The New York Clipper (December 1912)

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PfiCEMB^ 14 THE ^EW YORE CLIPPER. 0 k STOCK NEWS MAE LA FORTH CO. NOTES. ^ • -ssnlczlvlng Day, "ith t h Ja company, vras JSStMlMtini had. The company «?•.&'"Tho White Sister" to 2,600 M_T3 •fSis at La Fayette, Ind., and the play SSf to be «e of the greatest the people ?frtwit eltv had ever seen by a stock com- .At the matinee the houso -was sold ?F'.»rt »t night many hundreds of people *°« fumrd away. Ora Park, manager of 2L eW nrvM Theatre, Invited Mies La, Porte, ?° SSSm ' I.' M. La Porte," Addle Cald- 'V'jDHe Hellman, to the'Bohemia JLfo where he had arranged a Thanksgiving SSL second to hohe; and taking-It all ESS the day was one.that.will lone be _!..miu>rcd by this company, and we would 1 Sg e torft every Thanksgiving Day with ■ SS Ind Jesse Parks.- The business, at La M w.i good all week. We had the Sinsopening of any company of thesea- 2? and the matinee each day was capacity, -wi» the night' houses were good. La ?.J/tte Is one of Miss La Porte's best towns, {m, iaklug her fourth engagement there. The season as a whole has Been good—only ™. loslnc week so far, and that Is a record Zt we Jr' proud of. Manager McEnroe Is Jnti selecting plays for next season, when E'eipect. W&VBm La Porte the great- Luine of Plays she has ever had. During SI Summer months Miss La Porto will spend ,L, weeks In New York, reading her plays, Ind then she will go to Mr. McEnroe's home in ilsssachiisetto, where she will spend the Snimcr This season we will close for seven ™»ks. and open our season at the Orphean), Knesvllle. O., for a abort engagement, and ifter the fair dates In Ohio -we will play only the Terr best time. .We expect to close. the weseot season in the New England States, the ionpiny go ing East after the holi days. flOBDY ROBBINS' STOCK NOTES. The Miss Bobby Bobbins Co-- under the per- until direction of Fred E. Clayton, la now StId* the Illinois towns, to very good busl- [i we are doing real business—capacity ■-" The show i* carrying fourteen HERE AND THERE IN BURLESQUE Cha &Ji* ker - Bertha Gibson OV TMTDT SlMQ-pg AUTO q'SSSF*'*** wi.K l 'J R i? CIPAL COMEDIAN, With Teddy eltnond's "ATJT0 GIRLS." ADAMS and SCHAEFER "Coming From the Wedding," with "Qacem of the Folics Bergere' JTJDUK J. Theo Murphy Holding cowrt wltl» Pa,»t»'* Dsswsj-tar*. Lee Sisters and Willie Mack Eatarraisser* In Sonti and Dances. WIIBTHK MOtLIN- KOUOK CO. Burlesque news. JOE J. SULLIVAN £K& Wlt a "QUEENS OF THE FOUES BERGERE" MYSTERIOUS VALDO ftSE and IRVING HAY 8, Si« ht With MISS NEW YORK JR. EDDIE B. COLLINS „ " STARRING TOR Charles Daniels, la "Whirl of Mirth." Fannie Vedder THAT IIANCING AND S1NGINO SOnBRETTB COLUMBIA DURLESQDEH8 TOD BROWNING PLAYING OPPOSITE EDDIE COLLINS . . WHIRL OF MIRTH woDleV carload" of acenery, and v>e hate a BSl,new line of special printing. Mr. Clay ton Is featuring Miss Bobby Bobbins, and she ctrttlnly deserves to be featured. We play Greensbary, Ind^ Christmas week, Miss Kob- btas' home town. The entire company will be Mlas Bobbins guests for the week, and a Ht Christmas party Is now being planned. Tie complete roster of the company Is as follows: Fred E. Clayton, manager •.Lester A. Smith, business manager; Edward C. Wal- ler Art Atkins, Raleigh Dent, Tommy Ryan, Goldwln Patton. Pearl Hatclton, Doris Clay- ton Margaret Byan, Alice Atkins and Miss Hotly Robblns. I. B. Carpenter, and "Zeb-a Track, property man. s ' LA BOY STOCK CO. ROTE'S. We are getting along nicely. Business with the show has' been good the last few reeks. We are oHll In Ohio, but expect to cross Into Weit Virgin!* In a week or two. Toe ghost walk* every Thursday morning, mi we are glad to say we owe a dollar to do one. We will stay out till April, when we will close for two weeks to get ready for oar Summer show under' canvas. Our roster Is u follows: H. La Boy,' owner and man- lier ; Larry Belmont, leading man; Ed. La- Tell, comedian; Barry Beed, characters; Geo. Goodman,"heavies; May Le Roy, pian- ist; Nellie Goodman,..characters and heavies, and Marie Hayes, leads*. Vf» carry band and orchestra. We still., have our little, dog, ."Beauty." and he is still making friends everywhere we go. ... I ' STEVENSON & GTJY STOCK SEWS. Bert Stevenson,• formerly heavy man con- creted with the Bowdlsb Stock, has entered into a partnership with W. M. Guy, and ex- pects to open the new attraction Dec. 12. The roster to date is as follows: Stevenson & Guy, managers,'also leads and heavies, alternately; K A. Parker, character; E. C. Green, Juve- il le and light' comedy; Hue Marie Mcars, Ingenue and Juveniles; Miss Klein, soubiette; Bert Stevenson, baslness manager; W. M. Oiiy, stage director. ■ - a » BOWDISH STOCK NOTES. We are doing a great business, and play- ing to standing room only. The company's roster Is as follows: Joseph Angell end Harry jiowdisli. managers; Joe Angell, leads; Harry liowdlEh, general business; Frank Hathway, rcneral business; Everett Gallagher, heavies; J. A. Griffin, characters; Ed. Sommers, co- m-dlonne; Dorthea Bowdlsb, leads; Alice I owdlsh, general business; Mrs. Frank Hath- "?• characters, and our mascot, tho best lulldog In the world. "Jack." I STOCK TO CLOSE. v The Kllmt & Gazzolo Stock, which has been at the National Theatre, Philadelphia, is., since the beginning of the season, ter- minates It engagement there Dec. 21, and Jill be succeeded by the Paul BurnB Stock «-», now appearing at Hart's Theatre. That Playhouse will probably return to Its old Policy of playing combinations. CLYDE J. BATES Clwracftr CoMdiaa—WWii of Mirth DICK MADDOX CHARACTER COMEDIAN. With "LADY BUCCANEERS" Ida Emerson and Harry Hills Perpumut ««.ress, Freeport, L1., H. Y. Mona Raymond THE IIO.GOO BEAUTY With MATT. KENNEDY'S T1QKR LILIES. Harm COLE and HASTIN6S km (WHITE HAWK) ^JS^ (RED FBATHKB) With MATT. KENNEDY'S TIGER LILIES. VIRGINIA KELSY PRIMA. DONNA With POLLIM Of THB DAT. 191SM3 BLANCH BAIRD ■jjsj hsfr "Stow of 8tag«land." BOB DEMING CHARACTER COMEDIA.t Miner's "Americans." SINGLE With WINIVIMG WIDOWS Direction ot MAX SPIEOKL. AT LIBERTY, LITTLE JOHNNY Burlesque Best Juvenile. Just closed with the "COLLBOB GIRLS." Edwin and Dolores Trevor With JACOBS A JBRMOH'S ATTRACTIONS AY YTJIR PRIMA DONNA. With "PACE MAKERS." HARRY STEPPE THAT HEBREW BEST. Wllh THE LADY BUCCANEERS. WILLIAM HARRISS THE GESTEEL STRAIGHT MAN With LADY BUCCANEERS First Time Oat and a Big Hit KEW WILLIAMSBURG THEATRE. The Williamsburg Amusement Co. will build » high class theatre on Broadway, Brooklyn, war the Williamsburg Bridge, 125x150. to "ntaln i.200 seats. A stock company will he provided to produce Broadway successes, s> _* Eiwiw McBsidb will close his one- ylghter. -1116 Qlrl In Red,- and put out a wrec-nlcht repertoire show, featuring Eva *-raiK. Ten people will be used. A new Uno « Plays and paper will make It one of the 'trongest repertoire shows on the road In the middle West W. H. Tlbblls will be in advance. ..^.p- Schbbweb, formerly musical director W tae Guy Stock Co., has returned from £2ff* Hobemia, where he was visiting hlB wiher rnd Bister. Ritciiib Bbown writes: "Harold C. Brown, BSSfwally known as Ritchie Brown, and naic i Dell Swisher, a non-professional, were "••fried Nov. 25,. at Centcrrille, la. The SPSS* w «» performed by Judge ZImmor, !J a S members of the Franklin Stock Co., «L . . Mr - Brown la a member, were snrt \,' A / tcr ae evening performance Mr. Sj . -Bfown gave a banquet at the Ap- Ai p« c « Caf S: " A»«ng thhse' present were: flj™' d and wife," Oaren Dorothy and wife, dm r„r,r' 0, Jj d 'i ane Vnchton.-Wck Lee, Wells ortfc^is F> K * n K Elbert Peyton, and the with tt. a tf? >< L m -' Mr - Brown will conHnne ifter •rti,?; 1 *".", 8tock nnt11 PeD - 8 - t9 l 8 ' w the road" Put the Bltehle Stock Co. SIs'om 63 !,.^^? 8 . a member of the RTeves *M iiinew?. 00 ;! w* 8 tendered a imnvrtse *t whl"h HmPIv*" 0 °«»»Ion of his blrthflav. ffM-nw iVim J*?." m i m berB of-tho company • On •«pr Co.. rf T t ?/^T*8.the ro _medl coroedlsn and man- n,« ».Ti If"' iup_TOineai(in ana man- Z,■* kllow ? K «T e * 8lsters 8iock rncontlv ■SW flm ?p c ?. m J? w ?. «*» n «w "«njw. for £! "i- cmr 1 «;,-* , i we,, • m mm\en\ director T*" slstelrl?^S?^•.-!!,* l, «"»n(red the mualc. <„, ««ew are singing thea with great rue COMEDIAN With MOICTB CARLO GIRLS Arthur Laning STRAIGHT and CHARACTERS. The Bean firum- mel ot Burlesque. With Monte Carlo Girls. Belle Travers LEADING WOMAN With THE MO.NTB CARLO GIRLS Harry Fields THB HEBREW FUNSTER. Principal Comeulan with the MERRY MAIDENS. HARRY LE VAN With Dixon's Big Review GEO. F.HOWARD As SILAS HEMLOCK WITH DIXON'S BHJ REVIEW Fred C. Reese DON'T TIP IT OFF. HE IS WITH "THE DAZZLERg." IRENE C1LLIX.1X DANCER Two seasons with Queens of the Folles Bergere. AT LIBERTY FOR NBXT SEASON. Clara Douglass Racket. SIVGI\G I'O.HEDIENJfE In the Leading Feminine Role, BIO GAIETY CO. Geo. F. Hayes ■ EZKR1AH SLOCUM." RDRAL EXPERT CROM- ONO LOG1ST. Molly Williams Show. THE ORIGINAL Margie Lake Phenomenal lady Baritone With "QUEENS OP THB FOLLIES BEROBRE." THE REFORMED GAMBLER KID GANFIELD ' The greatest act of Its kind in the world, with "QUEENS OF THE FOUES BEHSERi" HXDE & BEHMAN AMUSEMENT OOMPANY Temple Bar Building, Brooklyn, N. Y. BT AB TH EATRE Brooklyn OAYETT THEATRE .Brooklyn GAYETY THEATRE PlUaborg STAR AMD GARTER Chicago HRWABK THEATRE Newark. N.J. 1W EASTBM WHEEL HOUSE FOR BUFFM On a special visit to Buffalo, K Y., last woek J. Herbert Maek, Sam A. Hcrlbner and It. K. Uynicka completed the arrangements (or the purchase ot a new site for a theatre to replace the Garden, now playing the East- ern wheel attractions, thus tilling .'loug- felt want. . , ,.. The honae will be centrally located .at Huron and Pearl street* and will be oullt according to the latest plana, now being pre- pared, similar to the Columbia, New York, but larger, aa It will seat' 400 more. The house will he built and owned by the Co- lumbia Amusement Co. MmQKIlS A.W 'AGEMY NOTES. 8th Ave. Then. • Miner's, Newark, People's Miner's Bronx • Watson'. Burlttquirs • ' • -• Orlinlali • Follies of ths Day Jardln ds Paris Girl, Send for New Catalogue Stating Kind Desired ing. Repertoire: :5tock. Circus. .Wil- : -'i : V 7" .MINSTREL PRINTING; Wrille;or Colored, .ib'is: Aviationi $. W^orWIthoVi^lle.Etc^ ,-: r:.r Auto/ Horseblock Shows? lie ,. .MOVING PICTURE .PRIMING Etc. ir. ■itbLOERS?o^Non:RVy^ , uiitukAAjr.iai "saJ33g ; Lft^Titn **£*■■ ■'- '■ Ctnel.llinr/srC'jhrl • Lithographers write St. Louis Office - 7th and elm sts. MUSICIANS WANTED First Class Union Men for Full High Class Vaudeville Orchestra a show, dally, nessr V. T. CItjr. Writ, fall particulars. _____ „_ JOHJ! L. WXBER HUBKHT 1m WEBER ill IUPORTER8 AND MAHC FACT PRER8, 143 NO. DEARBORN ST„ CHICAGO, V. 8. A oods- Thaatrleal-Os»«a«leac« ■ r r«»«a» COSTUMES FOR AMaTEUR THEATRICALS OUR SPECIALTY lines wltli speclalUes write. VERA DEVERE STOCK CO. LEADING WOIVIAIM, INGENUE Mnst do specialty. «,£ ^A'J^'^^^V'S. C^ 9 * "° A,j?,tlo Theatr e, Kvansrllle. Ind. TEW YEAR'S DAY OPEN QUINCY, ILL. LOOK! LOOK! LOOK: For Sale, World's Bieatest somersault dog, beantlfnl fox lerrlen, male; a_o other trained dog, i and »ome nnt^gsd, very suitable for trainlni.; PHOF. F. W1BEMAH, 88 BREMEN ST.. BttOOKLTfl. N. Y. WANTED QUICK lsIl; Bl»an, Comedian ay (must .«¥»_«* _*S.*T^|i .rood dressers on SSS that nlara pl»no. Mutt be (rood dressers on 235J[ VovWan. S3dejlverthegoodsor fWt-9'3 Tlrnsvnie. Pa., »g*|___ - t Twelfth and will Install there, beidnnlng 23, a stoca am pany, at popnlar prices. WIRE W. L.. BUSBY. Manager Empire Theatre C ULil l lli l COWW, BTBBBT AMD 5555 fcVtnUIV LENQTB DRR8SR8, SLIGHTLY TOBD. iMtertotheir^aWcfjJf^i^nn^llall orders nrnmrrUT executed. MR.. A. ia~ER. til SIXTH ATS., near nth 8t, New York City. I WAST YOU QUICK—Man PUno Player wbo can read, take pictures *ud transpose and sing Il- lustrated songs. Long engagement; money sure; never close. Curry my own Kimball piano. Private Oar Advertising Oj. It you booze orsmoae cigar- ettes, do n<t write. Roy Drum, where aro yon? AddiW BRf). HENRY, THE OLD BHAKeiR, osre of Bird and Animal Show, Private Oar No. 7, Gary, Komun Co., Minnesota. WASTED—Immediately and at all times, Tar- key Shows aud Musical Comedies. Three night stands. Family Theatre, Csrbondale, Pa. Beating capacity 1,100. Large stage. If you have the show yon can get the business. Also booking other one night stands In this territory. Managers of Pa. and New York states, send In your open time. Want to hear from good Feature Acts, Sla- ter Teams, Single Women, and sets of all descrip- tion. The only circuit with short Jumps. Have six to ten weeks for food cabaret singers. Central City Theatrical Exchange. A. I. Ooodwln. Mgr., Manhattan Theatre ismldlng, 808 Lackawanna Ave., Scranton, Ta. Bell Phone, 8843. WANTED Han for Heavies and Characters Balarjlow. Augusta Perry Stock Co. Keene, N. H., Deo, 0-14; Gardner, Mass., 19-21. SKETCHES Monologues, etc,, written to order. Prices and terms reasonable. All work full v guaranteed. Add. DER08B ft RHODES, S'»UTH BEND, IND. WASTED, GOOD BED. PEOPLE Pianist, Teams that Doable Plane. Also Single Performers, for big olty Med. Show. "• PR, E. JAMES, MARSHFIKLD, WIS. kIMTKO A GOOD, SOBER MD RELIABLE P1RTM WiUjaome capital, to Join a New Original Act. In I^S.^J'i 9 ; J^SLL 11 " » w * tfl P'»7 R »he etnrae'er. Add. OARL AUSTIN, 1316 No. 62(1 BT.:PHH,A., PA. WANTED-REP. PEOPLE AILLIWES. PAirAXMA» t Ho«co«.lf.Y, VAN PLIIT 4T WKIT S8tk STBBET, HUW YOBK. »'(u -,<i: ....... BT OLIO. Jack Fauit and bis little Iamb, a Mg lilt and some advertising novelty for the Gay Widows. ... f : - ....!■■<>■ Louie OcaARD, the guy that bills 'em like a circus has the Bowery decorated like a Sul- livan campaign. Tho Follies 1. well known through Lou's efforts. Iba Mn.i.tB, packing them In with 8am Howe's troupe. Regular mnnager. Ira; aome show, the Love Makers; a real fellow, 8am Howe. Enough said. W. V. Jennings saya that Beauty, Youth and Folly Is getting the long green. The best equipped show on the road. Al. Raavas' new auto Is a big attraction and a curbstone ad for big AI. aire bins credit-- Habbt Lioni reports big buslncv. Do- serves It, as he bat a great show. Boa says Dave Marlon Just travels along and gets the money, here and there a record—so ne should worry T Crabli. Danibi.8 bought a skate at auction and gave him away at the country store last week, at the Caalno. Big stuff, Charlie. Watch them cop the original Ideas. HERE AMP THERE 111 BEELESp. DY OLIO. A Bio niT at each performance Is made by Tom McRea, with his excellent xylophone Imitations, with Beauty, Toutb and Folly. The pantomimic burlesque game, with Blurb Cooper a. catcher, Mcllea as pitcher, Billy Walsh as umpire, and a dancing young lady as batter, also gets the laughs. "Old Box" Law Srrkbb Is back to his old love—that end man stuff. Lizzbttb How. was one of the regular turkey trotters at Ed. Manly's ball. . Dolli. Swbbt, now bark with the Glrli from Reno. Bilmb Hill, something new on the Empire Circuit Olve 8am Rice credit. Zilla Clattox, on her way West with the Monte Carlo Olrls. Lucia Coopbb, a big hit with "Bluch's" ■how. . , Fannib Vedder, doing well going East. t DOC ARMSTRONG RECOVERS CAR. Doc Armstrong, of the Four Armstrongs, had his Regal racing car stolen from the front of his house, Eighth Avenue and Thirty- ninth Street Dec. 3, by a crowd of rowdlex. After reporting the loss to the' police at West Forty-seventh Street station, the car waa located at a garage In West . Forty-ninth Street, stripped of tires, lamp and equipment. Geo. Rodcnbeck was arrested and pleaded guilty. The Judge at the Fifty-fourth Street Court was about to Impose heavy sentence on Itodcnbcrk, but upon the request ot Doc Arm- strong, suspended sentence. ■ SPIEGEL SIGNS WATSO.V SISTERS. Arrangements have been made by which the Watson Sisters, now with the Bohinnn Show, will come under the management of Max Spiegel for a term ot years. They will bo exploited on the Eastern circuit of bbr- lesqtte theatres at the head of their own company, In a two net musical piece, enti- tled 'Warocco Bound," on a franchise that he has secured' for a term of years. Mr. Splegal'a partne'rshtln with Jucob Golden- berg, Id the operation of "The Winning Widow" Company, scases at tho expiration of this season. ■ - i DOLLY SWEET WITH GIRLS FROM RENO. Dally Sweet, displaying a number of now costumes, opened with tho Girls from ltono at raterson, N. J., and was given a big re- ception. Dolly replaced Marguerite King, wbo goes Into vaudeville. I CHANGES IN .ALLAH'S SHOW. The Croix Bisters and Lee Allen closed with Zallab's Show, at Miner's Bronx, Dec. 8, being replaced by McAvoy and Brooks, May Combs and Toby Lyons. Cha*. Nichols also closed. ■ . , „ ,♦ .i i — Frank IS. Fbbeuan reports that the Star* of Btagelafid (Western wheel) are doing a great buslncs* out West. Iin.i.v Marshall, of Marshall and Ander- son, formerly of "The Girl from Broadnay" Co., Is with Max Spiegel's Winning Widow Co. (Southern), playing the professor and the old French roue. Mr. Marshall states that lie is now engaging his people for the Dig Banner Show, carrying new people, an eight piece band, and all girls. Time Is all filled. THE Old Rei.iam.k Is received every week, even In tbe tank one-nlgbtcrs, and we have hit a few of these stands. Kuankik I1.hi.kv has been signed for the Trocaderos, to replace Julia Sinclair as Mr*. Van Bunk. Miss Bnllcy opened st the mati- nee, Dec. T, and appeared to excellent advan- tage In action and delivery, Her song offer- ing also went over nicely to encores. She suits the part exactly, and ber famous figure Is well set off by several handsome co«tumcf<. Dan Gbacrt came back from New Orleans <ast week, after several weeks producing and acting with the Grccnwall Theatre stock. Kathoryn and Violet I'earl and Leo Fordello and wrestlers novo Joined. Davb SriiAKPCBR hat replaced J. K. Ilaw- Icy with the Queens of tho Folles Bergere. AccoBDlNfl fo dispatches from Chicago, Frank K. Moore lias applied for a divorce from Gertrude Brhofleld Moore. Habby Mantria, formerly of Haffnrd and Mnntelt. Is doing a number of useful bits with the Trocaderos. Cltd. J. Batm. of fh» Whirl of Mirth Co.', and r.lllle Wnlno. of Miss -New York Jr. Co.. were married on the staee at the Gavety Theatre. Mlnnesnolls. Bstnrdsy night, Nov. HO. by Rer. fl. U Morrill. After the core- monv Manager Robert Gordon handed the hAnnv counle a beautiful loving cap, pre- kpsN by the Whirl of Mirth To. Crab. Rrprd and Mahoir Hn/row. well t'nown hnrlesouer.. are playing vaatfovlll* »hl« sessrm. nnd*r direction of H. Bart M>- TTngh and Norman JnrTerles. They have not lost a week since September, and are well booked hhesrl. . • Dick Kbowt.rb, straight man with the Gay MasqnerRdeiw. also some drwaer. was 'married to Mae itarrla, of vanflevllle. In Brooklyn, morning of Dec. B. Mr* Knowlea joined the Gay Maaqneraders In PliHadelphla,