The New York Clipper (December 1912)

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« THE 2STEW YOBK CLIPPER. DKcisaiBE B A TRIUMPHAL SUCCESS ON BROADWAY i BEVERLY B. DOBBS Atop of the World in Motion' (THE ORIGINAL MASKS-SIBERIA MOTION PICTORES) Now Playing 1 Weber's New York Theatre PRICES 25 CENTS TO $1 Record Rub of 300 Performances at Whitney Opera House, Chicago SEW YORK NEWSPAPERS SAT ■ WONDERFUL--BEYOND COMPARISON THE ONLY GENUINE POLAR FILMS Film* will be withdrawn from the market Jan. IS. Get busy now. Wirt or wrtto, JOSEPH CONOLY, Suite 702, 1482 Broadway, Now York City. II. P. DECISION. On Dec. 2, the Court of Appeals, Wash- ington, 1). C. held ibnt Thomas A. Edison Is not the luveutor of the motion picture Him, and that his patent rights are Invalid, mid his assignee Is not entitled to damages for Infringement, Previous decisions were reversed. Air. Edison, the Court of Appeulij mid, merely solved camera, apparatus pro- blems. The actios was -brought against the CM- ongo Film Co., for Alleged infringement on llio Edison patent, and for an Injunction against Its further infringement. In giving the court's decision Chief Justice Shepard said: "The flexible, transparcut or Irnnslucent tape-like film prepared for taking photographs was neither discovered nor pro- duced by lOdison. It was Improved ami l<rongl)t to lis present state of perfection !>y Eastman. When exhibited to Edlsoa he seized upon It as the thing needed to make Ms camera apparatus a complete commercial success. "We do not dissent from the proposition that Mr. Edison solved the problems of the motion picture art with great Ingenuity and skill, but the problems that he solved were In the camera apparatus wherein his true claim to Invention lies. lie did not supply l be 'fundamentals of the dim' that is used in the art as practiced to-day. The long, pliant, translucent, celluloid film, with the sensitized surface, «M the Invention of others." EXPOSITION COMMITTEE OPENS OFFICES IX THE GERMAN BANK BUILDING. The first big meeting of the committee who will lmvc charge- of the llrst Interna- tional exposition of the motion picture art, which will be held In conjunction with the third annual convention at the new Grand Cen- tral I'nlnce, beginning the Tth of next July, was hold at the committee headquarters on the second floor of the German Hank Htilld- lng. Those offices were opened on Friday, nnd arc adequately equipped. Frank E. Samuels, secretary of the committee, will be manager. The meeting was called to order br Chair- man Tlchenor, at 11.15 a. m., all members being present excepting Messrs. Ascbor and Anson, of the advisory committee. It was decided to add one new member to the gen- eral committee, and alx to the advisory. This suggestion was made by President Ncfr, of the M. P. E. L. of Am., whose idea It was to have the up State branches of the league represented in the committee. Therefore It. 10. Cornell, of Syracuse, was appointed to the general committee, and Messrs. It. 3J. Davidson, of Hlnghamton; G. V. Wright, of Albany; William Dorequc. of Utlca; A. N. Wolff, of Rochester: Mr. Day, of Auburn, and H. C. Whittcn, of New York, to the ad- visory committee. A ruling was passed that any member of either committee absent from three consecu- tive meetings should be dropped and his suc- cessor appointed by the chairman. Up Stale members are excepted In this ruling. A copy of the prospectus and the Inltlnl rontract will bo mailed nil news- papers and journals pertaining to the motion picture industry. Even at so early a date many mnnufaturers hove inquired regarding rotes. Preferred po- sition will be sold at $". per square foot, and the remainder at $1.50. Committees have been appointed to sec the largest manufacturers immediately. MIIS. CODII I100ST1\U 1TALA FILMS. Mrs. Agues Egan Cobb Is holding down the executive offices of the Italn Ellin Co. of America, at the Columbia liulldlng, New York City. Marion Li:onaiw anu S. E. V. Taylok havo Joined the Monopol Ellin Co. forces. •'MILESTONES" MINISTERS' MATINEE. A private matinee of "Milestones" was given at the Liberty Theatre Monday after- noon, Dec. 2, to which representative clergy of the various denominations of this city had been Invited. When the curtain rose on Hie llrst uet there wns not a vncunt Beat in the house, nnd never hns "Milestones" been played to a more appreciative audience. The engaging story of the play appealed, but so too did tile bright Hues nnd humorous situations. There were mniiy curtain calls for the Eng- lish actors after each act, nnd when the play was over the applause continued until Leslie Fabcr. who plays the role of John Khead. stepped forward and expressed the thanks of the company and management for the cnrdlnl reception that '•Milestones" lutd received from tliu clergy. — * »♦> co. \nnivr. which Is to piny ••HINDUS WAKES' Tin- Etigllili company, v "llindlo Wakes," under the dlr-'ctlon of Wllf- lam A. Brady, arrived Saturday, Nov. Ml on the OHIo. of the White Star Line. The iiienihers of the company are: Dulele Conrov, Kathleen Mael'herson. Alice Chapln. Alice O Day, Herbert Lomas. James ft Tavlor, ;, ?, , Li .'''"Vd. ""land Young, and Hnillle ipllrjl. "Ilhulle Wakes" will succeed "lleadv at the Maxim- Elliott Theatre, open- Mouev' ing Dec. Ii. OUT OF T0WW HEWS WASHINGTON. Beautiful weathe.-, even including Thanksgiving Puy, which brought snow nnd line attrnelltms at all nouses last week. Good business resulted. Acadeut (J. V. Lyons, m^r )—"Tlie Cnll of the Heart" did well week of 25. Hilly B. Van and Beaumont Sisters, in "A Lucky Hoodoo," w-s-k of Dec. 2 "The Confession" next. Pelahcu (L. Stoddard Taylor, mgr. I—"Hauky Ltceuu (A. O. Mayer, mgr.)— The Merry Maidens bad good business week of 25. Lady Buccaneers week of Dec. 2. Dante's Daughters follow. A. 0. Mayer's "Country Store" feature !• one big success. Poll's (Jameo Thatcher, mgr.)—Bill week of 21: Edna Lnby, Ed. Beynnrd, Corwn and WII- lird, the Oils Bailey Trio, Joachim P. Biker. Artame Louise Kent and company, and new Poll photoplays. NOTES. Mme. Alma Occi cooes to National Theatre (menace) Dec. 9. __ A novel flacb for a display card of The Clip- raa has been adtpted by a Fourteenth Street newsdealer. It hangs immediately under a large clock tn his show window, with the information to his patrons "that Tna Cuphb is for sale there, bat not on 'tick.''" Makaox* Geoiqs Peck is going to give bis patrons another sight at a special cabaret en- tertainment during the engagement of toe Golden Crooks. Tna new potior adopted by the Chase man- agement is the caaae of the broad smile on the face of the gentleman in the box office. Be la very busy now taking care of old patrons who are returning home to the "Dome of Polite Vewietllle." and also many new ones. Business la on the dally Increase. Pbeswent Tact was a visitor to see "The Winsome Widow," and be evidently enjoyed it, and especially Frank Tlnney, by the manner he appl.-iDiled his little sketch. What's the matter with Washington? Are we to be tbe end of big shows? Two big ones hare ended their existence here; first, "Madame Sherry," and now "The Winsome Widow." An extra travelogue on Panama will be given by Barton Holmes Sunday, Dec. IS, it 8 f, si. His regular night on that subject the house was a capacity one, and the demand to hear this lec- ture warrants this extra matinee. Oliver Metzzsott was among those named to lueeeed the late Senator Rayner in tbe V. S. Senate front Maryland. Mr. Metserott is one of the youngest and brightest young men m the Maryland Legislature, and a warm personal friend of Gov. Goldsborough, and he would have made no mistake tn making this appointment, bat he has made his selection, and the patrons of the Columbia will not miss the pleasant face of Mr. Metzerott, as he will still be with us. Toledo, O.—Vtleattne—Mme, Calve Dee. 2, Geiit. Milliard 3, 4; "Robin Hood" 8, 7; "Tbe Eose Maid" SL l». L-jcbum. —Geo. Sydney 1-4. "Graustark" 0-7, Uenlah Poyuter 8. AfDrroaicji.—"Seven Days" week of I. Keith's.— Bill for 2 and week: "A Night in a Turkish Bath," Stelu, Hume and Thomas, Lid* McMillan and company, Gordon Highlanders, De- vjne and Williams, Max Welson Troupe, Spiegel ami Dunn, and Ollie Young and April. AacAtic.—Bill for 1-4 Included: Seven Bonomoc's Aral-s. t'aul Case and company. Van and Darls, lxHiiie Poller, and Palmer and Bookman. For T.-7: Oberlta Sisters, Gibson and Garrlu. Rice. Si'uisler and Rice, Shaw and Lauiar. and Orion* Bios. I'MriKE.—Jolly Follies 1 and week. C'Luusia. —For 1 and week: The La Salle Musical Comedy Co.. with Arthur damage, pre- sent '"The Shopping Girls." ii WARNING! Hotke is hetely fhea that the sketch TRIXIE AND THE AMATEUR -—by Florence Brennan, and now presented by FLORENCE brennan una ... ,'0, U duly copyrighted, and aj righta aie r«aerved ana »m be" Cir i*55tt Beapectfall y, FLORENCE BkVnu,"' 11 ■I Written b; ROATTLS bylaw, Bilasco (Oliver Morcsco, mgr.) — Evelyn Vnughna, Bert Lytell an Francla Ring, and the Belasco Co., in "The Regeneration, week of 2... Lieum (Dick Ferris, mgr.) — "Tbe White Slave," indefinite. n . OiNit'ax (Locwen Bros., ing.-a.)— Helnas Di- lemma," indefinite. „ _ . _ . _.. Ibis. —Motion pictures of Sarah Bernhardt, hi "La Tosca," week of 23. , . Mozabt.— "The Starbucks," motion pictures week of 25. "Haiel Kirk," In inotloa pictures, week of Dec. 2. „ _, ..... .- Oxphbuu (Clarence Drown, mgr.)—BIH *eek of 2 includes: McDonnell and Simpson, Nit Na- sarro and company Geo. H. Watt Sydney' Ayref and company, Marie Oalvany, "Meln Llebchea, Great Haword. nnd Lea Marco Belli. Pa-staues' (Carl J. Walker, mgr.)—Bill week of 2 lncludee: JSara Carmen Trio, H. W. Lang- ford, Readlck-Freecan Players, O'Neil and Walmsley, and the Minstrel Misses. EnriEss (Dean Worley. mgr.)—Bill week or 2 Includes: Falls and Falls, Howell and Scott, Prltrkow and Bianchard, Leonard and Whitney, Glen Ellison, and "Fun in a Barber Shop." Portland, Me. — Jefferson (Julius Cahn, mgr.) "Tbe Enchantress" Dec. 8, 4. with on*> matinee. "The End of the Bridge" 6-7. Keith's (James E. Moore, mgr.)—The stock; company, with Adelaide Keim to. the kadlnjC female role, presents "The Call of the Iiortbr week of 2. , __ _ New Pobtlaxd (I. M. Mosher, mgr.)—BUI for week of 2 Includes: Odlva, Alfredo, the Three Brownies, O'Brien and Lehr. Jns, Horton, and ojovlng pictures. . _ . Gbeelt's (James W. Greely, mgr.)—Taade- vllle and moving pictures are attracting excel- lent patronage. Bill for 2 and week Includes: Nerto's Mermaids, Taylor and Price, Alfred Kelsey, De Grace and De Paul, tbe Wettoa Bis- ters, and moving pictures. Cabco (M. C. Blumenberg. mgr.)—Motion pic- tures and loea George, in Illustrated songs, con- tinue to excellent attendance. Among the picture features week of Xov. 25 were: "A Letter to tbe» Princess," "The Informer" and "Love and Treachery." Bio Nickel (Wm. E. Reeves, mgr.)—This mo- tion picture bouse featured "Leah, tbe Fersakcu," "Tbe Ship of Lions," "The Veageanc* of Fate" nnd ''Sisters," to capacity business week ending 30. New Pavilion (J. W. Greely, mgr.)—Motion pictures. Hie Arlington Orchestra and danclug. to good attendance. Fall River. Mn*p«.--Savoy It. M. Boas, mgr.) the Malley-D.-iii-*ui Stock Co. presents "Midnuie X" week of i>ec. 2. Ac.iui:jir iL. M. Boas, mgr.)—The bill 2-4 AantLL. Biroti. Edisonii Gbano, Palace, MrauoK, P*tETr. Mbj, picture hoaaes, repoit doing Well. l,w * 1 - iSQ liOWell, Mass.—Onen, rr««~ ,- mgr.) the T oi lor Stoci'co D$% "S* ^»4 "K«7H/» (Will H. StewnsTmi ?**„ J.eek. and week: Buum-Bomrc-B-r-r-r tm^'T;"," 1 for 1 fykes. Lilara.s. Bella Meyers >• ,"* m «» •« Montambo ond Wells and "Couii k' wr ""B-r JttS? Boo-^mS 0 ifii^ PLAiHonsa (K. Werton, marl— n « Phayor. present "Sherlock' SCiaFfa! ""^ gS5 MaaUioa. Henry^Cnrry*"'^^ Qlrl" 0. "The Bell HoT- i *• ™* **£ ■JaRSL <rr * d Pennel, m-r.)_Biit t „ 28-SO included: The Fonr Daacln- n for N «- Harry Hine., How^ and 8SS. ■5' £5 Qiboey, the De Bars, and ge &Jg** 3 tores, to good buamesa. ^rincesseap, fIt . Coburn and Pietion, Brabim's (SSSi ?""<«• three reels of motion SS ttSg&C rep^e^l^b^lrlnel, 1 *^ •"«• k-e, Kalarauoo, Mlcli^-Fai te Majestic (J. Jolly Jones, m ;r.)—Bi iacluded: Moore and BhS^SLS'M ha Drefms^bec^ 0 ^"^"'" ^^ Kan lncludeti Magino, Great Mars Duo" B*lB , r-i,»'"fi I " '** Bedinl and Arthur For J-f • a? J?"' Conwel and Cox, Dainty Jane Hottrts w'nu " and^Volfes, Sauyder and BackleT, Z ,fe McAleater. Okla.—Busby <E B ih,.t_ mgr.) "A Man's Game" did good b'mlL, x* 7 ' 27. "When a Man Is Married^ Sin" & the auspices of tbe Order of Ue Bggi «g» pleased big andieuces 28. " s " ni St «- YALa-MAJESTic (H. P. Moseley. nirr >-m, V.croa (Will Tlpplt, mgr.) -Motion p| cnirH to good patronage. lactam plea seil, Baagcor, Me—Opera Honse ( , ou ! 1 ^^' t ? repertoire, Nor. 2830. SSoSS in "The Fires of St. John" and "LeaU Ti» S saken." Is book«l for an early mElmSEl Uuov. — Vaudeville, with Adelrne Io« ,m company as tbe Itesdilner, week .""or »a "" Gkaphic. Palace and Nickel, picture" ho™. are playing to capacity business? ' Chnrleaton, S. C—Academy (Ed. Wh| t |„ !'J?!:- , „*' 3 "^, Nobodj ' tnm SttrUiidT Dec " ■ T, 1 " SSBS^a*J*" HfBrt Breakers' J/o,,?- lotte Walker 0. 7. Victoeia (Pastime Amusement Co., mps.)- Kelly Scliuster Co. week of 2. Majestic, Wondbblano, Lvbic, Cbescext ajb Ino report good business with pictures. INDIANS AND COWBOYS IN CHICAGO. This picture was taken upon the occasion of a surprise party tendered W. N. Sellg by the Glacier. National Park. Indians and cowboys, who came la Chicago under the supervision of Louis W. Hill, president of the Great Northern Itallwuy, to attend the Land Show. Wishing to honor Mr. Sellg, whom tlie.v nil hud heard of. they asked their guide lo take them to lis, and, arriving there, held an Impromptu reception ami hand ronenrt. During the meeting, White Cap, the chief of the Itlack Feet, through an In- terpreter, extended to Mr. Sellg tlv- best wishes of his race, nnd further stated that the Indians were impressed with the fact that through the picture depicting Indian life and eiiRtinus Mr. Selig was perpetuating their trudltlunj. This la one of the few pictures ever taken of .Mr. Sellg, president of the Sellg Polyscope Co. Geopgb M. Devere writes from DeBvtr about the "in Old Kentucky" Co.: "We are hi our sixteenth week when you get this, ar.d business has been great except a few in Arizona. Since we have been out Harry t'ressle has taken Paul Bell's place, and Mil- dred Johnson has taken Olive Skinner's place. Otherwise everything is intact. While play- ing in El Paso, Tex., the meanest thief I ever heard of, went in my dressing room while 1 was on the stage, and cut all the buttons cJ my street coat and took them with him and never took anything else. It must be an- other Joke. I went to the funeral of Aiei. Henry with the boys, who turned out very strong. 1 wet two old timers leaving ton as we got in—John and Ueno Saunders. They are with the 'Polly of the Circus' Co, on their way to the Coast. They say their business is fine. Everybody oat here seems tc be pleased over the verdict of Becker and tnt gunmen In New York. I met Scott and Wil- son, who are doing nicely orer the S. t C. time. We had quite a snowstorm here list Tuesday. We are now on our way South, where 'Old Kentucky' does S. B. O. always. Jajiks Hrn.nessy. the well known PMaW- cnl manager, of Auburn, N. Y., gave i Thanksgiving dinner at the new Gibson Ho- tel, Geneva, N. Y. The following profession als being present: Carson and Brown, Alt.a and Kenny. Rice and Franklla. Three Fol- lies. Dei La Barre. Chas. Butler, Rlcbiri Ilnmlln. Wm. Pendcrgast, Harry Moselfj, Helen Densmore and Three D'.ion Sisters. Billy Hart, of Marie and Billy Hart. writes from London. Nov. Ill: "We openw very good at the Hippodrome. We are or* of the big features, and have a good spot c> the bill. Will know in a few days how Ions we will remain over here. Enclose yoa a few clippings of London's best critics, wnica speak for themselves. We bad a very dim* ant trip. Hope the sun shines soon In i*tf Old London." Here is one of the notices, "in tins two artists—Marie and Billy Hart- mnke merry In helter-skelter fashion. i«e lady Is a clever tight rope walker, an ape dancer, and a singer of ragtime and of sent- taenia: ballads alike. The gentleman t£ vldes most of the humor, and gels a. gnu deal of fun of a "spoof' display »f thongti rending. The good humor of the 'tarn "5" munlented itself to the audience, which •"■; corned It as something new and unnffectMU) nbsard." I'nnk.v" did big business week of 2.*,. SoUic"-:! and Mnrluw coiumefiee a two weeks' caaaanaBttt Dee. 2. in ShakesiK-iirenn rei>orlo!rc. Columbia (Fred G. Bereer, mgr.)—"A win. some Widow," with all her limid»o,i»c atage mount* lugs, did good business week of 25. Robert Lo- raine, lit "Man and Superman,'' week of Dec. 2. "The Old Hooicstead" week of ti. Burtom Holmes, with "ludla, Bombay, to Delhi." as bis travelogue. Sunday night, Dec, 1, had a large and upprei-lntlvo audience. National (Wm. U. Rnpley, mgr.) — "Robin Hood." with a cast that gave a delightful per- formance, had big hiislucss week of 25. Maude Adams, in "l'etcr Pan," week of Dec. 2; "Ixjulsi- uiin l.ou" week of P. Casino (A. Julian Brylnwskl, mgr. I—Bill week of 2: The Savoy Trki, Morgnn, Chester and com- pany. Harry Thompson, Morettu Sisters, the Galely l-'our. Copeland and Walsh, nud up-to-date pic- tures. Sunday concerts do welt. Chase's (MIbs II. Wlanifred De Witt, mgr.)— 11111 week of 2: Jesse L. l-aeky presents "The Trained Nunes," Mrs. Gardner Crane and com- pany. Juliet v Andrew F. Kelly, the Alpine Troupe. Merlin, grand pipe organ recitals, the animated weekly. Big business rules. Cosmos (A. Julian Brylawakl. mcr.)—Bill week of 2: EIJou Gertrude. Kl Mare. Harry Tmesdttle and company, the Hermanns Troupe. Knmplan and De lUhln, f.lska and Saunders, and new pic- tures. Kunur.y concerts, with music by "That Orchestra," do capacity business. C.atkty (George Peck, mar.)—Mollle Williams and her company did big hnslm-ss week of 25. The Golden Orooks, with Billy Arlington, week or Dec. 2. Dare Marlon and the Dreamland nurlesqucrs week of 0. Sunday concerts do well. AltatocaJI.—Van Dyke & Eaton Co., in "The Tonilcrroot's Tain," week of 10. Notbs. —Arthur damage, at the Colamlili. answered seven encoies on "Aunle Annlivuser," Sunday night, 1. Coliiiiihns, O.—Hartninu (Lee M. Boda. mgr.) Madame Region I'rnger, In "Woman." Dec. 3. Richard Carle and llattle Wililatns, In "The Girl from Montiuiirtre," 4, 5; Mine. Emma talve, iu "Carmen," tl; "Tbe Olrl of My Dreams" 7. Soutiieun (J. V. Lnft, mgr.)—"Bunty Pulls the Strings" week of 2. lnou St. (C. W. Harper, mgr.)—"A Ken. lucky Romance" 2, S; "Lciia Hirers" 4, "Sen-il Days" 5-7. Keith's (W. W. Piosser. mgr.)—mil for week of 2: Eddie Leonard anil Muuel Russell. Wlllanl Slnmis niHl company. McKay ami Oantuell. Brltt Wood. Kllznbeili Otto, Muxlne Bros, ami Hubby. Wlnslow and Stryker. and pictures. O.i.oNiAi, (J. A. Mnddox. mgr.i— Hill week of 2: Karl Grevs. Morris and Beusley, Dick Thorn- Ion uud conspnny, Hiilleu and Hayes, [lie Four Miuiieks. and plcturea. EManral (W. James, mgr.)—Bill for week of 2: liehiKint's Maulldns. Whlthi;r and tlernrd Ferlier. I^ee and ciMipcny. Mar.lle De Ixiug. Fuur III ass Mill, and pictures. I.o« Anajelea, Cal. — Auditorium (L. E. Behyiner, mar.) the Alice Nellsen Graod Opera S2V N £ T - 2«--?- "The Secret of Suxanne" 30. "The Barber of Seville," nuatlnee, 30. Majestic (Oliver Morocco, mgr.)—"A Modern Eve" was tbe attraction bere 24 and week. Burbane (Oliver Moroaco, mgr.)—"The Es- cape," Indefinite. iiicluilcd: The Lunch Room Cabaret Girls. Welch, llenly his! Montrose, Dan Sullivan, and Berry and Wiliuetiul. l-'or 5-7: Leauder Broa., Del- torelll and Gllssaudo. Harry Mayo, aud the Lunch Room Cabaret Girls. Buou (M. U. Goodhue, mgr.)— Dig business. Bill for 2-4 included: Cliff Herzae's Clrcns, W. E. Browning, Carroll nnd Perlett mrupaiiy, and Arthur Gray. For 5-7: Octnrln and Neil, the McFarlnnds, Helen Gallon, and Berzae's Circus. PuEMitxt (L. M. Bons, mgr.)—Bill 24 includ- ed: O'Coanell and Flnley Sisters, and Billy Rogers. Paiacb (A. U. Ashley, mgr)—Motion plelures and illustrated songs. Lvbic (Ed. Doherty, mgr)—Motion pictures and Illustrated songs. Stab (E. M.cholfcldcr, mgr.) — Mollou pic- tures and illustrated songs. Nickelodeon (Walter Blgelow. nicy.)—Motion pictures and illustrated songs. Scenic (H. R. Archer, mgr.)—Motion pictures. Srrlnerfleld, Mass.—Court Square (D. O. (.Ihuorc. mgr.) Rainey's African Hunt pictures i ,ec •.„ 2 ' 4 ■.^" > l , T]lrf " r " 7 - "° T «- the River" n. 10: 'The Kreutrer Sonata" 13, Ocnee 14, ^i60th ANNIVERSARY NUMBER OP T W E WILL BF. DATED FEBRUARY J5, 1913 PRICES FOR PORTBA-'IS .*ir„" Pcli's (Gonlon Wr-gbler. razr.l—Bill week of "£C. J : ' flir ST.t^m " t ..,n..,,, I ,.^i A _ - and Francis, Polaln bimI the electrograph. paray. Frey Twins. Muriel Bros., Alexander and Scot S. R. o. business rales Oilmobe (P. F She, mgr.l-World of Pleas-- ure 2-4. Cn'umbla Bnrlesquers P-Il plctl^eV (GclllBleu ' Bros - a-S"-)—VauocTlHe and <• Slae 2% i ay. ... - ^j,* Adeline gbe4<,x4^ ... - "*J PRICES FOR ADVERTISEME>i- a i^ Per inch, alnayle oolnuia - ' ,, ■•' 100 Lines -_---" .,..iM 160 Linen - - - Jj.!!* Quarter Page ■ • " " aa-ia Half Page ----- ^,,3.511 Whole Page - - - „".,., t ni Send In yonr ordera ft* Portrai" Advertisements. :• i