The New York Clipper (December 1912)

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zo THE NEW YOEK OLIP^EK. December 7 THEATRES and OPERA HOUSES Wt I—I *ti*rttamm to In this eolsma it ■ specui tit* «f |1.« P«r agsts 1dm tor • months ut 11 tlisiTf Tin will »aibu local manager* •» kt» ototf Iom prominently Mi eoattoaallr •afar* is* Bwaum ot cannulas. Daring to* ■sw to* al U nulii w. wUI MM Hd l«w ■tost • copy ** *ks Cum Irs*. WAHTKD, Flint class attractions for season tjll-U. ORAHD THEATRE, Just opened, Ktttan- tnnir. Pa., near PitMbargh. .Seating capacity. 900; stage, SUM. Full; equipped. Drawing popula- tion, »,0OC. Address GRAND THEATRE. WAHTKD—flood Shown, for Fraternal Hall. Oxford, aid. Seating capacity 828. Population ol town, i*oo. flood for one night shows with band. ROWLESBURfi, W. VA. On Halo Line B. ft 0. R. R. 120.000 monthly pa y lew Opera House, 700 Cap'y Large stage. First clnsB attractions wanted. Addre ss CH1DK8TBR it HOOTOlf. MURPrlYSBORO.ILLINOIS JOHN BEROER'g HEW HIPPODIIOME Is playing the shows booked by the old "Opera Bouse" Just burned. WIU share first class attrac- tions, single nights or week stands. Brand-new folding Opera Chairs, Scenery, etc. 18,000 Pop.; B miles 8. E. of St. LonlB. WANTED--Musical Comedies Three night stands. Repertoire companies, mln- sjtrels. New house, flood business. Write. AUDITORIUM CO., MILAN, TEMW. HIGHTSTOWN, I*. J., OPERA HOUSE, wants one show a week. C. FRED BDHLHAN, Manager, too Liberty Street, Trenton, N. J. MTJBIC COMPOSED AND ARRANGED for any instrument or number of instruments, gongs, Words and Music, Sketches, etc. Send stamp, OHAS. L. LEWIS. 420 Richmond St.. Cincinnati, 0. wa.vted q,uick — Blackface Comedians, Change for week; up In Med. Acts. Also man to slay piano and organ. All around performers for iny No. 2 Co. I pay all, and show In balls. Dr. W. F. Powers. Oregon Ind. Med. Co., Burlington, Brad- ford Co., Pa . WANTED AT ONCE, Position by Violinist and Pianist, man and wife. Both read. Prefer good trav- eling troupe or picture show. Salary reasonable. Ref. given. Prefer Middle States or the South. Ad- jreas WM. FL.EEGER, Brookport, HI. FOR SALB—Handcuff Act, Box Mystery, Mall Bag, Spirit Cabinet, Comedy Magic Act, Stere eptlcon, Slides, and a Complete Magic and Picture Show; also many other bargains, circulars for STAMP. GEO. A. RICE. AUBURN, N. I. ■ "BROADWAY FOLLIES" Wants Vaude- I rllle Acts who will play on sharing co-operatli.n • plan. Wllladvance all expanses to open; payyour own; open in January; 20 weeks South one nlgbt- ers. Comedy Sketch Team who can direct, Comedy Musical Act, Singing and Dancing Soubrette, Tramp Comedian; others. All must play p«rts. live Agent, Piano Player. State all with late pro- gram; mall only. E. A. BOONE, 116 E. 80th bt., Sew York. Will boy garden drop. REPERTOIRE and Vand. Managers Notice! AT LIBERTY/, SHIELDS AND OAILE, Sensational Eniiillbrlsts, man and woman. Tlnee big novelty acta: play Wis. Address SHIELDS AND OAILE, M GLADSTONE ATE., OTTAWA, CANADA. FOR SALE—nindoo Magician's Wonderful EtTects. Ea»y to perform. Send stamp for list. AL. H. nAFKNKR, 218 NEW ST., PniLA. BIGGEST Song nit ever written, "THE billy SUNDAY GLIDE." That Great Big Song lilt on Bl 1 Sunday, the bigot evangelist. It's a Corker. Order now. This song will stop the show. Price, tec. Gamble & I)cJ»rpotto, East Liverpool. O. WANTKD-8ketch TcamB, work In and put on Acta. Single Performeis and Male Piano PiByers Ho tickets unless known. Costley and Ross an- swer. Pay your own telegrams. The Seminole Indian Medicine Co., 203 7th Ave., Sterling, III. 100 COLORED PANAMA CANAL LANTEIIN SLIDES, forsale, cheap. Full set, right up to date. W. WYNDHAM, 8 PATUB1N PLACE. N. Y. CITY. riT THE "fiK IH JOKE ■ •MADISON'S BUDGET NO. It, tho monarch of comedy pub- lications, from which leading vaudeville artists the world over get their inspirations and ideas, Contents include II now monologues, v acts for 2 males, c sketches for maio and female, 32 parodies, a line minstrel llrat part, a one act farce, besides great acts for two females, for male quartettes; also hundreds of new gaits and Jokes. The price of MADISON'S BUD- GET So. 14 is ONE DOLLAR. Back issues out of print, except Number 10, price BL or will send Budgets loand 14 lor JAMES MADISON, "°* Third Ave., Jew York. -WuRUlZER-j OTCBESTRALHARP^ Tie Accepted World's Statu. . Write for beautiful Catalogue. ' Easy payments. We supply IbeTJ.fl. Qovtnim't with Moslem instrument* The Rudolph Wurlitzer Co. 671 E.4IB. Cloclnnstl: 41 1*. WiBssh.CbtsagSl B»teMM>t4 """ WANTED PERFORMERS FOR MEDICINE BIZ who slug and do comedy. Preference given to those who play guitar or banjo. For all Winter in South. Save stamps unless reliable. Tell all in first. DR. T. J. OUHM1NQS, VxNDALIA, ILL. AT LIBERTY n. A. BILLING ICORBLIE CLinM Leads, Heavies, Second Business. neavleaand Characters, Al Stage Mgr., Scripts. Wardrobe, appearance. One piece or rep. Perm. stock preferred. Joint only. Write or wire. H. H. BILLING, 117 Itnik Street, Ban Antonio, Tci . FOR SALE, ELECTRIC LIMIT PLANT Eight horse engine and four k. w. dynamo. Curi- osity seekers, save stamps. E.G.DOUGLAS, BLOOMFIELD, NEBR. Have you got our latest Bong hits? GUS WINKLER, Room 31. Grand Opera Ho«n« Bldg., Chicago, Ills. VAN FLIIT 47 WEST 2StU STREET, NEW YORK. ] 1865 1912 [ CG.Shaynet&Co. Importers and Manufacturers of STRICTLY RELIABLE FURS Offer for the Holidays The latest models In Coats and Draped Wraps In all the fashionable furs Also New and Beautiful Designs in Neckwear, of Russian and Hudson Bay Sable, Chinchilla, Mink, Mole, White and Cross Fox, etc. Men's Fur Lined Coats In great variety for street and evening wear. Auto Coats for Men and Women, includ- ing all the latest models in reliable Furs. 126 West 42d Street | New York City | 105 MABIC TRICKS -$£$£" JOB.O. KLEIN, 11M Brp*\<wy t ■» Y» FREDERIC CARMELO LIGHT COMEDY* JUVENILES, CHARACTERS AT LIBERTY Permanent Stock or One 'Piece. Address GENERAL DELIVERY • - ST. LOUIS, MO FOR TABLOID STOCK In an Iowa city of 20,000. Thoroughly refined, educated and experienced people in all lines. Two bills per week; two shows per night; matinees Tuesday, Thursday and Saturdays. No SundayB. Not a picture, hut a real theatre. Must have good appearance and wardrobe, be a good study and know the English language. Old friends write, as this will be a pleasant engagement. LOltEN H. GUIN, 709 Crocker Building, Des Moines, Iowa. L.II HOWARD L. CASE Leads, Heavies, Directors, Script*. Age, at. Weight, 110. Height, 0 ft. Sober, reliable. Joint only. Address HARYE FULTON CASE Jnvenllea, Ingenues. Glen. Bui,, except Characters. Singing Specialties. Ago, 20. Height, 8 ft. 4>, In. Weight, no. HOWARD L. CASK, Centralis, III. Springfield, ©.—Fairbanks' in t mgr.) Y:«di*h Opera 0o. Dec 2 "„•• &«kcr, lag Salesman" 8, Richard Oar'le sod 2L£*»* lias. In -The Girl from MootmirSe "n lUo w ««- Wliere Do You Lire J" 7. ""•"«■ 8; "Ainu N«w Bun (San Amusement Oo ™-~ . r week of 2: Liu*, ojjd lu,!. ,'„?».)-Bill LEADING WOMAN, some Emotlonals; CHARACTER WOMAN, one with Specialties preferred; COMEDIAN with Specialties If you can't ... ». V'i « L .3, I". Uy ■ • UVIM. ^1 \1*. m. V.,,., week Deo. 2, SaugerUes, N. Y J week Dec. 9, Warwick, N. Y. OUT OF TOWN HEWS &sHfmgg*uwz Other useful repertoire people write or wire. Preference given those that do specialties, make good dona write. FRANK J. lofti'S, Mgr. JLoftns Stock Co., HOWARD K. RACE All 'Round Heavy Han and Dramatlo Director. Plenty of Bhort cast scripts. Wardrobe the best, both modern and square cut, and lots of it. Ago 37; wt. l«; lit. & ft. 8},' In. Prefer to Blgn for line of parts only, preforahly genteel heavies, but will direct If required. Experienced, reliable, versatile. Southern and Southeastern companies preferred. Address HOWARD K. RACE, .La Orange, 111*. COSTUMES VROM OKI TO ONE THOUSAND BROADWAY THEATRICAL COSTUME CO. 133 West 4Bib St., N.Y. ORIGINAL DESI6NS BY OUR OWN ARTISTS COSTUMES FOR VAUDEVILLE ACTS A SPECIALTY. TEL. 8«0 BRYANT A riot of Negro comedy. Positively tho funniest 2 H. act produced in years. Price t&. Irish and Soub., Dutch and Siub., Tramp and Soub., Jew aud Blackface, $2 each, All Big Time stun. Author of three hundred successes; yon know me. Re- tiring to live In the Ozarks; closing out Mas. DRAMATIC AUTHOR, OABOOL, MISSOURI. WANTED QUICK A First Class Piano Player Male or female, to double stage; also a good REP. COMEDIAN, other useful people write. NATIONAL STOCK CO., W.rt Mansfield, 0. MDSICIANS--Use Our Songs And Instrumental Numbers. Send pcetage for Free Samples. Agents wanted. NEKDHAA HUBIC HOt'BE, Dept. 47, Bt. Louis, Bo. WANTED Heavy Man, Comedian and Gen- eral Actor doing specialties, Mu- sicians doubling stage Best of accommodations on statoroom car, so If your habits and ability aro not the best do not answor. Show now In its 69th week. OLIVE MACK. Elroy, Wis. 'W.A^TKr* I Must be good, ai we plav Urn big ones. Tickets, yes. DR. W. 8. 1IALKV, Cooperstown, N. D. week of Dec.»; Mlnot, N. P.. week of Dec. 18. AT LIBERTY, Singing and Dancing Comedian Do Blaokfaco, Silly Kid, Wench, Haglo Produce, Nigger Acts. Change for week: Al Piano Fakir. Wire or write ED. FlUNK, FERGUS FALLS, MI>>\ OINOIlVNATIa TbiDkiglving brought good cheer to all Thespian hum ind Uie hox ottice harvest wa* good all stuunu. The new Olympic Plajen were warmly •35mL and the Impreailoa prevalla that there hT* tor stock la the affecUon* ot local "SSaW^MM HOBSB CJ<*» H. Haylta,, mgrj —OtU aklnner I* comlia Dec 2j to Jdwani Koobl.ncn's "KHmet. ,r ^ist, week^ The Lit- tlett Rebel" was retpooalble for floods of tear* and much entbualasoi. Uttle "Boots' Woonter, a, VlrgU) was the centre of. Kdmoad Peples new wir play-picture, aad m« csrried off the honorj of the week with WULUnj Fnnmm. and Jack Shirkey, surring them with her. The stars and otrlpes s-ere In erlaenee to the how deroratlon*, and every night the strains of "Amerlci brought tie sudk-tces to their feet. Business big. Oobiu ft Harris present "The Red Widow." 9, tauo- dfclag Hrymood Hitchcock and Vtora Zabelle. Lvaic (James E. Fenneasy, mgr.)—Oliver Mo- rocco offered the Hawsllm romance, Tbe Bird of Paradise," 1. "Everjwoman," presented last week, by Henry W. Sa,sge. repeated its great success of a year ago. Adele Blood was seen to the title role, at,d Eojeoe Ormonde replaced Cocper Cliff as Nobody. There was a new TTUtn In Kathleen Kerrlgin, and Betty Msrsden wai fine as Conscience. Good business. Sara Ber- nard comes 8. la "All for the Lsdlee." B. F. Kami's (Charles L. Doran. mgr.) — Julius Steger and company are top-liners, Z, la "Justice." Others: Mrs. Louis James and com- pany. In "Holdng a Husbind;" Belle Baker, Char- ley Case, Wotpert and FauliD. Evans Lloyd and Alice Whltehouse, in "Just Vaudeville;' Eddy Btrton ,cd Florence Clirk, In "In Slxty-flve,' and Sim Wstson'a Farmyard Olrcos. Pathea Weekly. , .__. — WtLjecT (W. F. Jackson, mgr.)—"Where the Trail Dlvidea" to dne 1, after a big week with Eugenie Blair ss Msdaoe X. Audiences were large. Thurston comes 8. Eupbsss (George F. Fish, mgr.)—Lawrence Crane, the Irish wizard Beads the bill, 1. Others: J. K. Emmett and Viola Crane, In "A South Da- kota Dirorce." Morrlsaey and Hanlon. Mamie Fk-ming, De Voy ind Dayton, and the Thrve Clelrs. Empresecope pictures. Obbmin (Ernest Otto Schmld, mgr.)—"Die Foenf Fnnkfnrters" wnj repeaied by.special re- quett, 1. . _^ _ Obphscu (Isaac M. Martin,,mgr.)—The Great Golden Troupe of Russian singers sod dancers head the bill 1. Others: Billy Noble aud Jean Biooki, Al Almost and MUe. Dumont. Barnes end King, Alexander aid Belting, Richards and Montrose, snd the Mtrdo Trio, to "Tommy At- kins On Duty." Gaumont pictures. Olympic (Charles Doroer, mgr.)—The Olym- pic Pliyers are to begin their second week. 1, by offering "The Charity Bill." The new stock company*! premiere was "Arlaona," and Adra Alnilee made her debet here in the role of Bonl- ta with Allen F. Holstxr as Lleat Denton; Win- Held D* Long ss the villainous Hodgman; Eugene La Rom as Oanby. Fred Usrgraves In the com- edy role of Dr. Fentoa, snd Barry Wilgus a* Tr.ay. Pbopli's (Jsmea E, Fennessy, mgr.)—Teddy Slaxmd's Auto Qirli irrlved, 1, after a week of the Pice Maker*. Tho chorus was long on good look* Margie Ostlin and Mio Yulr, with Lew Hilton, set a pretty hot pace. Bert Lewis. Bill Messey snd Harry Kelly helped along with good, catchy stuff, and shared In the success of th* week. High Life la Burlesque arrives 8. Standibo (E. K. Byalcka, mgr.)—The Gaiety Girls are doe 1. Alt* Phipp* was the pretty, stunning, magnetic star of Joe Fields' Winning Widows, who pscked them in lsst week. Lou Powers and Sam Mlcal portrayed two YlddUh gentlemen of wealth. Edith Powers, Mae Rose, Lew Christy snd Edward Kerr were others fea- tured. The Ginger Olrl* come 8. Hecck's OPEBi Honsa (James B. Day, mgr.) Kris Krlngle srrlved early and gars away hun- dreds of trinkets at one of last week's shows. The Marionette Trio was featured In the last bill. Motion picture,, too. Others: Burdell sn.I Dandrs. Harry Llowood and company, and Bar- ber and Palmer, in "Hie Lady and the Oar- t«on." Ed. Long's Poales, General and Colonel, are coming 1. Kubet Atmrroaiiiii.—The next concert* of the Oinclunatl Symphor.y Orchestra occur 0, 7. wken Louis Perslnger will be the soloist. Msrcellt Sembrkh wis heard in concert Thsnksglv!n< night. Mcsto Hall. —The Chicago Grind Opera Com- pany, to the one performance of "Aida" were warmly greeted from "aloft," but attendance be- lcw was meagre. Lyceum. AuDrrortrmc. Family ixn Bias's Cintubt, motion picture* snd vsudevllle. NEWB K0TZX2TS. RiLPH HiBTUT received a wire? from Edward Knoblauch, announcing the author'* coming to Cincinnati to "have t look" at bis creatine, "Kismet." When Ma]. James M. Arnold, late C. S. A., and Captain WUlam 0. Johnson, TJ. S. A.. elas|>ed hands at the opening performance of "The Lit- tlest Rebel," at the Grand Opera House, the whole house rang with applause. All the botes were filled with officers of the Blue and the Gray, as guests of Manager John H. Havlln. Oloa PEnovA'a local premiers was auccetaful. The Keith constituency made the young come- dienne feel how welcone she was. MtLBOCBNB MoDowsxx, who was the star on the bill, recalled past triumphs In which he shared with the late Fanny Davenport. In the sketch, "The Sheriff and the Widow," be was aided by Isabel Evesson. AxoTHmi memory of the past was revived st the Empress, where Thomas Q. Reabrookc was well received for said lang syne. Ills monolo?uo was pronounced a corker. Natalii Zrraaa, daughter of Charles H. Zuoer, former dramatic editor of The Tmu-Btar, wss one of the little folks to the opera, "The Feast ot the Red Corn," at the Grand Opera House, Nov. 29. Flobe.sci Hinklb, Alma Beck, Evan 'Williams, and Clarence Whitehall, will be the soloists it the Msy Festival Association's presentation of "The Metf-lab," at Music Hall. Christmas night. Tub Cincinnati Chamber Music Quartet will give s series ot concerts at the Slnton Assembly Hall. Emil Heermanii, Sol Cohen. Julius Sturm, ami Max Schulz aro members of the qusrtet, with Dr. Ernst Kuuwald, soloist. Mavbicb Wolfson hot succeeded C. L. Hamil- ton ss i'.cuse manager of the Orpbcum. The Utter baa returned to Chicago. A saw panel of mirrors Is sn "added attrac- tion" in the rear of the Orpheura. Tub United Singers ot Cinclunntl almost filled Music Hall to capacity at the eleventh annual scng recital. There wis a chorus of two bun- dred mnlo voices, directed by Louis Ehrgott Tna Cincinnati Women's Club Is to give a re- ception to Dr. and Mrs. Ernst Kuuwald Dec. 14. Damnn Doyle assumed the role of "Everr- woinnn," In a few performances, relieving Miss Bleed, who needed rest. Gus Edwards and Ills company dropped In un- cxi«ct«dly at B. F. Keith's while "passing through ' on Sunday, and he captured the house by patting on an Impromptu stunt from the boxes, which wire occupied by bis "Kiddles." Tna Mystic Ehrlnera of Syrlsn Temple had one of the biggest theatre parties or the sesson. They wound up a ceremonial session by marching to the Empress. Noble George F. Fish turned over the entire houso to them, snd tbev about Oiled It. A special Friday matinee was given br Eu- genie Blair, to "Madame X." Hamilton, O. —Smith's (Tom A. Smith, mgr.) Cincinnati Synpboy Orchestra, with Mrs. Harry Crume as vocal soloist. Dec. 11. Gband (John E. McCarthey. mgr.)—Photo- plays. Bijou (A. Hsmmerle, mgr.) —Bin for 2 and SSL J S? „ Mc J? , V *""** Murray. Hashes and Knight, Stella Clark and Ona Walton, Wm. Har- vey and pictures. Jbwix. Amdsb. Stab. Ltbio, Rotal, amd F.AC1I.S, motion picture theatres, report good re- turns. Mansfield, O. — Memorial (Oronse ft Kuril, BPh? . Tbe .T" 11 o* too Lonesome Pine" Nor. 22. had excellent business. 'The Girl of My Dreams" Dec 12, "The Shepherd of the HIUV' m AM f"i !^r* OtLm. Alvtn, axd Rotal, mo- tion picture booses, report good buineu, Eg* wwk ot ^ * t* tt&n SauBBBi (Lea Ottokngni. nurr » Jeff" week of 2. "ReidV iio'Sgl? T'**" sad Pjocroa'a (B. a SruiTt, miT*)_nin 0U , "<*»• Of 2: Haghle Jenning* and hen hS,. 1 . ftt *«k Sayum TrE; FltcaOo»pe I 7 a J ( ^ al 5? l, "'• Walter coupany. Loa Dorbyel^ VouSSZifV'i "* Murray, snd Alexander and Scott ^^ ' Jobn T. OaPHSttJU (M. 8. .Hchleslngef.'-cg,.,.... X," by the Corse Payton stock limTT M,li ine oj 3, and ■ toe deiiud Ct^S?* » It may contlnae week of 9. VMr '* kreit Jacob' (Geo W. Jacob*, mgr )_Th- , Stock Oompany week of ft In^T&Tj'i* J ««ba in Ml-ourt" 'The Chlnabown ^J^l *!?. week ot 9. Gaibtt (Leon Evans, mgr.)—Clark'. n„ Girls, with Barke Bros., Margimte «l2*I Opp, Carrie Baaiedo. VtotetSHS TeS^iS tea, week of 2. Al. Beeves- Show 0 STLf* Mraaa's Eupaa (Frank Abbott, V a T\, Olrla from Beno 2 and week, with Mlk e (vTIi, ° Hirry Campbell, Ida Emerson, Margaret 1,™' Dolly Fields, Joe Nelson snd AJ BiSr -?5' OrlcntaU week of 9. ■"'■ T » Noras.—Plans have been filed for the nroDo«wi Oorse Payton theatre here, to be situated atih: corner of Brsnford Plice ind Hilsey Street Th. estlmsted cost wlU be $170,000, ind the ae*ii» capiclry 2,200. The house will have a row Sf mezunlne hove* and one balcony. There iriu bt sixteen dressing rooms, and a complete carroter and paint shop The Monte Csrlo Girls 4 tertalned the Frsnk Mllle.* and Melrose \ssocli tlon at Miner's Empire, Nov. 25 Weilneadav night hss been established sa wrestling nisht Vt the Gsyety. ■ ' ■ Terre Haute, Ind.—Grind (T. W. Bar- hydt Jr., mgr.) Eugenie Blilr. In "Madame X " Dec. 1. Motion pictures 2. "A Modern Eve" 3, nl'c. tsie* 4, S; Donald Brian, In The Siren." g. 'The Balkan Princess." matinee and night, 7* Tully Mershall, la "The Talker." 8: "Kmr- woman." matinee and night, 9-11; pictures 12. 14. "Billy, the KM" lo. "* Vabibtibs (Jack Boeffler, mgr.)—Bill for 24 included: Jlmmle McOree and company, the Rag Trio, Four Gordon Sisters, Spencer and lleuuett, and Walker and Barnes. For 5-8: Fields sua Coes, Bsdcllff and Hall. Pearl Bros, and Bums Broclon and Tamer, Hill. Cherry and Hill, and the pictures. Good business. Obpbim (Brentllnger ft English, nigra.)—Organ recltsls and pictures, to capacity. Lois (E. B Sheets, mgr.)—Vaudeville and pic- tures. Savoy. Colonial, Fountain'. Cbbsoent, Pais. cise, Els:, and Gem, moving picture houses, report good business. Note. —The BUlikeo Theatre, of Paris, III., wss sole by Manager MendenhiU, Nov. 25, to J, c. Stevens, of Crawfordsvllle, Ind. Stereos took charge 20, and will re-model the house. Logransport, Ind.—Nelson (Sue Fink, mgr.) "The GItI of My Dresms" Dec. 3. "The Lixtt Eternal" *, Paul GUmore, In "The HaToc."«: Tboa. Boss, to "The Only Son," 14. Bkoaowat (E. E. Cunningham, mgr.)—Vaude- ville, cbsnged trl-weekly, and pictures, are draw ng capacity houses. Gband (Barl Blfe, mgr.)—"The l.loo Tamer'i ReieDge" was the feature film 4- Tokta (E. W. Locbmao. mgr.) — Homer 1 ! "Odyssey" wit the feature film 2. 3. Abk, Cozy, Gband and Tokyo, photoplay hx-uses, all report eicellent returns. Nora—Jobn Hyams and Leila Mclntyre. of "The Girl of My Dreams" Co., were entertained during their engagement here, 3, by Heury Wiier and family, prominent society people. Oakland, Cnl. — Mscdonough (F. A. Gelss. mgr.) Vale*ka Soratt, to "The Kiss Wslii." was the sttraction week of Nov. 25. Dustln Fnrnum, to "The Littlest Rebel." Dec. 2-4. Ys LlBUTT (H. W. Bishop, mgr.)— The Bishop Pluyers presented "The Greyhound" week of Nor. 25. "The First Lady to the Land" week of Dec. 2. Obphbtjm (Geo. Ebey, mgr.) —Bill for week of 1 Includes: Lasky's "California," SehlrhU's Mcitonettea, Jsmes J. Morton, Goldsmltli awl Hoppe, He/rbert's canines, David Kidd (second week). Nonet to (second week), snd tbo latest photoplays. Business Is Immense. Pantaoes' (W. W. Ely, mgr.)—Bill for week of 1 Includes: Seven Hamada Japs. H. S. Whit- ney's Operatic Dolls. Karsey's Slyrlopuoue. Greea snd Parker, Rutherford snd Monroe, John Zlm- uer. Bessie Leonard, and Sunlight photoplays Business to capacity, Columbia (Dillon ft King, mgrs.)—The Colum- bia Musical Co. presented "The Merry Lisrs" week of Nov, 24. "The Isle of Ko-Ko" week "f Bboadwat (Guy C. Smith, mgr.)—Vanderllls and pictures, to big business. BUI changed tnice a week. Oakland, Ltbio, Bbown's, Mablowb, Rcexic. Bijou Dbbah, Oakkba and Regent, with pic- tures, report doing well. Nashville, Texan. — Vendome (W. A. Sliectx. mgr.) "Excuse Me" Dec. 2, Aborn Eug- llsh Grand Opera Co. 5. 0. Douald Brian and "The Spring Maid" are booked for early ap- pearances here. Oephedx (Geo. H. Hickman, mgr.)—Fins business. For week ot 2, the musical corned;, "The Time, the Place and the Girl." Pbincsss (Harry Sudekum, mgr.)—Buslnea 1* fine. Bill week of 25 Included: Swain's Cockatoos, Harry M. Morse snd company, E. J- Appleby, Three Dixie Girls, Robt. Ball, and lbs pictures. Eijoo (Geo. H. Hickman, mgr.)—"The Shep- herd of the Hills" week of Dec. 2. Cbtstal, Elite. Fifth Avb., Alhanbia ins Rex, moving picture houses, report good busl- oiees. Memphis, Tenn.—Lyceum (Frank Orsy, losyr.) Aborn Opera Co. Dec. 9, 10; "Hi* Spring Maid" 11, 12: "Excuse Me" 13, 14. Ltbic (Benj. M. Stalnback, mgr.)— The at- traction for week of 1 Is "The Groat Divide." Obfhecu (Max Fablsh, mgr.)—Bill for week of 2: .Madame Bertha Kallch and company, Empire Comedy Four, Holmes and Buchuuin. O'Meer Sisters and company, Harry Atkinson. MUe. Lorette and Bnd, Harry Webb, and motion pictures. Foua Maxistios, Pbincess, Alamo, Qccex, Colonial. Cabsollton, Palace, Two 1'astimw, Pbjcin, Royal, Savor, Daisy, Jor, Gem. t»« Famous, motion picture houses, are doing this business. Mil ford, Mas* Ideal (Noden ft roroam, mgrs.) motion pictures snd Illustrated soags to big business. Ltobum (Luby Bros., mgrs.)—Motion picture! snd Illustrated songs to good business. Noras.—The Music Hall, Milford's only thea- tre, which wss destroyed by fire lsst January, hss been purchased by a Boston syndicate, our of whom Is Charles Atkinson, a well known pro- ducer. The house Is now being rebuilt and wi'{ he re-opened with a seating capacity ot anon 1,100. Franklin Tompklna will be resident man- ager MUford Lodge of Elks, 028, held I" twelfth anniversary Monday evening, Nov. i* with a banquet, at which two hundred and eipwj live members dined. The orstors were ■»• Frank J. Donahue, Secretory of State, olt"gj" lodge; W. J. Porter, E. O. D. »•• of Wlnthron I^dge; Congressman A. Kenedy, of WoonsocKj Lodge: Oapt. P. O'Dsy, or Worcester Lodiw.Jni Wm. Write, of Brooklyn Lodge. Judge Jo"a <■■ Lynch, of the home lodge, wss the toasinu'i"- Memorial services were held Dec. 2 »t «';« ' p. Hall. Memorial iddress wss made by Jonn Farley, of Lowelt Lodge. Lincoln. Heb, - Oliver (F. ft J^'SJS mgr.) Al. W. Martin's "Uncle Tom's ■-*J'" r .„7i 2, 3. " Sherry" 4. Y. M. C. A. Conr* 0, "Graustnrk" 0. "Bought and Paid For.,'•, a Ltbio (L. M. Garman, mgr.)— Bill «;>* c itr Included Bertram May and company, college , Fcur, Four Harmony Boys, and De Shields sna Oephitom JL. M. Osrman. mgr.)—Bill f"^ of Dec. 1 "The Antique Olrl," Howard »^.^ nJ the Three Collegians, Assrd Brothers, Lewa an Dody, Meredith and SnooEer. Msson snd Duin and photoplay*. , ... nwttt None.—F. O. Tehrung. manager of the t"' and director in the Poitera' AdTertlaln. ."pj elation, si*nt Nov, 19 at French Lick, Iwi.. ■ r.*eting ot the aasoctotlcn. Mn. Zehrung accw palled hlB, ■■J.iji*-/