The New York Clipper (December 1912)

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DECEMBER 14 THIH 2STEW YOEK CLIPPEE. ^ HB ^^>W YORK CITY THE>ATRI£ S COWTfflUED ATTRACTIONS. L5™^™. °?™th/> kindle wakes/ nnAMVriO AND MUSICAL ^""Hawthorne, of the V. S. A.." sixth OADWAV—"Tho S"n Dodgers," second .,S.n_j?rnncoB Starr, In "The Case of » B BLA K r efemtt week ana lut fort Kate, Stirling.. ^..T.W^gbg Elliott (Qco. J. Applcton, ragr.) InJrcs. a play in four nets, by Houghton, produced by tlie Messrs. and WUilnm A. Brady. Ltd.. an Donald Twoedle.... ' r'im,„^ n , Monday night, Dec. 0, with this cast: Starr, In "The Case of Capt. Wm. Orovllle, R. » '' H„nr«- m-m' 10 " J. 1 ,™; ""Whom Alice O'Dea Hi week and last fort- Kate Stirling ' "" wV.-.J/v/"* Mortimer Christopher Hawthorn James C T»vlor Cemblc Cooper Fanny Hawthorn.. • Nina Herbert Mrs. Jefftote. cEST( jnV.-<"THe Daughter of Heaven," n )^The C Mcrry Countess," seventeenth. CA^ndlastVeek, S^Mira FORTY-SECOND STREET. — ^'^Wltbin tbe Law," fourteenth week. .,*iS_."The Bed'Petticoat," fifth week. Henry Marston. DAU&Sa FORTY-SECOND STREET.— " Sir George Stirling Frank 'ffl 's ,lH!,t Mr . s ; *£*•!■ Alice Coapln "red Truth ColerldU ./.\': Anne^^K S?™* 1 JeffcOt0 Heib "' SS M Mrs. Radnor. mMPSSS a 1 ' V-V? Kathleen MaePherson dan Iiruee Darren iSi:J™& Starr Alan. JclTcote Itolnml \mms iJn Bruce Darrell. CITY THRATIIB. (hi:m I.eo, mob.) An excellent program wag presented at this popular houBo last week, the attendance being up to the usual standard, Into comers being compelled to stand up. That Manager Leo has been catering to tho patrons Is tho reason for the capacity business. Hal and Francis, a handsome looking young man and a beautiful young woman, gave as -editable a performance as has ever been on here. Their specialty, consisting of clng, singing and a llttlo patter, shows SCENERY THEATRES AND PRODUCTIONS, VAUDEVILLE ACTS EQUIPPED Now and Second Hnml Srenary In Stock MURRAY HILL SCENIC STUDIO MURRAY HILL THKATKK, N. Y. WALTKK HAXGY, Mgr. 'lei. 3b53 Mur. Hill BMP IBB.—Jtine. Nazjmova, In_»BelJa Donna, Hen Knlvett.. Thomas. . lOmcllc Pollnl i Keith's Union Snuiirc (KLMEIl V, ItOOERS, MUR.) It la "Old Tlmors' Week" down here, and nover baa thore been a greater array of old /.V.A]exaader 1, K?ank BeVX.""^!-™,-"" Charles F. Moyo young woman appcanTn'wVer'aT weir fitting favorites gathered ou tuo Square bill. On ....... TDMColiTer qiMi ,, I: Dulc,c Conry K° was nnd has made n good selection of Monday eyenlug when Tit« Cj-iwbh mln- jiiumiis William n»Tn,. »■ Slnnlc y Houghton we must confess, Is new songs. She Is nlso n very graceful dancer, g'od wlta the enthusiastic u'idlence Hint wa* Mrs. Darrell V.Thos" w£i»"» SJH "? f P Ia ywrlght, bat his play, "Illndlo executing a well arranged finale with her present to enjoy thoso performers they had fifth week and last fortnight at this mMMBOHTH STREET.—William Collier, F0K ,„["Never Say Die," fifth week. «H3hlr , ^ , ^ adwa ! '-*" ; 0L0BB.—"Tlie Lady of the Slipper/* seTenth treck, GARRICK-John Mason, In."The Attack" ua thirteenth and last r week. «ronsh"triHS ZJfiZXr St" 1 "* •« »*»« „ l u *,?l 0T * H"" ot Alan Joffcote, the son of , The Society Thr «ii^nnOME—"Under Many Flags," flf, wTCh^Wm ™i ♦h»i b 2 d \ 8he Is™" •» dope ? ™ n . lth y J"'" owner, and Fanny Hawthorn, unci shop mrr >J*ti week tfiXtJJS' aiul ,ncy are t0 mcet at a» "in n ! $ tl wofMnf as a weaver In his father's a wcl! balanced perl portrayed by the two prln- the breakfast room clpals. Mr. Jackaon was Been as tho bus- Wakes Is descrlp- band, while his partner was cast as his friend. Joffcote, the ion of , The Society Three, consisting of three .o'y young women, gavo dancer and brimful of "good time'' atmosphere, and we results. Inhaled It generously from all sides. com- John Le Ctutr, the Jugg'.er, opened up the very surprise party, and the applause ho re- tells ceived upon entering was repeated after every The stunt he successfully did. It was a grand tbe two B( art for a gala occasion. Earlo Remington and William Hlnos fol- lowed. In their comedy sketch, entitled "No- toriety," and they ambled along to a fine- finish and tho prevailing applause Mr. and Mrs. Harry Thome, assisted by George Watson and Alice Warren, presented Scotland. Bruee's father becomes tcenth week. HUDSON.—Mrs. Flske, In "The High Road," fourth week. KNICKERBOCKER. — 'C eleventh week. LIBEnTY.-^niestones,' LITTI/E.—"The Affairs o last week. "Snow ., ever/ matinee and Saturday morn- the-|nn7hadto>se"as"a'married woman: LYCEUi^Blllle Burke. In "The 'Mind tie uX [ho S&tSHaw .wJ fl"' 8 " w , lfc '" tTOin 8K3! n.,i» fourteenth week. rC L. f „iJ? c ?„ ch J aw .! l, ! s -,A s ?.marriage tactory. They go away together and spend l>ear In handsome the week xformancc. The girls np- \J*** laughable comedy, "An Uptown Flat." gowus and reniler several It went as big ai It ever did. Our own Gus Williams, he ot "The Milk- lie Is an cgotlstlenl cad. Is' willing to marry rank. I'.l 1 " 1 /. °,! l , ( l SKJfi* * l . , . ms . Plf . froni "clng cut , Tbe '.nireo Conrads, well known In the MANHATTAN OPERA HOUSE—'♦The Whip, fourth week. bis sweetheart, Kate Stirling; the widow re thr> players In the cast arc strangers American stage. The deepest impres- ns made by Herbert Lomns. as Na- thaniel Joffcote, oh the Btcm, blunt nnd unnwnllowable" lump arise In his throat. The goodly filled houso of old and young to. Mark nnd It LTCB SK*oBi " fourteenth wlek X J, ndr l tllc , Sc ? tch law ««• ta a mnwtaic. ? Mt ° f h, « hthW. will, but Fanny tthSi circus btmiek, printed tMr am^oF eoS we .!' 1 0 „ 1 " ,vl !' K " ,0 &°S °'J ll0,r i lv i'?' M onnT«-" of 1012," eighth S 0 P XZ^' t^f *S2% ^atCs f^ uimISaN OPERA HOUSB-'The Whin." ^T™SEUSl^L »«$!;._ Greyllle mar.-les f '«.*•» WieJIaranibn Duo ((«■■> men, presented SygLZtSl *^j 2£P 'i'.V 8 '" nS on "P, 11 " musical act Unit stamps bolh as clever d«y evening, phase write, lliey are tho islc.Mis. They rendered operatic soioc. dandy coupVe, ^11 wool and a yard wide." H3 that brought them much applause. Aa .,, 1,J '$ , 1 I ? 1 l e ' , , , ," nn , , .- , " ! ' t B »n>rlsed us many as Tlie a rausluum tioiis come. "Without the Law," fourth week. WALLACK'S.—Mme. Slmone. in "Tlie Paper Chase," third and last week. I PROCTOR'S FIFTH AVEKUB. (0U8. MCCIINB, HOU.) Another thit the Monday matinee the house was filled to S2"£u,HL ?A mp i*' n8 wor ^ wa » worthy of Simvat unscsAn; nuttu&ttSaiZG ... was well liked. Tbe Hoys, a chver lenm of colored enter- tainers, cleaned up with nongi and dancing. voice gencr- num- nnd version comedy, "The Terrible Judge." "Poi>" Ward Is the same old funny folic w, and his "Stop Right There," directed nt (be audience from his "honch," drew riot- lor played the role of tunny's father In a u 3 tb " r « fairly good singers, and as dancers 22 i n "*l , *,-„ *S l Ji C . J ,h 1 "2 nl ° c " rr nn ">"!« „a other one of those headline programs P „ r fi S9 ' , h ? d , tne thf.nWcas role of Bruce Dar- Tho other roles were capablv played. Manager McCune has been serving his IS" M ,™ « P T. £J2£' U I8E& wel1 ' Th .1 Kelcev. as U presented here this week, and at KS22" u. h 0 ,™^' e ^ ,h n l hlete waB », wcl i * , i._ ., *,.- , '^,..a *_ urawll. Mr. Hu men 4 work wn, mnrt., nf raparlty by an audience that was very liberal h applause. Difnty and versatile Irene Franklin, ns- ilited bv handsome Burt Green, sang herself ieiarjc. The audience simply couldn't get enough. After singing her usnal routine of «ong» they kept calling for more. Obligingly Miu Frankllii rendered many of her past Walter Hampden whose talents h an WmSKrtlo vein,T. the 7SU .nUnded"he ur a .S^^7& M ffiS £* WS if^VMemfSuSmS^ actor have already been recognized by tho should. . formance met with much success veriliien ( N"tm« be shows on his head. week on rhon ™8 lrl » u Q |lecn ambled on ns queenly presented' 1 nd *>;!>'"''}* £1 an ' 1 uo ?" CVM "queened/' fi 0 enter > c "' Ml '*K'» <llne must have ahed tears of .no 10111 joy w „ h , h§ rnt of , |er ,. omrad(1|1 nfter tl)C Hhow. She sang nnd sanjr, as generously ns she ever did, even marie n com'c attempt at "lltibert B. Lee," uuri "got awny" with It better than a hunch of young blood we've lienrd. Hut. No I It was not to bo Mnagle'a final number, because "Mctllusky" cainc from wry nook In tlio theatre. the applause bestowed upon it. Anne Meredith looked pretty and acted charmingly the role of Truth, but was un- equal to the emotional scene in act three. Muriel Starr, as the rich widow, Mrs. Radnor, had very little to do, but made her Kiniill role stand out conspicuously. l'OT the first three days of this week an- other woll balanced program was Including some well known vnndcv talners as well ns some near names. Bruce Hicliarrisiiii and company, of three people, present a sketch, called "Moving c- Day, ° lAmuMiinrt (WM. HAMMEB8TEIN, MOB.) Fifteen acta were to be seen at tho Vic- Day," and gave tbe .urge audience their lorla on Monday night, it being midnight money's worth. before the final curtain. The headline po- H/ 06 nn< l Williams, with songs, nlnno and sltlou Is held by the Chinese magician, Chlng Sfi™ nlayln g' wado everyliotlv alt up and mH ki 0 ' wh ,*? vlsltcd u » a decado or so ago. «"» notice with their excellent performance , rom And our own Dear old charming Mrs. Thomas Whlffcn, With blm this year'he brTngs"a "con<"panyl The young womun, while not an excellent J rl " U S.'"* 11 «»g,'t aa sue never did bo- mccesses, and showed that aU'are at popular wh . 0 .,A*_ on . °JL l 7.A n «o last act.was given a »W t Ot»tl wr_ a«y mtlu a small stow, of 5l"j! er ;_^" 8 _'». ^«7 of jiuttlng over a song v™*,*?^^.????* t - o _ J n0 i' .'." r A c ' , .' v ? °ot », ever rousing reception. As usual, her perform- Ed. Wynn, assisted bv Edmund Rnsson nD i;, e , wa l HSfft nnd bis funny hat, amused with jokes1 and • yil ^ H«b?rt jare an excellent account of \i ng result. Hm K JSS! Notlilng On Me" -„5 c «7 < i u V rest of the r le good Juggling antf balancing m"" 1 '» a capable piano player, and Inst to SSmSFSS SiiSSSB bl "' *"■ ••»"mentally a china Cowl, which Is pr£ «*°" r he Is versatile, renders eolos and rag- "JSJfl 3 9 t!$222?' «. . wclchlnir flftv nonnd. r.nn. time on the violin thst hrnmrhr him JTA , Ln ™ 11 I 1 " 1 Alorbert, tho favorite gymnants of other daytrproved at acrobatic aud skill- ful as ever. They closed the nne bill, nnd their own. The act is opened by Vu Erh, WlB ' brings the desire who does some - . stunts with a _ « or n lurself as Sir George's sister, a role which (trammed as weighing fifty ponnds. Lung tln ? on the violin that brought blm much Staart Baraei with a new monoloaue that Bhe P 1 **'* wl,n al K nl, y n * a "'"cerlty. Ngn Yung. Chang Ngn Yung, Soon Fuh Sung «.PPl»use. B . mucn fir aurniiKi anithlna: he haa vet attemnted Dan Collyer, as a boxing Instructor, nan- nnd Soon Wo Kwal do strong-men stunta oS Madame Alvano and her comnanv In .,»« \i L fi mff3m2nBR^r^irJsE!tt ffjjj^§^ m ^^'^^*^ k^^^^jatnSmlSSamm m *>» The rest of the company played their roles In a satisfactory manner. Third Bow. ■Pillar „-c- r wa. WSmtOT^S gieit fe.d^m"?.)-!"" E^JfomJSSfr ^S^SUSk^SSffQ^S K TheVke^h SS Bt-^H^SS ^ "°?.!Sf«npP».nse. .("L«a!e.'_Choke"). a comedyJn three, act. JTwi. WqS&aST I0 " , • ■" Vh0> ° m^BSag^W^ff i H, and dedicated to tbe nogs that ho gave were all big encore win- iifn. Kay Tully and her company, presenting ler success "The Battle Cry of Freedom," wan a laughing hit That the sketch is as Iven, a Horizontal bar and straps that appear like atlc selections, Bang herself to nmebf.Snr », »,„™ „ „ V'^ up sna "Aula Homaa rings without the rings on the end. After rendering several of the Drin?ln»i JnnK-nJ t £3MJ*!USL ,Be , e . ntl ? , old t,m » oles Two little Chinese girls do plate spinning on Pieces from different opera? thev'ai.'¥ lne?v ' * audience Joined In wlll- p . the ends of canes, and ono of them does an vcr Threads," and earned a bl* hit Vmi m„. ti« -« m 1 .» athletic exhibition. Chlng Ling Foo docs Anna Madlgnn and company were aeon In A riot mJ Kov Cm, ^ U r t i 5V> " can * b * , £.S»» „_ some truly marvelous tricks, thl best belns an Irish .ketch that siuSnS ZSS/SSJi A ^l<>, ' my "° y ' a rlot ' Tod, nd ORB aueu': Dm ""'"k , 'r"K" l ^ b% '- Fe T' 0a ' Bxti Mw'as'opeiedbvDotso lordoi bli"cncore U 5 ino singing was the AndrcwsTMo'ton and * Adams h TbrTe? Yn» heir skit, "ifcfore and After," In which 0? the most auccessful events at the German eolored "emedlanViind dancV™ The cS nortrsveo * Both chaMct e» wore well SESm itllfton and Hovne Klein n™. «S5 haracter songs play an important part, were theatre this season. Tbe play Itself Is com- wutmlSE* The^ lara?? o7'thc two mm H& .m n»™ BbiK. and Lowe and KdMrX last half— •T7 successful. Both have fairly g«id voices leal beyond description,, as will be seen from showed a few classv daneinr steos •nuslcnT nerf^m? - doll< ln a . weU fO*tuni«d riaae Crosby, Vhser* »ml Perclvll Pe^i i hive carefully selected songS that are the following short synopsis: Paul Keller, a Sffir af^sSlHS. TmS SSsTa Msasn Si J'SSSVA wo . r f Sft "»»o«»s«. Evans nnd company, and Frank nd Oertr?ds li,,.. *h. m '«.„ n.^_.* „, , d very wealthy young man In Vienna, whose j mln a C ulately dr??£d in wblte followed w?tn demoSstrated rhJi „ SI cnt ln8t ^mcnts, they v™u,r'» ^WtyJlluaStriZtuZ parents have separated, the father marrying ."roller "katinii exbli.l? wiiowea, wltn (lemonstrated they wcro complete inasters of » n h «-..- »~- » -t,.fi I^. , ; u .- I U re '* l J o- rerv successful ind have care.. •uJted to them. " Miss Hartman icvcral very handsome gowns, nolo Norcrosa and Iil5 company presented a very young woman, and the mother. In '-xue Guy That Put Tom In Rsrttone" EnfXi??* tlme ' " ,n tno Suburbs." (See turn. J young man only a few years older w )u> a new drop picturing the Interior of a "SffjL. ^ . . ^ . thfln her „ °, wn ."ffi '" °K V 5 ry t n l ce , .°. un ! blacksmith shop, Sang his way Into favo" »f i t - 0 °P*'r the musical rube, wns also chap, well liked by everybody, but without This Is his second xreek here wen .In a new performance. (See New Acts.) any will of his own. He meets Martha half: 'H« Urocluirds, llrown and' Brown, jwm tsjlgta a comtdy wire walker, Schmoll^ part owner of vo. automobile fac- tlon act, also proved "winners. °The"two men The Sayton Trio, In a strong man contor- uon act. also oroved wlrnors Tho twn men JSL»H weently seen nt a ddwntown house, tory, falls In love with her at once, orders in , v" ry good * ¥h» .ru. ,h f a "c«as accorded him there, an automobile, and decides to go as partner The Cabaret Trio repeated the successes ,u*£ £"* J ja88leB . In solo aad ensemble, with her, for which purpose he Invites her they have won in other New York houses »uni» am ?, how ' ana ncW lneln <1^,,, toe' 1 " tor au PP«- . W. Schmoll likes him well Robinson Newbold nnd Marie Louis EH , A " " vl! nre finished artists nnd mas- enough, but Is too Independent to get mar- , ™. ° mu8| cal Instruments. The act Is rled. Paul's stepfather, Ludwlg Fiedler, unnajomely costum'.d throughout. Jack. falls In love with his stepmother, while his own father and mother reconcile and decide to go >on a second wedding trip ln such a hurry that tbey leave the disso- lution of their preicnt marital bonds until after their return, the young people, sang several songs, each going well Ludwlg and Bertha, doing the same chlng, Both " from . ladles, whom they want Paul to choose from, three songs and just about managed to gel Mag Jess Heppler. Ten MusSca? RotSJ ereat,y benefit her' M,leetl0n ° f '"""' W0UM S*V '" ,<, C05r ° 9 ,nd Sw< >" tm hT: ■ r r,H "JKS h ? r v ~ ... BW. voiiwu and company. Corcoran anil Proctor ™ r V FI H y - e, * h * B 8 *'«e* (F- F. lite ll.i?f- ) TT Mo i lon P'cturcs and vaodo: "hj ni L'", 060 ' S« included: Jean Bald- fiioher i,?. nI ° ,f JBd v. company, Lang nnd s ani r il DS % Walton, fie Telephone »tti R,L br ! ;e Klds from'School. Bfll for blkteL.f&KS! and 1-ewis, singing and .- Louise Orlbbln wcte liked In their tongs and Impersonations. The Berrens did a musical act, ln which the man played piano, and the "woman" a violin. Grace Hazard was uttm.-tl'-e ln her cos- tume changing and alnglng act. May West appeared dainty and pretty, nnd Her colored entertainers, cleaned up. Their sing- ilrls Quartette, Brown and Seyioir Yan* Martc^Mdv and lt„. —- .u hoEftft,. H .*?*. ?i. Q 3?" B> .? n ' »«r.)^»U Maglen, Eddy and Itoy showed what can house Is dark'for current week nlJ. c !* y c W ulc acrobats. Their perform- Criterion (Charles Frohman mur 1— ft "„ C ,°. rn ^ k8 W , U ^ ""y^t of "» ■*« t" a ' "« ", Wnat All « You '" closed ltsTngBKemcnta^ ever appeared here. The comedy Is unusually tills house 7. Tho bouse will remainTdnrk good, and got many laughs. J ack . until Tuesday evening, 24. when Robi?t HH- Hard will open ln The Arnyle Vaae. (.urrlek (Charles Frohman, mgr.)—John ¥gag»g,*»aM« WMWsjSa here In "The Atjnek," 14. House will bo dark until Bst- OOLONIAL. (llM.l-H KUMUND8, HOB.) ITje Mori Brothers, three Japs, opened the H"%f PHX 21, whon rfto Oonijilrno^ will tftlbl "'"•vuillg Sffi?V«S S vcntr n ilo B hu? 8 t°- P MMS'tomSta "TftfiO Russian"'(daiptor,' thc"Vthcr"~a JuneMnP,? n /,; m ta J' A ' Day '<» Eills Island"; •frobits! ' comed,enne . ««»<> the Two Julians, Ig and Bertha, doing the same thing, cosiiimes are unique and pretty, "it's An .,._ -•; -.-> —•» «»»-•, «i«sucu mi .-....., father and motber have brought along Awful Kasy Way to Make a Living" and , afr °1 Monday afternoon, Dec. 9. On full ■* produced. their respective wedding trips young "GoodJNIght, Nurse," being among those HILJ , 2* . tnr|,a Bthesomo men quite as- ear*. (Frank McKec, mgr.)—/This '.louse rendered. '^S!'?," 1 tho ,ar «o audience with their clever rcmnlns dark. Tho Diving fleal and the Three Travllla *' li |Ht l ■s sgH. r ranker WoOu « ,«**.;^-«e o week, with Jean or Mlllleent Evans."Hei'o'n ent tied "Oood-Nlght." " ' " " Balrd, Helen MacOregor, Adah Barton J C show that both really do not love Paul, but only want his money, Frl. Schmoll makes Brothers opened their second wuek, and were watched with Interest. Johnny Ford, with the aKSlstanrc of a L °ew''»Delauce»s*r#.««/n»r«..^ bv.„i, them believe that Paul has not less than flvo piano player, danced himself Into favor. ?*'•'—Vaudeville and motion nl?»n£« nil! children to support, aud both renounce the Harry Breen, with his rapid-fire talk, «r Dec. 0*fi included '■ Thl I S »J»?L *i„ honor of becoming Paul's wife nnd the mother them with him all tbe time, MeOnrvera, Ten Arabs bllvottl Trn,,h«n'o..r« of his too early namesakes. Then Martlm Maymc Remington and her four picks Mills' Players, amifflZbin!^™!™ w '« 1 " !a t0 marr y Paul t0 hcr P artner - tao "B" ted th08e who *»W» » "<* her act. had de- •ndWlUatn Darrow and com- u n aneu tno largo audience with their clever ronuiinH (lark. Kftw stunts. » Grand Opera Hoas« (R. J, Madden Franker Wood and Bonnie Wyde appeared mgr.)—td Scrape o> the Pen Is hero this »£. a.vPI " nd talking sketch, which Is 5' eu,, i w,th J *an or Mlllleent Evans. Helen entitled "Oood-Nlgbt." ' " "nlrd, nclcn MacOregor, Addh Barton, J c" .,.»Y, a '"'o.'Jfgcrc and company, ln the pretty H 0 ™;": W. O. Hobb, Fawcett Lomax, Agiios lilaylet, "His Japanese Wife/' pleased wry Bartholomew, Carl Lylc, Llla Barclay. Ed- niuch. Miss Bergere, as the Japanese wife word Chester, Jean Hamilton, Mario Stuart, n Senator, makes up becom- K " tt ' Evans and Leopold l'rofelt in the cast Ingly and shows quite an array of pretty Nel * week, "Freckles - i„ ai ! a , nes ii BSWiv. Ucr dalnt y mannerism ' closing the bill. The house waa "Introducing Yankee slang is quite unique, emptying, but It must have been W P' "eatest net of Its kind Is presented by Wilbur Mack and Nella Walker. Mr. Mack's Finn LAWS VIOLATBD. WBT. Bill f0 ' r 12-iei: AiSno Emma*TraneTs widow ot a m *> 0T < wb ° ta a » "0» lth y„ a8 Bn « Jem pnri, on a^ranesc. had the hard po- gj^ Arabs, Wilson and P'earmnOuv Bros iB «"«« t0 marry a «1 ln v DU 1 now , a " ? f a Sltl ?P, of cI " ""fry I-elghton and comnnnt iit?AvAv m?rt ™Mtn Paul develops the backbone he sp long rapidly epi Powers, and the Clark tSJ? 7 ' McAvoy and lacked, and finally wuiB Martha by his en- ulcaslnfr to Mnnlmttnn (Waiter Ysaoav ««• ^ Mn. crgetlc refusal. The confusion developed he-'- Hon pictures onlv *ae«er, mgr.)—Mo- th * ougn the existence of two sets of parents is ne ril i d Sqnare tM Br,th«r.T,iirt mm . >— ' 8 humorous. The play was very well staged Business hcr<i 1,Tcxcelbint wuZ r.'.n ?8'£Z Indeed, and the acting was excellent. Herrltub, tur ,S» Is shown c " e,lent - Fint run ot Pic- as Paul Keller, might have shown a little R^ 0 ,"--Motion pictures of Paul ' J. more flrmDC8S ' .° DC fl h» ^th^Vene'^lald * , »VtMs f fifftt , rS! q 3688 " tho twclfo > iTviennaf a nnd^e a a t lly W evc e rybody''wlth the ex- Jh«*»! for Dec. 6-8 Included: Baymonde, *ho l«V of the several Songs'rendcrcd"'" proposed to proceed MlmlnaTira"galns"t""four ^«e.pVaudevll^ C a n a-pictures M? S ^ tw" stfangeri the^ female sculp- ^SS^S^^XL^mSS^AM aJ&LSSPBlJ SESWz! ' a ^'i a ' »? de S^V&^JSSEW concern, and rl.»^?. r .."—Beverly B. Dohha' '. pleasing to her to receive the handsome " llu ur Mack and Nella Walker. Mr. Mack's On Sunday night, Dec. 8, forty firemen, l.nsket of flowers presented to hcr. And hen SHELSt! "J 00 '? w,Ul the audience, and a working In pairs, made tho rounds of Man- a much better act than many on the bill. 52H*?" wlt ? many clever lines was very lmUan and Brooklyn in search of moving Doc amusing. It is a pleasure to see this couple. Picture nud vaudeville theatres ln which too Grace La Rue docs not appear to so great many standees were occupying the aisles and an advantage In "Tho Record Breaker*' as Ihe space behind tho seats. she has In some other sketches. Miss La Their report showed data on which Fire itue appeared to thn greatest advantage in Commissioner Johnson announced that be GREELISY S.ll'AIli; TIIKATHE. (JULIV8 BEBN8TEIN, MUB.) *erln n ceptlon AUska-SI- J- or - a - nd P h y s,cl - 8 ? upDosed to speak ln f<malo attire, then In mnlcfulldress, finishing l ler . vaudeville debut, and did nicely. (New civilly against six others. - Acts In this issue.) ■ , 4 t, Emma Llttlefleld and corn- sketch of "Chnnge Your Act; heard" nultc" distinctly through the entire im, ana enamg wltn an attack by rubber ;",; ^»™'<» me Woods," were the lauglilng "S"«i motion mVhT;£ iS, "IP" a «'5« a -8': the V ennese accent, the same was missing all tp good applause. Wm. Somers and company Ac '» ''* »f ls»^ ■t this houao 1 '»' bcgan tae 8ccond wcek around Srd the attempts to produce It made showed a version of "The Battle of Shiroh,'' ,„ v ' ct,r " 0O,- «., Fourtec.,,, l k?^ * ,-. m . « ft oniv worse Also the Prompter could be with an awkward recruit drilled by n lady EMUS. %!%** t \ u r Mt ' nsM-VaudevTile L S» Tc' sLSrJSto«a the entire captain, and ending with an attack 6y rubber ff: L 5 ?* »<>.»• fn'lq ""JSw I>h?'tures. WeU,, "•8 r -)-V a «devllle """"ne aid m!?n-? c D& n, l D ' m sr.) — Loew In brown »naw go mat "I Ootto th' Rock" and "An- ,,„,, ,"' " ,m ™«,"" „ D «£ n connnea to ner gclo" were insisted on before she made her ftll?* ? anl i a '' u , m i 78 t?i 1 ^' M "l ent Bt I c t}' final bow. Jirooklyn. for months. Visiting hours daily "In Africa," ns presented by the Four " om l ta °< 7 to ° p - "■" IM'inA. ■_ 1. ., ^ I Hill. -» * ._. a ^ ' *• K ff""^7[L^ et r M ^ k ' W~ i?oHn 0,g Hocnr!eg" a8 Beyth. Walden; Jean Rlanos, is becoming a little tiresome. Any accustomed vaudeville-goer must have seen DAYONNU'S HBW HOVBB. ^ocvliiennfl'*' \ Har *7 Beekman. mgr.)— ^At ?!,/nerren Marlow. Pabst and Mar- the old Hebrew. Marie Russell, .'See, ev?s T h?l lon Pictures. Ilnl Sid well The cast' Hans Keller, Heln- make-up, Imitated a colored singer success- ( Ml ">on, TiierV-Sr."*. A7« n ™« (Ed. J. Mc- 12l Marlow- Berts1 Keller Constnnie von fully. "That's How I Need You" and "Take turos. "si.)—Vaudeville and motion pic- yJXmAmt-iuS^lB Fiedler.' Gcorg W. Pabst; Mc to That Swanee Shoro" score*. McPhee . «^'«>' <Ito»„ n i~ » ■ riam Fiedler MarkTBuhrke: Paul Keller, nnd lllll, the accomplished bar performers. f c ? natomcfl . ▼«»?< , »l"e-goer SfWhM In wh££ > «,. BroB -. »«rs.)—Motion gJaLS Rub- Maria Schmoll, Annie Poer- made a hit, both with their straight work and BSl *g* JP f g-™?**.. J"!* *»W g o, ths H tS; The new Lyceum, ln Bayonne, N. J, js •t'ractloi a? h£ , lcad lng atars appear is the S.. na -~a 0 ra Stl° Rose Llchtenstein : Dr. with the nntlcs of tbe comedran. Roland ■«:"« "tunts done by this team arc worthy of completed, and will open shortly with vi- r^l'i'iiWi,', 10 ^ , wd' olea Fellcltas Mueller, Iff! En^cl; Travcrs had a nice routine of magic, and his close notice. j) t „. rlety and pictures. iVls hullt on a plot "disappearing" cabinets were well worked. ** 100x100, and sltusted at Broadway, corner "Garland of Old Fashioned Roses" wss American (chas. S. Potsdam mgr.) °' Thirty-fourth Street. It Is built of con- sung with Illustrations. Bill week of Dec. !>: Fir»t half—Harry crcte, steel and burnt clay bricks, and has a Tho moving pictures wero of Interesting Leander and company. Weber and Wilson, "eating capacity of 1,180. Tho houao has a variety. Bernard and Jones, "Vacation Days." Wilson movable, roof. The Ramsey Sisters scored a hit with snd Pearson, Nat Carr and company, Luc- 41 » last half— K1FI JOINS. MOLA8SO. 2 y ^!i A , n 5 c 'tT KellermarmW Hhow and has signed *ta£ -. av m * weefc Century 01rlB K^^feZ^L&^lJfflS: p5^ n t»J!?A--«. Helnrlch Falk; Zwelter Cbaurfeur, Paul Diets. Metropolitan Uprra Hoase. —Lnst kc ?„Doodlc nt?i2 £ ttr J ei l" er * **»» week. Yon- ? 7^ jfooi/i /"tufc Bee. 2. Oocl- their musical bells, and the sweet-faced little clano Lnccl, and Anna »"agner. XSL half- Jnrrnr mii n ?i t ^<°,t w .^ 9 ..» , ,U,«o I Ifofioi. le'caut Dc Mcit- messenger girl knows how to manipulate the Roland Travcrs, Undine Andrews. Ralph Cor .'''"'MMfonlen.i Pred w aldmann_ mgr.)— * nd f™' n i ru 2g u ,', 7 /mitmee) sleigh-bells. nors, "VacaUon Days," Stroll/ng I'loycn ^-^S^^l^; 3WfSSM«S Ha»-( Henry B. Harris Esta te, mgra)- ^BSBSJT "' "^ .Mile. Fill la now resting In Atlantic City.