The New York Clipper (December 1912)

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24 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. December B.B.&B. SPECIAL 70 Agencies in U. S. and Canada. Send for List. 6-YEAn GUARANTEE 26-ln.. 28-ln.. 80- In.. 82-111.. $4-ln.. 8 6- In., 88-ln.. 4(Mn.. 42-In.. 11.00 1200 18.00 14.00 15.00 16.00 17.00 18.00 10.00 Bound with our flew Cold- Rolled Steel Binding Three-ply B. B. ft B. trunk wood, band-riveted tipping tray. SEND FOR FREE CATALOGUE,$5 deposit re- quired on C.O.D. shipments. B B. <fc B. TRUNK FACTORY PITTSBURGH. PA. THEATRICAL GOODS . . Cttalogui No. T WIGS TIGHTS HOSIERY SPANGLES 1 GOLD & SILVER [ dialogue No. TMMHINGS ) STAGE \ K JEWELRY J • • c«ui«fii» No- 0 GOLD and SILVER BROCADES SATINS and BEADS Catalogues and Samples upon request. When asking tor Catalogue, please mention what goods are wanted. SIEGMAN & WEIL T7-7B-81 Wooster St., NEW YORK The Theatrical Supply Emporium Earn $35 to $500 Weekly. Stud) OT1RP DANCING OlAUs. SINGING Vaudeville Acta, Sketches, Drama, Make-up, Playwrltlng. Personal In- itme tlon b j phonograph at your home If yon cannot come on to New York. Write for Illustrated booklet how 8,000 students succeeded. Engagements guaranteed. Failure impossible. AMeie Theatre School of Acting 93d St. and 8th Ave., Raw York ^S^D Tamond I; 5l/40 Os cat-V MUD BBS MM lu.l .tfl IM ■■< Mtvl nialwMM. »• miuMtrn. MawM-ttam, SaMitl Otltr- Ilk nitui Hit let. av* O..U i.iUUH Ml tut I n II at awl CO D. kffeHW C«Ut«f Pftlt. ikm full Hi. htMl Hai r»«». 1 itliJKL IS oiu naambti.DrM.B9 MHUaef.CMnt. \VUrl'iTzer , ^s& Musical Instruments! 232 Page*. SSfll Article*described. TSSIIln. Stratlone. 07 Color Plates. Every Musioal nrtrumont. Superb Quality. Lowest 'rlooe. Easy Pn) nionU. Mention Infrtra- moot you nre Interested in. We supply the U. H. Government. THR UI'DOLHl Vfl«LlT7EnCO. ST! I ttlAv.. (Indsutl Ml S. WiSLfl At., OtaK O R DE R BUSINESS You can make a sue* •eis from the 81811 'We furnish catalogs and merchandise at whole sale. Send for our prop- osition to day. it's FREE Peerless Trick & Nov. Co. 3118 State St. Chlcaeo.IH TIGHTS AND SHIRTS of rver> description, Padding, Proa;. Snake and Honker Salta. Rlaatle and Cloth Supporters. Gymnastic Psmpi and Galtera. Spangles and Bullion Fringe. Send for catalogue and sample of tights— FltEB. JOHN 8PICEH Successor to Splcer Bros.. 88 WOODBINE HT.. BKLTN. W. T FRANK HAYDEN THEATRICAL C08TUMER 149 W. 36th St. - - New York Tel., lr.81-Oreeley. Modern Gowns, Costumes tor Sister and Girl Acts; Ankle and Short Dresses on hand. DoYouWANTMILITARYGOODS? BAND UNIFORMS, ARMY or NAVY SUITS., TENTS, 0CNS and EQUIPMENT OF EVERYI DESCRIPTION. From Government Auction.I No matter what you want In that lino, I can! supply It. New or second hand. Bend fori catalogue. B. fl. ABRAHAMS, 222 South St., Philadelphia, Pa. SHOW PRINTING Wni. H. Aston Prist, Detroit. Catalog. "THEOLD RELIABLE" Planters— BLA CK C & C CAPSULES IFoiiCATARRH ^DISCHARGES, TIGHTS THE BAXIOTS Complete Line of SILK WORSTED AND COTTON THEATRICAL TIGHTS Always on Hand Orders Pilled Promptly Cotton Tights, very rood quality, a pr. I •*■ Worsted Tights, medium weight, a pr. S.00 Worsted Tights, heavy weight, • pr.. 3.70 Silk Plaited Tights (Imported), a pr,. 2JS0 Silk Th7hts,heavy weight, a pr.. .. .. 6.O0 Pur* Silk Tights. ; 8J50 Shirt to Hatch, same price as Tlgtts CLIFFER CATALOGUE FREE ON APPLICATION BERNARD MANDL 210-212 W. HADISON STREET CHICAGO £?W»Bffi 4arjjffljBpitf BILLY ADD ASHES AHEM) Say: "There are many trunks that will cause you to curse, bnt the Taylor Trunks Is Just the reverse." Send for 1818 Catalogue. C. A. TAYLOR TRUNK WORKS CHICAGO I 35 E. Randolph St. NEW YORKt 131 W.Mth St, Show Printing Look at these prices for cash with order. No shlp- ments made C.O.D. Union workmen, Union Label. Mat 8x8 to-nlghta, 6 changes, 1 side, no casts, $9.00 EOM 4Z12 tonights, 1 side, 6 changes, no casts, 10.50 80M 4x12 to-nlghts, with cast and synopsis, - 12.00 S0M 4X12 tonights, printed both sides, - 16.00 10M 3X19 X card heralda, .... 10.00 iom 0X24 heralds, both sides (or 7x21) - lo.&o 10M 12x18 heralds, 4 pp. (or 9x24, both aides) 13.60 lou 14x21 beratda,4pp.(orlOKx28,botasldea) 1740 30M ladles free or coupon tickets, - ■ - 10.00 600 half sheets, from type, black on yellow, 4.60 looo half sheets, black on yellow, - - - 7.60 600 one sheets, from type, black on yellow, 7.00 looo one sheets, black on yellow, ... 11.00 looo tack cards, 11x14, one color, - - 7.00 We carry no stock paper. Above prices are for special forms from your own copy and cuts. Good shipping facilities. Catalog of stock cuts. Corres- pondence Invited. GAZETTE SHOW PRINTING COMPANY. MATTOON, ILL.. U. 8. A. STALLHAK'S DRESSER TRUNK. Letonr catalogue tell what an Improvement it is. Bow easy to get at anything. How quickly packed. How use- ful In small room as chiffonier. Holds as muoh as a good box trunk. Coats no more. Strong- est made; hand riveted. So good that we ship It 0. 0. D. subject to examination. Bend So. stamp to-day for catalogue. LM AN, 86 E. Spring Bt..COLUMBUS, O. "AM DELL A" DANCING CLOGS Short Vamps Price, all wood sols, (4.00; leather ahsnk, $5.00; de- livered free. Patent fast enlng. Man- ufactured by Albert H. afjjsr Shoo Co., Milwaukee, Wit. SHORT VAMP SHOES POR STAGH, STREET and EVENING WXAB SLIPPERS te 2SSforf ,a Send for our new catalog S. of Shoes and Hosiery. SHORT I 1 fllTC SHOE vamp JAvn O shop 495 Sixth Av., bet. 29 A SO Sts. Tel. 7008 Mad. Bq. mmmmm VENTOLOQUISM l*nrnTtl By any Man or Boy at home. Small cost. Solid today Jc-stampforpartlcuUrsand proof. 0. A. Smith. Room W, 321-823 Ulgelow St., Peoria, ill, . n a _-a ra—._ I. •_••**. fl/i n . .« Uariflw Ctana .si. * Evening and Soubrette Downs, Fancy Stage * * and Street Dresses, Opera Coats and Purs. * ^ Full-dress Tuxedos, Prince Alberta and * ra Coats and F» riinoe Alberta an. . Knits, Silk and Opera * , ... Clark St., Chicago. * * English Walk * Hats. 843 Performers °VB$yi& plotore with S4 and reoelve one out and SOOletterheads,finely printed, a bargain FINN THE PRINTER, 24 E. 21trt St., Now Ysrk ESS.HEAD NOISES At Uutt you mny rejoice In a it opi 1 y and 1 i\*l 1 n r r u r o. Ily micrv DEAR Unlike other*. Wonderfully micevaaful. BOOK Freo. DR.0. E, C0UTAHI,P.O.Stt.E,270 A, Nentork.N.Y. WVrWEnSJUMPIJG CARRY U9 ALL —! eM.TrsTicMi ■.>.'* Oh maehlot ..m.d BI5.S60 In SB «••«., IS04 Oh maohln. ••mod 817,043 In SO »••>., 1»0B On. m.chin. earned ciO,eo2 In IB »••>., 1808 Om eieohlna earned Bie.017 In !7 »....., IO0I Oh imeklae earned Sir.sot In S7 mn, IBM One meohlne aimed SIS,S4t In IB weak., 1B»B One auehlne earned BIB.St; In SB w..k., 1 Bio Om machina earaed 820,us In SI waake, IBI1 "Above figures wil I bo verified to customer*. C. W. PARKER, Leavenworth, Kae. STAGE SHOES WOOD SOLE CL0G8 Plain KM, • - $3.60 Patant Leather - $4.50 All Golan, • - $5.00 Eitra nest will not rip. 8TA0E LAST In Oxfords, Slippers and Shoes. lead for Catalog Sent C. 0. D. if J1.00 per pair la advanced. FINE MAPLE DAJIC1NG MATS, made to order at 80 eta. per square foot NEEL.Y BROS. 728 W. Madleon Street Opp. Hsymatket Theatre CHIOA.GO jo iuhi stPuimoi b»ck oi mm iui. GOSS' SHOW /^CANVAS .^:^.V''Bisc»: : vTENTSvc;3ci!s FLAGS--- :Wat_c'r proof ^Covers'- SEND FDR SfW C»M0S'»«3'ifCO-ID-Mi'iD ilSlf- The J. C. GOSS CO."';,''^ 1 iroo HiaHflRADE nCOO MAKEUP "Not How Cheap but How Good" Sold by Leading DrMglsta, Costamen, Stores and Dept. Stores 1,000; Condensers, 40c U8ED MOVING PICTURE machines bonght and sold on 10 per cent basis; Star Pin or Sprocket Wheels, 85c: Main Shalt, *5c.; Intermittent Shaft, 66c.; Roll Tickets, 6c. per 60 Carbons, ji.oo; i rc Lamp, 82.26; Stereoptlcons, 112.00: calcium Jet, $236; Film lc. a foot, any length; Acetylene Jets, 1260; Heavy Condenser Mounts, fl.10; Asbestos Wire, 6c. per foot; Wire Connector, 6c. Hundreds of other bargains. (Catalogue). L. HKTZ. 308 E. H3d Street, Weir York City. SPANGLES, »1.00 PER POUND GOLD OB SILVER Cotton Tights, pair S1.00 Worsted Tights, pair 2.00 Plaited Silk Tights, pair 2.24 Best Silk Tights t 0 Inch cotton topaf "• 0,, LIVING PICTORR SUITS Calf, Thigh and Hip Paddings. Gold and Silver Trtaminp Bend deposit and rente with order THE BOSTON REGALIA CO., 887 Washington St. Boston, Mas. JOSEPH NOLAN'S SONS Successors to Joseph Nolan MANUFACTURERS Of Leotards, Tights, Shirts, Pic tore Bolts, contortion, Bear and Monkey Suits, Paddings, Elastic Supporters, Pumps. Send lot price list. 65 and 07 Ellery St. Brooklyn, flew York a§ Fine Magical Apparatus ILLUSIONS, THICKS. Etc. Grand End of Century, folly Illustrated. BOOK lata- louie, 26c, tree by mall. Catalogue of Parlor Tricks free. MABT1NKA ft CO., Mfra., 498 Sixth Ave.. N. I. NEW 212 PA6E ILLUST. MA6IC GATAl Containing cuts of Leading Conjurors, 40c New 52 page book CataL, 10c None tree W. D. LBROV. 108 Court St.. Boston. CATALOG,208 es. Send oc. ooket Trick and particular*. stAGIO CO., Dept. 1, 249 W. 88th St., New York. FREE 1913 MAGIC BK mb an mm u esf . nrt r . ■WISIC ABBAKOUl) PIANO ORCHESTRA nslodles written to song poems. Ref.—wttmark k Son. W. H. NBLBON, 128 W. 88th Bt, N. T. OATALOO of Professional and Amateur Plays, Sketches, Mono- logs, Minstrel Jokes, Recitations, Make-Up Goods, Etc.,sent FREE, TrfQBRALD, 30 Ann St. Nev York. Poets, Authors Get Cash for Your Bangs and Stories MfJSlO SALES CO., 47-4, gt. Lonls, Mo. ^CAPSULES, tiiiil CATARRH [DISCHAB8ES sq/oounter/Wfa 7 ONLY ONE BHSTf The EMERGENCY Steei Clad g^^g^X^TKStronges 84 ■ 40 iMjfa. 'makes ^Uie ^ It'a not the price th out the qu^ Wardrobe, BUI and Fibre Trunks i new and second hand, at « ; prices, always on han.i Special SIbss of Tranks , ■ c. mad* to order. RepatrlnV • .n.^* disappointments-prompt "?' " ,0 'PHONB 8TUTVKBANT a/, Tle »- EMERGENCY BA66A8E aid Rf;^|R u. 25 EAST 14th ST., R. y. m} (NKABB'WAY U| » BRANCH i Oth AVE., Cor ,, h «. BRANCH! 8th AVH £or «& |?" FOR EVERY i'l IH'osi: 1,000 STYLES ESTABLI8BED 1805 WRITE FOR OAT. No. 41 115-117 So. Wabash Ave., CHICAGO, ILL. NEW YORK OFFICE, 1165 Broadway SEATTLE OFPICE, 508-10-12 First Are., So. SAN FRANCISCO OFFICE, 728 Htsslon St. The A. H. Andrews Co. CAttnnLEfcfte^aadTKaa. HERBERT KETTLER, Sccv CARL KETTLER WIG CO. SCOOSSSOB TO WIL HdsaWnaal WIG CO. pack powders For so Tears America's wigs GREASE PAINTS ^a^JfflM—jB BEARM cosmetics Wlur HI A K riHo tqdpeki Writ* for Dlautrmied Catalog R—beet issaed la this country STAGE BAAKE-UP Wigs rented for all occasions it Mr. Carl Kettler glres his personal supervision to the mlntta t dettll ot all orders, whether large or small. BBAOHEY A LAWLBB BUILDI50 N. W. Cor. Washington and Dearborn Sts. 56 WEST WASHINGTON STREET - • CHICA60, ILL Magic Vacuum Massager NEW AND MARVELOUS INVENTION Most perfect method ot beautifying face and developing figure. Fine' for gentlemen's use after shaving. Complete, only $2.60. Agents and demonstrators wanted. ADAM FISHER MFG. CO., 47 Pitree, St. Louis, lo To transplant, to give new life. If yon want new life, send for our m mlogue ef Stage Clothes, and price list of materials, Spangles, Tights, Hosiery, Jewels, Beads, Shoes, Ete. WOLFF, FORDING I CO., 20 Eliot St., Boston, Mass. FORTY-FIVE YEARS OM THE STAGE BY CHAS. A. ("KARL") GARDNER Funny Storlmt ef th* leading Professionals. Henry £. DUtt tayi; " Thm Wmmt Eomr." Price, 35 Canta, Postage Prepaid, Address, J. REGAN & C0..713 S. Dearborn St. Chicago MEDICINE MEN, AGENTS, AND BTREETHBN. ELECTRIC BELTS VOLTAIC ELECTRIC INSOLES AN1) INHALERS are goods that sell and pay the big profits. Just what yoa are looking for. SeDd 16c. for sample Eiectrlc Belt or pair oynsoles and get complete price list and lecture from the largest establishment or Its kind In the U. 8. Belts. $1.10 doz. up; Insoles. Die. down pairs up: Inhalers, 80c. dos. np. Fast seller, big proms, Bend to-day. (Ettb. 1818.) Ino. 1801.) THE ELECTRIC APPLIANCE CO., Burlington, K.i TRICKS ! TRICKS! TRICES I Largest assortment of Tricks, Jokes and Novelties in the world. Send 2c. stamp for illustrated catalogs. 164 N. CLARK STREET. f* T TTTTT 42HJT A TVT US STATE STREET, (Main Store). Vi «!■ r tULt*5v*Lt\X*i (Palmer House Lobby). PLAYS For STOCK, REPERTOIRE, AMATEUR COMPARES LABOB8X AS80BTUBNT IN TBB WOBLD. Books for »»» amusement, Negro Plays, Paper, Scenery, Mrs, J» rle J , Works. Catalog SAMUEL eat, Negro Plays, Paper, scenery, airs. «n.;. — Catalogue Free I Free I Free! _ .„.*. lMUBL PRBNCH. 28 West 88th St« New Tor*>_ SECOND HMD GOWSS. SOUBRETTE DRESSES, FURS ANDREWS 506 80. State Ft., Chicago STOCK PBOPLE—Will send good! on approbation. _ WIGS For STREET and STAGE WEAR HATtR TO ORDER PROM |0.00 TO SlOO.w We specialise In Stock Wig* THE WIGGERY 04 EAST MADISON ST, WIGS TOUPEES, FORT^TAGE^and^STKEET OSCAR F. BERNNER 100 WEST 47th STREET, NEW YOHK CITY, Near"" 1 * LEICHNER'S CREASE PAINTS, POWDERS, ROCOE8. SW*. SIZE .__-___. _«".S*SS in AMY SHAl'K OK SIZK ..n . .a*"." 1110 ^ Ru <» AND RADICAL CARPET CLEANING CO., 110 to 183 East 131st Street, New York. Phone. Ilarli jbv JBa^JBUau9 IS »^»i^l «-' wsm n J.°Ll e . verul W we B » ve lrlea ,0 **<! to the Joys of Christmas, by allowing a special Per pent, on all Leather Goods sold during the month of December. 7w 1 PSf "*?}• d . lac , l > n b« "ilng starts Decern er 1, at 12.01 A. M. . . _ Our Leather Goods line Is some line too. We make every Snit Case and Bag we make em like we make our trunks-the best we know how. we can flt erory pocaethook from $6.00 up. .usconntot .l,snd« niiis, Teaus. ,ISC0.i