The New York Clipper (December 1912)

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Dkckmber THE NEW YORF CLIPPER. 13 emeus news ? FACTS BY CHARLES ANDRESS. n.i« Cuppm: I sm i en,Un <LX oa ,J iere- M* 1 *. .«A<y-ttH time the bitter feellM JtTritonlng from The Kantai City Timet, against "The Yankee" was wearing off and &Li the views of one of the honorable the Klngllng -way of doing business helped tBLmet this thriving Western cltj on wonderful y. Their mailm was, "No North, i/^f. license which I trust you will tod of No South,"'and In my opinion this did more St interest to circus men, and lncl- « bring about a kindly feeling than, any- £ t^ n not ftff . 0 ^ t0 S° to 'he theatre and In 18(IT Lavellc re-cnllsted In the regular E£? £>: />. B . cnt . to r a number of his family, army, for service In the West, serving three Dut Jie and his family live In fond hope and years In various capacities as soldier and lu 25?k .!' oa . t° r cl I cua da y- whcn hc CBn mingle the secret service lie was stationed at Kort 5*.. 3 .V™ an ? DOor on coul1 ground. Leavenworth, an performed several difficult mink u over I missions and led scouting parties. [Mr. Andress has recently finished a 10,000 On the 27th day of next March Colonel mile trip overland In a big Chalmers road- 'William A. Lavellc will be sixty-six years of ster, and In almost every city was entertained a K°- Time has dealt lightly with the colonel. by officials and friends, and the papers were and although his long, Sowing balr Is tinged profuse in their articles about the old vet— 'with gray, and In spite of the strenuous En.] loflclent together with my AUSTRALIA'S FIRST WED WEST (Special to The Clippm.) _ , . Chicago. Not. 80. w • , Ljvelle was a welcome caller platol and the rifle years be has experienced In the service of his country—experiences fraught with ad- venture—the colonel retains the elasticity of youth—his eyes are bright, his handshake firm, and he Is, withal, a specimen of rugged American manhood. The colonel Is a dead shot, both with the As a buffalo hunter he Hi!™ a-** \ia 7- iki.-' j, 7;* "■"". ""»" -» ~zc i^T' ~ *■"•««» »»» » we.cuine caiier pimui ana we nne. «b a duubio nunicr ne iT«SL in ™?i? J?..? 1 ! 9 J""*"* 0 . <""» the "the Western Bureau of Tun S5 Yobe enjoys a wide reputation on the frontier. Hc a^Sait , i,S?i~ ,11 ln8tance hM bee* «• 2KB H Cbic /P>< opon the eve of his w- is cool In moments of danger, reserved, steady R^t ,.t„™it e ? ^ «,x_ f5 n » , de P"tnre for Australia, and In an la- and deliberate. Colonel Lavellc Is of a 5rUES IS? t° ^ ansa ! Clt y- and AW «- VE£*Z8L dUcussed hla forthcoming tour modest disposition, but underlying that mo- Si«- J 2,i«^ ° haodle ? tne truth In a very ™ the Antipodes as director of the Wild tile exterior slumbers the spirit of a lighter, reiess m jer, especially when he says ' man careless SSba* «*« » your most valuable ^ffJSmm CUv Timet published the fol- '"'jjoerman Isaac Taylor would bar dr- careless manner, especially when he" say's ?'<»' exhibition with the Bud Atkinson Am« - _Jr j,om Kansas City. »,..„. tlnLili -^* JWMMjjIs). takes as high as """ft? open In Sydney, Dec. 16. country, performed deeds of valor and risked -They are barred In Texas, he told the *^ xtvi.. -£5 * 7 ty / ,tt :De flrst P la<:e . ,}f v the '» ri ter mistakes not, CoL Lavelle their lives, Colonel Lavellc deserves a niche inner house of the council. 'Every show ■ «» « Lgg took In over half of this J™" J«»e the distinction of Introducing for In the Hall of Fame. The colonel Is pnrttcu- Saai there Is a movement to Juggle the Q _ n '"™ n /' , "« lu ang every possible source of "»* 1™t time In Australia a congress of lnrly happy in his family life. A wife and ftntf ordinance. The same people who "Jf 0 ^. and from the way Mr. Taylor would American rough riders, cowboys, ranchmen two daughters, sixteen and eighteen years of KHrear tried to fix a license of $50 a car m«e it appear the circus does not leave or f nd Indians. And It la apropos at this tlmo age, respectively, help to brighten hla ex- . r certain large shows are now asking us g»» **. ■» »«? «■> money in town. Now, to congratulate Manager Atkinson and his latenco. All Indian tribes know Bill Lavellc. L? reduce the license from a maximum of 'e- us see about that associates upon .ueir happy selection la To him the chiefs refer as Long Hair. Long Sooto $200 and under. ^'."P'V ej fP Industry in town Is pat- P'^'ns, «he genial colonel at the head of the hair, with the Indians, Is considered a mark ™""These circuses take sometimes as high ronized by the circus Itself and the one " lld West department. of bravery, out of the city. They carry their ! nons:1Dd People It brings along. The hotels In referring to his plans. Colonel Lavclle •These U $30,000 isary, sell cfothes to their own are patronizedI by the two hundred people It Bald: "8 baa been my pleasure to assist In Manhood. He stands 6 feet 1 Inch In hla .mDlovees, buy only a few meat scraps and J*» 0 2f , L™ advance of the show. On the entertaining American audiences for many stocking feet, erect as an arrow, Btralgbt- » little bay and corn while here. I am In- <wy of the show many of the higher salaried years, but I am not unmindful of the heavy limbed, eyes bright, long, flowing hair, and Colonel Lavclle Is a perfect specimen of nnhood. He stands 6 feet 1 Inch In his entertaining American audiences for many stocking feet, erect as an arrow, Btralgbt- , years, but I am not unmindful of the heavy limbed, eyes bright, long, flowing hnlr, and firmed that they collect a percentage from Pf°P' e , w »n the show, Including artists,staff responsibilities before me in putting together as vigorous as n man of forty; a Beau Brum- B crooks, "con"' men and fakirs that follow officials, etc. patronize the best hotels, while nn entertainment for the edification of the mcl in his everyday attire, and yet retaining S'_ I man y of the lesser paid people patronize res- People of Australia. To them the Wild West the atmosphere of his early days at the front ■•The ordinance, which had been called out J-""™" 18 , stores, saloons, billiard halls, etc. w111 co «ne as an absolutely new form of and upon the plains, with his big slouch hat, if the committee by Alderman W. C. Cul- lne livery and feed men are well patronized amusement. It will give them their flrst turned down collar, his stock tie and his wrtson was re-referred." — reea for the horses and animals alone glimpse of the early days on our Western mustache and Imperial. if this alderman, Mr. Taylor, only knew amounting sometimes to over $000, and never frontier, the flrst Insight Into the life and The onward march of clvlllzntlon Is fast (is I do from a practical experience of nearly lower than about $400. Now come the bill- customs of the American Indian. Is not the wiping out the types of the Wild West Our taf a century) how absolutely ridiculous posters, the railroads, the printing, the news- prospect pleasing? I firmly believe that, frontier towns are taking on the Importance fc'i comments were, and how untrue all of his papers and licenses, and a hundred other mor e or less Jaded with other formB of out- of real commercial centres. The red man Is •vik" statements sound to all Intelligent things that draw the money from the trees- d °or entertainment, the Antlpodcans will passing. The time is not far distant when ojonle who read them, he would have con- wn - AB d last, but not least, notwlth- welcome our Wild West show with open arms, the real type of the Western frontiersmen Sited some one who knew. Instead of Jump- standing that the big circus of to-day is ai >d so confident is Mr. Atkinson In this be- shall have passed out of existence altogether. E» at unreasonable conclusions. conducted on strictly honorable lines, and Its Uef that he has practically given me carle Lavolto stands to-day ns one of the foremost In the first place he says the circuses ara only revenue Is the sale of tickets, nearly blanche In the purchase of equipment, and figures among those who represent a fast dls- jured in Texas, when the real facts arc? everyone (there being but few exceptions to caa Burrounded me with a coterie of excep- appearing regime. Wauiiex A. Patrick. ['•at Texas has reduced the high license the rule) that transacts business with the tionnl talent and a band of representative iad Is holding out Inducements to circuses to circus expects to receive a liberal supp'y of Indians. sme and the season 1912 saw more clr- tickets and, believe me, Kansas City officials "While the Wild West exhibition will sies' In Texas than any year since the war. are no exception to the rule. Now, Mr. Tay- naturally be more or less conventional. It fms has been no exception to the Southern lor, or any other official who has the same will be presented In a vigorous, snappy man- «<ites on high license, which dates back to vindictive views about the circus, does this ner. We are taking over several champion the Civil War. I doubt very much if even look like the circus taking out $30,000 In bucking horse riders, and there will be the ibbxmbx aventtb, bt. louis, mo.) the present day circus-men know why the one day from Kansas City? usual roping contests, Indian war dances. Since our season closed, our trainers have Southern States have almost prohibitive II- I speak from a practical experience of games and pastimes, and a big spectacle In been busily engaged breaking new stock ana sum laws, and for the flrst time 1 will give forty-five years In circus theatrical busl- which all members of the aggregation will improving the acts already broke. I FRANK A. ROBBING WINTER QUARTERS. FREAKS and Novelty Acts WANTED Two to Four Weeks and a SOLID YEAR To Good Ones. Send Photos and 8ta te Lowest First Letter LECTURER WAHTED-STATE EX PERIENCE H. P. WILLIAMSON Mgr.THE HIPPODROME 227 Woodward Ave., Detroit, Mich. SALE OF ZEBRA HYBRIDS C. S. Department of Agrlcultre, Office of the Bec'y, Washington. 1). C. Nov. 27,1912. The United Btatei Bureau of Antmiil Industry offers for sale four Zcbrswua hybrids. Tlicao animals are sired by » Orevy Zebra out of female bnrros. They Are readily handled and somo bavo been broken to drive. Good alio and haudsome. Prices reasonable. Fat information will bo furnished upon application to George II. Rommel, Chief Animal Husbandry Divi- sion, Bureau of Animal Indnstrv, Washington, D. 0. JAME8 WILSON, Secretary. DAVIS SERVES BANQUET. Arthur Davis, for a number of years chief of the commisary department for some of the larger circuses, has for the past year occupies •5M, they not only, wished to keep a account of personal feelings, but otber reatoni. The South felt poor, and knowing bow much the people enjoyed the circus, the sfflclals—State, county and city—united In Baking such license laws as they thought could be impossible for any circus to meet, ind hoped to keep the circus from the Soutb (or some time. Bnt the people and news U. S. officials at Washington, diplomats, gov- ernors, congressmen, State, city and county officials, and therefore I am willing to place myself and my argument before the public against Mr. Taylor, who would like to build a stone wa'l around Kansas City and exclude the greatest amusement In the world. I am In retirement, and therefore I am of The Old Reliable to learn something of his history. COL. LAVELLE'S LIFE STOBV. Colonel William A. Lavellc was born in Butler, Pa., on March 27, 1847, of Irish par- entage. His father, James Lavclle. and his mother, Anna, were both natives of Innlshone, Donegal County, Ireland. As would be indl- Wro. Thompson, In a new and up-to-date act. are alBO working steadily and giving great satisfaction. Our wagons, all being new, or practically , need so little repairing that we arc hav- ing It done by local shops, and all will be ready to paint by Jan. 1, when the painters, decorators, etc., will commence. We are aide by side with the Rboda Royal papers began to ask for the circus, and the entirely unbiased, and have no axe to grind, ca ted by the name, the Lavellc family Is of $&£ i a tnc aiitcrcnt building" there are jircui managers were eqnally_ anxious to put and write this from no other motive than French-Irish lineage. Layclle> ancestors firrrtPT', ^^ZSFLSESjSEJES; HE twenty men and women trainers work eight o the Fall seasons In the South, and tola U the way they did it After toe regular circus season wonld end they wonld cut tarn the dally expense by letting out some »f toe most expensive acts and raising the prices to $1, ana In those days gambling was licensed In most every State and city, and the circus managers took' advantage of this ind took a bunch of shell workers and con- Idtnce games along for those who wished to renture. Of course, this made It possible for the cirrus to meet the high license. There are none of the circuses now In ex- istence that practiced this method. As soon as the Rlngllngs began to be big enough to justice to all. Suppose Kansas City should pass a pro- hibitive license, and all the big circuses should sign an agreement to leave that city out for a certain nnmber of years, how long would it he before the people would begin to ask why? and the papers would begin to chronicle the voice of the people. Then the aldermen, who took the greatest amusement in the world from the people, would see their mistake. Did the Kansas City alderman ever stop to think that it costs from $5,000 to $7,500 a day to ran a big circus, and that It brings a school in natural history right to your played an Important part In the uprisings of 1798, In Ireland; he comes from militant stock. Colonel Lavellc'e countenance show* the French strain. Up to the breaking out of the Civil War, Lavellc lived on the farm at Butler, and In 1861, at the first call for three-year men, ran away from home to be a soldier, but he was brought back by his father, as he was under age, However, at the last call for three-year men, he succeeded In enlisting In the Sixty- eighth Pennsylvania Volunteers, then serving with the Army of the Potomac. After three months' active service at the front, a call hours each day. Over a hundred animals ere being trained for new acts. So rapid and wonderful Is the work being done that It amazes the old trainers. St Louis Is a big center for showmen. Among the visitors have been Col. Cummins. of the Young Buffalo and Cummins' Wild West; Chas. 'Sparks, of the Sparks) Show: Fred Beckman, of the California Frank Wild West, and many others. The weather Is mild; so far, not even one cold day, In fact, we have never bad fire In the animal bouse. The show will open here In April, and al- though the Frank A. Robblns Show has been has occasioned widespread comment among hotel men. Thanksgiving dinner was served to the La Salle employees In a rather novel manner. Those who were unable to get away were served In their respective sections, I. c, the one hundred employees in the engine department dined in the engine room ; the laundry workers, la the laundry, etc. The following was the Thanksgiving mom: Thanksgiving Dinner to Employees. Blue Points Olives Celery Pickles Chicken Mulllgatawney Boiled Lake Trout Roait Turkey, Macaroni Dressing Candled Yams Mexican Salad Boiled or Mashed Potatoes Stewed Corn Stewed Tomatoea Pumpkin Pie Assorted Fruits Ice Cream and Cake Tea, Coffee or Milk Hotil La Salle Nov. 28, 1012 ■ ■ go South th"ey made"a feature ofcharging In very doors, and educates the" children In .this ca^eTrom^ headquarters To deliver" a"messagc the"equaT°of The" best'for'nearry "a IhlriTof lim T rp ANlfTTN TBftTTPF AGATN the South the same price as lu the Northern direction more In one day than they can learn o( great importance and much danger. Young a century It will. In 1813, far surpass In slio « »*»** rivrimvi,ui ixwua l. auoui • States, fifty cents, and positively no gam- In hooks In a year? Then again, the poor WMT Nil TENTKHI SEAS0N OF 1913 BIO SHOW-Novel Acts and Features, Sensational Act for outside. Riders with or without Block, Man or Troupe to put on big Statuary Act, Producing Clown, Concert People to work In clown numbers, Versatile Lady Performers for ring, aide show and concert, to also work in statues; Expen- eoceilI Man to handle elephants, pony drill and other animal acts. .«■..„„....#«. , »"'SICIAS8-Leader with good rep. of music, and Competent Musician* on all instrurrients, f«r two whl'e bands, Calliope Player who doubles band, lazv people and drunka will positively not lie Moated. For "BONNIE SCOTCH BAND." Bagpipe". Flageolet TUyere, Drummers and others. For COLoked band and MINSTRELS, Musicians, preference given to thoBe who can slna: and dance. . side SHOW-Experienced Manager (wfih acts) who Is an nil day worker. Novel Acts and Features. Freaks and Curios. Positively NO PEDDLING allowed. All day Grinder who can make good " c< 2irP , I5 lD B' B ' Oriental Dancers. Preference to those doing other acta. ■ bosses-Boss Hostler, Trainmaster, Asst. Bobs Canvasman, Boas Propertyman and Steward. Ail "''J'faaon'speople in good standing write In at once. , „ ibmi.i^im fc FOR THK^ADVANOK-Local Contractor, Oar Manager, and twenty sober, hustling Billposters, 5§"» BUV-^Spnan Md „„„ A |rnal Freaka s U ,tahlefonoltshows FOR 8ALE-surplus Show Property of all kinds, Cars, wagons, Tents, Seats, etc. All in good condition. ADVANOB PEOPLE address F. J. FRINK, Oxford, Pa. all others, DOWN IE & WHEELER, Oxford, Pa. men were sent from various regiments to and quality and features all previous efforts. Washington to be detailed for this Important service, and from this number Lavelle was chosen by President Abraham Lincoln for the task. The mission was fraught with great danger, and necessitated the utmost ingenuity and caution. President Lincoln gave Lavellc a message to be delivered ver- bally (hc could not carry any papers) to (Jen. John Pope, stationed then before Rich- mond. To deliver this message from the com- mander-in-chief of the Union armies. It was COL SEAVER WILL SUPERVISE. for^ g eVt d, ieason h .° fS%iS^ SSJTkl llWJ^S^rS^B^ There Is considerable speculation In circus circles whether or no W. E. Franklin will r<!- cntcr upon active service In the tented Held next season. Since his retirement as general manager of the Holls-Floto Shows, Mr, Frnnk- C. Seaver has made no definite arrangements as to the executive staff of his Young Buffalo Wild West, for the season of 1013. due largely r other Interests. view of the above the announcement HOLIDAY f OYS-JOVELTIES — FOR VENDORS — WB EXCEL IN THIS LINE LIKBS M OTHERS. OCR LINE EMBRACES THE NEWEST THINGS MADE. YOTJ HORE THAN DOUBLE YOUR MONEY ON GOODS YOU BUY FROM US. YOU SELL OUR GOODS FASTER BECAUSE MORE ATTRACTIVE. GET OUR CATALOGUE. „„.. r mp« WB SHIP NO GOODS KOR BEND CATALOGUE TO COH8UMER9. NQUTTDIT r>/\ WHOLESALE STREETMEN SPECIALTIES _' OrlUKE C/Ua, ^7.241 W^MadisonSL, CHICAGO »AVORlTE^NDElvOUB = i^ll^i^EaBNTATrYBl SHOW PEOPLE THE WELLINGTON HOTEL E. D. CUMM1N-3S, Manager *^n3M* CHICAGO, nxs., V. s. A. nm Eor«p« 0 . C* .nd Buffet Sorvlc. U.« VISIT THE ■«■■*■ — °j"Ui ne*d<,.,rt«r. tor Th. tomU.1 Ma>»»«.»' A.aocUU«.n of A—«e» THE WORLD'S GREATEST TEHT M *^? B A iM|i ftn UNITED STATES TENT AND AWNING GO. »a-a4-Jjfj » n d as North De.plalne. Stwat, O™*?"* "*"?. World . Best Work «SII>E SHOW AND I TfflS*»"«VsSft, rRN.VAL BANNERS '"^SJ?S" S 8ESD rW¥ll CATALOG AND SEC05& HAND LISTS of the TenncBsee, and was detailed under the matters pertaining command of General Sherman for secret West Show, service work. Sent Into the rebel lines to ascertain the condition of the Confederate forces, previous to the battle of Chleka- mauga and Lookout Mountain. Lavelle passed through the Union lines, swam the Tcnncsacp River at Chattanooga, the pickets on both Bides firing on him, the Union soldiers on one side, the Confederates on the other (the Union pickets naturally were not acquainted with Lavello's Identity or his mission). La- vellc was captured by the Confederate and thrown Into prison at Chattanoog- had a record then of being ncarl- cltlier Llbby or Andcrsonvlllc. a dirty cell, Lave"e spent the nignr in .... ™ ^--,-j tnat he had thoroughly enjoy wet clothes and '» °« ™™ n „VfiY„,„!" his "vacation" from the circus work, and was ordered into the prinwd B» "JPg lhat „,„ vcnture9 | n vaudeville had proven ^w-%!S2LS2ftfflJ^«S?i?^ ta l*£ P»««nt and moat profitable. He further dally Interested "In, as well as direct the wua we* ■ ine season or iuia. oue .argcy J"™™" 1 L 0 .^rdtoa%fffcK^S& to the fact that his theatrical Interests have tutlon. «K"«°™ B * ",! ,l »* r ™ hanicss. hk. „ n .11 n f hi. h™„ r~.. n tly having possible that ho will again go intoi naniess. ?uod'rome In *t la a pleasure nt this time to chroniclei the zed so ai it fact that W. K. Krnnkiln helped to build up the prestige of the Wallace Circus and the IlaKcnbeck-Wallncc Shows, his connection with, these aggregations, as general agent; years. Not a few of tn» ow with the lending tent elr earlv training under Mr. Franklin's able direction. Trior to bis retirement hc wiih dean of the clrcua agents In America. • ' . HEBER BROS. ACTIVE. The Hcber flros. arc buying anlmali of all kinds, and arc adding n menagerie in con- nection with their circus nntl WHld West show. They recently received a Hhlptncnt or leopards, bears, panthers and wolves from th/. Hiiccessful nerformnnce of his duty. Lin- In view of the above the announcement "TyKf-" ..mmi! Mr A V, few weeks later Lavellc Joined the Army S£j333K»W2=2 JTwilS SwwT%S53'"t8S .«V« T»nni«o; nnrt was dPtnllcd under the matters pertaining to his Young Buffalo Wild Bf'SJSsIE 1 „i.7„ , The show will be under his exclusive su- pervision. ^ ROBINSON ENJOYS "VACATION." (Special to Tub Clipper.) Cincinnati, O., Nov. 30. John G. Iloblnson has been making fro- life he experienced the "enRntlon *£•***•£ emphMYcnrirconflrmea^heVepbrt. exclusively The Union soldier prhopcrawcre formed .nto £ llshed ,'„ TnH Nbw Y ohk Clih-bii re- was The Con- llne in the prison yard, and Lavcll suspicion as a Union scout or spy marched along In front of them. The federate commander In charge of the prison figured that perhaps one or some of the Union prisoners might recognize Lavellc. Such rcc- ognltton would have meant bis doom, for had one of the Union soldiers sm led or spoken to Lavdlc. or recognized him In any way, It would bave meant his being shot at once as a spy. without even a hearing of l'drum- head court martial Lavelle passed through the ordeal, none of the soldlera recognizing SS., tSse £ tnt $£$?&$.<& iently, that the John Iloblnson Ten Big Shows would go oa the road again, next Spring. It Is presumed, therefore, that no will shortly contract with acts and arrange for features for 1013. Hcber Is general manager of the Ilulter Urns.' Shows, at 312 Eust Seventeenth Avenue, Co- lumbus, O. ,,._i_ „„„_. The Winter quarters present a lively sortie these dnys, where scene pnlntlng, building, etc is being rushed, and the allow printing houac Is busy printing flashy advertising mat- It Is presumed, therefore, that ho ter for the co ming season. sciinnvEns' circus. . GENTRY BROS. BUSY. (Special to The Clipper.) Bloominqton, Ind.. N Whllo the Gentry Bros, are extreme tlcent regarding their plans for the 1IH3. a visit to their Winter qu this city, makes It easily apparent that they Nobles of the Mvstlc Shrine, Mecca Temple. New York, gave n circus performance at their regular session on Wednesday night, Nov. 277 at the Twelfth Regiment Armory, New York City. Lu Lu Temple, of Philadelphia, came over Jim Sutton, a great big, good-hearted fellow, j„ tc jj d to make many Improvements for next fc medal train to visit Mecca. Tnp deleft*- with whom, in after years, the colonel wa» gummer-g tour. The Gentry Bros, were the tf on numhered eighteen hundred, Including pleased to fraternize, and to whom he al- p | oneer8 0 f the "dog and pony circus In , B fBD10u , i iU j, u Band. wavB refers as his ''rebel friend.' Captain A mcr | CB , and have amasBcd a fortune and s Sutton died in 1009. __-. built up a reputation for providing enter- CIRCU g WEEK AT THE DB KALD. -loot, by the .Confederate _»m- talntaent. novefand. clean._fhey, •« reputed CIRCUS .™* £ * J" fc|f Brooklyft wire: Ilea- / - . the Confederate forceB stationed at thai: point. Working his way through the pnANK BROWN NOT CLOWWINO. Confederate lines, he succeeded in reaching . vnok Brown clowning with S?^Meral army and >2^J*"?%2. thrf^Tony°7.owande Jr .Sholv was evfdently ^""/etY'aTrilne"d USSa inversion, th. of the rebel forces to OWBdBuim some "J^gJ , , notoer pBp4r through a mis- n * ffl „.,,ed Kay Troupe, In Ibclr casting act: days \*mmj^J*IL , 'S2*l-r with understanding. Krant Brown, thy well ^"nohker Ben All -froupe_of Arabs, and are: Cadleux, on the bounding lander's Digs, the Clowns' Krollcs, ne.ueu «» imnny (flfrlen ;. the Scabert Slrtera,.carry- Ing act; oMb b e W avH"w«. Wnj" son Barracks, Mo. For about «J' as an ontrider Sprlngfleld^Jtfo. Santa F« trail. were: Alice Hhoma. CONVALESCENT. . Dynan, who I ueen » a » 0 «' 8 j<* ™ months In the hospital, to be out and n round, d will probably troupe next Summer, lie (.topping at the Wellington, la Chicago. • ■•>.» V,