The New York Clipper (December 1912)

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>..!: am 8 fc.;* THE NEW YOEK OLIPPEB. December 7 cnnedy Of the THE NEW YORK CLIPPER SOMETHING DOING. THE FRANK0 P u7E n N d pUBLI8HING'cO.{L| m |t.d) W^^cZX^ KnSSLS^^ noraiRou, ALBERT J. BORIE Xditobial a»p Bmmm Mamaoh. NEW YOBK, DECEMBER 7, 1912 Entered Jane' 24. 1870, at the Post Office tt New York, N. X., •■ eccond elm matter, under the act of March 8, 1878. Advertisements—12.80 per Inch, tingle column. Advertisements aet with border, 10 per et. extra. SUBSCRIPTION. One year, Id advance, $4; alz monthi. $2; three euntbi. 11. Canada and foreign postage Mire. Simla eoplea will be tent, poatpaM. on receipt of vaudeville Comedy Club— the meeting of the Board of Control, held Dec. 1. The list Includes many prominent managers, booking ngents, performers, au- thors and newspaper men. For New Year's Eve the suggestion «ti made and adopted tbat a special Jubilee be held, beginning on the stroke of 12. A light lunch and punch will be served at a counter ell day Wednesday, at an open house. The presidential beefsteak will be held.Thursday, Dec. C. ... —:— <'» FOG ARTY ACCEPTS. The following letter was received by the Vaudeville Comedy Club from the nominee for president: ... _ "To Bert Leslie, president; to the Board of Control and to my fellow members of the 10 cents. Oh Trrma are Caah. THE CLIPPER Is Issued every THURSDAY, The Forma Closing Promptly on Tuesday, at Noon, Gentlemen—I am In receipt of your letter advising me that I am the selection of your nominating committee for president of the Vaudeville Comedy Club for the year begin- ning Jan. 1, 1918, for which please accept my most sincere thanks. It Is a delightful thing at this present ATTRACTIONS AT THE NEW YOBK THEATRES. HIPPODROME flth Av., 43-44. Ball; Mat. at 2. Best Beats, $1. Ev. 8 UNDER MANY FLAGS ENTIRELY NEW SPECIALTIES) ™HS«R! B'way A Krth St. I Evgs. > Phone MW Cols. | Sharp. _jnrs. and Sat. •< m 60c., 76o., and Beat Seats 11.W GERTRUDE HOFFMANN An Entirely New Musical Entertainment, BROADWAY TO PARIS Pletee remit by expreaa money order, check. P. p. order or registered letter. All cuh enclosed d _ t0 know tnat you are rcBpe cted by your with letter i> at risk of aender. u f ](m playcrB tc / have the confidence In Address All _ Common I eat lone to nominating me to the exalted position of THE NEW YOBK CLIPPER. 47 West 28tU Street, New York. Tel. 2274-Madleon. Rtgltttrti Coble Addre$i, "AtrraoarrT." THE WESTEEN BUREAU of Tni Ouppsb Is located et Boom C05, Ashland Block, Chicago, Warren A. Patrick, manager and correspondent. Tub Cliffes can bb obtained wholes ali ind ditiil, at oar agents, Brentano'a news depot, 37 Avenue de l'Opera, Perls, France; Diamond News Co., 120 Prado, Havana; Manila Book and Sta- tionery Co., 128 Eacolta, Manila. P. I. FREAKS IN VAUDEVILLE. There is seemingly no limit to the com- petition which the legitimate vaudeville per* former is up against. Prizefighters and other characters who have had public noto- riety are eagerly grabbed up by the enter- prising manager and exploited on the vaude- ville stage. Recently we have had a plethora of baseball players appearing In vaudeville. It does not matter whether these people have any stage talent; It does not matter what EJjjJSP j. tbey say or do on the stage, the audience is Te | t j r Mr. "and Mrs. W. Bourse Cochran, only Interested In seeing the man, Just the Mrs. Edward Lautcrbach, George C. Hellner, same as they would look at some curious ^^^^r^^^Df^O^ animal at the too. But these so-called per- F- Hyde, Mr. and Mrs. William Taylor, Mrs. formers get the money, and big money at IV. H. Bliss, W. H. Chadbourne, Mrs. Brook- that I Baseball olavera of nromlnence re- flcia j Mra - J - w - Roosevelt, Lnclen Jouvaud, that l Baseball players oi prominence re- rrof r pj,,,.,^ B# Downer, Mr. and Mrs. eclve large salaries for their work on the George I. Ide. Mr. and Mrs. Frederic B. Con- diamond during the baseball season, and It drrt, Mr. and Mrs. Luclon L. Bonheur, Mr. is hardly fair to the vaudeville performers £7 d „ *,»• Seth L ° W flad Mr * and Vb8 ' J ' P " for them to butt into their business. Vaude- presldent "of the Vaudeville Comedy Club, which, In my mind. Is the club for cementing true friendship In the little world of our own. "All I can say Is that M 1 am elected to be your president 1 will try to live up to your expectations of me in the future. No man can say more than tbat, and with a sincere feeling of thankfulness and trusting to be all that jou expect me to be, I am, "Sincerely yours, (Signed) "Frank FooABTr." At the request of fifty members a second ticket, naming Jos. M. Schenck for presi- dent, was to be placed In the field, but was withdrawn upon Mr. •Schenck declining the nomination. The election will be held Dec. 30. »» » PERFORMANCES ATOP NEW AMSTERDAM. The Aerial Theatre (New Amsterdam The- atre Annex) will be occupied on Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights, Dec. 5, 6 and 7. by Le Cercle Dramatlque dc L'AHIan?e Frencalsc de New York, which will present in French. "Le 8ecret de rollchlnelle," with a notable cast. Among the subscribers and box holders are; Etlcnne Lonel, Consul of France, and Mrs. Lanel; Vlcomte Dejean. attache to the embassy; Mr. and Mrs. Henri Golran; ex-Ambassador Robert Bacon and Mrs. Bacon, General Horace Porter, Mr. and Mrs. Alexander T. Mason, Mr. and Mrs. T. Wells, Mr. and Mrs. J. Plerpont Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Boose- s' Vlll A tad, West of B'way. Phone 8219 Bryant LYRIC Evgs. 8.15. Mat. Saturday, 2.15. ARTHUR BAMMER8TEIN Presents. EllA TRENTINI " In ft New Oomlo Opera E FIRI COLUMBIA THEATRE BROADWAY, «tn STREET, N. Y. This week —TROCADBROB. MURRAY HILL THEATRE Lexington Ave. »«d 49d St., N. Y. This weA-BBHMAN SHOW. , NEVTAMSTERDAM ^rMSy" Eves. 8.16. Mats. Wed. and Sat. 2.16. KLAW A EBLANOER Present The Count of Luxembourg CUPPER BUSINE SS INDEX LIBERTY m *- Bt Z$'Z;US KLAW A ERLANGER Present Mats. Wed, TSStf- PUYHOUSE ?E£$MSS& Evgs. 8.U. Mats. Wed., Tours, and Sat., 2.16. Little Women Wednesday Matinee, Beat Seats $1.60. Collier"! l/VliiuUj Mati.Tues., Thors. A Sat. Toes, and Thnrs. Mats., Best Seats $1.60. Granville Barker's London Company, In Fanny's First Play Sloune. -»»» vlllc players frequently spend a large amount McKiNNEL FOR "RUTHERFORD AND of money and time la perfecting an act or SONS." sketch, while the baseball player for a few Norman McKlnnel, the eminent English dollars can have a monologue or sketch writ- actor who is coming to the United States ten, and then hreak Into a field in which, ™«Jcr fje direction of Wlnthrop Ames, will *L j \ . ... •. . v. i mi i. _ .<- make his first New York appearance In they do not legitimately belong. This Is not "Rutherford snd Son/ by Oitba Sowerby. only unfair, but it is mean, for every base- The play has been one of the most successful ball player booked in vaudeville Bupplanta a of the past year In London, having WO n popu- , ... I , -.... ._ -._ _X _» .,„.., lar patronage as well as critical commends- legitimate performer, who is dependent upon Uaa * M te fl g , n graphlc aty]e ln Mgnly plc . his work for his living. It Is difficult to tureaque incidents, of the sacrifices which solve this problem unless the ball players John Rutherford, bead of the firm of Iron m. ,„ . „_ v- ~«j„ ♦« .„« if i n ifo n,.n.<i manufacturers, Rutherford A Sons, compels themselves can be made to see It ln Its proper n)g (nmUy t0 makc for the flrm =J the J-| light mid keep out of the business. It may sacrifice which he himself makes for It, Evgs. 8.16. Mats. Than, and Bat., 2.16. 'Phone 178 Bryant East of B'way, LEW FHXDS Presents 48th St. Theatre ..-nt LEW FIELDS I WILLIAM COLLIER »£*• NEVER SAY DIE MILESTONES % ARNOLD BENNETT and DWABD KNOBLAUCH. As played to crowded bouses at The Royalty Theatre, London. /vAIPTV B'way and «th St. Evgs. 8.30- GAIETY Bats. Wed. and Sat., 2.80. LAST WEBK JOS M. OAITESPBESENTSaNew Comedy of Bex "OUR WJVJS" W With HENRY KOLKEB, MOULIN ROUGE Formerly New York Theatre. Eves. 8.10. Mats. Wed. and[Sftt AOTfip &! w . a ^.*„ 46 . s i B'way snd 89th St Evgs. 8.16. 'Phone 8846 Oreeley CASINO . Matinees Wed. A Sat. 2.15. T he Merry Countess Eve. 8.16. Matinees Wed .'A Sat. 2.16. Tel. 281 Bryant. COHAN A HARRIS, Lessees and Managers COHAN A HARRIS Present MR. DOUGLAS FAIRBANK8 IN "HAWTHORNE «?« f e U. S. A." THEATBE 39th STREET 3E nr. B'way. 'Phono 418 Bryant. Evgs. 8.20. Matinees Frl. A Sat. 020. ANNIE RUSSELL'SOLD EH6LISH COMEDYCO, in HUGH ADO ABOUT NOTHING ^ Monday, December », "THE RlVAliS" le that tbey have never given serious thought to the matter, and have never "put them- selves In the other fellows' places" mentally. ««» DOUBLE RIATIREE BILL Two playlets, "The Poetasters of Ispahan," by Clifford Bar, and "Beauty and the Ja- cobin," by Booth Tarklngton, were presented by Sam S. & Lee Sbubert, Inc., under the stage direction of Maurice Elvcy, at a special performance at William Collier's Comedy Theatre, New York, on Friday afternoon, Nov. 211. "The Poetasters of Ispahan" was presented with the following cast: alalia! Maurice Elvey (Nejilbnl. Ala'ddlu Sydney I'm ten men Is, Walter Crelghton 4 »» SINGER'S SENTENCE SUSPENDED. Word was received from Milan last week that Slgnora Ada GlachettI, the singer, who was recently sentenced to prison and fined for defaming the character of Enrico Caruso, the tenor, Is still in Buenos Aires. Mile. Giachetti cabled her attorney to appeal the sentence and judgment was suspended, and the singer will not risk arrest when she re- turns to Milan shortly to fill an engagement. • ■ » BUYS THEATRE AND APARTMENTS. Thomas P. FllzslmoiiR and William . F. Clare have sold Nor. 22 to 28 West Sixty- third Street, lOOilOO, n-ith four story un- finished theatre and ten story studio apart- The property wob acquired by the sellers In June. 1010, under foreclosure, for nilV»CB'way*80th. 'Phone6973Mad.Sq. UAJLl O Evgs. 8.15. Mats. Wed. A Sat. 2.16. The Absolutely Novel Musical Bit FRED PETUSJAT With HEIiEM LOnELL of Favorites, PDniBWAV Thea., B'way A 41st St. OHUAUWAI Telephone 101 Bryant. Evgs. 8.16, Mats. Wed. A Bat. 2.15. LEW FIELDS Presents The Sun Dodgers With GEORGE W. MONROE BESSIE WYRN and HARRY FISHER B. F, KEITHS 6REATER NEW YORK CIRCUIT COLONIAL B E! H JK?,£? ALHAMBRA SSSIREJJS™ BRONX GREEltPOINT OKPHEUM GOTHAJ1 AdTertlaementa not exceeding one lla. i« . will be publlabed, properly classified £ im. 1 ?"** at the rate of 810 for one Mls^baSJS copy of Ths New loax (Wrn ^ b?21'^ to each adTertlaet while the adT ertlaeaeaM. &| ASBESTOS CURTAINS AND Plf ti »„ BOOTH8. "CTCB« a W. Trainer Mfg. Co.. 75 Pearl St.. Boston u„ AUTHORS AND PRODl'CEfla ^ Wrn. A. Quick. 252 W. 86th St.. MeT?.?, 01tI BICYCLE Jk GYMNASTIC APPAna-rrf' Hart Mfg. Oo„ 862 Atlantic Ave.. BcefonuTI?- CHIMES, BELLS A SPECIALTIE.! B. H. Maylend. 881 Adams St, BYcoUjn N \ CONFECTIONS. Boeckhetm Bros. A Eckstein, 245 Bo. Feorli gi Chicago. ^-^ GYMNASTIC APPARATUS. a A. Hawklne. 834 E. 27th St, N. X. City I MUSICAL BELLS AND NOVELTIES Edwin B Street. 28 Brook St., Hartford. Ccni. A. Braunelas, 1012 Grant Ave., Richmond Hul MUSICAL SPECIALTIES. J. C. Deagon, 8800 N. Clark St.. Chicago, 11. OPERA CHAIRS AND Ai;DITOUI0g{ SEATING. H. 3. Harwood'a Sons, 69 Pearl St., BoMon Uta. POPCORN MANUFACTLBER8 Baeckbelm Bros. A Eckstein, 245 So. p»rli EL Chicago. "" SCENERY AND SCENIC PAINTERS O. L. Story Scenic Co., Somerrllle Station, Boa- ton. Mass. The New York Studios. 1001 Times B'.dg., N.T o Swman A Landls Co., 417 S. Clinton St., CMam Toomey A Tolland. 2312 Market St., 8t Lotfa Sbell'a Scenic Studios, 561 So. Hljh St., Colta- bus. Ohio. SHOW AND POSTER PniNTEns ASB LITHOGRAPHERS. Bnqnlrer Job Printing Co., Cincinnati, Ohio. Planet Stow Print A Eng. House. Chatham. Oat SLOT MACHINES AND TICKET CHOPPERS. The Callle Bros. Co., Detroit, Mich. SNAKE DEALER. W. 0. Learn, 715 W. Commerce St, San Actojta, Texas. STEAMSHIP AND RAILROAD TICKETS. Paul Teoslg. 104 B. 14th St., N. L a TENTS. Konkelj Tent A Awning Co., 163 South St., N. I. THEATRICAL GOODS. Boetou Regalia Co., 387 Wash. St., Boston. Mass. THEATRICAL PROPERTIES. E. Walker. 30P W. 39th St.. New York. THEATRICAL HARDWARE. A. W. Gerstner. 634 8th Ave. (41st St), N. Y, a CENTUEY TeEATBE fl2d ?^nTc™:i^ We8t Evas.. 8.10 sharp. Mats., Wed. and Sat,, 2.10. Prices, «5 Cents to $1.80. THE DAUGHTER OF HEAVEN By PIERRE LOTI and JDDITB QAPTIEB UIIIIPV'U Broadway A 80th St. Evga., 8.20 nALLrlvn 3 M*ts., Wed. A Sat, 2.20 SIMONE THE LIEBLER CO., Managers * "SSf SiSed J ert THE tAPER CHASE Hullmnu." Walter KlngBford $250,000. Frederick' it. Boblnson Is the (i uleesli ya]entlne_Fcnna buyer. He gives back a mortgage for Bin linsslm Charles Francis Bllvermoon Elisabeth Risdon This playlet, with Its scone laid In a tent in the town of Ispahan. Persia. Is in verse, anil proved to bo a very dcllgUtfiil and well constructed work. It tells the story of a rich Jeweler, who announces that his daugh- ter will wed the man who caa compose the ■host poem. In order to keep paupers frorn the foulest each man must have ten pieces of sliver. A pastry cook, a Roller of perfumes, a barber anil n silk mercer enter the con- tent. BelnK all unable to write, they employ Hnllny, a public letter writer, to pen too rhymes. The letter writer charges them so much sllv.v that he is, also, enabled to become a candidate for the young woman. He spoils their poems and writes one for himself, Which wins the girl and a pot of gold. He squares matters with the four he tricked by presenting them with irlfts. Maurice Elvey scored a great personal hit as the tricky letter writer. lie was fas- cinating In the role (which he played in Lon- $230,000, due In live years, at five per cent ♦♦» BACKUS FOR "PRIMROSE." George BnckiiR. who recently closed an en- gagement with the "Coming Home to Roost" Co., has been engaged by Klaw A Erlanger for nn important part In "PrimroBe." the play ln which Elsie FerguBon is to he Btarred. Rehearsals began In New York last week. It •will go upon the road for n few weeks, when It opens ln New York for a run. ♦ • » ANOTHER ATLANTIC CITY FIRE. A (Ire on the boardwalk at Atlantic City, N. J„ Wednesday nfternoon. Nov. 27, did $40,000 damage. It started In the rear of a email restaurant on Georgia Avenue, and npread to the $20,000 Bradford Hotel, which was destroyed, while other small wooden structures wcro quickly burned, adding 320,000 to the lots. at » TOM PUT IT OVER. fa!" 6 P'-e'was-a-poWar-curtnin- v^evfne^JnfedT'cfu^ "" """^ " ** Charles Francis, ns the Jeweler, played with authority, and Elisabeth Risdon, as w. of B'way WEBEa & FIELDS 7252-Bryant. NEW MUSIC HALL Eva. 8.16. Mats. Thnrs. A Sat. 2.16. Weber & Fields' 8 tar Stock Co. tt"ROLY POLY" B. F. KEITH'S UNION SQ. THEATRE. B'way A 14th St. Phone 3400 Stnyveaant. Matinee Dally 260.; Nights, 26c. to tl.OO. F.F. Proctor** Oth Ave. B'way A 28th St. Bally Mat, 26c Eves. 26o to $1 2 CONCERTS Son., 2.16 A 8.16 All-8tar Bills KATHRYN KIDDER, In "The Washerwoman Duchess;" Jim Diamond A Sibyl Brennan, Apollo Trio, Welcome to the German Orator, Cliff Gordon; Stepp, Allman A King, Lin- den Beckwlth, Bath Baynor A Players. Gene Mailer Trio, Adeline Francis. VaT ATI A M179 The Mysterious BkAuAwLr Grand Opera Star: Greatest Coloratnre Soprano ln vaudeville. Pat Rooney A Marlon Bent, Bert Leslie A Co., Porter J. White A Co., Van A Schenck, Swan A Mack, the Beh- rens, Lorano Troupe, La Toy Bros. llTYtWiiB Jaet w". of Broadway. Phone B430 ELI J a toll Bryant. Bvg. 8.30. Mats. Wed. and Sal 2.16. 'ed. Mat. Popnlar. THE AMERICAN PLAY COMPANY 42d St. Theatre Announces WITHIN THE LAW ;S NOTABLE OAST OF WELL KNOWN PLAYERS. GEO. /Uin IV THEATRE, Broadway A4JdStreet. GEO. M. and bis own Company in MR. COHAN'S LATEST COMEDY "BROADWAY" JONES I Evgs. 8.16. Mats. Wed A Sat., 2.16. COHAN DBDIIQI la^ West42dBt. Eves.8.16. KBrUHklV Mats. Wed. A Sat., 2.16. WILLIAM ELLIOTT and DAVID BELASCO Present "TEE GOVERNOR'S LADY" A play in three acts and an epilogue ln "ObUds'," by ALICE BRADLEY. THEATRE. W. 44th St. Mats. Thnrs. and Sat. at 2.16, AVID BELASCO presents Frances Starr In a new play, by EDWARD LOCKE THE CASE OF BECKY Atlantic City, Nov. 28. To all collectively and each Individually, wuu umiiuruy, mill l',nsaDCin lllKUOll, OB . „.-,_„ thanlto tar kltiil wUhPR. Thev the daughter, made n bewitching Oriental I,,"! , S it ™V beauty In her seml-nndencss. The Fest of tho el lS" y _\f 0 JiU t 1 ?'J r ;. f , eumnniiv linTiillerl their rnlnq oklllfnllr 8nm M.CKCC JUBt left. company handled their roles skillfully, The other playlet, "Beauty and the Jaco- "Tom Watebb.' SEEK GARY THEATRE LEASE. (Special to The Clipper.) Gaby, Ind., Nov. 30. Harry W. Sommers, of New York, a repre- sentative of Klaw & Erlanger, is ln Gary to clOBe a deal for tbo. lease of the new Northern Theatre, which is nearlng completion. The structure Is housed lu a five story building costing $200,000. The theatre will seat 1,400. * » > KEITH'S NEW ST, JOHN HOUSE. The pillars supporting the main entrance of the Imperial, Keith's new theatre In St. John, Can., were recently found to encroach two feet on the sidewalk, but as the plans had been approved by the building inspectors, the city authorities decided to allow them to remain so. The Kcltb people, howovcr, pre- ferred having them within the lines of the law and they were re-set. Mr. Lorenzo, of Manchester, N. H., wsb ln St. John last week, inspecting the new house, and he announced that vaudeville and pic- tures would be the policy at the Imperial, ELKS' MEMORIAL SERVICES. The Elks throughout the U. S. held memo- rial services Dec. 1. The New York Lodge held services In their own home, with G. Murray Hulbert pre- siding. Among the names "called In vahV' were: Ted Morks, George Fuller Golden, Tom Wbi- nett 'Fred Bnlley, Henry B. Harris, Michael 3. Jordan, Charles Blgclow and Robert J. Cutler. The Brooklyn Lodge met In Plymouth Church as usual. They also published a memorial notice ln The Sun&ay Eaalc, giving the names of alt their dead since 1883. 4 »» LULU GLASER SUEB. 'Lulu Glascr and her vaudeville partner, Thomas Richards, who were playing at the Grand Opera HouBe, Pittsburgh, last week, were arrested Nor. 80, in a suit by Mrs. Richards. The actress Is named as defendant in a Bult for $50,000 for the alleged aliena- tion of Mr. Richards' affection. Richards is charged with desertion and non-support. Manager John P. Harris signed the ball «JI» l\n H- ■• 11 Wm bin." Is from tho pen of Booth Tarklngton, and is a two act "Interlude of the Preach Revolution." It was void of action, and the *1 ches, which were very long, were unin- teresting. For a matter of record only we give the cast herewith : Anne De Laseync Elisabeth Risdon rendered on Nov. 21 ln favor of Turner. The Louis De Laseync E. J. Randcll decision gives permission to renew the mo- Rlotsc D'Anvllle Eva Leonard Royno tlon upon the filing of proper papers. jalsln Maurice Elvey <i » ytrZlH did an -,hat W Cv r ,»„? ^ ™" ™™? ZZtr* with Una tt* materia l was not there, f kiri Bow. j^SSTfP-wS Prinecs'.^.t^e Park •• • Theatre Dee. 28, will Include: Robert War- PATJL ARMSTRONG WINS. wick, flcnrl Leon, Felix llnney. John E. NAT GOODWIN LOSES POINT. Judge Bchmuck. of the City Court, denied on Friday, Nov. 20. a motion to re-open tho . case of Walter D. Turner against Nat C. who has been managing that house atnee, is turcs would bo the policy at the impena', fc„:S £? «2 non «b'h eh«V »«?„ , r. ^ T with^ten, twenty andthlrty cent admission ^ t ^ 1 g'^ m ' a n t d rie th . cy wcre relcMed ta Since the announcement, made n few weeks DOUGHERTY BENEFIT. Arrangements have been perfected for i huge testimonial benefit ln aid of Hughey Dougherty, the veteran minstrel, which taker place at the Forrest Theatre, Philadelphia, en the afternoon of Dec. 12. Mr. Dougherty, who is one of the few re- maining of the old time minstrels. Is past seventy years of age, and is now recuper- ating from a serious Illness which has kept blm Indoors for several months. It Is hoped to obtain sufficient funds from the beteflt to provide for his comfort In his declining days. AU of the managers of the Philadelphia houses have tendered their services, and t bill will be presented that will enlist the services of a host of entertainers. Manager Harry T. Jordan, of Keith's, Is ln charge of the affair, and every effort is being put for ward to make the benefit a big financial success. 4«» HOLMES FOR "OLE OLSON." Ben Holmes, who Is well known la the middle West as the original "Happy Heinle.'' and who has won a host of friends vrttt this popular comedy drama, has teen spocls.ll/ re-engaged by Ben Hendricks to star In the famous Swedish comedy, "Ole Olson." Mr. Holmes, who was associated with Ben Hen- dricks, In "Ole Olson," during the seasons or 1009. 1910 and 1911, closes with DaveLetli, ln "Don't Lie to Your Wife," at Clerelina, to re-loin "Ole Olson" at Omaha, Neb. Leons Fox (Mrs. Holmes) will accompany her not- band on a trip to the Coast and to Australia la the Spring. a »» WM. FOX GETS GOOD TENA5T. The entire upper floor of the building at Broadway and Ninety-sixth Street New York, has been rented to the City of New York for a municipal court for the »ext twentv-flve years. The Blvei.lde Thcatrt occupies part of the building. ANNETTE KELLERMANN NOW MBS. SULLIVAN. Annette Kellermann was "a"" 1 ^^'?,!:.. 2 ,! to her manager. Jaa. II. Sullivan, by Justice of the Peace Wm. A Leonard, at DanDury, Conn, 4 »♦ i "THE SPIRIT OF OPIUM." (Miss) Grevllle Moore, who appeared In 'TO Ballet of 1830," at the Winter; Garden Intro- duced a new dance called "The Splr 1 - « Opium" at that resort on Sunday cvenuu, Dec 1. ♦*♦ VIOLET GRANTED DIVORCE. Violet Mac Clarke, of the Frohmnn force*, was recently granted an absolute dl\orct oj Chancellor Walker, in Jersey ™VVser:lon. Richard Clarke, on the grounds of deseruon. +-+ — WINKLER FOR LONDON. Ous Winkler will sail Dec. IT' fr° F m * e J York on the Lusltanla for I^ndon, Eng^ open an office for F. J. A. Forstcr, the ij«- cago muBtc publisher. . a »» — A NEW JEROME. Billy Jerome was presented w W_ a vSrlu daughter Nov. 24, at his home In New i« Geobm Swebney has been signed "P " the Frank Clark Music Co. QITT OF TOWK HEWS ago, that the Nickel Theatre, ln St. John, bad been taken over by Walter H. Goldlng, of the Supreme Court, last week, Klaw & Er Mttftpi cannot recover $1,000 from Taul Arm- •trnng, the playwright. The managers sued on the ground that Goodwin, in which a Judgment of 11,022 waa slated to manage the new Imperial, It now "" ' looks as If the Nickel would be a straight flcture house. Both houses will be con- rolled by Keith snd managed by Mr. Goldlng. a ■» BERNHARDT RUBBED. Madame Sarah Bernhardt had to bustle to Set to Chicago ln time to open Dec. 2, at the lajestlc, as La Bavole was delayed and did not dock until Sunday morning. Special ride" Zcnesrllle, O.-Schults <W. 9^ W^g ogr.) "The Traveling tatounan Dec. •- t , PrlBce of Pllsen" T, Earle 6tock »•»££, "earl Weu.e« (James G. England. a *:>Zi u \tov'' Etock Co. presents "The Lion and tw ■ ,, week of 2. JThli[»»'»» l tt «^ t S,V««« l I'aclflc Coast. This house, the Grand Opera »«><«*. *hlch had been darti since U* c AC| ost. House, at South Bethlehem, Pa., was opened K'v« up by_ the. Bela arcultj*.. » NEW MITTENTHAL HOUSE. Mlttcnthal Brothers have opened their first house In a proposed new circuit, which eventually it is hoped will extend to the «>*!* I'ntler n decision by tbe Appellate Division ttaMard, Josle Intropldi and Marguerite Far- transfer arrangements were provided >.r *'... i' .. _. ii i . r ' • ••. - — (Mil "Mian Pslnaaas" la hit UOBaPtl H PM fltP -. _ •. roll. "Miss Princess" is by Messrs. Prank Idnndel. Will B. Johnstone and Alexander Johnstone. 4»4» tbey had advanced that sum of monev to STOCK PLAYLETS AT ««THB HALSEY." Armstrnng under an agreement by which he Tbe Hnckett Morgan Stock Co. are pro- was to write n play for them called "In during "Messenger Boys and Girls," at the Times of Pence." The plaintiff said tho New Hnlsey, Brooklyn, this week. Other mnimserlpt was put In too late and was un- acts are: Melville and Thatcher. Durand and 5 im" 1 ,"?' Armstrong contended he had Russell, Pons and Pons, Edmund Stanley and Tuiniied tho contract, and the jury unbcld company. In "A Royal Romance " mm ' and Wyant, Florence MOBCOt. ■*»♦> NORWOOD'S NEW THEATRE. Norwood, O., Is to have a new $45,000 theatre, to bo erected on part of the Bite of Banker's Garden. The seating capacity la to be 1,500. «s» "MYSTICO." on Thursday, Nov. 28. The Pllmmer Agency will book five acts, and three reels of Uni- versal pictures will be shown. < a > THE R. G. KNOWLES LECTURES. R. G. Knowles, the traveler and lecturer, began a series of "travolaughs" at the Ca- sino on Sunday night. Dee. 1. He will ap- pear there for several Bunday nights. His first (alk was on "China," which was pro- fusely shown ln still and moving pictures. A large audience was on band. ■+• + The Pearl "Stock! Co. wfll remain here fed* nl OBP..i« (B B. Harrla ■ g r.)-v«*»l» pictures, to great biisjc*s»^_ _^ , jj^ioj pk- ender QtruiBT's (W. O. Qulm'by, .-ngr.)- tares, to good business. oauwo add Ambuoak, picture ™°ff; £m. James OoUlna' management, report goou m Lima, O—Fanrot (L. H., d^ '■Th« T>.r«1lr» Sikimin" Dec. *• i' m SAILING TO AMERICA. ^ «. S 0 " y « rk . J tnl, J? w ' k: Sir Herbert Beerbohm F. D. newes on Dec. 0 will preset t at the Tree. Haddon Chambers and Lyle Andrews Adair Eden Musee. New York, his latest creation in Ihe latter was treasurer of Oscar Hammer- magic, entitled "MjBtlco." stem's London Opera House. f.-^.L,..,^* a V Auciuta, anew ana i*a saer, rtiwrr om« ----r-. - nro». The following well known theatrical people ?,™ 1 " *,"? ^•-.'".Ill'be elSwn in «^ w » The TraveUn* Salesman" Dec. Z- Jer' B. "AOIrl of tbe Underworld u. Oupitum (0. E. loreman, raff;'-" sutera week of 3 Includea: The Poor Ot* 1 ?'*.. Ill* Shaw and La Mar, Palmer and ^5"' Brc* Ponsler and Rice, and the C" Klnemtcolor plctnrea will be > the regalar bill. . n «~,i| play Lvaio (0. 0. Deanlonrir. *m£^£5tf2' en. for the week of 2. present 'The ■•figg* P.OTAL, 8TAS, DalAMLAND. ,'•"". AND motion picture houses, are doing wtu,