Will you Welch's singing. The act Is now playing wife is Frank Q. Doyle's time, and mid "My Heart Will Kind Your time Memories Heart," John O'Kane, the "kill comedian," Is feattir- liiu "At the lA'vec on Revival Day," "Tlmsto Itagtlme Melodies" and "Dndily lias n Sweet- heart." Kinmi Rolf is » riot, singing "Dearie, Mine" ntnl "Uusltl Hero Cnmes the Dream Man." • Ironic Harklns, the "hoy tenor." Is the big iwilse, singing "Dndily linn n Sweetheart" and "My Kter Loving Aero Man." I'lulwln, Fvnnessr mid Met are the lilt of the lillK nuil are "cleaning np" with Stern tangs, ■ UICN HITCIlIIu NOTUS, Hello linker Is making a tremendous lilt on the "big time" with "I've Lost My Uahy." It's a bear sure enough, so says Hello. "My Angel Man" snd "Sleepy Rose" are oilier Kllehle numbers that are reported aa encore gel tors. "Sunnily" Sinllli, of the ttltchle forces, fea- tured "I Wiuit You All the Time" na the 111ns- trnUil number at the Herald Square Theatre last week. It wat received finely. llshl & ScUwaYts Pub. Oo.""Mlss Whfte~hf a ringer who will surely "catch" any audience, and before you are well aware of It, you will find yourself hum- ming tho different songs she sings. Tbe Temple Quartette ara using ' Ooontown Quartette," published by the Jerome ft Schwarti t'ub. Co. They sure do make a song so. The gTOTlest ballad of the year, 'There s One In a Mllllou Like You" Is being used In the Fol- lies of 1U12," end judging from tho many colls there Is for the song, It Is the bit of the show. Teddy Dupont, who Is playing the loew time. Is using that wonderful hit, "Strlug a Ring of Roses Xound Your Rotle." We can truly say that this it the greatest song of the day ■ "GOOD-BYE), nOSK." Clarence V. Bunt, of tho Three Boys and a Girt net, ia touring the Canadian big time, and mak- ing a sensational hit with the new Shapiro ballad, "Hood-bye. Rose," which Is made a feature of kindly let my friends know that my very HI, and, according to the doctors, can- not live long. My old friends know me from being with the Al. Martin 'TJ. T. C Co. 1 am now city billposter of Wntseka, 111., aud would like to hear from my friends." Joun K. and Rkna Sanders are with the "Polly of the Circus" Co,, playing the role* of Deacon Btrong and Manay Jones, re- spectlvely. BATES-CRBBL NUPTIALS. Blanche Lyons Bates, the actress, was mar- ried to George Creel, pollco commissioner of Denver, Col., ln her home on the Ira Bailey farm, near Ossintng, night of Nov. 28. Tho ceremony was performed by tbe Rev. A. N. _ opens on the V. B. O. time ln January. Rosthb of "The American Girl" Vaudeville Co.: Cbas. S. Reed, owner and manager; Mrs. C. S. Reed, treasurer: Harry K. Kelly, stage manager; Louis Met run, stage di- rector; Mrs. Merran. characters; Clarence Olds, properties; Clarence Edwards, agent; Baby Jessie, clown comedian. Minbtbbl Billy Ci.aiik has Joined Nell O'Brien's Minstrels tor the "end" and do his monologue. OLIVER MOROSCO'S PLANS. Mr. Morosco has announced that he will . begin preparations Immediately for the pro- tet, '«„':,.J** y aM * T m Petersen, of SearBdale. Afterward the party ductlon of several new plays, one, which will -uion &quare ; came to ^ Jew Xork for 8Uppel . Bt Delmonlco's, he 'The Escape," a drama by Paul Armstrong, that will be submitted for approval in New York ln January. Nat C. Goodwin will appear ln a new com- edy by J. Hartley Manners, entitled "Gaunt- left's Pride," on Dec. 80, ln Los Angeles, and -will later be seen ln the plays la New York. "Tho Money Moon," dramatised from Jeffrey Fnrnoi's novel, will be given here early In the new year, with Marguerite Leslie, an Kngllsb actress, in tbe principal role. Meantime Mr. Morosco said he will produce In Los Angeles the musical fantasy. "The Tik-Tok Man," by Frank L. Baum and Louis Gottschalk. "Tmb lin.1T SuN-nAT Guns" Is publtahcd by fluinlilo ft De Jarnette. MRS. FISICK'S ENGAGEMENT EXTENDED. llitri'taon Grey Flske has canceled the con* tiiicts which called for Mrs. Fiske's appear- uncc nt tho Mollis Street Theatre. Bostou, during Christmas end New Year's weeks. Arrangements have been perfected with Mrs. Henry B. Harris whereby "The High Road" will remain at the Hudson until after the holidays at least. at which were some thirty guests. Among the guests were Mrs. David Belasco and her daughter, Mrs. Morris Guest NOTICE. HALF TONE PICTURES Its the read. Ins pattrea of THE CLIPPER will be Inserted at these prioesi Front Pace Cat fOO'.OO Doable Column. f 10.00 Uin-jle Column BO.OO Here's a typewriter "that you can carry with /you In a small corner of your' /traveling bag—ready for use /any time you need it If you J have much writing to do, It will Ihe a wonderful time and work saver.' (The Bennett Portable Type- /writer takes only the space of ■ 2x5x11 Inches and weighs bat 761 (ounces. But it's little only In size. It Gives tbe Same Service (aa Heavy, Expensive Machines . It has all the Important Improvements I I —Standard Keyboard of 84 characters, 1 I Reversible Ribbon. Visible Writing, it I Is quick and accurate—Turns out neat 1 I flawless work. It sells at the price of ' I $18 because It Is a marvel of simplified [construction. Has only 260 parts. Other i I have 1,700 to 8,700. It couldn't be built ■better. It's a product of tbe famous lElllott-FlBher Billing Machine Factory, land sold on a rigid "lfonei/-6acfc-im!eii-1 liatUfled-puaranty." 26,000 in use. fiend I 1 for catalog and special offer to-day. A | i few more agents wanted. .B. 8. BENNETT TYPEWRITER CO. 300 Broadway, New York. Slips In a grip or I . pocket like a book. Ben noil ^= .*?» it -HD Ota == Christmas Dinners FOR 300 000 POOR PEOPLE Wlllb* supplied by The Salvation Army Throughout the United States Will you help by sending a donation, no matter how em id I TO COMMANDER MISS BOOTH 118 W. 14th St., New York CW We»t«rn Slate., Comm. E.UII. 669 S. Stal^ CtkWL Want This Suit?, Show oar samplM to Ursa of year Mahkb Jj»/ ord.ri wuy snd mat. prollt eaourh to i«» *'■ •"", ' Wkmdsaltfrw. No trouble, slnirlf ■bowosrD.jr np-to-asU tamptw. Brerjboay lorprl.ed, EfJS low, atrial BobMoUfot, ontort com.MU- JBzIZ I the sipress and guarantaw psrfsjt m or n» \ ..I,. t?» *;« ins. vouoanmass•»■«>»■""'.TT-J, .„„. .nick ndt.ti»mn1»i » n ",'f" n, ;V ou 'l l ,f"!' 1,'ii .hlnr enplilmd. and lp«l»l Inilda pil£» <» ■ •'" ^ for TMiiill. It'aa wonderful cJl»nc«. ,,,, ie « c O(f V ■AWNBHTAILORII«aCO.,U«P^^ CHICAwy til II VAN Want work 11 IUU write me; Would you like n steady Job soiling my K'"'- 1 , i 0 bepn>- rlghtpway, earning 130 a wcekjWith ■««'!; ,,,'pcrienM motcd to a position paying {3,000 *«"• J'.™ ,.' nVr.t "■« la required. My agenta have at«a.lyein ).,„„„, yoar round. I am ready to gtsgajAP ^KS »rfiot«» whom you can malco big niorwv ««'•%.S.,i ..nrliinlan 1 latter or poainl today auro and say: «'!',!„. ,d,wai E. M. DAVIS CO, 219 Davis Block, tn»«, DRUNKENNESS — The steady or periodical !Jg" '„„» hi nan lin snvcil In .» "J!! ...mcilr I EOW.J.W0008