The New York Clipper (December 1912)

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IS THE USTEW YORK CLIPPER. December 7 'DOX'T buy any Jboes till yon pier Chicago • ib ok m Wi titer-. aad then 0-G SHOES ARE ALL THERE IS TO IT." "The style Leaders of America, QuaUtj Leaden or America, and VALUE Leaden or the world." Together with a data of REAL 8T0BB SER- VICE never equaled for sincerity of purpose to SATI8Fr OUR PATRONS—not cartel ve* tint, and on top of all other advantage* the famoo* O-G SUOB HOTEL SBRVICB where-Trou BUI 8HOE8 BY PHONE WITH GUARANTEED RESULTS. TRY IT. Yonll be In Chicago soon. WAIT. "Boy no footwear Ull joo play Chicago." OiCONN OR di/l WOJODHi 23 E. Madison GK)L,DBE»v» iui m & stats Street. MEN: • 80. Clark and Joe B. Btate-lat floor. All 'phonee, Harrison MM. Jot it down. Clipper Post Office. Id order to awola snlstakes and to Insure ibe nroaavt delivery ol the letters advercleed 1m tlila list, an envelope plainly addressed mmmt be •cut for each letter, and a written order for the letter, signed with thn full name and addresa and the line of business followed by the sender, most also be enclosed. Fleaae mention the date (or num- ber) of the CLIPPER In which the letters aeat for were adwertlsed. LADIES" LIST. Klllott MrsThos. Marshaw, Bits Abera, Agnes Art-la, Miss Autou, Adelo Aubrey Slslers Bennett Crystal Barclay, Nan Itnrrle Mrs.A.L Ilr.iileu, May Iluik'ttc Mudllae Buyer, Nancy Burdctt, Eaale Ilonucnro, Annie Ik-I.kui, Ada 't. Burgess, Haxel Caoilllc, Mrs. rierre Coleman, Trlxle Crablree, Charlotte at Clifton Dorothy Oarsello, Susie Cnnicron, Rose Crelghtou, Mrs. Jus. L. Cheater, Rath Champion, Mrs. Jack C;irinoL telle, Haltle Outer Wlnnlfred Craig, Genevieve Culvert, Miss a Clrvebiud, Mrs. H. V. Dcinninre Grace lMsnly, uiy luniuiin Morale Dneey. Loulo Ii.'W„lfi'. I.uura l>i' I'ullart. Evelyn Earle, Kvelyn Karle, Esther Emery, Juanlta Earle, Julia F.zzell, Irene Kales, Mta.C.T. l'arrlngton Neva Forrest Dorothy Gllckhauf, Minnie Gay, Harriet A, Uruber, Mrs. Oneroid, Lulu Grant, Nettle tluyer. May Gardiner, Mrs. Frank George, Gena Hamilton, Fern Hill. Hdltb Harlnnd Adelsld Hall. Artie B. Hoyden, Vivian llurgreaves, Bernlce Hurst, May It. Hammond Polly Jackson MrsC.T. Jacobs, lone Kendall Mrs C. Kendall Dorothy Karroll, Dot King, Dottle Kent, Annie LnVerac, Lucille Mae, Connie Martin, Theresa May, Dorothy Masten, Mac Mansfield, Ruby Marsh, Alice Kears, Joaie Xown, Genule Noc, Wnnlfred Norton, Maude Price Propp, Anna Petty, Mrs.E. 0 Qulnn, Jessie M. Rivers, Addle Roberts, June Rlcardo, Bessie Raymond. LlKle B. Rose, Eleanore Itayner. Gwen Roberts Miss K. Robson, Mrs. Stewart Russell. Flo Sltmpson, Emma Sherwood, Marlon Smith. Belle Sylvester, Grace Slnperly, Fanny Pllvcrlon, Opal Stcvt-nson Hazel LoStange MssleiTaylor, Irene LaTelle, Evelyn Thesera, Marie Lewis, Isabel Flit Lea, Delia Love, Mabel Light, Anna Vnnghn, Peg;,? Vernon, Ethel Watson, Jessie Warren, Alice Wilson. Lillian U'Olnlr Mng«l» Wlntteln Mrs. F Mills, Elisabeth | Walton, Vera Molir, Etta Alvarea. Dad AHIger, at, 11. Alton, Thos. Alitor, ElmerM Aider's Bears Barlovr ft Wilson Bedell, Clnreuce Braily, Paul Bolton, Eddie Ilrown, W. C. Bell ft Washburn Benton, Howard Bridle, Tlco Baldwin, Barney Burt, C. D. Bruno, Max Bombay Bernard, Larry Blssctt, Tom Brllller. R. U. Barnliam, J. I>. llartlno. Mr. Baker, Myron Holton, Eddls Bertrand, F. Clarke, Prank L Chapman II. 0. OVners. B. M. Corwell, T. Cheslcy, Hertierl Casey, Jas. F. Colgrove, Harry Oarrlngton, Jack Cntalano, Krall Cornelia Tmuiw CSilIforula l-'riink Oarrlngton, Jack Olive. Erlsklu Champion, Jack Clark, Geo. Cameron I Carney Patty Chapman Elmer Cameron, V. Cruy, John CoiH-lnud, Oarl Cox, Wilbur Cmmlcy, Walt Currau, Edw. Obey, Oarl o.l.-rauti, 0. W. Champion, Jack Oarroll, Great Cole, J. M. Outer. Harry Conway, Nick Oastle. Uaruo) Coughlln. J. K. Cllne. Vlv. E. IVRih* Bros. IVLong. Eddie LK)iinbue, Jos. Davidson, Shcrld Dee, Ray Drninmoud, Cecil De Cleo, Great Douglass Rale Drum', Grant Dorupsey. Jack Denny, Jack Dudley, Oreat Dublin ft Young Davis, Arthur Dally, Vincent Duye. John Demon, L, E. Kniiuy, Carl Edward* ft Burns First ft Seeoud Fitxmaurlco J.W Forbes. B. F. I'emlell, E. Fields, John R. Knrrell, Clias. L Ferrari, Murllu Foninau, C. E. Fulton, Arthur Flynn, Jack J, Gregory, John (irechl, A. Illleo lisrnr, J. Frank <;illiinnd, Dlek ticlscy, H. II. GESTLEJIES'S LIST. God ley, Oeraldlnv Gardiner, Will Gulet, Hilly Gibson, Billy "Girl From Below" Co. Goldman, loals Gordon, Carl Halfpenny, L. lloyter, W. N. Harris, AL F. Hart. Geo. E. Harrison, Cbas. Harris-Beau- garde k Co. Hardy, Montg. Hast, Walt Hamilton. Bob Uoobs, Fred Hanghley, J. F, Holland, II. O. Hawkins, O. A. Hartmaus, Two Hopkins, J. T. Holmes, Jack Hornbrook Greg Hartley ft Graham llewcs, Frank Ilebert, Arthur Home, Ed. O. Harper, A. I. Jnrretto, H. Jennings, B. C. Jones, Frauklyn Jadoo Keller, Fred Kcllam, W. II. Koeley, A. R. Kulll, M. J. Kllment, IS. Kolb, J. YV. King, John II. Kceley & Dorn Kelly, Jens Kinglet, Will Kerr, 0. II. K miner. Clias. Kelly Eddie Klutxlug, F. T, I .a Venn, The lyeBoron, Kdw. I<?wls, Ned lA-ftlngwell, N. Lewis, lien Lester, Cbas. Luken, Hurry Lluts, Horace Lambs, The Lewis, Steve Lewis. Artie Lambert, r. II. Mack, Bob Mirwin, Jas. Murphy, M. P. Murray, Deter Muinford, Eddie Melville, Jean Merrill, Jim. Mnnrsy. FeterH McCllnlock, U. McOrstti, Jo*. Morgarldfte BdE Mack, Kdw. Murahul, Jack Murray, Milburn McBrlde, Harry Hnykovlca & l.arocque MnlJcsko. K. II. McMumi. Frank Monsell, Uryun Miller, A. II. Miller, W. F. Uaek. Ollle Mellreev.v, Jark Mills. Ed. Vewhnrl. Ohas N'lVtlle, I«uls ROUT5_WST. •opplemental List—Received Too Lata for Classification. "Alms, Where Do Vott Live!" (8a«l Bursteln, mgT.)—Lewislown Pa., 9, Pottsvllle 1. Will- lamsport 9, Bloomaburg 10, ML Oarmel 11, Mahsnoy City 12, Lansford 13, Eastoa 14. Bowdlah Stock—Portage, Pa., 2-7, Beaverdale sV 14. Big City Minstrels—John W. Vogel's—OlearflsU. Pa., 0, Ourwensvllla 10, Honbsdale 11, Belle- fonta it. Lock Haven IS. Benova 14. Butler, Magician (H. J. Harrington, mar.)—Her- man, Nsbr., 8, Johnstown 0, Oody 10, Hay 8prlr.p 11, Hemtngford 12, Tbedford 13, Bet- "Bunty Pulls the Strings" — 8b,nbert-Bradj'a— Colamtus. 0., S-T. "Butterfly oa the Wheel"—Lewis Wsller's—Oak- land. OaL, tvs, fesano 0. "Boafht aad Paid Foe"—Wm. A. Bndy's, Ltd.— Adelphl, PhUadelphls. 0, IndeOnlte. "Bought aad Pail For"—Wm. A. Brady's, Ltd. —I.IncoLn, Nebr., T. "Bnnty Pulls the Strings" — Shubert-Brady's, —Cedar Rapids, Is.. 14. "Balkan Prlnceaa"—The Shubsrla'—Terre Haste, Did., T. Calve, lime. Emma—Cotumtms. O. 6. Crawford's Comedians—Loabjlaua, Mo., S-T. '•Confession, The" (J. T. Peanall, top.)—Den- ver, Colo,. 2-7. "Cc unless Coquette"—Geneva, N. T„ 11. "Cow Puncher'—Brandon's (0. U. Doty, mgr.)— Climax, Minn., 0, Crookston S, Grand Forks, E Dak., 7. De Koven Opera (D. V. Arthur, mgr.)—Toledo, 0.. 0, 7. "Dad's Girl" (Cbas. E. Whsples, mgr.)—West- erly, B. L, S, Mystic. Conn., 0, Madison 7. "Faust"—Anthony Andre's—Minneapolis, Minn., 8-7. "Freckles" (A. G. Delmnater. mgr.)— Paducab, Ky., 10. Gcnee, Adeline—Hartford, Conn., 0, New Haven 12, Springfield, Macs., 14. Oalvln, John and Ella (T. II Ealand, mar.)— Danville. III., 5-7. Vlncennes, lnd., 8, Evans- vllle 0-11, Esst St. Louis, 111., 12-21. "Girl of My Dreams"—Jos. M. Gsltes'—Colum- bus. O., 7, Manslleld 12. "Garden of Allah. Tlie"—Llebter Co.'s—Forrest, Philadelphia, 0, indefinite. "Oruustark," Eastern—United Play Co.'a—To- ledo, O.. or. "Oranatark," Western—United Play Co.'s—Lin- coln, Xebr., tl. "Henky Panky"—Lew Fields' — Lyric, Philadel- phia, S, IndeBnlte. "llnppy Hooligan"—Gus Hill's—Atlanta, Ga., 2- 7, Nashville, Tenn.. 0-14. "Irish Piper" (Ben Craner, roir?.)—Georgetown, Ky„ 11. Shelby vllle 12, li.inUtown 13. Spring- field 14. "Light Eternal"—Battle Cree.c Mich., 7. "Little Miss Susan" —• Fred Raymond's — New My Maaallne "Investing for Profit," FREE far six months Seel me your name and address tight NOW and I will tend yon INVESTING FOR PROFIT rt «g»«in<< absolutely free for sly month*. It teUs how to get the ntmost earnings from toot money-how to tall flood tavesnnenta—how to plot: the most profitable of aonnd lnreatments. It reveals bow banken and capitalists make liooo artyw to »JW,000-in feet, givesi jon the wltafinTesttnf Information that a&oaid en- able yon to make wowr naoner frrow pro- portJoaatoly. I nave decidedtijumontliito ' ve untlx-month snbsortptions to invlstin a a PROFIT free. Bterj copy is fcaajjfl $io to oyery- Investor—perhaps a t or- tone. Send yonr nimo and address now, men- tion thlspaperand get a free introductory snb- • jrlpUon. Conditions may proTent repeating thltoflhr. Better take It now. YonTlbewUilng to par mo. a copy after yon tuvre read it en til. II. L. y BAJBJBBH, Fob., B *»7 FO 30 Weal Jaefcaoa Dlvd.. Chleaaf. Uaudcpillc Route Ei$t notice--";;;, ,v, ist, S Dec. 3-1 Is represented. Ab'nfdon, W. L, * 00.. Alhaabra, N. T. C; Maryland, Baltimore, 0-14. AbdsUaha (3). OolonlaL Dayton, O. "Act Beautiful, The," National Boston. Adler-Lowe Co.. Poll's. New Haven, Ooaa . Adainlnl t Barke, Poll's, Hartford, Osaa, Adler, Felix, Shea's. Toronto. Oaa. Adler ft AldwaU, Keith's. Olsvaland. AjKiese. Loslae. Franeals, Montreal. Oaa. AJtkln-Whltman Trio, Orpoena, Salt Lake OUT, U.; Orpoeam. Denver. 0-14. . _ .. Aierotrom. Ullle, Seenle Temolt, ProvHeaee, B. I tooVAnlte. „ Alploe Trotpt. Chases. Waahlnftoa: Bronx. S. Y. 0.. 0-14. Alexaaeer ft Scott Poll's. Sprlngflel Allen, Minnie, Orpoeam, Sinex City, la. Alt at Bros.. Orpoeam Altoona, Pa., 1-7. Allen ft Shananlt, Ho Howard, Boa tea. POT OF TOWH HEWS Lonlsvllle, Kr^Mscasley (John T. Ma- eaulcy, mgr.) Wm. Faroum, In "The Littlest Rebel," week of Dee. 2. .iBceasT's MasoKio (J. J. Garrlety, mgr.)— The Aborn Open Co. 24. WautuT Stbebt (C. A. Shaw, mgr.)—^Thurs- ton, the magician, week of 1. — . GiTETT (O. T. Taylor, mgr.)—The Winning Widows week of 1. . Buckihodaic (Horace McCroeklln. mgr.)—The Cherry Blossoms week of 1. Harm's (J. L. Weed, mgr.)—Bill for week of 1: Zelda Sean and company, Bert Fltxglbbon, Emperor and Empress, J. C. Nugent and com- pany, Marie Fenton, Fonr Florlmonds, and the Stanleys. . _. MtJBSTic (L. Dlttmar, mgr.) — "A Chase Across the Continent" features the bill week of 1. AvKtci (M. A. Shaw, mgr.)—"The Border Parson" features week of 1. N'ovn/rr (8. Levenson, mgr.)— A Friend In- deed" features week of 1. Casino (I. Simon, mgr.) — "Black Sheep's Wool" features week of 1. OarnsTjH (I. 81rr.on. mgr.)—"A Fugitive from Justice" features week of 1. HtrpooBoxi (Msx L. Simon, mgr.)—"A Pro- tege of U. S." features week of I. OLTXrto (Max L. Simon, mgr.)—"The Trans- grerslou of Deacon Jonea" features week of 1. C3-0TAL (M. Swltow, mgr.)—"Tbanksglvbig" features week of 1. Columbu (L. Simon, mgr.)—"The Indian Out- cast" features week of 1., (L. Dlttmar, mgr.)—Vaudeville and mo- tion pictures. BBOADwar (J. L. Steuerle, mgr.)—Vaudeville and motion pictures. Odgeton, Mr. Owen ft Monlco O'Brien, Jack Perkins ft Calvette Patton, Frank Predion, J, A, Plant, Jos. D. Paul, 0. M. Proctor, Bert Pottle, Wm. Jr. Petty. Oeo. H. I'ay ue ft llehan Parrln, Lee Porter, J. M. Flicker. Earl Powers ft Pauline Porter, W. B. Pages, Geo. Itlach, Sloe Rae, John G. Reed, Sam T. Reyniond, Carl Kobblua, O. S. Kossmvu, Holly Ramsey. Law. Robinson, J. R. Rendoii. Will BoteUe ft Cuius Ileimer, Doc Itoyuiund, V. Rogers. Max nobblns, G. E. Ryan, F. W. Reed, F. O. Smith, Harry 0. Slnvinall. U. B. Sylvester Smith ftMarstou Stuhl, Geo. R. Simmons, W. E. Schuster, Milton S|ieedy, &. P. Kberldan ftshort Stuckey. S. N. St. Clair, Don Sturges, Chas. Simpson, Jim Stanley, Lew Sudani, Mox Stanley, Ray Sparks, Ohas. Simpson, Jas. Shoemaker, J. Sherry, Wm. Simmons, W. K. Troy, Bavy Talbevt, Rlcbd. Turner. W. C. Todd. W. M. Twltt, Bam Thompson. B. 0 Toys, Musical Tripp, A B. Tlerney, H *J. Varnell. Chick Vanfleld. Dave Vane. Tommy Volnrr. Oulaes Van Doras, WH Van ft Van Vaughn, Chas. Walte. Billy Williams. Gene Wlnton, Bernard Waehtel ftMyers Wheeler Earl ft Tbelnu Warren, John West, Gbas. W. Whaple. Obas F. Wliltesldes, V. Williams. C. F. Welland. Cbas. Ward, Jos. P. Wheeler, Harry West. Jim Wowlard. F. Wilson. G, X. BY IRVING BERLIN READ THE LYRIC-THEN COME IN AND NEAR'* SEND K>«T«ttELUDy of thi5 Ballad op Ballads -EvERy Note Vei^ WRAPPED IN A TEAR The Roses each one, met with the sun, Sweetheart, wm I met vou,- The Sum-shine Had fled, The Roses were Dead, Sweet-heart when, I lost you. IUstttie Sun-shine •• Roses, I Lost the Heavens of Blue , I Lost the Beautiful" Rain-Bow, I Lost the ftgRNiNG Dew, I Lost the Angel who gave nE Sumner the whole winter through, I Lost the Gladness that turned into Sadness,When I Lost ^ou. PUBLISHED sVd vV&TERSON , BERU N 8r SNYDER CO . 112 Wt3T ae^sT. N.V. 0ON.RW15W n'w/^^lg^Ji ...*iit,-, Limn n iison, u. a. Nniiinuii. Ohrls Xlmmsraan O.a Nye, Ttws. F. Harrow Ogilen. Donald lEIerow, H. B. Owen ftDevernon] SEE KOT»f!IB AT HEAD OF URk WOT EXACTLY 80. tin- houses of the FruueoHal Vaudeville Ex- thnitge. Is only nartly tnit. There may be a l»."knn arrangement later on. but nt present i 'nutter Is merely being talkt»l about by the prlnelpals Involved. «r «2 A si" lp I H0 ^ '." 8 . t . ,M lm< >Klng the theatres tl„. ..n,„ Ir 1? c ". tl ", Vaudeville'Exchange •' iiii> same old atand. Btrallsvllle. 0., 11, Athens 12, Jackson IS, Wuverly 14 "Uttlost ML Tie"—A, II. Woods'—Oedar Rapids, la.. 12. "Mutt end Jeff," A—Gus Hill's—Dallas. Tex., 2, 3, Port Worth 4, D, Antmore, Okla., <, Okla- homa 7, 8, McAlester D, Muskogee 10, I'uLsa 11, Vlnlta 12, ludeiwndenee, Kan., 13, Coffey- vllle 14. "Mutt and Jeff," B—^hu IHH's—Chicago, 2-14. "Mutt and Jeff," 0—Ous Hill's—Fremont, O., 2, Tiffin 3, Flndlay 4, Defiance 5, Lima 0, Muncle, lad.. 7. Fort Wayne 8 Huutlnrton 9, Wabash 10, Fern 11, Kokotno 13, Marlon 13, Ander- "Mb and Jeff," D—Gus mil's—Newark. H. J„ S-7. West End, New «ork, B-14. "Mutt and Jew," F—Ous Hill's (0. L. Crane, mgr.l—Correction—Lebanon. led., 2, New Cas- tle 3, Qreeusville 4, Portland 5, Bluffton 6, St. Marys 7, Manistee 8, Van Wert 8, Upper gandsaky 10, Shelby 11, New Oomeretown 12, Ubrlchsvllle 13, Caual Dover 14. "Madame ShsTrr'—Madarae sherry Co.'s—Nor- folk. Fa., 2-T. "McFaddta'e flats"—Cedar Raplda, la., T, Dee Moines 8. National Stock—MM Minn.. 2-7. Oloott, Chauucey IHenry Miller, mgr.)—Roches- ter, K I., IV, 14. Trlaeeaf Mystery, The"—Elndra, S. T., 0, Quality .Stock —Baxter Springs, Kan., 5-7, Aurora, Mo„ Ml, Bero. Edwird—Atchison, Ran., 12, Nebraska City, Nebr., 13 "leady Money." No. 2—II, H. Prasee's—Roches- ler. N. Y.. 6-7. Bchett, Fritil—Jes. M. Oaltes'—Rochester, N. V., 8, 7. Stratton Players (W. D. Reed, mgr.)—Uaaletoo, . Pa., 2-7, OaTboudale B-14. "Swooteat Girt In Parts, The"—Cedar BapUls, •'Sevea Daye" (Jesse Well, logr.)—OMnmbos, 0„ B-7. "Time, the Place and the Girl"—Ohattanooga, Tenn., 2-7. "White Bister, The" (Albert rattereoo. mgr.) — CorreeUon—Madlaoa, Wis.. 8. Portage 0. "WHAT AILS TOWr* TO CL08B. ''Wnet Alia Yotit" will end Hi short career at the Criterion Theatre, New York, on Sat- urday ulght of this week. Notes. —Photoplay ball, given by the moving picture machine oiierstors, proved a big success. Ilarrr Hughes, chairman of the affair, was a very busy man taking rare of his patrons • Ernesto Nntlello of the Natlello Rand, who Is Wintering In this city, has written a song, en- titled "Let Me Whisper to Your Heart." Chorlee Hamilton Musgrove wrote the words. Fadacnh, Ky.—Kentucky (W. E. Finney, mgr.) the Oarable Stock Co. week of Dec. 1, "Freckles" 9, "The Balkan Princess" 10, "Bunty Pulls the Strings" 13. Alcana (Joseph Desberger, mgr.)—Vaudeville and moving pictures. Kozt (Rodney 0. Davis, mgr.)—Moving pie- Intra. Gauc (Desberger Bros., mgrs.) — Moving pie- tore*. Blioc |J. A. Linden, mgr.)—Moving pictures. Stab (Desberger Bros., mgrs.)—Moving pic- tures. Notes.— AL 0. Field's Minstrels played to a packed house at the Kentucky Nor. 26 All of the moving picture shows are drawing well. St. Paul, Mima,—Metropolitan (L. N. Scott acgr.) for week of Dee. 1, "Officer 6*0." Shjchan Opera Co., In repertoire, week of 9. SuunaiT (Frank C. Priest, mgr.) — "Bought and Paid For" week of 10. OiPiiauH IK, 0. Burroughs, mgr.)—Busln°aa is rood. Bill tor week ot 1: Nat M. Wills, Oould and Ashlyn, Frank Milton and De Long Bisters, W. U. St. James and Players, Van Brothers, "Bob," the boxing kangaroo, the Gor- don Brothers, and John Hlgglns. Geamd (Theodore L. Bays, mgr.)—Business Is good. The Whirl ot Mirth, with 3d die B. Col- lins, week of 1. Ehfuss iGua 8. Greening, mgr.)—Good rutl- ness. Dill for seek of 1: Jimmy Brltt, the Man- ning Twins, De Land and Carr, Lucille Savor and company, and Patty Bros. Majierio (H. S. Mitchell, mcr.)— Vaudeville aad moving pictures to big bnslneaa. Stab (Jacob Barnett, mgr.)—Vaudeville aad moving pictures. PiiKOBss (Thomas aseOrady, mgr.)—Continued heavy business. Stailamd (0. F. Rose, mgr.)— Good bills to big houses. Aumtobidji (M. F. Morton, mgr.)—The Elks' Clrcua, with Hageabeek'e mined animals and a bill, drew big business week of Not. 25. The Symphony Orchestra concerts, Sunday after- noons, ate popular, Alfredo. PectlaaaL Me. Alexander ft Betting, Orpheus, Cincinnati. Alment ft Dumont, Orpneea. Cincinnati. Alvln ft Mb. Crystal. No. Bay, Ont, Oaa. Alvln, Jack, VogePs Minstrels. _ . _ "Alice Teddy," Pantases', St Joseph, afe.| Pantsgea' Spokane, Waah., 18-21. Allen, S. Players, Lyna, Lynn. Mas*. Amoro* Slaters. Orpbeua, Winnipeg. Can. American Dancers (6), Poll'a, Wilkes-Barre, Pa. "Antlqae Girl." Orpheum, Lincoln, Neb. Andrews' "Wonder Kettle," Orpheum, Sioux City, la. "Apple of Pari*. The." Orpheum, Bkln. Apouo Trio. Union So,. N. Y. a Apdale's Animals, Orpheum, Omaha. Neb. Arnold Sisters. Montlcello. Jersey City, 7-8. Armstrong ft Clark, Orpheum, Lincoln, Neb.; Ma- jestic. Des Moines. In.. 9-14. Armanis (5), Battle Creek, Mich.; La Crosse, Wis., B-14. Armstrong ft Ford, Keltb's, Phlla. Ardell, Franklyn. ft Co., Orpheum, Sioux City, la. Archer, Boh. * Co., Bowdoln So,, Boston. Armstrong. Geo., Liberty. Phlla. Arlington Four, Pantagea'. San Fran., CaL Artame, Poll's. Washington. Aetalres. The, Orpheum, Salt Lake City, U. Ashley ft, Orpheum, Omaha, Neb. Ashley, Lillian, Orpheum. Allentown, Pa. Atkinson, Harry. Orpheum. Memphis. Tenn. Athletss (4). Orpheum, Montreal, Can. Angu.inle, Adrlenne, Orpbeum. San Fran., CaL Aubrey ft Lennox. Keystone. Phlla. "Am. of the Law, The," Nixon, Phlla. "Aviator Girl," Globe. Boston. Avon Comedy Four, Poll's. Hartford, Conn. Ayres, Sydney, & Co., Ornbeum. Los Angeles, Cil. Azsrd Bros., Orpheum. Lincoln. Neb. Barrett. Edward, ft Co.. Walker's, Sbelbyvlllo. Ind., Indefinite. Barnes Stuart, Bushwlck, Bkln.; 6th Ave., N. Y. C.. 9-14. Baker, Doc, Amuse, Birmingham. Ala.. 2-lo. Bairy ft Wolford, Orpheum, Dulutb, Minn. Barvn.ore, Kthel. ft Co., Palace, Chicago. Barnes ft Crawford. Orpheum, Portland, Ore. Bellet Clsislque, Orph«um. Deover, Col Bsrry, Mr. & Mrs. Jimmy. Orpheum, Spokane, Wash. Barlows, Breakaway, Myrtle, Biln., 5-8. Baums, Musical, Auditorium, Quincy, Mass., 5-7. Barrttte, Great. Olynipla, Lynn, Mass. Barnes ft King. Orpheum. Cincinnati. Baker, Belle, Keltb's. Cincinnati. Barton ft Clark. Kelth'a, Cincinnati. Barry, Lydla, H.immersteln's, N. Y. 0. Baker, Joschlm P., roll's, Washington. Bailey, Cliff, Trio, Poll's. Washington. Barretts, Juggling, Montlcello, Jersey City 7-9. Barrett & StnntDn, Huilsou, Union Hill. N. J. Bendbc Ensemble Players. Keith's. Phlla. Beyer Ben, ft Bro., Orpheum, Bkln. Beckwlth, Linden, Union Kij.. N. Y. C.; Oroheum, Bkln.. 9-14. Berg Bros., Orpheum, Omaha, Neb.: Orpheum, Lincoln. 9-14. Berrens, The, 5th Ave., N. X. C.; Hammersteiu's. N. Y. a. 9-14. Bcrgere, Valerie, ft Co., Keith's Phlla.; Colonlf. N. Y. C. 9-14. Berllsra, Orpheum, Des Moines, la Bernhardt, Sarah, ft Co., Majestic, Chicago. Bebaa, Oeo., ft Co., Temple. Detroit. Berry ft Wllbelml, Orpheum, Boston. * Bernler, Frank. Bowdoln 8q., Boston. Bernards, Dancing, Empress. San Fran., CaL Rennlnstoa Bros., Francois, Mint real. Can. Bell. Iilgbr, ft Co., Kelth'a, Providence. Berger, Edgar, Keith's, Lowell. Mass Bell Family. Colonial, Dayton. 0. Belmont's Manikins, B'dway, Columbus. O. Bingham. Amelia, ft Co., Orpheum, Ogden, U, "Big Jim," Hammersteiu's, N. Y. C. Blm DomBrrr, Keltb's, Lowell. Mass. Blxley & Lerner, Sbea'a, Toronto, Can. Elanche. Belle. Bronx, N. Y. O. Blocmiiuest Tlayera, Lllierty, Phlla. Black ft White, Keystone, Phlla. Black, John J., ft Co., Montlcello, Jersey City, 7-9. Boisea (4), Touring Enrope. Booth, J. C. ft Co.. Bijou, Knoxvllle, Tenn.; Bijou, Savannah. Ga., 9-14. Bowers, Walters ft Crocker. Orfeum, Budapest, Hungary. 2-31; Apollo, Nurmburg, Germany, Jan. 1-31. Bowen, Art, Bushwlck, Bkln. Rowen Bros., Orpheum, Sioux City, la. Bobby ft Dale, Orpheum. New Orleans. Borls-Krldkln Troujie. Nixon, Phlla. Bowery Newsboys' Quartette, Catnerapbone, Omaha. Neb.. 5-8; Lyric, Concordia, Kan., 8-12; Lyric, Junction City, 13-15. Boganny Troupe, Teiuple. Rochester. Brown Bros. (0), Prlmrpse & Dockstsder Min- strels. Brown ft Foster, Garden, Kansas City, Mo.; Nov- elty, Topeka, Knu.. B-14. Brecn. Harry, Bronx, N. Y. 0.; Hamruerstelu's, N. Y. O.. 9-14. Brenner ft Ratllff, Colonial, N. Y, C. Bradsliaw Bros., Orpheum, Mlnm»a;>olis. Uremens (3), Orpheum, Portland, Ore. Brlrrle ft King, Globe, Boston. Braggart Bros., Allegheny. Phlla. Brass Men 14), B'dwny, Columbus, O. Bradley ft Topper. Allegheny, Phils. Brownie* 1.1), Portland, M*. Brown. Harris ft Brown. Haramersteln's, N. Y. 0. Brlndamour, Lyric, Indianapolis. Brltt, Jas., Empress, St. Paul. Burr ft Hope, Shea's, Toronto, Can. Builey, Jesale, ft Co., Keith's, Indianapolis. Buckley, Laura, Temple, Hamilton, Oan. Bupss's, Madame, Dogs, Empress, Kansas City, Me. Buckley's Animals, Proctor's, Newark, N. ., B-14. Rush Bros., Bowdoln Sq., Boston. Bush, Frank, Keystone, Phils. Burns ft Pulton, Temple, Hamilton, Can. Burkes, Juggling, Orpheum, Allentown, Pa. Burnley, Mrs. Ourtls, Colonlhl. N. Y. 0., 814. Byrne Bros., Nixon, Phlla. Carrie, Mile., Family. Mollne. III., 6-7. Cantor. AL, Mark-Urban Co. Cnse, Charley, Keith'*, Cincinnati; Kelth'a, In- dlanapolfc. B-14. Cameron, Grace, OTrisura, De* Moines, la. ALBOLENE OaanassuBK Baaisraao) By far the best preparation for removing make-up. Leaves the skin soft and velvety. Not sticky, and a little goes a long way. Used and recom- mended by the best pro- fessional talent SoU In 4 oz. Jan and 1 lb. round decorated cans (nev style) by all first-class druggists Sample tube free on request MeKlSSON A ROBBIN8 91 rui/Toa arairr, New Veaa Cardosh, Ignatius, Palace, Crn*j«v "California," Orpheum, OaklanT, Csl Csrtcr, Suxann, ft Minstrel Milds, America, At- lent*, Ga., IndeOnlte. Oallihsn, Jos., Miles, Detroit. Carraen, Norine, ft Co., Crystal, Milwaukee. Carltoa, AL, Pantagea', San Fran., OaL Cnsledin, Tony, Franeals, Mont.vnl, Oan. CarroU, Nettle. Trio, Keith's, Providence. Cidleui. De Kalb, Bkln. Canon ft Wtllard, Poll's, Washington. Cirroll 4 Fields. Maryland, Baltimore. Calvin ft Thornton, Pantagea', Pueblo, Oal. OarUIo, Leo, Colonial, Erie, Pa. Csvina Duo, Orpheum, Reading, Pa Cisey ft Smith, Orpheum, Reading, Pa. CinStld ft Carlton, Orplteum, Readlni. Pa. Cals. Arthur F„ Chicago, 2-14 Oaroo ft Herbert Union So., N. Y. O, B-14. Cabaret Trio, Hammernteln's. N. Y. O 9-14 Chnnns (4). Touring Furope Chetter, Ida. Walter McMillan Co. tjlag Ling Foo Hammersteiu's. N. Y. 0 9-14 Chapman, Frank, Montlcello, Jersey Oltj 7-B * "Clieyenne Days." Poll'a, Hartford. Oona". S*X* ? S"'"' Wney, Australia, Indefinite. ^SaSS Prtnc< "' A —' sTk-a, Olive. Henry, Kelth'a. Phlla. •5M5 lu ok 80 " u '' Bo,Um: w " hln '- a lH?! r J^-'^ - t^ U Pai Oreen Bay. Wis., les 8 ,ic M D J rrp 1 e, 0 f2*; S R " , " U ' "- «« "« *3££352sn&* Broct00 ' Mtu,: Clark ft Hamilton, Orpbetm, Seattle, Waah. Clark ft Ordea, National, Boston. Ciirrord. Ethel, ft Co., Liberty, Phlla. Clause ft Hoffman, Liberty, Phlla. Clarence Sisters ft Bros., Orpheum, Altooca Pa Clelrs (3), Empress, Cincinnati. Clotigh, Ine*. Fralcaii. Montreal, Can. Cllne, Maggie, Union Sq., N. Y. C, 8-14. Cliff. Laddie. Poll. Worcester, Mass. Coghlsn, Rosalind, ft Co., Maryland, Baltlmon • Bushwlck, Bkln., 9-14. Cottou, Lola, Onmeuin, Mlnneapolla; Orpheum Winnipeg. Can.. 0-1-1. Colborii, Jennie, Billy (Swede) Hall Co. Cooper, Fitch, Proctor's, Newark, N. J. • 3th Ave.. N. Y. C. 8-14. Conlin, Steele ft Carr, Hammersteln's, N. Y. O.' Orpheum, Uarrlsburg, Pa., B-14. Copeland ft Payton, Jose, San Jose, Cal.; Pstola San Fran., 8-14. Collegians (3), Orpheum. Lincoln, Neb. Cooper, Lew. Orpheum. Portland, Ore. Cook ft Stephens. Globe, Boston. Copeland ft Walah, Casino, Washington. Oolmau ft Carroll, Montlcello, Jersey City 7-9 Coomb* ft Aldwell, Colonial, Dayton, O. Corelll ft Gllette, Grand, Atlanta, Ga. Coolln, D.. ft Co., Grand, Atlanta, Ga. Cooper ft Robinson, Orpheum, Uarrlsburg Pa Crane, Lawrence, Empress, Cincinnati. Cross ft Josephine, Grsnd, Atlanta, Ga.; Keith's Columbus, O., 9-14. Creasy ft Dayne, Orpheum,. Spokane. Wash.. 8-14. Craig ft Williams, Majestic. East St. Louis. 111. ; Varieties, Terre Haute, Ind., 8-14. Crunch ft Welch, Palnce. Chicago. Crane. Mrs. Gardner, ft Co., Chase's. Washlngtnn. Curalngs ft Thornton, Gaiety, So. Chlcsxo, 5-8: Temple. Ft. Wayne. Ind., 9-15. Cnllen, Jas. H., Ornbeum, Minneapolis. Cummlngs ft Gladding. Colonial, Norfolk, Va. Curry. Henry, Merk. Sq., Lowell, Mass. Cunningham ft Marlon, Poll'a, Worcester, Mass. Davis Bros., Guy Bros.' Minstrels. Davis, Mark, Grand, Evansvllle, Ind. Daale, Mile., "The Merry Countess" Co. D'Armond ft Carter, Touring Europe. Davis, Mark, Grand, EvanevlUe, Ind.; Orpheum, Rockford, III., B-14. Daley. Ed., ft Co., Olynipla, Boston. Davlea, Tom, Trio, Maryland, Baltimore. Davis ft Macauley, Poli's, Hartford, Conn. Darrell ft Conway, Grand, Syracuse; Proctor's, Newark, N. J, B-14. Darcy ft Williams, Lynn, Lynn, Maas. De Frankle, Sylvia, Galtes' "Girl of My Dreams" Co. De Long. Maldle. B'dway, Columbus, 0. De Mario, Harry. King's, South Sea. England; Rlekards' Tour, Auatrla, 8-June, IBIS. De Witt, Burns ft Torrance, Orpheum, Mlnneapo- lla; Orpheum, Dulutb, B-14. Deane, Sydney, A Co.. Olympla, Boston. De Voy ft Daytoa, Emprcu, Cincinnati. Delmar 4 Delmar, Poll's, Wllke*-B*rre, Pa.; Keith's. Lowell, Mass.. 0-14. Do Haven ft Leonard, Keith'*, Rotton. De Grace ft De Panl, Greely'a. Portland, Me. "Detective Keen," Orpheum. Harrlsburg, Pa. De LIU'* Manikin*, Meek. Sq.. Lowell. Mass. Deagcn, Arthur, G. 0. H., Pittsburgh. Diamond ft Brennan, Union Sq.. N. Y. 0. Dingle. Tom. ft Esmornlda Sisters, Alhamhra, .s'. Va, 9-14. Dickey, Paul ft Co., Ornbeum, Portland, Ore. Dlero, Orpheum. Sioux City, la. Dlxcn ft Fields, Orpheum, Omaho, Neb. Diving Seal, Hammersteln's, N. Y. 0„ 2-14. Direr, Henry By G. O. H., Pittsburgh. "Dli'kslsplel's Christmas," Hudson, Union Hill, N. J. Dickinson, "Rube," Grand, Syracuse, Dlxcna (s), Poll. Worcester, Mass. Dolly Twine, "The Merry Countess" Oo. Dolan & Lenharr, Dominion, Ottrvn. Can. Dolce Slaters, Bushwlck, Bk)n. Donovan ft McDonald, Bronx, N. V. 0. Don (Dog), Columbia, St. Louis, Dooleys (21, Temple, Detroit. Dotson ft Gordon, Hammerstain'a, N, Y. C„ 8-11. Donlln ft Lewis, Colonial. Erie, Pa. Doric Comlques (4), Keith's, Cleveland. Dorr, Malre, Colonial, Dayton, O. Drew. Lowell ft Esther, Pantagea'. Denver, »-14, Dresdner ft Prince, BIJoq, Knoxvllle, Tenn., 5-T. "Drums ot Oude," Orpheum, Bkln. Drew, Chas., ft Co., Ornbeum. Oakland, Cal, Dupre. Jeanette, Empire, Jobanneabnrg, South Africa, 2-March, t013. Duprez, Fred, Colonial. N. Y. 0. Durbjelle, Loa Proctor'a, Newark, N. J ; Gin Ave., N. Y,0„ B-14. n-npree, Minnie, ft Co,, Orpheum, Winnipeg, Can. Duncan. Dan H., American, Atlanta, 0e., In- deOnlte. Dnrand* (5), Olohe, Bolton. Duryea, May, ft Co., Crystal, Milwaukee. Duffln-Redcay Troupe, De Kolb, Bk)n. Du Callon, Maryland, Baltimore. J. BERNARD DYUYN W1U not travel Uiia season, owing to the many railroad wreckj. Doctor reqalree quietude and "no rehearaalB." . Earle. Dorothy, Brownwood, Tex., IndeOnlte. East India Elephants, Rhea's, Toronto, Can. Eckhoff ft Gordon, lilies, Detroit Kdlnger ft Cooke, Cooke Comedy Co, Edwards, Mae, Keith's Stock Co., Portland, Me., Indefinite. ... Edmunds, Will, Garden, Kansas CUT. Ho., 2-14. Edwards' Song Review, Orpheum, New Orleana. Edwarda, Ryan ft Tlerney. Temple, Detroit. Edwarda' Dogs, Temple, Hamilton, Can. Edwards' Kid Kabaret, Poll's, Scranton, Pa. Ella*. Harry, Stetson's Eastern "C. T. C. ^W Eldora ft Co., Empress, Edmonton, Can., 0-7. Elisabeth, Mary, Orpheum, Denver, Colo. Elliott Fred, Howard, Boston. ... Emerson ft Baldwin, Bnshwlck. Bkln.; Colonial, N. Y. 0., 9-14. Emerson* (8), Bushwlck, 'Bkls. Empire Comedy Four, Orpheum, Memphis, Tenn- Emmett Grade, ft Co., Orpheum, Ogdeu, u.; or- pheum. Salt Lake City, 11-16. Emmett ft Crane, Empres*. Clncluaatl. "Kmperor ft finlJlresa. ,, KeJth'*, IjOulgTUie. Empire Quartet, Academy, Lowell. Mass. Encash Madcaps (8), National, Boston. Entertainer* (4), Dominion. Ottawa, Can. English Rosea (8), Poll. Worcertrr. Has*. Brneat* (8), Scenic, Cambridge. Mass.; Union, Providence. B, I., 9-14. Rrgottl Lilliputians. Dominion. Ottawa, Oan. Ernie ft Ernie, Maryland, Baltimore. _ _, "Bternal Waltt," Empire, Edmonton, Can.. »-'• Evans, Billy, Grand, Vancouver. B. C, IndeBnlte. Evans ft Vldocq, National. N. Y. C 6* Exposltloo Fonr. Palace, Chicago. Falsrdsm, Csmllle, Trocaderos Burlesqners. Fanton'a Athletes, Keith's, Boston. Fay, Eva, Allegheny, Phlla. „ _ Fagan, "Noodles," Majestic, Elmlra, N. T.