The New York Clipper (December 1912)

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22 THE NEW YORK! CLIPPER, Decembek 7 ■* Writi today Write for a sample of Woodbury's Facial Soap We want everyone who lias heard of this soap,who hasalways wanted to try it, to do 60 noiv. Let us send you a trial size cake— enough to last over a week. The feeling it gives your skin the first time you use it, is a promise of what the steady use of it will do. The firit effect of Woodbury's Facia] Soap la to clear the akin of Ixnpuritira. In utin? tliii aamplr, you can tetl ibis action. Tills feeling la limply an iii«Jir«tioii of the bene fid al and tonic action the soap ii havln t on your skin. ♦Have you ever used a soap prepared by a skin specialist? If not. you do not know how beneficial o aoap ran be. Every line you use tills sample of WccxHuiry's, you can feel it stimulate your akin. Tlir formula for Woodbury'* was worked out by an authority on (He skin and its needs. In ihla sample cake, you fet (lie benefit of tliii formula, for which we paid Si00.000. Write for your sample, use ii and see for yourielf way tliii soap is famous. Br sin now to jet hi benefit!. For 4e we will send a sample cake. For toe, ■samples of Woodbury's Facial Soap. Facial Cream andPowder. For soc.acopyojtheWood- bury book and samples of the Woodbury prepa- rations. Write today to Andrew Jertens Co., Dept. K Spring Grove At>e., Cincinnati, O. Woodbury's Facial Soap (For sale by dealers everywlierej mmmmwzrm A suro money maker. Some- thing? new. Sell "Zanol" Con- centrated Extracts for making; Whiskies, Liquors and Cordials at boms, stars* ovorBOpsrcent, of ths liquor daaWrs' prlcss. Makes the genuine article. A few minutes dossthe work. Strictly mat*. Hat H*ms« roqulrsd. Used by Liq- uor dsalera for years. Sells in either wot or dry territory. Sam Miller aoldovurS.OOOpacknBes. Others making. G,Sl2, $25,150 ■ week. You can do It. A bijr repeater. Small, com* pact, carry week's supply in pocket. Sample case and "s outfit free, enormous demand. Quick sales. Ch profits. Retterbequick. Territory fast. Just send si postal. We will show you an eye opener. UNIVERSAL IMPORT COMPANY 3942 Sycamore Street Cincinnati O. BEFORE AND AFTER THEATRE MOUQUIN'S 6th Ara., bet. 27th and 28th Sts., New York HOST POPULAR FRENCH RESTAURANT PARISIAN CAFE : MD8IC 6.80 TO 1 A. M. BROWN'S Bronchial Troches For Hoarseness, Coughs, Inflamed Throat, Bron- ohl al and Asthmatlo Troubles. Give prompt and grateful relief. An article of superior merit, ab- solutely free from an; harmful Ingredient. Sold only In boxes. Sample mailed free. JOHN t aSjgSjjj S SOS. Boston, Maw. LKST VOU FORGET WI BAY IT YET LETER HEADS Contracts. Tickets, Envelopes, Free Samples, etc. 8TA0K MONKY, He. Book of Herald OuU, 21c. CROSS (oi S. Dearborn St. CHICAGO Poems Wanted OABH OR ROY A LTY TO Y0TJ. AGENTS WANTED FOR OCR PUBLICATIONS. NEEDHAM MUSIC HOUSE, 47-B, St. Louis. Mo. CIBCUS & JUGGLING THEATRICAL WIGS Toupees. Ladles' Hair Goods. M. Stein's Make- Dp. Bead for Price List GEO. BIIINDHEI,M. 2R2W. 41«t St.. Now York. fK »72(lTlryar.t SONG WRITERS--Turn Your Songs INTO MONEY. BEST PROPOSITION. Write PROGRESS PUBLISHING CO., Pept. St, St. loots, Mo. N.Y, PLAY BUREAU Is now located at Tremont Theatre, New York. Get New Catalogue. PLAYS TQT OF TOWH HEWS PHIIVAPBLPHIA. The new offerings week of 2 eooaiat of "Bra," at the Gsrrlckj^The Pretty Little Widow," at the Ctaestnot Street Oiiers House, and "Ran- ivimctl." it the Walnut Street Theatre. Business was aplctdld at the bauaes during- Thanksgiving week, as a result of many visitors In town la witness the Army and Nbtt and Unlrerslty of Pennsylvania and Cornell football games. Mbtboi-olitaw Opiu Housb (Alfred Hoecerle, mitr.)—From now until January but one oners a week la Kliednled. "La Boheme" will be sun); on Dec. 3 A wry fine production of "Madame Butterfly." on 20, was witnessed by a brilliant qnillence . «,.. "* OtiRSTNnr Stbkbt 8SB5 Uons« (Nixon * Zlmmermnn. mors.)—"The Pretty Little Widow"* receives Its local premiers 2. for a two weeks' stay. Eddie For. In "Over the RlTer," bad three weeka of line returns, ending 80. Oibbick fNlton & Zimmerman, mgrs.)— Eta will he seen for the first time locally. 2. Emma Trentlnl, In "The Firefly." bail a highly success- rul two weeks' stay, ending 80. Forbbst (Nixon A Zimmerman, mgrs.)—The Pink Lady's" popnlarlty continues undiminished, and last week, wblcb wss the third of Its en- sagament. showed no falling off In the attend- once. The fonrth week begins 2. AiiELPin (Messrs, Shnbert, mgrs.) — "Buntr Polls the Strings" continues to furnish mnrh wholesome entertainment, to line honses. Begin- ning 2 will lie the fifth snrt flnnl week of Its stay. r.noAD (Nixon & Zimmerman, mgrs.l—John Drew's animal visit In "The Perplexed Husband." 28-89, resulted In a series of orations for the star, who Is s natlre Pbllailelplilan. with boats of ailmliers. The star bss just the kind of a role that the publle loves to sec htm appear In, and with th-3 capital support of Mary Bolnnri. gave Unirnex! performances. The second wrek begins 2. Ltbio (Messrs. Shnbert. mgrs.)—Oabr Deslys. In "Vera Vlotelta" r.nd "The Whirl of Society." had packed honses last week. The audiences fonnd the star mildly.Interesting, but were very Istlsh In their applanse of Al. Jotson. who msde the nig- gi«t kind of a hit. and alio for Fanny Brlce. whose services were also greatly In demand. Fnmk Tliiney. Ada' Lewis, Lawrence D'Orsay. and Melville Kills were also rolnahle contribu- tors to tbo fun. The second and final week begins 2. Walnut (Harris Estste. mgrs.)—"Ransomed" has Its first local rlew 2, for a two weeks' stay. "The Man Higher Up" departed 30, after three weeks nf satisfactory bnslneia. Chestnut (Frank Williams mgr.)—The Or- nlieum stock pitta on "Seren Days" week of 2. "The Great Divide" was splendidly acted last week to a succession of capacity honses. All of the Important roles were In capable bands, and the production wss roted one of the best of the season, tohcrt Ingersoll. as Stephen Gent, did rerr painstaking work, while Gemini Gates, as Unth Jordan, wss a splendid creation. Winifred Kingston, ss Polly. WUmer Walter, an Phllln. nnd Florence Roberts, ss Mrs. Jordan, also gare excellent mrnpnrt. "The Straight Bond" next. AatsMBUt (.Tames Wall, mgr.)—The stock of- fering week of 2 Is "The Silver King." "Qulncy Adams Sawyer" was sn appropriate rertval for Thanksgiving week. The houses were crowded and snnlanded the perfect work of Grace Huff and John Lnrenr., In the leading roles. National (Jos. M. Kelly, mgr.)—The Kllml ft Oazznlo stock appears In "No Mother to Gnlde Her" 2 and week. Last week, "Ohlnstown Charlie" was the offering for the lovers of melo- drama who attended In large nnmers. Marcus F. Hoefe carried off the honors In the leading rnle. Grand (Stair A Hsvlln. mgrs.) — "Three Twins" Dec. 2-7. "The Lucky Hoodoo" wss the biggest kind of a favorite, to nig houses, last week. Billy B. Van and the Beaumont 8lstrrs are the lire wires, and their efforts met with the keenest sppreclatlon. IIabt's (John W. Hart, mgr.)—The Paul Bnrns Stock, In "How Hearts Are Broken." 2 nnd week. "The Gsmhlcr of the West." cleverly not- ed, had fine honses last week. KMPnrg (Wash Msrtln. mgr.)—The Yonkce Doodle Girls are fine 2 end week. Watson's Bnr- lesaners. with a dainty troupe of performers, scored their usual big success, to splendid houses. 2R-80. Billy Watson sn* tbe time honored "Krouseroeyer Alley" wss ss ehockfnl of fun ss "vep. and the honses were tangoing from start to finish. The Daffydtls next. Trocaoeho (Sam Dswson. msr.)—Girls from Jorland 2 and week Dante's Daughters had a sh<.w. last week, full of novelties that lnrge audi- ences fonnd very pleasing. Gladys Spare and J. Then. Murphy led off In the fnn making, while Harris and LetfoTd, Ward and Ash. and Montrose mil Crnwfcrd were the best liked of the olio num- bers The Monte Carlo Girls follow. Casino (Ellas & Koenlg. mgrs.)—The rjraek"r .Tacks are tenants 2-7. The Midnight Maidens faced a riovevi big bouses last week. Bob Van Often and Elmer Tenley are two big local favor Ites. and their work In the bnrleanne wss of irllt- edge nullity. Virginia Itnyden. Glare Bni-g. and the National Comedy Four also made ldg hits. Oatitt (John P. Eckhardt. mgr.)—The Merry- flo-RotinderB are scheduled for 2 and week. The Dienmland Bnrlesqoers presented nn tip-to-date show, last week, to the uanal packed honsee. Dhtc Merlon was the predominating feature of the show, and his comedy wna banded over lu huge chunks. The Bon Ton Girls 9. B. F. Keith's (H. T. Jordan, mgr.)—Vic. Moore and Emma Littlefield are the beadllners week of Dec. 2. Others are: Valerie Bergere nnd company, Henry Cllve, Havllaud and Thorn- ton, Ethel McDonongh, Phil Btaats, Armstrong and Ford, Mario Troupe, and moving pictures. Wit. Penn (Wm. W. Miller, mgr.)—Week of 2: Hunting and Francis, the Laugdons, Robert Fulpora, the Four Londons, Ohas. and Adelaide WllBun, and moving pictures. LiBEnir (M. W. Taylor, mgr.)—Week of 2: Emmet Welch nnd company, Bloomquest Players, Gtbel Clifford and company, George Armstrong, Snowdle Maybelle, Clouoe and Hoffman, and mov- ing pictures. KBT8TONB (M. W. Taylor, mgr.)—Week of 2: Staley and Blrbeck, Frank Busb, Black and White, Aubrey and Lennox, Martin and Trotte, tbo Four Orovlnls, and moving pictures. Nixon (Fred'k Leopold, mgr.)—Week of 2: "The Arm of the Law," Alice Harrison, Byrne BroB., Jack Gardener and company, Borls-Frld- kin Troupe, Qllaon and De Motte. and moving pictures. Ai.leoiient (Jos. Cohen, mgr.)—Week of 2: Eva Fay, the Five Sullys, Braggart Bros., Mc- Oratli and Yedman, Lloyd and Zarlna, Bradley and Tapper, and moving pictures. Dumont's (Frank Dumont, mgr.)—Last week's bill had plenty of fun numbers In It. The G.and 0|iera Burlesque has many local take-offs that are very funny. Eddie Oasaady's and Joe Hortli's new sketches are of popular quality and score big. An Interesting feature of the first part was the rendition of old time songs made popular by the Inte John L. Carncross. Business was One. Guard. FonKrAcan'B, Pboplb'b, Alrambba, Palace. Victoria, Oltupia, Colonial aho Bijuu give vaudeville and moving pictures. NOTES. Bii.i.v B. Van, who appeared at the Grand Opera House last week, baa begun an agitation In favor of the rescinding of an order of the Postmaster-General, wblcb prohibits the deliver- ing of mall on Sundays. Tub AuERtoAN Athletic Olud, at Thirty- ninth and Market streets, which was erected s few years ago by Jack O'Brien, for fistic con- tests, lias been leased by a New York conce-n, which will remodel the building into a dancing school. Tub Naval Acapxut football team were the guests of the Keith management on tbe evening of Oct 20. The bouse was beautifully decorated with the navy's colors In honor of tbe occasion. An itirBBSBiva psoobam was provided for the memorial services of Lodge No. 2, Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks, which took place at tbe Grand Opera House on Sunday, Dec. 1. The oration was delivered by Samuel B. Hare, past exalted ruler of the Altoona, Pa., Lodge. Schvmann-Hihnk was beard In a recital at the Metropolitan Opera House on 28. Cubondale, Pat.—Grand (Frank B. Trallet, mgr.) "Madome X" Dec. 6. - - Heal (L. A. Farrell, mgr.)—Lynott's Orchea- tri and four reels of moving pictures, changed dolly. Tbe great hit of last week was The Mills of tbe Gods." More than eight Inchea or soggy snow fell here Bundny, Nov. 24. and the bei-eflt entertainment of tbe Olan-Na-Oael had to be deferred for want of llghi. as all wires were clown. It was given Dec. 1, when pictures or Irish scet#ry and historical Incidents were ex- hibited. P. H. Byon, of Scranton, discussed tbe life work and fate of the Manchester martyrs; Robert McGowan recited Robert Emmett's great speech; Col. John MrCuurt read an original poem, entitled "Robert Emmett," and W. J. Rooney fur- nbbed vocal and musical selections. Savor (Benny Benson, mgr.)—Big business, vlth vaudeville nnd motion pictures, three times daily. Bill tor week of 2 includes: Millar and Princeton. Nellie and Blllle Woodby, Jordan and Francis, Collins nnd Clifford, Croonln s:.d Arnold. tbe Dancing Kleins, Helen Beck and Patrick Man- nlon, and four reela of up-to-date pictures, changed dally. Gem (Alpbonso Slrrlannl, mgr.)—Capacity bnsl- nesa at every performance. Mechanical orches- tra of nine pieces, animated weekly service, and dramatic and historical feature pictures, changed dally. "La TJosca" was one of the feature pic- tures Thanksgiving Day, with Sarah Bernhardt tn tbe leading role. _ . FiiliLl (Collins A WIngenfleld, mgrs.)—Vaude- ville and moving pictures, three times dsly, to good buslnees. Tbe managers of tbts house are cxncldering t proposition to Introduce burlesque. Victokia AND PEOPLE'S (Louis MiHule, mgr.) — Gxod pictures and catchy music, to excellent liuslncss. Pictures are changed dally. Altoona, P« Mistier (I. O. Mlsbler, mgr.) Mortimer Kephan, In portrayal of Chaa. DIckena' characters, Dec. 8; "Alma, Where Do You Live?" 4, the Merry Maiden Burlesquen S, "The Trail o. the Ixmetome Pine" 7, Arthur Cbatterton Stock Co. 9 and week. Ori-hech (Arthur E, Deumnn, mgr.)—Good business rules. Bill for 2-4 Includes: Tbe Gonr- tlers, Florence Bowes, Clias. Howe and company, and Bill and Maude Kellar. For 5-7: Clarence Slaters and Bros., Bnyonne, Whipple and com- pany. Wills and Moulton, and tbe Altus Bros, and moving pictures. BOSTON. We have two new plays, two stock revivals, several continued attractions, burlesque, vaude- ville - and picture changes for our approval tbe current week. Thanksgiving Day helped out im- mensely on tbe total receipts of last week. Colonial (Frobmsn A Harris, mgrs.)— 'Lx- ceedlng lbe Speed Limit" current attraction, ex- ploiting Carter De Haven as a star, aided by Elisabeth Mnrray as a co-star, will remain with us for a limited engagement. Others In the cast are: Flora Parker, Gladys Alexandria, Marlon Fell, Lillian Ormande, Mary Haatlngs, Frederic Bond, John L. Kearney, Albert Parker, A. E. Walsh and Jay Wilson. Boston (Frohman-Harrls Corp., mgrs.)—This la Emma Trentlnl's second time here ss a stai. and on this occasion sbe appears In Arthur Ham- mersleln's new production, "The Firefly." rhe operetta ought to meet with the success which Is said to have been accorded It in other cities. "My Best Girl," which has been here for the past three weeks, with Clifton Crawford ns star, has been closed for the season. Tremont (Jdo. B. Schoeffol, mgr.) — Henry Miller has alwnya been a great favorite In Bob- ton, but "The Rainbow" has shown him In en- tirely something new to tbe local playgoers, and the engagement Ib all the more interesting as a result. This Is the fifth week. _ ,. UoLLia (Charles J. Rich, mgr.)—"Passers-Dy" Is drawing large bouses. PLTiioriH (Fred Wright, mgr.)—Eighth week of "Dlsrreli," the delgbtful comedy, In which George Arliss Is appearing at this house Shubset (Wilbnr-Sbubert Co., mgrs.)—"The Pcralng Show" continues to please. Majestic (Wilbur-Sbubert Co., mgrs.)—"The Muster of the House" Is In Its second week. St. James (SI. H. Guleslan. mgr.)—The stock Is playing this week "The Spendthrift," "The Hyiocrltes" will be done next week. Much fnn was derived Inst week from the production of "Father and tbe Boys." Cabtlb SqUABB (John Craig, mgr.)—"Seven Sisters" is the offering for the current week. Mr. Craig's productions of Shakespearean plays are feaaluree of his Castle Square season. During the past four years be baa given about eight of them, and be has repeated several, nnd each time the public has attested Its liking for them. Ilierefore It wasn't surprising to note the large ai.dlences turning out last week to see "Othello." Keith's (B. F. Keith, mgr.)—Newton New- kirk, a newspaper man connected with T»e Bolton Pott, will endeavor to Impart some of his witti- cisms to those attending ihls week. Other fea- tures listed are: "The Little Parlsienne," Matthews and Ashley, Henshaw and Avery, Scott and Keene, Hafford and Chain, Fanton's Athletes, Two Macks, and Leonard and Louie. Ada Reeve was a big card last week and held tbe stage at nearly every performance for over forty minutes, singing seven songs. National (H. A. Haley, mgr.)—For week of 2: Phantom Paintings, Elgbt English Madcaps, Funny McCarthy, Swan and O'Day, Ben Linn, Clark and O'Dea, and the Art Beautiful. Howard (Q. E. Lothrop, mgr.)—Andy Gard- ner and Ida NIcboll head the list of entertainers with the Bohemian Burlesque™ this week. The Howard's own featuree are: The Red Sox Quar- tette, McBrlde and Cavanaugh, Gen. Plsano arid company, Wilbur Sweatmsn, Allen and Shanault, and Fred ElllotVT Girls In Blue BurleBquers are due here next week. CAemo (Charles H. Waldron, mgr.)—Week of 2, the Knickerbockers. Tbe World of Pleasure, under tbe management of Gordon A North, sup- plied the patrona lost week with one of the best shows of the season. Next week, the College Girls. , _ Gaibtt (George H. Bateheller, mgr.) — The rouih anniversary of thla beautiful burlesque theatre wua celebrated In great shone last week, and tbe appearance of Obnrlle Waldron's Trocn- ikroa was In keeping with the occasion, the per- formnnuj given by tint company being a revela- tion in the way of new Ideas and startling de- vices quite out of the ordinary. .Week of 2, Oolumbla Burlesquers, with Love Makers next. Gband Opera Hoosb (G. E. Lothrop, m«T-)— The Etta de Parla Girls this week. The Bo- hemian Burleaquers next. Obpbbum (Victor J. Morris, mgr.)—The bill for the week includea Bllle James, Roy aud Hurke. Deltorelll and Glisaando, Lander Broth- its, Clifford Hippie Co., Harry Mayo, Johnson, Howard nad Llsxette, Mnbel Fern. Rboder nnd Orompton, Billy Rogers, and Barry and Wll- belml. Oiobb (Robert Jonette, mgr.)—Tbe curreut bill Includ™ Three Ito.iina, Avlnlor Girl, Knight Brothers anu Snwtelle, Ginger Three. Great John- son, Haya and Al Point, Musical Farm, Leona-d nnd Louie, Cook and Stevens, Brlerle nnd King. Five Durnnds, Woodlaw Trio, and tbe Rays. Oltmpia (J. E. Oomerford, mgr.)—Bill tbls week: Tbe Altus Brothers, Maurice Brothers, Moore nnd Jenkins, Woodland Four, Ed. Daley aud oompeny, Sidney Dean and company, and Ida Fuller and company. BownoiN Squabb (O. E. Lothrop, mgr.)—Ken- ncy and Mollis nre topping the bill here. Othe s are: The Ten Merry Youngsters, Bob Archer and company, Euch Brothers, Luplta Pcrea, Dave White, Frank Bernler. Old South (F. G. Collier, mgr.)—Charlotte and Edwardes, Byrnes and Hoey, Eorle ond Eart- lett, Dixon Peters, Dave Clifford, and McDowell ond dog are booked for thla week. Wasiiinqton (F. O. Collier, mgr.)—The bill this week: Gatcbell and Medora, Foster and Dun- bar. .Tnnliier and Carrlnglon, Le Roy and Rome. Charles Welchman, Mllltalre, James nines and Harry La Toy. Eaqi.r. —Bill: Sheppcrley Sisters, Dave Mal- colm, Sickles and Allen, and Alfred Kelsey, AFTERMATH. Tub song nnd picture houses are offering their weekly changes: Idjou Dream, Huntington Ave- nue, Shawmut, Unique, Apollo, Orients, Pastime, Puritan, Back Bay, Beacon, Premier, Norfolk, Oomlque, Niagara, Wlnthrop Hall, Williams' Ideal, Superba. Scenic Temple, Star, Navlllus Hall nnd the Roxbury. Eva Walkku, a member of the Bowdoln Squire Burlesque Co.. was very badly Injured to au au- tomobile accident In this city Nov. 24. 8he was obliged to remain indoors for several days as a result of Borne. - _ TnB first week of the opera season at the Bos- ton Opera House was a big success, finsnclally and artistically. Society turned out la largo numbers. , Tiierb were holiday matinees at all the Boston theatres on Thanksgiving Day. Keith's and the National gave three performances on that day. William Favibsham Is coming to the Majestic next week In bis big revival of "Julius Caesar." and will remain for a fortnight Frank Keenan, a Rostontaii, Is in tbe cast, Some of the productions John Cong bas in mind are: "Under Two Flags." "Tbe Heart of Marvland" and "Tbe Darling of the Gods." Sousa and bib band drew large crowds of music lovers to the Mechanics' Hall on Nov. 24.. Lynn, Mass). — Central Squsre (James B. Donovan, mgr.) hoe business afternoons and evenings, with moving pictures and songs. Olympic (A. E. Lord, mgr.)—Bill for Dec. 2- 4 Included: Tbe Frisco Trio, Emily Green and company, sod tbe Gnrceoettl Brothers. For B-7! The Great Barnette and company, Fr*nk Trnlnor nnd company, Norton and Ayres, Iloudy, Wilson and Handy, and the pictures. Lectures on the pictures by Goeffrey Wbalen are popular. Busi- ness is great. Ltnn (Jeff Gallon, lugr.)—Big audiences are being entertained btre by high class vaudeville bills. Auditorium (Lindsay Morlson, mgr.) — "Tbe Firefly" Is on the boards week beginning 2. "The Great Divide" week jt 0. CoMiqua (Al. Newhall, mgr.) — Pictures and songs, to packed houses. DmcAMUNO (Samuel Grant, mgr.)—Latest pic- tures and popular songs, to good business. Pastime (E. A. Land, mgr.)—Pictures, to good houses. Dream, CliftonJale (Thomas H. Cullen, mgr.) —Pictures snd songs. Notes. —Edward Nsnnery, formerly with the Morlson Stock Co., Is now playing In Bridgeport, Conn Manager Callan, of the Lynn Theatre, visited New York recently, where he was treated for rheumatism. Lawrence, Mass.—Colonial (Julius Cuba, mgr.) Kitty Gordon, In "The Enchantress," Dec. 2. Opera Housb (Julius Cahn, mgr.)—The Malley A Dennlson Stock Co. present "Forty-live Min- nies from Broadway" 2 and week. "The Woiran tn the Cose" week of 0. Nickel (J. Fred Lovett, mgr.)—BUI for 2-4 Included: Four Society Belles, Frank Tralnor and company, Horln and Morln, and Handy, Wilson nnd Handy. For 5-1: Emily Green and company, Juliette Winston, Qarclnettl Bros., Fred Uealey. and pictures. Victoria (A. A. Kellman, mgr.) cootlnnen to do capacity business with motion pictures and illustrated songs. Bboadwat (Tooroey ft Demarra, mgrs.)—Mo- tion pictures, to good business. Phemito (N. Demarra, mgr.)—Good business, with motion pictures. Pastime (J. Blott, mgr.)—Motion pictures, to good business. Bijou (Geo. P. Dykeman, mgr.)—This bouse, formerly the Blrkaud, opened Nov. 23, wltb good business, presenting five reels of association fllma ond illustrated songs, with three changes weekly. Margaret Doyle Is vocalist. Milwaukee, Wis, — Davidson (Sherman Brown, mgr.) "Pomander Walk" week of Dec. 1, David WarOeia 8 soil week. Shvdert (Wm. at Mick, mgr.)—" Way Down Mast" week of 1, "The Chlmeo of Normandy" 8 and week. "One Day" follows. Majestic (J. A. Hlgler, mgr.)—BUI week of 2 Includes "In the Barracks," McWatters and Tyson, Mr, and Mrs. Jack McGreevy, Fleorette. the Helm Children, Snudor's Burlesque Circus and Ralph Smallcy. Gatbtv (J. A. Whitehead, mgr.) — Stars of StLgeland 1 and week. Tbe Pace Makers week of 8. Pabbt (Ludwlg Kreiss, mgr.)—"Der Vogel- liaendler," Nov. 27, proved one of the Uncut at- tractions so far presented by the German Ploy- ers this season. Sake (O. A. Newton, mgr.)—Tbe Saxe Stock Co. presents "The Confession" week of Dec. 1. Orvstal (Edw. Raymond, mgr.)—BUI for week of 2 Includes: Norlne Carmen snd licr Six Slerry Minstrels, May Duryea and company, Earl Wilson and Johnnies, and Velde Trio. Emi'Rbbb (Jac. Isaacs, mgr.)—B1U for week of 1 Includes: "Die Suburban Winner," Floyd Mack. Hobson nnd Msbelle, Reouble Sims, and Bobby Pandur aud company. Juneau (J. B. Relcbert. mgr.)—"The Juneau Stock Co. presents "The Man on the Box" week of 1. "Brown of Harvard" 8 and week. Columbia (Wlnnlnger Bros., mgrs.) The Win- Dinger Stock Co. presents "St. Elmo" 1 and week. IT LIBERTY AFTER DEC. 8 IL Age21, ht,6ft.3,VTt.ll5; Characters, (leu. Bus., also doubles Piano, Bight reader. Age 22, wt, 160. ht. 5 ft. 10; Character*. Gen BuL, some Specialties. Man and wire. Addrea Wardrobe and ability. II K. L. THOMPSON, care Lehinann-Ilebrri Co., Law ton, Okln. On account of show closing, for Stock, Rep. or One Piece Jack Ormsby Corned lan. IIL 6ft. 5 In.: wt. 125; age 28. Billie Malta Sonbrette, Ingenue and Ingenue Leads. HL6ft.; wl. 115; age ii. Specialties. Best of wardrobe. URMSBY'ana HARLOW, 815 Sherman St., Johnstown, Ps. WANTED TO BUY ATent Theatre OutUt: co ft. R. T., with two 4}'a complete with blues reserves, stage, scenery, etc., or separate. What have jou to sell. Must be In Al conditloc and dirt cheap. Give full description, hov long used, etc., and where it can be seen anvwitere la the Middle States. OHAS. W. HCRCB, P. O. BOX No. 7, ERATH, LA. 10 Ladies and Gentlemen FOR BIG VAUDEVILLE ACT Tbose who can sing, play 'cello, or any olher Instrument. Address "PRODUCTION," care of CLIPI'ER. WANTED IMMEDIATELY, FOR Stetson's Uncle Tom's Cabin Co. PIANO PLAYER, to double Baritone or Trom- bone In band. Address J. W. imoWM.EE. Mm- ager, Watervlllc, Maine, Dec. 8; Belfast 7, Bangor v, Augusta 10. WANTED TO BUY Big Elephant, Thibet, Sloth, Russian and Polar Bears; also Big Band Chariot Address JOHN SMITH, Care Knnkely, Tent Manor, l83S„mli st.>-1- FREE DATE BOOK M tn Hon thlm pmpn The M. STEIN COSMETIC CO. NEW YORK M-.STEIN'S MAKEUP PONY CARPET WANTED Suitable for a Hog and Pony Circus. At leasraft- In dlame er or sqnarj. Also DANCIM. WJ* THKATRK, for on* or more people, after lbe Btyw of the one used by Korns. Answer to WAI.LACK it CO., care CMPFf-"^ DELOrSTlKDlsiCATcOJIEDjW. CTnrir' KMPRB88 Til EAT He-. OIUVA. Grand Island, Neb. VERSATILE COMEDIAN and JUVKM -E ■"* that can elng and dance. No fancy *»}*'"'• vou get It. Write quick. EI1DIK l*J~Iu Em press Theatre, GRASP MLAM ^Jg. PLAYS FOR STOCK AM REIBWfM Royalty plays, also book plays, ■attW'^LK roialty. Send stamp for lists. A. «'•'"'; SETT, Dennett's Dramatic I\';'»"« ' 30 W. Randolph Bt., Chicago , 111^.—. Ilf 1648 Ellis Straet, I S AW FBANC ISCOML materia! WANTED PIANIST — Gender eight anil all expenses; Heavy Man. sn also Specialist. Fare advanced, if nee ,1 woman, -.iry. S<* *d. Touring between ^ lll!: ','"In,,.n, lotte, N. 0. Add. Harry Llndley, sccoi - -' w« Cape Charles, Va. * FOR SALE, 2H Octave X-lophone On nlckelplated floor rack, with n - "y jt so good shape and tone. First tl-'W ! :.v lH ,i wis. PIANIST Af LIB IW Long experience In all branches. %KO. BAILKV, W«H^ .If, ».*••