The New York Clipper (December 1912)

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DECEMBER TIljE jsjICW YORJS: OLIPPEB, ^ HE> ***£W Y^iT^rv THEATRES sixth four- CONTINU ED ATTR AOIORS, nHAMATIO AHD MUSICAL. ^^"••Hawthornc, of the TJ. 8. A.," fifth g8LBl.—"TM Bo * d to A"*^-" »eeond B n,»«cO-France« Starr, in "The CtM of *"ffiS "tenth week. 4 . _ iilhU-^Merry Countess," sixteenth -.Sros—"What All* Ton?" third week. CB F*?I2~Tbe Bed Petticoat" fonrthweek. M iSnra| rXMOT-SBCOS© STREET. — ELT, ^withln the Law," thirteenth week. ^riBB-MUtf" 1 " 10 ™' to "Bella Donu," rn „ J.EI^TUSTBEBT.—William Collier, '< n V%SNrin Die." fourth week. „, ton —'The Yellow Jacket," fifth week. CiBDES'-John H. Kellerd. Ta "Hamlet," fMHG TM W COHAN*3.—"Broadway JoneV' „.,m5 — f'-onr Wives" second and last "week at tlila house. riHRlCK.—John Mason. In "The Attack," ■*■§« week and last tetatght, HirrODKOME.—"Under Many Flags," UiTSON^Va-^ske. In "The High Road," KNICKERBOCKER. — "Oh, Oh, Delpbine," r iRERT?'.—"Milestones," twelfth week. liTTLE—"The Affairs of Anatol," eighth week "Snow White," fifth week, every matinee and Saturday mornings. i vrrru —lJillle Burke, In "The 'Mind the Pilot Girl," thirteenth week. jjijiNE ELLIOTT.—"Beady Money," six- teenth and last week. JIOOLIS BOUGE.—"Follies of 1912," seventh JIINHATTAN OrEBA HOUSE—"The Whip," third week. \EW AMSTERDAM.—"The Count of Luxom- hough," twelfth week. rtATHOUSE.—"Little Women," eighth week. BEPCBMC—<"The Governor's Lady," thir- teenth week. 7IHRTY-XIXTH STREET.—Annie Russell's Old English Comedy Co., fourth week. riL COLLIER'S COMEDY.—"Fanny's First Play," twelfth week. WINTER GARDEN.—"Broadway to Paris," third week. WEBER 4 FIELDS'. — "Boly Poly" and "Without the Law," third week. WALLACE'S.—Mmc. Slmone, In "The Paper Chase," second week. HAMMERSTEIN'8. (WM. UAMMEESTEIN - , MOB.) Including- a reel of pictures and the over- 's'-, there arc eighteen arts to be seen at lot Victoria this week, two of which make tbetr raudcvillc debut here—"The Guy that Pot the Tone In Baritone" and the Three Tnvllla Brothers and their Diving Seal, and toti did nicely. The attendance on Monday afternoon seemed to be the largest of the ■MOB, Louis Granat opened the show and got a tlov itart Appearing In a Tuxedo he en- Otrored to whistle bis way Into favor, but ru not very successful. Adele Beeves tried hard to please with -t: repertoire of songs and changes of cos- tune, out again the house was not very en- tiasiastlc in its applause, Us Salvaggls, the two young women who, •o full stage, make much work of their daaciig and gymnastic stunts, fared a little tetter tban (loir predecessors. These girls «m very nicely, and their closing number went quite well. Brown. Harris and Brown appeared In "fwr five position The only thing about tMr ofiering that appealed to the audience ru the comedy put over by the larger of ttx two men. Charles Fnlke Semon, in his original make- op, and by the music produced by peculiar iHtrumeuts, made the flrat hit of the day, •m made his customary hit. 'The Guy That Put the Tone In Baritone" ',?earj under New Acts. JftSS"* 80' a slow start, but had them ? tr m whea ae told »bout a girl going to ccllege Uty ° r Md * 70Un * ■"*• at Mai'a International Burlesque Circus got Sa* 'or Its comedy, The snlmals do SW 3 2 { . tne ordinary, but the whole liDd a bcttcr thal1 man y others of this ,, L :^J i , B "ry, assisted by a piano player. SSI'S sons 2- and went v ery welt She MM 'Barry," "Twenty Years Ago," "The SL55V nd * n - Cu P ld " Dur "»S the . Si \ tne 5 ec °nd she became quite lively T,» Th. 4, "£? was <L ult<! astonishing. ad .nL. 1 t avl l! a "'others and tho diving tfeinn '. St , ecl ° and Ciri ' followed the Inter- Mart *"* th9 wcond halt a B00d Jig*-*" * was the most successful ap- E?i** «i the afternoon. She put her with energy, and deserved her "THE PAPER CHASE," "TAINTED PfflLANTHROPY/' "Tainted Philanthropy," Abraham Gold- "THE SUN DODGERS/' The Paper Chai'c Lout Co. Duke S'SHlSS Sf.""** ,uUan LBstriige Lav«ne "*—" Dallas AndcrsoS paw of sterling players,'it "waa"'produce4 cart™ Gksoard.' ••Geoffrey Stein under the most favorable auspices. But It* i*A„" „ „, fc „ . tortoSfd. ch £ rle " Krand * P'odoctlon was a veritable M&MNt to 1U 5i U ^„ No V e, yl h A: Si • • • B «P , » w Jn» ISIhSS, ,y -DougUss Boss author. " vwmna ' "» "• Mrt Honoris 5'Day Omrge W. Monroe LanitolI'::.':.';;:;;;;-" Fed I V ),leC ° rd<>ta -JWS«t-» $<*> conception, contraction. Z\2'SOSO*" Harry " Dubois. Leacur. ft£a«E-.v.-KBi wJttJtrszJriXRia* »* SCENERY THEATRES AND PRODUCTIONS, VAUDEVILLE ACTS EQUIPPED MOW a nit .Second Hand Scenery la Stork HURRAY HILL SCENIC STUDIO _. . MORttAir HILL THRATRK, M. T. WAIjTIK MAXBY, ggr. "THE ROAD TO ARCADY." ...tSSS —*®3w£yifrE BS^»-v;;;;;. , M8|B *& W&JS3 ^£Z& ferrant to Belance .Walter ClurtVS produced by and nnde? £ t^SLdt % m? Todd Banter , ......benmaa HMcy 8 »? ne ' Boaonfald produced The Jteoat to Ar- DuSft^Sffi* DouVlafBVonstoS RS? UV%t%^tSotf 2nd 5?" Porter """/.^SMB fg£ fig K l£& * B«lth Session. S^^2L% l K:L::;--'-^--.:-%!'e8torr "its moreitian likely .that under nootoer J" a "??£•• Nan ipi "gf. *»«" c4,t - .Alec ro^iL 1 "^ r? J ,^wse. Pauline Frederick condition couldMr:"^oldk^opT1hIve W ho^ed ia»Tt^J^.V.V»V»».».'^^gKg »"»« g««rt S^SSi?* " Harlaacourt...Edith Cartwrlght to «» his "pUy" on the stage, he can con^ 4' S?*^ }*£>•: H »"y Clark gobert Oerard g.«"taa- Mme SlmSoe sole hlmseir with the facHtat It has it ?•£• W\ ke Taylor Jaek Jarrott Benson Churcl 5 111012 - Cim.n Mucin., least had one orodartlrm whirh i. mn r^ ih> n '■ J*. Btude James C. Brecso John Uanil tor Oliver Gerard Frank Weston • Oerard Albert Latacba. Churchill Wilson Uuromel .. .Carmen Neaviriu lea »t had one prodactlon"whlch ii morolhaa ii £ } L 8 ft d Si James C. Brecso gajMyKqa^. Franklin Bltchlc First AsaUUnt Amanda Lewia m «y other would-be drainattete can bosst ? ffl i«' Huldoon Janes Dy«o *fhe Bov. Wm. Burnham U Blanden jhjea« 4, lisjl .n n Ague. KeSble The incoherency of the "plot" c^^Unted A JE a . b . DrtTer Fred Duffy gtaw _.„ Charle._ Ellis ESJFSBBu MarT Christian Ph anthrophy" makes a well denned story While the novelties aro not many, they ' '*' Second Assistant Maude Noel •« nigh Impossible, bnt as near aa the were worthy of the applause awarded them. 7°. u « ■" Parker . who gave us "Disraeli" writer could make out It ran something' like The chief one was the march song, entitled and Pomander Walk." has furnished Mmi>. this: Qrace Dal ton, the daughter of an Im- "The Night Brigade." in which tie chorua !?. lm . on rL wltD 7,P er vehicle this season. It Is P™unlous widow, la engaged to Theodore «lrls, led by Nan Brennan, wore fetching The Paper Chase," an amusing and delicate pompson. W00 ' having lost hla all In Wall costumes, with tiny electric lights in the barah Oerard Helen Tracer Antoinette Oerard Lily Cahlll Sue Dennlsou Hilda Keenan Mary Hamilton Ida Waterman Llsctto Leona Ball The plot is not new, having; been used in comedy founded upon Henry Mountjoy's str eet, determines to disgust hla fisnece to toes of their slippers and on the tops of numerous works, short plays, etc. The story novel, 'The Minister of Police." The action P e P° mt ot breaking the engagement, and their fire and police helmets. Another nov- tells of a family, consisting of father, mother, of the play takes place in 1780 In the Palace becomes a drunkard. Not that he doesn't elty was a moving picture shown on a trans- daughter and son, and their friends. Tho of Versailles. The play and novel both In- lore h * r> oh . my, no 1 He loves her, all parent gause screen, behind which tho chorua father Is a fairly well-to-do banker, who troduce personages who played Important r, Rht, but, as he has lost all his money and "at while In front of the screen Maude Grey thinks of nothing but business. The son Is roles In the history of France during that cannot make any more because Jack Bird has and Harry Clark danced energetically and ■ young fellow who. up to tho present time, period. The events represented, however, a eorner on the money market, he'll just dls- sang a song called "At tho Picture Show." has lived only to enjoy himself. Tho mother, have no historical record. The story, charm- * ust her. Her mother determines to marry The laughs in "Tho Sun Dodgers" were who is Insanely anxious for millions, and to ingly written, is Interesting, but slow In its Jllclt Blrd and prinks herself for this pur- provided by George W. Monroe and Harry be a recognized lender of society. Tbo dnugh- unfolding. The costumes are accurately re- P 080 ' because, as she says, she may be able Fisher. Tho laughs arc many, but between tor Is quite pretty, and abhors a multl-mll- produccd, and the furniture is of the times to "work" Mr. Bird for a few paltry thous- them are many dull moments. Honalre who would marry her. The mother, Just before the French Itcvolutlon. The play ^ds a "d pay up the mortgage which Is due. The plot, for there is a Blight one. tells of to gain her wishes, tolls her dnughto;- that only scored a mild form of success. "The when Mr. Bird arrives, however, be lg- * set of young men who seek their pleasure her father Is a defaulter, and that she must Minister of Police" has had a large sale and nor ° 3 the widow and "shines" up to the by night and Bleep by day. They decide to marry this man to save his name. The girl therefore the story of Mr. Mountjoy's novel daughter in a most original. If uncouth, man- build a town on Long Island, called Sunless at first refuses to bo bartered, but finally Is so well known that it Is unnecessary to nor * The girl Anally determines that she'll City, and ask Mrs. llonorla U'Dny, a wealthy gives a reluctant consent, all the time tltlnk- flve a lengthy description of thj play, "The sacrifice herself by marrying Bird and thus widow from llutte, Mout., to provide tho ing of a young nrcliltect whom she has seen 'aper Chase." Briefly, Bettina Is a young enable her mother to live In affluence, and money. They Intend to lease homes to those but twice, but whom she loves, and of Arcady and beautiful baroness, whose loyalty to her her grown-up, athletic brother to continue who like to dodge Old Sol. which, as pictured by Mr. Tuppcr, la the land ?ucen (Marie Antoinette) has caused her to his college course. In the end, however, Mr. Monroe. In his well known portrayal, of happiness and love. It looks as If the ollow the queen from Vienna for the pur- u ' ter Grace has attempted to stab herself, a 'a "Aunt Bridget," scored heavily us tlio neddlng would tako place, but the son, with pose of extricating her from the work of a "d al, o Bird, with a huge carving knife, rich widow. Mr. Monroe is always the same, the help of his sister's girl friend, gets on Intrigue that a faction of the French court, Bllc refuses, on the day set for the wedding, to but it must be admitted that lie is very funny, the Job and proves his mother has lied. Then headed bv the Duke of Ulchelleu has wound marry Bird, and grows hysterical over the Harry Fisher, as the Widow O'Day's ad- thero Is a happy wedding in the architect's about her. All of the plans to bring disgrace prostrate body of Theodore, who has fallen vlscr and fiance, was as funny as of yore, home, where his mother, a sweet old Qua- on the queen are written in a document on the stage, either dead or drunk, which, and when ho and Mr. Monroe were on tne kcress, gives the girl a warm welcome, which the duke and big spies are trving to the author does not make clear. Btagc the fun waxed fast and furious. Gape- Lily Cahlll, who, we understand, 1b a new- recover from Bettina, who stole it from tho Mr. Bird, who has come to the conclusion ciully luugh provoking was their burlesque oa comer to our city, played tbo part of An- duke. A battle of wits ensues in which that his secretsry. John Watts, is responsible a 10, 20 and 30 cent melodrama. tolnette, the daughter, very creditably. Bettina outwits them all. ' or his being "turned down" at the laBt mo- Bessie Wynn charmed tho large audience Hilda Keenan, as her friend, Sue Denal- son. also did eond work. seem to get all acts The role of Bettina gives Mme Simon- who sMDt condemns him to poverty for the rest with her artistic work and with her fascl- son, also did good work, ts In English, little opportunity,"' but ot his natural life, and decides that there is untlng personality. She carried off tho sing- Franklin Bitchlo did not enough to convince us that she is cqua'ly nothing left for him (Bird) to do but to de- lng honors of the evening, Never wus her possible oat of the role of John Hamilton, at home in light comedy ns she Is In the T °te himself to phlianthrophy. And here Is delightful voice heard to better advantage, 'he young architect. She Is nn artiste to her where Watts gets his revenge, for he says Sbc made many changes of gowns, and each Albert Latsclia, as tho son. bad numerous emotional drama. - finger tips. It Is always a pleasure to watch tainted phlianthrophy," and thus, by mere of them was what is known as a '"creation." opportunities for good work but did not her. accident, he kills two birds with one stone, Harold Crane disclosed a fine baritone grasp them. The role of Marquis of Kelange was ca- for he gives Mr. Ooldknopf's "play" its name, voice, but ho had few opportunities to use It. Wilson Hummel gave a very good por- pably acted by Julian L'Estrnngc Mi\ Warts has other words to say during the Madeline Harrison contributed an artlbtlc trayal of the rich old man, who thinks money "The Paper Chase" served to bring back to action of the play, chief of which are "nasty dance, and despite the applause given her, can buy anything. the stage that charming and clever actress world." which the author makes him repeat she would not take an encore. Helen Tracy, as the heartless, MM Pauline Frederick, who nandled her role! In various stages of the play ten or a dozen Charles Carttnell and Laura Harris (who mother, gave a creditable performance. that of the Marchioness of Joveuse, a eal- times, but his real speech is "tainted phll- joined the show but a few hours before tho The other roles were well handled. ous woman with skill. unthrophy." opening performance) danced themselves Into Tho play Itself is entertaining, and tho re- Charles Francis, as Oaspard gave a cnpl- Judge Holt, for whose benefit the unique Instant popularity. They appeared twice dur- ceptlnn tendered It should encourage Its tal performance, and made bis small role performance was given so that he might MM lng the action of the piece, and each time author to further endeavors. stand out conspicuously judgment in the action brought against Mr. scored an emphatic success. At tho Friday night performance, during Edgar Kent as the oid Duke of Blcheileu do Mills and Mr. Belasco, sat In one of the Another Interesting apeclnlty was provided the Intermission between the third and fourth was Interesting The remainder of the cast stage boxes, and the hearty laughter in which by James Dyso, who appeared as a two- oets, Sydney Bosenfeld appeared before tho played their roles (mostly small ones) In he Indulged. In common with the rest of tho headed policeman (on one body). Ho danced curtain, and In a speech In which he many excellent manner. audience, showed that there are times when skillfully, and the audience was kept In tho «mes hoped be was not boring his audience. The production by the Llebler Company even a Judge can set aside his official dlgn'ty dsrk as to how the stunt Is done. Mr. Dyso ho told of the hopes and alms of tho National ft nothlnz to be desired Third Itoic Enu " m l°y the ludicrous. was one of tho sure-fire hits of tho show. Federation of Theatre Cluhe. Among other The audience was one of the most remark- The dances, marches and situations gave things Mr. Bosenthnl aald the Federation left BELASCO WLNS. able that ever gathered fa a theatre. Be* evidence of Ned Wayburn's great talent as a would produce a new play by an unknown sides the critics, who were all present, there stage director. For once we havo heard a creator, with unknown talent In many of the were many prominent lawyers and men of men chorus with deep voices. The girls are ro,e * every four to alt weeks. Ho said that Judge Holt, on Nov. 30, in the United letters, and most of the leadir.g American mostly all pretty States District Court, New York City, ren- piavwrlgbts. dered his decision In favor of David Belasco ''The Woman" wis given at 11 o'clock on ond William C. de Mllle. In the plagiarism the morning of the same day. suit brought against him by Abraham Gold- On Saturday Nov 30, Judge Holt banded knopf, In which Goldknopf charged them a own bis decision In favor of Mr. Belasco, with having stolen the Idea ot "The Woman" which appears on this page. The scenery is beautiful and the costumes are gorgeous. Third Bow. from a play submitted by blm some two years prior, entitled "Tainted Philanthropy." Goldknopf's original counsel was William Klein, and afterwards Adolph Freycr was substituted. Judge Dlttenboefcr appeared for Mr. Belasco, and Max D. Josephson for Mr. di been should PROCTOR'S FIFTH AVENUE. (ODS MCCL'NE, MANAGER.) Held over a second week oa account of tho remarkable success, Madame —?, the masked CITY THEATRE (DEN LEO, HOB.) Monday afternoon found almost every seat cdy Into"!™and"WaVTrjiolhad'dMie'mirh a taken by an audience that was most liberal thing It appeared to havo been appreciated. in their applause. The program presented He praised Mrs. Tuppore play, and closed the membership of the Federation had grown from 40 to 1,100 la less than a year, and that one of Its main objects was to bring more literary talent Into the amusement game nnd to belp to keep it up to a high standard. Speaking of "Tbo Road to Arcady," he said he had been accused of Injecting com- u Mllle. After part of the testimony had soprano, still has the wise ones guessing, een taken, it was stipulated that the case The business during the engagement last hould be decided upon the court reading week was "capacity" at each performance, was up to the usual standard, and contained a good variety of acts. As rube comedians Crelghton Bros pre- sented their specialty of songs, dancing and violin playing with marked success. Tho t of both ' y, by saying he had minimized his efforts In changing copy. The second week began Dec. 2. Doe. GREELEY SQUARE THEATRE. (JULIUS nKDNSTKIlf, HUB.) The bill for Nov. 28-30 contained eight , dancing of both boys was vory good, and the the two manuscripts and then witnessing a and if Monday matinee, Dec. 2, Is a sample several songs rendered were big encoro production of the two plays, which Mr. Be- of the business for the second week of her getters. . Iosco agreed to give. This proposition was engagement, her two weeks will be record Handsome and shapely Edith Baymond entertaining acts and played to crowded acreeable to and accented by Judge Holt, breakers. Whoever sbe Is, she possesses a performed on the slack wire, and executed houses. _.- •...__ all her stunts with ease and grace. Her male Harry Mayo opened with "Sumurun," In "» d*ep bass volco, and was then Joined by young lady singer in an orchestra seat, eang "Oh, What a Beautiful Dream' 1 "I'm Saving My Kisses for Somo One," ifternoo !I oein? ner oiggest success. »i« evening perronnancc r •£"« finishing on the stage to good applause. JudEc Holt's onlnlon is as follows: ■■** Leslie: and his company presented a hlg hit Three of the girls sing, each one rh ,?, u K |r ' ls a 8 , wcet ■ ln8 '"' and *°° a '°oker. ""- In- "Hogan-, tho Painter," which gives Leslie having a flno singing voice, and put over The Four Victors are pony acrobats of "This suit is brought to restrain the rt^o^a°«a..^«d!fe i«ix^«85*ea£s««! B^^^S^aSisei^" f .i nl! flm iiiMniilMlt *■*§ opportunity for his slang'splel. The their eongs In a capable manner. The young merit, who, ln red costumes, went through S UL °.""'' "•....„. itint, trm, tha. D 7,». „~a *v.„ wnnui i„i„„i n.tigt an J] a scries of top-mounting, slip-undcrs and Miss VanderbTft's" dancing n,",, * Ba ~ , *?. k ** vlt *°t the crowd they were beginning R ng> over wcwa. « ^TtlT'W-^ Sam*** «■ la"!! '"easing. h *l Welds and . QlOa&JFS heftanlnsj-to ■« tired. ■mS d mb 8tufl an d talk they did well. i3_m. 9* dancing and roller skating SiNE t. U lB nnmbep sixteen. «P"rt m J„ilte Australian Whip Crackers, SSSr.f°^ t0,, J? Australian 1 ^! whips, 58«S ' 80 far "' ,De Ta «devlllc wis ■i* £££■%■£ s ^ own m moving plc- ' Brpc o nod the final curtain . Doc. Such representations have been given Both lhose Ebony ApolloB, 8wor and Mack, not i^MinlM a singing, dancing and rleces 1 ave been presented by experienced S vor " om i of the most humorous talk that j'alty that brought them several . End Viifui actorsT with excellent scenery has even been heard here. The dance which the conclusion of their excellent _ and stage appolnfmems. I hive carefully * fr s M shj s JT Ifr. tt gfc » «UMt fjMs of *™. _. Both. _ boyii._aro..clover dancers and ,..? th .»l_Wh,'t»W«» was there as usual, with read seen piano gpe- ru , ra » street scene would belp the act, as the encores at rubes aro out of place In a scene showing ! perform- Iwenly-Mecond Street and Sixth Avenue, ni«M Tr7at"«ThV _ WoiBaa ,r wss cooled from i*" 8 yAU """ J ° e "enencs: win stay with us . "-onaru ivane, in colonial dress, sang and L" .I" 01 , 1 ". lf" c ? sketch, wherein an oloplng SS3^J%ll^«ISS?«^a»Dartfll for 'o me "me to come. Monday afternoon danced with much success. Demonstrating young kusbsnd captured a dangerous crln> iw ™ Jii" mS from anv £3 of the tbe ^l P« °I c . r one of the biggest hits over the many styles of step*, be was a big en- l u . a i ?}>_ 0 _ c «5 a ?/7™.« ,t *ol»>..«ttor.thi ether 0ne Ther% t Is e nothmg IS'Indicate' that BSKLA ?4 , JS ,1 Sr i6l ^ 5 -*» elth« the" words, the Ideas or the .plot of ^StS^J^L^^SSL^L^^ * Tfteraooi « £ ^ ler - ■**.)—On Frl- aorlnj B' ShfV Woman's Titanic Me- . snrter th?n?L w111 b l & ta at this house, the defendant's play was suggested by com- J^ nu u ,n £ O on a ' M^M^re&S^fMW plainant's play. , "The two plays, U W a h m ° un ou ° ld a , ■5 Ta. 8 "5 and direction of Daniel Froh- opinion, are vfaoWy dissimilar, and I see no ggj ™» lo a core winner. hlg on- S" Y"° ex;uangeu satchels, after tho wife had been put through the third degree on B »«oc AnP ro 6.*P wlu delude: Wynn and ^UMI* ""-*"'- company, William Ken," a S.. B n „l Cecl, i l, . I 'Oftus, (n balcony ! ! "" Slmone 0 $f 0 « n d Juliet;" Blllle Burke, I Cob.n ;/™f,„ AlIlln ' Ad a Beove, Goo ■wat^gi^JPgcWiMi with' Ten **>. Fran,i \t\.i J * onn MaB0D - **r»nola WU- *<<mi: fiSL'ffiSS?; and bis "Delphlno" ll^ choru, JE39 Md ^rsnees Csmeron, n *MaSS., ro » m : L «l«embourg;" trio from »"'. io£ ; J!?. dan,e Nammova and com- ^ si rt Bm? JffL w,nDe Matthlson, ci-oit from st •p. n » u . th , , 8t - D(nl8 - with entire UsBfA Patrick's Cathedral. ?«.l-Vaudovui' Cer i ,treet < Ber "«»d Frank, a r ^. 2-4 ineLS d K?SB P'etures. Bill l Vo «d. DernaM .iJ d T : TtlB Cromwells. Juliet ft 5 "^ and w.w and , Flor e»ee, Evans nnd S.'ttstt Three vi. K* 8o»naders, Tom p?" %«Mta»e ■SS?VJ S ^' «nd Robln- '*'". and n«r5 » nt * Clans," Queen „. ^»Jay ?^Lli e "i!*«L. a » d company. W ^ n * "ml t)ilrt rt S ,,ftsiaB . Mgr.)— ft n B *mid ■„i nstrat ed songs. ^M a cT," hc ro q ? s a " '»• Itothschlld. mgr.')- 1)1^^ cxcellent - First ran of pic- !ft»ra AtJftg , i_1*»Wi of Paul J. *%£***££$£$*** th * o^venth '•--VauaeTUu and pictures. genuine one at that Judging from tho ipplausc when they left tho stage, have taken as many more. Both JS'***2l?y^JB rJ5 ^TJSS sonV h ln 8 »onJo°us e 'toue: S8&T ffi^snoS.VblaXr'ee'fJr JXS^SU ^ '^ **' br ° U,llt the the defendants, dismissing the bill on the l '!*•• merits, with costs." The Six Sambo Girls, assisted hv a. mole suspicion of being the crook's accomplice ember, sang, danced and marched with i 0 ?' 0 ?, nd , Willie Barrows, as tho actn member, happy results Jack, actress Proctor's Flftyelarhtri Street [V. K Proctor, mgr.)—Motion pictures and vnudo- villc. Bill for Dec. 2-4 Included: Kar- ™ rell, Corcoran and Stone, "Atler the Honey- ■ —i -x. •-.-. • v <•!••* I* Toy Brothers, two of the cleverest moon," J. K. Murray, Clara Lane and com- i„?2- iSViP J} nd ' 4 a,,nln .r about the stage, and the llvoly bell boy, sang, danced and de- veloped funny situations with good result Tholr footwork is clever, and thoy have lost nono of their cleverness acquired as the Bar- rows Children. How these kids do grow I Jack Itose camo on with a lot of goatlcula- dounlng a muff, he nglng "Hoaven rl." For a fin. IHR City fotloo clslon Goldknopf ob»'"°'-^" '•-.-•.■-"-■ _-,-£. The Losano Troupe, six In number, were Dancing Itoaebuds, Mr. and Mrs. Sydney Rcy- , ^&£ftL&«7mS&mnm£ seen for the first time In an exhibition on tho nolds. In a singing and talking 'aldt; Ben '«h he told ajh^tstory. \u?. InTr^iwiMri- &mfIKaa "" m wire. (See New Acts.) ,/ac*. V.-raon and comnany. ln a comedy panto- , , ,~ T*~ !*"• - «— vr mn » mime, and Wright, Durfor and Oriswold, . Irvlnsr Place Theatre (Dr. M. Baum- Harris (nrnry B. Harris* Estate, mgrs.) talkera, Hlngers and dancers, jelu, mgr.)—Tho premiere of Der Auttauioh- ' J. Madden, '< "'"(">» ("Tho Exchange Lieutenant"), a three act comedy, may well be called A ''lost evening," as the whole plot of tho play Is hardly worth mentioning, and It Is much better adapted for presentation by an ama- — theatrical club than by regular actors. Stockel played well, ns always, In the ' ungrateful part of the lieutenant, I'rau nub-Foerstor found opportunity show that she Is welt able to tako care of gcr parts thun those generally entrusted mgr.)—The Quaker Qirl opened a week's on- to her. Berolina. ' "> Inn Claire, Pcrclral Metropolitan Opera Ifonae.—Adeline Included In a big cant. Genes opened here Tuesday matinee. 3. Mtas A Scrape o' tbe Pen" week of ft. Ornee is assisted In her dances by M. Vollnln, Weber's.—Beverly B. Dobbs* Alaska-Si- a ballet and symphony orchestra conducted berian motion pictures opened an indefinite by Nahan Kranko. engagement here Monday, Dec. 2. Bmroj (Rosenberg Bros., mgrs.)—Motion Olympic (Maurice Krius, mgr.) — Gov fourteenth Street (J. Wesley Rosen- pictures In which leading stars appear la the 31a»Queradcr$ this week. Bowery Burlesquers quest, mgr.)—'Vaudeville and moving pic- attraction at this house, follows. tures. (Continued on page 10.) yers against authors cesful plnyr these strike for legal action, are jainst auiuur» puu i': , ' u ''" 1 " to thlt quor » w m bo the attraction for next week, mgr.)—The Ouaker air P'."/ 3 ' „iS%,".?««? n^lf or ^ound Mexlne Elliott (8am 8. A Leo Bhubert. Wgement here, 2, with trlke suits, having no MMMgroii«« ^r^.)—Hindi* Woke* will be produced! Knight and May Vokes I sharp practice and unwarranted attack on tho nswsra. drnmatlnt's name and pnoket. ••Yours most sincerely. (Signed) Chablbs Klbin. secretary.