The New York Clipper (December 1912)

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pfiCKMBEB 14 THIS .NEW YOItK OUBBfflB. HARRY VON TIL2ER SOMEBODY ILL SIT RIGHT I FL8E IS_ OCTTINQ_ IT^^SS^T-Wl ON JHE MOON ^^&^85SS? MUCH FOR YOU *™E£i££^k THE-pM^T OF THE GOBLIN MAN * WM HIT FOR TO SJ'KCIAL NOT1CK. V...KN IV Vi II,. *«,.. ,. %M . 4 r TII1C „ K1 <„ ,„. K K* Horsl, £.#■&&.. HARRY VON TILZER MUSIC PUBLISHING CO., 125 West 43d Street, New York * JW «The Mantle of. Red Erana" (Sells). . Released Dec. 3. . . Each fucceedlire-"Western" firm that the gellr Company releases rings out clearer suc- athan the precedtn«r one, and that Myrtle san Is a realistic enough cowgirl type is woved by the Increasing: reputation she Is Slnlng among the picture loving public. ^Thls Is another emooth-saHlngv dramatic ttory that tells of a carious case of mistaken Identity In one Bob Evans, a fortune seeking jojng nun from the East* who, after being en more than one occasion mlstShen'for- "Bed" Evans, a daredevil gunman, decided. to take advantage of it, does, and' secures accessary food and shelter at the town's sa- loon. Then he went to the hotel * of- May Evans' uncle, •where the girl -had accepted her relative's offer to manage the house upon the death of her father. It so happened that Bob had previously saved May from what might have been a dls- (jterons end when her hone rnn away with her. They were friends until Bob registered «□ the bote) book as "Red Evans," and was informed that he could not stay under that roof with such a reputation as "Bed" boasted of. Bob Is made sheriff of the town, anr' later, when another notorious character registers under the "Red Evans" signature, the sheriff ti sent for, and the two men are about to itdolge In a gun quarrel When May inter- pret and explains that the real "Red Evans" ras her dead father. It puts a atop to any footing, and when Bob reveals who he really !< and proposes marriage. May readily agrees to release herself from loncsomeness. It is a good, speedy subject, and there is enough comedy in it to relieve the dramatic pip. C E. Reeves and Miss Stedman did usual food work, while Lester Cunio, as the lazy porter of the hotel, drew some laughs with the easy-going personality he made of the role. The mountainous backgrounds pictured in this subject are fine, while all in all It Is a fcoslar Selig production. ToA. "A Freight .Train Drama" (Sells). Released Dec. 8. Bill Utgrolty, an ez-rallroad employee, sas grown shiftless, and his enforced Idle- ness anally ends in his being driven from the home by his wife. He "freights" it out of town and falls in with a trio of tramps, and, while supposedly seeping, overhears their plot to wreck an express train. Besides his wife, BUI left Rosy, his young daughter. We Bee the child go out to gather firewood along the railroad tracks, and, see- ing some good pieces Inside a box car, she c.lmbs In and is too frightened to act when the train starts, and she Is carried away. Returning to the scene of Bill and his jreckless new associates, we see the trio "fix" me track, while Bill, unseen, hurries down ana Jags the onrushlng train, and tho tramps jre captured. Suddenly the freighter, carry- ing Itosy. pulls Into sight, and when Bill sees his daughter clinging to the open door of the oar. the train is brought to a stop, and Rosy fewued from fo r unwilling Journey. Bill is rewarded for Ms previous act of Bravery, given a substantial sum of money, a™ a pass back to his home, where a happy wwncntatlon between yftte and husband takes place. It Is a thrilling drama, and together *lth f» excellent producing qualities and the act- ing of the principal characters, It furnishes moral entertainment. Tod. "f«* Curio Hunters" (Vltaarraph). Released Dec. 4, lsiS*f ard U°' cu,loa Among the Soirth Sea. JS 11 *™. Professor Hunter and; his,crew SUES*. 8t °P of «t one of the Islands '« investigate. Among the crew of three Is Bill, a little 5™^ whose one ambitions study Is "boozol- SR,' k . ut hls bl »<* l>°tt'e Is taken from Th„ re - the Jowney tn\auA begins. wnr.hf- c °mo upon a hut. the temple of the? X a ,i a ba rt><i'lc tribo of blacks. Here •s^taS?* ,\° » ad the Bllllken-llke god boat h collection, and leave for the sUDmnt™ before going far Bill's two 3K?E .k m M « " n <» receiving no 3S?JS their calls, they return to the hut, drtnkAM„ ?. W Bln ha » *o™<J a Jug of *eatW" "1? ld tna t P«s I'm "under tho Nuri I* Recognizing Bill's close resem- Mors aJLSS g0 § , tne ' P lBce nlm «P on tn8 slbai« P iL? taI a , nd ,caTe - The returning can- Weiir k°„, n " d ..capture them, and when «&r &§Vm th hiB cndg,e - Uke the & ,h „U r L be . fe " ,t B1 » "■"» tte *" of « coloSd^aldens ^^ * f *" Ch0lC<!St BHtfmS jO"A*'l P. Wilder. In the 0 «se tillr'«-™.T l,,1 * 3r ' ■» tno shipmates, ™ ls ■ roaring comedy. Tod. "^".ali Day, a* Cornell" (B.a.nay). Th, „, Released Dec. 5. S» to."™? %»** ,t»*« 700 on a slrhtsee- N. Y.. Li?» college grounds at Ithaca. -tare here, where we see an enthusiastic as- pirant for football honors tried out for a position, but the plot by the regulars squelch his ambition In short order and he swears "never again." Then views on "the day of a big game" show the parade of the students through the streets to the flcld, where glimpses of the crowded stands and the game itself terminate as Interesting a college subject as can be Imagined. It • Is. a .plcturcsQue-and a regular Bah! Bah! picture from sta rt to finish. Tod. a FROM THE FILM SUPPLY CO. STANDPOINT, Harry Raver, speaking on the late film decision, is qnoted as follows: "What this decision means to toe various companies releasing through the l-'llm Sup- ply Company of America" Is that we will now be enabled to go ahead and spend our money »ii producing pictures Instead of de- fraying the expenses of a long legal light. Our manufacturers have held back from sink- ing additional capital, but how It Is all over and we are free to go ahead with nothing to hinder us. "This suit Is the biggest thing yet In the moving picture business. It has been In progress for three years, and has cost more than 1400,000 In cash already. During tho time the suit has been in progress all the In- dependents have contrlbuti-d ?o much for every hot of film made. This suit has put us on common ground, and wc have stood together and fought It. T To take the case to the United States Court of lAppeals wc. had to put up $10,000 cash bond. We got Wm. J. Wallace, a former Judge of the Supreme Court, and a famous legal .authority, to argue tbe case for us. Kenyon & Kenyoh represented us all through the litigation nrd did nobly. "While the suit has been going on tbe In- dependent manufacturers have been laboring under difficulties. The cost of the legal fight has cost money which has had to come out of the cost of production. The license fee of J2 a week charged by the.Motion Picture Patents Company must have netted them $20,000 a week, and has financed tbclr fight." In response to a question Mr. Raver said: "No, I don't think thh 'open market.' In the first place.. nobody wants an open market. Neither the Independents nor the Patents Company wants it. An open market would do a lot to hurt the motion picture business.. "The present competition keeps the stand- ard high. The three big concerns compete with each other, and the exhibitors pick from their programs. He doesn't necessarily tnke a full program of new releases, but chooses what he wants and that keeps the producing firms doing their best. Tbe American manu- facturer nowadays Is lying awake nights try- ing to think of some way of producing his brand. , . , "Now if there was an open market, six months after the opening there would be flftv cut price film producers In the business. The class of persons who think more of a nickel now than a dollar a few years from now -would buy from them. Everybody would have to cut prices. Salaries would guffcr. The business would not hold good men and would deteriorate. The cheap pic- tures would dlBgust the public and the entire Situation would be most disheartening. "Naturallv the Film Bupply of America is most pleased with the decision. It means a lot to us. We are going to forge right ahead now that we have been freed from the extra weight we have been carrying." , ' ' - I-:- VrTAGBAPH PLAYERS' WORLD TOUR. Vltagraph players left New York Dec. 8. for a long tour of the world. Sailing from San Frnnclsco Dec. 13. among the places to he visited arc Japan. Hongkong. Rangoon, Bur- mah, Slngnporc, Calcutta, Bombay, Port Said Cairo. Italy, France, England, Scotland and r Tbosc who represent the Vltagraph are; Mr. and Mrs. W. V. Ranous, Mr. and Mrs. James Young. Harry Kolffer. camera man, Gene F. Mullen, editor and photo-playwrigiu. W S. Smith will be In charge of tto players. At Chlcaeo Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Costcllo. together wtHi their daughters, Helen and Dflores, after visiting relatives In Pittsburgh, will Join the party. •»——e——■"■ NEW YORK STATE RIGHTS SECURED. The Star Special Feature Film Excnange, Inc. has purchased the New York stfio rights to an Itala feature, as yet unnamed. Tnls concern, which was recently Inror- noratcd Is starting business on a big scale. Tncy now have two booking offices In New Vnrk ritv one at 20 East Fourteenth Street. "'TheVa^atoo holds options on other big -productions. ITALA FEATURE MAKES HIT. Harry R. Haver, An"'™" ron I es / n n £lI e nf the Itala Film Co.. has offered to new«- nSper ft m reviewers S25 for the most^pgj Irhu- title to the threo reel Irala feature 5Sb"imported Those who have seen It St nothing better has ever been shown hi *VS2g'«* »f the enmity of two bu.U Y-. and thiJ 6 .college grounds at Ithaca, with siirreertl« tt ai0WB **"» of-Loke Cayuga. *»"», ill J, r ?*£. !■■ » n| l Triphammer ""'esW Wn,cn •» charmingly plc- IteSg gN }°ilie college.-where a 1 Int grJgJ MJP taken in, suceeeaed by 8*3 I,r^r-JBfiP"* •* 1 « e 5 wrslty ike and JL,)* M 2.»e. tackling, bucking the ,M »«tloni * ^ trough trfteus intricate BUSY WITH THE "MOVIES."- Eight moving.picture houses In Newark, ,N. J., have been ordered by the city license committee to close Dec. 28. The buildings are considered unfit because other tenants occupy upper floors, and exlta •re not ample. The places are located at 388 Springfield Avenue. 268 Fifteenth Street. 78 Seventh Avenue. 425 Broad Street. 481 Broad Street. 191 Market Street, 200 Market Street and 2S1 Market Street Tbe moving picture sho.v owners made a request to the Mayor, Dec. 6. to be allowed to keep their houses open on Sundays. Mayor Haussellng refused the request. HACKETT IN MOTION PICTURES. James K. Hackett, through an arrange- ment made with Daniel Frohman, has con- tracted to go before the camera of the Fa- mous P'ayers' Film Co., appearing In "The Prisoner of Zonda." The taking of the pic- tures will require two weeks, at the end of which time Mr. Hackett will resume bis tour In "The Grain of Dust" and "Taking Things Kasy." Dec. B.- Dec. 10.- Dee. II.- Dec. 12.- Dec. 13.- REL^ASBS. LICENSED FILMS. Essaoar. "The Shsdow of the Cross" (Dr.) "Tim* -Files" (Com.) "The Prospector" (Dr.) "The Error of v minion" (Ed.) "Alkali Ike's Motorcycle" (Com.) "The Virtue of ltsgs" (Dr.) ."ITts Birthday Jacket'.' (Com.)' •"The Sheriff's r.uuk" (Dr.) "flotaeppe'a Good rnrtune" (Com.) "Broiicno Billy's Promise" (Dr.) - Sell*. "The Vintage of Fute" (Dr.) "The Ranger ami Ills Horse" (Dr.) "The Olrl of the Mountains" (Dr.) "Tho God of Gold" (Dr.) 'A Near-Slghted Cunld" (Com.) On .MM (Bd.) same reel. "In Cuii a J Dec. Id.—"OpUrah" (Apaehe for sweetheart) (Dr.) Dec. 17.—"Buck's Romance" (Com.) Doc. 18.—"The Millionaire Vagabonds" (Com.) Dec. 10.—"Sammy Orpheus" i Animal Com.) THE HOUSE OF SELIG SELIO FIVE A WEEK. THE INVINCIBLE PROQRAK Dec. 33. Selig'a Great ChriitmaaWeek Program, HAHBUR I"(,AXO. A story of modern American business and of bow it mnnloted with the old Spanish Ideals. Produced on the shore of one of the Pactflc'H quaintest Islands. Pull of action and atmosphere. It Introduces MIbs Kathlyn Williams In a sei lea of dashing eplBodea. loop f eet. Dec. a*. RODERICK'S RIDE. A picturesque little play or the West, memorlHllzIng a ranch boy who makes a wild ride to the settlement to get the medicine that saves the life or his baby sister. The scenic effects of this subject as well as the heart interest make It very vivid and attractive. 1000 feet. Deo. 35. A Fine Holiday Offering, A COUNTERFEIT SANTA CLATJB. A pathetic picture of tbe privations of poverty when the season of good cheer animate] the world. A poor father, unable to secure work, determines to take the desperate chance of stealing Christmas presents for his children. How he Is dlssnaded'and la eventually bleased Is cleverly delineated. lOOQ feet. Deo. 30. THE LITTLE ORGAN FLAYER OF KAN JUAN. A color- ful and romantic tale of southern California, dealing with the declining power of the beneficent rule of the Padres, showing bow that hum-n bread cast upon the waters returned after many days to stay the hand of the despotlers through the nower of mns-lci. lc00feet Dec. -i.1. A PAItt OF BOOTS. HOW THE "DUKE OF LEIUURE" REACHED HIS WINTER HOME. Thlit diverting double bill has variety In Its comedy call. It shows that a man Is not known by nls boots—and practical Jokers are liable to bring strange gnosis home to rnost. In the case of the Duke of Leisure, he experiences unusual difficulty in getting arrested and Incarcerated for the frosty Winter. lO'O feet. Send in your name, we want to place you oh our mailing list. You will receive our weekly bulletin free. Send to-day. SELIG'S DE LUXE PUBLICITY AIDS FOR PR00RE88IVE EXHIBITORS Lobby Photographs. Beautiful, original, contact negative photographs of all popular Sellg players. The finest ever published. Taken especially for this set by the conatry's highest priced photographers. Size 8>ii7X inches. Copyright 1812. Price 16 co jU each or 11.60 per dozen, assorted. Slide service on regular releases. We are now prepared to furnish slides on any and all of our future releases and on all popular Sellg players. Black and white. Artistic work. Price 26 cents each. Three sheet stock poster. Lithographed In /our colon. Printed on heavy paper. Space lu center to Insert or paste regular release one sheet. Exclusive design. A money getter. Price 30 cents each. THE SELIG 20 East Randolph St. ^> POLYSCOPE CO. CHICAGO, ILL. TO FORBID JOHNSON-CAMERON PICTURES. The Photoplay Association of Louisville, Ky. recently adopted resolutions and called upon the Governor of Kentucky to forbid the showing of motion pictures of the John- son-Cameron wedding. A copy of these reso- lutions were sent to President Neff, of the Motion Picture Exhibitors League of Amer- ica. ■ l , , KING DAGGOT HARRIES. King Baggot, leading man for tho Imp Film Co., and president of the Screen Club, wus murlrcd to Ituth Cor.stantlui at Cclla's Hotel Fort Lee, N. J., on Tuesday afternoon, Dec 3. Mr. and Mrs. Daggot will spend a honeymoon of several weeks la Iicrmuda. « VITASCOPE CO. TO INCORPORATE. George Grccnbaum, American representa- tive of the VltaHcopc Co. of Berlin, makes tho announcement that the American company Ib soon to be incorporated and will move to larger quarters. The Vltascopo's pictures have proved very popular In America. BanBOjf A Btjcklit will build a moving Ttcture theatre on Amsterdam' Avenue, bo- ween One Hundred and Seventy-ninth and One HurMred and. Eightieth streets, oppoalfe High Bridge Park, New York. They leased the-BO ft. site on the West side of the ave- nue 50 ft. South of One Hundred and Eightieth Street from Monroe la, Simon. For 3iTllrst ten years they will pay tJ.SOO a scar: then for eleven years. $8,1100. The renter will a^cgate-*l«O,00O. The theatre will be two irKrtea high, it .will cost nearly. KjQJO0Q. FOR 8ALE-Piny 1.000ft. Refill Of Film, 1100 Film at $2.60 to 110. Following two reel features: Enoch Arden. C2S: Celebrated Case. 140; DaUbn and Pythias, fin: Parsifal, 140; Coll la, ISO: When Hearts Break, 1W: Olio and Phyletea, $80; B.ue Dla- apaneae Harden" Dec. 14. 'Dec. 17. Dec. 21. -"Trapping the Conspirator" (Dr.) -"As Vat ■ features: Vncla Tom's uabln, 176; Grip of Alcohol. 128; Tale of Two Cities, 176; Price or Beauty, 171; -Jlrl and tbe Harp, too; Ouster's Last Stand, lioo; Whiteslave, 176; Paaslon Play, $120;- Pools of HoH Clety, 1T6. H. DAVIS, Watertown, W la. ■:" i Dec. 13.- Dec. 14.- Dec. 10.- Dee. 17.- Dec. la.- Dec. 20.- Dtc. 21.- Dec. 0.- Dee. 10.- Dec. 12.. Dec. 13.- Dec. 13,— Dec. 14.. Ilec. Hi. Dec. 17.- Dec. 1 O.- Dec. 20.- D«. 21.—' Dec. Dec. Dec. 10.- Dcr. 11.. De.\ 12.- Dcc. 13.. Dec. 14.— T)ec. 1(1. Dec. 17. Dec. 18. Dec. 19. Dec. 20.— Dee, 20. Dee. 21 Dec. 0. Dec. 10.. Dec. 11. Dec. 12. Dec. 13. Dec. 14. Place for a Minister's Son" (Com.) -"Fog" (Dr.) -"A Christmas Accident" (Dr.-)..- -. -"Public and Private Care of Infants" (Ml.) , r"l.ady Clare" (Dr.) -"An Old Appointment" (Dr.) On same reel, •'When Joey Wan On Time" (Gum.) '. -"The Flrat Settler's Story" (Dr.) *• -"A Propoaal Unrler Difficulties" (Com.) . Lubln. -"A I.ucky Fall" (Dr.) -"Tlie Wonderful ihie Horae Shay" (Dr.) _. -"Kitty and the Iliridlts" (Dr.) . -"Buster ' and iho Cannibal's Child" (Dr.) On same reel,' "Hie'First Skate" (Cow.) . . "The Crooked rath" (Special Dr. Two""' reeli), "When Love Lends" (Dr.) •"Bar 'K' Foreman" (Dr.) "M»de!lne'a Ohrlatmas" (Dr.) - "Ills Weatern Way" (Dr.) "Hogtn va. Kchnilitt" (Com.) On same " reel. "Nora, tbe Cook'' (Ooro.) "Home, swset Home" (Com,) Pathe. ■"Pathe'a Weekly. No. 50." -"The Harem Captives" (Dr.-Bpeclal. Two reels). "A Marked Man" (Dr.-Oolored). ■"Fate's Decree" (Dr.) .' The Compact" (Dr.) •"Tlie Oapturo of Mr. Softy Beatlt" (Oum.-Trlck). On some reel, "Apple In- dustry lu the State of Washington" ' (lnd.) and "Llsboa and Oporto" ' (Travel-Colored). "The Itlae and Fall of Idlckvy Malone" (Com.) On aame reel, "Reindeer Hunt- ing in Norway" (Sport). ■"l'atlic's Weekly, No. CI." ."A Rival of Ooruaa" (Com.) On aame reel, "Metomorphosea" (Trick - Ool- orcd). "The Receiving Teller" (Dr.) "Ollmpaea of Montana" (See Amerlna Firat Series-Travel). On aame reel, "Midi UadJI Mounwuck" (Acrolmtlc). ."A Farm-Honw Romance" (Coin.) On, aame reel, 'The Dlonnei on the HoH- wntal Bar" (Acniluitlc-Cnloreil). -"The Laat I'erfonuiiiicc" (Special) (Dr.) "A Simple Mnhl" (Dr.) Vltiiizraph. ■"Tlie Slimal of Distress" (Dr.) "Doctor Bridget" (Com.) ".N'hIooss" (Dr.) ■''Adam nnit Kve" (Dr.) ■"Tlie Song of the Sea Shell" (Dr.) "All for n Ulrl" (Oom.-Dr.) On saoe »el, "Tlio Dandy, or Mr. Dawtoa Turns tho Tables" (Com.) Dec. 10.—"A Leap Year Proposal" (Com.-Dr.) Dee. IT. Dec. 18. I.—"A Lean Y< '.—"Tbe Night Before Ohrarmas" (Dr.) N ^Ot At the Dog 8b 'Who Stole Bunny'a Umbrella?" (Com.) u bow" Dec. 20.—"The Last of Her Tribe" (Dr.) Dec. 23.—"Harbor Island" (Dr.) Dec. 24.—"Roderick's Bide" (Dr.) Dec. 2B.—"A Counterfeit Ifsnta Claus" (Com.) Dec. 20.—"The Little Organ Player of 8an Juan" (Dr.) Dec. 27.—"How tbe 'Duke of Leieure' Reached His Winter Homo" (Com.) On aame reel, "A Pair of Boots" (Com.) Clnea. (Q. Blelne.) Dec. 10.—"The Lion Tonic" (Com.) On aame reel, "Picturesque Italian Scenes" (Scenic). On same reel, <Bd.) Dec. 10.—"The Hat" (Dr.) Dec. 20.—"Following the Star" (Dr.) L Biogrraph. Dec. 0.—"She is a Pippin" (Com.) On same ■' r<el, "Jinx's Birthday Party" (Com.) Dec. 12.—"My Hew" (Drj Dee. 10 "Tlie Burglar'* Dilemma" (Dr.) ' I ,; Dec. 19.—"The Divorcee" (Oom.) On name real, . "Papering tbe Den" (Cora.) 1KDBFISKDENT FILMS. American. Dee. ».—"The Law of God" (Dr.) Dec. 12.—"Nell of tlie Pampas" (Dr.) ' . . I Dec. 14.—"The Heart of a Soldier" (Drj ' Dec. 10.—"Daughters of Senor Lopei'' (Dr.) Dec. 10.—"The Power of Love" IDr.) Dec. 31,—"Saving the Innocent" (Ed.) Os aamo reel, "Mrs. Brown's Baby" (Com.) , Majestle. —"All On Account Of a Banana," —"Tho Winning of Helen," ., —"Tho Clue In tho Bust" (Dr.) 'I —"The Honor of Surgery" (Dr.) Tbnnliottser, ■'■ —"At Liberty—flood" Preaa Agent" (Dr.) .ate Wills" (Dr.) The Tlfoll Hills and the Falls of Anlo" (Scenic). On same reel, "Nearly Lion Tamers" (Oom.) Doc. 24.—"A Ladles' Man" (Com.) On same reel "Plcturcsuue Sorrento, Italy" (Scenic), and "Ills Spring Overcoat" (Com) Dec 28.—"Balkan War Scenes" (Actual War- fare). Bel Ipse. (O. Klelne.) -"Jost Missed Him" (Com.) On same nel, "Manchester Ship Cnnal, Kngland" (Travel). -"Three Rosuet Outwitted" (Coca.) On aame reel, "Picturesque Dalmatla" (Scenic). -'•Beauty Spots lo South Walea" (Travel). On same reel "Wood Indua. try In French Jora" (lnd.), and "Tbe •Angel' Child" (Oom) Edlaon. Dec. fl. Dec. 10. Dee. 16 Dec. 17 Dec. H. p«c. 10. 1)0C. IS, Doc. 17, Dec. 20, Dec. 10. Dec. 11 Dec, 12, Dec. 14, Dec. 17, Dec. 10, —"Aurora Floyd" (2 reel»-Dr.) —"Brains va. Brawn" (Oom.-Dr.) —"Tho Other Half" (Dr.) ' **1 —"Tho Baco" (Dr.) Gunniont. —"Tho M'aalon of the Carol*" (Dr.)~ On < aaiue reel, "Travels of ilio Ural Moua- tnlnn" (Scenic). ,—"Oaumoiit's Weekly No. 40." —"An Kleplant Sleuth" (Dr.) —"Battlefields of the Ba'inns" (Topleal).l —"A Hasard for a Heart" (Dr.) ,—"A Telephone Bntanglnmcnt" (Com.)! On same reel, " "Twlxt tbe Dovll anil Dee. 11. Dec. 26, Dec 0. the Deep Sea'' (Com.) Itala. Dee. 0 "Peeping Tom" (Com.) • j Kay-Bee. Dee. n—"Stood will Tell" (Dr. Two neb))} i Dec. 10.—"The Dead Pays" (Dr. Two reels).! Klnemaeolor Releasee*. DKCBunn. "Orapo "What "Motor Dec. 10. Dec. 11 —"Savior tbe dame" (Dr.) Op same reel', '^Mmeaalng a Mountain Stream" (Dea.) ... —"Annie CrawlsjJpMsIrs'; (Dr.).-. . ; —"A Soaday 4/awootm In Rural Hnj- laod" («tMH(T. fffa «Mise reel. "No Harvest In Piedmont, Italy" (Rd.) I Want to Be When I Grow Dp" (Child Series). Boat Races at Loweitoft. Kntland" (Sport.) On same reel, "Hodlsh Vdra" ;FasJ a»n ion).. Thk Star Social Peatubb Film Bx> cifAxnn.tMs.been Incorporated by F. 0. Long, Ci#f«»fe-8«»ottenfcld and JoeepbiDyer.