The New York Clipper (December 1912)

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14 pgOBMBBB ; WIU . B09SITBR GOSSIP. " .. h.« ■ new Bosslter song reptf- UB, Vwim bass J^^ Xm Lut SWit Is w w%^?. N ex?fanu*7at Ktoe,".inr-AU rmaadasd' — T«M» "i.^Md-^Kceo On Lovln' THE NEW YORK! CLIPPER; • Iff with i^ B ,^!J.^a»d T ' T K«ep O" If>vJn'-.'.. T**y Til W 38Ti »h« Middle West, with auceew. !"«- tourtur : tb«*A a tttt Ve "Ah NUUt. U>n*," with sptendH success. ."When to Ohlc«S» 'rem the far ft* Tot Lsst (ad "Ok retoros il. A bl * ,l , IX„,ttaotf ooncenilnf toe W. B. ■A- SsS* m Sjv^?« "*•' YoB « u '?' ££T" and "Keep On £>»>»'•':. _.,r " CWrt 1 * B ,^;^ n «ud Amanda Hendricks wUl«- aS" B^l„"' D « d D d" iSaii" FrU fj^V of WUBasalter son.., fea- Chicago pWI • -Next bo»' , *BAl »»s hlt a»j3» P.tricola, now-. A JtlOte; sttractloo In " I* coins floe for Lee \r ea« Bose" W £'Mker£oog« "tm lie Wni Roasiter eata- tL^hld. iwy will inarodooe tor tie fine thae ■JTm Y° rk «gag«seot.- ""fi 'Vi rendition of "All Sight Long." Il w.iir and Flucb report eminent satisfaction J""a, via «>o«S» *°*'" " AU Nlfnt,Lon« " "i.S^vnnw la "making a particular feature of and "I'm Going to Take the ■Kko On WTln', n "i' Mlsi" Too Moat at Twilight" la taking un- MittierfU encores aa sung by irnnk Farron, with 7"prlmro«c-D< ««»' ndCT Minstrels. - ■ MOTES FROM JOS. W. STERN A CO.. laira Grierlte, one of the heat single tnrna on Sana time, telegraphed to Stem * Co, that the Slrtt son* aucwss of her caree.- la "Daddy Haa T <«»*tueart," which ahe has been featuring for aJuut ibrw weeks. She adds that the song ttKiiel a veritable oration during her engine- -Mt la lietrolt and Eocbeater. Okas, II. McCarron. author of "At the Levee On Ect'lral Day," "My Little Lovln' Aero Man,"' ■■men 1 Told the Sweeleat (Jlrl the Sweetest ftcrr Eier Told," etc, etc., haa *nat been sdtled 10 'be prefwalonal staff of •The Bouse of Hits." Boia Sttrn k Co.; and Mr. McCarron are to be umratulited, one for securing the aerrlcea of no .Ms a nan, and the other for haying the most tnpeislre publishers handling his compositions. nf ipecial interest to the trade are the beauti- ful editions Just tsaoed by Stern A Co., of "Belle Meat" (Die Scboene Helena), "The Bat" (Die FW«nnsns), tMerry Countess), and "The Mar- ti-re Market" (Leanyvaasr). Each of these la psMlabed In waits and selection forma, oompria- iD| tte beat known numbers of each work ar- n:jeJ is an up-to-date, easily playable, andeffec- tiw atyle. In rl<w of the enormous obstacles encountered lo trying to estaUlah . a new aerlea of : Classic Fallot, stern A Co. bare good reasons to feel proud o( the way In which dealers, everywhere, bate taken hold of their "Half Hoars with- the Bnt Composers." Such concerns aa Slegel-Oooper Co.. Join Wanamaker, Olmbel Bros., In fact, all it* big department stores catering to the dls- c.-imlaatlng clientele, are consuming more' and mare of this edition each month. - Letters of• cnpatulstlons on the - beautiful arrangements, biuitiag. tainting, and selection ' of pieces repre- snl<4 In these folios are a; dally occorrence, anil alnw tie widespread Interest which these books kite crealed. ••'....*.' ;..*.( ■ . ■ •• F. J. A. FOBSTKK CO. NOTES. "darlaod of Old Faahloned Boses," the queen o! ■Tote" songe, continues to te. the most ex- mslTely featored ballad In vaudeTllIe, and li npldly duplicating in the East the success It has: soa In the Middle West ...- .,, •,; '•lt..)h« Ragtime Ball, , f..tbe big "cleanup" In tie applause line. Is being used by Blanche Ksbm with continued socceas. . .-, Jack Howard. late J of the Primrose Four, pats ewr "Qsrland of Old Fashioned Boses" In rery I*tiln[ fsahlon. •• ••' : . ■ ■• • "it the Bagtlme Ball" haa be4B a "olesn-np','' from the start for Ed. Breonan, and oontlnoes to' tt Ua beet applauded number... •■ it • w «. AL Lelgbton captures his audiences with "a»t- land of Old Fashioned Boses," the beet song of m Urd In the country. '•-•.' ttr -i- "U ; the Bagtlme.Ball" U a veritable riot for Bow Street" " ■ • J<» Mann, who Is featuring "Garland of Old rulildwd Bpsea," recelTes a lilg reception, at tact rendition of this popular number. Caaa. Kelnbart'a Interpretation of "At the KajUae Dall" continues to be repeatedly en- *owd. . , "Garland of Old Fashioned Botes." the most nrlsdfous of all ballads, brings Lola Chslfont the 'l'plttse honors. KEKDIS A PALEY SICSIC NOTES. •'GcDe" Felt and Frank Stllwell. the wrltera or that quaint ayncopated creation. "That Derll- ™ H»«, are going Into vaudeville tilth a new 5" » c '. In which they will feature this lively nnsre winner, together with Kenills A Foley's meat publications, "VTken.l'm Gone" and '-Good- «je. Im Goln'.to Caiollne." The latter, a w'eity march scng, has beeu an aiaureil success !™? It ^ ,art ' and w *» a C "P winner at a song i, fWa «t the rnlversltr Csfe on Thursdoy S^at. Nov. 13, 1912. when ft was sung for ttio "'rJ.'"^ 111 P* 0110 b ' toe author and composer. "i„~. - , u *■* Sweet, Wonderful Boy" and nli™ Lnnient." the numbers v-Iilch Kendla A hL~Z ste , V^'ngglng" at the present time, are rwfJI ." M o b]r unnar «l» of vaudeville acta from "•is. lo Coast, and are scoring atronaly wherever X T A"'.. 1 ""* "When I'm Gone," "That Devll- ,*ag and "Good-Bye, I'm Goto' to Caro- »re rotable additions to the K. A P. cata- BILLPOSTERS WANTED "OR IilNGLING BROS. World's Greatest Shows Address W. H. HORTON Ml Inatitnte PUoe. CB3CAOO. IIX. BILLPOSTERS BARMUM & BAILEY'S GREATEST SHOW ON EARTH ADDRESS J. D. NEWMAN, GRAND HOTEL, INDIANAPOLIS, IND. SPARKS SHOWS NTS Circus Performers In sail lines. Troupe of Japs, Feature Acts, Clowns and Comedy Acts, Band Leader and Slualcians for complete band. Bide Show People, Animal Act fur side show, prefer a troupe of monkeys; Strong Free Attraction, Cook for cook bouse. Baud Wasron. two Cross Cages, Ticket Wagon, Tableaux Wagon—all Crois but tbe band -wagon, all Sullivan eagle made 10 car, - - WILL BUY, Loig Pullman Sleeper, aid any kind of a Trailed Animal Act Address uCAXAGXR SPARKS SHOW, Salisbury, N. a HOLIDAY TOYS \ NOVELTIES — FOR VENDORS — WE EXCEL, IN THIS LINE LIKE IK OTHERS. OCR LISK EMBRACES THE NEWEST THINGS MADE. YOU MORE THAI DOUBLE YOUR HONEY ON GOODS TOO BUY FROM CS. YOU SELL OCR GOODS FASTER BECAUSE MORE ATTRACTIVE. GET OUR CATALOGUE. WE SHIP NO GOODS NOR SEND CATALOGUE TO CONSUMERS. NCHTTP17 rn WHOLESALE STREETMEN SPECIALTIES ■ OnUsACJ VSV/i« 237-241 \ff. Madison St^ CHICAGO FAVORITE RENDEZVOUS FOR REPRESENTATIVE SHOW PEOPLE THE WELLINGTON HOTEL E. D. CUMMINGS, Manager w^B t A 8 s°H s ^ESuE- d CHICAGO, ILLS., Us S. A. Cafe and Bu«at Sarvlce UntxcalUd. VISIT THE INDIAN ROOM Official Headquarters for The Carnival Managers' Association of America THE WORLD'S GREATEST TENT MAKERS UNITED STATES TENT AND AWNING CO !DWP NBUMANS,Jr..Pre8. EDW. R. UTZINOER, Seo'y. SALTER F. DRIVER,Vlce-Pres.4 Treas -S35aSB and38 Nortb Street, CHICAGO, ILL., U. S. A. .__ RHOVV AND PHMi Wght WsClisJIsnga the Wofaj. aj sffiWl t CARNIVAL BANNERS Finest Equipped Studio In the United States Wo arc in a position to execute orders Immediately and lo guarantee delivery on time SEND FOR OCR CATAbOG AND SECOND HAND A.ISTS ha Use town- .-vininw nuuiuona io me iv. ct r. cam- «f«, an.| prooitae to tie the blirgeflt possible kind E f^TJ™- A Keodla A fcley song, featured I a tooil einger, Is tbe comolnatton that alwsj-a •na toe money. The Bilit Svmxr aL^>B, , ' a satire on the of n«»M «»5nK«llat, Is the latest publication anaaakM *5 r*L ■■■Itjsj W>'0 «"» ■■ greatly •fPteciutnl l.y those woo haw listened or read T,il ,<a "8» ln »t the theatrical iirofesslou. assT.„ ,; " e o'toks of tbe Maurice Shapiro Estate rH««l to appeaT at the Harrogate's Ofllce, naaaS £ or Jf- Dec - u - f »r 5« I" 1 Judlclsl aet- wamt of the estate. St. Joseph, Mo.—Lyceom (0 U. Phlllcy, mgr) "A Fool There Was Sf c „ 8 ' 1J 0; Lo,llS Maui 10, Eva Lang 11, "Ktolllnit" 14. ToOTLB IP. M. Cooley. mgr.)—Ossfl L"""""" Flor™ce Holbrook b, Primrose & Dockstader's "majestic (Fred Cosmnn, mgr.)—VaudevUle and Dlctures, lo good buslnesx. — . I's^taqes- (Harry Beuutnout, mgr.) — Vaude- ville, to big business OnrtiKUU (M. E. Fields, mgr.) songs, to good returns. Royal (F. L. Newman, songs, to One bualseaj. Tacomn. Wash.—Empress (Dana Hayes, mgr.) bill for week of Dec. 0 Includes: ■•antaosb' (W. J. Ilmmoua, mgr.)— l'ati<\'gss (c" L. Rlcburds, mgr. —"The Bar- rier" was presented by the Princess Players week **j»ftMtt (Chaa. Herald, mgr.)—'The Roseot- 1-anISa" el T, Lamlurdl Opera Co.. In reper- -The Little -Pictures and mgr.)—Pictures and Q OT OF TOWN H EWS t0 HaLM'i°TAT«iK (Chas. Helm, mgr.)- >na, i a 0iri?i.,!," T1 ",.i ,1 { tlMt "*»*•*•* "«»k of OLTiirio (Walter Hanford.. mirr.) Care, m|T.) WUllan Far- Walter »anfo'rt,r "mar.) —'"The ;j ."»*;,•« 8.. tbe De Koren Opera Co., In sob in Hood," week of SO. , r ^- ssSre SS?*!**-? mgr.)-Ltaa *3S££mjg** «<«r.)-8cenescu Or- Cb t? L TAr;" 0 \ll er ^ n .T8.urti.,mgr.)-U.wai..n "VKMSSSffiZ Norman. mgrO-Br.m- *S£fffc B. Dewey, mgr. )-H.w.llan Or- spod business. ; rmaHHC «^«»Sf 'perfSrm^. 0 wltS Princess, msde ^•w™ frVS^of 2. ,b W.S?l P v' n B'. woT^ B th« tl r'r-u,cer' 8 .ock Com- « . spinas Ark. — Auditorium ( Fr " k .,.»ar.,_ W ,nn,n, W«ows -™$^vS&lS&Fb * lAlsf •MsaatsV ft IK BlUBri Oil »»• - ■■ 30 »E»HS REPUTAIION UCK OF EVIRY TrHT doss:' show /^CANVAS 7 black: TENTS^- v ciRcys FLAGS Ihe J.C.GdSS CO. New Central, one of Hot baa Abar- "B-loe SPARKS SHOW ROIES The twentyrseventb season of tbo John U. Sparks Snows closed at Rock Hill, S. C. Sat- urday, Dec. 1, and the show la now In winter qumters at Salisbury, N. C. The season opened at Salisbury, April 11, and during' the Summer and Fall thirteen States were visited. The show paid in tlrst visit to tbe New England Mats* two jc.n ago. and again this season, to even better. business than on the first appearance, ue tour of Long Island was a big success; :...U the South, as alwaya, gave the show capacity business, especially In .North Carolina, where for six weeks the big top was packed twice dally. The show Is occupying Its old quarters on the Rowan County fair grounds, and through the efforts of the Industrial Club of Salis- bury, the business men raised a sum sufficient to extend the city water service to the park. Insuring a constant supply. of pule water. The sbow was given a cordial welcome, and considers Salisbury an Ideal Winter home. Tbe season was entirely devoid of acci- dents nnd tbe n-cnther was good throughout the Summer and Tall. But two performance* were missed. Those who came into Salisbury and will remain for the Winter were: Mr. and Mrs. Chsrlis Sparks. Clifton and John Sparks, Rcrt Mayo and wife, nnd Fletcher Smith. Hurry Hall and wife, the former side show manager, has been re-engaged for next sesA son, nnd Is ipcnuing ibe Winter In Boston, Mass. James Cnskey, superintendent of can- vas, Is at home In Cincinnati, but will return about the ■ Hrat of the year. James Jacobs, "the get-un-and-gcl" boss hostler. Is again at quarters looking after the stock. Fritz ltrunner, bend nnlmat man, and Lewis Reed, In charge of the .elephants, will each take a brief vacation, and Steward Al. Orcutt is In New York renewing acquaintances along the Great White Way and making occasional visits (o New Rocliclle. Joseph Sherry, pro- duclng clown, Is spending the Winter at bis homo In Oakland, Cal. The show will go out next year consider- ably enlarged and with an enttte new canvas outfit, tbe same having been already ordered. Considering the fact'that it was presidential year and the show played a long list of re- peaters, the business was remarkable; In inct. nearly the banner season In the history of the show. .. ■ Press Agent Fletcher Smith was warmly welcomed by the Press Club, and The 8aUt- ham Daily Post had a big front page story on the arrival of the show. They also gave the Bhow a splendid write-up In their anni- versary and Industrial, edition,... General Agent T. W. Balllnger Is spending a few weeks at ali,hoine-, and.Basil Mcllenry, assistant manager, Is also enjoying the com- forts of his own fireside. Al.'Anderson, official announcer .and advertising managor, has de- cided not to put out his big five In one show for' the present, owing to his failure to secure his expected freaks from Indian Island, end Is resting quietly at Jamestown, N. Y. Michael Leopole, solo comctlst of the big show band decided also' to postpone his trip to WllUmantlc, Conn., and flnds plenty of fish- ing and hunting around Salisbury. The one copy of Tnr, Old Reliable we get here every Friday night, Is pretty well worn out by Saturday; .We,miss It on tbe road, getting it only occasionally.; • • Work In. every department wjll, start in earnest the first of the year and svlll bum from then on. • ■ ' , „ . Clifton and John Sparks are In New York, and will also spend the holidays at their borne In East Brady, Pa. .. . . ■ a SEAVER SELLS ''HIP" HOLDINGS. . .'.* .. . . Chicago, Dec. 8. (Special to The Clipfbb.) Col Vernon C. Seaver has sold his Interest In the Great Northern Hippodrome, Chicago, to W. R. Bennett and a party of Omaha capitalists, who will continue the policy in- augurated at this popular place of amuse- ment. The consideration, according to In- formation given by Mr. Heaver to the Western representative of The Nbw Yobk Cuvna, is n trifle over 150,000. The deal bad been hanelng fire for two weeks, and was brought to a conclusion Saturday morning, pec. 7. Mr. Seaver left on the Twentieth Century " Saturday afternoon, for New xorK CALIFORNIA NOTES. BX JOHN U. CARST. VBNtcVCal., Dec. 0.—it Is doubtful If ever .a resort sprung' Into prominence so quickly among the. theatrical people-aa has thlc de- lightful spot of Southern California.. Possi- bly the fact that Nat C. Ooodwm Was among the first to recognise-Its benefita and built himself a palatial home here may have In- fluenced others, but whin one is Introduced to Venice and tbe Venetians It becomes evi- dent. that no ' Influence la necessary. It recommends Itself. It .may seem far (etched "to convince the unacquainted that this Is the one spot on the good Lord's . footstool where Winter Is unknown, and where even ralna are an unheard of. necessity. -Whlla those less fortunate tiro toasting themselves alongside of roaring fires the concessions along the beach here and on the pier are running full blast just as If there was never such a I rung as Winter heard of. itnthers are in the surf dally, children run barefooted along the beach, and on Dec. b the Al. O. Barnes Will Animal Show gave two performances under the same canvas as was used on the road all season. It was one of the show's regular stands, nnd no one thought a circus In Winter anything out of ihe ordinary. The Venice Band gives open air- concerts dally, nnd, lu fact, there are many more outdoor amusements than Indoor. As Tom Pryor, one of the leading amusement men ou the beach, puts it: "If the Lord ever did hnve a Garden of Eden 1 am sura that It was somewhere along the beach of Venice,'' and there are many who bellcva "Tom." Up In the Santa Monica .canyons tin Broncho Moving Picture Co. works all Win- ter, and only a couple of weeks ago Joe C Miller, of the 101 Kanch Wild West, arrived. He came here Immediately after the show closed In Hot Springs, and brought with bin two carloads of cowaoys, cowgirls and In- dians to augment the company already work- ing In the canyons. He. also brought twa stock cars, filled with Indian ponies. All of these came, from hts ranch at Bliss, Oklo. The company Is now the largest wintering la Southern California. Mr. Miller la so favora- bly Impressed with Venice and its surround- ings that he Is to build. himself a Winter home here and move here with hts family. Negotiations aro under way : for the winter.. ing of tbe Iiarnefl Animal Show here, and; ia fact, their wintering horo is almost assured. They wintered hero last Winter, as did the ■ 101 Ranch Heal Wild West Show,- and twe years ago It was tho Winter quarters for the - Sells-Kioto Circus. . , ;■'■ , Since ihe recent fire at Ocean Park there has been very little to attract tbe tourists there, and, in fact, the permanent residents ' have been compelled to seek amusements else- where. It was to Venice they came, where the theatres are-open all the year aroanaV and every outside amusement device running ■' Winter and Summer, and doing as much busi- ness In Winter as In Summer. Tbe Hoard of 'Trade of Ocean Park has decided to assist ' ■ the concession people who were burned- ouf i at the fire, and with this end .In view have arranged for a big street fair .which will b* ' held the second week. In December. . All of the' proceeds will be given to. those who were burned out. and many have voluntered- their services. The contingent from Los' Angeles will turn out In full force, and even now auo- ■ cess Is assured. Hsrold Boucbee, general agent of tbe AV G. Harms Wild Animal Show. Is seriously IB. ' In his home at the llollenbeck Hotel, In 'Los AngeleB. Mr. Boucbee was among tbo the- atrical colonists hero last Wtnter, and In- tended to be with them again this Winter. He has a very severe attack of congestion of the lungs end tho physicians are very nrackt' afraid that pneumonia will follow. The St. Marks Hotel, which 1 has always been the rendezvous for sbow folks, Is be- sieged for Winter reservations, Mine host Lee says that If tbo hotel could accommodate live hundred people Instead of two hundred, as at present, It would not be large onougk then. The auditorium Is doing big Sunday night business. "Tho Boso of Panama" and "The Old Homestead" companies claim that they fot their biggest business on tbo Coast hers, 'rlday nights aro given over to fistic events, Limited, a - . City, where he will make his headquarters at ani t (, oy ^ rnw b | g from L „s Angeles the Knickerbocker Hotel for several day- xhe Neptune la putting on amateu In an interview with your correspondent pvfty i,. r f dav an) j professional fights Both arc taking well. just before taking the train for New York. JSftflt- Mr. Seaver said: "While In the East I will young's, each 55 Sof'i! p A it t'n, m . „ . *_ * (Melville Htqtls, mgr.)—"The darn- Dli& c ,? N ,. (H »"* Wallace,' mgr.)—"The Great' «*«? of 1& k 0t ; S ' Oeo - ■WaeyTln "Busy toy," v'** Salls Silffnw* toaTana asatntjal pktf saW. fcsas as, baa KcompSy renw.lele.1 ami re-paluted, snd a ladles' rest room added. Oakland, Cal.—Maetloncogh (F. A. Oelsa. mxr ) Oonatance Crswlcy slid company Presented -Se Broken Law" Dec. 6-8. Jappyland (local) 12, 13; the Quaker Ulria 1018. Ya L-»B«TT (II. W. Elabop. mgr.)—The Bishop Pl"n presented "The Heir to tbe lloorab «M (Oco. Bber. mgr,)-BllI for 8 and •Mali* ±Rbl'sbb* 1 b2, «sr: lie Kld"^J lr ?JJ >, L nllelln « Bn "- ">«".)—"Billy, *•£ of 8, Bl. Gaiety" Show week of 15" JLeo' Belchmbach, »lew witaP J' ■" «(rt'of i 1 *-£™ nU « Bttth • D(! H,r " CbsSa5.% L1U «» week of M. :- •sakatafJHW Buckley, mgr.)—Bill Tools p.V ••!• Marquarrt and Blossom Beeley, Harris- *.*J- Mt - "i" _ Neli Big Be- Le Tan, for Mrs. Jack n :*™«trongVPlsyVrp. Ignatlos'cardoah', S»^«»« 1 uf^lSrmite^oif^d vaudeville. Bill week ofj fSSS John and Zadella. MM Moore. BLj^SaTtiSSfc Bl sS/SaNafMS^a^lr* Sb5s and Fish, and Prlncesscope pictures. Ltsio (Hale * Jacobs. of 2 y. George Felix and Barry Olrls, 3$k M wiwfiMaa. llUlldnCS. Menlo Moore's go over matters In connection with the Young lluft'nlo Wild West and Colonel Cummins Kur East Show, which, under my personal direction, will go out next Spring for a tour of the United Btabes, In better shape than ever. 1 will not enter Into contracts with acts and features, however, until Jan. 1, when active operations In thlB direction will beein at our general offices in Chicago. While In New York I will bo Jn conference with Colonel Cummins, and -we intend to mnko the Par East exhibition as effective as It can be made. The Wild West, as n form of popular amusement, grows stronger ana stronger every year, and this department of our organization will bo kept up lo standard. My experience, brief though It has been. In rejiivenallng the old Great Northern The- ntre—a dead one—Into the Great Northern Illnnodrnme^—a decidedly live one—has been wonderfully Interesting, and It may Interest you to know that I have a couple of other "(lend ones" under consideration to which I ninv doclde to apply special treatment. In Ihe menn time, I Intend to take the first va- cation I have had In a number of years, and enjoy It on Broadway. When I return to Chicago, 1 will find plenty to do, and the first of tho year 1 -will plunge Into tho de- tails of getting the Wild West and Far East Show ready for the 1918 tour." Mr. Heaver's success In bringing life and -dinger Into the Great Northern In jcarco tlve weeks. Is a remarkable achievement and the 1.10,000 accrued from tho sale of his hold- ings In this property will help to buy a lot of "trappings and things'* for the big Wild We«t. : It Is surmised that one of the "dead ones to whl.h Mr. Beaver refers, Is the Haynarkyt Tltontrc.on West Madison Street, formerly devoted to Kohl c Castle vaudeville, but which has been dark for some time, with the exception of occasional dramatic performances by Adl.'r's Jewish plavers. The Hayraarket Mas a large capacity, and It may become tne West Side Hippodrome. WABBItK A. PATBICK. ii a " "' Ahmkotoh aiid Br.cKMAif hate moved to the Flttgerald Building. New York. The Neptune Is putting on amateur nights fessf- iklni afternoon and night. ""The " llaci VcntL Krfday and g WL... on tho pier, Is ploying tocapaclty oungf every af... Through tho Clouds" is getting top monuj of tho outdoor concessions, and genial Ton I'ryor, the owner, has Just returned from t trip to Honolulu, where ho went to Install another one of these devices. Mr. Pryor say; that ho was not very favorably ltnprossc* with Honolulu people, from an amusement standpoint. „ „_ ,. The Winter season docs not open up la full blast here until after tho holidays, and great preparations are being mado-to enter- tain the thousands of Enstern people whs flnck here. ThnnkHglvlng Day, It Is conservn- tlvcly estimated, there were 40,000 people oa the bench, and no special feature provldef to draw them. FREAKS and Nove fperloirc, * Ran veek uirmf gM p, ^T_B,llfor week j„clided: ; 5l.Vk^ni Adlen the Bsyniona., will be festered" week of 10. In in. Brtlly. .I»?".JH^, J'TSEJU yWJhaJ Talbot, mgr.)—Bill fo# „,.! y!!i' n Mortimer, Florence Troupe. •J, nS Mftoni th » "to Oevens. Schnee "amu-U ' ; J^'r"*?- and Mexls. Golden -ffrpape. WittaaSV Lcnchra » n - Downey andWIllard. ""' III? ' BtNda I«<>yU,r»*ny Mug- a^STJ^^^vc^rawTta. pic ■^a^afejriu SSaV Door"johnnies. Arlington M-Ctrhon. ainheiio Fonda Troupe. De Kalb and Girls. How- Inrf Anlmds" and Sunlight photoplays. Bnalneaa "cotritsM (Dillon * King, "gri.)—DIMon and King and tbelr Ginger Olris preaenM11?' "fi if Ko-Ko" w«k of V. "Tbe Jolly Widow" 8 and neck. rR01DW *A«,?re, 8 1h.'ngTw. " ■ Smith, mgr.)—Five van**; jb, cba Riininy, to excellent bualness. r , r l»B.oW>..i»akIn finest in the cltv. - 1: will lure house txcwslvely, being moving plc- lupplled by the vllle acts 0 eiceneni minams. rtwoo Da***. Bsoswt, ako OtMasA, phtftepMy houses, are doing nicely, SALE OF ZEBRA HYBRIDS Bnreaii of Animal Indostry offers for sale four Z«t.ra-sjs hybrids. These anlmalsaro sired by a Grew Zabra out of rtmale borros. They are readily hindled and some hsve been broken to drive, boodslw snd handsome. Prices reuonable. Poll Information will be f nmlshed upon application-Jo .O*orge if. Rommel. <^lef Anlmsl Hnir*ndry TJIvl- idon Btrresnof Aalmsnndnstrv.W.shlagWq.D. 0. M0D,D JA*x»WlL«ON,8eofeUry. Two to Four Weeks and a SOLID YEAR ToCood Ones, tend Photo* and Sta te Lowest PI ra t Letter LECTURER WAMTED-^STATE EX PERIENCE H. P. WILLIAMSON Mgr. THE HIPPODROME 22T Woodward Ave., DsUoit, Mich. . »